"This isn't over Dib!"


ben turned into kid goku


then he turned into ssj4 goku

then he shouted even more, ready to unveil his next form...

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Orbeck of vinheim
status: Rex.
Condition: normal.​
“Lucky, I’m sorry, I thought you were gonna say something offensive again. Of course I want you to be better, it’s just that you’ve been a grump for so long it just caught me off guard the one time you’re actually being nice is now.”
"A bit impulsive, really. As far as I am aware, Outside of his...disire of no companionship. He just seemed...lost for a better sense of the word"

also...Dib's antics will be ignored by him...for the sake of his mind.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie

  • Where exactly was Arthur Morgan throughout this entire ordeal, one might ask?

    Well, he was actually close behind this entire time.He was just too damn quiet this time to be noticed.
    As Benedict tried to spray Spider-Man, he'd find a bullet ripped through his bug spray, rendering the can absolutely useless as it sprayed through the holes. A split-second later, a lasso wrapped around the idiot's fly-swatter before his arm was yanked down to the ground.

    "I hope you haven't had to deal with a bunch of morons like this guy for a while now, Peter. I kinda wish we'd met under better circumstances, too." If Benedict were to turn his head, he'd see Arthur greeting his fellow MPF member with a somewhat irritated expression on his face. Listening to these people bicker and be at each other's throats kind of had that effect on the gunslinger. Only when he thought Benedict was no longer a threat to Parker did the gunslinger loosen his grip on the lasso. He didn't even bother going over to the horror show that was developing, seeing that most people were handling it... Though some were handling the problem with extreme prejudice. Then again, Kassandra had looked pissed off over people's shenanigans for a while now, so the American wasn't too surprised the Greek was going off at the time being.

    Of course, there was one loose end Morgan did have to address- Micah. Before the traitor could say anything to further incite conflict, Arthur walked over to his arch-enemy before glowering at the latter.

    "Not a single word," was all that Morgan growled aloud as a warning. The last thing Arthur wanted was for Micah to interject and antagonize the poor girls, and Morgan was more than ready to sock Micah if the smartass did decide it was worth trying to get a word in.
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Listen, Sora, her eyes? They belong to Silver-Eyed Warriors, powerful warriors. And her eyes, when the power is activated, can let out a flash of light and kill Grimm. But they’re tied to her emotions and the more she keeps getting insulted in this state, the more of a chance it’ll also end up hurting all of us in the process. So unless you have a way to stop all of this from going south in terms of the others, we could all be dead.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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Shit went from bad to...... he can’t even explain it. It went from a sad mood, to which Ruby was crying about her robot friend, until a small child who he believed was called Dib had said one sentence. ONE WHOLE SENTENCE, that led to everyone in the entire team going apeshit on each other. Benrey did not even understand the many things going on, even some of the memes going around. So, he did what his brain thought was a good idea, which was to go to the nearest wall and began slamming his head on it. It went like this for a whole while, even the wall was starting to break underneath all that pressure. If someone does not stop him soon, he is gonna permanently damage his brain, well, he didn’t have a brain, but the others would have thought otherwise.
During all this time, Gretar was too busy eating all of the hot pockets while everything was going to shit.
"OH, SO ONLY WHEN I STAND UP TO YOU DO YOU WANT TO BE SORRY?! WELL, YOU'RE-Ugh, ugh..." When Rex apologized, he would notice Lucky fight against his jade, which had been blindsided by the sudden resolution, in order to speak. Admittedly, most of the fighting came from Lupe, shoving the bits of dark mineral away. "YOU ORANGE-CLAD CUM DUMPSTER...You're right." The genuine words were easilyidentifiable, being so much softer and pained in tone. "All me life, I've been so GODDAMN POWER-isolated, I learned to THROW AWAY UNECCES-give up on people. I'm tired of YOU NOT UNDERSTANDING-no, me not understanding. You people...you people. ARE FUCKING ASS-So fucking innocent to me. No matter what, you people WASTED YOUR ENERGY ON-gave a shit about each other. I've given up the fiNO I HAVEN'T. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP FIGHTING AGAINST YOUR BULLSHIT IDEOLOGIES." He shook his head, pounding on his jade. "Kass is A FUCKING SHEEP-BRAINED WHOR-correct. She is correct." He dug at his own face, cringing at the Spartan. "I never bothered WASTIN' ME LIFE-trying to understand friendship or family." There was a shrug. "Might as well DEVOLVE TO YOUR PATHETIC-start learnin' now." He looked to Ruby again. "Excuse me, I'm kinda conflictin' right now. But I'll help you get Penny out, no matter which side of me ends up takin' control. BECAUSE IT PLEASES FUCKFACES LIKE-OH, goddamnit, I've completely...ergh...Just forget I spoke while I get this shit under control."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
“Oh...” Sora was flabbergasted but more nervous then anything. This girl’s emotion’s are one big ticking time bomb. One wrong word and they’re all history. “(Oh man. I can’t.)” He’d wipe his forehead of all the upcoming sweat, still trying to process the information given to him. “Okay. Good to know. Maybe I can- no- I-“

Sora just laid back in the corner taking deep breaths, paranoid that this fragile girl could destroy everything around her with a simple insult.

Back with Rex, he would still apologize to Lucky, just when he started to be nice, now he’s back on his rants again.
“Lucky. That’s not it. I just said I was caught off guard, you know why I never gave up on you, dude- wait, what!” Rex’s face shot way up as Lucky called him a cum dumpster.

“Lucky, wait!” He goes back to talk to Ruby, but Sora notices this and picks him up and takes Rex and him back to where the two just where. “Guys. You can’t say anything bad to Ruby. You’re not gonna believe this, but she has this certain power with her eyes that she can’t control and it’s linked to her emotions. And if just one insult tips her off, we’’ll all be gone! So for the sake of all of us. Don’t! Say. Anything! That includes you, Lucky, be mindful.”

Rex looks down at Lucky with a face of worry. “Well... I don’t suppose you want to get some chicken nuggets to take our minds off this because I officially want to get out of this place now, and far away from Sarge or.. y’know.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie
"No, no...I'm trying not to." Lucky held his sore head and mumbled. "I think me jade disproves of me goin' soft-I mean, attemptin' to change me ways. I think it's fighting against me. Why wouldn't it? It's specifically designed to keep me unfeeling. I'm actually resisting the urge to insult..." The rabbit gazed at Sora, his eyes pale. "Is this what kindness feels like, or am I just nauseous after so much beer? Or maybe I'M GOING INSANE THANKS TO ALL YOU-" He clenched his teeth. "Let's...Let's just make those goddamn...fuckin' nuggets..."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Grif would silently watch Gretar eat the Hot Pockets cold, and the fat man literally recoiled at the sight. "D-Dude!" He shouted, before forcefully snatching the frozen Hot Pocket out of the man's hand. "Don't defile the Hot Pocket like that! This is expert craftsmanship right here!" As if his arm was a pedestal, he held the frozen meat pocket up high for the whole kitchen to see. "Some say that Hot Pockets were gifts sent from God himself after we invented primetime television. They are the perfect blend of toasted bread, expertly cut meats, and precisely squeezed sauce. They're to be treated with care and heated inside the sleeve, or as us Hot Pocket-ians call it, the Holy Pocket." Slowly Grif would slide the frozen Hot Pocket into its place inside the sleeve, before placing it in the microwave. "God Himself was graceful enough to provide us with directions on how to cook such an expertly crafted meal." He punched in "2:00" with his thumb, and then hit the microwave's elusive "START" button. "You are to cook them for no more and no less than two minutes. If you are even a microsecond off, it's rumored that your insides will be turned into greased cheese within the next day."

"Knowin' you, Grif, you'd probably enjoy that!" Sarge heckled from the side, though Grif ignored him.

"Now, once the Hot Pocket is done bathing in its well deserved sunlight, you must let it sit in the microwave for two minutes as well. It's said that this represents the seventh day of creation, when God Himself finally rested." Once two minutes had passed, Grif opened the door to the microwave and handed Gretar the properly cooked, bitten into Hot Pocket. "Here. Now go and enjoy this divine meal, my child."

Meanwhile, Deadpool had approached Spider-Man for a... really weird interview. One that made the webhead pause in confusion, as well as slight absolute terror.


"U-uhmm.... o-okay... guy?" Was all Peter Parker managed to make out on this day as he slowly took the colored pencil from Deadpool. Just as the tip of the pencil touched the notebook paper, though, Deadpool asked him if Team RWBY was gonna have a foursome. Which, rightly so, made Spider-Man recoil in disgust. So much so that he dropped the colored pencil on the floor with a horrified expression on his face. "D-Dude!! That's disgusting! Especially when I think they're all underaged, man!" Peter shouted, unable to even fully process what was happening anymore due to Deadpool's antics. "H-Hell... I'm underaged too!"

Grif let out a shocked gasp at Lucky's words when the rabbit decided to defile his precious pockets. "BLASPHEMY!!!" The fat soldier shouted, before grabbing a plate and chucking it at Lucky's head.


"Didn't I already explain why we're not using the Twilight to kill Penguin?" Jason asked Hiryu, and when he mentioned the supposed Twilight expert, he would find that she'd fallen asleep in one of the beds. She was pretty lazy this chapter, it seemed.

"He's right, we won't be usin' the Twilight as an attack," Qrow replied with his arms crossed, leaning up against the wall (this was before the Ruby stuff happened btw). "But we can use it for bait." He pushed himself off the wall and grabbed his scroll, before tapping a few things on it. Soon enough, a holographic display of the burning Haven appeared before those of you who were paying attention. "By now, Penguin no doubt knows about Haven. In fact he said so earlier himself." He flicked a few things on the scroll, and the display changed from the academy to the Twilight Ball. "Now, I ain't too sure on what this Twilight stuff is, but whatever it is, Penguin wanted it hidden away so bad that he had two psychopaths guardin' it." He looked at Hiryu. "Your plan could work, because we have something Cobblepot wants. One group plays prisoner, while the rest of us play rescuer."

Meanwhile, Benedict started spraying Spider-Man with bug spray and whacking him with a fly swatter, which made the boy flail around like a rag doll. "O-ow! H-h-hey!! Stop it, man! This isn't cool!! I'm not even a real bug!" He coughed while flinching from Benedict's fly swatter hits. He could have easily webbed the stuff out of Benedict's hands... but honestly Peter was already overwhelmed with everything that was going on, so this was just too much at this point. Luckily, Arthur stepped in and saved him with his trusty lasso, which caused him to sigh and sag in relief. He turned to his hero, who was none other than Arthur Morgan, who was well known throughout the MPF. "Thanks, Arthur..." Peter breathed out, giving the cowboy a thumbs up.

Then, the stuff with Ruby and Dib happened.

During it all, Ruby could only shutter even harder. Dib's words, as harmless as they should have been, were like knives in her ears and brain at the moment. She could only cry harder and bury her face deeper into Yang's side, trying her best not to unleash her eyes here. Hearing Sora talk about her powers certainly didn't help, either. She just shook her head as Yang tried to comfort her as best as she could.

Keyword being tried.


It didn't take a lot of things to piss off Yang. In many respects, the blonde was a ticking time bomb as it was. Eyeing her tits more than her eyes, picking on her friends, not turning your blinker on while switching lanes... these were all things that made Yang angry. But nothing, literally nothing made her more angry than someone picking on her little sister.

She tried to give Dib a chance after the first thing he said to Ruby. She really did. Not just for Dib's sake, but for Ruby's. The last thing that she needed was more stress, especially with her eyes acting up like they were. But then, after MULTIPLE warnings, he kept up. He continued being a total douchebag to not just her sister, but everyone. She didn't care that he was a child. That was far beyond her concern at this point. Her purple irises had already shifted to crimson red, and much like Sage or Alexis, Yang Xiao Long was soon covered in a scorching hot flame.


"Hold. Ruby." Yang said to Qrow through grit teeth as she slowly handed her sister off to her uncle, who took her without any hesitation. Ruby buried her face in his leg all the same. Slowly, Yang stood up to her feet, fists clenched so tight that it would take a crowbar to pry them loose. She slowly began walking towards Dib, each step she took leaving scorch marks in the ground below. Her slow steps soon turned into a full out sprint as the boy still continued, though.


As Yang sprinted forward, she slammed her fists together, causing her hair to literally ignite in pure flame. "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF ON TALKING TO MY BABY SISTER LIKE THAT!?" Yang roared like a literal dragon straight out of hell, pulling no punches as she slammed a flaming fist forward, right into Dib's gut. The first punch sent the boy, no matter how buff or blocky he may have been, flying back towards the wall. He would slam into it like a pinball in a pinball machine, being flung right back towards Yang after making impact on the concrete behind him. She roared again, though, clearly not done with him yet.


"YOU THINK YOU'RE SO TOUGH, PICKING ON HER LIKE THAT WHEN SHE'S WEAK AND VULNERABLE!?" Another punch was thrown, this time towards Dib's jaw. Upon contact, she would more than likely dislocated it or even shatter it completely depending on how weak the big-headed boy was. This punch was aimed upwards, almost like an uppercut but not as sharp. It would send Dib flying up into the air, and just like the wall from before, Dib would strike the ceiling on his back and shoot down towards the ground. A large crack was left in the ceiling where Dib had struck, and an even large crater appeared in the ground where he landed. Despite all this, Yang still wasn't finished, as she had one more blow to deliver.


"IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK IN RUBY'S DIRECTION AGAIN WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, AND IT'S ANYTHING BUT THE NICEST LOOK YOU CAN GIVE A GIRL AS SWEET AS HER, I WILL PERSONALLY FUCK YOU UP IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!!!!" With that, she grabbed Dib and pulled him up from his crater by his arm, before reeling back her other arm and delivering one final blow to his stomach. The punch, which was not only fueled by her flaming hot semblance but also her gauntlets, sent Dib skyrocketing across the room in such a way that it literally would cause strong gusts of wind to knock over anyone who was even standing remotely close to Yang. When Dib struck the ground, it would literally shoot up beside him as he was buried inside of its center.

With that, Yang's flames would quickly be snuffed out as she turned around and went back to comforting her little sister. She ignored anyone who attempted to talk to her after that, instead only focusing on comforting the less shaky and teary-eyed Ruby.

After all of this, Micah, who was leaning against the bar with a cigar hanging out of his mouth, merely let out a sharp whistle. He then looked up at Arthur as he approached him and snickered. "I don't think you've gotta worry about that, Black Lung."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless P PopcornPie @DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @darkred Crow Crow @QizPizza @DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
After seeing Yang basically beat the kid to almost death, something she couldn’t stop even if she wanted to, she looked at the others to see their reactions. Before they could make the next move, she glared at most of them as she knew a few of the others would definitely not attempt anything even before Yang showed a demonstration of what would happen.

So, anyone else willing to hurt Ruby with words or was that a good enough example? Because really, I’m tired of this happening on my own world.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , everyone else
"Once again, I volunteer to play prisoner." Megumin raised her hand, and her voice gained back a little bit of its pep. "Look at me. I'm small. I'm adorable. They'll think me as so weak and powerless, not knowing I have such strong friends coming to rescue me!" She adjusted her hat. "Why, since Explosion failed, they don't know how powerful I can really be!" Hey, she actually found a positive! How unthinkable! "Then again, Penguin had the ability to insert bombs into our heads. Assuming he tampered with my mind, both fixing Explosion and turning me against all of you, well, it certainly wouldn't be pretty. Pretending to be unconscious wouldn't do me any good, because he would see me as a perfect test subject. If I pretended to be dead again, I would just be discarded." She shook her head. "You girls know more than I. Do you have any idea what he does to prisoners? Hm, maybe I should have asked Ford to have a metal plate installed in my head."

Now, Lucky held down some fear that Team RWBY thought his insult was intentional. Even he wasn't sure how much meaning was packed behind it, but in a tense environment such as this, even the slightest maleficence was a lit match in a gas leak. If Dolores taught him anything, it was that the female gender could be every bit as aggressive as an angry male, and then some. Now he could ask Dib about it. Surprisingly, it wasn't Blake or Rose, but the blonde one-Yang, was it?-who snapped, beating the kid up with the finest in knuckles. As though Dib was Cobblepot himself, she launched him into the ceiling, then into the walls. By the time Yang's anger ran out, Dib looked one punch away from being featured in "1000 Ways To Die". Lucky was so sure Dib was dead that he even came up with a name for the segment: "Yang-Banged".

He swallowed his growing intimidation. "Lassies, until further notice, take me insults with a grain of salt. LIKE YOU TAKE THE HARDSHIPS OF LIFE ITSEL-Urgh, I...Kinda split meself up."


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You watched the beatdown and you loved it.

"That's what you get, asshole!"

>You then spit on his bloodied face.

"Now that was totally uncalled for, Yang. Totally, totally, uncalled for."


-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Venus did not flinched. Rather, she adjusts her glasses, her point still stands.
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"Bait, huh? I like the sound of those odds," the Agent adds, then looks to Hiryu. "Ah! I got it! Since the guys got away, and that Jerome man saw me pocket it, they'll tell the brass that I collected it, and will likely think I still have it. So what if you used that Connect thingymajig to hide it in your pocket dimension... or whatever? That way, if I get caught, they'll never pry it from me because I don't have it."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow

"Point taken, ma'am." Hiryu nodded as Blake used Yang's beatdown on Dib as an example on what not to do while in this universe. Point is...He should probably not talk to Ruby if it's not important...Like, at all. Sure. he'd like the challenge, but not one he knows he'll lose alone.

"That's not exactly how that spell works.
" Hiryu says, "Connect is practically just a portal where I could retrieve items from another location, or extend my reach." He says, "Besides, I'll have to have Another Wizard stationed with the Rescue Team in order for our bait and switch to work if that's the case, but I doubt he'll last long if I'm not conscious to give him commands." Hiryu explained, soon turning to the rest. "I say it's about time to split the party. I'll opt for prisoner just to pull off Agent Penguin's bait and switch of the orb."

Taking in Grif's instructions, Whisper placed what's left of the hotpockets and microwaved it..Hungery for some sustinence.
“We’re going to lose our people to fighting amongst ourselves before an enemy could kill us.” Snake spoke to himself, shaking his head and pulling out a cigarette, quite frankly, having enough bullshit for the day.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore literally literally everyone here who does or does not have a death wish.
Orbeck of vinheim
Status: the death of dib and a plan in motion.
Condition: normal​
So, anyone else willing to hurt Ruby with words or was that a good enough example? Because really, I’m tired of this happening on my own world.
There would be no words that would describe the absolute fit of rage that Ruby's sister has whent into. The moment that Yang eyes where one dib, there would be nothing that he could do to avoid the inevitable fate...of being pummeled to oblivion...let's just ignore is interactions at this point, lest we loose tract of our goal in all of this.
"Once again, I volunteer to play prisoner." Megumin raised her hand, and her voice gained back a little bit of its pep. "Look at me. I'm small. I'm adorable. They'll think me as so weak and powerless, not knowing I have such strong friends coming to rescue me!" She adjusted her hat. "Why, since Explosion failed, they don't know how powerful I can really be!" Hey, she actually found a positive! How unthinkable! "Then again, Penguin had the ability to insert bombs into our heads. Assuming he tampered with my mind, both fixing Explosion and turning me against all of you, well, it certainly wouldn't be pretty. Pretending to be unconscious wouldn't do me any good, because he would see me as a perfect test subject. If I pretended to be dead again, I would just be discarded." She shook her head. "You girls know more than I. Do you have any idea what he does to prisoners? Hm, maybe I should have asked Ford to have a metal plate installed in my head."

"I will also volunteer to..."play prisoner"" at this point he had left Rex to his own devices
"I assume that we need to relinquish our weapons before hand? Or will copperpot be brash enough to allow our weapons to remain intact?" He asked.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Mood: Hurt, Reflective, Awkward
Tags: (Leo, GM)
, (Ben 10)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

So... Maybe it had been due to everyone being busy, or maybe he had just not said it loud enough, but the pyromancer's request for a marker or something else that could draw had fallen on deaf ears. Weeeelp, nevermind, he should just have gone straight for someone that might have it, other than shout it at the air. He got why he had probably ended ignored, but it still hurt given the long history of purposefully being so. With a deep sigh, the young man felt forced to go for a different item of the list, and the existence of a bathroom in the bunker would be a little unprecedented moment of privacy.

Letting Leo know where he was going, Sage had gone towards there, wanting to be alone... Despite what he may have the others think, his emotional stability was still rather... fragile, it had the tendency of taking stuff a bit too personally even if he knew that was absurd. And this was the wrong time to get petty and caught up on accidental happenings... definitely the wrong time.

But this was also a good excuse to finish healing and if anything, it was better this way, without having to bother that guy that dressed like a knight for it. If he could do it himself, why waste other people's times? He pulled the box of matches out, placed it over the sink, then took off both the jacket and the black t-shirt. His back still stung and complained a lot, though at this point he was starting to get acquainted with the pain of the bruises from getting launched onto the wall back in the Toga fight. Perhaps if his tendency to self-martyr had been even worse than it already was he would have let them stay as a reminder. But luckily for everybody else, it didn't go that far.

Sitting on the closed toilet now shirtless, the pyromancer made sure to not be too close to either the toilet box or any of the towels as he didn't want to risk setting other objects on fire in the process. Maaaybe this would have been better to do inside the box for the shower, but he thought that'd be weird to do on someone else's place, temporary or not. With the open cardboard box now over his lap, he lit up a match and taking the fire to his hands let them catch aflame, then placed those against the bruises as if ice-packs. It ached on contact, obviously, but soon the fire would get kind of absorbed in an orange glow and fade leaving only the healed skin in its place.
About three more matches later he had successfully healed by complete, even one or other wounds of grazed bullets gone as if they never had been. The count of matches was now down to thirty.

Whichever loud ruckus had been happening outside, it only made him apprehensive about going back out. Sage would get up from the toilet distracted only to knock the box and all its contents on the floor of the bathroom. Shoot! It had been a sudden game of picking up matches for a couple more minutes before he would wear his clothes again... If only because his mind got side-tracked with a certain ease. Matches secured and clothes back on, the young man then took a deep breath and chanted a few words of balance to himself.

The world outside the door seemed a bit more calmer and there was still a few more things to do.

Stepping outside, Sage would be greeted by the left-over scene of a big-headed kid's beatdown, a kid that he didn't even remember seeing to be completely honest. The source of said punishment seemed to be the blonde that had been introduced as Yang, and from the very start, the pyromancer had taken her as someone at least reasonable. He still believed it, which could only mean that whichever this kid had done it had been terrible. He did feel bad, because that's how he was, sparing a moment to hold the Sign of the Heart for the weird kid that had been foolish enough to evoke Yang's wrath. The whisperings of a powerful, volatile power had gotten his heart to skip a beat due to the familiarity of those words. But apparently, it wasn't directed at him this time, but to poor Ruby who was absolutely distraught over something.

What did that kid even do to her? A couple more minutes of silent condolences had been shared.
Sage wasn't good with words, so he'd rather allow those which were to console the once cheerful girl...

Instead, he went back to item number one of his list, retrieve the armlet. Finding Ben hadn't been too hard, the green attire stuck out immensely against all the white of the bunker room, but he seemed a bit... tense? And upset. Sheeesh the tensions had gotten to an all-time high again so fast! Unfortunately, that meant even more apprehension to the pyromancer, fearful of saying something wrong and making matters worse. Which was stupid, the other didn't seem like the type to blow out of nowhere! A mental slap later, he had managed to approach, even if with hesitancy and caution, but not to find the right words...

Welp, just say whatever comes to mind, shouldn't be too hard of a task, right? ...Right?

"Uhhhh...", welp this was already bad, "So uhh, d-do you mind giving that armlet back now? To me, 'cause uhh, i-it's mine.", he was sure that he could hear Lucy facepalm in the background and, she wasn't even here, "It's uhh important, like very very important and also been in my family for a really long time? So uhh, yep! Thanks for finding it though, it'd be really bad to lose it..."

Why can't he just speak normally for once? Come ooooon!
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Ignoring all the chaos going on behind him, he kept slamming his head into the wall, to which a small hole was made during the entire situation going in behind him. His head actually fits inside the hole, but if he wasn’t wearing a helmet and/or actually have a real brain, he would have gotten permanent brain damage already.
@no-one-who-do-you-think-Benrey-is talking-to,-the-wall?

While he was enjoying his hot pockets, the fat orange soldier whose name he believed was Grif, snatched it from his hands while going onto a rant. Gretar was about to complain, but stopped when seeing him put it into the microwave. A few more minutes with him looking at the spinning hot pocket, Grif finally removed it and passed it back to Gretar. Grabbing the hot pocket and eating it, he found that it tasted much better when heated up, considering the ingredients inside, but he would have still liked it when it was cold. But hey, who could pass up an opportunity like this, saying “You know.... this tastes good....” as he continued to eat the now hot hot pocket.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Ruby sunk into her family's arms as she sobbed over her best friend's demise, all Lilith could do was think about how she must of felt at that moment. It made her feel upset, scared even, so she tries to consul her again. "I'm...really sorry about what happened, it must really suck." Lilith would also notice that Yang was beating the snot out of Dip but she didn't mention it because she was too busy trying to liven the mood.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ruby and Yang)

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