Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would look at Spider-Man and scream.
AH! HM! Josh! It appears this.....shelter of solitude has been infested with.....bug men! Ah!
Benedict would say before spraying bug spray at Spider-Man, whacking him ferociously with a fly swatter in the other hand!
.......face my wrath......
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Reassured, Awestruck, Sociable
Tags: (Leo, GM)
, (Venus)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

As the black-haired man had answered his question, Sage had found himself... somewhat disappointed with it. Well, he had probably gotten exactly what he had asked for, which probably meant that he should have been more specific. Or maybe that the other was too absorbed with learning that he simply wasn't the right person to direct such a question to.
If anything, the pyromancer had been surprised to not get questions back, did the man not realize it or did their short time get in the way of going further on the matter? Because he had truly thought that a question of that caliber would have made his own struggle and concern with the topic that much more clearer. And yet, it didn't seem to be the case.

Perhaps what he had been looking for was simply advice on dealing with the fear the whole idea brought him, but as he thought back on it, it would come to light that both of their problems were in fact, the opposite in nature, even if their ends had a speck of similarity.
One struggled with near-infinite time, regardless of what it entailed; Sage struggled with a finite one that got spent even faster whenever It showed up. Both of them had been 'betrayed' by Magic in some way or another...

Alexis had been, surprisingly okay with the incredibly ambiguous and chaotic answer he had given back. Though at this point, it maybe shouldn't have been a surprise at all. If there was someone that remained understanding and patient with him, was her. And it was, relieving really. Made the pyromancer feel like he shouldn't fear to share things with her, even if a little thought was always there saying that he should. The kitsune inspired that much comfort on presence alone, he truly felt safe around her.
Sage wasn't sure of what to tell her from there, if it was that he should say something at all, words and feelings kept entangling themselves and not making it out properly. Only tears, silent, painful, even as she had brought him closer for a hug as he trembled with emotion. Emotions that, were just as confusing but also wonderful, and also hurt.

Another nod and the world's most heartfelt 'thank you' were everything that had made it out.

And then the woman from before would be the greatest mood breaker of history, telling him not to tear up on them. To be honest, that was a little offending. It wasn't as if he was doing it on purpose, you know? Telling him to smile through it and bear the pain, it sounded like the Unicorn Clan philosophy, and he had actually seen first-hand how damaging that could be.
The sense of belonging was... nice, yet again, her words just felt empty. They did not ring true, especially when they barely knew each other.

"Ah, I guess you're right...", he had played along with a final sniffle, "We don't want me to accidentally set fire to the plane, do we?", he had joked throwing finger guns her way. Despite lingering doubts, it seemed cheering up had been a success!

Neither Megumin nor Leo had anything else to say to him, which was expected really. He hadn't really said much to the first one, and more just rambled and vented over a couple of subjects. And the other well, they had pretty much already said everything to each other last time, more than words the young man had cherished their brief peaceful moment together; Being that close to someone else was a new experience as well. It felt, warm. Differently than his own heat aura, a more gentle kind of warmth.

Still, soon Qrow was giving a closing speech to everybody. Well, closing for the emotions and conflicts inbound, but merely start for the rest of their mission. The Descendant would be lying if he said he was back up fully. Nope, definitely not. He wasn't sure the reassurance he had managed to find was good enough either, but their task waited for no one. It was time to bring a dictator down.

When he had received his jacket back, Alexis had caught the pyromancer meditating, reciting the same chant she had heard him do back in Wakanda. As much as he'd have prefered otherwise, letting things go in exchange for some mental focus right now would be quite welcome. He had gotten all excited once the semi-repaired attire had been returned to him, gaze bright with gratitude. That is, until she had suggested they got a new one at some point, then the mood got a bit... weird. It was still in a usable state though!
For the young man that had been raised on non-materialism, the jacket was still perfectly functional. And he was rather attached to it too. Throwing it out now would just seem like a complete waste; It wasn't a fulfilled purpose for as long as it still was shaped like a jacket, no matter how charred and abused the item looked. Convincing him of otherwise would be a task and a half to the Kitsune woman...

The box of matches was stored back on the pocket, the used ones properly throw out in a trash bin, or... what seemed like a trash bin, and hopefully had been the correct place for it. Perhaps he should have heeded his fellow pyromancer's words though, because as soon as he was out of the airship, the cold wintery air would cause him to tremble, repaired jacket or not. Sheeesh, he had never been in this kind of weather previously! As an attempt to protect his neck, he had ended up lifting up the collar, secondly, his heat aura also reacted trying to keep him from freezing. It was like being a walking heater...

First it had been rain, now it was snow. This was not being a good journey for magical strain, honestly!
If it got any colder it would have burned on its own and then Sage would be a walking fireplace instead. And stick out in the crowd like crazy.

As soon as they had arrived at the floating city of Atlas, --which was an experience on its own!--, a booming voice announced some sort of curfew, apparently caused by their disruption back in Haven Academy. Oops! Sorry about that? But they had to get here somehow! Seeing the image of the man they were supposed to take down everywhere was, quite unsettling. Talk about narcissism! How did anyone withstand looking at their own image for this long?? Not to mention that the mask he wore wasn't at all flattering. Why was he even called 'Penguin'? That looked nothing like a penguin!!

"Penguin?? I'd say that's more to a vulture or an albatross... Their beaks are kind similar?", somehow he felt that Lucy would be playfully teasing him over not knowing his birds properly right now. Hey, that's expecting too much out of an ex-Philosophy student, "But never a penguin, just nope! Gotta get a better name..."

When a woman's scream had cut through the stillness of the night, Sage had jerked a bit almost having run off instantly. But then he hesitated. Running off to help had been exactly the thing to mess it all up the last time, by putting him on a tough situation so, maybe, he should stop doing that? But then Ben had been the first one to go see what was happening and he remembered; The other still had his bracelet! And thus the pyromancer had ended up tagging along with the group either way.

He had gotten to the location in time to see the final moves of somebody else, someone new, that was taking on a robot guard. In the middle of so many respectful, reserved and professional postures towards the stranger, a single almost squeal of amazement had echoed in the background:

"By the Gods, that was so cooooool~!", he let out excitedly shaking his arms in front of him, as if a child watching their idol. Not that they knew each other, nope, he was just that impressed!

The stranger in black would eventually introduce himself as 'Spider-Man'. It was, hard not to flinch a little at the sheer thought of spiders as the young man got thrown back to the time he had to fight some giant ones basically on his own. Having gotten poisoned and then frozen and almost eaten had left a bit of a trauma... Anyways, apparently it was time for introductions? He had been so caught up either admiring this person or thinking back on past adventures that he had ended up losing his chance.
Despite having been in the Cape a couple of times before... Oh well. He guessed that wasn't too important.

They would end up in a big secret room, like something out of a spy movie or something. A wide mix of home and lab and way too much white for his liking. Sage actually had to contain himself to not go over everything that was wrong with it according to Feng-Shui mentally. Which would be a huuuge rant because really! It was missing everything, just absolutely, everything. Too much of Metal, no established command position, overabundance of square shapes, the lack of colors- Okay, okay, they were desperate and in hiding, don't think about it too hard. ... The hidden staircase had been cool to watch though, he'd give them that.

Fortunately, two things would take the spiritual young man out of the subject. First, the fact that apparently Spider-Man who was a full-on hero was, about the same age as him?! Whaaaaat??? The second, well, Blake's reunion with her aforementioned team. It was weird watching the four ladies hug it out, he felt awkward but also, strangely left out... The pyromancer had actually glanced over at Leo for a moment, wondering if it would be too weird to hug him too. He thought better not and just stood there, watching, feeling rather out of place.
Aw man, a hug would have been nice...

"Hello, girls!", Alexis' voice would bring him back to the current happenings, her excitement was pretty darn cute,
"It’s great to meet you too! I’m Alexis and this is Sage. We’re your friendly, multiversal pyromancers.",
he could help but laugh a little at the way she had introduced them.​

"Yep, hiya~", he had raised an arm in greeting, amused by Ruby's antics more than the others. Somehow he felt like they'd get along pretty well, "Oh! And uhh this is Leo!", the Descendant gestured at his friend who was standing nearby, "...Unless he's already introduced himself. I uhhh, wasn't exactly paying all that much attention...", he had completed with an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.

At least it was a lot more sheltered from the weather down here, so he had stopped feeling like a walking heater while in the bunker.
It did wonders for the magical strain too...

While Alexis declared she was going to cook, Sage felt like volunteering to help, only to remember that the extent of his kitchen skills was... preparing a salad. And well, It wasn't as if his powers went nicely with cooking appliances either. If anything he had hardly been allowed in the one back in the Temple, for precaution... Just imagine what could happen with the stove if something went wrong.

"Ohh that sounds great!", he had instantly replied after the offer, "Honestly, I'll eat anything, no questions asked. I would offer to help you but uhhhh, cooking skills are literally nonexistent and I'd probably just make a mess out of things...", he had shrugged with soft laughter. This was being a nice break after all the emotional tensions in the trip here.

Assisting idea dropped, he instead took upon himself to get a list of to-dos done before they moved out once more; He had to catch up with Ben to get the armlet back, maybe acquire something to write with in case a Heat Array came in handy again and finally either stop by the bathroom to finish healing himself or asking one of the actual healers in the group to do it.

Ben seemed busy with Ruby, so he thought that the item in the middle would be the easiest of them all:

"So uhhhh, anyone has like a marker they can give me or something of the sort? The most surfaces it can write on the better, to be honest... I'd say paper too, but maybe that'd probably be a terrible idea."
Last edited:


"You're my friend, right, Ruby? You promise you're my friend?"

"I promise."

Ruby Rose felt her heart shatter in that moment. Ruby was he first one that Penny had told her secret to. She had just saved Ruby from a truck that... probably would have killed her, after a bunch of other stuff had happened that led up to that moment. Being chased by Atlas guards... meeting in Vale... really, Penny had creeped her out a bit at first with her overbearing nature. She had creeped out all of her team, really. But not only did Ruby get to know Penny and soon grow to love the girl, overbearing-ness and all...

She was Penny's first friend.

Being a robot made by the Atlas Military didn't exactly give way to much social interaction, after all. Really, how could it? Not being allowed out of any soldier's sight out of fear of what the people would think... or Penny getting hurt... or Penny hurting someone. But Ruby... Ruby was the first one who'd been able to give her a chance. She was the first one who Penny had been able to talk to! To laugh with, to cry with, to enjoy the finer things of life like ice cream and movies and just walking on a calm summer day. Ruby was that person. She was the one who was there for Penny when she needed it. She was supposed to protect her. And she couldn't do it when Beacon fell. She watched Penny die once over something that she nor Pyrrha could control. It was a terrible situation everyone had been manipulated into, and then literal days later, Pyrrha was also slaughtered in front of her. And now? Now she had finally gotten Penny back. After all this time, after everything they'd been through since the fall of Beacon... And despite all of that, despite everything that Penny, Ruby, and the entirety of Remnant had been through. Despite the fact that the threat of Salem being constantly on the horizon at every waking moment. Despite ALL of that...


Penny was still there.

And she was still smiling.



Ruby could feel it as the tears began to leak from her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She could feel her Silver Eyes coming through again. The stirring in her head, the flash of her eyes. She tried to repress the urge, but she felt herself losing her grip by the second. She was supposed to be strong. She was supposed to be the leader. She was supposed to help people! And since she'd gotten to Atlas, Cobblepot had taken over, thousands had died, and now... now... now....

She'd failed Penny again.

She let out weak whimpers as she fell to her knees, quietly sobbing to herself. The tears and the sobbing was the only thing stopping her from unleashing her SIlver Eyes on everyone here. She began to shiver from the urges she had to repress. All she could do was fall over with her face buried in her hands, unable to even find the words to reply to Ben or anyone else that had approached her. Yang immediately rushed to her sister's side and pulled Ruby into her lap, brushing a hand through her hair. Qrow, for once, took action as well as he knelt next to her, comforting his niece by putting a hand on her shoulder.

But all Ruby Rose could do was cry and shiver in her family's arms.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow @whoeverwastalkingtoruby​
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kindpng_5029417.pngLars couldn't help but feel Ruby's sorrow. He too ha a friend who so happened to be a quriky robot girl. She had helped him on his mission to stop his nephew, Jin Kazama and put an end to his wars. Along the way however, Jin had overriden her her systems and forced her to attack him. He had to fight his new friend to the point we she was rendered...Inoperable for a time....that was months ago an he hadnt seen her since.... He remembered the last words she had said to him


He wouldn't have gotten as far if it werent for her. No doubt Ruby was distraught that her friend was turned against them against her own will. No one wants to have to fight their friends under circumstances like that. Lars found himself approaching Ruby and puts a hand of a assurance on her shoulder "We'll get your friend back in one piece. We swear it...." He promises the huntress
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Dib heard the faint sound of crying even with his headphones on. He looked over to see that whiny baby from space!

“I’ll be right back Darold... I have a weeb to go roast...”

“oh shit.”

He took his headphones off and walked over to Ruby.

“Oh look who it is! Are you still crying over that talent show!? How much of a baby are you!? The song I sang was ‘I can do anything better than you’ It’s very fitting because it is true! Because I beat you! HAH! TAKE THAT ANIME NERD!”

Dib pulled out his fixed phone and smiled.

“can’t wait to post this epic gamer moment onto Reddit.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Ruby’s eyes began to flicker as she started to cry, almost like her Silver Eyes were starting to activate. Probably because that was what was going on! Immediately as Ruby collapsed to her knees, crying, Blake went to the other side of Ruby and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Ruby!

Looking to everyone that was there, she had a glare that could probably kill someone if glares could do that. “
...if any of you have anything to say or do that would make her feel worse, I suggest you keep it to yourself and go to the kitchen or somewhere else.

And then… someone messed up.

A kid came over and started to insult her, taking out something to film her crying. “
...what. Did. I. Just. Say?” Immediately snatching the device, she threw it at the wall with the intent of throwing it so hard, it broke when it hit the wall and ground.

Then she heard the talking rabbit say that this was why he discouraged friendship and stared right at him. "
I tell you people to knock this off for five seconds.. and you still do this?!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , P PopcornPie , everyone else

As everyone was talking, she just kept to herself. Then, when the subject of Penny was brought up, it started to do something to Ruby once the truth was revealed. And from how she started to break down as her eyes flickered… the two were close. The young girl collapsed, making Ciri worried for her as she cried. Ciri then went over to her and knelt down before hearing Blake's warning to them.

She stared at all of them. “
And I’ll enforce that warning.” Turning to Ruby, she tried to soothe her as she rubbed her back gently. “Shh... shh… it’s alright, we’ll get your friend back.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone else
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Dib’s phone fucking exploded.

“H-Hey! I just got that fixed! You’re a bully!”

Dib pulled out another phone.

“what is your Discord username and number? I’m going to report to Discord for harassment!”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Sora gasp at the situation, mouth wide open. And with Sora being his usual self, he knows he has to be the nice guy and try to fix things, before he could say anything to Rex, he puts his hand up and stops him from saying anything.

“I know. Do your thing man. I got a little business to take care of myself.” Rex walks over to Lucky and grabs him by the ears in one hand and his body with a Smackhand. “Come here, party pooper. I’m taking you out before things get worst.”

Rex takes him near the front of the entrance of the lab and away from everyone to talk with Lucky. “Sorry, but you need to learn some manners before you get yourself killed! Plus that kid with the giant head looks like he’s toast and you going on about why friends are useless are only gonna make things worst, again! Why can’t you just keep your mouth shut for once for the sake of all us and the sake of you not getting whacked all over the multiverse.”


Sora walks over to Ruby to comfort her in her struggles. “Ruby. Losing a friend is never easy, but that doesn’t mean you’re not gonna see them again. We’ll get save her and make Penguin regret what he’s done, to not just Penny, but your home. So c’mon. We can still do this.” Sora offered Ruby his hand for her to get back up.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Ben grips Dib by the collar and stares him in the face.


"Don't push it, Dib. Don't make me regret keeping you out of Vilgax's face."

Ben approaches Ruby.

"This wasn't the reunion I was hoping for... but... look, I'm gonna make that smile appear on your face again, OK? She's still alive in some form, that means that all hope isn't lost - we can still save her and all of Atlas.

Ruby, you're the type of girl that always ends up picking herself up despite all odds. This is one of those odds."

He walks away, before turning back to Ruby.

"I'll come back when you're ready. I know you'll be ready, because the Ruby I know will ultimately fight for her friends and with her friends."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Ruby is weeping upon hearing the news about Penny. Poor girl. You could not help but feel pity. The same goes to Venus.

"Ruby, we're sorry. But don't you worry, we will get your friend back, no matter what the costs."

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

". . ." Hiryu fell silent when Ruby began to tear up, surprised by the flashes of white light that briefly peeked through her eyes. Something that feels rather uncontrollable. Something intriguing and yet...He couldn't bring himself to ask. Hiryu grew up desensitized to most emotional pain--loss of someone, loss of memento, bullying. . .Hiryu had always thought that, while important, will prove to be obstacles if made a big deal...All but the death of his parents. He couldn't bring to make himself ask about that light, leaving him to question on his own.

Regardless, one idiot decided that he was funny, insulting Ruby whilst she is crying.

"Oh, look at the funny man, doing shit at the wrong time." Hiryu growled at Dib, after Blake attempted to deal with him, Hiryu's Anotherwatch flashed, and Another Wizard appeared by his side, without even summoning it via taking on Zi-O II form.


A magic circle appeared underneath Dib, chains erupting and wrapping around the midget's body tightly.

"In any case..." Hiryu turned back to Ruby and her team. "We need to decide on how to get in the building. The sooner we do that, the sooner we get back Penny."

One would note a peculiar green glow on Hiryu's jacket, his eyes momentarily flashing as it would seem that the Jade was agitated by the swelling of emotion.

“Ben 10? More like Ben 10 year old. I am 12 so therefore cooler and more mature than you. #Rekt”

Dib began to T-Pose thinking it made him look scary.

Crow Crow
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
His response made her glare at him. “I’m the bully? Look in the mirror before you start calling people that care for others the bully.” Then, Sora came over to try to help as he stuck a hand out towards Ruby. Sighing, she looked at him and whispered to him. “Sora, it’s nice you’re trying to help, but she isn’t going to accept the hand. She’s trying to… contain a power of hers that if anyone says anything to hurt her even more in this state, we might as well all be dead.

Hearing Ben, she nodded and looked at Ruby. “
He’s right, Ruby. We defeat Cobblepot, we can save Penny. We just have to reprogram her, Penny’s still in there.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , Crow Crow
Lucky just pressed his lips together. This was exactly what he was talking about. Blake got too attached to her friend, and now she was heartbroken. Just like Jackson and Dolores. He wanted to say it, but...Jason was there. Blake was there. Both of them had made it clear what they thought of his opinions. He sighed, scratching at the floor. "Lupe? What do I do...?"

"Think about it." The rat said. "Think about what she's going through. She lost someone due to circumstances beyond her control."

"That's why I discourage friendship." Lucky uttered in response, watching Ruby break down into her uncle's arms. "Look at her. She's fallen straight into depression, and there's no easy guarantee that we'll get her back."

"Lucky, what happened between you and Dolores looks to me like a conscious decision on both parties." Lupe patted his right lobe. "This is different. Someone else took Penny from her. Don't you think that's why everyone's giving you side-eye? You're putting a square peg in a round hole, applying different circumstances to the wrong situations. For example, you've encouraged Megumin's fear of her friends leaving her, even though we don't know what Kazuma is like. For all we know, he's the sweetest man in the multiverse."

Anyone paying attention to Lucky would see his facial expression fade back and forth from resentment to sadness. For once, he was a rabbit at a loss for words. It wasn't even a battle he was having in his head, more like a tennis match between him and Lupe.

"You said that everyone except Megumin has experience...I think it's the opposite that's true. I think you're the only one with no experience." Lupe said sharply, smirking at the announcement of a match point. "Megumin doesn't give up on people. She thought Jason had betrayed her, but once she understood what was going on, she forgave him in the end. She might not be the brightest bulb in the box, but she doesn't give up. You do, Lucky. You tried to give up on her in Blood Gulch. You gave up on Dolores and Jackson. You gave up on them all." Lucky was too stunned to save himself from losing the match. "Because you kept yourself from making new friends, you got your philosophy. Don't you see? Haven't you noticed that I'm the only one you talk to these days? You think it's healthy, but it's hurt you to the point where a figment is the only one you trust."

Then Lucky's expression faded into pain. He stared at the sobbing Rose with a bitten bottom lip. He wanted to tell her to give up. His lips started forming the words. But...He couldn't. He was clogged up by doubt. Did he give up too easily? Did he truly understand? Was he really going to just stand here and let Ruby spend her life lamenting a broken friendship, leaving her to her fate with a simple "that sucks"? He looked down at his Barrijade. It was hardening. It sensed Lucky's slip of confidence. All odds were on him shrugging off Lupe's words...But you couldn't really ignore the opinions of a girl who lived in your mind and had access to all your memories.

"...I'm obliged."

There was silence.

"...I said, I'm obliged." Lucky repeated more sternly, padded towards Ruby. "Okay, look, me usual philosophy in life is 'forget about friends', but, somehow..." He sighed. "It's the opposite for all of you. Some goddamn how. And I don't get it. I must have missed out on something, and I'm sick of bein' the oddball." He placed both nubs on Ruby's knee. "The reason I say 'forget friends' is because of this heartache you're feelin' right here. I've felt this kind of pining, I don't like seein' people go through it. To be blunt, it sucks. But I've talked to me mind assistant, and she...Well, technically, we...think I give up too easily. So I'll help you get her back. Maybe I'll finally learn how this 'power of friendship' works." His eyes rolled down to the floor. "It's high time I did, apparently. I swear, Lupe is the only girl in this goddamn multiverse who can tell you you're a bad friend, and then bring up proof."

"Me too." Megumin came forward, patting Lucky on the head, much to his chagrin. "Even without my power, I won't let a broken party go unmended. I must use whatever I still have, but I will help."

Lupe was beaming. "I detected a little pain as you spoke, but those were some pretty damn genuine words." She stroked Lucky's brain. "I'm proud of you, bunny boy."

Yet Rex wasn't. He dragged Lucky away, and basically told him to shut the fuck up.

And Lucky snapped.

"That's it, huh?!" His eyes turned wild. "I finally start to come around and be a decent rabbit, and you suddenly think I'm just not gonna change?!" His teeth bared. "You fuckin' serious?! You wanna talk about change? Aren't you the guy who was always saying 'Oooh, Lucky's a good guy, he just needs love'?! WELL?! SUDDENLY, I'M JUST A PERMANENT ASSHOLE WHO NEEDS TO BACK THE FUCK OFF?!" The Barrijade was quite pleased by this turn of events, and it hugged him tight. "I TRIED TO SEE THE GLASS HALF FULL FOR FUCKING ONCE, AND YOU JUST SPILLED IT IN FRONT OF ME! DO YOU WANT ME TO BE A FUCKING DECENT RABBIT OR NOT?! OR DO YOU JUST LIKE HAVING SOME BEATEN DOWN ASSHOLE TO DRAG AROUND TO MAKE YOUR BIONIC LITTLE ASS FEEL BETTER ABOUT BEING COMPLETELY ALONE IN THE WORLD?!"

Lupe gasped, feeling her ankles becoming petrified. Megumin looked like she was witnessing a carriage accident. And Lucky just continued to stand there, seething. "I don't give a shit if you think I'm just doing it to redeem me image. I'm helping with Penny. You can just eat a fat one." And he stomped away.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

(We posted at the same time so I have to add on to the last one soryyy!!!!!)


Dib was very angry as he was unable to move. He heard the person say something about a penny...


Dib was enraged. His muscles grew as he began to get angrier and angrier until he was super buff and broke the chains. He pulled out 4 phones and held two in each hand.


Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"I'll have you know I'm seventeen now with at least a hundred aliens," Ben growls at Dib, then turns back to Hiryu. "Alright, we need a map first, then from there we can work out the routes, though, I assume a map doesn't tell us what guards are stationed where... so I'll use Nanomech to infiltrate the place. He's smaller than a fly, they won't even notice me."

Ben looks towards Dib, preparing to smack his watch down.

"Don't make me do this, Dib!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


Dib began to rapidly type on his 4 phones. He just doxed Ben on all his social media accounts.

Crow Crow
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara


Another Wizard practically spammed the Bind spell, several thousand chains erupted and wrapped around the buff Dib and his phones, crushing them.

"Right, if we could even get a map in the first place." Hiryu turned to Ben, "Who knows if any of them knows someone who originally occupied the place."
Orbeck of vinheim
status: Arrival to their base of operations.
Condition: normal.
One encounter with a fellow MPF member latter, they arrived at the base of operations for team RWBY. Where a reunification was done between Blake and her friends in the form of a group hug. Touching, it would have been reasonable to introduce himself as well. if it wasn't for the news of one Penny, who was..reprogramed. Must have been another robot, one that was clearly close to Ruby. There was no point in interfering with her sorrow, especially with what was occurring with her eyes.
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would look at Spider-Man and scream.
AH! HM! Josh! It appears this.....shelter of solitude has been infested with.....bug men! Ah!
Benedict would say before spraying bug spray at Spider-Man, whacking him ferociously with a fly swatter in the other hand!
.......face my wrath......
yet it seemed as if SOME people lacked the means to act appropriately. Instead, our little fancy man decides to spray more chemicals unknown to Orobeck right at spider man. So being the former assassin he was, he proceeded to sneak behind him...before lifting him up by the neck. He proceade to move to a some what uncoupled part of the room.
"You can't seem to keep yourself from this sort of...arrogant foolishness." the words were spoken with the sort of tone one might have with a pupil, "I ask of you Benedict, end this sort of foolishness, refrain from it. Sage was taken over due to your meddling and would have ended tragically." he pauses as he looks around his fellow MPF members. "I sware that if you start rambling about the annales of your dealings, your penguin, your...whatever nonsense you have..." then More people decided to intervene when the nutcase rabbit and a kid with a massive cranium decided to speak their mind. He dropped Benedict as he went over to the group. Finding Lucky being pulled to the side and Dib given a warning by Ben...that was clearly disregarded...


A magic circle appeared underneath Dib, chains erupting and wrapping around the midget's body tightly.
Before being wrapped in the chains of another wizard. Looks as if the others have that under control for a time. As for Lucky

And Lucky snapped.

"That's it, huh?!" His eyes turned wild. "I finally start to come around and be a decent rabbit, and you suddenly think I'm just not gonna change?!" His teeth bared. "You fuckin' serious?! You wanna talk about change? Aren't you the guy who was always saying 'Oooh, Lucky's a good guy, he just needs love'?! WELL?! SUDDENLY, I'M JUST A PERMANENT ASSHOLE WHO NEEDS TO BACK THE FUCK OFF?!" The Barrijade was quite pleased by this turn of events, and it hugged him tight. "I TRIED TO SEE THE GLASS HALF FULL FOR FUCKING ONCE, AND YOU JUST SPILLED IT IN FRONT OF ME! DO YOU WANT ME TO BE A FUCKING DECENT RABBIT OR NOT?! OR DO YOU JUST LIKE HAVING SOME BEATEN DOWN ASSHOLE TO DRAG AROUND TO MAKE YOUR BIONIC LITTLE ASS FEEL BETTER ABOUT BEING COMPLETELY ALONE IN THE WORLD?!"

Lupe gasped, feeling her ankles becoming petrified. Megumin looked like she was witnessing a carriage accident. And Lucky just continued to stand there, seething. "I don't give a shit if you think I'm just doing it to redeem me image. I'm helping with Penny. You can just eat a fat one." And he stomped away.

Just how blunt was Rex with him. So he left the others to deal with the crazy boy (who may as well be compared to Benedict) and went up to rex. Who may or may not be dealing with intense anger.
"I assumed that he was admitting his own faults. treated it without distinction..." he said. That archwizard could be seen as her face was that of shock. A sad day indeed.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • After the horror show of a fight that ended with Toga fleeing with a taunt, Kassandra glared in the direction of the knife-wielding fighter as she ran off, tail between her legs.

    "She won't be lucky the next time..." The Spartan grunted quietly, shaking her head just before waiting outside the door to the headmaster's. Well, somewhat waiting. Again, when Jerome's horde of clown friends began swarming the room, Kassandra ended up behind the scenes. This time, unfortunately, she took out just one or two with a swift Spear to the back- Not enough to really make a big difference, but she wasn't sure how many she could take down before they got wise and went after her. A lot of things went down before the group was finally rescued by some woman who nobody else seemed to like in the world. Thing was, tensions began to heat up in the plane- arguments began to explode all over, between Remnant's inhabitants and the otherworldly invaders. Kassandra decided to play it cool for once, putting on her helmet and masking her increasingly irritated expression.

    Thankfully, everyone was out in record time once the plane landed, and Kassandra silently followed the rear end, half-conscious and half-drifting off. Of course, when the group headed indoors she looked up and spotted Ikaros, who'd faithfully followed the Eagle Bearer to Remnant close behind. She gave the Golden Eagle a nod, who chirped back at her, before the duo parted ways yet again.

    And by the gods, was this part both heart-warming and frustrating as fuck.​

    Blake reunited herself with the rest of her team, a trio of girls, and they all re-embraced each other before someone broke the news that their friend was captured and brainwashed. Well, at least from what Kassandra could gather. It made her think of Alexios for a moment- who'd been convinced he'd been abandoned as a child and grown up into the bloodthirsty Deimos. Kassandra had managed to save her brother, and she sure as shit knew the values of family better than anyone else there. After all, despite being a cold-blooded mercenary, the brunette still had a heart down underneath. As Ruby cried, Kassandra hesitantly walked over to the group as everyone else comforted her.

    "I know what your family and friends must mean. All- I mean, most of us-" A hard glance at Lucky was directed at him, though this was replaced by a split-second look of confusion when he too came over to console Ruby- "do. And you have my promise, too-" She nodded at Lars for his promise- "as a mercenary. I always finish what I start, and this place is no exception. We'll get your friend back, and we'll find a way to make her right again."

    ...At this point, some idiot kid thought it was hilarious to antagonizing Ruby. Even when people told him to shut up, he still kept antagonizing people.

    And that was the last gods-damn straw for Kassandra.

    As Dib yanked out four phones at once and began typing away, Kassandra stomped over to the little boy with a fiery look in her eyes. Anyone could see what was about to happen next.

    "I swear to the gods, if you don't shut up, I will make your life so miserable you'll want to go to Tartaros to get away from me." The towering Spartan jabbed her armored thumb into Dib's chest at this point, though with her enhanced strength each hit would end up feeling like a bullet rather than a poke.

    "And if you think I'm not joking..." She jabbed Dib again- "I'll personally drag you back to my world and throw you into a Spartan child's camp." A third jab went Dib's way just before she continued.

    "...Or, if everyone doesn't mind..." Her voice trailed off as she snatched all four phones in her palm, squeezing down and crushing them without a second thought before letting the shards rain down onto the ground between the two.

    "...I can shut you up permanently. And trust me, I'm not in the mood for anyone's shit right now." She maintained her glare at Dib throughout her entire tirade, though when she felt the point went through his thick-ass skull she turned her attention back to a certain Blood Gulch duo.

    "Chaire, Grif. Sarge. Didn't think you two were ones for sight-seeing." Her tone shifted over from a more menacing threat to a more light-hearted, warmer one, a complete turn from her threats to Dib. Of course, she was still on edge after that kid was so fucking stupid, but this was kind of her attempt to move away from Dib's dumb ass and try to actually "socialize" with people she knew. The two Reds might be idiots, but some people here were turning out to be even worse than them. Besides, she knew they both had good intentions down in their hearts...

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--Another Wizard--
Interaction: Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara


Another Wizard casted a different spell, causing Dib to fall through the magic circle below him, finding himself back at the streets of Mantle.
“Huh?” Sora took back his hand and whispered to Blake. “Power? What are you talking about, and what do you mean, ‘we might be dead’?”

Rex on the other hand would get a freakout from Lucky. This was a bad move on Rex’s part, thinking Lucky was gonna do his usual shtick, but the one time he doesn’t, it’s Rex who’s the goof up; at the same time, could you really blame him for thinking that?

“Lucky, I’m sorry, I thought you were gonna say something offensive again. Of course I want you to be better, it’s just that you’ve been a grump for so long it just caught me off guard the one time you’re actually being nice is now.”

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

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