While Sora, Rex, and Lucky were talking about Ruby, nuggets, and whatever, Yang starts beating the crap out of Dib for the hurtful words he said at Ruby. The boys look in horror as she pulls no punches, no mercy, and literally leave scorch marks on the ground. Blake then says why it’s not a good idea to step in unless you have something good to say.

Rex looked at Lucky again with fear in his eyes. ”Chicken nuggets? Chicken nuggets.” Rex would go into the kitchen looking to get himself and Lucky some nuggets.

“Right behind you.” Sora quickly follows him, pretty much the two will find any means to avoid this car crash of events.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
After a while had passed, Ruby had finally calmed down well enough and recovered. She wiped her tears away with her sleeve while Yang stood next to her, comforting her. Once Qrow was sure she'd be okay, he stood back up and nodded to Agent Penguin. "Exactly," He grunted. "But a siege has the potential for casualties on both sides." Qrow would flick his scroll yet again, this time presenting a map of some sort before all of you. "This is Atlas' underground sewer system. As you can probably guess, it tunnels directly all over Atlas." He swiped his finger across the display, giving you all a good look at the intricate system. Eventually, he zeroed in on what looked like an open, circular area in the sewer system. "This portion here leads directly under Atlas Academy. However, you wouldn't be able to get up into the Academy itself without getting caught by Penguin's security system." He looked over at all of you now. "That's where the prisoners come in. You guys will play prisoner long enough to get into the Academy, and from there you'll figure out your own way to breach the server room and shut down the security. How you do this is up to you, but you're gonna have to shut those servers offline so the rest of us can get in." He then redirected his focus back to the display before him, swiping across it again. This time, a detailed projection of Cobblepot's office was displayed. "It'll be pretty straightforward from here. The sewer group will get into Atlas Academy and rendezvous with the prisoner group on the second floor, at which point we'll make our way to Penguin's office and kick his ass."

With that, the display shut off and Qrow pocketed his scroll.


"Alright, sounds like as good of a plan as any." Jason said from the side, his arms crossed. "I'll be with the prisoner group with Leo, Byakuya, and Midna."

"Why me!?" Midna shouted angrily with a huff, her fists balled up in front of her. Apparently, she'd woken up from her nap.

"Because you have something Cobblepot want. AKA more Twilight." He grunted. "You'd practically be a golden goose to him."

"Tch," Midna crossed her arms and rolled her one visible eye. "Yeah, I guess..."

"Sarge, Grif, and Micah will be with the sewer group." Jason continued to direct, prompting nothing more than nods from the three.

"I'll be with the sewer group as well. Ruby, you and your team should go with the prisoner group. Knowing Penguin, he'd wanna have a word with you anyways." Qrow said as he looked to the four girls. Yang angrily slammed her fists together in response.

"Well, that works out then, because I wanna have a word with him as well!" She chided.

"Sounds fair." Weiss, who had been kinda standing in the back watching this unfold because she honestly did not know how to process literally anything that had been happening, said from the side with a small nod.


"For Penny." Was all Ruby Rose said as a newfound look of determination was what overtook her expression. She had since dried her eyes and wiped her tears, and from the looks of things, she was ready to fight.


"I'll go with the sewer group." Spider-Man, who had changed into his more familiar red, white, and blue attire sometime offscreen, said from the side, accompanying his words with a slight wave.


"Alright, guess it's settled, then." Jason would say, before turning to the group as a whole. "The rest of you, pick your teams now. We'll be setting out in five."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless P PopcornPie @DerpyCarp @Venom Snake @Thepotatogod Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @Laix_Lake darkred darkred Crow Crow @QizPizza @DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @FactionGuerrilla @92MilesPrower
The chicken nuggets have been denied again as it’s time to head out. Sora and Rex decide on which teams they’ll be on.

“I’ll go with the swear group, I can use magic if things go wrong.” Rex was having a hard time choosing, he almost choose the swear group until he heard that Sarge & Grif were going to join the swear group.

“Y’know what, I’ll head with the prison team, my Nanites may could in handy, I have the goggles too, good luck Sora.” He said, having to be in a hurry wanting to be as far away from Sarge and Grif as possible.

“Splitting up again huh, that’s fair.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Once Ruby had calmed down, Blake stook up and listened to the plan. She was already going to go with the prisoner group seeing how Penguin probably wanted to have a nice talk with her given the last interaction between the two, but then Qrow told the four of them to go with the prisoner group. Blake nodded in response, looking at Yang and Ruby before looking back at Qrow. "I have a feeling he's going to want to talk to me after I broke into his office."

Jason then volunteered himself, Midna, Leo, and Byakuya to be on the prisoner group, Midna making the most sense, followed by another person. Now the question remained: who else was coming with their group?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone else


After... that whole situation happened, what with a child hurting Ruby even more with his words and Yang hurting him even more with her fists, something that was very impressive, Ruby calmed down and Ciri stood up. They then went over to the plan and while going on prisoner duty sounded like it could a little fun, sewers was something she was used to. Looking at Qrow, she gave her answer.

"I'll go with you guys in the sewers."

After a while, it seemed like everyone calmed down now, he can finally hear everything..... but instead of slamming his head into the wall he made using his head, he just stopped in order to listen to everything. Listening to the plan, using both a sewer team in order to sneak inside and a prisoner team, a muffled voice can be heard from inside the head sized hole that Benrey made earlier and placed his head into. “I am going with the prisoner team..... reason being is that I also have an inventory system similar to that or Agent Penguin’s, so I can hide my weapons on...” as He kept his head in the hole, before listening once more to the world outside
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Gretar, after eating the hot pocket, went to where all the chaos happened, but now things were cooling off now. Hearing the plan in order to infiltrate the building the Penguin might be in. “Gonna be with the sewer team, I’m more of a fighter, instead of a prisoner, plus, I can’t do anything without my hammer...” as he waited for a while.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
While Rex and Sora were hunting for nuggets, Lucky gazed at Megumin with pity. He couldn't exactly go back on his vow to be more empathetic after what he said to Ruby, but his stance on Megumin couldn't be changed. She admitted it herself, she was broken. Jason was just going to keep putting her into danger, forcing her to hone skills alien to her. If you kept forcing a broken engine to work, it would quickly sputter its last before blowing out altogether. If he was going to be more empathetic from now on, he had to help her, right? But she was little to no good at short-range weapons, and the Paw o' Death, even if he didn't need it himself, was way too small for her. The spare pistol he had was a safer bet, but she had no clue what to do with a gun, either. Besides, it only had eight shots, and there would definitely be more than eight guards to deal with. Even if none of these factors existed...Well, look at her. Collapsed to the point where her voice, once overflowing with energy and confidence, was now a shallow murmur. Would she even bother with being a prisoner in her state? Did she just want to be a prisoner because she felt it was all that laid in her future now? If she continued to wallow like this, it would be.

It would be risky, but it was her only hope.

"Hey, Lassie." With a shard of Barrijade in his nubs, he approached Megumin slowly. Her faded eyes rolled over to him. "Here. I lost an important aspect of me to the Director, too, and it bites donkey ass. It's this spell that fills the hole he carved. Thanks to MIsmakora, I feel me old strength, the courage and fury I had before I woke up on that plane. It probably won't bring Explosion back, Lassie, but it'll give you fury."

Megumin's pupils ever so slightly shrunk. "Chomusuke, that rock turned me into a monster..."

"That was because it was combining with some other crooked spell. This time, it'll be on its own. You'll be able to control it better."

Megumin looked away, at all her friends who still had their powers and weapons. All her friends who could still be of use to the team. All her friends who she was going to, inevitably, disappoint. Cobblepot was going to stare at her, flabbergasted, and then laugh. Laugh. At her. And she wouldn't lay a scratch on him. Then he would crush them all, and Ganondorf would win, and the whole multiverse would be taken over with that horrible Twilight, that substance that took Samus and Mao Mao away from her.

"...Okay, Chomusuke, I'm going to give it another chance." The archwizard knelt down, and Lucky gently held the jade to her heart. It sensed her sorrow immediately, and fell in love. Like a leech to an exposed, bleeding gash, it wanted to latch on with its smooth green teeth, but Lucky stopped it. "If they see you wearin' it now, they're just going to pluck it off." The bunny reasoned. "Keep it in your hat or somethin'. Lassie, you really need pockets." And that was what she did, but the jade simply lifted up her hat and wanted to slide down to her heart. Fortunately, it was stopped a second time. Third time's the charm. They found a small box to seal it in, then placed the box within Bill Cipher's hat, then placed Bill's hat within hers. Within the slender black top hat, it was perfectly secure.

"Okay, so I'll play the stupid pet rabbit, I guess." Lucky shrugged. "Put me in a pet carrier or somethin'."

"I have a better idea." Megumin took him in her outer hat. "Chomusuke, you stay secure up there, and then you surprise them when it's time to attack."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Everyone has been informed that they need to teams again until five, Lilith looks around as everyone go's into their different teams and decides to stick with Ruby for emotional support. "I can come with you if you want, if you feel like somethings wrong just let me know and I'll be there for you, promise." She says as puts a reassuring arm on her shoulder.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ruby)
“Thank you,” Ruby said to Lilith as she approached, offering her a genuine smile in return for her generosity. “But you don’t have to feel obligated to help me, Lilith. I can handle myself.” In the meantime, Ruby would also turn to face Nora, Ren, and Neo. “What are you three gonna be doing?”

“We decided we’d stay back and guard the base,” Nora replied.

“Indeed. Someone is going to have to watch this place.” Ren added on with a small nod.

“But you guys make sure to give ‘em hell!” Nora cheered excitedly with an ecstatic grin, pumping her fist upwards into the air. Neo merely nodded in the positive, giving Ruby and the rest of the group a thumbs up.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @whoever​
"Well, I've got a few aliens that could do just that, so I'll be with the Prisoners," Ben smacks his watch down.


"Nanomech!" a tiny, inch-sized creature that took Ben's place declared. "I'll go hide in any of you Prisoner Team Guy's hair."

He flew into Ruby's hair, hiding among the strands as he continued to shrink.

"I'll go with the Sewers - keep this orb as far away from Cobblepot as possible and all," the Agent comments.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
While Rex was preparing to get ready to go to prison. He hears Ren and Nora say how they’re going to guard the place. This makes raises a question in his head, and decides to ask to the two.

“Hey, you mind if I ask you two something. If this place is a secret underground lab, why does it need guarding?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"I'll go with the prisoners." Antoneva piped up, speaking for the first time in what felt like forever. The ark gently bobbed up and down beneath her. "I'm sure my magic may be of some use in breaching the server rooms."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lilith nods in response to Ruby's but she suddenly realized something, usually Lilith was the one who had to be comforted but this time it was the other way around.
She never thought something like that would happen so it felt pretty good, Lilith smiled a bit and thought to herself. "Wow, I never thought I would cheer someone up myself, neat"

Mood: Conflicted, Anxious, Determinated
Tags: (Leo, GM)
, (Ben 10)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

As the plan had been unveiled, the context more or less caught up to him and the placements made, Sage could only feel his heart sink immediately. They were to pick between allowing themselves to be prisoners to sabotage the facility from the inside or to wait in the sewers for an entrance that would surely not be just a walk in the park. Both options seemed, terrible to him. It was either sticking with combat in a very closed-off and probably wet area, and thus a thrown back to being powerless in the rain; Or to subject himself to psychological, perhaps even physical abuse that he should not attempt to return and accept quietly.

And when it came to his powers, 'quietly' had a limit. Objects might still spontaneously combust despite his wishes and It was anything but complicit. If It felt like the vessel was being threatened It would not back down, most likely on unhinged pride and ego, if not straight sadism and dominance. As such, the pyromancer couldn't help but feel that either team he stuck with was about to be hindered and/or put into immense risk. He was an explosive hot potato to whichever people had to deal with him.

To make matters worse, Jason had put Leo in the Prisoners Team.

Why that one? Well, he knew why actually, because the other's powers would have been of no use for fast-paced combat but great for recon. It made sense, but he could just be worried, no, he could only feel conflicted over having someone that was so so important to him placed so far away. At the enemy's hand. About to suffer whichever it was he was about to go through. It was too cruel. If anything, Sage felt the undying urge to switch places with Leo if only to keep him safe, and he knew that was not possible!
He could not do anything about this decision and it made him want to scream at the sky and demand an explanation.

The young man glanced at Alexis, the dilemma metaphorically painted by his expression, seeking some kind of reassurance. He didn't want to admit it, Gods, it hurt immensely to admit it, but the team that'd lose the most with him on it would probably be Leo's team. The Descendant did not have the emotional stability to go through something like that, and if he had to watch Leo go through it too- He didn't know what he would do, and it was a scary thought. The lengths he'd take in a heartbeat if it meant keeping his friend safe...
It sucked, but they were better off apart.

With tears in the corner of his eyes and the feeling of an arrow struck through his chest, Sage had gone for that hug he had been holding for a couple of scenes now. His breath shook but he made a huge effort to not let all of the fiery turmoil out, not letting go for a minute. This felt like a test of some kind, to be given something so precious and to have it taken away so soon. His mind cruelly created scenarios where Leo did not come back from this and it was crushing. He had never dealt with separation anxiety before, since there was nothing to be attached to but now?? Both Leo and Alexis meant the world to him, in a way that he could not have conceived previously.

"No matter what they do, no matter how you feel... I promise, I'm taking down the entire building on my own if I have to, all to get you back in one piece okay? Never doubt that, not even a second.", and then he let go, he let go because he had to, even if it felt like half of him was being taken apart. Even so, he smiled, unsure of which of the two he was even trying to reassure, "Ooh I'm coming, and there's nothing in the whole darn multiverse keeping me from it~!!"

And as he posed proudly, as he ported himself like the hero he wanted to be, determination burned in his veins. Wet sewer or no wet sewer, he was going there and he would do his absolute best, for the people of Atlas forced into a senseless curfew, exposed to a horrible caricature of a man in the wrong bird costume, for those that had fallen in the Cape and here, fighting for their right of freedom; For Leo, and his safe return into the group post-mission. Sage was ready to kick some dictator's butt out of Remnant.

Then Ben showed up in a new diminutive form and remembered to give him the bracelet back, which he promptly slid back in place, if only to minimize magical strain in case he did end up basically powerless again. Wouldn't make sense to depend on something the environment would be constantly fighting off. Orange eyes fading back into the more natural cappuccino brown, the 'squeeze' that came with it wasn't enough to quell the righteous flames of justice and selflessness that had just been ignited.

"Hahahahaha~! Well, I'm glad it didn't! Otherwise, I'd have to wait for you to come back to normal to wear it again!"
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You are given a choice on which team you want to be. Which one?

"I'll be with the Prison Group."

"You just said that because you want to experience how it feels to drop the soap."

  • 1592946423759.png

    It was then Spider-man took them into a hideout and Jak looked around. "Nice place. Not too shabby.". It was then they met the RWBY team and everyone had to choose which road they were going on: Sewer or Prison

    If Jak could pick one or the other, he'd probably go to the Sewers first but he bit his
    tongue and chose the Prison instead.

    Not his favorite kind of mission but irregardless he'd take it.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
    @Prison group: Topless Topless (Shijinko) Ineptitude Ineptitude (Antoneva) Crow Crow (Ben) darkred darkred (Jak)

Story Update
"The Prison Break"

Leo would let out a surprised gasp as Sage suddenly wrapped him in a hug, with the boy slowly hugging his friend back in response and letting out a nervous laugh soon after. "H-hey! I-I'll be fine!" Leo chuckled as he gave Sage a reassuring pat on the back, though his smile was genuine throughout the hug. Seeing the lengths Sage would go to for him and Alexis... it made Leo smile. He didn't have much to say other than that once Sage parted the hug, especially considering what happened next...

After you had all picked your teams and gotten at least somewhat situated into what would become your next mission, the television set suddenly was brought to life. There was nothing but static at first, but then after a few moments, the man who you'd been searching for appeared on the television set.


" 'Ello, Atlas! This message goes out to the new Multiversal pricks who though it'd be wise to steal from me!" The British man's voice could be heard echoing throughout the secret base. Even though he wasn't here with you right now, it still definitely felt like he was standing right next to you. "As you already are well aware by now, you have stolen something very valuable of mine. An object which, as you can imagine, is more worthwhile to me than all your bloody pathetic lives rolled into one." His words were spoken in a deep rooted hiss, even though they were slightly muffled behind that bird mask of his. "Now, luckily for you, I'm considerin' myself rather generous as of late. So, I'll be given' you no more than thirty minutes to turn yourselves in. After all, I've got a little surprise waitin' for you if you don't..." Penguin let out a sharp laugh as he stepped behind the camera and snatched it from whatever cameraman was holding it. As the camera focused on what was previously behind him, you all soon discovered a man who you'd previously thought to be dead, bound by his wrists and brought to his knees.


"Why don't you tell 'em your name, son?" Penguin spat towards the previously thought to be dead General Ironwood. Qrow's mouth hung slightly agape as he watched the presentation, and Team RWBY's own eyes found themselves glued to the screen.

"Go to hell..." Ironwood spat towards Cobblepot, only for the latter to quickly deliver a sharp backhand to his left cheek, causing the former general to topple over with a pained grunt.

"Cheeky little bastard, aren't ya!?" Penguin shouted as he held the camera over Ironwood, before reeling his foot back and kicking Ironwood so hard in the jaw that you all heard a loud popping noise. With the General now out cold, Penguin turned the camera back to his masked face. "Sorry about that." He said with a tired sigh. "Anyways... you blokes've got thirty minutes to turn yourselves in. Otherwise.." Penguin pulled out a pistol and cocked it, pressing the barrel against Ironwoods' temple. "Well... let's just just say 'ole Jimmy's brains are gonna be my office's new paint job!" After that, Penguin let out a loud laugh and the video shut off, turning to static soon after.

As the television played nothing but static in the room for a while, a dreary silence filled the hidden base's walls. Team RWBY and Qrow were both left staring at the screen in absolute silence for the longest of moments, before that silence was finally broken by Qrow, who lowered his head. "Come on. Wouldn't wanna keep the man waiting." Qrow said, his tone filled with spite as he began making his way towards the exit. Not long after, the rest of you did as well, before splitting into your respective teams soon after.

Those of you on the Sewer Team would have gone the opposite direction from the prison team, heading down the empty streets of Atlas towards the downtown. Qrow led you all to a manhole, which took a fair bit of walking. With nothing more than a grunt, the Huntsman lifted the manhole cover and motioned for you all to enter the dark sewer.


"Come on. We don't have much time." He said as he motioned for you all to head down into the sewer with his arm.

Those of you on the prisoner team found yourselves going uptown rather than downtown. Team RWBY led you all, with Jason following behind them, and the rest of you behind Jason. The walk was long and silent, with the only sounds filling the air for the longest time were your own footsteps and the gentle winter winds that brushed past your ears. It took a while, but after a good amount of walking, you were able to reach what you'd been looking for.


Before you all stood Atlas Academy. It was definitely much taller and futuristic looking than Haven was, almost to a breathtaking degree. Most of you would probably compare it to a castle or a mansion. You didn't have much time to stare at fine craftsmanship, though, because as you approached the Academy and got closer to it, you found the man himself waiting for you outside.


"Bloody hell! I was startin' to think you blokes wouldn't show up!" Cobblepot exclaimed with a smug grin on his face as you all approached. There were lines and lines of soldiers behind him, all training their guns on all of you. Slowly, Team RWBY began to raise their arms into the air, which caused Jason to as well. He looked back at you all slightly over his shoulder and tilted his head upwards, gesturing for you all to do the same. When you all did so, Penguin turned to the army behind him and tilted his head to the side. As soon as he did so, the soldiers all walked over to you and cuffed each one of you. "Make sure to grab their little toys as well." Penguin said, before taking a long drag from his cigar. The soldiers did so without hesitation, and soon enough, whatever weapons you had on you had been confiscated.

It was then that Penguin slowly began to step forward towards all of you. As he stepped forward he got close to Blake specifically. "Thought you could run from me, eh?" He asked the faunus girl with a smirk. Seconds later, he decked her right in the jaw. This caused Yang to struggle in her cuffs a bit, ready to break out of them right then and there, but Weiss' cold stare sent calmed her down as she reminded what they were here to do. Penguin didn't really notice-- or care, as he instead continued looking at Blake. "No one runs from Oswald Cobblepot..." He smirked again, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a familiar blue mask. One that belonged to none other than Sub Zero.

"Not even clever little ice ninjas..." He spat, before tossing the mask on the ground and crushing it beneath his foot, shattering it into pieces. As if to add insult to injury, Penguin dropped his cigar right onto the broken mask and burned it right in front of Blake, all while smiling at her sadistically. After taking a few moments to relish in his own fuckery, Cobblepot finally turned to the soldiers. "Take our friends to their new cells."

With that said, the soldiers roughly began to push you all with their rifles, leading you all into the front doors of Atlas Academy.

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Willow (Don't Starve)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon groans in disgust when the manhole opens. He wished he didn't have to do this...But if it got them closer to finishing this mission, he might aswell. Falcon holds his breath and hops down into the sewers.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • As they wandered to their quote-unquote "doom", Megumin was trudging like they were to be outright killed. This was something Aqua would be doing, not the great Crimson Demon! But...she wasn't great anymore. She just had to wrap her head around that. A cold dungeon was where a magicless, worthless archmage belonged. "Damn you, Director, damn you to the seven circles of Hell."

    Honestly, Cobblepot could have thought Megumin was soulless. She barely responded to a thing, and allowed Cobblepot to take her staff without hesitation. "Hello." She said meekly. "Rest assured, I am of no threat to you. I am no longer a threat to anyone. Nor am I useful to you or anyone." She was far and away the easiest to lead into her cell. "You may allow me to rot in here for as long as you'd like."
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Team: Prison
"Man this is a really good view isn't it?" Lilith say as she looks out i awe but then the team finds that The Penguin was right behind them with an army of shoulders behind them. She would look to her left to see that the others have raise their arms in the air in surrenderance, Lilith quickly realizes what they were doing so she does the same but a little quicker. He then takes the mask and throws it on the ground and crushes it with his foot before burning it with his cigar, Blake must be furious about what he just did. The solders then began to push them into their cells. "Hey watch were you're poking that, you might miss me and poke someone else."


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Solders)
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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They had all picked their teams and was getting everyone in each group settled before the TV came on. And what they saw... Blake couldn't believe it. Ironwood was alive, but as a prisoner.

Her eyes widened hearing everything, followed by him calling them out to meet him. They had no choice, even if they wanted to stay at the base, he was going to kill Ironwood. All of them then headed out to their destinations, her team leading the rest to Atlas Academy.

Eventually, they all got there and there he was, waiting for them with soldiers. Following everyone else's leads, she put her arms up and tilted her head upwards. Cobblepot then ordered them to take their weapons and she allowed them to take Gambol Shroud.

Blake however, once he walked towards everyone and got closer to her specifically, was hating this next part.

Not having a choice, she let him punch her in the jaw and she stumbled a bit, holding it. Seeing Yang struggle, she gave her a look that told her not to, before seeing Cobblepot pull out...

...oh no.

No..." The man pulled out the familiar mask of Sub-Zero and her eyes widened. Immediately, tears went down her face as she remembered what happened here last time. It got worse when he threw it on the ground and smashed the mask, burning it to cause more pain.

As he escorted them and she followed them, she tried to stop the crying on her own. He was going to pay for this.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ prison gang

They all got in their groups, ready to head out on their mission. However, a broadcast came up and seeing as how there was a man that was suppose to be dead being used as bait for them, they needed to work fast. So, they all headed out to their locations.

Qrow lifted the manhole cover, opening the entrance to the sewers and Ciri gave him her thanks before jumping down through the hole.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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  • 1592952051590.png

    JAK>>>>> DARK JAK

    Jak eyed the group, mostly silent, looking around until Penguin showed himself with tons of the usual robot guards surrounding the group at hand.

    A second after the robot guard was about to touch Jak's arms with the cuffs, a streak of eco lightning flashed from the man's body and hit straight into one of the robot guards.

    He could slowly feel himself losing control of himself.

    His hand was now that of a beast with long sharpened finger nails as he held himself back as the robot guard pushed him forward with a rifle forward.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

    Tesseract Multiversal Watch
    Weapons list:[/B]

    [tab=Jak's Abilities/Powers/Equipment/Armor]
    Location: Prison
    Status: Fine

    Dark Jak
    Light Jak

    Morph gun:
    16 mods

    ((For now))

    Mar's armor

    Equip: Multiverse Watch
As those of you inside the prison were being led to your cells, you would have found that you weren't even being put into them. For, you see, before anyone in the group had the chance to be thrown into cells, Jason suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. He hunched over with a loud grunt, like he was in pain. One of the soldiers noticed this and immediately attempted to grab Red Hood by the collar and yank him back up. This only resulted in Jason staring up at the soldier in question, before bashing it with his shoulder, knocking it back into a wall. The other soldiers began to draw their guns and fire at Jason, only for him to use the beaten robot as a shield from the bullets and charge forward. By the time Jason was close enough, the robotic soldier was little more than a torso, which Jason used to ram into another guard. After a swift headbutt to the third one and a kick to the fourth, knocking the former's head clean off and the latter down to the ground, Jason would stomp on both of the remaining robots' heads, shattering their fake skulls.

With that done, Jason rolled his shoulders, before grunting loudly and slamming his knee into his cuffs, snapping them in half. He then went for one of the guards' rifles. "Hold your arms up." He said to all of you. Once he did so, Jason shot the chain holding your cuffs together with pinpoint accuracy. Once you were freed from the constricting chains, he sighed and slung the rifle around his back.

During this time, Yang made it a point to walk over to Blake, who began crying after Penguin decided to screw with her. Comfortingly, the blonde placed a supportive hand on Blake's back, and another on her shoulder. "You alright?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials darkred darkred @Prison


The sewer was about what you would have expected. It smelled like shit and there was definitely a strange green liquid that lined its floors. You all landed on the platform beside the stream of unholy water, and upon doing so, Qrow tugged out a flashlight and began to guide you all forward. "This way." Qrow said as he led you all down the sewer. Upon turning on his flashlight, you all began to see various phrases and symbols graffitied onto the walls around you. Phrases such as "MISTRAL HOME FOR PUNKS" and "DEATH TO IRONWOOD" and various cell phone numbers had been sprayed onto the wall, as well as several images of what looked like a wolf of some sort.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Sewers

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Weapons confiscated? No big deal. But Blake being mercilessly beat up? You let out a loud growl, but Venus stopped you before you could do anything. As you are being led to the cells, Jason makes a move, beating the guards and destroying the cuffs you have on you. You walk over to Blake with a worried look.

"Hey, you okay? Man, that Cobblepot sure is an asshole."


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