ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Once they let go of her, Blake stood up and looked at the three. "
Ruby, I doubt I could die to the Grimm just like that. Where I've been... well, I've been with this group. Remember when I explained what happened to me a while ago before Cobblepot got here? We're trying to save the multiverse from bigger threats." Looking at Yang and Weiss, she nodded at Yang and replied to Weiss. "I'll try not to."

Ruby then detached from Blake's arm and went to Qrow, the faunus looking at Yang and Weiss. "
I heard Jaune and Oscar were in Atlas. Where are they?" Hearing the rabbit, she looked at him. "As much as I would like for him to pay, him dying isn't really something I'd consider to be funny."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie

Seeing the moment stop, she looked at the man. "
We all argue on the ride over here, barely get any time for any levity, and you want to disrupt that. Pretty sure that a big factor in arguing amongst each other was because we never got a chance to have any moments of levity."

Sighing, she looked at Ruby. "
Well, now's a good time as any to continue on with the mission. My name is Ciri. It's nice to meet you, Ruby, Weiss, Yang." The three could see a sword that she had just placed on her back in a sheath and that she had a face scar like Weiss. The scar was even on the same side like hers was.

In a way, she resembled an older Weiss in a way in terms of looks.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Oh, Blake, you naive, innocent lady. Didn't he kill some loved ones of yours? "Dying is hilarious when it's someone who deserves it." Lucky replied cheerfully, wagging his tail. "And if Twilight's too dangerous, there are plenty of other execution methods. Brazen Bull, upside-down crucifixion, dragging by horses..."

"We should put a bomb in his head, and make him fight each of us." Megumin suggested. "There would be nothing like making him taste his own medicine."

"Yeah! That too!" Lucky beamed. "I've always wanted to learn how to build a bomb!"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Some of your companions are introducing themselves to the three girls. You might as well do the same.

"It's nice to be working with you Ruby, Weiss, and Yang. My name is Shujinko Kanou, and this is my lesbian mom wife, Venus Aeon Di Lamia."

"A pleasure to be your acquainta- wait, what?"

Lealan pops in with her own suggestion. "Killing him would be better. If hes resourceful, he'll just rip the bomb out somehow. At the very least lobotomize him." She scratches her shoulder, where it has become discolored, and hard.
P PopcornPie
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari kept his smile as he allowed the plane to take him to Atlas.

When Qrow announced they were approaching the city and that everyone needed to get themselves together, Akari's eyes reopened and he placed one hand on the handle of his still-back-mounted sword. "You're right, Qrow. We still have a mission to complete." Akari heard Penguin's voice and saw his masked visage. "Tch. He can't wear a mask to save his life, it seems."

Akari disembarked from the ship and followed everyone else when they heard a scream. When they reached the alley, they saw a robot harassing the woman who let out the scream, only for them to be stopped by a man in a black outfit that could shoot adhesive liquid from their wrists, almost like spider's web.

"'Spider-Man', huh? I suppose that moniker makes sense." His hand slowly coming down from his sword handle to his hip, Akari followed Spider-Man to where the secret staircase was.

When the group went down the stairs and met the rest of the crew that Spider-Man worked with, Akari introduced himself. "Akari Kishiri. But, you may call me 'Paladin' if you like. It's a codename I used some time ago. I also helped one of your friends to escape the Academy after healing their injuries with Kronos' magic. I believe their name was... Ren? It's nice to meet you three."

Akari watched the cheery reunion and chuckled softly to himself. "Friends reuniting like this... it's always a happy moment."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Frustrated, At a Loss for Words
LOCATION: Atlesian Ship, On the way to Atlas
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: @Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @AnyoneHungry
MENTIONS: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Alexis’s hands worked as she gauged Sage’s reaction to what she said. She was worried about how he would react, though not for herself. Being as old as she was, she could handle rejection from someone maturely. Sage, however, was young, volatile, and emotional, and Alexis worried that he might try to reject her offer and distance himself even more. Alexis was just hoping that he would trust her enough to take her offer, and with the way she framed it, she made it sound as if she were a pretty good candidate. It wasn’t that she was egotistical, she just wanted to convince Sage to put his trust in someone after having gone through so much alone.

The long pause he took showed Alexis that he was definitely hesitant, and if that weren’t enough, he started tearing up. A tail draped itself across Sage’s shoulder and snaked around to wipe away the tears. She smiled, but she almost anticipated a rejection. So, when Sage nodded, she was pleasantly surprised, even if his words didn’t say the same. At least he wasn’t outright rejecting her out of a position of low self esteem and fear. "I get it...letting someone into your little family is hard, especially when you’ve never really had anyone that close before. I guess getting parent is kinda like having children," Alexis let out a little laugh, "There are a lot of expectations and unknowns at the same time, but if you love each other...you’ll find that there are few things in existence that can even begin to compare with it."

She stopped for a moment to dab away the tears that were pouring down the boy’s face. To think that he’d never heard anyone offer love to him was...heartbreaking, to put it simply. And it certainly does sound crazy to when the first person to offer love to him was when he was an adult. Unfortunately, Alexis knew that Sage was not the only one in the world who has the same problem. She just considered herself lucky that she was in a position that she was able to make the offer to someone who really needed it. Pulling Sage into a tight hug, Alexis reassured him, "I know it’s a lot to take in and a lot to ask for you to give an answer immediately. Take your time, and in the meanwhile, you can just consider me a friend."

By the time Alexis was done repairing Sage’s jacket for him, the ship was pulling into Atlas. At first, Alexis was struck by how much the city in the sky reminded her of the islands and continents of Ventus, her home. However, she quickly recognized that it was not the same, with the city being held up by something other than Aether currents. The differences only grew greater as they flew closer, with the face of Oswald Cobblepot announcing an absurdly strict curfew on the city. The idea of lethal force being used for simply breaking curfew appalled Alexis, and she understood why Cobblepot was such a threat.

Eventually, the ship would touch down on the city streets, prompting Alexis to get up and hand him his roughly patched up jacket. With the lack of materials and proper equipment, all Alexis was able to do was close up a few tears and holes. "Here you go. I did my best, but I think you’d be better off getting a new jacket as soon as possible. This kingdom is looking more than just a little bit chilly."
The moment Alexis stepped off the ship, there was a woman’s scream piercing the air. Knowing of the curfew in effect, this woman would probably be a goner if nothing was done and fast. The kitsune followed the other close behind as they ran off into the alleyway, discovering a robot soldier attempting to kill the woman. However, before they had a chance to act, a boy in a black suit leapt down from the rooftops and took out the drone with a swift kick and some fancy grappling device that resembled...webs? While the identity and allegiance of this boy was not immediately clear, he soon explained that he was an MPF agent called Spider-man, which explained the webs.

The exposition he gave was nice, as he took them to Blake’s friends, the rest of Team RWBY if Alexis recalled correctly. The trip was just a pleasant walk through the snowy streets of Atlas, and the hideout’s entrance was actually quite discreet. There was a small sense of security that came over Alexis as they descended into the hideout and the secret entrance sealed itself back up. The hideout itself was also nice and cozy, combining a lab with the furnishings of an average house to the side.

It was here that Alexis finally got to see the face of Spider-man under the mask, and it was just an awkward teen, not unlike Sage. The other members of Team RWBY weren’t much older, being 18 or 19 at most, but they were, quite literally, a colorful bunch between Ruby, Weiss, and Yang . It was a touching little reunion between Blake and her friends. Once they had their little moment, it was time for introductions. Alexis smiled as her tails waved enthusiastically, "Hello, girls! It’s great to meet you too! I’m Alexis and this is Sage. We’re your friendly, multiversal pyromancers." She gestured to the boy that was with her.

And with the introductions done on Alexis’s part, she showed no small amount of excitement at the sight of an actual kitchen. Her tails swayed eagerly and her ears were perked up the entire time. It felt like forever ago since she’d had a proper meal, and she was sure that everyone else felt the same. As she looked over the kitchen, she made her public declaration, "If we aren’t going to overthrow a dictator in the next hour or so, I think all of us could do with a little food. I’ll make something for everyone who wants a bite to eat!"

"Well, I think that they're having a reunion over there or something," Spider-Man replied to Lilith with a shrug. After doing so, he turned to face Rex and Sora and rose a hand, signalling for the former. "Hey uh, by the way, man, once Mister Stark is saved from all that Twilight, I'll put in a good word for you!" He exclaimed, since he wasn't able to really touch on it in the alleyway since Rex kinda dragged him away.

Meanwhile, as Benrey's plan was discussed, Qrow was the one to butt in before any of Team RWBY could say anything. "That's a good plan. Only problem is that we'd have to break into Atlas Academy and make our way to the second-to-top floor, which is where the main servers would be." Qrow explained, crossing his arms. "And, in case ya couldn't already tell, breaking into Atlas Academy won't be nearly as easy as breaking into Haven was." Then, Lucky suggested that he just chew through the wires, which made Qrow roll his eyes a bit. "Wires which would run into Atlas Academy. You'd have to get past an entire army first."


"And we sure as hell won't be using Twilight either," Jason interjected from the side. "We're here to stop Ganondorf's influence from spreading, not spread it further."

Ruby and Yang, meanwhile, nodded slowly in response to Blake's explanation about where she had been.


"So you're like a Multiverse cop now?" Yang asked with a smirk as she continued to nod. "Very cool."

"Jaune and Oscar are out doing recon. They should be back any minute now." Weiss said.

"I... don't think putting a bomb in his head would be very practical..." Ruby said as she listened to Lucky and Megumin throw out more ideas. Then, more and more people began to introduce themselves, which made Ruby smile happily as she lifted her hand in a nervous wave towards the group. "Well it's nice to meet you all too!" She said sheepishly.

When a few people began making their way to the kitchen asking for food, though, Grif seemed... less than inclined to share. He gripped the Hot Pocket boxes and pulled them back, almost hissing if he hadn't stopped himself first. "Hey! These are my Hot Pockets! Get your own!" He whined. His complaints were met with the audible pumping of a shotgun, courtesy of Sarge.


"Private Grif! You will quit being a fatass for a Goddamn second and allow your new comrades to enjoy these here Hot Pockets of your's!" Sarge shouted angrily as he took aim at Grif, which made the latter soldier groan and slump over in response.

"Ugh... fiiiiiiiine..." He complained as he proceeded to get to work on cooking everyone Hot Pockets, all while Sarge kept his shotgun trained on him.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @Laix_Lake @darkred Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza

Dib was in the background away from everyone else as he suddenly had a TV and a PlayStation and was playing the famous game call of duty. How this happened, nobody will ever know probably. He had a headset on with a mic and his volume was so loud you could hear the people screaming at him.


Another voice was heard laughing.


Dib did not take this abuse lightly. He fought back.











“Yo daddy gonna beat yo ass fool.”


Dib got a phone call on his now fixed phone. It was his dad. He answered it and his dad told him to quiet down.

“What? Okay...”

“Yeah shut yo bitch as up before he beat yo ass.”


“Daddy bouta beat the shit outta you. On his way with the belt.”

“My dad said I can call you mean things.”


“Why are you racist? You’re racist.”


“Dollar sign head ass.”

“You- You say mean things too much!”

The argument continued on for quite a while...

"We could feed him to a Grimm, I suppose, if he's not controlling them." Megumin remembered the Floran bugging her about the dream she had, and fiddled with her folded fingers. "Nothing much...I just dreamed of being fed to Ganondorf because I wasn't of any use to the team, that's all."

"Heheh, yeah! An amateur lobotomy!" Lucky clapped. "Let's switch his left and right lobes around! Scatter some nerve endings! We can do to his brain what the Director did to mine and Megumin's! Right, Lassie?" He jabbed the archmage.

"Right..." Megumin smiled a little, but it didn't last after Qrow and Ruby debunked their plans. "Well, you see, that's what Penguin did to Blake, Rin, Len, and many others. We at the MPF call it 'The Point Zero incident'. Anyway...What we want is that high up? Hm...Some of us can fly, but I don't think any of us can cloak ourselves."

Lucky, on the other hand, was much more confident. "I'm not worried, Laddie! I'm small enough to crawl through air ducts with no trouble. I could sneak up there, get to the servers, fuck 'em up real good, and then we can turn that penguin into a dodo!"

Megumin rubbed her chin as she stared down at her rabbit friend. "There might be a more peaceful way to sneak in...Does the Academy take pets?"

Lucky immediately shut it down. "No, no, NO. I am not being ANY class's pet." He trotted away into the kitchen, where he saw Sarge basically enslaving Grif to make Hot Pockets. "Some people never change..." He snarked quietly, rifling through the fridge. "Forget Hot Pockets. Chicken nuggets and pizza rolls are where it's at."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

"I can supply some manpower." Hiryu says, cracking his fists, "But then again, Penny might thin them out quickly, so I'll need a better plan." He sighs, "I doubt the distraction gig will work twice in a row...You think the whole trojan horse plan from before would work here?" Hiryu asks, suggesting a tactic. "Some of us gets captured, specifically those who can access their powers without any external means, then fuck things up in the inside. While they're causing that mess, another group will attempt to seige the academy from the outside...Kinda like a pincer attack but from the inside." Hiryu rubs his chin, "It sounds stupid, but I don't think there would be any other options."

Whisper, meanwhile, is excited to finally eat something after a long while, her tail wagging wildly as the red one basically forced the orange one to cook the hotpockets for everyone. Nothing hits better than a well cooked meal. She didn't really mind what it is, but as long as she could eat, she's fine with anything.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari saw the kitsune happily go over towards the kitchen and announce she was going to make everyone food. "I'd be up for some of that! Please do let me know when it's ready. I look forward to seeing what you make."

In the meanwhile, Akari went over to the TV and the game consoles to see what was available. "I wonder if they have..."

Unfortunately, Akari did not find the game he was looking for.
"No 'Fatebringers 2', huh? Alright... let's see what else they've got."

QizPizza QizPizza
(Open for Interactions)
"...Our plan was meant to be a 'Trojan horse'?" Megumin tilted her head. "I'm not sure what that means. But what I was suggesting is kind of like your idea. We could 'sell' Chomusuke to the academy as a class pet, then he can escape his rabbit habitat and cause a massacre from the inside. While the school deals with a rabbit gone mad, we can slip in, and help him finish them off." Multiple people being imprisoned at once, however, sounded more efficient. "I can be one of those captured. There'd be no way for me to escape, so they might think they've won for a little while. They might even keep themselves busy trying to interrogate me."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Lealan raises her hand to offer a suggestion. "I have lava from a proto planet that orbited a burning star. It's temperature is over 10,000 degrees Kelvin. Let me cut us a way through. Hell, just exposing a large glob of it to the cold air up here will make a massive blast. With my Impervnium cybernetics, Perfect Armor, and Enviromental Protection Pack, I'll be able to resist the explosion and keep wrecking the place." She places a hand on Megumins shoulder when she says this. "I can draw a lot of attention if you can give me an Important Military Target, like a manufacturing plant or a storage facility. Hell, we can split up to aim for multiple targets, not to distract for a stealth mission, but to spread their forces too thin for a response to a frontal assault."
Lealan advises general chaos to the group, specifying Targets a maniac Like Penguin would care about, and not civilians. "My plan has the added benefit on not selling one of us as a slave."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
P PopcornPie QizPizza QizPizza quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
“We attract Grimm, and innocents will get hurt. We’ve been over this.” Qrow grumbled in response to Megumin.

“And, we actually call it The Tesseract Incident officially. ‘Point Zero’ is just a nickname for it, since technically that’s when all this shit started.” Jason corrected the archwizard. Then, Lucky offered to just crawl through the air ducts like he usually does, but Qrow shook his head.

“Ironwood installed motion sensors in the ducts long before Penguin took over. You’d have to get to the server room and take out the security before you can start usin’ those.” Qrow explained to Lucky, side-eyeing the rabbit as he walked off towards the kitchen.

“Well then search for your own damn nuggets and rolls and make them yourself. Because I’m making Hot Pockets.” Grif said to Lucky matter-of-factly while he stood near the currently active microwave. Qrow, meanwhile, shrugged in response to Hiryu’s plan.

“Maybe that’d work. But after the mess we made at Haven, Penguin’d be more likely to shoot us on site than take us in for questioning.... unless...” Qrow paused for a moment, and then turned to face Agent Penguin. “Hey. You still got that Twilight... thing?” Then, Lealan gave her plan, and Qrow shook his head again. "That's the problem with attacking a military base full of robots that are constantly manufactured. There wouldn't be any spreading his forced too thin. For every hundred guards you take out, he'd have another five hundred waitin' at the door for you." During all of this talk, though, one might notice Ruby's previous sheepish smile curl downwards into a worried, almost grief stricken looking frown.


"W-wait... hold on..." The high-pitched voice broke through the room, silencing almost everyone in it as she spoke. Tears very clearly began to form in her eyes as the girl looked up at Hiryu. "What did he do to Penny?" Her voice was shaky and rigid, like it threatened to snap at any moment. As she asked this, Nora and Ren visibly averted looking at Ruby, rubbing their arms and looking at the floor instead. They knew what was coming, and neither of them could bear to be the bearer of the news Ruby was about to hear.

Meanwhile, Akari would find that the TV was occupied by Dib and... whatever he was doing.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @Laix_Lake @darkred Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


"Point Zero.... Dorothea had told me about that incident. But that don't matter."

“Okay, thanks, Spider-Man!”

“C’mon, they’re having food.”

“Alright.” Sora and Rex go with the others to relax for awhile, Sora and Rex share some pizza and talk over more of their adventures and people they’ve meet in the past. Their fun times would kinda be ruined when they hear Ruby say something about someone named Penny, they looked her worried and confused as to what she’s talking about.

“Uh oh. This can’t be good, I know that face.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
After a small little problem with Grif not wanting to pass up the hot pockets, and Sarge having to aim his boomstick at Grif, he can finally eat one of those ‘hot pockets’ he had been hearing so much about. Opening the box and taking out the small plastic bag, he opened it up and puts the hot pocket into the pouch. But to those who know how to eat it the right way, it’s like seeing the ultimate sin in your eyes. Gretar began eating it straight from the box, eating it cold. “Huh..... I thought it would be at least hot, but hey, it still taste great..” as he ate the entire hot pocket cold, like he didn’t know that he was eating it improperly. He also ignored the voice of Ruby as he continued doing the ultimate sin of the multiverse.
Well..... it looks like his plan has a couple of holes in it. After figuring out that it’s in Atlas academy, which is more tougher than Mistral in order to infiltrate, he began listening to the other plans going around. “Well..... it looks like we all need to agree on a plan that might actually work here...,,” before he heard the voice of a sad Ruby. He knew that this would not end well, so he might as well prepare for the worst.
"Well in that case it's nice to see that someone is meeting someone they love." But not even a few minutes later Ruby's cheerful attitude took a complete 180 and she she looked horrified. "Uh...I guess I spoke to soon, let me sort this out." Lilith floats over to her and tries to consul her. "Hey we don't have to talk about it if you don't want us to."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Spidey and Ruby)
deadpoolposttop.png & sonicposttop.png
Hearing the announcement that blasted throughout the city they were about to land in, Sonic was slightly disturbed by what he heard. "A curfew that'll have innocent people attacked if they don't follow it? Jeez, this Penguin guy really has some problems!" The ship landed, and the group headed into the city, finding a woman being attacked by a robot soldier, only for her to be saved by a person who was very familiar to Deadpool. "HOLY SHIT, IT'S FUCKING SPIDER-MAN!" "Huh, Spider-Man... I think I do remember hearing about him here and there at The Cape... Either way, the idea of having the powers of a spider does seem pretty neat!" As they soon went into the secret underground laboratory, Deadpool remained silent and in awe while he tried to process this possibly once in a lifetime moment, and tried to think of what to say to Spidey when he got the chance to approach him.

A few moments later, he'd find this opportunity and take it, flipping to a new page in his notepad, getting out a colored pencil, and approaching Spider-Man with it. "Hi there, HUGE FAN. Wade Wilson, but you can call me Deadpool, can I have your autograph? It's for a friend, actually, named Cable, who's a WAY bigger fan, and this isn't me just making this up just to get your autograph for myself, NO SIR! No, the suit isn't copied from yours, it's red because I bleed a fuckton, and my entire body is covered since I look like the result of Freddy Krueger face-fucking a topographical map of Utah. And for the record, I'm not a goddamn superhero, I'm more of an assassin, basically a superpowered freakshow made of sin and twice the ass, thank you very much." He then looked over to see Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup smothering their pet cat, and then faced Spidey again, asking him, "...Are we about to watch a lesbian foursome? In that case, I'M ALL FOR IT!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher and everyone else also wanting an autograph, but have to wait in line after Deadpool.
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"So we thin out the army with Twilight...Dunno how it works, but if it's potent enough to destroy a multiversal headquarters with ease, then it could work to our advantage." Hiryu nodded, soon looking around. "If only our resident Twilight expert is here, she could weigh in on this plan of ours." He shrugged. However, his thought process was soon interrupted by Ruby, who seemed to be shaken up just by the mere mention of Penny, asking what did Cobblepot do to Penny.

"She's been...Reprogrammed, from what Belladona-san had told me about her." Hiryu answered, taking in a more grim tone. "Back at Haven, she's sided with Cobblepot, taking command of his robot army that occupied the academy." He sighed, putting his hands on his jacket's pocket. "I know it's hard to hear, but I don't think we could try and take her back until after we deal with Penguin."
"What?! What a dumb, paranoid asshole!" Lucky barked. "Come on, how many other sentient rabbits are living on this planet? What are the chances of someone climbing his damn air ducts?!" He huffed, pounding the counter. "Whelp, I'm out of ideas, then." He snorted at Grif's response, then kept looking. "Damn, you guys don't even have any beer!?...And hey, Grif, you know those aren't really Hot Pockets, right? Think about it. You buy them cold, and you have to make 'em hot yourself." His eyes widened. "They sell us lies..."

"A massive army, one hundred after another...A problem that could be so easily solved with Explosion..." Megumin sighed, remembering how she could once clear an entire Demon King army. "Maybe the Penguin could use one of us as a hostage. They beg for their life, they convince Penguin to hold them ransom, we pretend to negotiate, and then another team gets him from behind." She crossed her legs. It sounded reasonable, a way to feed Penguin's pride while giving the MPF an aura of weakness and laughability. Yet there was still one, major flaw with her idea: They still had several robot armies to take care of. No way could they sneak up and attack him from behind without becoming trampled by the robots. "Then again, we would still need to shut down those servers first." Remembering what Whisper told her, she racked her brain for what she learned about MPF technology. The monitors and machines ran on something called "electricity", a tamed, controlled lightning traveling through tiny wires. "The servers are electric, right? What if, instead of risking our necks getting inside, we cut power to the building?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
When Megumin said that he put bombs in everyone's head at that time, she nodded. "
That's right. He... forced us to do things we didn't want to do and if we didn't, we wouldn't exactly be here right now."

She then looked at Yang and Weiss. "Well, at least they're fine. And yeah, I guess you could say that I'm a multiverse cop, Yang." Then... Ruby asked what happened to Penny, her eyes widening as she looked at her to see the look on her face. Eventually, she'd have to tell her, but this soon? She had just gotten Penny back, and now? The robot girl was taken away from her, reprogrammed.

Someone explained it to her and Blake hesitantly nodded. "Ruby... I'm sorry. Cobblepot reprogrammed her around the time he took her offline. We'll get her back, we just need to reprogram her when we get the chance."

"Pst!" Rex whispered to Lucky. "Bad time to shout your usual nonsense unless you want your butt kicked man." Rex would shot Lucky a glare, giving him a hint before things went bad for him (again)

P PopcornPie
"The orb? It's right in my inventory," the Agent says to Crow, "well, what are we doing with it?"

Ben looks away as Ruby begins to tear at the news of Penny's death, before he says to her, "what will you do, now that you know?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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