Benrey / Mr.Russian
Of course there was a bubble in a way to stop the bullets, and to add insult to their attempted murder of Jerome, Jerome laughed at their attempts. Benrey would just be very pissed that he didn’t get to kill someone here, while Mr.Russian was making very angry ‘human?’ noises from underneath his mask. The both of them did reload their guns, as Qrow mentioned the special item that Cobblepot has here. “Well..... let’s ask someone where it is, or is it probably too late or something. Also Mr.Russian seems to be a little bit angry now.” as the now named Mr.Russian was angrily trying to pop the bubble by hitting it with the stock of his Ak, falling miserably. But they decided to start trying to find the object Qrow was talking about, Benrey walking about randomly while Mr.Russian was using his heightened sense of smell to try to find anything else hidden, other than food.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @NewtempoaryAlly

After doing a great job of taking care of the goons, they now have the new task of trying to find the thing that Qrow was talking about. But hey, he did most of the work, so might as well relax, as he stood about and continued eating the chicken wing he managed to save from destruction.
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower P PopcornPie Crow Crow quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Hiryu, seeing Jerome use Whisper as a shield, narrowly missed his lunge, prompting him to avoid piercing Whisper's head as well as the guy's chest, although his sword scratched a bit of Whisper's mask, causing it to crack a bit.

Whisper felt her consciousness fading as Jerome strangled harder, dropping her Wispon as soon as she fired. The only thought in her mind was how she had failed returning to Tangle, clawing on the chains that bound her.Just as she was losing consciousness, however, Sonic saved the wolf. She let out a gasp for air, now able to breath again as she rubbed her neck, feeling sore.

"Come on, stay with me!" Hiryu says as he crouched near her, dropping his weapons as he stood up, Another Blade standing nearby. "You! Get her out of here. Get that Thief guy to heal her, too!" He stood up, handing the strangled wolf to Another Blade, promptly passing out in its arms.

Nodding, the Another Blade ran towards Akari, presenting the unconscious doggo to him in order to heal.

Hearing Qrow's plea as well as Megumin nearly about to summon an Explosion, Hiryu summoned four more Another Riders. Another Kabuto, Another Faiz, Another Build and Another Fourze.

"Search the room, and make it quick!" Hiryu barked his orders, and the Another Riders began to scour the room, breaking down any locked cabinets and drawers to find whatever it is Qrow needed.
The Agent kicks Jerome's bubble into the bigger one, allowing him to be joined by his goons as the bubbles merge.

"Calling all Elite Puffles!"

Eleven of those creatures were now summoned. While the purple one would keep bubbling goons, the other ten would help the Another Riders find it.

"Allow us to help!"

The Echo Echoes outside the bubble began to help, replicating and spreading out to find it.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Oh...we were going to go along with it anyway.

Megumin was helpless as the bubble enfolded all her foes, then gripped the tip of her staff, then decided to slither up said staff to see what its holder tasted like. Jerome continued to laugh, and laugh, completely shielded from all outside attacks. Agent Penguin told everyone to run, and, presumably, everyone did. This left Megumin in a cold sweat. "W-wait! I mean, I already saved the day before, m-m-maybe someone else would like a turn?" Of course, Lealan just had to step up and spray her with her extinguisher, making her now soaked bangs fall in front of her eyes. "I DIDN'T EVEN START CASTING!" She shouted at the Floran, only to get another spritz in the face. "Hmph..."

Qrow was able to remind everyone about the thing they'd come here for, giving Megumin extra time to panic. Sweat slid all the way down to her boots. "U-uh, I probably should have, um, given myself a checkup, because, well...You guys do realize that my Explosion has only worked so far in a dream, right?!" Oh, Eris, now she understood how Aqua felt when they left her behind in that dungeon! She couldn't help but release a weak whimper.

One more goon would see himself be shoved onto death's doorstep by a Barrijade horn growing out of Lucky's "helmet". This was great. This was the same pure bloodlust he used to feel as a young kit. A nearly silent giggle escaped his lips as he stared at his work with his eyes wobbling, hoping for one more sign of life to tear away. He was so well locked into his killing spree, no thought to any friends or mercy, it looked like nothing would get him out of it.

Then a bubble formed over him and his victim, followed by Agent Penguin telling everyone to run for it. Turning around and seeing Megumin pointing her staff at Jerome and his goons, all trapped in a big bubble, was more than enough to make him snap out of the trance. "GAAAAH! WAIT FOR ME!" Lucky pawed frantically at the inside of his iridescent prison. "GODDAMNIT, YOU COULDN'T WAIT UNTIL I FINISHED OFF THIS GUY!? I DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE THE FUCKIN' TABLE!" He frantically jabbed the wall with his knife and his horn. "DON'T MERGE ME! DON'T MERGE MEEEEEE!"

Crow Crow
Before Lucky's bubble was merged, the Agent quickly grabbed it and poked it with a super sharp pin, freeing him and his victim.

"That was a close shave if I ever saw one. Now let's go see some fireworks."

P PopcornPie
Just when Lucky was considering the world's fastest conversion to Catholicism, Agent Penguin took notice of the jaded rabbit's plight, and set him free. "Phew. Thanks." Lucky bowed down, then looked down at the victim. Poor bastard was bleeding out like a vole in a trap, and gasping like a fish out of water. "...Eh, I won't bother putting him in there. In fact..." Lucky finished the clown with a stab in the heart. "...After I snapped out of me trance, I was feelin' a bit bad for him. So there, out of his misery." Strangely, the horn simply fell off and crumbled on the floor, seeing as it was no longer needed.

Now he was available to help with the search for the...whatever it was. "Why do I get the feein' that this whole brunch was just a distraction?" He mumbled, sniffing around the office and wherever else he was asked.

Crow Crow
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>Doing good so far. You decided to finish off the remaining goons by shifting your Skypierce into it's bow mode and start shooting arrows.


Mood: Disoriented, Hurting, Doubtful
Tags: (Leo, GM)
, (Ben 10)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

You know, as much as an internal joke as it may be between the pyromancer and the lunar cat, perhaps Katie was right. Maybe it was some kind of curse, on top of his already difficult to deal with powers, that kept getting in the way of everything he tried to do. At least, the current situation would make it seem as such. Ol' Good Bad Luck at its finest...

Instead of being allowed the adequate time to recuperate nicely from the mess in the other room, what had prompted Sage awake again had been yet, another explosion. He didn't end up violently thrown at the wall this time, which is appreciated because after the previous one that might have just broken something, but he did end up lumped in the ground one way or another. Not lucky enough to land on a fire though. Since Alexis had only left the armlet on his wrist, it still had room to escape, the relic flying out of him as he was sent back and ending up on the floor somewhere amidst the mess of the burning and destroyed headmaster's office.

The front of the jacket was now completely covered in soot, if not just charred by the detonation altogether. You could barely say it had once been white. It was a wonder there were still pockets to use at this point, though at this rate they'd certainly not last. He did end up covered in whatever things were on top of the table, but a piece of sharp wood debris had missed his shoulder by very very little, enough for a scare.

Everything, absolutely everything was pain.
The knife cut, the grazed bullets, the swollen face; Sage didn't doubt there'd be bruises hidden away by both the jacket and the T-shirt and wasn't looking forward to having to take them off to heal, able to gauge just how much he had messed up by the amount of damage. A splitting headache completed the painful set with dizzyness to boot; The environment seemed to twist, shake and blur as he tried looking back up, tried piecing together where he even was, only for the sound of incessant sudden gunshots cause his heart to skip a beat and prompt the startled pyromancer to scramble sitting up to at least slump against the nearest wall with haste.

More pain, more confusion.

His attempt to get up would be met with resistance as his body screamed at him for even daring to do so. The burnt palms especially, complained as soon as they had been placed against the floor, causing him to flinch and bring them back up to check what the situation was... And then it all started to slowly sink in; Toga, the trap, coming to help the Stealth Team... His selflessness had brought him into a bad situation. Then Leo, Alexis... Trying to calm down...


He... had done it again, hadn't he? Oh Gods, h-how bad had It messed up?? Did It kill anybody? Did It cost them the mission?? Was-
Was this his fault too???!

Unable to go anywhere without tempting magical strain over pain, Sage could only... watch. He could only stay there as bullets flew both sides, others struggled to put out fires and contain some literal killer clowns and all of that time, the pyromancer was just wondering how much of this was on him; How much of this was on It. There wasn't even excuse here. Before, he had been taken by surprise with the mind-control stuff but this time?? This time it had just been him panicking when he should know better.

As he stared erratically into his burnt hands as if trying to desperately force a memory that wasn't even there to be recalled, the Descendant shook with heavy, emotional breaths, feeling as if he was about to cry, and yet still holding it all inside for other's safety despite being so, so hopeless, so so tired of everything... Why him? Why this? Why, everything?? Why can't it just be over? What was he even thinking coming here?
Why did he still try? What was he even trying at this point?

...Talk of a rude reawakening.
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Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

With bubbles engulfing the room's assailants and the battle appearing to wind down, Akari stored his crossbow away.

Then, the penguin in the suit had shouted for everyone to get out of the room, and it wasn't hard to see why-- the bubbles were merging, and the now single gigantic one was starting to swallow the room and what was inside it. "Don't need to tell me twice." Akari said to the Agent.

One of Hiryu's forms had come up to Akari, holding an unconscious Whisper in their arms. Akari collected the sleepy woofer from them, and while he was very slightly tempted to hug her, he didn't. With a quick nod, Akari ran towards the exit door and laid her down. "Persona." He summoned Kronos, and cast Samarecarm on Whisper. A wave of rejuvenating energy would wash over her, presumably restoring her consciousness.

Crow Crow
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
(Open for Interactions)
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Whisper found herself...Back at Spiral Village. It was similar to what it was back then except far more desolate, abandoned and...Well, gloomy. Practically in ruins, the wolf ventured through the village. Although she had been to this town for a couple of months, it's one of the places Whisper would've seen as her home...Back when it was still vibrant and full of life. Reaching the jewelry store where Tangle introduced her friend, Whisper noticed an eerie dimness as she entered the shop. She glanced around, thinking that it may be one of Tangle's pranks. She's always the fun, thrill seeking gal. It's not underneath her to do those things.

However...I can't say that's the case.

"Why. . ." A low cry of a girl can be heard as Whisper ventured into the dark. "Why did you leave me alone...?" The girl's cry grew a tad louder as she saw a shine of metal in the distance, acconpanied by metal banging upon metal--footprints from a mechanical being on a marble floor.


A cold red eye stare as Whisper sees what seems to be Tangle standing so listlessly, staring at the ground unlike her usual spry self.

"Tangle...?" Whisper asked as she tried to get close. The orange steely silhouette of her friend staring at her.

"You...Left me." 'Tangle' spoke, staring at Whisper. "Just like...Them." As she spoke those words, a wave of light washed over her alongside some sort of

Whisper suddenly gasps awake, catching her breath as if waking from a nightmare, appearing to be in cold sweat. She lifted her mask and rubbed her head, feeling quite the migraine. It seems that she had quite the dream while unconscious...
Those of you who searched the locked cabinets and drawers wouldn't find anything other than papers, party favors, gag toys, and a universal television remote. However, when Benrey (and Agent Penguin's elite puffles, assuming they had any) used their senses, they would find that there was a particularly strong source of energy coming from under the floorboards. Seeing as it was most likely the only thing they found in the room that had any semblance of being useful, chances were that this was what they were looking for.


"You know, I hate to be that guy, but can we hurry this search party up, please?" Jason would ask from the side as he was taking out the last of the guards.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow @JRay Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie Topless Topless Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza @darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Benrey / Mr.Russian
After searching for what seemed like a couple of seconds, Benrey was about to give up, when Mr.Russian made some more ‘human?’ noises as he pointed at the floorboards. Benrey walked up to the Russian and said “You found what we are looking for friend..” to which the Russian responded by shaking its head. Benrey then said out to the others “Hey...! Mr.Russian found something underneath the floorboards.” as Benrey took out his ToolGun and used it to spawn in a crowbar, before beginning to try and pry the floorboards out.
Luckily, prying the floorboards was easy enough and they came apart rather nicely. Especially with the aid of the jackhammer Agent Penguin suddenly brandished. As Benrey and Agent Penguin pulled open the floorboards thanks to his trusty crowbar, they would find what was allegedly the item that they had come to Haven Academy in search for.


The item in question was a small, glass ball. It was about the size of Benrey's palm. The main attraction of the item, of course, was the strange dark energy swirling around inside of it. If either of them were to try and pick it up, they would burn their hands (or flippers) the moment they touched it. It certainly contained an enormous amount of energy, that much was certain.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow @JRay Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie Topless Topless Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza @darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Luckily, prying the floorboards was easy enough and they came apart rather nicely. Especially with the aid of the jackhammer Agent Penguin suddenly brandished. As Benrey and Agent Penguin pulled open the floorboards thanks to his trusty crowbar, they would find what was allegedly the item that they had come to Haven Academy in search for.


The item in question was a small, glass ball. It was about the size of Benrey's palm. The main attraction of the item, of course, was the strange dark energy swirling around inside of it. If either of them were to try and pick it up, they would burn their hands (or flippers) the moment they touched it. It certainly contained an enormous amount of energy, that much was certain.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow @JRay Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie Topless Topless Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza @darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"OK Chill, let's chill it out!"

He commanded his white creature to freeze the object. The thick layer of frost would inevitably melt away with ease, but before the ice could fully melt, he picked it up and quickly kept it in his inventory, where, like everything else in his inventory, it would be safe and unscathed.

"OK, we have the thing," he briefly turns to Megumin, "so, are we all ready for our Demolitions Expert to bring the house down?"

"Looks to me like she's ready to flatten these guys!" one of the Echo Echoes comment.

"Pffffftttt..." a neighbouring Echo Echo withholds his laughter, "flatten..."

"Huh, this looks important too,"
one other Echo Echo adds as he picks up Sage's bracelet. "Wonder if the Universal Translator can read whatever's on this."

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow @JRay Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie Topless Topless Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza @darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Benrey / Mr.Russian
After prying the floorboards with the assistance of Agent Penguin, the floorboards finally we’re removed and what was left in its place was a small glass ball that seemed like it can fit in the palm of his hand. He reached out to touch it, only to flinch back in pain, as the ball burned his right hand. “Ok... stand back, gonna use the Physics gun for this.” as he used his ToolGun to spawn in something. But only to stop, since Agent Penguin already took care of it. Benrey shrugged as he said “Well.... looks like we got what we were looking for.... Let’s get out of here...” as both Benrey and Mr.Russian began to leave the room.
Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

After finishing the chicken wing he managed to save from destruction, he heard that the item they were looking for was now in their hands. Throwing the chicken bone behind him, he also exited the room as well.
"Oooo!" Lucky took the universal remote in his teeth. "He's not going to need this where Megumin's takin' him...And us, probably." His tiny pink nose kept working tirelessly, wondering if what he was looking for had a scent.

He helped to pry the floorboards open with his incisors, revealing some kind of tiny crystal ball. And it burned people even it was touched, apparently. "Here, let me try. I have bandages on me nubs anyway." Unfortunately, it was even too hot for him to handle. "SHIT! FUCK!" After dropping it, he blew on his nubs, his eyes teary. "Fucking Christ, did he put it in an oven before he stowed it down there?!" Good thing Agent Penguin was there to take care of it, freezing it and then...stowing in in an invisible dimension, apparently. "...You have pockets?"

Meanwhile, Megumin kept making steps backwards to keep the bubble from encapsulating her. The sweat just kept coming. "Oh! We found it?! Erm, okay..." She continued to tremble. "I guess I need to take a leap of faith...Either Explosion works and we just take that object to Atlas with us, or it fails and...we just have to be trapped here with him until we figure something out, I guess..."

Crow Crow
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Sadly this meeting had to be cut short, as it turned out mister Jerome was hiding a secret stash! A hot glowing ball that agent penguin and benry managed to locate and extract.
Benedict would then turn around
only to see Jerome in a bubble!
Benedict would yell as he pressed his face up against the bubbles surface.
Ah......I haven’t.....paid you yet! I hope clippy sees the success of our enterprise and....comes home
Benedict would say with a gleam in his eye as he took a large suitcase and began shoving it into the bubbles surface, hoping it reaches through to Jerome.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"FALCON KICK!" Falcon rushes forward with a flaming kick, hitting a few more of the guards.

Lars backs flips into the air, grabs on to the guard and slams him down on to another guard into the ground. Lars looks over to Benrey and Agent Penguin and sees the colorful orb "What's that?"

Captain Falcon takes a look at the orb "Is that a giant marble? It looks pretty." Falcon turns to Megumin "Mage girl, do your thing! You got this!" Falcon gives her a thumbs up of assurance
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow P PopcornPie
Lilith floats over to the strange glass orb slowly but before she could examine any further Agent Penguin. "Uh...where did you even put that, whatever I won't question it." She then looks over to Megumin. "Alright just make sure everyone else far enough away so no one get's hurt." She says before swiftly leaving the room.

Crow Crow (Agent Penguin)
P PopcornPie (Megumin)
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Then, in what seemed like the biggest plot twist of the entire hour or two since they were there on Remnant, Jerome pulled out a detonator. Grabbing Gambol Shroud, as soon as she heard the beeping, she started to run to the doors to get out of the room.

Now she got out of the room just in time, which was good. But what wasn't good was that the wall beside them caved in to reveal men in clown masks with guns. Immediately switching forms on Gambol Shroud, she went with the katana form in one hand with the sheath in her other hand and as soon as he gave them the order to begin shooting at them, she started to use the sheath to block and rushed at them. As soon as she got close enough, she used the katana to slash at their hands.

No, this wasn't to get rid of their use of their hands, but to disarm them.

After disarming enough of them at the time, giving the others the opportunity to deal with them, she started to hear Megumin chant. "
Megumin, wait!" Luckily, she was stopped before they'd all die. She then saw some of them go into the office to look for the artifact Penguin needed. Blake followed them after switching Gambol Shroud to pistol/kusarigama form and throwing it at the ceiling, getting the blade stuck in there and using it as something to swing in on.

Once she got in, she went over to where the search was happening and saw the actual penguin pulling out a jackhammer and destroying the floorboards. Looking inside, her eyes widened at what she saw.

A ball filled with twilight."

Blake looked towards the two that preferred to run in without thinking first, answering the one in blue. "
THAT is not a marble, that is a ball filled with twilight. Don't touch it, the both of you. We just have to-" Then, the ball was frozen over, making it easy to deal with.

That was easy.

...Or that works. Now let's go!" Blake started to head out of the room.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , Crow Crow , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Jerome then brought out a button of some kind and once he pressed it, the others at the table got up and ran, which meant it was bad. So, she got up, grabbing her sword, and after running a few steps, she Blinked out of the room through the doors.

Once they got out of the room, the wall next to all of them collapsed, revealing men with masks on. Readying Zireael, Jerome then gave them the order to start attacking them and immediately, she started Blinking behind those that were getting disarmed to slash at their backs.

And this would go on until they were all dealt with.

The Floran turns to Snake. "Oh, I'm fine! Thank you for asking." She douses Megumin again. "You doing alright? Need any healing?"
Lealan then hears the others continuing to tell Megumin to cast Explosion in the TINY ROOM THEY ARE ALL IN, and makes a decision. "Nope." She douses Megumin again. "Let us get the hell out of this room before you kill us all." Lealan releases another splash of water. "This is really fun." Lealan grabs Snake's hand and goes to leave the ruined room. "Let's get out of here."
P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chronology: Ultimate

LOCATION: Headmaster's Office, Haven Academy
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Alexis was really hoping that things wouldn’t have to devolve into senseless violence, especially when the group had the opportunity to be diplomatic...even if the actual efficacy of said diplomacy was questionable considering the instability of Jerome. That still didn’t excuse everyone pulling a gun out to threaten Jerome, and eventually, their host snapped. When Alexis saw the detonator in the man’s hands, she immediately stood up, but she was too late. The table exploded and it sent her and Sage flying across the room in different directions.

This time, she recovered much quicker and angrier than before. Her tails burst into flames as she got back up and with each step, she charred the ground at her feet. When the masked goons began to open fire, she didn’t hesitate to make sure they burned. Each of her tails shot out a stream of flame that seemed less to be a projection of fire and more so an extension of her tails. The unlucky few clowns that were caught by these flames were bound in place by these tails of flames and held as they slowly burnt to death. Their screams of agony were ignored by Alexis until they were nothing more than ashes.

The kitsune’s little outburst ended as soon as it began when there were no more enemies to kill and with Jerome being restrained by a bubble created by Agent Penguin’s little pet. Honestly, the fight was a little underwhelming, especially when they were all lured into what could’ve been the perfect trap. Alexis wasn’t complaining though, her focus was on making sure the various fires in the room were being suppressed. It would really suck if Haven Academy burnt down.

However, while Alexis was in the middle of handling all the fires, she recalled that Sage needed help! She frantically looked around until her eyes managed to lock onto Sage’s beaten up self, with all of his torn clothes and his confused, distressed face. She rushed to the boy’s side and knelt in front of him. She gingerly held his burnt hands as he stared at them, appearing to not know what was going on. Alexis had an idea of what was going on in his mind, and she told him earnestly with a reassuring smile, "I know what you’re thinking, Sage. It wasn’t your fault. Please don’t blame yourself. There was a man named Jerome that our group was mean to, so he was mean to us. I don’t blame him, or you, or our group." She looked looked at Sage’s hands and his bruises, "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Let’s go find something to help with this. It could get infected..."


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