"You see, Agent Penguin had me trapped in this bubble, because Toga might disguise herself as me. And then Chomusuke got fed up with me for leading the distraction team to her trap, so he threw me out here." Megumin sighed. "I think they'll stop being mad at me when the battle ends, anyway." She gazed hopefully at the sky.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Meanwhile, as punishment for replying to attacks before the GM, all of Lucky's attacks missed pathetically, and he just charged by Toga, too fast to stop himself. Thus, the Paw o' Death would get stuck in a wall, rendering Lucky completely unable to attack. "Shit..."
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Why do most of the people in the multiverse somehow know how to dodge bullets, bullets of all things. And apparently school girls can dodge a hundred bullets fired at a time. Grunting in anger, he put away his revolver, due to him unable to reload it, before speaking to Lars. “Hey... put me down, bullets ain’t gonna work on her, so I am pretty much useless. But you can give it a shot.” as he poked Lars in the head, before motioning towards the closest wall in the room.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Ihavecripplingdepression

Looks like ranged attacks ain’t gonna cut it, as he saw the shapeshifting and surprisingly fast teenager dodge and weave some attacks, but still get hurt in the process. Time to throw his hat into the ring now, as he saw Ben in another alien form of his grab Toga. So he began his charged as he yelled “Time to take care of this once and for all....” before he swung his hammer in a wide arc, planning on hitting her with a heavy blow.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow @Togafight2
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Orbeck of vinheim
status: Fighting Toga, and helping to comfort sage.
Condition: normal.
Toga's reveal was, for a lack of a better word, completely obvious. What was surprising was the unpaired amount of skill and agility she possessed, dogging practically every attempt at attack from afar. She was daring them all to fight her at close range. He would have considered joining in himself. But there where other pressing matters to deal with,
As soon as Leo saw his friend began to suffer that takeover again due to the psychotic blonde's actions, he found himself running over to his side and placing a hand on his back. "Sage! Sage!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with dread-- dread that would only get worse if he couldn't stop what was coming. "Sage look at me! You've gotta cool it, buddy. You've gotta cool it and fight that thing, okay?" He looked up at the psychotically laughing Toga, his eyes widening for a moment before he turned back to Sage. "Just don't look at her. Okay? Look at me instead. Focus on me." He said, cautiously bringing his hands to Sage's face to try and get him to look at him. When Sage did so, he would find that Leo was smiling. "See? I'm right here. I won't let her hurt you. Alright? Just hang in there."
That's his name. Sage? no mater. he may have been preoccupied with those Kamen riders back at gravity falls, but he was still within earshot to notice the takeover. Looking at him now, it was clearly apparent that the sight of that blood starved girl has made him go into a panic. Orbeck made his way toward the pair, trying his best not to show any signs of danger or stress.

"...sage was it," he started off "There isn't any need to freet. Your not alone in this." He tries to replicate the actions of Leo, putting his hand on Sage's solder.

He would like to have said more, but in this case, less may be better. Again, the last time he tried to comfort someone, that someone ended up crying. So lets hope nothing like that hppens.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @Toga_fight,
B.J. Blazkowicz

Damn it, any deeper and we'd have had a hopping sadist instead... Despite how wounded and battered she appeared, she was all the more willing to keep on fighting. Christ... Now what do I do? Guns and lasers won't do the job, and I've already done that ambush trick once... Maybe I... Blazko's face suddenly lit up. "The hell am I thinking?" he shouted to nobody in particular. "If she's too fast for long range attacks..." In his hands now sat a schockhammer, loaded to the brim with shotgun shells. "Then I just need a close range gun." He flicked the mode to Rotor, so it would fire all three barrels simultaneously.

But two things put a halt in his plan: The first being that Toga was grabbed by the alien thing's tail and was being repeatedly slammed into the ground, and the second being that he noticed the cybernetic rabbit from before, inconveniently stuck in a wall. Looking between the two, he figured he could spare some time to help a teammate out. "Quite a time to get stuck in wall, huh? Lil fella?" he said upon reaching Lucky. Blazko backed up, priming his ram shackles once more. Alright, old man, try not to squish the furry creature... And he charged, crashing into the wall. A neat little crater was former besides Lucky, and the part he was stuck in had crumbled apart. "Can't have one of the only other gun users get left out, now can we?" Now to set the lady straight.

P PopcornPie
Lealan shrugs. "I suppose. We don't have any real shape shifters like her. Some creatures can change how they look, but they are usually a back and forth type thing."
Venom Snake Venom Snake
"I'm gonna fucking kill that goddamn wizard..." Lucky continued to curse Megumin beneath his breath as he tried to wiggle his paw free. At the same time, heat slowly stroked his back, and he turned around to see Sage beginning to go berserk. The flaming wings stretching out nearby made him feel like a rotisserie chicken. What's worse, Toga was being held right there by Sora's magnet! His jaw agape in desperation, he pumped adrenaline into his arm, but the Paw o' Death couldn't budge. Thanks to its barbed design, it was stuck in there like a fish hook.

Well, he didn't like this, but there was no other choice.

Pop. The Paw o' Death detached from his nub, sending him tumbling onto his back. He would have to fight barenubbed. Incisors, don't fail him now.

Lucky followed Toga's limp body as Shujinko sent it flying, but found himself lurching in the opposite direction after Toga emerged from two knives. He needed one of those, but he would have to do some very stupid things to get it. He leaped into the air to meet her, gripping onto her shirt with his mouth. Then he started to climb, hoping to reach her arm. If he made it, he would chomp down. If that worked, in turn, he would steal the fallen knife.

The sudden departure left B.J. with access to the Paw o' Death. Could he shove his whole hand inside? Most likely not. But he probably could get a finger inside, and even work the trigger if said finger was small enough.

StaidFoal StaidFoal

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Another Blade-->
Interaction: P PopcornPie

"Hrrrngg..." Another Blade crossed its arms a bit, as if thinking of what to do. He decided to poke the bubble, freeing her. Now he can't speak, but it's as if he's telling her to get back in there and show her what for...That, or he sees that she's a uncomfortable. We're not so sure either.
"I...I really don't think you should." As Another Blade's blade tried poking the bubble, she just pushed it back out. "Of course I want to help, but when Chomusuke gets mad at someone, he means it. I would rather not find out what happens if I disobey him and leave this bubble." She itched her head. "Unless..." Then her pouty face unwrinkled. "...I could use this bubble to help! It's very bouncy, maybe I can bounce it into Toga and knock her into a wall! With enough speed, I could ram her so hard, her ancestors would feel it!" She bumped her knuckles together, grinning. Oh, yeah, it was coming together.

First, she just had to roll herself down from the tree. Once she did? Naturally, the bubble wanted to bounce all over the forest like a damn pinball before finally making its way back to Haven.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
As the tail moved up and wrapped around Toga's neck to begin flinging her around like a ragdoll, the blonde haired girl merely rose her knives once again once she was steady enough. Laughing as best she could through her choked voice, she jammed her knives directly down into the tail and slowly began slicing downwards with them both. She would do this until the alien boy was forced to let go of her. Once he did so, she swiftly dodged Whisper's hammer by moving out of the way, only to ram directly into Hiryu's spinning blades. The blades cut her sleeve a bit, and took a good bit out of her arm, before she moved back from it.

When she moved back, though, Gretar's hammer hit her head on, right in the side. It sent her flying into the upper wall, forming a crack behind where she'd landed. Toga fell onto the floor with a grunt, before pulling herself back up to her feet. "You guys sure pack a punch!" She exclaimed as she wiped the blood from her mouth. "I'll still cut you open anyways, though." She said, her tone suddenly turning serious as she charged forward once more, knives still in her hands. However, part way through her mad sprint, Lucky latched herself onto her shirt. She looked down at him and smiled, only to scream once he chomped down onto her arm. She watched as she stole his knife from her, wincing as she held onto her bleeding arm. "Give that back!" She shouted angrily, as she picked up Lucky by his ears and snatched her knife from him, before punting him away like a football.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow @JRay TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless Venom Snake Venom Snake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
The entire time she was frozen, she had to watch the distraction team bust through the door, everyone in the room basically argue among themselves about the situation, and then finally understand that the injured Sora was the fake one. About time too! It was then revealed to be… Toga.


Someone from the distraction team then came over, after Shujinko tried to smash the ice open but Venus stopped her, to thaw her out of the ice. It was working, but only slowly. However, the process went faster when fires popped up everywhere in the room and the temperature rose.

Finally, the ice melted and she was freed. Switching the ammo in Gambol Shroud to a combination of different dust types, Toga then charged at them after Shujinko unleashed a powerful attack, dealing some damage to her. But then stopped once she got hit by a hammer and was bitten by the talking rabbit, who was then kicked by her.

Loading in the dust ammo and what she was about to do next certainly brought back some memories.
Running at her, Blake feints and in conjunction with her semblance, she used her semblance to create a fiery shadow of herself at the last second and rolled underneath her. If Toga’s attack connected with the clone, it would explode a second later and send her up into the air, Blake jumped up in the air, dealing a few midair strikes.
Once the two would eventually land, she got ready for when Toga would try to come at her again.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , Topless Topless , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , P PopcornPie

Toga had dodged her slash, which was unfortunate. But what was fortunate was she didn’t seem to care about Ciri, who was behind her. After she was hit was a very powerful attack, hit with a hammer, bit by the talking rabbit, and hit by Blake’s attack, if she was hit by it at all, it was her turn.

Blinking right behind her once she would get up, if the attack even connected, she began to slash twice at her back. Then, she aimed for the ankles, slashing at those, before Blinking backwards in case she tried anything.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Topless Topless , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , P PopcornPie
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--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"That knife...Of course!" Hiryu grinned as if realizing something. He morphed once more, transforming into the red humanoid beetle, Another Kabuto. "On my signal, connect!" Hiryu says to Another Wizard before slapping the side of his belt, activating his super speed.


Another Kabuto zipped towards Toga the moment she punted Lucky snatching the knife off of her hands and yeeted it across the room for anyone to catch.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

As the others fighting Toga seemed to have her distracted (especially by how she didn't go for Akari), Akari took this opportunity to slip away and go to the room where the real Ren was kept. He couldn't just leave someone behind, after all. Pushing the door open, he saw Ren quite bloodied, and put one hand to his mask. "Don't worry, I'll help you up." Akari summoned Kronos and cast Samarecarm on Ren, a wave of rejuvenating energy washing over him. "On your feet." He said to Ren, offering him a hand up. "That weird little psychopath is currently occupied in a fight with the others. Let's get you out of here."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
--Another Blade-->
Interaction: P PopcornPie

Hearing Megumin's epiphany yet refusal to pop the bubble, Another Blade attempted to use his sword cut down the tree itself so that the trunk will fall onto the direction of Haven.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"She's still up after all that? That girl must be something. Her life energy is... unnatural."

>You take out you Skypierce and start shooting arrows at Toga. At the same time...

>Would you like to change Skill Sets?

>Which one?
>Captain Falcon


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @VersusToga​

  • "Well... that's less than worthless." The Spartan drily remarked at the -$12 bill she spotted. She still picked the stupid thing up, anyways, though her attention was drawn away from it when the armored man replied to her, saying he was fine before asking her about guns and having experience. At this, she just turned herself so her entire ancient arsenal was visible to B.J., completely gun-free.

    "I've had experience with guns, yeah. Those things aren't my style, though." The Greek remarked bluntly about firearms. Why bother using a gun when a bow and arrow could do a similar job for her? Besides, it was much more comfortable for her to wield a bow, since it had become an essential part of her arsenal. She probably would've said something else, but everyone else began heading off. Well, almost everyone else. Kassandra's eyes spotted Megumin run off on her own, warranting a loud groan.

    "Can she not go off on her own for once..?" She sighed, shaking her head before realizing Megumin would probably end up being caught by some of the straggler robot guards or anything similar. So instead of following the stealth team, she trailed behind the arch-wizard. Whilst Megumin had been running amok like a headless chicken, the she-assassin lurked around the corners, ripping her Spear through any robots that had spotted the little girl. All the while, she regained precious Adrenaline, which was necessary to power her Spear for most of its abilities. Only after Megumin ran outside to warn everyone else about what was going on did the Spartan vanish back into the shadows temporarily.

    Only when Toga re-revealed herself and began to aggressively attack the group did Kassandra re-emerge from seemingly nowhere thanks to her Active Camo, fully armored up with her helmet and ready for another round. Kassandra drew her grandfather's Spear again, this time melding a large golden pole around the Spear's frame. Without hesitation, the warrior slammed the pole into the ground, activating her Wrath of Ares!


    Having planted it right behind Toga's feet, this magical intangible pole would create an area where foes within its 5-meter radius would be slowed to a crawl! Even at the nut-job's insane speed, it would probably mean she was going to at least be hindered and vulnerable to Kassandra's partners' attacks unless she managed to pull herself out of the circle. Of course, Kassandra wasn't going to let that happen under her watch.


    "If you want to play with knives, you've got it." Her voice under the helmet sounded a bit colder this time, as though she was more focused on the fight than her emotions. With her Spear of Leonidas in one hand, she brandished her Dagger of Kronus in the other. With both short-ranged blade in hand, Kassandra immediately began slicing away at Toga at a rapid pace, the Spear and red-tinted blade turning into a red-and-gray blur as she kept a constant assault!

    Unfortunately, regardless of how well Kassandra performed against the knife-wielder, her Wrath of Ares wouldn't last forever! It would be best for everyone to get in their wallops before Toga either escaped the Wrath's clutch or it exploded, harming Toga in the process.

    ...Also, Kassandra grabbed Delsausage and ate him alive between camouflaging herself and re-appearing for the Toga fight.
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  • "Well... that's less than worthless." The Spartan drily remarked at the -$12 bill she spotted. She still picked the stupid thing up, anyways, though her attention was drawn away from it when the armored man replied to her, saying he was fine before asking her about guns and having experience. At this, she just turned herself so her entire ancient arsenal was visible to B.J., completely gun-free.

    "I've had experience with guns, yeah. Those things aren't my style, though." The Greek remarked bluntly about firearms. Why bother using a gun when a bow and arrow could do a similar job for her? Besides, it was much more comfortable for her to wield a bow, since it had become an essential part of her arsenal. She probably would've said something else, but everyone else began heading off. Well, almost everyone else. Kassandra's eyes spotted Megumin run off on her own, warranting a loud groan.

    "Can she not go off on her own for once..?" She sighed, shaking her head before realizing Megumin would probably end up being caught by some of the straggler robot guards or anything similar. So instead of following the stealth team, she trailed behind the arch-wizard. Whilst Megumin had been running amok like a headless chicken, the she-assassin lurked around the corners, ripping her Spear through any robots that had spotted the little girl. All the while, she regained precious Adrenaline, which was necessary to power her Spear for most of its abilities. Only after Megumin ran outside to warn everyone else about what was going on did the Spartan vanish back into the shadows temporarily.

    Only when Toga re-revealed herself and began to aggressively attack the group did Kassandra re-emerge from seemingly nowhere thanks to her Active Camo, fully armored up with her helmet and ready for another round. Kassandra drew her grandfather's Spear again, this time melding a large golden pole around the Spear's frame. Without hesitation, the warrior slammed the pole into the ground, activating her Wrath of Ares!


    Having planted it right behind Toga's feet, this magical intangible pole would create an area where foes within its 5-meter radius would be slowed to a crawl! Even at the nut-job's insane speed, it would probably mean she was going to at least be hindered and vulnerable to Kassandra's partners' attacks unless she managed to pull herself out of the circle. Of course, Kassandra wasn't going to let that happen under her watch.


    "If you want to play with knives, you've got it." Her voice under the helmet sounded a bit colder this time, as though she was more focused on the fight than her emotions. With her Spear of Leonidas in one hand, she brandished her Dagger of Kronus in the other. With both short-ranged blade in hand, Kassandra immediately began slicing away at Toga at a rapid pace, the Spear and red-tinted blade turning into a red-and-gray blur as she kept a constant assault!

    Unfortunately, regardless of how well Kassandra performed against the knife-wielder, her Wrath of Ares wouldn't last forever! It would be best for everyone to get in their wallops before Toga either escaped the Wrath's clutch or it exploded, harming Toga in the process.

    ...Also, Kassandra grabbed Delsausage and ate him alive between camouflaging herself and re-appearing for the Toga fight.

Delsausage screamed in pain as he got vored. He dead now. Goodbye, Delsausage. He was our only hope against Ganondorf, and Kassandra just ate him. We're all screwed now. Goodjob, Kassandra.
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Concerned/Caring
LOCATION: Haven Academy Exterior, Distraction Team
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

The slaughter continued for a little longer, with an impressive display of power on Sage’s behalf. A fire tornado did quite a lot of work for the group, sucking in dozens of those mindless soldiers and turning them into nothing more than ashes. If Sage had intended to impress Alexis, he did so more than adequately. Based on what the boy had shown before, this was the most masterful control of fire he’s displayed. Now if only they could let him have the same amount of control in day to day life.

At that point, with the combined efforts of the whole group, most of the resistance coming from the robots was pretty much gone...only to be replaced by helicopters. It wasn’t that big of a deal; Sage took down a few with streams of flame and Alexis would go on to destroy several herself. She formed two orbs that leaked out a wide rope of flames that were more than long enough to reach the helicopters in the air. With a leap, she flew into the air and swung the two fiery whips at the incoming helicopters. The fiery cords sliced through the metal vehicles with ease, creating several violent explosions in their wake. "Double Crimson Drip!"

It wasn’t long before a voice called out amidst the fighting, with the sound being barely audible through the explosions, even with Alexis’s hearing. The young magician, Megumin, was calling for help with fighting the girl they met in the forest. Knowing Sage’s, Alexis predicted his desire to help out immediately, so his message wasn’t a surprise. She called back, "I got it, Sage. Go help the others out and I’ll join you in a little bit."

Alexis had no intention of stalling the fight any longer than she had to, so she swung the two flaming whips at the remaining helicopters with surprising viciousness. The two snaking lines of fire criss-crossed across the sky nearly a dozen times from between the start of Alexis’s strikes to the end. Fire streaked through the sky as lashes tore several more helicopters apart. When kitsune determined that the coast was sufficiently clear, she withdrew from combat to join Sage and the others with their fight.

It took her quite a while to find her way through the maze of hallways, but she managed it. When she stepped into the room, the kitsune was met with chaos...but honestly, what else could she expect from this group? The real question was, how strong was Toga that the whole group was taking this long to defeat her? From what Alexis was seeing and what she could sense, Toga wasn’t particularly powerful, though a bit fast and strong for a human. The girl definitely didn’t have any blowout powers or reality manipulation like Bill, that’s for sure.

What caught her eye soon after she began processing the chaos was that Sage was in trouble. While the actual threat wasn’t too drastic, his panic was certainly an issue. His frantic movements and wild usage of his fiery spikes was uncharacteristic of him, especially when so many allies were around. Leo’s shouts brought to light the real problem: Sage’s mental state was now under great duress...and that meant that he was vulnerable to losing control to the entity inside of him.
From where Alexis stood, several flaming spikes nearly struck her if she didn’t manipulate the flame inside to burst the construct midair. The boy forgetting to discern that his friends were in his line of fire was also very worrying. While the girl eventually let up her assault and focused on others, Sage was still looking very shaken and setting randoming things on fire. Alexis suppressed them as they erupted into flames, but she cared more about Sage than what he could do. She ran to him, grabbing his shoulders with her tails and using another two tails to push his wings away from the direction of his allies, "Sage, it’s okay; you’re fine. Let’s take a few deep breaths and calm down. You’re safe. I will protect you. Just focus on my voice and breathe."

As the tail moved up and wrapped around Toga's neck to begin flinging her around like a ragdoll, the blonde haired girl merely rose her knives once again once she was steady enough. Laughing as best she could through her choked voice, she jammed her knives directly down into the tail and slowly began slicing downwards with them both. She would do this until the alien boy was forced to let go of her. Once he did so, she swiftly dodged Whisper's hammer by moving out of the way, only to ram directly into Hiryu's spinning blades. The blades cut her sleeve a bit, and took a good bit out of her arm, before she moved back from it.

When she moved back, though, Gretar's hammer hit her head on, right in the side. It sent her flying into the upper wall, forming a crack behind where she'd landed. Toga fell onto the floor with a grunt, before pulling herself back up to her feet. "You guys sure pack a punch!" She exclaimed as she wiped the blood from her mouth. "I'll still cut you open anyways, though." She said, her tone suddenly turning serious as she charged forward once more, knives still in her hands. However, part way through her mad sprint, Lucky latched herself onto her shirt. She looked down at him and smiled, only to scream once he chomped down onto her arm. She watched as she stole his knife from her, wincing as she held onto her bleeding arm. "Give that back!" She shouted angrily, as she picked up Lucky by his ears and snatched her knife from him, before punting him away like a football.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow @JRay TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless Venom Snake Venom Snake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

"You are actually capable of injuring me? That is actually impressive." Refrigerator began to feel the pain as alien blood began to spill. "But do you know what's more impressive? A special ability that Frieza Clansmen such as myself possess. Every time our health gets cut up, whether by a chunk or bit, by bit, by bit..."

His repeated slamming got faster, and faster, and faster, before he begin to spin around like an accelerating merry-go-round.

"... my brethren and I get faster, and faster, and faster! Ohohohohoho!"

With strong inertia, Refrigerator would release Toga from his tail's grip at long last to toss her in a direction.


"Now, let us see you evade this!"

While Toga was in the midst of being tossed from inertia, Refrigerator would fire a concentrated ki laser, aiming to pierce not her heart or lungs, but her stomach.

"For what you have put us through... a swift end would make sense, wiping a pest like you out would be the logical choice, but it would be too merciful. And I don't do mercy - it's in my DNA. Mmhmmhmm..."

He slowly approached her getting ganged up on, heavy step after heavy step.

"Well then, well then, what shall I do next?"


Meanwhile, the Agent would pull out his Stinky Cheese sword once more, preparing to slice and dice at Toga's already-present wounds instead of creating new ones as she occupied herself with other fighters.

"I see that you're starting to be cheesed off."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow @JRay TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless Venom Snake Venom Snake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Mood: Terrified, Readjusting | Infuriated
Tags: (Leo, Toga)
, ,
(Ben 10),

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Obviously, none of his shots had even as much gotten close to hitting the blonde girl, they had just been spammed one after the other in fear rather than with proper aim after all, but that didn't make it any less disappointing and any less terrifying. It was as if she kept dodging and taking their hits in like a champ, bouncing back from attacks that'd have knocked someone else completely out at this point.
What the heck was she even made of??

It was between shallow breaths, frantic heartbeats, panicked tears and trembling in place like bamboo, that Sage would realize why he was so scared. Because despite everything, despite what he might tell himself to cope with stuff, he wasn't ready to die. Not now, not when his goal was still about thirty years from here and when most of his life had been spent most in captivity, caught in doubts and worries that'd drive a person insane almost 24/7. Sage couldn't even say with certainty that this had been a proper life because really, it had not. The number of experiences and accomplishments was severely disproportional and unmatching of the time already spent.

No matter if wanting to live felt rather selfish at points, if only due to the threat he unwillingly posed to others, the pyromancer still desperately wanted to do so, and had a huge bucket list of things yet to accomplish!

But right now he was just s c a r e d.
Cornered like a wounded animal, frightened like a lost kitten; His everything grasped onto life beyond all reason again, the first time against giant spiders in the Yggdrasil and now, here. With an enemy a lot more dangerous and much more crafty. Once more his drive to help had placed the young man in a tight spot, a life-threatening spot, it wouldn't quit doing so anytime soon, if ever, and yet Sage just couldn't get used to it. The idea that he had been tempting Death too many times and a slight wrong step might actually finish the deal...

As Leo had placed his hand on the fearful pyromancer's back, the fire in the room had moved just a little more fiercely together with him, flinching at the sudden contact. His first instinct had been to assume Toga had gotten to him again, eyes widening with just as much dread as his friend's voice had soon carried in its tone.
It was a surprise really, that the other had been able to do that somehow without getting burnt by the furious exhaust flames that hovered not much farther from there, but he had certainly still been assaulted by the heat. Violent wafts of hot air akin to a summer day so harsh, that staying in it for too long would leave one dehydrated, slapping at Leo's face constantly, driven by the pressure coming from the extreme temperature flip alone.

Still, the action had been enough to bring Sage to a full halt, if only because of the terror that pinned him in place immediately, a flight response thwarted by the sound of the familiar, reassuring voice. His heart skipped a beat, reality finally sunk in. Gradually the exhaust flame wings relaxed into their normal construct forms, the shapes becoming a lot more visible.
OH, OH GODS!! What had he been thinking???! HE HADN'T. That was the bulk of the problem, he hadn't been thinking.

"L-Leo I-", his voice shook, rasping out almost painfully. Silent tears flowed down softly down his face in the chaotic environment, a bright, tad glowy orange surrounding a core of vivid blue that spilt ever so slightly out of the radius, erratic eye movements that just made the terror that more evident, as if struggling to focus on the other, "I don't want to die...", it was let out like a gasp, prompting yet more tears out.

Someone else approached, putting a hand on his shoulder also attempting to get him to calm down. The black-haired adult in an old-looking coat seemed familiar, but not enough for him to know his name, more like he had been seen in the background maybe once or twice before. Alexis would also join on the endeavour, pulling the wing constructs down and out of aim position. A sobbing hiccup echoed, he was so tired of it all... The thing that he wanted to do the most right now was to let it all crumble in an emotional messy outburst, it would be so easy, so so damn easy, but no!
Instead, he had to find even more mental power out of somewhere to voluntarily force himself to relax and it was just, it was so unfair!

Sage tried. He really really tried, giving Alexis a little nod, still shaking head to toe, he attempted to fix the breathing; In and out, in and out; The immediate temperature seemed to lower just slightly and then everyone's efforts were sabotaged by Benedict, as he for some reason thought that throwing highly flammable chemical sprays into a fire situation would be a prudent idea...

As one can expect, it wasn't. As soon as the solution of Windex had as much as touched the wing constructs, the sheer heat of everything spawned into a powerful explosion, scattering the group all around the location. Leo was thrown to the right, Orbeck to the left, Alexis and Sage got blown backwards albeit far from each other, each towards a different corner. The pyromancer hit the wall, wing constructs having faded in the air just moments prior, and the one sound that echoed before it all went to hell was a sharp gasp of pain.

Then the room was overtaken by even more fire. It did not care for who was in the way, streaks of flames were born even in-between situations burning as they do, without caring for neither friend nor foe.

As if tensions hadn't already been in an all-time high, the new income of pain had put the self-preservation instinct in a frenzied drive being the final catalyst for the ongoing reaction. It, together with Shujinko suddenly drawing upon Sage's power-set through their bond and demanding more out of the strained 'gateway', served to speed up the Take-Over, the orange flames no longer transitioning nicely, but just getting devoured by the blue in a matter of seconds. Around Sage's immediate location a ragging arc erupted violently hiding his form completely from sight. It all burned unbothered for another minute or so before a different sound would cut through the chaos and yet, announce more of it to come.

Distorted laughter filled the air. Toga might have thought she was hearing a male version of herself with how similar it sounded in tone, Kassandra would be able to instantly pinpoint who it was, having heard it exactly before, to each new note, back when Bill had been defeated. It rang with amusement, sadism, and a calculating, cold-edge of emotionlessness, of indifference washing over it all, as what had once been Sage stepped out from between the fire that hadn't eased too much. Vivid blue piercing gaze with dancing flames inside, It took a look around the room and smiled with sick, twisted pleasure.

"Out so soon, are we? Can't even handle a little kid with a knife, now that's disappointing...", It pretended to be pensive for an instant, "I didn't honestly expect much, but this here is child's play.", and then, of course, It took notice of Leo, making sure to throw him a couple words while eyeing him as a predator does to prey, "So we meet again, Leonardo. Shhh, don't worry~ I'm not doing anything to you, yet.", It chuckled clearly enjoying messing with the teenager, "You see, there's something a little more demanding of my attention first..."

, as It had turned around at them, the area right under both Ben and Toga would lit up in ragging blue flames almost instantly, the brief circle in the ground the only previous warning, "YOU'RE BOTH

Without giving them the adequate time to react, or the flames quelling, It had leapt. Thrusting Itself in-between the two, a pair of wings much different from Sage's usual ones would erupt from the borrowed body's back. Instead of the familiar bird-mimicry, what came to life was more akin to a cluster of crystal shards, deadly and pointy, spread out and aiming to slash at both of their throats in a single swift blow. This was not a construct made for flight, it was simply an attached weapon and would be harming anyone caught in its way.

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Refrigerator barely evaded the cuts, causing his face to be scratched by the blaze.


"D- damn you... DAMN YOU!!!! Is that a death wish you wish for, boy?"

Enraged, he charges forward. As his health whittles away from Sage's fire, he got faster, and faster...


He palm was upfront, ready to strangle Sage first and foremost.


Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
"Oooooooofffffff!" Honestly, Lucky wasn't quite sure what he expected to happen when he climbed on the enemy's body, but being punted across the room seemed pretty natural. Whatever, just some ribcage fracturing. Nothing that couldn't be healed. He got very close to grabbing that knife. This time, he was going to keep it!

Time for the old "Elephant and Mice" trick. Lucky ran around Toga's feet, occasionally bouncing up to bite her. This trick was meant to trip up the enemy, and, hopefully, make them drop their weapons.

Unfortunately, Lucky's maneuver would face a big challenge: Sage. Once again, he seemed to go outright feral, threatening to cook everyone with his exhaust wings. They started out safety orange, but quickly turned blue when whatever the fuck Sage's mental problem was gained a second wind. Oh, fuck. Anyone worth their salt knew that blue was the more dangerous color of fire. Oh, fuck. When the wings turned into crystal blades, the rabbit wasn't sure if it was better or worse.

And then stupid Benedict just had to cause an explosion, sending Lucky slamming into the ceiling, conveniently landing him in a patch of fire. "AAAAAAH GOD!" His head flipped to Agent Penguin, his eyes strained and his teeth gritted. "Laddie, when this is over," He groaned hoarsely. "I want to borrow that bubble-making creature of yours."

Oh, well. "Elephant and Flaming Mouse" it was. Lucky ran up and in circles beneath Toga, hoping to catch her on fire. He quickly regretted his decision as he, too, was trapped in a circle of blue fire, and then pushed away again by Sage's new method of attack. He stumbled back to Toga's underneath, determined to get her knife, no matter how many idiots got in the way.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Now, as if things couldn't get any worse:

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Megumin had somehow managed to pilot the bubble back into the school, and was now using the walls to charge up her ramming attack. She quickly turned into a red and gold blur, leaving no wall not bounced on. Finally, she hit the right wall, and was now flying towards Toga! "One way or another, I will assist in this battle!"

"Oh, for fuck's sake..." Lucky jumped up, trying to kick the bubble away with both bottom nubs. "That shit is not popping, Lassie!" Of course, with her momentum, it just knocked Lucky away with it. And maybe it hit Toga. Hopefully.
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Lilith was still trying to hit Toga with one of her spirits but to no eval. "How am I gonna be able to hit this girl, she's just zipping around the room like crazy!" Soon she decides to aim one of her spirits at one of her knifes. "It's a long shot but I might as well give it one."
"Here go's nothing."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Toga)
kindpng_5029417.png"Don't say that. Legs or no legs, you're still a fighter. And you aren't the only one fighting this girl. We'll think of something else. We'll just need to subdue her like last time, but we'll need to get her from all sides."
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

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