Lars feels his head and feels his wound heal and sighs in relief "Thank you-" Lars stops once he sees the Kingdom Key "Is that...A giant key?"

"Sure is! My spiky-haired, zipper-loving son over hear whoops tail with a giant key! I've never felt more proud of him!" Captain Falcon smiles with pride
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
As she looks over to Neo, Lilith nods lightly and speaks up again. "Sounds interesting." She then decides to take a nap for a little bit since she was so tiered for fighting off a bunch of baddies, but then out of nowhere a random girl went behind her and poked her cheek (Why, because reasons that's why!) Lilith didn't notice though because the girl's hand went though it.

Topless Topless (Shujinko)
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  • People were talking all around her. About Penny. About the one who she gave the win to. If she hadn't distracted the distraction team, Penny wouldn't have called in those reinforcements. And for what? A spell that was jammed? It was ridiculous.

    Even so...She weakly turned to Benrey, with a very false smile. "I'm okay." Her voice did not elevate beyond that flavorless wheeze. "I blew it majorly, and it turns out that I was right about my magic only working in my dreams. But it's okay. Just another little mistake." Her virtually dead eyes moved to the clouds below. If it were of any comfort, they were moving away from the site of her greatest failure. "You're right. So what if I'm a teammate who serves virtually no purpose? At least I have friends to carry me around like the load I am."

    Hiryu said something about Grimms being attracted by negativity, and, even without her eyes moving, she knew the comment was at least partially directed towards her. "So now I risk leading a monster right to us. That figures. Just one more way I can destroy this mission. Maybe I should just stay on board while the rest of you use your undamaged powers to be useful." The venom in her voice was eerily reminiscent of the bitterness she had when she chewed out the "traitors", only with some extra punch towards herself.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Lilith doesn't seemed bothered as your touches only went pass through her. Weird, but expected.

>You hear a voice in your head.

By the bonds connected, you have obtained the skill set of Lilith.

>You have acquired the powers of Lilith. The following abilities you can use are; Spirit Shot, Spirit Shield, Spirit Heal.

>You decided to sit right next her and look out from the window.

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie

"Well, fuck." Hiryu sighs, seeing as even if they had managed to attract an entire horde towards Atlas, they probably wouldn't reach Penguin due to where he is--on a floating thing, it seems. "Guess this calls for an old fashioned raid." Hiryu says leaning back a bit as he then began to hear Megumin's mumblings about how she's virtually useless. ". . .We both know that's not true." He sighed, facing Megumin. "So what if that explosion was a fluke? Are you just giving up because of one misfire? Are all crimson dragons or whatever like that?" He asked, as if taunting. "So you're just gonna accept your mistakes and wallow in self pity? That's worse than living with the fact that you failed to save nor avenge anyone!" He spat on himself, drawing from experience. "Learning from the past is what makes us better--living in the present just for the heck of it without looking back is downright insulting." He recalled a certain scene in his mind.

Hiryu was lying on the concrete, beaten down, struggling to get up as his enemy, Sougo, approached him.

"If...If it weren't for you...!" Hiryu growled, struggling to get up.

"If it weren't for me, your parents would probably still be alive..." Sougo said, crouching near Hiryu. "But...That doesn't mean that you should hold on to it for so long..." He tried to help up Hiryu, "You have to let go, and live in the present the best we can!"

"So you fucked up, big deal! There's a whole sea of opportunities out there to prove yourself better!" Hiryu says, practically leaning towards Megumin with a serious look. "If you can't believe in yourself now, then how the hell can you even believe in us to beat Ganon?"
Jason would glance down at his watch when Captain Falcon asked his question. "A while." Was his only dry response. Then, Hiryu suggested that they bring an army of Grimm to Cobblepot's doorstep, which Qrow immediately shot down.

"Even though there are flying variations of Grimm, they're still mindless beasts that kill everything in their path. There are still innocents in Atlas as well as Mantle. Innocents who would be put in harm's way if we tried to pull a stunt like that." Qrow explained with his arms crossed from his seat. "So, the long and short of it is no."

Jason, however, overheard Megumin complaining about how she was a constant fuck-up, and how she was constantly putting the group in danger, followed by Lucky's words, which sounded comforting at first, but ultimately ended with the rabbit telling her to stay back. After letting out what sounded like a mix between a scoff and a sigh, Jason turned to Lucky. "Look, will you knock that shit off about The Director already? We've got more important things to worry about than whatever personal revenge quest you've got." He said annoyedly, before looking at Megumin. "Kid, you're not a fuck-up. You make mistakes. All of us do that. It's part of life. And, in case you forgot, you were literally the one who saved all of our asses from Bill. Something that Ford, me, hell even fuckin' Tony Stark couldn't do." He sighed, before reaching out to ruffle her hair a bit in a reassuring manner. "So buck up, kiddo. Seriously. You're gonna start making me feel worthless if it keeps up." He said, though his tone indicated that it was said in a light-hearted, almost joking manner, one that wasn't meant to be taken one-hundred percent literally on that last part. He then listened to Hiryu also try and cheer her up, and nodded alongside his words.

P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Topless Topless ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You're getting bored of just watching the outside. You decided to tease someone. You go over to Megumin and like the first one, you poke her loli cheeks.


Mood: Doubtful, Dispairing, Defeated
Tags: (Leo, GM)
, (Ben 10)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Seeing Alexis approach out of the corner of his eyes, the pyromancer had tried getting back up on to wince back in pain, forced to remain by the wall. Wallowing in self-pity and regret... At least she had been quick to clarify that the damage wrought to this new room wasn't his doing. Not that it made him feel that much better, it was just the small siverlining of a greater disaster. Like every.single.darn.time.

He should have never rejoined with Stealth. Everything was going nicely until he had gone play hero again... It would be so much easier to just, not care anymore. Stop trying to save others, even those that didn't want to be saved, or those that probably didn't deserve it. That's how it all started after all, leaping out of a building behind somebody that didn't need rescue, didn't want to live. Selfishly forcing an unwanted choice. Just how he had done to Grif, just how he felt towards Qrow...

But he couldn't.
Sage was incapable of not caring, incapable of watching things go wrong when he could be making something about it and in an effort to make situations better, they mostly escalated into even worse territory. He never learned, did he?

Perhaps... Destruction was all he was destined for in the end. Fighting it seemed to be doing nothing, if solely justifying and proving this. To burn both beloved nature and people alike; "Born Child of Fire, Bringing Forth the End of Days"... Maybe he was just, not meant to be protecting anything and this had been no more than a childish delusion, a fallacy. When even the Concept he channelled acted no better, would it ever do anything trying to be different? Would it hurt less to give up entirely?
To walk back home defeated and never leave Temple grounds again...

Would the suffering finally cease if he disregarded his humanity? If he accepted living in containment once more?
Was it too late to hide for the rest of his life?

"I don't think I've ever been in this much pain before...", he had laughed softly in reply recoiling a little bit as it hurt to do so, if only to break the terrible train of thought it all seemed to be travelling towards, "It's fine-", he winced again, even small movements were no good, "Whenever we get a break, I can just- U-uUse the mat-ches... O-owwww...! Man, I... Really messed up big time, didn't I?"

Judging by the back and forths over blowing up the room, however, it did not seem like this time could be now. Still dazed, the young man could barely make out the happenings in the background; Something about searching for an object? He'd have loved to help but, it wasn't as if he could even stand right now without his body screaming bloody murder back. The attackers had been taken care of, somehow inside a floating bubble. Sage was too tired to get caught in the nonsense of things and just moved his gaze to the next part of the scene.
Though, there was a little bugging question, did they plan on leaving the bubble here when they demolished the place? Because that was... a disturbing and incredibly morally wrong idea. And still, he had no energy left to start this discussion...

...Didn't that make him an accomplice by inaction or something?

Still, staying around in an about to be destroyed room was a terrible idea. And if he survived it there was an almost certain chance of that bringing the Entity back, which was even worse. Through constant grunts and winces the pyromancer had forced himself to his feet, taking support on Alexis' tails since he shouldn't directly slump on her and the adrenaline over the direness of everything did help to bear the pain somewhat. Maybe Leo even helped too, it was honestly hard to pay attention as the corridors of Haven academy still spun as they made their way outside...

Only to be greeted by an enormous army of armed ships.

Even in the state he was, Sage had tried striking back but he hesitated. The wings actually blinked in and out of existence as if running on low power and the pyromancer trembled with an arm up to aim... He didn't have enough trust in himself not to make things worse, pinned down by the fear of pushing it too hard, or tempting yet a new Take-Over. Not much later the wings didn't sustain themselves and faded, leaving just a shaking young man with his arm up and no confidence to make a shot. He simply watched with frantic gaze and harsh breathing as one of the enemy ships went rogue and took down all of the others for them.

It was done. He was done, and tired, and- and so many more things...

As peace reigned once more the weight of his bottled up emotions seemed to come crashing down like an avalanche of bricks. Sage fell to his knees and cried. It started as a silent sob at first and escalated into a full despaired wail, as a tree right behind him caught on fire instantly.

The mind-control, Freddy, Bill, his disappointment with Qrow and Jason, self-sabotaging with his attempt to help, Toga, powerless in the rain, Take-Over after Take-Over; Fear, regret, frustration, anger, physical pain, mental pain, life-long psychological abuse, self-deprecation, marginalization, forced isolation, loneliness, lack of hope. New emotional wounds and never closed old ones all boiled together culminating in a single loud cry seeking to soothe the suffering of a lifetime.

The tree burned; Sage's emotions also 'burned' him from the inside-out.
It was too heavy of a burden to carry on his own...

Eventually in the ship, the pyromancer would be slumped against a wall, in a corner, quite far away from everybody else. If there were seats, he'd not be on them, but instead sat on the floor nearby. His mental state wasn't much better, in fact, it would be quite similar to poor Megumin's right now. He was just there, it was as if all brain functions had just ceased to be, like when he was inert during the transition except- Sage was there, just absolutely destroyed emotionally.

Not even meditation seemed like a viable idea, and it wasn't as if it was going to solve anything, chanting about letting things go. The sheer disappointment he felt over himself could not be dropped so easily...

A couple of recently used matches laid beside him, waiting to be properly thrown out. The little box where they had come from was also there. He had at least been able to heal all of the visible damages, plus the grazed bullets that had hit his arms, which he had done after taking the jacket off. Said jacket was still to be put back, neatly folded beside him despite the awful state in which it was.
He hadn't dared to take the black v-neck t-shirt out though, a bit too embarrassed to be shirtless in the middle of the group, so the bruises in his back hadn't been assessed or treated yet. Lingering pain that reminded the pyromancer of just how bad he had made things into.

Downcast and without knowing what else to do, --or even if he should be doing anything given his tendency of being a disaster-magnet--, the dispirited young man only sighed with a heavy heart as he awaited the ship's landing. Perhaps also a lecture... Most likely done by Jason.
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It seemed like he at least got an reaction from Megumin, but before he can say anything else, others also joined in to help cheer Megumin up. Benrey could only smirk as he knew that even others didn’t think the same as Megumin, and Jason even told her that no one would have been here if Bill wasn’t destroyed by that explosion. But of course, someone went to ruin their fun as Shujinko went to poke Megumin’s cheek.

Benrey only looked at Shujinko disappointingly and said
“You sure know how to ruin the mood around here....” as he mentally face palmed at what she did.
Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Hey there, handsome. You seemed to be down with the blues."

>Venus approaches Sage upon noticing how down he is. She thought it would nice to have a chat while you do whatever you are doing. At the same time, someone has called you out.

>What will you do?

>You ignore Benrey's call out and continue to poke Megumin's cheek.

Throughout all of Sage's despairaty, he'd been watched by one of his few friends he'd made throughout this entire multiversal expedition. A friend who, due to everything that was going on, had decided to let Sage be for the most part, out of fear of overwhelming him with more emotion during their absolutely jam-packed mission. But, once everyone had loaded up onto the ship for some much needed rest, healing, and general quiet time, this friend decided to finally approach the saddened pyromancer. He did so subtly, but not too subtly, so his intentions would be clear.


"Hey," Said none other than Leonardo Watch, who had sat with Sage at his secluded area of the ship. His back was pressed against the wall and his knees were pulled up to his chest, with his arms lazily draped over them. He offered Sage a friendly smile, mainly because Leo was sure this was exactly what he needed right now. Not a lecture, or a speech, just a reassuring smile. "How are you holding up?"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Snake walked over to Lealan on the ship, taking a seat next to her. Holding his rifle by the muzzle and pushing its stock against the ground. “How’r you holding up?”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Lealan grins to Snake. "I'm doing great! I got a good meal, and I know I can rely on you, so things are doing well! Plus Megumin didn't kill you all, so that's a plus!"
Venom Snake Venom Snake
"The others are all rules solely by their own twisted moral compasses and emotions like a bunch of broken robots. They are more than willing to kill those harmless clown masked guys, for instance, but won't stop the one CONSTANTLY trying to blow us up in small enclosed areas. It makes not sense to me!" Lealan grabs her hair in frustration.
Venom Snake Venom Snake

  • "It wasn't just one misfire, Hiryu." Megumin hissed coldly. "Ever since my es-" She probably needed to choose her words much more carefully with her former "employers" nearby. "-I mean, return from Blood Gulch, my Explosion has only backfired on me. I thought I finally had it back after Bill's defeat, but my assumption turned out to be correct. It must have worked only because we were in a dream world. Here in the physical realm, I am back to being held down by my physical limitations."

    At the mention of her Clan's misnaming, Hiryu succeeded in making Megumin, albeit slightly, raise her voice. "Crimson Demons. We are known as Crimson Demons." She snapped. "No, we do not 'give up so easily'. We are renowned for our high intelligence, and overall advanced magic prowess. Which is why..." There went the snarl. "...I'm wondering if I cannot go home. Imagine me, Megumin, the only Crimson Demon archmage unable to use any magic. It was bad enough that they always called me 'Crazy Girl'. Just imagine how a magicless archmage would be treated." It would be so terrible! Yunyun would taunt her relentlessly, her parents would be so devastated and disappointed, and Kazuma...Kazuma...

    "Kazuma will dump me." She carried on hoarsely. "He was always at his wit's end thanks to my one-use spell. But he valued its power. Without it, I'm just some annoying girl to throw away..." Her eyes lifted to Hiryu, who seemed to have triggered a painful memory, which further ignited his anger. "...Of course I believe in you. You haven't been crippled. It's only myself I've given up on."

    "...Sage, do you feel the same?"
    Her attention moved to the fiery elephant in the ship. "I can see that you tend to lose control of your powers. I can tell that you're also sorry. Do you also feel that you're seconds away from abandonment?" She even seemed prepared to shuffle over to Sage, if only to have some weight off her shoulders. She continued to look at her peers, her eyes still pale and misty. Hiryu's sudden flashback reminded her that she was being selfish in regards to her feelings; Pain was all around her. "What about the rest of you? Each of you has lost so much...Chomusuke, your paws...Whisper, your friend...Grif, your carefree life...Antoneva, your legs...Samus lost her parents, and Mao Mao, his father's approval...But all of you are still able to function. How do the rest of you keep your faith in yourselves, with such vital parts missing?"

    Jason dodged her question by shouting at Lucky, but the archmage simply put herself between them. "No, Chomusuke is right. Our consciousnesses were tampered with against our will. That is what caused my magic to break. There is now a blockage somewhere, I can feel it." Once again, Jason brought up her victory against Bill, but it was now a victory drained of its pride. "I only defeated Bill because, in the dream world, I had the willpower to fight off my handicap. Here, in the physical world, it dominates me." She walked back into her seat and folded up, but Shujinko was there to poke her cheek. This time, she did not resist. "This is what I am now. I am simply the poking toy."

    Lastly, Megumin heard Lealan and Snake talking about her, and she leaned over her chair to face them. It was Lealan's comment in particular that kicked her while she was down. "Don't worry, I won't be almost killing anyone for a while. Hm...I believe I worked with someone quite like you in Blood Gulch."
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"I know. I know. But when risked with instant fiery DEATH of most of the group, you'd think on at least taking her damn staff!" Lealan Complains "Not to mention how often she runs off BEGGING to get herself killed! She's obviously as weak as a baby Pop-top on her own, I don't get it! At least take someone like Lucky or Sora with you! Someone good in a fight!" Lealan snaps her eyes to stare at Megumin, hearing her comment. "That was me! And if you are talking about Snake, that was his father!"
Venom Snake Venom Snake P PopcornPie
Lealan huffs. "Ok. Ok." The Floran yawns loudly, her sharp jagged Impervnium teeth on full display for anyone looking her her direction. They seem to be sticking out at angles, like an array of thorns shoved too close together.
Venom Snake Venom Snake P PopcornPie
Megumin just kept her glum, knowing eyes on Lealan. "...It's difficult for me to accept that I cannot adventure anymore, Lealan. I am sorry I kept fighting the truth, putting you all in deeper danger. That is why Chomusuke is right about keeping me in the bubble."

Speaking of Chomusuke, she turned to look at him just the same. "How did you press on those first few weeks, with no nubs? How were you able to sustain yourself without the thing you came to desire most?"

She received no answer from the rabbit, who looked down at the floor and twiddled his nubs.

"...His father? Oh, dear...Snake, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Your father was captured while trying to run us over with the plane."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake
“You sound like you could use a couple hours of rest.” He turned to Mengumin. “Then he’s most likely still alive. I killed him and he cane back again. He’s a tough son of a bitch, and I’ll find him.”
P PopcornPie
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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