F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Because she's a kid. And like all kids, we can't expect them to always know what they're doing. And this is coming from a grown man who messes up frequently. The situations we're putting ourselves in leaves alot of room for error as time is of the essence and we're over here being side-tracked by literally everything. I'm not asking you to forgive her or trust her by any emans, but she's no different from you or me or anyone else when it comes to making mistakes. I mean heck, I just got shot up not to long ago because a couple of trigger-happy pansies somehow didnt bother to let me know they were opening fire on that psychodere. Am I pissed about that? For sure! But I get at that moment, they want to kill her off as soon as they could so I can't exactly for messing me up like that if it meant she was out of our hair."
P PopcornPie

Take-Over: Toayî, the Entity of Fire
Tags: (GM)
, (Ben 10),

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, heavily edited by me

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Dark Vintage Pattern from WallpaperBetter

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Tsk, both of the grinding humans had somehow managed to evade Its blow. The Entity wasn't pleased, though having the droplets of blood from the cut It had managed to do sizzling against the heat of the construct was a welcome addition, elicting a sadistic grin off of the vessel's face. It had landed not much far from the pair, the attached wing-blades gone as It had done so, standing proud with a rather intimidating, indifferent stance. Observing, waiting. Challenging.

Someone had bitten the bait, the one called Ben Tennyson seemed outraged over the cut It had done. Good. This is what he deserved for spouting such high and mighty nonsense without the power and status to back it up! Toayî didn't bother answering back, It didn't think Its time was worth any of it. Honestly, Death?! Only mundane creatures feared the gloomy half of Existence, those with a finite time that tickled down as if in an hourglass minute by minute, second by second. BUT IT HAD NO CONCERNS WITH IT. And that's where It differed from the other: That which was not alive didn't have to fear anything.

As if to demonstrate such a thing, the Entity let Ben's current form approach undisturbed, solely staring back with a defiant, emotionless expression the whole time. Even as the body's neck was grabbed, Its expression did not change for It could not even feel the pain the vessel was being put through. The only real concern here was that having air deplete from the body would eventually shut it physically down, and It was not done playing with the insolent vermin reflected in Its borrowed gaze...
Slowly the arms were straightened forwards against the creature's stomach, a powerful ragging blue flamethrower being born from Its palms aimed directly at the other, forcing it to move out of the way and let go unless Ben wanted to get cooked alive.

"He's not HERE!!!"

The answer had been roared out with legitimate irritation, the tone of somebody that had already explained it so many times that It was getting sick of having to re-do it again and again. IT HADN'T EVEN BEEN THAT LONG SINCE THE LAST ONE!! In-between anger, pettiness and wounded pride, It made sure to say it loud and clear, make it so EVERYONE WOULD KNOW and It wouldn't have to keep repeating Itself for as long as this group was still around. For a warm up, a single lance-like construct would spawn in the air from seemingly nowhere and travel in incredible speeds towards Ben.

"I AM WHAT BEGUN THE UNIVERSE, WHAT FUELS LIFE AND WHAT ULTIMATELY ENDS IT", A new circle of flame-lances came to be right around the other, pointed in diagonal towards him, 2 by 2 of the total of 8 from opposite directions attempting their own shots in sequence as It kept going, "I AM EVERYTHING THAT BURNS, EVERY EXPLOSION, EVERY COMBUSTION...", as It waved a hand side-to-side a huge palm made of ragging flames would attempt to hit Ben into the opposite wall, "I AM ETERNAL, THE FLAME THAT BURNS UNTIL THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO CONSUME!!"


For the grand finale, about thirty different flame lances would once more spawn in the air and travel towards Ben just as soon as they were created, yet everything would expand in a huge flame spiral whenever it made contact. The flames in the room almost seemed to be clapping and waving in excitement at the superb display of fire manipulation mastery.


And then as It laughed distracted with the delivery of the punishment, Jason would knock Its vessel out in a single fell swoop of his gun to its face, Sage's body dropping unconscious to the ground, the armlet falling out of the jacket's pocket and rolling on the floor not too far from him. Sora would also use the Blizzard albeit pointlessly and just cover him in frost as an insult to injury. As a sign that things were back to normal, the blue fires would go quieter, stiller and gradually return to its usual orange color.

The Descendant had been returned control but, the damage was already long done...
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Ciri looked at the two, seeing Megumin being the dirtiest out of the two. When Megumin would see Ciri, she'd see that her nose was bleeding. "
Megumin, it's alright. Really, what cost us the fight was everyone being uncoordinated and someone throwing fire all around the room. That and when I left, two people were fighting with each other instead of the enemy. It's not your fault."

"She's said quite a few damn times that she's an adult in her world." Lucky coldly pointed out. "If she has so much goddamn faith in her spell, yes, she should know better. Me kicking her out into the forest the first time should have been a sign to her that we didn't want her messing things up." He kicked the air. "Yes, time is of the essence. That's why I shouldn't have to fucking put me attack on pause to kick her away a second time."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

"But now the enemy knows we're here."
Megumin said sadly. "There's no distraction anymore. Toga's still on the loose, and the school is in ruins. We were better off divided." Upon noticing Ciri's nosebleed, she swallowed thickly.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Adult, kid, it still makes no difference. We still need to get ourselves together if we're going to pull the win over on Ganon and we can't do that if we're against one another." After a few moment, they find Megumin along with Midna and Ciri "Oh look, found them! Heeeey, mage girl!" Falcon waves at the trio
P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Shaking her head at that, she continued to speak. "
No, we're better off working together. They may know that we're here but sometimes, we can't always get the upper hand. We'll deal with Toga when the time comes. If we stay divided, what do you think will happen when the time comes to fight Cobblepot? Or Ganondorf? Working together, that's our only chance we have of defeating them."

Sora was doing well in holding off Sage with Red Hood following up to tell him to keep an eye on Sage.

“Got it!” Red Hood would then tell Lucky to go find Megumin or he’ll kill him. “Just do as he says Lucky.” The boy said worriedly of the rabbit’s life.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

  • Megumin brightened a little. "Well, it probably was better that we all fought Toga together, even if we lost. But Toga is still out there, waiting to tear us apart again. And we can forget about getting the ship now."
Seeing her brighten a bit, a small smile appeared on her face despite the state of her nose. "
Don't say that. We haven't tried to call in a ship yet so there's still some hope." Then, she heard a new voice, seeing that it was that man in the helmet and blue suit.

Oh... it's him. Yaaaay.

"So...." Captain Falcon smirks wildly "What's going on in this deck of the woods? Aaaaayyyyy!" Falcon chuckles "I've always wanted to throw that zinger but oooooo, mage girl. You looks filthy! ...And sad....Well don't feel sad. Easier said than done, I know. But the race ain't over just yet. Here." Falcon puts Lucky down and put his hands out "Lend me me your hands, child."
P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • "But how do we do that?" Megumin tilted her head. "Toga knows what each of us sounds like, and can report us to Cobblepot. Maybe Sarge and Grif could send for a ship, but they're the type who sit back and let others do the hard work." Her face scrunched up. Seriously, she couldn't believe they'd showed up again. Did they not have enough fun tormenting she and her friends in their own world?

    Falcon's entrance made her giggle a bit. "I'm glad I could provide you with a chance." As she approached him, she rubbed her dirty shoulder. "Jason's not too upset with me, is he? I did directly disobey him..."
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"He sent us to look for you, actually. Well, I sent myself. So hecan't be all mad, right? I mean, who could stay mad at you, am I right?" Captain falcon ruffles Megumin's hair with a smile "And no I don't mind. Because I'm just about as big of an mess-up as she is, right now. So I guess that makes us kindred spirits." He responds to Lucky
P PopcornPie
Blake would find Nora and Ren not far off. Ren was being held up by Akari and Nora in the main hall, his leg still bleeding pretty bad. When Blake ran into the main room to find them, Nora would have turned around to look at her upon hearing her voice. "Blake! Thank gosh you're here!" Nora exclaimed in relief. Ren would have also turned to face Blake as well, wincing a bit.

"Oh... hey, Blake..." Ren said through grit teeth and winced eyes.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201

"...who's Toga?" Was all Midna could ask, before Ciri, Captain Falcon, and Lucky approached from Haven's direction. She just kinda stood there as the others attempted to comfort Megumin-- or rather, floated there. Then, Lucky piped up, which caused Midna to raise a gigantic orange, hairy hand and smack him across the face.

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
It was actually peaceful during his sleep, remembering the good old times back in his past. But then, one person had to ruin it, for he was kicked in the side of his body. Jerking awake to see Jason, he yelled out “What the fuck is wrong with you.... can’t you at least try to wake me up like a normal person.” as he quickly posted at him with his left arm. Left arm....... wait a minute...:.. Benrey then looked at his left arm, as it seemed to be worked once again. His legs were still numb, but it was good news that his limbs were starting to work again. “Hey, someone needs to pick me up, even though my other arm is working again..... I am still crippled right here.” as he looked around the room, waiting for someone to pick him back up.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Benreyneedshelp
kindpng_5029417.pngLars comes back to pick up Benrey. "I got you, don't worry." Lars slings him over his shoulder and tries repositioning him to his back like before "You need some real medical attention at this rate. Hey, Shujinko, Can't you heal his back or anything?"
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Topless Topless

  • "Oh, Chomusuke, I know you were working hard. I'm so sorry." Megumin bent down to hug Lucky, just as warm and squishy as usual.

    She leaned into Falcon as he ruffled her hair, chuckling childishly. Jason was worried, not upset! "So that means we wants me to come to Atlas with him? Yay! I would have hated being cooped up in that bubble the whole time." She happily scooped up her staff, and returned her hat to its former position. "Now...does anyone know the way out of here?"

    They would find their way out of the woods eventually, and Megumin made her presence known, posing and everything. "I'm okay, everyone! But now what do we do? How do we summon a ship?"

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Getting to the room where the two were, she saw there was someone else helping. "
Good, I found you guys." She looked at Ren. "Hey, Ren. Don't worry, he'll get you healed. What happened to you, Ren?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , quadraxis201 quadraxis201

We'll... We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, Megumin." Looking at the man, she stared at him. "Actually, I sent myself if you had bothered to listen." She then looked at Midna. "Toga's someone who drinks blood and from what I can probably guess, she uses that blood to impersonate whoever's blood she took. She also seems to be an assassin."

Then, they started heading back to Haven since Megumin was feeling fine. Once they entered the room, she looked at everyone. "Are we all good? Are we done fighting amongst each other?"

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"And if you bothered to listen, you'd know I wasn't refering to you! I was refering to us guys who just showed up. I don't even know who you are! I don't even know why it matters who sent who, we found the mage girl, so mission accomplished! Geez, you don't have to be pissy about it ...Also are you related to Shujinko by any chance? I just thought I'd ask cause, y'know. White hair and all. It looks nice by the way."

They re-group with the others "And are we done shooting at me? I know I'm coloful and all but that doesn't call for me getting shot up like I snitched or something!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher


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"Ohhh..." Midna would only slowly nod, before her hair balled up into a fist and punched Lucky square in the gut as he continued to insult Megumin. He'd have to learn one way or another. When they made it back to Haven after a fair bit of walking, Jason merely stared down at Lucky when he spoke to him.

"Good. She gets lost again, and it's your ass." He said to Lucky in a stern tone, before walking in the other direction. Qrow had sobered up since what had happened before the fight, and was waiting for you all out in the hall. He'd at least put his flask away, and he was waiting on you all to join him after fighting each other and whatnot.


"Now, if you guys are done kicking the hell outta each other, I believe we have a headmaster to visit." The drunk said as he looked at all of you with disappointed eyes, despite being the one who passed out drunk mere moments before. He led you all back into the main hall, where Nora, Blake, Ren, and Akari all were.

"That Toga girl attacked me when I had my guard down. It was as if she came out of nowhere," Ren explained to Blake. "It was as if she came out of nowhere..."

"Well, what's important is that you're here now!" Nora replied as she took Ren into her arms, unwrapping Akari's arm from her. She turned to look at Blake, and by extension, all of you as well. "I'll get Ren somewhere safe. You guys need to go get whatever it is that Cobblepot is hiding here!" She said. Without much more hesitation than that, she took Ren in her arms and carried him out of the building. With that out of the way, Qrow turned to all of you and motioned for you to follow him. He led you all into another end of the Academy, and before long, you had all reached the Headmaster's Office.


"Get ready," Qrow said, taking point and drawing his sword behind him. "There could be trouble." Jason readied his guns and spun them in his hands. Sarge and Grif cocked their own guns, and Micah readied his as well. Byakuya and Leo just kinda... well, they just kinda stood there because they didn't have any weapons. Once you all were ready, Qrow lifted his foot and slammed it into the door, kicking it open.


Once the doors were kicked open, you were met with a smiling, red haired man. He had horrible scars all over his face, and even the corners of his mouth appeared to be carved into a smile of some sort. He was wearing extremely formal attire, with a tie and a dress shirt and even some fancy shoes. He sat at a table that appeared to be lined with a buffet of some sort. There was chicken, dressing, salad, pigs in blankets, some turkey, fine wine, and even a chocolate fountain! He stared at you all with a wide smile, holding out his arms in a grandiose fashion.

"Come in, take a seat! I've prepared brunch!" He exclaimed loudly before gesturing to the wide array of food in front of him. "Leave your coats and shoes by the door. I just had the place mopped."

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Willow (Don't Starve)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon recoils in disgust when he sees Jerome's face "UUUUUUGGGHHHH! What happened to your face dude? Like someone went, took your face, and smeared into concrete! Over here lookin' like you got a whole skin disease going on! And if you do! ....I'm sorry for making fun of you. But as it stands: UUUUGGGGHHHHH!! Couldn't you have done what movie killers do and put a mask over your head or something? The world does not want to bear witness to your hideousness! I mean, thanks for making the food and all but....You ruined my appetitie...One look at you and you already ruined my appetite! And the food looks good too! Thanks alot, dude! Thanks alot! Imma starve now..! You and your fugly face..."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

“Ummm okkkay? And who are you supposed to be?”
Zwei said eying the weird man. She didn’t from her spot and her hand was on her sword.

“Probably some joker knock off!” Kara scoffs, folding her arms, “it’s the Penguin we’re facing so I expect some twisted version of dear old Batsy’s villains to show up eventually, at least this one doesn’t have a robotic arm!”
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Well I'll fully admit you do have a nice place." Lilith says as she rests one of her arms on the table the creepy guy was sitting at. "But I'm pretty sure we all know what your true intentions are. So I'll tell you what, we can ether do this the easy way or the hard wa-" Before Lilith could finish the guy shot Caption Falcon straight in the stomach. "Well..."
"Looks like I got my answer!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Creepy boi)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon fels a sharp pang in one of his packs, he looks down and see that he's been shot again "OH MY SPACE GODS, MAN! WHY?! Well actually...I did deserve that one..." Falcon sighs as he begins to try an pull the bullet out "Come here, you little bugger..."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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