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Seeing what exactly was happening, she turned to Ren. "Ren, would you mind cloaking the emotions of everyone in this VTOL for a few minutes? So that no Grimm come after us."

Once he would do that, she stood up and looked at the two that chose to talk badly about Megumin. Thanks to being a faunus, she had seen enough of this her entire life and enough of it back at Beacon with Cardin bullying another student, Velvet. And now that the emotions of all of them were being cloaked, it let her being able to go off on them without much worry for the Grimm that were in the air.

You two are really doing this right now? Sure, let’s insult Megumin, the most insecure one out of all of us when it comes to her powers, and then switch topics. And you think we’re the ones with twisted moral compasses… In the case the two of you forgot, and I’m pretty sure you do given that the both of you are too busy trying to get together to be able to keep a stable relationship so you can ignore the rest of us, negative emotions attract Grimm and there are ones that fly! So unless you really want to have a death wish while we’re here and you decide to play the parts of stereotypical high school bullies, I’d suggest as a high ranking MPF member to keep your mouths shut.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Venom Snake Venom Snake , P PopcornPie

Looking over at Aloy, she nodded. “It’s good that we at least have another person on our side for the time being. More people to watch our backs.” As Aloy looked at her for wounds, she still had the burns all over her from back in Gravity Falls from the fight in the tent.

As she was making simple conversation, she could hear two people basically talk badly about Megumin when she was right there. How much of a terrible person do you have to be to talk badly about someone and also insult everyone’s moral compass? Especially when the main one getting the insults was a child who was already feeling insecure about her own abilities?

Blake asked the man known as Ren to cloak the ship to keep their emotions hidden for a few minutes, probably due to how the Grimm were attracted by negative emotions. She then proceeded to tell them off and once she was done, it was Ciri’s turn. Honestly, she hated these kinds of people, insulting others just because they’re good at one thing.

Really now… insulting a child who is clearly insecure about something she’s good at and then changing the subject? You two sound like utter children. And we’re suppose to be the ones with twisted morals? Give me a break, clearly you two seem to only care for each other enough seeing as how you two want to shag each other rather than be actually good people. Here I thought that you two were more mature than that, but I guess I was wrong if you’re willing to insult her due to her being a child, her being good at one thing, and her having more friends from here and her world than the both of you combined. Do us all a favor and shut the hell up the rest of the trip, unless you wish to get us all killed by Grimm by causing her to feel even more negative emotions.

After that, she looked at Megumin. “
Megumin, while you are very good at using Explosion, having other means of attack wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You’d have more variety and plus, you could use Explosion as a sort of trump card. Don’t listen to them, they’d much prefer staring into each other’s eyes then to care about someone. You do such a good job already, you don't need to listen to them."

darkred darkred , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Venom Snake Venom Snake , P PopcornPie
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"Maybe. I haven't gotten a good time to bask in a sun lately. It makes me grouchy." Lealan huffs and leans back, before rolling her head around to look at the dejected Megumin. "You think of learning different skills instead of trying to blow us up? You could probably tie a nice shard of obsidian onto that stick of yours and use it as a spear. With how agile you can be, you could be decent with it. You just need to use your brain to focus on weak points, instead of trying to bash your way through things recklessly as you have so far."
Venom Snake Venom Snake P PopcornPie
"Huh. How do you see this Kazuma guy in return?" the Agent asks Megumin. "Surely you can't think too highly of him if that's all he thinks of you as. Does he really see you for just your trump card?"

P PopcornPie

Ben looks towards the armlet that belonged to Sage, trying to read it, translating it using the Omnitrix's Universal Translator.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Well that was depressing, as he listened to more what Megumin have to say, her talking about her past and a few other things. But of course, he heard her complaints about Shujinko, to which he stared daggers at, and also Lealan and Snake, whose conversation was like police officers kicking down an already obedient person for simply following the commands of the officers. For some reason, it made him feel anger, fury going through his veins, as his signature neutral face turned into an angry frown. It did not help that he glitched out as well, this body’s pixels rapidly changing color, before finally stopping and turning into a deeper shade of red. He was experiencing a glitch similar to that from the Tent fight as Gravity falls, but instead of being Bloodlust, it was was Judgement, Judgement for those who cannot stand back against others, and the ones talking ill of each other being told of their wrong doing.

At this rate, his anger would get the best of him, and would go on an angry rant one those who were already making a depressed person even more depressed. And it did not help that Lealan changes subjects, and was trying to give Megumin advice on to being useful.

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake @Thismightnotendwell
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Wolf The Whisper--
Interaction: P PopcornPie

"...Throughout my life, I've been kicked down more times than you think." Hiryu sighed as he finally gave his answer to Megumin's question on how they're able to press on despite their losses. "The day I lost my parents, the day I lost to Sougo, and the day I first wounded up at Gravity Falls and lost my powers..." Hiryu recalled, "Through those times, the only thing driving me most is this drive for vengeance--this twisted hope that I will one day get back at him for what his future caused." He glanced back at Megumin. "Sure, I felt like shit when those days happened, but seeing that I basically had noone else to cry to, I had to pick myself off the ground eventually and keep on fighting." Hiryu took out and clenched the Another Zi-O II watch. "I'm not gonna force you to get better immediately. I just want you to know that this time, we'll share your pain. That's why I gave you Another Wizard in the first place, didn't I?"

"...It's because I make new ones to help me." Whisper turned to Megumin, approaching her seat to answer her heavy question. "I became alone way back when, but then...Sonic and Silver came along and brought me to their light." Whisper said, "It helped me meet Tangle, who helped me move on from my own regret...And I know she's fighting for her life to wake up. I know she's not giving in that easily...Neither should you." Whisper nods, knowing what Tangle would tell her. "You can't face all your issues alone...That's why you have us to support you."
sonicposttop.png& deadpoolposttop.png
Thankfully, Jerome let Whisper go upon being hit by Sonic's Spin Dash, much to the blue hedgehog's relief. However, after he was trapped inside of a bubble by Agent Penguin, as well as the discovery of some glass orb containing Twilight, the clearly psychotic headmaster of Haven got away as a number of ships appeared and blasted through the school walls. Strangely enough, another ship appeared and attacked the armada, and although it was shot down, the pilot ejected, did some fancy legwork, and managed to hijack the last remaining ship, whereas all of the others destroyed themselves. Sonic whistled in awe. "Those were some smooth moves! ...Then again, I've done things like that plenty of times with Eggman's own machines. Their programming has always been shoot first, think later, it's hilarious!" Boarding the ship, Sonic sat next to Whisper, and asked her, "You alright after that whole scuffle? Man, that guy was weird, and it's too bad that he got away, but the fact that you seem to be okay after that is what's most important." In Deadpool's case, he was getting easily bored by the clearly lengthy flight and all of this dumb drama talk that was going on around him, alongside still being upset over the fact that he missed out on the chocolate fountain from earlier. Inhaling loudly and obnoxiously, he suddenly belted out, "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH... 99 CHOCOLATE-COVERED MARSHMALLOWS ON THE WALL, 99 CHOCOLATE-COVERED MARSHMALLOWS! TAKE ONE DOWN, SHOVE IT IN YOUR MOUTH, 98 CHOCOLATE-COVERED MARSHMALLOWS ON THE WALL! TAKE IT AWAY, SEDUCE ME!" He then pointed at Benrey with finger guns, hoping that he'd continue his dumb song.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 and everyone else who'll probably just yell at Deadpool to shut up and stop singing this annoying song.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You stop poking Megumin's cheek upon seeing how glum she is. Perhaps maybe at a better time. You walk away, hearing Deadpool sing an annoying song.

>What will you do?
>Shut him up

>You've become so irritated that you ran up to the Merc with a Mouth and kick him in the ground.

"Shut it! You're not X-Factor worthy!"

Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari gritted his teeth when he saw the armada of ships appear, but when Neo and her own ship butted in, his mood sweetened. "That was like being in an action movie. Niiice." As Neo seemed to be a mute, at least to him, Akari gave her a nod when he boarded the ship and buckled himself up for the journey.

The mood seemed to be growing negative amongst the group members, and so Akari turned his head towards Megumin when she asked how everyone was still fighting even with the hardships they had faced, a solemn frown appearing on his face.

"I've been through my share of problems, too. I wasn't fazed by Freddy, or even when Toga unveiled her disguise, with melting flesh and all. Truth is, I've seen terrible things like that before in the Metaverse, maybe even worse." Akari shifted himself a bit. "I've mentioned this, but when I was with the Neo Phantom Thieves, our goal was to dispose of the corruption in people's hearts. We saw them for what they truly were-- monsters. And, one of those folks? He was my own dad. Yeah... seeing how one of your own parents truly thinks of you even with how much they claim to love you? It's heartbreaking. No... more than that." He swallowed. "Even if his was not the final Palace we conquered, it was definitely the hardest one, in my eyes. When we won, you know what I did?"

Akari's mouth then curved into a slight smile. "...I hugged his Shadow as tight as I could, and... he hugged back, his weapons on the ground, tears in his eyes. Want to know what his 'Treasure' was?"

Akari produced a slightly old photograph and showed it to Megumin. It was a family picture, with Akari's mother and father hugging their very young son tightly, honest smiles on their faces.

"He said he missed the 'old me', and that he knew his desires to 'change me' were selfish, but... I felt at the time like I had my reasons to do what I did-- shut myself away from the city around me, find a place of sanctuary in the world of gaming, with friends to share it with. I... I hated Tokyo. I felt so unwelcome with how different I was, how wrong I was treated by others."

Akari lifted one of his arms to show the vambrace on it and its design-- roses with thorned vines, with similar motifs appearing on many different parts of his armor.

"See these? They symbolize of those negative emotions of mine, a reminder of what I was. I perceived hatred like an ebony rose-- its seeds are sown in the hearts of men, women, and children when they are spited enough. With the right conditions, those seeds bloom. Those affected grow bitter, and wish to see nothing more than the world set ablaze. The aforementioned 'rose'... it wraps itself around your heart like a serpent, sinking its myriad fangs into it. Sure, you may be protected from those that seek to hurt you, but... it can't tell them apart from those that actually love you, and wish to help you in whatever way you can. Defeating the malevolent version of myself, and then helping my dad back to his senses... it helped me come to a conclusion. The roses on my armor may never go away, but you know what? I'm not about to let them drag me down."

Akari slowly nodded his head.

"So, you asked how I can still fight? The answer is... I still have hope. I still have people to help, to protect. The magic I may use may not be as offensive as it could be, but as I like to think... how can a house stand if its supports aren't strong, if it has nothing holding it up when it weakens? I feel honored to be able to heal anyone's wounds again, to strengthen them, and keep them in the fight."

Akari pointed to Megumin.

You still have friends to fight for, too, friends that want to see the sun come up and win against the night as much as you do, deep down. Don't forget that, alright? Let's win this... together."

Akari closed his eyes and resumed his normal seating position.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
P PopcornPie

(Open for Interactions)

Mood: Defeated, Hopeless, Self-critical
Tags: (Leo)
, (Venus)
(Megumin), (Ben)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage already knew Shujinko's companion was coming as soon as she had stepped in range, Magical Detection doing its thing, like a bothersome itch down his spine. It was... unnerving, because the other felt and even ported herself like some sort of Deity. He didn't know what to expect from her, given that they had interacted so little that the pyromancer had already forgotten her name entirely... So he had watched, with a certain degree of apprehension as the divine-looking woman had come closer. Maybe that lecture was really about to come.

"Hey there, handsome. You seemed to be down with the blues."

...Ooookay, not at all what he had been prepared for.

The young man had been immediately taken back by such a bold approach, maybe if he felt any better the resemblance between her and Lucy's habits would have gotten him to smile a bit and maybe he'd be slightly embarrassed. Without the mental power for any of that however, it was as even it hadn't even happened.

"Well... You probably would too if you were in my place right now.", he had sighed. Really, what else was there to say to that?

Next to approach had been Leo. Catching sight of him, Sage had scrambled to take his jacket out of the ground, placing it on top of his lap instead and opening a space for the other to sit by his right. As much reassuring as the other teen's presence was right now it was also... conflicting. The same time the pyromancer wanted him there with him, he also... didn't, and yet Leo had already driven down the point that he'd not be going away... Contradictory feelings of dismay and gratitude came and went for a minute or so.

"H-hey...", he had raised a hand in greeting albeit a bit hesitantly, then shrugged as if to playfully say 'well, what do you think?', "Terribly. I'm strongly considering staying inside for the rest of time, as soon as we're done.", it had ended with a little humorous 'mmf' of a faded laughter as if a joke, despite the words being clearly true, "Lay it on me, just how bad of a mess did It do?"

"...Sage, do you feel the same?", his interaction with Leo would suddenly be interrupted by Megumin's calling of the pyromancer's name, at first he had just looked at her direction, confused at the mention, "I can see that you tend to lose control of your powers. I can tell that you're also sorry. Do you also feel that you're seconds away from abandonment?", and then, the Missy had unbeknownst to her brought up a touchy subject...​

His heart skipped a beat.
The Descendant's reply had been instantaneous and harsh, probably harsher than most were expecting it to be:

"Why wouldn't it?", his tone had gone serious, maybe even merciless with self-deprecation clearer than anything else, "It's happened before, it's how it's always been. As harsh as it may sound, I wouldn't be surprised to end up shunned and feared again. And I wouldn't hold it against any of you either...", he sighed in defeat, then raised his voice once more, maybe it was nigh time that he opened the game.

"For as far as I can remember I've been treated more like a thing than a person. Something dangerous that had to be contained and hidden... Prophesized to slip somewhere and take the entire world with me. The End of all Things. I've carried that and many more labels on my back from the day I was born, normality pushed down my throat without a choice. It was what I should strive for, right? Restrain it all under magic runes and mental balance and what else. No one thought to ask what I wanted, my voice just didn't exist for them..."

"I can't even remember they ever calling me by name. 'Burning One' was the one I heard a lot. They taught me things and kept me alive and healthy but that was all. I wasn't the same after all, just a force of destruction that was meant to be kept at bay. So you can say that I have a really, really long story with abandonment... With marginalization, isolation, loneliness... It never hurts less, but it's just up for the course."

"No matter what I do, people will always leave.
And it's best that they do before they end up hurt, or worse. It's what I've believed in and I still do to an extent."

Yikes, and the mood just keeps getting better and better...

Meanwhile, Ben would be not having much luck with the symbol translation. He'd get several almost matches, things in a variating 85% to 45% success, before it would just become incomprehensible. Even the results were, not very good: scattered words that made no sense together; sometimes half of words; other times just assorted letters.
Whichever language this was, it most likely wasn't from the same universe as the Omnitrix.
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I wouldn't believe so dear. Everyone has a purpose from the day they were born. So what if you are born with such a horrifying power? I believe that you can do great things with it with a little bit of luck and determination. Come on, cheer up. We got you."

So there everyone was, in their respective seats minding their own business and not having a care in the world at the current moment.
Everyone was doing just fine at the moment. All...except for one.

While Lilith was in her deep sleep state, she started to sob quietly seemingly out of nowhere, those who further examine would hear her say something, it sounded vaguely audible so they couldn't tell for shore what she said but they might get a good depiction of what it was.

"P-Please...make i-it stop."

Anyone who have noticed
Sora cracked a small smile when Captain Falcon complimented him on his fighting skills. “Hey, it’s no big deal. Just happy to help. And yeah, this is a big key. Don’t ask.” Sora would Lars to leave it at that and Sora goes back to sit with the sleeping Rex.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Orbeck of vinheim
status: talking to the crestfallen pair of the pyromancer and the archwizard
Condition: normal.​
"...Sage, do you feel the same?" Her attention moved to the fiery elephant in the ship. "I can see that you tend to lose control of your powers. I can tell that you're also sorry. Do you also feel that you're seconds away from abandonment?" She even seemed prepared to shuffle over to Sage, if only to have some weight off her shoulders. She continued to look at her peers, her eyes still pale and misty. Hiryu's sudden flashback reminded her that she was being selfish in regards to her feelings; Pain was all around her. "What about the rest of you? Each of you has lost so much...Chomusuke, your paws...Whisper, your friend...Grif, your carefree life...Antoneva, your legs...Samus lost her parents, and Mao Mao, his father's approval...But all of you are still able to function. How do the rest of you keep your faith in yourselves, with such vital parts missing?"
So it seems that regardless of his own choice, he will have to talk with both of them anyways. Putting benedict's gun in his pocket, he heads towards the growing group of people as the archwizard asked about the group's individual struggles. Some talked about those they lost, some mentioned the loss of those simple pleasures in their former lives. Should he step in? especially with the potential for grim? He may as well address them both.

"So that is what you ask? How any of us are able to keep moving, dispute our own personal struggles and vendettas?" He made his way to the closest seat he can from the two crestfallen.
"Even now, I wonder how I manage to get myself into a scenario that would have been considered a simple fantasy. The only thing that I ever had in mind was the desire, the want, to dive into the depths of sorceries. There was a time...long before I knew about the concept of the mutiverse...back then when I was still at the vinheim dragon school...I was an assassin, a killer for hire, a sorcerer only in name." he started to twirl his Cort sorcerer's staff around, maybe as a means to deal with those many killings he has done.

"What a fool I was, thinking one day I would learn real sorceries as a simple spook of Vinheim. It was my only avenue for entry towards the school, working in a business that never agreed with me...the killings, the assesnations...I never realized what my actions entail. That no matter the cause or stature of their beliefs, every killing has a consequence...what could be the consequence that resulted in my exile from the school?" He takes his fingers as he slides it across one of his few cuts. Taking along the dull, darkened blood as he rubs those few drops between his fingers.

"The curse of undeath. To explain it would be a convoluted mess. But in short, it's a curse that has been in my world for as long as any poor soul could remember. A curse that slowly withers away both on the body, and the soul. Eventually this curse will reduce a person to nothing more than a mindless, hallow corpse..." He was getting off topic. And it may not be helping all that much as far as he is aware.

"*Ahem*...So I settled in some ruins in a swamp for some time...untill I encountered one preticular unkindled ash, he asked for my assistantce for understanding sorceries. I was only given the bear minimum for the task of assesnations, so made him promise, that he would obtain scrolls detailing sorceries of ages past. It was from this agreement that I managed to gain the trust of someone, someone that I could call a friend. Thanks to him, I was able to explore the depths of sorceries more so then I ever did back at Vinheim. But even then, o feel as if my time was about to end as the agreement we made met it's concussion...I assumed that I was going end, hallowed by the grand archives...But here I am, now, exploring the mutiverse. Learning and expanding beyond what I originally knew. From the concept of vampires, to the cleric who out classes me in spells, a cleric. Wouldn't have been possible back in Lothric. That was all thanks to my displacement to the town known as Gravity Falls." He proceeded to get himself up, as if to address the group with some sense of ethos. Dispute what he said, he was saying all of this with a sort of care free tone. As if he was trying to learn from those events.

"...dispite what I said, I don't want either of you two to act so... crestfallen...the mistakes you both made overtime, it should not be holding you down, but rather to drive you forward to your goals. I can't truely relate to the archwizard with a dedication to a spell nor to the young man tormented by a influence beyond my understanding. But I trust my own judgement that no matter the place, the time, or even the world in question, you'll be better off moving forward. Rather than sulk silently, relenting under the dread...no different than a mindless hallow of the high walks."

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @anyone_that_i_missed.

  • "...I would rather not damage my staff. I bought it with the reward money from the first quest we ever did together." Nuzzling her staff again helped Megumin get back a little bit of her smile. "My first Explosion as part of a party." Then she revealed the dagger Orbeck had given her. "This, however...were I better at swordplay, I could probably deal heavy damage with this. But that would still leave me as an archmage with no magic." Her confidence petered out as she waved the dagger around, "'Oh, look, Kazuma. I've lost my primary function, but I can perform basic attacks with a dagger. That will keep you happy with me, right?'" Her head hung. "No, Kazuma's not bad. Well, he is a pervert sometimes, but he's hardworking, and loyal. On the other hand, he's often frustrated with us due to our shortcomings. He must be worried out of his mind about me, especially now that I know what he's been through. He probably thinks Bill kidnapped me." A tear hesitated, but ultimately decided to fall. "But if I show up to Axel with no magic, how can I possibly help him on his quest against the Demon King? He doesn't deserve to lug around someone who can't return the favor."

    Hiryu and Whisper came forward with wildly differing answers; They pulled themselves forward with vengeance and faith in friendship respectfully. "I do want to fight...but, honestly, what are the odds of me crossing paths with The Director again? Everything I am is in my Explosion. Without it, I'm lost. And Whisper...what if my friends are in mortal danger? Not just my party, but you! We were all being shot at, and my body refused to respond. You're able to support me, but without Explosion, I have little to nothing with which I can support you back. In the best possible party, all members support each other equally."

    Fortunately, it was Deadpool to the rescue. The crazy ol' mercenary broke into a goofy song about marshmallows, and the song lured some more pleasant thoughts out of Megumin's head. "Heheh, that does sound like a song we would sing to each other while we were drunk." Thinking that her broken heart just needed some chocolate, she started to quietly singing along. "97 chocolate covered marshmallows on the wall, 97 chocolate covered marshmallows, take one down, pass it-" Unfortunately, Shujinko put a stop to it. "...Oh. Um, okay."

    The silence didn't last long, thanks to Sage. He did, indeed, carry the same fears as Megumin...Hell, he expected to be outright shunned. Of course, Megumin did know about the labels from his file, but had tried to help him ignore them. "It is a scary thought, isn't it? The thought of being left out, forced to strike out on your own." She inched towards Sage a little more. "If it makes you feel any better, we can all tell that you fight hard against the prophecy, and your darker self. They do say that you can't fight fate, but I don't believe it. Maybe we'll encounter someone or something that will change your fate for the better, who knows?" She patted his shoulder. "You've still got a chance. You have leverage. You just need help containing it."

    Now Akari had her wishing to rush up and hug him. "Your own father?! Oh, that's a terrible thing to experience!" With a lump in her throat, she studied the roses as Akari explained their role. She didn't figure any of this stuff, she just thought the roses were cosmetic. Once again, the flowers were a staggering reminder that pain was all around her. "Even though you're in so much pain, you still hold onto hope..." She sniffled. "Losing Explosion is the greatest pain I ever felt. It feels like a vital organ was cut out of me. I really did put all my hope into it. I guess I walked out of Blood Gulch with some seeds in my heart, too. I want to...I want to just...RRRGH!" She snapped an invisible spine between tightly clenched fists. "But I can't confront him on his recklessness if I don't hold on. Yet I can't hold on without Explosion. I'm confused, I'm fearful. I don't even know if any archmage in Belzerg history has ever flat out lost their magic."

    Then Benrey started to glitch out behind her. Lillith started having a nightmare somewhere in front of her, and Sage was well and truly freaking out. Her negativity was creating more negativity all around, which was certainly not intended. "Wait, everyone, please settle. I didn't mean to start infighting." She started backing away from Benrey, only to bump into Blake.

    The faunus wasted no time in scolding Lealan and Snake for their conversation. She supposed she should have been smug, but...ah, Lealan was still a friend, even when she was cranky. "She has a point, though. I shouldn't have wasted all my skill points on Explosion. I should have known it would come back to bite me in the end. Technically, I was the strongest in my party. Now I'm far and away the weakest...And I'm not a child, honest. I'm small because of my lack of food growing up. I'll probably get those inches back in the future. Could have gotten them today if I hadn't been so skittish on the feast. Man, do I feel stupid about that in hindsight." Once again, she looked down at her new dagger. "I'm just frightened of learning new skills out here. When I learned Explosion, I was kept safe under the care of Wolbach. When I fell, I had her back then, and Kazuma now, to carry me to safety. Now we're out here with just the clothes on our backs, and we're off to fight some dictator and some crazed blood drinking girl, and a psychopath man with an army of clowns carrying guns. I can't afford to slip up. But I still want to help..." Her voice became laced with despair upon repeat. "I just want to help..."
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"Sounds like you greatly respect this person, yet the fact that you have negative things to say about him despite this respect - it implies your closeness and familiarity to him. From what I can tell, Kazuma won't abandon you," the Agent smiles towards Megumin.

"I've relied on the Omnitrix so much that during those few times it was ripped from me, it was disabled or whatever, I felt lost, distraught, all that, and I guess even now, I still would," Ben adds to Megumin's conversation, still trying to make heads or tails of the armlet he was examining. "But over these years - I've learned something. It's not the gadget, weapon or spell, but the one who uses it that really matters. If you're a hero with Explosion, you're a hero without it too."

P PopcornPie
Lealan keeps a side eye on Megumin as she talks, while ignoring any barbed words of the rest of the group. She lets out a sigh. "I'll probably regret this later, but..." Lealan gets up and walks over to the moping Megumin. "Okay, look here." She holds out a chunk of obsidian that is shaped to an arrowhead shaped blade, with a wide, smile shaped hilt.
"This is a shank. We use them in the Ceremonial Hunt for sneak attacks while grappling or riding prey. Since we are mostly fighting human opponents, you need to aim for the liver, kidneys, and joints, like the hips and knees." Lealan jabs herself with the punch dagger to show where Megumin should be aiming. "It's a bit smaller of a blade than I prefer, but for someone like you, it'll be handy. It normally won't kill unless you hit the right organs, with the right amount of force, but to jab it in and rip it out works to slow someone down. It's really sharp, so if you really need to, you can even throw it, and I can make more, so don't be afraid to use it however you can. I don't know what you mean about skill points, but there isn't much you need to know about swish, swish, stab." Her mouth twists, as if she ate something bitter and sour. "I know what it's like to be reduced to practically nothing. It's horrible, and there may be nothing you can do do go back to how you were. Sometimes, the only way forward is to look into the void, and start screaming, until you are out of screams, and then drag yourself forward by your own bloodied hands." She puts the barely used blade into Megumin's hand, Lealan's own blood still on the blade. "And if you are hungry, we can get something from Snake. Don't tell him I said this, but his rations taste like nutritious cardboard. But they are something, and the nutrients will help you to grow." Lealan pats Megumin on the head. Her hand is heavy, even without any added force, but there isn't any malicious intent.
P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake
He was about to go ham on Lealan and Snake, until deadpool went ahead and sang a song that managed to calm him down a bit. But of course... Shujinko had to go and ruin the fun, which made him more angry. If this kept going on, he might actually go physical and accidentally hurt someone. While he is not afraid of doing this, hurting his own teammates is something he never thought of doing. Quickly getting out of the seat.... before getting ready to do something.

“THIS IS THA LAST STRAW..... EVERYTHING WENT TK SHIT ONCE LEALAN AND SNAKE WERE TALKING, AND NOW EVERYTHING IS GOING DOWNHILL TO FUCKING HELL.... WE ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A TEAM AND ACTUALLY HELP EACH OTHER, NOT DISCOURAGE THEM.... IF YOU NEED ME, I AM GONNA COOL OFF OUTSIDE!” as he began to move back, before taking out his ToolGun and spawning in a Potral, before hopping inside, while leaving a sign saying ‘Do not Enter, Benrey is angry inside Pocket Dimension, only go inside if he is needed’ was left behind. Looked like Benrey is gonna need some time to calm down by himself.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Why are all you losers talking and shouting? Geez, man, are you all like...Not tired? Don't you guys wanna like, get a nap in while you can before junk goes down again? If you all still plan on talking, use your inside voices, we're all literally three feet across from each other. I'm over here trying to get my Falcon Snooze on but everyone on this ship don't know the terms "Talk less, Do more." And I'm trying to do more sleeping so if you folks down mind: Chill out. Please. Just chill."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 QizPizza QizPizza
"Personally, I just eat whatever pain I have away." Grif replied with a shrug in response to Megumin's question. It took Jason longer to reply as he heard the girl out in full, though. He did, however, swat Shujinko away as she poked Megumin.

"Kid, you've gotta stop being so hard on yourself." Jason would say. "Your... explosion. I can't say I understand what it is, since your universe is a bit outside my paygrade..." Jason's words trailed off as he began to ponder on the right words he could say. "But what I do know is that YOU defeated Bill Cipher. Sure, you may not have your power, but that doesn't matter," He said as he looked down at her. "What matters is how you think of yourself. Not me, not Lucky, not The Director... just you. Who cares if you can't use some power? It'll come back when it's ready." He sighed again, not really being good at the pep talks. Those were... well, they didn't really run in the Bat-Family at all, honestly. "If you were useless, do you really think you'd be here right now? Do you think I'd honestly, in my right mind, put you in harm's way like that? Do you think Nick Fury would have allowed you to join the MPF if he didn't think you were useful?" He paused again, taking time to place a hand on Megumin's shoulder to further reassure her. Before he could open his mouth again, though, Lucky started speaking once more. As the rabbit spoke, Jason's hand visibly began to tense around her shoulder. He squeezed down on it, her robes clenching in his fist as he felt himself on his last nerve with the talking animal.


"I expect you to start treating her like a fucking person, for one!" Jason would snap angrily towards the rabbit. "You know, maybe realize that she's a fucking child and isn't as cynical and jaded as some of us are, and that maybe it's not a bad thing that she doesn't view the world as fucked up as you do? Maybe realize that her fucking lack of 'experience' comes with time, and it's something that can't be helped?" He said in almost a growl towards Lucky as he finally took his hand off of Megumin's shoulder one he realized he was grabbing her, instead clenching his fist by his side. "Instead of trying to get her to fuck off at every turn, maybe help her? Maybe, just fucking maybe, be someone who's worth Goddamn interacting with for once, and not the literal definition of a whiny, small, insolent, little shitstain? You fucking sit here and make your own problems everyone else's, and that's ALL you've been doing since the moment we arrived in Wakanda. Making everyone's lives hell, encouraging this fucking kid to turn against people she trusts, screaming incessantly about how people 'wronged' you like any of us give a shit, and generally putting your own needs above the fucking ENTIRE Multiverse. You are a selfish, insignificant little shit, and I swear to God if you do not chill the fuck out and learn some fucking zen, I will snap your Goddamn neck and deliver your body to Toffee myself, motherfucker." Then, Lealan started up, but luckily Blake stepped in before Jason could address her. Ren, in the meantime, had already cloaked the ship using his semblance. He was well aware of the growing tension in the ship, so he didn't need to be told twice.

Leo had been ignoring all of the brewing tensions around him and instead been focusing on Sage, though. He rubbed at the back of his neck when Sage asked how much he messed up. "I'll be honest... it wasn't pretty." He admit with a sigh, but before he could elaborate further, Sage had begun to answer Megumin's question. He frowned as he heard his response, feeling his heart go out to the pyromancer once more. Leo had always had someone there for him, more or less, but that didn't mean that Leo wouldn't empathize with Sage regardless. But still... by the time Sage had finished his rant, Leo smiled at him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I already told you I won't leave you, didn't I?"


During all of this, Neo couldn't help but smile as she observed the brewing tensions between everybody.

P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Topless Topless ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow quadraxis201 quadraxis201

While all of this drama was going on around the ship, Gretar was snoring in his seat, his mind void of everything going on. It was when randomly, he awoken and looked around the room, feeling the tension in the air.... “Hey.... Uh what is going on here.” he said, very confused.
Being attacked for likely the dumbest reason ever, Deadpool yelled and groaned in pain as he was kicked in the groin, and drew one of his handguns, pointing it at Shujinko. "OH, YOU'RE ONE TO TALK, NO TIDDY GOTH GF! I DON'T NEED TO BE PART OF X-FACTOR, BECAUSE X-FORCE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A WAY BETTER TEAM THAN THEY EVER WILL BE, ESPECIALLY SINCE I LEAD X-FORCE, REGARDLESS OF WHATEVER CABLE MAY CLAIM! FUCK HAVOK, FUCK MULTIPLE MAN, FUCK STRONG GUY, AND FUCK THE REST OF 'EM! NOW UNLESS YOU WANT A BULLET IN THE FUCKING HEAD, I SUGGEST YOU GO AWAY FROM ME AND JIGGLE YOUR CREEPY NUN FRIEND'S GIGANTIC TITS IN SOMEONE ELSE'S FACE THAN THE TWO KIDS WITH EMOTIONAL ISSUES!" If she were to listen to his demands, Wade would put the gun away, still glaring at the girl, until he took out his notepad and some colored pencils to start doodling some artwork.

Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun P PopcornPie and everyone else probably wanting Deadpool to chill the fuck out when he's trying to stay calm and entertained on this boring plane ride.
As tensions continued to rise in the plane, Neo would be sitting off to the side with a notepad and a pen. She appeared to be writing something down! After some scribbling, what she was writing down was revealed as she held it up for all, specifically Blake, to see with a smirk.


TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You decided to comply. Leaving Deadpool alone to draw his doodles. You don't feel threatened though. You just see him as some silly guy. You like him.

>You hear a voice in your head.

Yadda yadda bonds yadda yadda you have my skill set or whatever shit that makes me Deadpool now have fun with it.

>You have acquired the powers of Deadpool. The following abilities that you can use are; EVERYTHING THAT DEADPOOL HAS THAT MAKES HIM DEADPOOL.

>In the meantime, things are getting a lot more gloom around the ship. Not good. You take notice of Lilith having nightmares. You went up to her and make an attempt to wake her up.

"Ey! Wake up! You're having a bad dream!"

--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

"I'll...Still have to do whatever I can to not let them die." Whisper answers, "Unlike Sonic, Tails, nor Tangle, I don't have any supernatural capabilities on my own. All I have are my claws, my wits, my wisps, my weapon and my instincts." She says, sitting beside Megumin. "My friends--my Wisps were unable to leave their cases back when I first arrived at Gravity Falls. I was powerless--my weapon was practically useless. I know how...Frightening it is, but you still have to look out for one another." She says, and up until this moment, she looked around the ship. She'd find that her wisps are floating around, exploring the airship. One of them, specifically the Hover wisp, is even lying atop of Captain Falcon's hemet as he got up and tried to stop the arguing. "All you could now is...Improvise. Use what you can and evolve from it. Remember what you've learnt from the MPF."

"All I could really say is only time can tell." Hiryu shrugs, "Who knows, maybe we get to visit Blood Gulch next...So stop beating yourself over some dumb shit Lucky said." He says, soon noticing that Benrey is missing. "Uh...Is it me, or are we missing a passenger?" he asked, glancing around. Soon, however, he noticed Neo's sign.

"Are...Are we supposed to be seeing that?" Hiryu asked, raising a brow at the bowling capped girl, confused. Either she's legit mute, or she's trying to secretly flirt. Who knows at this point?
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake would’ve calmed down if not for how the rabbit was treating Megumin, thankfully Red Hood was dealing with him. But, she then noticed Neo having a grin on her face that was showing that she was loving this, amplifying her ability to not calm down at the current moment. “Neo, you’re just really enjoying this, aren’t you? You can quit it and actually show some empathy for once.

Then, Neo held up a sign which was really testing her. All she could do was glare as she was trying very hard to not go after her. It was clear to everyone there that she was done with some people.

And it didn't help that being back on Remnant, they all started to fight each other on the way to Atlas. There wasn't this much in group fighting back in Wakanda and Gravity Falls, yet they choose Remnant to fight with each other, getting her stressed about when they encounter Penguin and possibly Penny? If they didn't stop now, then when they got to them, they'd all be dead.

Really... it was starting to stress her out and it also showed alongside her being done with some people a bit.

P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

She thought that those two would’ve been the end of it, but now the talking rabbit was starting to getting on her nerves. He just couldn’t let her be a child and let her be friends with people. Getting up, she walked over and grabbed his ears, her grip extremely tight as she took out her sword with the other hand.

Now listen here: you’re going to leave her alone and let her be a child. You’re going to let her trust us instead of turning her against us and let her have friend. And you’re going to stop making your problems everyone else’s. I don’t care what you’ve been through, you need to stop dragging everyone else into your problems, especially our friend, Megumin. You have got to be the most self centered, untrustworthy, ignorant talking animal I have ever met. Do we agree on this or do I have to take one of your feet and make it my lucky rabbit’s foot? Or maybe, I could take away your ability to reproduce?

P PopcornPie
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