With parts of his bio-armour burnt, embers continuing to linger, and after getting smacked through walls, Refrigerator continued to rise.

"Sorry, Concept of Fire, but Mr 'foolish kid with a space watch'..."

He was ready to return fire, an energy blast colliding with the spiral of flames and fiery edges...

"... isn't here..."

... only for the result to be a great explosion as both parties were pushed back. In a flash of green light, Refrigerator had turned back into Ben and quickly got up.

"I... Oh no, I took the form I scanned from Frieza. What have I done?"

He ran up to Sage.

"Sage, speak to me!"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

"Sorry Lucky, but Elite Puffles work for the EPF. I'd be happy to help you get your own Purple Puffle, though," the Agent responds to Lucky.

P PopcornPie

The Agent joined Headmaster Jerome in the hall of dining with the others.

"Oh, Headmaster Jerome. Just a bit curious - if the Cobblepot's called 'The Penguin', do you have any particular alias?"

He watches the Headmaster shoot Falcon.

"OK, OK, this isn't duck hunting season. We already got enough bird on the table for everyone."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
...right, like that was the only thing he would do, host a feast for them.

"Right... since you work for Cobblepot, clearly, this isn't all that you have planned for us. But why get irritated over simple questions? Unless you have something to hide." The more they asked these questions, the more irritated he would feel and Shujinko seemed to pick up on this as well.

Jerome then aimed the gun at Shujinko, only to shoot the man in the blue suit again. He really liked shooting people, it seemed.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Topless Topless , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-


Jerome seemed to get irritated by these questions. And that usually meant the opposite of what he was saying. "We're just asking questions. Can't you indulge us just a little bit and answer them? Honestly this time."

He then shot the man in the blue suit once again, making her sigh. "Really, Jerome, killing your guests is just going to make them not eat the food that you got your servants to make. It's just being a bad host."

"Hmm... maybe you're right..." Jerome hummed as he stared at his gun, and then over to the bleeding Captain Falcon... only to shoot him once more in the chest. "Oops..." He smiled, before dropping his weapon onto the table. "Butterfingers!" He then turned to look at Megumin and Lucky. "Of course I know Cobblepot! He's a very good friend of mine!" Jerome exclaimed, before hearing out Megumin specifically. "Uuunnnfortunately, he's not taking visitors right now. I can leave a message for him, though!" He then, however, leaned forward once he heard the other part of Megumin's statement. "Oh... and why's that?" He'd ask with a slight frown, leaning forward on his elbows a bit as he asked. "Aaaaannnnnd no," Jerome said, turning to Agent Penguin. "The only alias I have is Jerome!"

He then looked over to Blake and Ciri, tilting his head a bit. "Well, that's awfully presumptuous of you, isn't it? Who said I even worked for Cobblepot, anyways?" He asked. "Besides, you're not being very good guests if you're not eating the meal I prepared for you, are ya?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Topless Topless P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower @darkred Crow Crow Venom Snake Venom Snake

  • "I see." Megumin lowered her head. "Um, well...We really do..." She sighed out her nose. "...Look, we're trying to reach Ganondorf, and apparently we need to do something about whoever is serving him in this world first." Then she scooted back in her chair, causing sweat to slide down her face like raindrops off a tree. "...We didn't mean to...We were battling Toga, and then one thing led to another...And Sage accidentally lit things on fire." She fiddled with her fingers.

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Jerome really liked shooting because he then got up, went over to the man in the blue suit, and shot him in the chest. While she would be worried, they all went through worse, so he should be fine, right?


Staring at him as he addressed then saying he worked for Cobblepot and then said that they weren't eating any of the food, she replied. "Well, with Cobblepot having taken over Atlas and him having something very important to him placed here, why would he put someone he doesn't know and trust in charge here? It wouldn't add up. And like I said: I'm not hungry."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

He then got up and went over to the man in the blue suit, shooting him in the chest. He's been through worst, right? He'll be fine.

When he responded to them saying that he worked for Cobblepot and told her and Blake that they weren't eating the food, she had to respond. "First, you seem to know him from what you said when we all walked in here and he probably knows you in some way. And second, you're still a bad host if you didn't even offer the both of us any food. How are we suppose to eat at this feast if you don't offer us any food?"

--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


When the fighting died down, Another Wizard casted a water spell, causing it to rain all over the room from a giant blue magic circle, extinguishing the fires in the room. With that done,

"Ready when you are." Hiryu immediately switched into Zi-O II when they draw near the Headmaster's door, with Another Wizard and Another Blade on his side, Hiryu prepared to storm through the room when...The Headmaster welcomed them, inviting to dine with them. "...The hell?" Is all he could say, welcoming himself in, without even taking off the watch, retaining in his form. He's never eaten in an Another Rider form before, so this would be an interesting experience.

Another Wizard pulled the chair where Hiryu would sit, still in his Another Zi-O II form. hiryu proceeded to grab one of the drumsticks, handing it to Another Blade, motioning to eat it. Like a sloppy animal, Another Blade devoured the drumstick with tis creepy looking teeth.

"So what you're saying is...You can give him a message?" Hiryu turned to the Headmaster Jerome. "Intruiging...And how willing are you to conspire against Cobblepot?" He asked, leaning in front of the table, not eating in case it's poisoned. In fact giving it to Another Blade was simply a test in that matter. "Not to bring him down or anything, no...But just to play a little prank." He shrugs, "A good man loves a good prank."

Whisper sat beside Sonic, mask still on her face, looking around but still not eating...Except for the water. You could never get wrong with the water.
Jerome shoots Caption Falcon yet again which made Lilith nonexistent heart skip a beat, she really wanted to leave but if she tried to then she would probably get shot at, and maybe even shoot a few other people just because. "Okay I'm really starting to think you're doing this on purpose, not like you weren't doing so earlier!" Lilith exclaimed sounding extremely concerned. "Look if you don't stop now we're gonna have to resort to something."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jerome)

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Jerome shot Captain Falcon. That is the last straw.

"Oh, you son of a-"

>Before you were about to do anything nasty, Venus grabs your shoulder, turning your attention to her.

"Shujinko, I advise that you stay quiet and do what he says, less more blood is shed."

>What will you do?

"Come on, we're not gonna get some answers from this guy if we don't do what he pleased."

>You told to Blake before sitting down, but not touching the food.

Status: Knocked-Out
Tags: (GM)
, (Ben 10)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Ben would find Sage spralled on the ground and completely passed out, breathing a bit raspy, his cries of the pyromancer's name gone unheard. If he stopped to really take the scene in however, he'd find an extensive list of tiny but quick accumulating damages...

For starters, the jacket had to be the most noticeable thing. Since the start of the adventure it had been picking up more and more holes and burned out pieces. Shoulders areas absolutely charred, several spots missing due to grazed bullets from the choppers, chunks eaten out by flames here and there, some of the holes were impossible to miss. The right sleeve had a knife cut almost through half of it, courtesy of Toga's charge, a cut that still bled under the mix of black and red fabric.

Because of the blue fire flamethrower, Sage's palms were also superficially burnt, the streaks of the flames having left an imprint in the now mildly red and sensitive skin. Where Refrigerator had tried choking Toayî to no effect, rested the marks of a strong, aimed to kill grip in the form of painful-looking bruises. Finally, his face had taken a real blow from Jason's weapon, the pistol whip having left an already purple and slight swollen mark. Really, it had been fortunate that the other only had to do it once, otherwise it could have been much worse for the unconscious pyromancer.

The frost from Sora's Blizzard had all but melted at this point, especially since the room had been left burning for a rather long time. All that was leftover from it was wetness, the water reflecting the light of the environment as one would expect it to do. Even the young man's hair was wet in certain patches, melted snow dripping down.

Not too far from him was an interesting looking armlet, an ornate golden piece put together by two snaking bits held in place by a textured centrepiece in the form of a wing. Gazing inside, Ben would find inscriptions in an unknown language, the drawn fantasy-ish symbols put together in a circular layout, travelling together with the spiral of the jewellery itself. This seemed... important.
Last edited:
Chronology: Ultimate

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Slightly Famished/Slightly Dazed
MENTAL CONDITION: Concerned, Diplomatic
LOCATION: Headmaster's Office, Haven Academy
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
MENTIONS: Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

It was crushing to see Sage slowly descend into despair and even more painful to see him lose control to the entity. When Alexis saw the boy’s fire turn from orange to blue, she knew that things were going to be messy. However, she didn’t expect how violent the transition would be. The explosion caused by Benedict’s extremely flammable chemicals meeting Sage’s fiery wings was enough to send Alexis flying, slamming her against a nearby wall. While the heat of the flames did nothing to Alexis, the impact with the wall dazed her for several precious seconds.

In those seconds, she could hear the distinct change in the tone of the boy’s voice. Such a change sent a slight chill down Alexis’s spine, not just because of the cold, distorted, and sadistic nature of his demeanor, but also because it reminded her of Kagutsuchi. It didn’t take long for the chill to be replaced by a little bit of boiling blood that filled the kitsune’s veins. It was the little inkling of Kagutsuchi’s influence that made Alexis feel as if she was being challenged and as if she had to take down this boy herself. Wouldn’t the goddess just be a great match for Toayî? Alexis was sure that Kagutsuchi would never cease to be annoyed, but that was the appeal of such a thought.

While Alexis recovered from the explosion, Sage launched into a battle with Ben Tennyson’s alien form. She wanted to stop the fight between the two boys, but Jason beat her to the punch...quite literally, as he tackled Sage and knocked the boy out with a single swift blow to the head. The thud made Alexis cringe a little, even though it was barely audible over the chaos.

Now that the fight over and Sage was subdued, Alexis stumbled back to her feet and rushed over to Sage’s side. The poor boy. He’s been through so much, and the fox could imagine just how he must feel once he awake...aside from the possible concussion he just received. She gently scooped him up and cradled him in her tails, making sure that he was as comfortable as possible given his current state and doing her best to avoid bruises and burns on his body. And Alexis was just in time, seeing that the group was pointed to the office where Cobblepot was supposed to be. "Don’t worry, Sage, I got you..."

When Alexis started to follow the others down the hallway, though, her heels knocked a certain metallic object across the floor. Examining it, Alexis found that it was an armband that she vaguely recognized as belonging to Sage, and picking it up, she was certain of it. There was plenty of Sage’s Essence on it, and seeing as it tried to suppress a little bit of Alexis’s magic. As if a little trinket could accomplish such a feat. She quickly slipped the bracelet back onto Sage’s wrist, knowing that he would probably feel a lot worse if he had been missing it, and prepared to leave the room. However, right before she did, she performed the ever important task of suppressing all the remaining fires from Toayî’s little rampage. All it took was flooding the room with Aether and increasing its density until there was no more oxygen or heat to allow the fires to continue burning. It was the little things that kept the world from burning down.

Seeing as putting out the fires barely took up any time or effort, Alexis quickly caught up with the rest of the group as they entered the Headmaster’s office, only to be greeted by a horribly scarred man at a table piled high with food fit for royalty. It was an impressive spread and Alexis was a little bit famished, but seeing as the situation wasn’t exactly peaceful, the kitsune wasn’t inclined to take the man up on his request to sit down and eat. She did, however, oblige to take off her heels at the entrance of the room. If not be polite, then to relieve her feet after that exhausting hike to Haven.

Alexis stood around, waiting for this little meeting to be over with, until Jerome got a little more firm with his requests to take part in the feast, even going as far as shooting Captain Falcon in the stomach twice. Each of the gunshots made Alexis flinch and press her ears against her head, such that that almost blended in with her hair. At that point, she obliged; she was worried about the unconscious Sage and what the unstable Jerome might do if she didn’t listen. Sitting down in a normal chair was usually rather uncomfortable on account of the nine puffy tails sticking out of her back, but she bared with it, holding Sage above her lap like a young child.

The kitsune also helped herself to a little bit of food to appease the man, using a knife made of solidified Aether to masterfully cut a few thin slices of turkey and a pair of tongs she manifested to take a little bit of salad. She used her own Aether-utensils to eat, taking a small bite of the turkey Jerome’s butler was so proud of, before making some conversation, "I’m sorry about the others’ manners, Jerome. I’m Alexis, and I think I speak for everyone else when I say we’re just a bit on edge after getting attacked by a girl with knives. Forgive us. I can’t imagine your day has been going that much better with us barging into your academy with guns and magic."

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would nod his head as captain falcon was shot
Tut tut, some people just can’t understand good manners these days Jerome old boy.....anyways.....I would love to invest in the paper clip industry......but there is sadly....a wee little......knot in our jump rope of a plan.....one of our top executives.....Clippy.....has gone missing!
He would say as he took another sip of his fine wine.
Ah....I say Jerome, do you happen to know where Mister Clippy has gone? Golfing perhaps?
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@ everyone else​
B.J. Blazkowicz

By the time Blazkowicz returned from freeing Lucky, he managed to spot her fleeing through some portal out of nowhere. Groaning, Blazkowicz put his schockhmamer away. "You're kiddin' me! God damnit! How many escape routes are there in this place?" Fine. Either way, she's out of the picture for now. Now to see what the headmaster has in store for us. And whatever B.J. was expecting, it certainly wasn't an entire feast. He was wary, of course, but with everyone in the room, safety felt ensured. He hesitantly took a seat. "I'll pass; got no appetite, anyways." It wasn't a lie; everything with Toga hardened his stomach. It certainly didn't get better when Jerome fired off his gun at a butler and Captain Falcon. "Easy there, son. He can't eat if he's got lead in his stomach." This is gonna be on loooooonnng meal...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari watched as Ren was carried off after he was brought back on his legs. "Good thing I could get him back up. That was plenty of blood loss I saw." He told Nora as she walked off, placing his sword back on his back.

Akari then regrouped with everyone. Once the doors were kicked open, Akari saw... someone who seemed to be quite clearly not in a stable mindset, to put it mildly. When he was insulted by Captain Falcon over the appearance of his face, Jerome had shot Falcon straight in the stomach. Thankfully, Shujinko was quick to attend to that otherwise grave injury. As for Falcon getting shot again... that was indeed a thing.

Akari deadpanned and took a seat as Jerome had requested, pulling his half-cape over his right arm. As Jerome was armed and effectively pistol-coercing everyone to enjoy the banquet he and his servants had prepared, Akari scanned over the different food options. When Alexis mentioned Toga's attack, Akari decided to add on to that. "If I may add to what she said, this 'girl with knives' also just so happened to drink the blood that was shed by those knives. In other words... a vampiress. Could have sworn she even had the fangs to match that title. On top of that... she could change into anyone whose blood she drank. So... that was anything but fun." Even if Jerome was clearly nuttier than a Planter's factory and was totally about to make everyone eat sabotaged food, Akari figured some amount of conversation with him would at least calm Jerome down some.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Topless Topless (Unspoken Mention)
QizPizza QizPizza (Unnamed Mention)
(Open for Interactions)

"Oh, well, why didn't ya say so?" Jerome laughed again once Megumin explained their side of the story. "I'd love to give 'ole Cobblepot a call!" He exclaimed, before turning to Benedict and gasping. "Not Clippy!" He covered his mouth with his gloved hand, looking around the room. "Well, we'll definitely get to the bottom of this, 'ole Chap!" Jerome would exclaim as he looked around at all the others. Then, Hiryu suggested he betray Cobblepot, and Lucky tried to swipe his gun. Jerome quickly grabbed his gun before Lucky could, though, before standing up out of his seat. He then looked at Alexis, Benedict, and any other none rude guests. "I'm terribly sorry for what I'm about to do here... but I've had it up to here with these RUDE guests!" He would shout in regards to everyone else, before brandishing what looked like a detonator of some sort. He held it tightly in his hand as he stared at all of you. "I bring you into my academy, prepare a nice feast for all of you, and yet this is how you repay me!"


"Alright, enough of this shit!" Jason shouted as he stood up and pulled out one of his handguns. Before he could properly aim at Jerome, though, the ginger slammed his thumb down on the detonator's red button. As soon as he did so, a high-pitched beeping noise could be heard from under the table you were all sitting at. Most of you got up to run out of the room, and while you more than likely avoided outright death, before any of you could get the doors open, the table exploded. Food flew everywhere around you while smoke and fire filled the room, and pieces of broken wood and cloth filled the air. All this while, Jerome was laughing like the maniac he is. A loud cracking noise could be heard beside you as the wall suddenly caved in, revealing several unfriendly looking folks, all holding various weapons and wearing clown masks.


"You guys just had to go and fuck up a great meal, didn't you?" Grif, who had been pigging out on the meal in the corner before everything went to hell, asked as the clown masked men aimed their guns at all of you.


"Make it rain, boys!" Jerome shouted, and when he did, the gang aimed their guns upon all of you and opened fire, all while deadly flames began to consume what remained of the room you resided in.

Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower StaidFoal StaidFoal quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Before Akari could even get Jerome's response to what he had said, Jerome had up and decided to set a bomb off. Akari had heard the beeping and backpedaled as quick as he could, but he was still fairly close to the table when the explosion happened, and so he was knocked back several feet, landing hard on his rear and feeling a bit disoriented. "D-damn..."

Then, a gang of clown-masked people emerged from a large hole in the wall and, per Jerome's orders, began shooting at everyone. Akari, still on the ground, pulled his sword back out and guarded to the best of his current ability... even if bullets were still grazing across his face, stinging his pre-existing wounds and creating new ones. Akari's eyes were also starting to ache from the smoke coming from the fires. "Can't say... I'm surprised." He said, coughing twice mid-sentence.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)

"Oh, well, why didn't ya say so?" Jerome laughed again once Megumin explained their side of the story. "I'd love to give 'ole Cobblepot a call!" He exclaimed, before turning to Benedict and gasping. "Not Clippy!" He covered his mouth with his gloved hand, looking around the room. "Well, we'll definitely get to the bottom of this, 'ole Chap!" Jerome would exclaim as he looked around at all the others. Then, Hiryu suggested he betray Cobblepot, and Lucky tried to swipe his gun. Jerome quickly grabbed his gun before Lucky could, though, before standing up out of his seat. He then looked at Alexis, Benedict, and any other none rude guests. "I'm terribly sorry for what I'm about to do here... but I've had it up to here with these RUDE guests!" He would shout in regards to everyone else, before brandishing what looked like a detonator of some sort. He held it tightly in his hand as he stared at all of you. "I bring you into my academy, prepare a nice feast for all of you, and yet this is how you repay me!"


"Alright, enough of this shit!" Jason shouted as he stood up and pulled out one of his handguns. Before he could properly aim at Jerome, though, the ginger slammed his thumb down on the detonator's red button. As soon as he did so, a high-pitched beeping noise could be heard from under the table you were all sitting at. Most of you got up to run out of the room, and while you more than likely avoided outright death, before any of you could get the doors open, the table exploded. Food flew everywhere around you while smoke and fire filled the room, and pieces of broken wood and cloth filled the air. All this while, Jerome was laughing like the maniac he is. A loud cracking noise could be heard beside you as the wall suddenly caved in, revealing several unfriendly looking folks, all holding various weapons and wearing clown masks.

View attachment 746142

"You guys just had to go and fuck up a great meal, didn't you?" Grif, who had been pigging out on the meal in the corner before everything went to hell, asked as the clown masked men aimed their guns at all of you.


"Make it rain, boys!" Jerome shouted, and when he did, the gang aimed their guns upon all of you and opened fire, all while deadly flames began to consume what remained of the room you resided in.

Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower StaidFoal StaidFoal quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless

"No, I think it's time for me to make it rain!"

Ben smacked his watch down, initiating a transformation. His body grew smaller as his muscles, blood and guts were turned into green, gooey ink, taking shape.



He would begin to spray ink everywhere with an ink blaster, before diving downwards in the form of a squid, swimming around the floor at rapid speeds, before popping up below a goon as smashing him upwards with an Ink Roller! This goon would be engulfed by a bubble - one of many bubbles that the Agent's purple creature was blowing to trap the many goons! The bubbles would not budge from the bullet rain one bit.


Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower StaidFoal StaidFoal quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
B.J. Blazkowicz

I'm feeling the warmth again; the warmth of the fire and flames, spewed by an explosion, begging to lick at the skin. It wants to latch on, to leech every drop of life outta you. If only I was still awaiting death, then maybe it would have worked. 'Cause the dream hasn't come true, yet. The dream of you, me, barbecuing in our backyard. Blazkowicz rose from the ground, tattered in soot and sweat, right before the gang opened fire. Gritting his teeth, he darted straight towards the closest shooter, colliding into him with the brunt of the ram shackles.


B.J. grabbed the gun that flew from the man's hands, grabbing his own assault rifle for the other hand. "Come and get me you ugly-ass, boot-licking apes!" He held down both triggers, scowling at whichever of the thugs he sprayed bullets at.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Megumin gasped at her rabbit friend. No, no, no! Couldn't he see that Jerome was about to snap?! "Chomusuke, no! That's not yours, and you already have a-"

    Too late. Lucky tried to steal the gun, and Jerome saw. This was the final little push their host needed to go berserk. She practically teleported to the door, but the room exploded right before she could even see if it was locked behind them. For the third time in this adventure, she was dealing with being burned alive. "Ha...amateur...Explosion..." The roasting archmage mused, because there was never a bad time for Explosion pride.

    What she couldn't laugh off, however, was the virtual army of clown-faced men with guns. With her ashy face turning pale, she grabbed one more chance to negotiate. "Please, excuse Chomusuke! He's the very impulsive type, and he probably just wanted to-"

    "Make it rain, boys!"

    "AAAAAAGH!" Megumin was reduced to the eraser of a bored highschool student in seconds, but she managed to clamber behind Jason for protection. "What do I do?! I can't possibly use Explosion with all these bullets!" She shivered. "If someone can set up a safe place for me-Aiieee!" She dodged falling wooden beams, then finished. "-Then I might be able to cast!"

Third P.O.V
After it was confirmed that the food was not poisoned, Gretar helped himself with the chicken, but Benrey was still suspicious. Some time later, with many questions being asked to Jerome, and the already tense situation getting more intense. It was finally revealed that Jerome was tired of everyone’s shit, and from there, everything started going downhill.

First thing Jerome did was activate the detonator, which had explosives attached to underneath the dinner table. Good thing that
Benrey’s legs were working again, or he would have been launched out of the room like a rag doll. While Gretar ran with a chicken wing in his left hand and his hammer in his right. And now, as the wall broke to reveal a group of armed people in clown masks. Gretar charged at the group, getting hit by a couple of bullets in the process, but it’s not like it was gonna stop this Viking in his 60’s, as he began to use his ultimate feat. He usedTwilight of the gods, preparing to slam the floor with his hammer as he yelled out “RAAAGNAROOOK!!” . Before he slammed the hammer onto the floor, making the thugs in the proximity fall down to the floor. Seeing his opportunity, he chained this by approaching one of the fallen clown thugs, doing a small spin as he said “No mercy!” as he slammed the hammer on the Thug’s jewels.

Benrey however, spawned in a fire extinguisher and was not only trying to dodge the bullet storm fired at him, but was also trying to keep the fire from spreading and getting too big to deal with.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Clownthugfight
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would indeed take Jeromes words into action, about to show him a presentation of possible clippy spots, but of course, the rude barbarians ruined the dinner and made the table explode, along with clowns filling the room.
Benedict would walk up to one of them before pulling out a silver bell, ringing it before pointing to one of the clowns and speaking.
AH! YOU! Take these ruffians out mister Coffeebean! Jerome and I need to examine where mister clippy has gone! Go! Shoo! Get them!
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@ everyone else​
Lealan would notice the detonator and Blink away to a corner of the room. When Jerome blew the poor feast to oblivion, she would Erect a wall of stone around herself and anyone lucky enough to be near her. A quick chew and swallow of the last of it freeing her mouth to talk. "Hey! I was eating that!" She complains as she breaks apart the barrier. When the wall crumbles to reveal thugs, Lealan let's the others deal with that problem, and begins to stream water around the room, soaking whatever was on fire, and whatever wasn't. She is blindly drowning everything at this point. No good would come from taking chances here.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower StaidFoal StaidFoal quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless Crow Crow
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon feels the bullet force itself out his ab and his wound close "Geez, I will never get used to how easy that is... I'm just gonna hve to start tipping you foreach time you heal me, huh? Space gods know your good for it." Falcon chuckles until a bunch of goons in clown masks and suits begin attacking "A set-up! I knew it! C'mon, Shuji! Let's floor these fools!" Captain Falcon thrusts himself forward and hits one ofthe goons with a flaming uppercut
Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Art Attack began to melt away from the spurting water from Lealan, his spirit leaving his body as the Omnitrix beeped and transformed him back into a heavily-breathing Ben.


"Lealan, you almost killed me there! Well, that was a terrible idea on my part. I'm gonna need a Plan B... there's too much water and we're gonna need more, and we're trying not too amp the fire..."

He smacks his watch down again, initiating the transformation.


"Echo Echo!"

Echo Echo began to replicate, each copy engaging in one-on-one with each goon while releasing powerful sonic waves in their faces!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower StaidFoal StaidFoal quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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