"Oh look," Jacques would say dryly as he didn't even reply to Blake's words, instead eyeing Weiss with clear contempt in his eyes. "It's those little friends my daughter threw her whole life away for." He slowly brought himself up to his feet, leaning on a chair while breathing in sharply, clearly winded from Cobblepot's gunshot. Weiss, Ruby, and Yang all stared at him with narrowed eyes, with Yang's fists even balled up by her side. Jason merely crossed his arms as he eyed the man, Byakuya literally was not paying attention, and Leo just standing confused in the back like always.

"Where do you think he's going, you brute?" Jacques would ask Arthur, sarcasm spilling out of his mouth like a waterfall, as if it was a seasoning sprinkled on every word he said. He then looked at Shujinko, furrowing his brows. "The gun is with Cobblepot, you imbecile." He scoffed, breathing heavily as he held onto the area of his torso that had been shot, before dragging himself to a nearby chair and plopping himself down in it. The elderly man then side-eyed Megumin with a look of slight worry, before turning to face Lucky. All Jacques could do was scoff at the bunny, though, eyeing him up and down. "Ugh... as if to think those wretched faunus weren't bad enough... now woodland critters have the ability to speak as well..." Jacques sighed loudly and leaned forward, rubbing his forehead a bit.

Then, moments later, he was forcibly yanked upwards by his collar and onto his feet by Hiryu. He gasped at first, before attempting to shove Hiryu off of him. "Get your damn hands off me, you filthy street rat! Do you have any idea who I am!?" Jacques would shout angrily. Ruby gripped her scythe, prepared to step in, but Weiss held an arm in front of her, signalling for her to stop. He then eyed Hiryu as he gave him his offer, seeming as if he wanted to scoff at the mere notion of his offer. However, it didn't take long for him to notice Hiryu sword, and everyone else's weapons as they stood around him. When Rex chimed in to further reiterate how they were here to beat up Penguin, Jacques merely eyed Hiryu with a glare as stone cold as his demeanor.


"I suppose..." The Schnee elder's voice trailed off as he slowly brought his hands up to his collar, adjusting it a bit back to how it was before Hiryu grabbed him. "That deal can be arranged..."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Ineptitude Ineptitude Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Yamperzzz Yamperzzz @Prisoners
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"OK, Bastich I can understand, but Two Timing? I'll have you know I did no such thing. I played the objective. I didn't attack you at all Lobo! And words can hurt." Lealan looks to the side forlornly, looking hurt, before beginning to play a slow, sad song and completely dumping on the mood set up by the previous song.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lilith overhears someone kicking a door down and turns to see who it was, Blake introduces him as Weiss's father and he doesn't seem to be the kindest person. She then turns over to Shujinko and asks her something. "Do you think he might be up to something, I mean aside from being a Debby downer and all I don't think so,well at least no yet,"

Topless Topless (Shujinko)
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Figures that he'd ignore what she said given that she was a faunus. After all, he doesn't really listen to his faunus workers or anyone who is a faunus, he just cares about money. Once he mentioned that she left him for her friends at Beacon, she glared at him along with the rest of her team.

However, what pissed her off was that comment that was made towards the talking rabbit. Blake then looked at everyone else. "
Did I forget to mention he's also racist against my kind? The faunus? He even has faunus workers basically as slaves."

Some of them tried to help him, which was commendable, but it wasn't going to work. And trying to go after him wouldn't work given that Weiss would stop her, so she could only glare at him. It was only until it was mentioned that they were going after Cobblepot that he seemed to be a little more complacent.

As soon as they got the codes, she and Weiss would probably be the first ones out of there. They'd just need to put up with him a little bit more.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , @ prison gang

...And the kid didn't say so much as a thank you when she pulled him out of the way of the chains. Though, it wasn't really a big deal to her, especially now. Readying her sword, she noticed that he seemed to be more of a brute force fighter and didn't really care for a plan. All he seemed to be concerned with was breaking all of their spines.

So, they had to play smart. But given that this is the same group where they let Toga get away because two of their own were busy fighting each other, that wasn't going to be possible.

Blinking behind him, she slashed twice at the back of his legs and proceeded to slash about a few more times at his back. Since he seemed to be bigger in size than her, going for the neck probably wouldn't work. Once she was done with the slashes, Ciri Blinked backwards in case he turned around and focused on her next.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"You betrayed the deal! That makes you a two-timin' bastitch!" Lobo snarled towards Lealan, before reeling his fist back and punching her in the gut right through her guitar, hoping to smash it while also giving her a punch to the gut.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

"Good, tell us all about those network codes along the way." Hiryu says as he turned to the rest of the gang, "I doubt we have much time until Cobblepot notices our little arangement, so it's better that we move now." He says, soon peeking out the doorway in an attempt to locate Megumin's trail.

Regardless of what he sees, Hiryu goes back in order to make sure the elder Schnee is coming with them. Besides, in the off chance he gets harmed again, Weiss might get a chuckle or two. He knows he will.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

After Lobo threw the group of frags her way, the Rocket Wisp swapped onto the wispon, firing off several orange rockets which helped blew up most of the frags from the distance, a few rockets headed for Lobo himself.
After throwing his hammer, he didn’t expect to Lobo to simply catch it like a baseball. And what’s worse, he threw back the hammer at a much faster speed then his, and due to not only his reaction speed but his regular speed as well, he was hit by the hammer. Being sent into the darkness of the Sewer along with his hammer.... he yelled out a threat “WHEN I COME BACK TO GET YOU, I WILL TEAR——-his voice no longer being heard in the black void of the sewer. But if one were to listen closely, they would hear a small splashing noise, that began to get louder and louder with each second, before red glowing eyes were seen in the darkness, which belong to Gretar. Running with glowing red eyes, Gretar quickly made his way to Lobo, with the intent to maim and kill, but his running, was also weird:
After getting close enough to Lobo, he did one large swing with his hammer, his anger driving the entire attack behind it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Sewer Fight
Captain Falcon was startled by the appearance of Lobo. Even so, the sewer team engaged the deranged galactic bounty hunter. As much as he didnt want to have to get dirty...He was just gonna have to suck it up! Toughen up! And come through for his team! Falcon sprints through the sewage and shoulder rams into Lobo
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @VsLobo
Lealan's guitar would crack, and vanish in a blue flash of light, returning to her inventory. Lealan herself was thrown up and back smacking into the ceiling with a crack, the material breaking under the force of Lealan's Lobo propelled body, and smashing back against the ground. She groans and spits up some blood before arguing back. "MY deal was to assist the Red's and Blues in exchange for payment. MY DEAL Was to swap between sides in a pointless war, which I did. AND IN THE FINAL DEAL, THE SIGMA AI ASKED US TO HELP HIM GET THE ALPHA AI. AN OBJECTIVE I ALMOST ACCOMPLISHED WHEN HE DIED! I DIDN'T BETRAY SHIT LOBO!!" She stares him in the eyes, showing no deception, only open honesty, and pain, but that's mostly from the gut punch. "I didn't betray the contract or you. I didn't even get paid for my efforts. You think I'm happy about that? Or any of this? Hell the only person I actively attacked in the fight was the Shitty Fire Rat, and HE helped to betray and kill the client." She take a Red Stim Pack and injects herself. Lobo hurt her more than she'd like to admit.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • "Hmph! Nothing downwind!" Megumin stomped her foot, then continued to storm down the hall, her eyes stony and glowing. They wanted a useful archwizard? By the gods and goddesses, they were going to see a useful archwizard. Anyone who jumped in front of her was going to taste Spartan Laser, and she, in turn, would taste their blood.
Orbeck of vinheim
Status: fighting the main man.
Condition: normal.​

"Alright, no more screwin' around! It's time for to teach you chumps and chumpettes some humility!" The Main Man would shout, balling up his fists and smacking them together, before charging forward like a bull. He was charging towards Sora, aiming for a punch to his jaw, only for Sage's ribbons of flames to wrap around his arms and pull him back right at the last second. The Main Man grunted loudly at that, almost sounding like a snort, before giving the constricting flames one hefty tug. Despite them clearly burning against his skin, Lobo didn't seem to really care as he yanked both his arms forward, Sage's ribbons now acting like whips of some sort. One flame whip was aimed towards Sora with the intent of wrapping around him and pulling him in again, only this time with a much hotter substance doing so. The next was aimed towards Sage, who Lobo only intended to smack in the gut with it.

He can see why this hulking brute of a man was restrained back in gravity falls. It also seems as if some of the group knows a bit more about him than they let on. Like Lealan for example. And given the multitude of attacks that were thrown his way, the gun that he took from Benedict doesn't seem like enough at this point. Might just be manageable if Lealan was willing to fight...

At Lobo's attack on sage, Orbeck rolls towards him. Taking out his Sacred Bloom Shield in an attempt to block the flaming whip coming towards Sage. If he manged to withstand the attack, he will fire off a soul spear


"You betrayed the deal! That makes you a two-timin' bastitch!" Lobo snarled towards Lealan, before reeling his fist back and punching her in the gut right through her guitar, hoping to smash it while also giving her a punch to the gut.

He can't fathom what deal they were talking about, something to do with that blood gulch place that archwizard mentioned?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Lars sighs as he hears Jaques' praddling about them being undesirables and about his status. He approaches him "Sorry, sir. But we dont know who you are nor is it our concern. Our concern is Cobblepot. The man, who by the sounds of it, double-crossed you. The same man who is subjugating your home and has effectively put you out of business. You dont have to like us but we're your best chance for us to set things right. You want to get back to the top, then cooperate with us. Unless, you want your name and legacy to be buried by Cobblepot." Lars says sternly but calmly
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonerTeam

“Not a fan of ice huh? Okay then.” Sora has another plan in mind, but was snatched by Lobo with a fire whip. Sora freezes it and breaks out and now enacts his plan. The keyblade began to glow light blue and if anyone were near it, they’d know it’s feel a little hot. In actually Sora was still going to shoot water, but heats up with fire and turns it into hot water, aiming it at Lobo hoping to get some damage in.

“How’d ya like those apples?”


Some tried to help Weiss’ father up, but he refused and even took a disliking to some of them, Rex takes offense to this and speaks up.

“I wouldn’t be acting like that if you were talking to a bunch of people that are here to help in addition to you getting bruised, gramps!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Shocked, Unsure, Determined
Tags: (Lobo)
, (Sora),

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Welp, pretty much like everytime, the pyromancer had been allowed a single moment of revelling in a job well done before it got twisted on its head one way or another. Despite the temperature that the flame ribbon was supposedly at, the monster of a man had... held it... Not just HELD IT, he also tugged at it, unwrapped enough of himself and then turned the construct ON THEM!!

Luckily for everybody, Sage had been so confuzzled over what he was seeing that all mental focus on the task of maintaining the flame ribbons in shape was gone like the wind. Before it could as much as reach either of the new targets, it had crumbled into little fires on the air and dissipated by completely, invalidating the attempts to hit him and grab Sora. Unfortunately, that also meant all efforts to break it by the others was quite unnecessary.

With a step back, however, the young man was once more at a loss. The environment was too small to try any of the bigger things like the tornado and something like the flamethrower required close quarters and he was... honestly scared of the possible idea that this dude could break him like a twig with a single punch. And so, he felt pretty much powerless again when it came to acting in the offensive.

Uhhhhhh, what should he do? What should he do?

Actually. No.
He wasn't gonna fall for this again, this is why the Toga fight had been a disaster. Less thinking and more acting, wrong time to be pinned down by fear and apprehension! DARN IT, HE WAS GOING CLOSE QUARTERS AND MAYBE REGRET THIS, BUT WHO CARES!

The pyromancer took a deep breath...
Stop.depending.on.the.fire. Stop seeing it like the most powerful thing in the Universe, stop thinking that's all you can do, stop disregarding anything that's come before it. There was more to him than just flying and constructs, there was more to him than this bright-eyed child lost in tough situations he could not handle, there was more to him than being unable to find a middle ground between power and practicality. HE'D DO THEM BOTH. YOU ARE TRAINED IN KUNG-FU, FOR ALL THAT IS SACRED, USE IT!

And so he did.

Fire aura burning, Sage made a sprint through the tunnel, the wet sludge covering the side-platform evaporating with the heat and maintaining the grip of each step. The Descendant ran straight towards their attacker before lowering in the last second, holding an extended leg in front and executing a Tiger Front Sweep, attempting to knock Lobo off balance. Whether the other did tumble or not, he'd then hold a hand in claw form and attempt to strike him directly on the chest, truly sinking at it with the nails in a rather surprisingly strong grip and setting off the flamethrower just a moment afterwards.

"This should teach you not to play with other people's things!"

Yep, he was totally in range to get hammered now and he was absolutely waiting for it.
But he was no longer stepping aside due to being scared.
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I believe so. Let's just get this over quick."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ConnorOfficials @PrisonTeam​
"The codes are just simple passwords and numbers," Jacques explained to Hiryu as he was led out the room along with the others. Weiss, along with the rest of her team, followed behind Jacques, but none of them said anything, instead staring daggers at the elder Schnee as they all walked down the hallway. He turned down to face Lucky in the meantime, furrowing his brows. "The gun Cobblepot shot me with, you imbecile!" He scoffed angrily. And then, he shoved Lucky right off his shoulder when he attempted to hop on him. "Get your disgusting, oversized feet off my suit!" The old Schnee hissed angrily, before turning and walking off in the other direction once the rabbit was firmly down on the ground. Then, he turned to face Rex and rolled his eyes. "I will talk to anyone as I so please, street rat!"


"KId, wait--!" Jason would shout to Megumin as she sprinted off in a jade-fueled frenzy. Sagging over in annoyance, the Red Hood simply tilted his head upwards to look at Midna, who'd been floating silently alongside you all before now. "Midna, go take care of her." He groaned. Midna nodded with a toothy grin before flying off after Megumin. Once she was good and behind the archwizard, her hair formed into a gigantic fist, before slamming down onto the top of her head hard enough to knock her out completely, jade or no jade. Once she was good and conked out, the imp got to work on destroying the jade with Twilight. Annoyedly, Jason turned to face Lucky. "If this happens again, I'm cooking rabbit stew for dinner."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Ineptitude Ineptitude Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Yamperzzz Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Prisoners

As the rockets were fired towards Lobo's mouth, the hulking beast literally grabbed them out of the air like they were nothing. The first two he snapped in half like breadsticks, while the second was shoved into his mouth and swallowed whole. What followed was a small belching sound and a bit of smoke coming up out of his mouth after said belch. "Mmm... crispy." He said with a toothy grin. Lobo's attention was piqued, though, once Gretar made his way towards him. He hummed in confusion and cocked a brow as the man baby charged at him with his goofy looking run. What Lobo didn't expect, though, was the swing of his hammer to actually send him flying back a bit. Not a lot, mind you, as he only landed on his torso a few feet back. But it was still enough to catch The Main Man off guard. All he did after said hammer strike, though, was grin wickedly as he stood back up, his body now soaked in the murky sewer water. "Looks like you losers might make this interesting after all!" He exclaimed.

Then, the weird plant dame began to get all emotional with him. And if there's one thing the Main Man didn't do, it was emotions. Besides intense anger and bloodlust, of course. "Blah blah blah, cry me a fraggin' river! You're helpin' them losers right now, and The Main Man's got scores to settle and some pay to make regardless!" That was all Lobo said in response, before hurling a sizable chunk of debris towards Lealan to shut her up. The soul spear literally pierced him right through the shoulder, though, which caused Lobo to actually let out a sharp yell. Turning to Orbeck with a newfound bloodlust in his eyes, he let out an animalistic growl as he began making his way towards him, all while the spear was embedded in his shoulder. Much like Gretar's own attack, this move was filled with nothing but anger and rage. Once Lobo was in close enough proximity to Orbeck, he lifted the man up. "Fraggin' wizard geeks and yer space magic!" He shouted, before attempting to slam Orbeck forward and impale him with his own spear. The hot water practically did nothing to Lobo, though, instead only making his hair wet. He turned to face Sora over his shoulder, confused.

"S'yer plan t'give me a shower or somethin'?" He asked. Whether or not Orbeck was successfully impaled by the spear didn't matter, as soon enough, he'd grabbed the spear and ripped it out of his shoulder, causing a fair amount of blood to spill onto the ground and mix in with the water beneath him. With the strength and accuracy of an Olympian, Lobo proceeded to hurl the soul spear right at Sora, aiming to impale him like he'd tried to do to Orbeck. Sage's leg sweep, unfortunately, didn't really do much in the way of knocking him off balance, due to his perfect throwing stance. The claws were a different story, though, cutting deep across Lobo's chest. The follow up flamethrower burned him from within, causing Lobo to let out a sharp cry in pain, before quickly regaining his composure. "YA FRAGGIN' STUPID FIRE GEEK!!" The Main Man shouted, before grabbing the claw that was embedded in his chest and plucking it out, and then hurling Sage behind him and to the back of the sewer.

If Sage were to be hurled, however, he would find that he was soon wrapped up and saved by none other than Spider-Man, who wrapped him up in webs and pulled him back down to the ground and onto his feet.


"I got you!" Peter shouted through tired breaths, having been dodging Lobo's attacks in the back during this. He'd known that his attacks wouldn't work on Lobo, so instead he just kinda sat back and played hero for the time being.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers


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Jak looked over at Blake and sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Look, I feel your pain. I had to bust out Lurkers that were treated in much the same way as Faunus ."

Jak sighed "Burther was his name, he thanked me for getting him out of there."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Prisoners



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  • "Still nothing!" Megumin snarled like an unleashed attack animal. "Ooh, where are they!? I finally have the nerve to tear through this whole building, and they're pussying out! We'll never reach the Director at this rate!" She started pointing her aiming laser at different walls and beams, wondering if she could finally make her foes show themselves with enough collateral damage.

    And then, with a little giggle from Midna and a pounding headache, her world went black.

    In her unconscious stupor, Megumin dreamt of a barren land, perfectly smooth jade broken up by the bones of those unfortunate enough to have been baked to death by sunshine instead of mercifully suffocated by the earth. A world where nothing mattered except herself. It was lonely...But satisfying, too. There were no enemies in this world. This was a world where everyone who wronged her had discovered the wrath of a Crimson Demon.

    Gravity was weak in this mindscape, so Megumin could bound freely. She let the cool breeze stroke her as she took to the sky, then went down for another triumphant spring from the earth. what happened, was happening, and was going to happen in the outside world, didn't matter. In this world, Megumin made it.

    In course of her journey, she came to a crumbled stone fence, a humongous circle that sheltered a yard filled with ruined houses. Megumin's eyes widened a gravity brought her down into the town. No...yes, she did know these streets. She knew where to go for once. She ran between punctured walls, hopped collapsed fences, and tripped over missing bricks in the path. The undead road brought her to an imploded mansion, whose walls had gaping holes to complement the shattered roof.




    Oh, there they were. Still in the living room, their bones scattered all along the broken furniture. Layers of dust preserved a one-person stampede, footsteps that could only have been her own. Jade bits punctured the walls, the carpet, Kazuma's ribcage. Aqua's tattered clothes fluttered in the wind. Darkness's sword had broken in two. No, no...Megumin wouldn't do this! who would create such a horrible reality?! It had to be Midna playing tricks, her bloodthirst would surely stop at her closest friends! As she hugged herself, Megumin sat there in front of Kazuma's cracked skull, waiting impatiently for the world to regain its color. Her party would appear behind her, laughing about their morbid surprise. She'd be hugged, celebrated, welcomed. She wouldn't be worthless to them anymore.

    Unfortunately, everyone must return to where they came from eventually. Who knows how long after she had been knocked out, Megumin awakened, feeling her heart. Realizing that the skin was now smooth and uninterrupted made her breathing intensify. "Why...Why did you do that?!" Megumin's voice was shrill, her eyes dilated. "What do I do now?! I can feel those awful thoughts coming back!" She clawed the floor, the walls, the shoulders of whoever was carrying her. "There has to be some left! W-why, Midna?! Why?! I have no power without that stone! I'll die without it!" She wailed, pounding the nearest surface. "I'M USELESS WITHOUT IT!"


“Oh come on! What hurts this guy?” Sora thinks of another approach of but not before he dodges the spear and grabs it with Magnet.

Along with this, Sora throws it back at him and follow up with Thunder at both Lobo and his bike.


The father talks back to Rex, calling him a street rat and Red Hood threatens Lucky again. “Cool it Red. I’ll handle him, as always. And as for you.” He turns to the father “I guess you won’t mind if us, “street rats” left you like the scum we and I are and leave you to rot? If not then cooperate with us, and stop with the attitude!”

Rex walks over to Weiss “He’s your dad right? I know this may come as sudden and I’m sorry if you’re going through some stuff right now, but we could use your help.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Lealan Dashes to the side, her Tech boosted speed dodging the thrown debris. "Hey, you said it was personal. I'm just saying I didn't betray you Lobo! And as far as these guys are concerned, Fuck Em. They aren't paying me AND they are assholes. They bitch at me for being too negative, and then bitch at me for being too positive. They can take care of their damn selves if they want to be like that. I'm only doing this for Snake's sake. You know, Big Boss, our Comrade who also didnt turn on us? Snake is his kid. And I like him." Lealan shrugs. "And if this is personal and you aren't being paid to stop us, can I pay you to leave Snake and I alone? Maybe even Captain Birdy, he's not that smart but he means well. I have mostly my own universes currency, but I also have amounts of raw rescources like gold, water, and Lava/Magma."
Venom Snake Venom Snake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
"I've been feeling neglected, and quite frankly, I dont want to try and fight Lobo. He's kind of a badass. Plus, I don't know if I can afford 4 people, and Captain Falcon has been shot a lot recently." Lealan shrugs, the vine gems on her arm twinkling it the sewer light.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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