"Well I definitely didn't expect that to happen." Lilith says to herself as Jason held all of the guards at gun point, but now's not the time to admire Jason's combat skills. Lilith comes up to Blake and tries to console her like she did with Ruby. "Hey...if it makes you feel better I could try and make you a new one."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon followed behind Qrow with his cheeks puffed up and his walking stands was akin to that of a penguin "Oh space lord....Oh space lord....This is not good....This is the opposite of good....This is ungood--I mean...Bad....Bad! This is BAD! I'm trudging around in human waste like I'm some hobo trying to relieve his childhood of adventuring places his parents always told him never to go....The sewers is one of them....And how can anyone have the time to graffiti down here?! Who's gonna see it?! No one likes coming down here! I swear...If I see something I don't like down here, I'm booking it to the nearest hole I see....I'm not about to be doing this all day, man....Someone flood this place with Frebreeze! Please! Oxi-Clean! Mr. Clean! ANY clean! GEEZ!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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As they were being taken to their cells, before they could go into their cells, Red Hood took this opportunity to free them after he broke his handcuffs. Raising her arms, he shot the cuffs and freed her along with the ot. Really, it was a good thing they got out of the cuffs before being placed in the cells.

Rubbing her wrists before trying to wipe away the tears, the first one to her side was Yang, followed by Shujinko. "
I... I'm fine..." In reality, she wasn't and it was obvious.

Lilith then tried to console her, saying she'd make her a new mask. Looking at her, she shook her head no. "
That mask... it belonged to Sub-Zero and I'm the reason he was brought here... and the reason he was killed..."

Before she could go further on, she looked at Red Hood and tried to talk normally, pushing her emotions away. "
Let's just... go find the security room before Cobblepot finds us."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Topless Topless , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Fortunately for Ciri, the smell down there didn't bother her. Taking out Zireael in case someone or something to attack them, she followed Qrow. And so far, the only thing they saw were what was written on the walls.

Well... that's lovely."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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After being dragged out from the hole he had his in and going along with the prison group, they finally reached the academy, to which a army of robots was there waiting for them. After a while, having their weapons taken, (not his tho), and a sad little moment to which a mask of someone, probably someone Blake knew well, and broke it. After that, they were sent to the cells, and before Benrey could start his plan, Jason already acted and took out all the guards for him. After having Jason break the cuffs for him, he quickly spawned in a silenced M1911, before saying to the rest of the group quietly “Ok.... make sure to keep clear of any cameras, guards, or any other shit coming our way. If you need a weapon, ask me what kind of weapon you want and I’ll give it to ya...” as he began to prepare himself for their next action.
@ Prison Group

With the sewer group instead of the prisoner group, but now they were led into some sewers by Qrow. Gretar found this place....... has an weird smell, but he ain’t complaining. It was a good thing he was already wearing boots. But on their journey, Gretar saw many things in the walls, to which he ignored, for the mission is more important than to look at pretty pictures on the wall.
@ Sewer Group
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You nodded, but you knew that she isn't okay. If Blake wants her revenge, then you can help her do that. You went behind her.

"Hold on."

>You put your hands on your hat which Blake still wears and straighten it.

"Much better."

Orbeck of vinheim
status: discition made, the sewers it is.
Condition: normal.​
"...Okay, Chomusuke, I'm going to give it another chance." The archwizard knelt down, and Lucky gently held the jade to her heart. It sensed her sorrow immediately, and fell in love. Like a leech to an exposed, bleeding gash, it wanted to latch on with its smooth green teeth, but Lucky stopped it. "If they see you wearin' it now, they're just going to pluck it off." The bunny reasoned. "Keep it in your hat or somethin'. Lassie, you really need pockets." And that was what she did, but the jade simply lifted up her hat and wanted to slide down to her heart. Fortunately, it was stopped a second time. Third time's the charm. They found a small box to seal it in, then placed the box within Bill Cipher's hat, then placed Bill's hat within hers. Within the slender black top hat, it was perfectly secure.

"Okay, so I'll play the stupid pet rabbit, I guess." Lucky shrugged. "Put me in a pet carrier or somethin'."

"I have a better idea." Megumin took him in her outer hat. "Chomusuke, you stay secure up there, and then you surprise them when it's time to attack."

It was unknown to Orbeck if Megumin realized that he was still close by But regardless , he caught a glance at what she and the rabbit where planning. Of course, he can now confirm the main source of this archwizard's troubles. Really, he would want nothing more than to promise this foolish, yet clever child the means to reclaim that security that came with that one spell. But, he wasn't so sure he can promise her that, not yet at least. There was also that jade, the same one that tugged at Lucky and nearly turned the archwizad into something more akin to a Lycanthrope. At the very least, they are keeping it restrained. But for how long...


The sewer was about what you would have expected. It smelled like shit and there was definitely a strange green liquid that lined its floors. You all landed on the platform beside the stream of unholy water, and upon doing so, Qrow tugged out a flashlight and began to guide you all forward. "This way." Qrow said as he led you all down the sewer. Upon turning on his flashlight, you all began to see various phrases and symbols graffitied onto the walls around you. Phrases such as "MISTRAL HOME FOR PUNKS" and "DEATH TO IRONWOOD" and various cell phone numbers had been sprayed onto the wall, as well as several images of what looked like a wolf of some sort.

So here he was, walking along the disregarded sewers, defiled in a way that showed the underbelly of this floating city in the sky. The reoccurring symbol of a wolf's head certainly caught his eye. Must be some sort of conflict between some other race, maybe Blake's perhaps?

so he asks Qrow a question "I don't mean to be...overbearing, but would I assume that there was some sort of conflict relating to those symbols?"

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Sewers
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Blake rejected Lilith's request to try and make her a new mask but Lilith didn't peruse her any further, all she did was nod and faintly say. "I see." before looking back over to Jason who was still holding the guards hostage. This was all getting to her head too quickly and she was on the verge of breaking down , in her head she thought that this was all her fault because she didn't do anything to stop it. Instead she tries her best to try to hold it together though she wasn't really convincing.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake)
kindpng_5029417.pngLars smirks as Jason defeated their captors "Show off." He broke free from his chains with relative ease. It would take more than steels to restrain a Mishima but he didn't want to act to brashly like he did last time....Granted, he didn't know how he almost jeapardized the mission like that but it still worked out atleast. He looks to Blake and obviously sees the hurt in her eyes. These girls, despite being warrior is their own right, weren't prepared for loses like this. In situations like this, it's expected, but it's never truly easy to move past it. Perhaps it's different for him because he was made to win or lose the fight. He knows the consequences before they even happen, and makes peace with it because that was simply life to him. But that only makes it hurt less. Empathy can be very painful. Lars vows to them silently that he'll help spare them this pain, even if for just this moment, and bring justice to their friends. Once and for all. He looks back to Red Hood "Where to now?" Lars asks
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Topless Topless ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
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  • Megumin just wanted to ignore everything. This was the last position she ever saw herself in. But that was in the past, when she was an archmage. Wherever she went now, in the future, this was all that awaited her. She was a toy, a slave, whatever Cobblepot and any future enemies wanted her to be. Honestly, forget the plan. She was useless in this state, what good could she be outside a cell?

    She was already picking one out, wondering if she should be hidden, or suck it up and let herself be the first one to be laughed at. In a twist-one that she wasn't sure was fortunate or unfortunate-Jason's trap snapped. He took down all the guards surrounding them, and then shot all the shackles. Everyone's but hers, anyway. Despite Jason's command, her cuffed hands just hung limp. "It's okay. I'm fine with being cell filler."
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After a while, seeing a very..... very deranged looking Megumin. While any sane man would have kept the big guns to someone who is not a threat to the team...... he is far from a sane man. “yeah.... sure, I think you may like this one I got for ya. Big and powerful weapon coming right up..” as he used a ToolGun to spawn in a large weapon in his hands. If you were a spartan or at least an UNSC soldier, then you would know what kind of weapon that this was. It was none other than the Spartan Laser:
Holding the weapon with both hands, before giving it to Megumin and said “Go give em hell kiddo, make your team proud.” as he finally let go of the weapons and into Megumin’s arms
P PopcornPie @Meguminhasagunnow
--Hiryu Kakogawa --> ANOTHER BLADE--
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonBreak

"Guess they're looking for us." Hiryu says, taking out one of his Anotherwatches. Thinking that his trinkets would be considered a weapon, he decided to implant one of his Anotherwatches inside of him, a swirling mass of purple emerged as he placed one inside his chest, much like he did to Megumin back at the Dream Realm. Which one it is, however, no one knew. Eventually, everyone moved out to do the operation.

Fast forward to the present, Jason had just broken out of his chains, initiating the plan.


At this point, Hiryu activated his own implanted Anotherwatch, transforming him into Another Blade much like other hosts. Using his size and strength, he easily broke free of the chains.

"Looks like this is the only guy I could use for a while." Hiryu clenched his fists. Somehow, his hunch was right. Penguin would take away his watches. Shouldering his sword, Hiryu turned to Jason. "Where to now?" He asked before suddenly seeing Megumin go ham with one of the dead robot guards, kicking and punching it while its down, a familiar rush of anger can be seen. "Shit, she's Jaded again, is she?" Hiryu gulped as Benrey gave hed a massive gun. "Give me one too. I can't always rely on sword and lightning after all."

--Whisper The Wolf--
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Whisper rubbed against the walls of the sewer, examining the grafitti to see if it was recent. If it was, then there's a chance that they're not alone down here. If it's true, then they might be in trouble.
B.J. Blazkowicz

And where was Blazkowicz for the past 10 or so pages? Staying in the back doing and saying fuck all because I missed like three days of RP.

"How the hell..." was all he could mutter as everything descended to chaos right before his eyes. Never a dull moment with these guys... He ran his hand over his face. "This is more tiring than fighting damn Nazis..." Any more senseless bullshit and we might as well have been killed by our own teammates. Before a plan to calm the masses could come to mind, one of the members of team RWBY, namely Yang, took matters into her own hands. B.J. couldn't help but crack a smile at the beat down, even if Dib was a kid.

Now that the obstacle was cleared, everyone could finally get down to business. "I'll join the sewer team. It's not the first time I've traversed them." Even so, the stench still twitched his nose as he and the team climbed in. Christ... Sewers are the same no matter the universe. He screwed the silencer onto his pistol, cautiously trudging across the 'liquid' around their feet. Focus on the mission. It's a better smell than a battlefield. "Just to be sure, there aren't any alligators or those Grimm creatures roamin' around in here, right?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @SewerTeam

  • 7401cb8e987e344acee3a917034b81de15f13a07.gifv

    Jak aquired new gun "Sleepytime!!"

    "Thanks, Benray. Appreciate it."

    Jak had calmed down at least for right now and sighed but stayed on guard in case of more danger.

    Prisoners: Team RWBY, Jason, Leo, Midna, Rex, Ben, Shujinko (Venus), Benrey, Lucky, Megumin, Antoneva, Jak, Hiryu, Lars, Lilith, Arthur

    Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

    Tesseract Multiversal Watch
    Weapons list:[/B]

    [tab=Jak's Abilities/Powers/Equipment/Armor]
    Location: Prison
    Status: Fine

    Dark Jak
    Light Jak

    Morph gun:
    16 mods

    ((For now))

    Sleepytime (Given by Benray)

    Mar's armor

    Equip: Multiverse Watch
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After giving Megumin a weapon, Hiryu went up to him and asked for one, and Jak asked for a silent weapon that packs a punch, and finally Shujinko. Responding to Hiryu and Shujinko first, he said “Well, tell me what you want. I am not a fucking mind reader....” before looking at Jak and saying “I think I got a weapon for you.” as he took his ToolGun and spawned in a weapon. It was a silenced but powerful looking SMG, coming from the world of fallout, and its name was Sleepytime:
He then threw the SMG into Jak’s hands while he waited for the other two to respond.
Topless Topless darkred darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @Benreyhasgunsnow

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Give me something that is a hybrid. I'm thinking a...a chainsaw machine gun! You know from that videogame that is kind of obscure now. I think that was...Gears of War?"
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

"Got any...Hmm, futuristic railguns?" Hiryu asks, recalling that railguns are supposedly charged by electricity. This would put him in an advantage considering that Another Blade can channel lightning. Well, that or a grenade launcher, but he's curious if he's got that.
After finally getting responses from Hiryu and Shujinko, he took out his ToolGun and spawned in two weapons. The first was the iconic weapon of the Gears of Wars series, the Lancer:
After passing the weapon to Shujinko, he used his ToolGun once more in order to spawn in an another iconic weapon. This was known as the Railgun from the halo series:
After passing the weapon to Hiryu, he said out loud “Ok.... does anyone else want a weapon...”!as he waited, going through the mod list of his ToolGun.
Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @Benreyhasgunsnow

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You have received the Lancer.

>When Benrey asked if anyone wants a weapon, you turn to Venus.

"Oh, thanks. I'm not the kind who goes into combat actively, unless needed to."

>You went up to Benrey and whisper into his ear.

"Give my gay mom"Noisy Cricket". She might needed even if she doesn't."
After giving a weapon to Shujinko, she went up to him and in her word.... give her gay mom, aka Venus, a Noisy Cricket. Doing a small nod in confusion, he spawned in, yet again, another iconic weapon from, this time, a movie. It was known as the noisy cricket, from the movie Men in Black:
Passing the small gun to Shujinko, he then waited for anyone else who wants a gun.
Topless Topless @Benreyisamerchantnow

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Once you've received the Noisy Cricket, you go over to Venus and hand it to her.

"Hold on, I don't know how to use a gun."

>You persuade her to take it, telling her that it is better to have herself armed than use her plant powers.


Without her ark to keep her afloat, needless to say, the soldiers were a lot more rough with the paraplegic mage. The grip they had on her arms were tight to the point of bruising. Her legs scraped against the floor. She winced as she was unceremoniously dropped on the floor, Jason having knocked out the guards. Freed of her constraints soon after, her magic quickly worked towards lifting her up from the ground.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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