"You'd be right," Qrow said in response to Orbeck as the group continued further along down the path. As Whisper touched the graffiti, she'd find that it was dry and some of it was even beginning to chip off the bricks, indicating that it'd been here for a while. "The people of Mantle and Ironwood ain't always seen eye to eye. The same can be said for the faunus and the regular humans." He watched as Aloy tried to understand the wolf graffiti, before stopping to explain it. "That's the White Fang. They're a group of radical faunus who basically just want equality between humans and them... but in recent years, they've become more radical with their own ideas and methods." Qrow said as he ducked down under a metal fenced area, crawling through a portion of it that had been ripped off by... something. "Gators shouldn't be a problem. But Grimm?" Qrow would shrug a bit. "It's a possibility, seein' as they love to show up at the worst possible moments." He motioned for you all to do the same, before continuing on. It didn't take long for you to reach yet another fenced area, this one with a locked door. "Damn..." Qrow would mutter, before turning to face the rest of the group. "Any of you see a switch anywhere? Or some kinda control room?"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers

Jason would begin continuing on once everyone began getting handed weapons from Benrey, instead simply holding onto the assault rifle he'd lifted up. He was about to tell Hiryu where they needed to go next, but then he saw Megumin have her breakdown. And Lucky giving some pretty obvious context clues to her side, as if her sudden shift in attitude to yandere crazed murderer wasn't enough.


"You had... one Goddamn job, Lucky..." Jason groaned as he literally could not resist the urge to facepalm over his helmet. "Don't jade Megumin. Simple request. We saw what happened last time, we didn't want it to happen again, yet here she is. Jaded as fuck." He groaned loudly as his palm slowly slid down from his mask, before finally just landing by his side. "Fine. But she's your responsibility. Anything happens to her, and it's your ass." Jason would growl, while Ruby, Weiss, and Yang just shot each other confused looks from the back. Leo walked past them and sighed.

"This happens more often than you guys might think..." He grumbled as he slowly made his way to the front. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang shot each other even more confused glances, before Weiss slowly leaned in.

"Have you guys noticed that that boy sounds an awful lot like Oscar?" She'd ask, in a low whisper which made Ruby and Yang throw up their arms.

"I was literally thinking the same thing!" Ruby would exclaim in her own small whisper, before turning to face Benrey and clearing her throat. "Oh! Hey, do you have anything that looks like scythe on that thing?" Ruby would ask Benrey.

"And some gauntlets that let me punch things would be cool right now." Yang added on with a smirk.

Once Ruby and Yang had received their respective weapons from Benrey, everyone would continue on further down the hall. Things were relatively quiet at first, until you all were met with a corner you had to turn. As you followed behind Jason, he'd stop at the corner and hold up a hand, signalling for you all to stop moving. "Stop. Two guards up ahead." He'd say to all of you. The two guards were stopped in the middle of the hallway and seemed to be talking to each other about something.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Ineptitude Ineptitude Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Prisoners
After a while, Lars went up to him and asked for a blade, something that could slice through both robots and any human enemies they might face. “I think I may have the perfect blade if you want something to slice through both metal and flesh like butter..” as he took out his ToolGun and went through the mods. He finally found what he was looking for and spawned in the blade. Throwing the sheath of the weapon to Lars, it’s a katana like blade that would seem oddly familiar to those of the Metal Gear world, for this blade was none other than Raiden’s High Frequency Blade:
“Ok, I may have done some people here, there are still many others who need a weapon. If you don’t have one, hurry up and tell me, I don’t like being in one place for too long.” as he prepared his modlist on his ToolGun once more. And finally for now, Ruby,Yang, and Blake went up for a weapon, to which he spawned in scythe, some boxing gloves, and a katana. the Scythe coming in from Smash Bros Ultimate, while the Gloves are from TF2, and finally, the katana was from L4d2:
Now being led by Jason to a Hallway, there were two guards that were apparently talking to each other. Saying to the others “Ok..... I am gonna sneak up on the one in the left, someone get the right one.” as he raised his watch from his left wrist, and turned invisible again. He then made his way slowly to the two guards, hoping his teammates would not go guns blazing.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Benreygivesoutgunstothepoor
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Everyone then began to receive weapons thanks to one of them, followed by Shujinko fixing the hat she gave her and Megumin getting a shard of the jade. Which wasn't good considering the last time it happened. "
Thanks Shujinko. And thank you, Yang." Looking at their weapons supplier, she had to ask for a weapon. "Do you have a katana?"

Once she received the katana, she then followed Jason. Hearing Ruby and Weiss, she nodded. "
I've gotten used to the two sounding the same." She stopped when they came across two guards up ahead. "I can send a clone to lead them away."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , Topless Topless , P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Hearing Qrow's explanation, she sighed. Seemed everywhere she went, there was never really any peace, whether it was between a nation and a military leader or between races. She did feel bad for the faunus if they had a need to form an entire group just to get equality for their people. But how radical is this group's ideas and actions willing to be to get equality for their race?

Following Qrow, they eventually reached a locked door and Ciri began to look around for anything that could help open the door.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You went along with Jason.

"Watch your six guys."

>After some time has passed, you went into cover upon seeing two guards having a chat.

"Tangos dead ahead."


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​

The teams move out and ready to get things into action. The man from earlier on the billboard screens appear again, asking that they turn themselves in or, shockingly, he’ll kill Ironwood who everyone thought was died.

The prison team made it to Atlas which looks pretty grand, aside from the dark setting and get taken in along with their weapons being taken too. As they were taken to get killed, Red Hood takes out the guards and frees the others of their chains.“Thanks.”

Lucky then decides to give Megumin a jade of her own, making her more batshit insane then he is. “Ugh. Lucky... why? Take that thing off her before she ” Rex let out a groan in annoyance watching Lucky do something crazy that could get them killed again.

They then run into two guards, leaving Rex with nothing but an idea and a smug grin. “They may have taken all your gear and stuff, but they didn’t count on Nanites!” Rex uses his Smackhands to be extend and grab both of them hitting them rapidly against each other and the ground. “So. What do you want to do with them? Question them, or trash ‘em?” He’d ask Jason giving him a choice.


The sewer team were making their way through just fine, the sights however wear the last thing anyone wanted to see, especially Sora. “Aw. Is Ironwood that bad? What did he do? And why is there so many symbols of that wolf all over the place?” Qrow explains to Sora and others that Ironwood doesn’t exactly get respect for his choices and the graffiti they’ve been seeing all over the place belongs to the White Fang a group of Faunus who want equality. “Faunus? What are they?” He asks, but shortly run into a area with a locked door. “Lock door huh? Let me take care of that.” Sora aims the keyblade at the door, effortlessly unlocking it. “Anyways. About the faunus, what are they?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Although Lilith didn't want to do any more fighting, she kind of felt like she had to because she felt like she had no other choice.

  • "Heehee...HehehehEHEHEHEH..." Megumin ran her fingers all along her brand new Spartan Laser. "It's funny...I shouldn't accept this. I shouldn't want anything to do with this. But that was my previous life." Saliva oozed through her exposed teeth as she nuzzled the laser. "My previous, carefree, happy life...then The Director took it away. He defiled me. He violated me. And for what? Some runaway AI? Such a thankless job I was forced to do! Instead of rewarded, I was punished!" Now the drool was landing in thick strings across its barrel. "I'm gonna find him...We just have to get through this, and then I'll find him, and I'll punish him right back..."
B.J. Blazkowicz

After trekking through the sewers for some time, a metal door now stood in the path. "If it's just metal, we shouldn't have to look for any switch gizmos." As he said that, he aimed the LKW at the door just as Sora aimed his keyblade. A second after it was effortlessly unlocked it, B.J. fired the LKW, and the door melted before the group's eyes. "Door's gone."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @SewerTeam
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

"I think you need to be reminded that this is supposed to be a stealth thing." Hiryu groaned softly as he reminds Megumin, now deranged by the Jade. "They're not supposed to know that we got out." He says, holding onto his railgun as he glanced at the back at the group, observing if anyone saw them and their shenanigans.
”Lucky. I like the gesture, but that’s not how you help someone. Especially when the thing you give then turns you into a psychopath!” He said still holding the guards in place.

“Not to mention the fact she can do her explosions again.”
Megumin then shouted at Rex for handling the guards, saying how they need to be destroyed. “I got a better idea, how bout we don’t destroy everyone?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

  • Ah, the return of our alien duo... Where did we leave off?

    Well, just as before, both Xenophon and Tektite decided to just roll with the punches in their new strange environment. When we last left off way back at the abandoned house, Xenophon was with Ford's group and Tektite was with Jason. They followed the groups towards their own separate adventures and, similarly to what happened at the Tent-of-Telepathy, they both just did their... Own things up to this point.

    Freddy and Bill's battle, the bar, Haven Academy, the Twilight Ball, and more. While all these events happened, Xenophon was in the background, probably sipping a tea or something. As for Tektite, the blue alien either rolled around in fear or stayed close to Jason or one of the other multiverse heroes since Xenophon didn't seem to bother supervising him. So, yes, Tektite experienced everything from this point while Xenophon casually disappeared into the sunset.

    On their latest mission, Xenophon finally decided to show up. He decided to join with the sewer team, putting a far distance between him and the group. Curiously, he had a slushie in one of his pitchers as he surveyed his surroundings like he was sight-seeing. Not like there's anything remotely interesting about sewers. However, his attention towards the group perked when he heard gators being mentioned out of context.

    "... Ah, yes..." He loudly sipped his drink before exhaling dramatically. "... Alligators... The toxic environment here wouldn't allow them to live for long, but that doesn't mean that we might not see one here... I'd love to see one though... I heard they can digest metal screws..."

    As for any possible switches, Xenophon paused to drink from his slushie again before replying. "... Nope. I don't see anything. Sorry." He didn't bother to look, however, as he just stood there chillin'. Whoops.

    Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

After some deliberation, Akari opted to join the Sewer Team.

He climbed down the ladder and joined everyone else as they made their way through the damp, dank tunnels.

"Looks like this is still cold... funny how that works." Akari commented as he produced the spare milkshake he had acquired back in Wakanda. In true "RPG Inventory" fashion, the shake was still fresh, despite how long it had been sitting in his storage. The delicious peanut butter taste of the shake helped to take his mind off the awful stench of the sewers.

Akari then decided to go take a look for something to open the locked door. "Hmm... can't pry it open with my sword. I'll look around."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
kindpng_5029417.pngLars examines his HF Blade and channels his lightning through it. Now this was a tool to dispense justice. He follows the rest of the team as they are, once again, stealthing. Though this time, he should probably stand back as for something was telling him it was best if the others took care of the guards instead of him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @PrisonerTeam
"Alright, that sounds good," Ruby replied to Blake, nodding in agreement with her plan. Before they could really enact anything, though, Rex went ahead and beat up the guards anyways. "...Oh." Ruby said as she and the others slowly stood up and walked into the hallway.

"They're robots, so interrogating 'em won't do much good." Jason casually remarked as he passed Rex and continued on alongside the others. He then watched Megumin literally act like a bloodthirsty ape on drugs, before hearing Lucky's next excuse. He narrowed his eyes at him and gestured to the insane archwizard with his arms. "Yeah, and instead of making her competent, you made her batshit crazy. Real nice job there." Jason remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he planted two bullets in each of the robot guards' skulls and continued on. As you all ventured deeper into the Academy, you heard what sounded like talking from someone from a room over. You couldn't see anyone due to their voiced being behind a closed off door, but you heard the voice nonetheless.

"We had a deal, Oswald! I supply you with the codes to Ironwood's network, and you leave my company alone!"

"Deals are meant to be broken, old man."

The next thing you all heard was a gunshot, followed by a loud thumping noise.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Ineptitude Ineptitude Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Yamperzzz Yamperzzz @Prisoners

Before anyone could find a way to unlock the door, Sora unlocked it himself with his keyblade, and then B.J. straight up melted it with his own weapon. "Alright... guess that works too." Qrow shrugged as he continued on past the melted metal, with the rest of the group following suit. As they walked, he turned his head to look at Sora. "Faunus are one of the two intelligent races that inhabit Remnant. The only difference is that they have animal-like features, while regular humans remain the same." He fell silent for a moment, before speaking again. "You know Blake? And her cat ears? Yeah, she's a faunus. And, big surprise, people're bigots and treat the faunus like crap. Hence activist groups like the White Fang."

Eventually, after enough walking, you all began to felt a large tremor around you. It felt like an earthquake, only the hollow walls of the sewer tunnel made it feel about ten times worse. Small chunks of debris began to fall around you, and some of you might have even been knocked off your feet by whatever was causing the tremor. Eventually, the quake subsided, and everything returned to normal.

"The hell was that!?" Grif shouted as he looked around, gripping his gun in fear.

"Either Atlas is somehow havin' earthquakes despite floating hundreds of feet in the air, or someone's come for us..." Qrow grunted as he slowly peered his head around the area, gripping his scythe tightly and narrowing his eyes. "My guess would be the latter..."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngA fight in the sewers...He was going to be drenched in this....Waste-hole! And he can't rist using any of his Falcon Moves either, less he lets the entire sewer system on fire and kill everyone. But with any luck, whoever or whatever is in the tunnels is lost and won't find them until after they get out the sewers. Falcon feels his lungs begin to tighten
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @SewerTeam

  • "Oh, who cares if we're not supposed to have gotten out?" Megumin whispered harshly. "Either way, we'll be blowing this place the fuck up." She held her laser like a python holding its prey. "Anyone who tries to come after us is getting nothing more than the harsh release of death." Deep inside, she felt a newly installed mechanism winding itself up. This was great! She finally had that same rage as all her teammates. Oh, how she was longing to let the mechanism spring, to use this laser to show the world what happens when you take away an archwizard's magic! Sadly Jason took care of what would have been her first two targets, making her whine like a puppy. "Damn it all! I wanted to see a spine shatter, artificial or not!"

    The next stop was behind the corner of an office, where an eye-opening exchange took place. Someone shot someone dead, after the latter someone said something about a deal with Ironwood's codes. "Want me to use the laser, boss?" Megumin's invisible tail thudded on the floor. "Let's avenge that poor soul! As if I'll let any more blood be spilled that isn't blood I spilled myself!" She retained the grin of a jackal, the unsheathed claws of a lioness. Her wrists were shredded, but that didn't matter. It would be worth it. All this pain would be worth it, so very soon...

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Jason took out the two guards.


>You continue on until you stop and heat a conversation from an office, ending with a gunshot. You turn to Jason.

"Breach and clear?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
"Can't say that I usually cope by wanting to murder everything in sight," Jason rolled his eyes towards Lucky as they stood outside the door. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang stood in the back and couldn't really hear what was going on in the room. Jason stood next to the door, though, and he found himself sighing and looking down towards Megumin and Lucky in an almost disappointed fashioned. More so Megumin than Lucky, though. "Just... do whatever you feel's best." He said, not wanting to get involved further than that.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Ineptitude Ineptitude Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Yamperzzz Yamperzzz @Prisoners
It seemed like he was actually gonna do stealth correctly for once without any interruptions, until Rex extended his hands and caused much more sound than what he was planning to do. He just face palmed as he followed the group down the hallway, while he uncloaked from his invisibility. Now reaching a room, he heard a conversation inside, something about a deal, before a gunshot and a loud thud was heard. Going to the right of the door as he took out his Silenced M1911, he said “so.:.. what is the plan, we go guns blazing... or we use the silent weapons....” as he waited for a response
@ Prison team

Going through the sewers was a lengthy journey, and nothing much to do here. Heck, even the door that they saw earlier was not really a big obstacle in their path. But, after a while, a small tremor happened, to which it might be caused by someone looking for them. “Well...... if they want to find us, then the only thing they will meet is a hammer to the face....” as he made sure to be ready for a fight at any moment.
@ Sewer Team
Nodding at Jason’s words, he then whispered out to the team “Breaching formation..... get ready....” as he stood in front of the door, preparing to kick it down. He also motioned the others to be prepared, by either having some on either the right or left of the door. Waiting until they were ready, he would breath heavily as he made sure that his body was ready for this, and not fail like the last time.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @RAINBOWSIXSEIGE

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>It's your call, that's what Jason told you. Benrey is getting ready to breach. You went on the right side of the door, Venus behind you.

"In position. Your call, grandpa."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Lazaro1505 @PrisonTeam​

  • "Why are you disappointed?" Megumin asked, her voice bubbling with snide-ness. "I'm not held back by the loss of my spell anymore. I can...I will destroy them. All for you, Jason." She nuzzled her red helmeted authority. "The MPF has made it all possible by keeping me alive. And now..." She gave Blake a clear view of all her choppers. Even her molars. "...I'll exterminate all of the ones who've ever stood in our way!"

    Deep inside, she felt that newly installed mechanism grinding against itself, unable to wind itself back any further and begging to spring. The Barrijade was completely ready. She drummed her weapon with glee, then crept to the door. Then, remembering what Celty taught her-Oh, would Celty have liked to see her now-she laid her finger on the trigger. "Come on, Benrey, you idiot! Let's turn that Cobblepot into cobblestone!"

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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Topless Topless

"I don't think we would be able to deal with that now, but what the hell." Hiryu sighs, getting in line as he drew his sword, standing to the door's right, adjacent to Benrey's position, behind Shujkinko. "Get it over with." Hiryu growled softly, gripping his sword readily.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Whisper gripped her Wispon when the earthquake occured, thinking it's an enemy attack, she glanced behind her then in front of her. Although it has come to her attention that there are no enemies present. Whisper held her weapon ready, alert on what might happen next.

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