ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake rolled her eyes a bit, giving him a bit of a smile. "It's Blake. But at least you remember me." Once she heard that he was working with her team, her eyes widened. "That's my team, my friends. Take us to them, please."


  • "Sounds like you greatly respect this person, yet the fact that you have negative things to say about him despite this respect - it implies your closeness and familiarity to him. From what I can tell, Kazuma won't abandon you," the Agent smiles towards Megumin.

    "I've relied on the Omnitrix so much that during those few times it was ripped from me, it was disabled or whatever, I felt lost, distraught, all that, and I guess even now, I still would," Ben adds to Megumin's conversation, still trying to make heads or tails of the armlet he was examining. "But over these years - I've learned something. It's not the gadget, weapon or spell, but the one who uses it that really matters. If you're a hero with Explosion, you're a hero without it too."
    "But you have other skills, right? I have nothing." Megumin's eyes remained on the floor. "There's no such thing as a hero without any special skill, be it magic or the ability to fight back on their own. I lack Samus's muscle or Mao Mao's quick reflexes." The other part of Ben's statement both gave her hope and added to her frustration. She was loyal, brave (especially compared to a certain water goddess), intelligent enough that she graduated early...She had all this good stuff going for her, but nothing to defend it with. What good was such high intellect if you could be knocked over with a slight breeze from a dragon's mouth? Kazuma was smart, too, but look how that usually turned out; Death from a broken neck one day, death from being trampled another day. Kazuma had two goddesses, Eris and Aqua, to revive him whenever he perished. Megumin? Nothing. Nobody here could straight up resurrect as far as she knew. If she died because she was forced to rely on skills she never saw herself using in the past, that would be it. She would've been born into this world as a confident young lamb, and been killed as just some disgraced casualty who relied too much on Explosion to think about what she'd do if she lost it.

    Lealan keeps a side eye on Megumin as she talks, while ignoring any barbed words of the rest of the group. She lets out a sigh. "I'll probably regret this later, but..." Lealan gets up and walks over to the moping Megumin. "Okay, look here." She holds out a chunk of obsidian that is shaped to an arrowhead shaped blade, with a wide, smile shaped hilt.
    View attachment 746658
    "This is a shank. We use them in the Ceremonial Hunt for sneak attacks while grappling or riding prey. Since we are mostly fighting human opponents, you need to aim for the liver, kidneys, and joints, like the hips and knees." Lealan jabs herself with the punch dagger to show where Megumin should be aiming. "It's a bit smaller of a blade than I prefer, but for someone like you, it'll be handy. It normally won't kill unless you hit the right organs, with the right amount of force, but to jab it in and rip it out works to slow someone down. It's really sharp, so if you really need to, you can even throw it, and I can make more, so don't be afraid to use it however you can. I don't know what you mean about skill points, but there isn't much you need to know about swish, swish, stab." Her mouth twists, as if she ate something bitter and sour. "I know what it's like to be reduced to practically nothing. It's horrible, and there may be nothing you can do do go back to how you were. Sometimes, the only way forward is to look into the void, and start screaming, until you are out of screams, and then drag yourself forward by your own bloodied hands." She puts the barely used blade into Megumin's hand, Lealan's own blood still on the blade. "And if you are hungry, we can get something from Snake. Don't tell him I said this, but his rations taste like nutritious cardboard. But they are something, and the nutrients will help you to grow." Lealan pats Megumin on the head. Her hand is heavy, even without any added force, but there isn't any malicious intent.
    P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake
    Then Lealan shunted something into her hands. It was a very unusual blade, carved from that lovely, smooth, dark-colored mineral known as Obsidian. The Floran managed to make Megumin's eyes brighten as she described its purpose. "Are you saying that I'd be best in sneak attacks?...It sounds frightening. What if the enemy is faster, and stabs me before I can get them?" That nearly happened inside the school, as her bullet wounds could attest. Was Lealan watching her attempts, and deciding her fighting style from that? Had the archmage even been paying attention to her own actions herself? She was just trying to not die, that wasn't being a hero, was it? "But thank you, Lealan, I will do my best with this weapon."

    "Right...all of you have lost your powers before."
    Megumin smiled at her, then Hiryu, then Orbeck. "I should've come to each of you for help as soon as I realized that I was crippled. Then it wouldn't have built up until now." She sighed, lightly slapping herself. Why didn't she think of it before? Was she really that confident of Explosion returning on its own? If she had reached out to those who had experience in becoming useless, she wouldn't be so alone and scared now.
    --Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
    Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

    "I'll...Still have to do whatever I can to not let them die." Whisper answers, "Unlike Sonic, Tails, nor Tangle, I don't have any supernatural capabilities on my own. All I have are my claws, my wits, my wisps, my weapon and my instincts." She says, sitting beside Megumin. "My friends--my Wisps were unable to leave their cases back when I first arrived at Gravity Falls. I was powerless--my weapon was practically useless. I know how...Frightening it is, but you still have to look out for one another." She says, and up until this moment, she looked around the ship. She'd find that her wisps are floating around, exploring the airship. One of them, specifically the Hover wisp, is even lying atop of Captain Falcon's hemet as he got up and tried to stop the arguing. "All you could now is...Improvise. Use what you can and evolve from it. Remember what you've learnt from the MPF."

    "All I could really say is only time can tell." Hiryu shrugs, "Who knows, maybe we get to visit Blood Gulch next...So stop beating yourself over some dumb shit Lucky said." He says, soon noticing that Benrey is missing. "Uh...Is it me, or are we missing a passenger?" he asked, glancing around. Soon, however, he noticed Neo's sign.

    "Are...Are we supposed to be seeing that?" Hiryu asked, raising a brow at the bowling capped girl, confused. Either she's legit mute, or she's trying to secretly flirt. Who knows at this point?
    "I was foolish. I only learned from Samus and Mao Mao." Megumin went on. "I only have their brief, confusing lessons to hold on to. I keep trying to think of them, but then I wonder if they would've done it better. Even when I remembered something properly, Toga simply sucked me dry."
    "Kid, you've gotta stop being so hard on yourself." Jason would say. "Your... explosion. I can't say I understand what it is, since your universe is a bit outside my paygrade..." Jason's words trailed off as he began to ponder on the right words he could say. "But what I do know is that YOU defeated Bill Cipher. Sure, you may not have your power, but that doesn't matter," He said as he looked down at her. "What matters is how you think of yourself. Not me, not Lucky, not The Director... just you. Who cares if you can't use some power? It'll come back when it's ready." He sighed again, not really being good at the pep talks. Those were... well, they didn't really run in the Bat-Family at all, honestly. "If you were useless, do you really think you'd be here right now? Do you think I'd honestly, in my right mind, put you in harm's way like that? Do you think Nick Fury would have allowed you to join the MPF if he didn't think you were useful?" He paused again, taking time to place a hand on Megumin's shoulder to further reassure her. Before he could open his mouth again, though, Lucky started speaking once more. As the rabbit spoke, Jason's hand visibly began to tense around her shoulder. He squeezed down on it, her robes clenching in his fist as he felt himself on his last nerve with the talking animal.
    "Explosion is everything I am." Megumin repeated. "It is my pride, it is what made me known. 'Explosion' never left my calling card. If Bill was in the physical realm, he would have defeated me. Don't you see how much of a gamble it was? If it failed, we would've been finished." She sat down and hugged herself. "My crippling is the reason I'm in the MPF in the first place. I legitimately could not survive in my own world without Explosion. Within seconds of being returned home, I was almost eaten. And now I'm only here because I'm among the last scraps of people who had a chance against Ganondorf." A sniffle hung in the air. "At least...that's what I thought."
    View attachment 746665"Why are all you losers talking and shouting? Geez, man, are you all like...Not tired? Don't you guys wanna like, get a nap in while you can before junk goes down again? If you all still plan on talking, use your inside voices, we're all literally three feet across from each other. I'm over here trying to get my Falcon Snooze on but everyone on this ship don't know the terms "Talk less, Do more." And I'm trying to do more sleeping so if you folks down mind: Chill out. Please. Just chill."
    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie @quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @QizPizza
    "Oh...sorry, Falcon." Megumin decided to take after him and fall asleep in her seat. Maybe she'd get her emotions together with some sleep.

    At first, she tried to sprawl out on her back, as Captain Falcon did. Unfortunately, her shoulders filed a formal complaint, as did her neck vertebrae. So she slid down, trying to make them comfortable, only for her knees to begin aching. No matter how she positioned herself, somewhere, a muscle whined and kept her eyes open. "Oh, Falcon, how are you doing it?" Then she tried curling up, but it just put her whole body in aches. Finally, her patience lost, she just sprawled out on the floor. "Ah...perfect."

    The dream she had was...not great.

    "Kazuma?" She was in a dark cavern, alone. "Jason? Chomusuke? A-anybody?" All she could see were cobwebs reflecting in the weak moonlight. Wait, no, there was another light source! It was a loosely-twined ball of reddish-orange magic, sparking with differently colored magic..."Explosion?! Explosion!" As soon as the archmage ran to her longlost spell, it released a little scream and flew away. "No, Explosion, come back! I'm nothing without you!"

    In course of her struggle, she tripped on stalagmites and fell with a heavy cloud of dust. All around her, there was laughter. "LOOK AT HER!" "Can't use magic, can't even run away!" "What a weak link in the great Crimson Demon chain!"

    As she looked around for the ones mocking her, she realized that she was now in a spotlight, courtesy of the moon. But the spotlight was lined with shadows. Who did the shadows belong to? "Kazuma! Aqua! Darkness!" All her friends, both Belzerg and MPF, were there. But their faces were grim, colorless and disappointed. "Guys, please help! I don't know how I got stuck out there, but..."

    "Such a shame her life must end this way." Unable to hear her cries, Samus lamented the archmage's fate.

    "But she's of no use to us, the MPF, or even Ganondorf. She's nothing." Kazuma shook his head. "There's no point in keeping her alive. She'll just get killed either way."

    "Or be left to whine for us." Lucky added. "This is for the best, Lassie. Better shoot the crippled dog than let her suffer."

    "B-but, guys, you had such faith in me before!" Megumin shouted, stomping her foot. The ground started to turn green, shaking and lowering.

    "At least she tried." Jason sighed. "But it's no use. She got pummeled out there. She was right. Ganondorf is too much for her without Explosion."

    "Should've taught her more..." Mao Mao's ears fell.

    Then four thick, filthy fingers rose up before her, and she felt a hot breath icing her back. When she turned around, she was treated to the fang-lined, salivating mouth of Ganondorf. "Huh?! No, you guys wouldn't!" She protested, trying to jump up and get their attention. "You wouldn't feed me to Ganondorf! I'm sorry I didn't do my best, but just one more chance is all I request! Please, please!"

    Ganondorf just laughed, and tipped his hand downward, prepared to catapult her into his mouth. As Megumin was forced against his fingers, tears began to flow.

    "We're gonna miss you, Megumin." Rex called somberly. "You're a sweet kid, but you're just not one of us."

    "Yeah." Sora pressed up against his friend. "We need people with strong powers to take Ganondorf down. You're just not enough."

    A flurry of voices circled her like vultures, repeating those last words. "Not enough...not enough...not enough..." They turned sing-song, sandwiched between malicious laughter.

    "NO, no, I can be enough!" Megumin wailed. "You were just telling me that I can still be enough! No, please! I'm more than-" Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Ganondorf effortlessly flicked her into his gullet. From there, she simply fell, never hearing another voice. The archmage became lost to the valley of those who no longer mattered.

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Orbeck of vinheim
status: A archwizard's faults, and thoughts on the darksign.
Condition: normal.​
"H-how do you cope with it?", he wasn't really sure of why he had asked it, assistance? Curiosity? Something else? And yet it had been the first thing that had come to mind, "How do you live knowing that your time is ticking down and that you'll be living noticeably less than others? How do-", a breath seemed to get stuck somewhere, heavy with emotion as the pyromancer glanced down at his own hand, "How do you live knowing that one day you- You might not even be yourself anymore...?"

Well, that was unexpected. A question, one that regards his eventual fate. He sat back down to ponder over this. How was he supposed to reply to this? It does not matter who you are, the curse will have it's impact. Whatever it is as direct as those with the dark sign, or those who have succumbed to the ever-growing dread of the dark. It doesn't help that the very way the curse operates is something of an enigma, something that is considered intertwined with the light of his world, the first flame. Some try to find some purpose in their lives, keeping themselves from stagnating into the fate of turning hallow. Some label their curse as some sort of rite, as is the case with the Way of White and their own members. Some lost their wits, like the case of the Big Hat Logan and the Duke's arrives. Then there were those who embraced the dark, could be the use of spells and miracles of a tainted variety, or it could be the idea of the Hallow being the true form of man. What exactly kept him from going hallow on the spot as he was exiled from Vinheim? He failed to gain anything from the school. And yet, he remains...hesitation would come out at first.

"...i...honestly don't know myself. I could have ended up hallowed as I was exiled. Yet here I am...Maybe it was that one goal that kept me from that fate back at my own world. And in the case of my...present condition, it would a similar goal to improve past what I had used to known. Just have to keep my wits about me, and refrain from some of the more foolish ideas. I once considered the idea of going through a Londor Divine Tome, filled with some of the more...tainted variety of spells and miracles, only for a vampire's sibling to disty the tome...along with the bookshelf it was on. Admittedly, it was something I should not have been tempted into. So that event may have kept me from yet another fatal mistake...I just hope that you and the archwizard don't fall into that..pit of self-loathing and despair."

By that time, the ship has already arrived. Hardships and venting aside. They still had a task to complete.
"Kinda?" Spider-Man replied to Captain Falcon, choosing to ignore the "ninja child" part. "After Ganondorf attacked The Cape, Mister Stark told me to leave through one of the portals. I tried to stay, but he used one of his weird gadgets and shot me through it anyways..." The web-slinger's voice seemed to trail off a bit as he glanced towards the ground a bit. He inhaled in sort of a sigh, before tilting his head back up. "Next thing I know, I ended up here, and Penguin's taken it over." He then listened to Hiryu, Ben, and Snake asked about the same questions but with different words. "Well... recon's one way of putting it." He said, placing his hands on his hips. "I've just been doing my best to make sure innocent people aren't hurt, ya know? I've been helping these guys out... Team RWBY, I think. Only... with a 'w' instead of a 'u'." Turning to Ben specifically, Spider-Man shook his head. "Ah, there's nothing really notable. Just Penguin's goons patrolling the place constantly while he sits up in that tower of his." Then, Blake and Ciri approached, and Spider-Man nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Ciri." He said, before lifting his head when he recognized Blake specifically. He pointed at her and started wagging his finger a bit, trying to remember her name. "Ah... wait... don't tell me..." He said in a sort of whisper as the tried desperately to remember the girl's name. "Your Cat Ears, right?"

"Look... Spider... Kid.." Qrow said as he stepped forward from the back of the alleyway. "You said that you're workin' with Team RWBY, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Can you take us to 'em?"

"Oh... uhhhhhhh....." Spider-Man's voice trailed off again. "I guess so? They're not too far from here."

Odd, guessing that this Team he speaks of must have been hiding among the more unattractive parts of this city. It doesn't matter what city it is, there is always some sort of underbelly or dark side any massive seltlment. He remains standing as he waits for the time to move out.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
After a lot of people arguing, shouting, feeling sad, whatever, they all make it to Atlas. Qrow tells everyone there’s no turning back once they land and it’s time to man up. (Or woman up in some cases)

“Got it.”


The two understood the risk and were willing to do it for their friends and homes. Soon they see a man on the big screen shouting about lethal force to all who did not obey the curfew. “Man.. that’s horrible.” They leave the ship then he hear a woman screaming in an alley but was saved by a black figure with white eyes. He soon introduces himself as Spider-Man and tells the others he’ll help take them to Team RWBY.

“So Spider-Man right? Thank you for helping us and that woman earlier. But.. can I ask: How did you do that? Do you actually make the webs? How are you able to do all this!?” Sora asked Spidey a bunch of questions, geeking out at the fact there’s someone with the powers of a Spider.

“(Oh boy. Do I have to listen to him geek out, the whole way through?)”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Let me guess; something bad has happened to you before doesn't? Which is why you have been having nightmares?"

>As soon as you've asked that, you arrive in Atlas. You went along with the others out of the ship, followed a scream, and met Spider-Man. Neat. More importantly, you followed Lilith to a bench and sat with her.

"Can you tell me what happened? Don't worry, you can trust me."

While Lilith was sitting at the bench Shujinko comes over to sat next to her and ask what's wrong. Lilith would've try and not mention it but there was no avoiding it so she might as well tell her now. "Okay fine." She says taking a small breath.
"I used to be a human like most people back then, everything was fine back then with me living with my dad but...then I got to middle school. I've been tormented and bullied more times then I can count, it really messed with me and I couldn't do anything about it.
"It made me feel like I was a burden on everyone's shoulders and I always felt like I meant nothing to people even though they barely know me.
"I hope you understand."

Topless Topless (Shujinko)
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"I see." Hiryu nodded, seeing that they still have nothing on Penguin's flying fortress but instead they got some feats of heroism as well as intel that Supidah-Man working with RWBY, if he recalls, that's Blake's Team. "What do you know, the gang's coming together." Hiryu turned to Blake, as if excited to meet her teammates. Judging by the photos, they seem to be a colorful bunch--literally. Meeting new people wasn't usually Hiryu's thing. But if it helps him, he'll gladly welcome them. That's how he got through all those years after his parents bit the dust.

Hiryu glanced at Megumin for a second, as if checking in on his teammate. At least he doesn't have to summon a body guard for her to guard the ship. Who knows how long he'll last.

Regardless of the matter, Hiryu would have to follow Spidey over here.
"Oh, it's no problem. Someone's gotta stick up for the little guy, right?" Spider-Man would reply to Sora's thanks, before pausing a bit at his question. He seemed taken back a bit like it, like he wasn't expecting someone to ask something like that. "Well... no, I don't have any powers... well I do, but not the web part." Spider-Man explained to Sora, before lifting up his wrists towards him.


"I shoot web with these web shooters. Mister Stark made them for me.... along with the suit," Spider-Man's voice trailed off once more as he thought of his mentor yet again, before he managed to recollect his thoughts. "Anyways, so you just press your middle finger and ring finger down on this pressure plate like this..." He said, before doing just that. When he did so, a short stream of white webbing rather pitully spurted out of the web shooter like a broken party streamer, before gently floating back down onto the ground in front of the Keyblade Warrior. "And that's all there is to it."

With all the explaining done and over with, Peter began to lead you all out of the alleyway. "Anyways, they're not far from here." Spider-Man said as he took point in front of you all, leading you down the empty, snow-filled streets of Atlas. After a bit of walking, you all arrived in... another alleway. Spider-Man, who was still in front of you guys, strolled ahead of you and walked to the wall on the adjacent end of the alleyway. "Okay... so you guys might wanna step back for this." He said to you as he walked over to what looked like a seemingly random brick. He casually whistled as he pressed his foot into the normal looking brick, pushing it into the wall. And, when he did so...


A secret stairway revealed itself in front of all of you. Spider-Man walked over to the railing that had appeared over the staircase and rested his arms over it, before nodding to all of you as a "go ahead" sort of signal. Without much left to do from here, Jason took point and led you all down the staircase, with the rest of you falling suit. Spider-Man leaped over the railing behind all of you, and once the last of you had made it down the hidden stairs completely, they rejoined the ground like nothing had happened.


The room you all entered was what looked like a futuristic looking lab/basically also a pretty cool headquarters and bunking room. The lab area was riddled with test tubes, microscopes, beakers, computers, and other fancy looking science items that would make any geek's head spin. Off to the side was a small relaxation area of couches that surrounded a large television set, which had several game systems hooked up to it. There was also a bathroom and kitchen area, which was pretty cool. And finally, there was an area with a bunch of really comfortable looking beds, all of which were embedded into their own holes in the wall.


"Hey guys! I'm back!" Spider-Man exclaimed as he strolled inside, taking off his mask before tossing it to the side.

"Took ya long enough, web-head!" Exclaimed a teenage female's voice from a nearby hallway.


"If you stayed gone any longer, I swear I thought you might've--"
The tall blonde paused as she slowly realized the amount of people who Spider-Man had brought with her. Her eyes scanned each individual present, until she finally noticed a certain faunus in the back. "BLAKE!!!" She found herself shouting happily as she broke out into a sprint towards the catgirl, shoving past some of you in the process of tackle hugging her to the ground.


"What's all this noise about, Yang?" The a sudden hoity-toity rich girl voice asked as she entered the room as well, sporting an annoyed glare towards the blonde bombshell. "Can't I get five minutes of sleep without--" The snow-white haired girl paused once she saw what Yang was doing, that running over to Blake. "Blake!" She exclaimed, her frown turning into a grin as she too ran over to her friend (though she wasn't nearly as intense or loud about it as Yang was) and joined in on the hugging.


"Did I hear Blake's back?" Asked a much younger looking girl with a higher pitched voice as she too came into the room of Blake lovers. It only took a few seconds for her silver eyes to land on the faunus, and for her to let out a happy gasp soon after. "I did!!!"


In a flurry of rose petals that shot towards the air in her wake, the red haired girl sped right off, easily beating both Yang and Weiss in the Blake race as she tackled the faunus girl to the ground first in a gigantic hug. Yang and Weiss soon joined her, with Yang dogpiling on Blake with Ruby and Weiss trying to help her off the ground, before joining the team hug from the side, with all three girls laughing throughout.


"Aww, look, Ren!" Nora exclaimed as she looked down at the three girls all hugging Blake at once, squeezing the boy's arm. "I did the same thing when I saw Blake!"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Topless Topless Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Venom Snake Venom Snake
Lealan spys the napping Megumin, the archmages face telling what kind of rest she is having. She pats her cheek repeatedly. "Oi. Wake up. Is Raisin Face attacking you again?
... Don't make me douse you."
The Floran Threatens.
P PopcornPie

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Ouch. That must have been rough. You know, I too got bullied. Most of it was from my high school days. Let's just say that I've been wrongfully branded as a slut for having gone through multiple love lives which all ended up in increasingly broken heartaches. I mean, I've been trying to find the one true love, but all them ended up dumping me and now the whole school looks at me as some gold digger because of that. I don't find someone just for money, but love. I just want to be loved."

>Just then, you've been called out by Venus as Spider-Man takes you down a futuristic room where Blake gets reunited with her companions...and deep down, you feel jealous.

--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The gang eventually went through some kind of secret entrance activated by a BRICK of all things.


The entrance was revealed to be a descending staircase, leading them into a secret laboratory...Or at least, a bunker. Science stuff as well as a TV with gaming consoles? Pretty sure it doesn't take a genius to know that those two aren't meant to go together.

"Damn...Nice base." Hiryu couldn't help but comment, looking around this brilliantly futuristic bunker. Not too long after Spider-Man unmasked himself to be a handsome looking teenager, a blonde showed up clad in brown. From the pictures, this might be...Yang Xiao Long. The 'Y' in RWBY. Much like a tiger and its prey, she practically dashed at the mere sight of Blake, knocking Hiryu to the side, nearly causing him to fall. Soon, a white haired girl entered the room, clad in somewhat fancy clothes. The 'W' in RWBY, Weiss Schnee. She also went and hugged Blake, but at least Hiryu didn't get knocked to the side like a bowling pin. As soon as Hiryu felt like he doesn't have to worry about getting pushed, a shit ton of petals appeared out of nowhere as a red blur rushed past him, startling him, which made him slip at the petal that already fell.


"Nobody saw that." Hiryu convinced himself as he quickly got up, a petal still in his head.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Oooooo~! Nice little hideout y'all got here! Looks about as clean as my gun: Good enough to eat off of! ...But I won't because that's gross and weird." Captain Falcon responds in awe at their lair "This reminds me of my own pad...Only 20% more clean! Man, y'all were bunkering down in style!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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After a short talk with the now named spider man, who was one of the founding fathers of the MPF, they were now led to another alleyway by spider man. Benrey was still eating his popcorn the entire time, as he watched Spider-Man press a random brick, before a staircase extended from the ground. Now given the go sign to go inside, which led to a pretty futuristic room, that kinda looked much better than his house in the pocket dimension.

It was when, that he was introduced with the three other members of Blake’s team, to which one large group hug happened in the reunion. Deleting the popcorn from existance.... he voiced his interruption of the happy feels moment
“Uh..... I know that all of you have gone a large time without seeing each other, and it would be rude to interrupt this, but we need a plan in order to try and get Atlas out of the control from the hands of the hands of Cobblepot...... I may have a small idea, considering that those soldiers we fought earlier were robots. But, in order to confirm my beliefs, do these robots all run on a central network or have ones of their own.” he said, trying to figure out a plan in his head.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Benreyruinsthefeelsmoment
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Right as he began to lead them, Blake immediately followed. If it was anything like when she met up with Nora again, there shouldn't be too much worry. But what if they hated her for leaving? What if they didn't welcome her back since she just left without a warning?

They then got to an alleyway and after a brick was pressed in, a staircase rose up. Following, she put Gambol Shroud away and once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked around. It was impressive, but she had to wonder who helped them create this place?

Questions would have to wait as she heard an extremely familiar sounding voice. One that belonged to her partner.

Once her lilac eyes landed on her, Blake looked at her. "
Yang!" Yang then ran over to her, hug tackling her. Hearing another voice, she looked to see it was Weiss who was coming to join, followed by Ruby. "Weiss! Ruby!"

And then, Blake was sent to the ground by the hugs. Obviously, she hugged back, extremely relieved that they were okay.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Following Spider-Man, they eventually got to an alleyway. He then touched a brick with his foot and a staircase came up. The others went down it, Ciri following after them into a very white room.

In fact, it was almost blinding.

Suddenly, three girls who were probably Blake's teammates came around and saw the girl, coming over and tackling her to the ground with hugs. Someone tried to ruin it, making Ciri look at him. "
We're fine down here, they haven't been caught, let them be reunited. We can talk about the plan after they've been reunited."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
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Yup... people were gonna hate him for voicing his beliefs, for Ciri already told him to wait until they finished the happy reunion to talk about their next move. “Well.... sorry about that, it’s that staying in this fucking place gives me the creeps, and I am not talking about here, I am talking about Atlas. My brain just figured that it’s best to start working as quickly as possible in order to stop Cobblepot. So, I know I may have interrupted something important to someone here, but I am just voicing my beliefs here.” as he replied to Ciri, before taking out his ToolGun and spawning in a 3 Musketeer. Opening the wrapper, he already began to eat the chocolate bar as he waited for them to be finished.
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Lilith was surprised to hear that Shujinko went through a similar experience as she has. "Wow really, that makes two of us I guess." She says faintly laughing as to try and lighten the mood. Just then the two of them were called up to come with them. "I guess I'll at least try and tag along." Lilith reluctantly agrees, although she did have to admit the place looked nice. "Well this is pretty jam packed isn't it?" She then looks over to Spiderman and apologizes for being a little late. "Hey, sorry about coming with you earlier, I was going through a lot back there."

Topless Topless (Shujinko)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Spiderman)
"Where have you been? We thought you died or got eaten by a Grimm or died again!" Ruby would cry as she hugged Blake the hardest, even nuzzling against her shoulder like a child. The three girls continued hugging their teammate for a rather long time, until Benrey snapped them out of their trance with his words. They hugged Blake for a little while longer, before finally standing back up.

"We're just glad you're okay," Yang said, placing a hand on Blake's shoulder.

"Just don't scare us like that again!" Weiss butt in, speaking to Blake in a stern yet... definitely loving and caring sounding tone. During all of this, Grif had made his way over to the kitchen and pulled open the fridge.

"Wow! You guys have pizza flavored Hot Pockets in here!" Grif shouted in glee as he pulled out as many boxes as he could carry, before setting them down on the counter. Micah, Byakuya, Sarge, and Jason stayed in the back, while Midna hovered mid-air, boredly staring at her non-existent nails. Leo stood in the back as well, though he remained near Sage and Alexis for the time being. In the meantime, Ruby had detached herself from Blake, only to reattach her arms around Qrow's arm, the latter of which quickly lifted her up.


"Uncle Qrow! Uncle Qrow!" The young leader exclaimed as Qrow had her lifted her up. "Did you miss me?"

"Nope." Qrow replied with a smirk, which only made Ruby's smile widen, oddly enough. She dropped down from his arm and landed on her feet, before turning to face Benrey and Ciri. Her childlike demeanor soon faded when the former talked about how they needed to start forming a plan, with a slightly more serious look overtaking her features instead.

"No, no, he's right," Ruby would say to Ciri, holding up a hand as she stepped forward. She nervously chuckled as she fully began to register how many people were truly in the room here, blushing a little out of embarrassment. "Sorry about that... you get caught up in the moment sometimes... heh..." She said awkwardly, before finally introducing herself and her team. "I'm Ruby, that's my sister Yang, and that's our friend Weiss." Ruby said, gesturing to the blonde and the white haired girl respectively as she spoke.

"Sup." Yang said as she crossed her arms with a laid back grin, flicking her head upwards towards all of you.

"Nice to meet you." Weiss said happily, offering you all a small curtsy.

"O-oh... uh..." Spider-Man was a bit caught off guard when Lilith approached him, apologizing for being late, something he didn't notice. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Anyways..." Ruby said, rubbing her hands together a bit as she spoke, before turning to look at Benrey. "You said that you have some sort of idea for beating Cobblepot?"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake darkred darkred Crow Crow
“Exactly. It’s all about helping those who can’t help themselves.” Sora was impressed by the boy’s choice of words. Everyone cared about saving the world, but it Spider-Man also took the time to mention the little guy. Something Sora was at one point. He felt like he could really relate to this guy. Spidey then goes out of his way to show him the web shooters.

“Whoaaa. That’s so cool! You think I can get myself one of those, or at the very least put in a good word for me?”

“Not gonna lie, it’s cool, but we need to get going Sora.”

“Oh right, sorry my bad.” Spider-Man takes them to another alleyway only for it to reveal a hidden staircase. They enter to see a lab with every kind of scientific stereotype you can think of and more.

It’s there Blake reunites with her teammates after being separated for so long. This wholesome moment puts a smile on Sora’s face.
“Now that’s what I like to see.”

“Yeah, yeah, sap it up now while you can.” Rex wraps his arm around Sora and gives him a playful nuggie.

“Oh c’mon!” The boys laugh at each other, and have a good time roughing each other up; maybe even more then team RWBY. After everyone’s done hugging and nuggieing, the rest of Team RWBY introduces themselves.

“Hey there. Name’s Sora.”

“I’m Rex. Nice to meet you guys.”

“Well, technically they’re girls.”

“*Sigh.* Nevermind. It’s good to meet you is what I’m trying to say.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Thanks I appreciate it." Lilith then oversees a a really crazy family reunion going on not for from the both of them. "By the way don't know if you noticed but there seems to be some sort of episode going on over there." She says as she motions over to them.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Spidey)
Seeing the heartwarming sight of Blake being reunited with her companions, a smile tugged at Antoneva's lips. She thought back to the people waiting for her at home. She thought of Ann, Anka, Elusha, the Commander... A sickening feeling threatened to rise from her throat but she swallowed it down.

Calm, that is what she must be. She couldn't let these emotions control her actions, but she could use it as her strength. Stoke the flames higher and higher, until there was no doubt that she'll make it back alive.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

At the mention of food, Whisper went along with the armored men, waiting for them to cook the hotpockets, feeling a bit hungry as her tail wagged, barely reaching the counter.

"Kakogawa Hiryu, Another Zi-O." Hiryu introduced himself, his hands on his pockets. "About the plan, Benrey-san's thinking that we could probably do something to cripple Penguin's robot army by potentially hacking through their central network...If they all run by the same network, I guess." He glanced at Benrey, trying to guess the gist of the plan.
Ok..... so after he ruined a perfectly good moment, along with a coupe more random events such as Grif, one of the new recruits, going to take all the hot pockets. Doing a small “Ahem....” he began to voice out his plan. “The name is Benrey, Benrey the Black Mesa security guard. I was actually thinking if the Robots are connected to one large processing machine.” before he can continue, Hiryu already beaten him to the point of his idea. “yup, that what I was gonna say. If we can cripple their network by either destroying it or taking control of it, we can easily take back Atlas, considering the fact that I remember that the army is mostly made up of robots nowadays here.” as he waited for the plan to be confirmed.
He really didn’t say much, but only said his name and title. “Gretar.... Jormungandr and cultist of the world serpent.” before stopping at the mentioning of food. He immediacy went to Grif’s side and said out loud “Well.... what are we gonna waiting for.... let’s heat them up and eat these Hot pockets that are not literally pockets..” as he picked one up and began to look for a microwave.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • "Wow...Such a cool ability..." Megumin watched Spider-Man's display with lingering eyes. "Must be so nice to be able to rely on it whenever you'd like." Her voice was so meek, it was impossible to tell if Megumin was even saying it to him or herself.

    She allowed herself to be led down the street by their new acquaintance, politely stepping down the stairs. Her eyes were pasted to the clean white floor below her boots, ignoring everything but the sorely needed blast of air conditioning. "Hello...My name is Megumin."

    What got her to lift her head was the sound of all the girls running to Blake, throwing their arms around her. "Aww..." She cooed, folding her hands together. When she squinted, she could see herself, Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness in Team RWBY's places. Yet it failed to provide happiness, just more fear. What if her reunion with her party started out this sweet, but then turned bitter once they found out she'd lost Explosion? Would Kazuma hug her, and then dump her? Would she even live to see him again in the first place?

    ...No. This was Blake's time to be happy. She could afford to put it aside for now.

    "The MPF has taken very good care of her." The archwizard said sweetly. "But we saw from Qrow that you're all wanted. And we probably are, too. Because of that, we might need to disguise ourselves to reach Cobblepot."

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