The sudden Kryptonian punch from Supergirl sent the girl flying a good few feet back. Before she could even recover, the exalted blade successfully did its job in delivering a truck load of more damage to her, and combine that with the sudden energy blast from one of the Another Riders, and Penny had been successfully overwhelmed. She fell back down towards the ground, knee planted firmly into it along with her fist. Despite being a robot, she was breathing heavily as she glanced up at all of you, smoke rising from her body. She paused for a moment as she glared up at all of you. Before any more attacks could be made, the nearly dismantled Penny took off into the air once more and flew off. Any attempts to follow her would be met with a sudden screaming sound from Haven's direction. Without much of a choice, you all began making your way back to Haven.


When Rex had finally managed to prove who the real Sora was, the injured Sora sat there on the ground, not saying anything. He'd laid his head back, just sitting there as the blood trickled out his mouth. And then, finally, Rex asked him why he was here. And just like that, Sora began to giggle. They were quiet laughs at first, almost like he was trying to keep them subdued. But not long into it, he pulled himself up despite the ropes and the laughter got louder. There was a crazed look in both eyes as his laughter became distorted and more high pitched. His flesh began to melt off of him like clay while the laughing got louder. His skin began turning gray as it melted away like Sora's own sea salt ice cream on a hot summer's day. The laughs were no longer giggles, but rather a full on hysterical fit. And then, finally, the distorted skin began to wipe away and fall onto the floor, which revealed the person who you'd all been expecting underneath.


"Wow! You guys sure are smart, huh?" She asked as she held up her hands, revealing that she'd cut through her bindings with her trademark knife at some point. With her usual crazed grin, she slammed her elbow down on the stone that encased her feet, causing it to literally crumble onto the ground. She slowly stood up and looked at all of you, knife in hand. "To think it was THAT easy to make you all turn on each other, though! It's almost like you WANT the Multiverse to be completely and utterly FUCKED!"


Without literally another syllable, Toga charged forward with her knife in hand, slashing in such a manner that she threatened to cut Sora, Rex, Lucky, and Sage! "Come on now! Show me how much you can bleed for me! DON'T CALL IT QUITS NOW!!" She laughed crazily as she charged forward towards all of you.

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @darkred Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @92MilesPrower @FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Riven @PolikShadowbliss


"Well, let's she how she deals with this guy!"

Ben's transformation began. His entire body was coated in white keratin, with green, crystalline pads forming around. He then broke out of this keratin armour, his new form arising as it grows a tail and strikes a pose.


"Ohohohohoho! Refrigerator! Now, prepare to feel my might!"

This transformation begins to shoot paralysing lasers towards Toga's knees. The moment they connected, he would aim a concentrated energy beam at her legs with the intention to pierce it like a bullet!

"Now then, now then, whatever shall you do next, little girl? Mmhmmhmm..." Refrigerator, as this form was called, spoke with a tint of sadism in his voice.

The Agent, in the meantime, began to throw an endless volley of snowballs at Toga.


"The only thing getting fucked today is you!"

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @darkred Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @92MilesPrower @FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Riven @PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Toga began to revealed herself once Rex exposed her for disguising as Sora. The sight of Sora’s skin melting away made Rex cringe as he was witnessing this. Sora was disgusted too but he was more irritated at the sight of this girl using his identity to hurt his friends, to use his life like a tool. This made the boy mad. Sora uses the keyblade to get the cuffs off himself, and gets into stance.

“Get ready!” Falcon tells Toga to get help for her fixation with knives, but Rex interrupts before it ends bad for the captain. “Look, cap, that’s great and all but we’re not gonna get out of this that easily. Here she comes.”

Toga returns to her old self, and begins another fight taunts them, saying how it’s like they want to doom the multiverse. “The multiverse isn’t gonna end on my watch. Especially by people like you!” Sora ran towards the slash happy Toga, he was getting closer and closer until he uses Magnet to take knife out of her hand, slid under her to preform a double kick launching her forward. If it fails, Sora will use Wind to blow her hard into a wall shortly following up with Thunder, barely giving her a chance to evade.

If it succeeds however, Rex grabs her with the Blast Caster and starts smacking her around and around till necessary.
“Maybe this’ll knock the crazy out of you!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Third P.O.V
Gretar’s only reaction when taking a look around the room was that why was everyone acting this crazy and most of the stuff they did was not even necessary..... along with Benrey. Asking weird questions to freezing and bubbling other teammates that were probably not even needed. And when Toga finally revealed herself, Benrey already called it from the beginning..... but maybe he was also at fault due to handcuffing the other Sora, but since there was two of them, it was good to be cautious. But now, they got a freed crazy Bitch that is basically planning on cutting everyone with that blade of hers, and basically bleed everyone to death.

He sighed as he decided to give Lars a weapon, taking out a ToolGun and spawning in a Remington 1100 Tactical Shotgun into Lars’s hands.
Switching out his ToolGun for his Completely normal revolver..... if he was able to use all his limbs, then he shouldn’t be relying on one-handed weapons while in the back of Lars. Aiming the gun at Toga, he began shooting an unbelievable amount of bullets at a high fire rate.... all of them with the intent to kill the crazy bastard.

Gretar was standing back... because he this was a dangerous situation to be in and trying to get close to an opponent that was not only much quicker than him but was also under a lot of fire, so unless he has a death wish, he is not getting close any time soon.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Togafight2

  • Oh. OH. NOW Toga was PISSED. There was a nauseating display of false Sora's skin melting off, revealing the hysterically laughing blonde. And, naturally, she wanted Lucky's head. Actually, it looked like she wanted everyone's guts, but Lucky was pretty much all head anyway. "Woah!" Toga was able to swipe the knife across his forehead, making the bunny bend over and cringe.

    "The only one fucking over the multiverse is YOU, you vile assassin! Let's do this, everyone!" Megumin shouted. "Agent Penguin, please burst this bubble, and I will assist in this fight!...Chomusuke, why are you looking at me like that...? Chomusuke? Chomusuke, Toga's in there...Chomusuke?! Why are we going outside?! CHOMUSUKE?! CHOMUSUKE, YOU WOULDN'T-"

    The next thing Megumin knew, Lucky had spiked the bubble into the forest, with her in it.

    "Okay, I'm back." The rabbit ran back into the room. "Okay, Lassie, I agree with you about our bubbled friend. She's a fucking dumbass, and I think we were all sick of her shit. Now, then..." He deployed his own knife. "It's gonna be your blade versus mine. And Sora's. And everyone else who has one." He shrugged. "Just sayin', your knife is kind of outnumbered. And, oh, look!" As soon as Falcon slapped the knife out of her hand, Lucky would grab it with his teeth. (There was no reason why it had to be with his teeth. He just wanted to look cool) "Now you don't have any knife." He would wave the blade at everyone. "Who wants to use her own weapon against her?"
Toga quickly dodged Whisper's lasers with a few well executed flips and jumps, moving like an expert gymnast while she tightly gripped her knife in her hand. Nora was busy protecting Ren, making sure he didn't get hurt. Qrow had passed out drunk on the floor before this all started. Jason and Micah were slam firing their bullets towards Toga, but she was outrunning them with ease. Byakuya and Leo were kinda useless here in general. Sarge and Grif stood in the corner of the room while all this was happening.

"Should we step in...?" Grif asked as he looked over to Sarge. Sarge stood there for a moment, humming as he pondered on the matter.

"Mmmmm.... nah."

Benrey's and Lars' gunfire had about the same effect on Toga as Jason's and Micah's did. The psychotic blonde simply outran their bullets. Refrigerator's lasers and Agent Penguin's snowballs were, unfortunately, met with the same fate. She was simply too fast for any of the long-ranged attacks! It wasn't until Sora used his magnet on Toga that any reaction was given. She gasped as the blade flew out of her hand. "Hey! That's mine!!" She whined, only to notice Sora attempt to slide up under her at the last second. She jumped up and brought her legs back, swinging them forward so that Sora was met with a swift kick to the nose! Assuming it connected, Toga merely grabbed the knife out of the air before Rex's blaster caster managed to grab her and swing her around! Once it did so, she laughed again and exclaimed, "Don't you know I just LOVE tentacles!?" Before giggling and swinging the knife downwards, slashing right through the black appendage with a surprising amount of strength!

Because of how these events played out, Lucky would have never really grabbed Toga's knife, either. Sorry : |

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie
"Aw, crud." Lucky pouted at the GM, then brought himself back to the situation. Every ranged attack failed, so...Whelp, Lucky would just have to be brave, wouldn't he? He let Sora's magnet pull him towards Toga, then swirled around the dodging Toga to go for some slashes across her body. In the seconds where she was held by Rex's Blaster Caster, he would make attempts to swipe across her face.

Whether or not his attacks succeeded, landed on the floor with a skid. "Gosh, is it nice to be so small." The rabbit grinned smugly. "Come here, Toga. Looks like neither of us is going to fight fair."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Whisper switched to a different tactic, raising her Wispon like a rocket launcher and an orange missile whistled towards Toga, aiming to take her down.


Some time after that, a magic circle appeared under her, chains wrapped around the mad girl tightly, ensnaring her! Hiryu and his Another Rider had entered the room, with Another Blade missing for some reason.

While they did so, Hiryu activated precognition, attempting to see if she would get out of her binds.

--Another Blade-->
Interaction: P PopcornPie

Another Blade was merely sent out into the forest to patrol the perimeter of the trees to see if Penguin or that Robot girl is sending backup. On her way, however, the knight like Another Rider found Megumin and her bubble. Another Blade tilted its head. Growling lowly as he approached the bubble.

"You call that fast?"

Refrigerator began to levitate. From the perspective of others, he was hovering at blinding speeds, but from Toga's perspective, he was hovering with a speed to match hers without so much as breaking a sweat. To him, this was but fast walking.

"Oh, is speed your sole advantage? Ohohohohoho!" Now parring in speed, Refrigerator shot a concentrated ki laser to aim at her throat this time, aiming to pierce her voicebox!

"Can you please answer my question?"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie
Sora’s little double kicked failed and got a kick in the nose for it. Rex succeeded on the other hand. “Then you’re gonna- hey!” Toga didn’t give Rex a chance to do something else as she surprisingly cuts through the whip, she’s more strong then she looks. “Little! Okay, that’s it!”

Rex would try his lucky and try to beat her at her own slash game, eventually coming to a standstill.

As this was going on, Rex notices Sarge and Grif in the corner not doing anything and calls them out on this again. “Listen here numbskulls. You got lucky the first time when I didn’t have my powers, but seeing as how I do, we could die right here and that the whole MULTIVERSE COULD BE IN DANGER. Let’s just say you if you don’t help us out right now, you’re gonna wish you were fighting her instead of me!” He shouts to the soldiers, pissed at their cowardly antics.

Recovering from the nose shot he revived, Sora uses Shock Impact to stun Toga while dealing damage.

Whether Shock Impact lands or stuns or not, Sora fires to a few homing blizzard shots along with Magnet to hold her down again so more members can get some shots in. (Again.)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


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B.J. Blazkowicz

Back when there were still two Soras, an identity crisis, and sudden trust issues, B.J. would be sighing in the background in disbelief. Rather be fightin' for freedom back home than deal with this chaos. If they ain't actually killin' each other, let the kids fight it out. The distraction team returned, too, accompanied with some of the most incompetent soldiers he'd ever seen. God, I need a drink. As he thought that, he felt for the flask kept around his belt. He couldn't drink too much, however, before he spat everything out in disgust; the apparent fake Sora melted away like the bodies in an incineration chamber, revealing the parasite.

"I miss the days when kids weren't so murderous..." he muttered, putting his flask away. As weapons clashed and both sides yelled at each other, Blazkowicz backed off from the fight for now. He readied one of his five hatchets, trying to keep track of Toga amidst the battle. "Let's see... Fast enough to outrun bullets, acrobatic enough to dodge lasers... If I charged at her with the ram shackles, she'd just play me like a bull... So, a surprise attack then..." Blazko ran around the battle, waiting for the moment right after Toga dodges an attack to slide in and swing the hatchet at her ankles. He ran his hand over the side of the hatchet, lying in wait. "Okay, girlie, lets see how fast you can go without your feet." If he landed the attack; great. If not... he figured to cross that bridge when if he got there.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The bubble had been snagged in a tree. It wouldn't be easy to get down, but, hey, at least everyone was safe from any more idiocy committed by the archmage inside, who pouted with her arms folded and her bottom lip pushed out. "I didn't intend for ALL of them to follow me..." Megumin grumped softly. "...furthermore, at least I was right. Can't fault me for being right."

Then she heard grassy footsteps below her, and rolled onto her back to spot Another Blade. "Oh, hello. You must be here to make sure I don't leave." She rolled onto her stomach. "The party has become upset with me, haven't they?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


Lucky watched the Another Bind work its magic with pleasure. Next thing he knew, Ben had turned into what could only be described as an albino fetus with a violet bike helmet, and was zipping around her at a humanly impossible speed. It made him sick just looking at it, and he ended up stumbling backwards towards Snake and Lealan, ultimately landing on his back. "Heheh, hey, save me one of those. I'll need it."

Then, remembering what happened to Megumin, he slid towards Toga on his back, then sprang up and climbed up her shirt, his back against her chest. Now his blade was aiming for the bridge of her nose. He only stopped when Sora combined homing shots and his magnet, which might've pulled along with the Paw o' Death. "...Watch where you point that thing." Lucky cautioned flatly, unsure of what he expected to happen.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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--Another Blade-->
Interaction: P PopcornPie

"Hrrnggh..." Another Blade growled as Megumin said her piece, keeping his guard up as he rested his large sword on his spiked shoulders. He watched their surroundings, pondering if there's anyone else that's watching.

"Nngh?" Another Blade drew its blade, as if asking if he should pop the bubble to free her. Another Blade's orders were simply to patrol the surrounding area. There's nothing about letting Megumin out of her bubble cage.

Tags: (GM)
, (Blake)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The pyromancer had been mostly distracted, standing beside the frozen Blake in an almost meditation state, hands to his chest and eyes closed for better focusing. It was rather difficult to maintain the temperature stabilized, especially when it reacted to his own states just like pretty much eveything else, but he'd hate to undo the ice too fast and accidentally send the cat-girl fighter into shock or something!!
So here he was, trying to be the most careful as humanly possible with the task...

And then everything went from bad to worse.

It all started with the speculations of pointy hat Missy, whose name was apparently Megumin, and Lucky the killer rabbit. As much as he'd have wanted to state otherwise their logic was... sound. And terrifying! Because this meant that everybody was now indoors, packed in a limited space, with crazy ninja girl, and since she moved so fast it put them in a really really bad position!
The fear reminiscing from their first encounter was coming back, forcing the temperature back up and, in an attempt to contain it, Sage kept making a conscient effort to keep it where it was. Magical strain rising while the young man and his own Ability played a dangerous Tug o' War game with each other. It was basically the situation at the tent again but without a third party pulling the strings.

As if that hadn't been troublesome enough by itself, the allegedly not-Sora had begun laughing, it started quiet and then burst into a crazed sadistic, booming laughter of demented amusement, instantly sending a chill down the pyromancer's spine. He couldn't really keep up with the task at this point, any kind of stability that had once been found for it was immediately gone. It had been like seeing a documentary on snakes in shedding season, but instead of a cutesy snake, it had been a melting caricature of a person, and a person they knew!

Absolutely creeped out, several objects inside the room would spontaneously combust as the Descendant couldn't even put into words the sheer madness of the scene before him. The flames had done it for him instead, each bonfire tall and chaotically dancing in the air. Morbid curiosity, or perhaps just really sheer horror kept his gaze trapped on the soon to be revealed girl, gaze wavering frantically with a powerful mix of confusion, disgust, disbelief and similars. His breaths shallow and panicked, he had taken a step back as the temperature rose no longer being held back by the shocked pyromancer...

Before he knew it, she was coming for him and fear had him pinned down in place! He had reacted too late getting cut through the sleeve of the jacket on the arm he had put up for protection, an exclamation of pain leaving his lips, but more than that A NEED FOR HER TO GO AWAY!! SELF-PRESERVATION INSTINCTS FLASHING LIKE CRAZY. Sage put his hands forward in an attempt to push Toga, take distance from her and the flamethrower he had just learned was unleashed involuntarily in the middle of his panic. The wings too, were suddenly out, prompted by his flight instinct, emotions running so high that unlike the usual harmless formation it was as if they had been born out of ROCKET EXHAUSTION FLAMES right behind him.


'GET THE F OUT OF THERE NOW!!!!', the pyromancer's mind had SCREAMED at him, his heart beating fast, thoughts spiralling out of control. With a quick hop back, the wings gave a single flap forwards trying to create the most distance as possible from the attacker, but they never went out as he landed panting in a frenetic rhythm. No, the wings would be always there, always ready to assist in running away. He didn't know what he was doing at this point, he just knew that he was TERRIFIED AND THAT HIS LIFE WAS IN GREAT PERIL.

The orange began tinting blue ever so sightly, without Sage being aware of it. He could feel the Magic output rising but a single thought was dominating right now and it was the FIGHT OR FLIGHT INSTINCT, ATTACK BEFORE BEING ATTACKED!!!!

The feathers of the furious exhaust flame wings, barely visible under the ragging burning construct, opened slightly, and from it came not a single barrage of spikes, but THREE. He shot them out once, twice, thrice; Almost in sequence, merely moving sightly to re-aim, trying to hit the blonde psycho as she bounced over the place. There was no calculated attack, he wasn't even paying attention to whether or not allies were in the way, there was only spamming shots out in panic, there was only a desperate search to being safe again as he TREMBLED IN PLACE AT THE SAME TIME.

Sage was losing it.
This would be extremely clear to those watching that were aware of the Take-Over by now. And to make it even worse he was too terrified to realize what was happening around him...
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Toga is back. You know what to do...





>Everybody is going all out on Toga. Perhaps you need to do the same.

>Would you like to activate your Overdrive?

>A surge of power flows within you as both your Compact Edge and Semi-Auto Blade is coated in a bright light. You can feel your strength multiplied seven times.


>You dash right towards Toga to deliver a series of powerful slashes, the pace increasing as you go.


>After finishing up with another number of fast and strong slashes, you deliver a cross slash dashing through Toga, and the light left over that is now attached to her explodes in brightness.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @VersusToga​
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would say as the disastrous scene unfolded before him.
Benedict would look around angrily before beginning to spray chemicals on everyone
HM......NO! This way for soldiers to act!.
Benedict would then look at Byakuya, the big man on campus brooding in the corner....Benedict would walk over to him and attempt to spray him with some chemicals as well.
He would say as both he and Josh began violently tugging on his suit for letting these antics occur.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Toga merely did a backflip when the rocket was fired at her, allowing it to hit the wall behind her. She rested her feet on the wall, before bending her knees and springing off of it just as the chains came up to wrap around her. When she landed, Refrigerator apparently caught up with her and tried to take out her throat with a laser. Toga would duck, with said laser barely missing the top of her head. "Oh, I've got a LOT more than speed!" She shouted, knife in hand as she lunged towards Ben. With one swift move, she attempted to plunge the blade right into his chest while laughing crazily.

"She's too fast for long-ranged attacks!" Jason shouted to you all. "You're gonna have to get in close!" It was then that Rex attempted to beat her in a blade fight, which made Toga's grin widen.

"This is more like it!" She cheered as she parried each of Rex's attacks with her knife, waiting for an opening. While this was going on, Sarge and Grif just kinda stared at Rex.

"Uhhh.... yeah, see, I missed the part where that's our problem!" The fatty patty called out to Rex. Sora's shock managed to knock Toga off a bit, though, which gave Rex the upper hand to slash her with her sword. She yelled out in pain as she leaped back, avoiding Sora's blizzards in the process.


"No fair!" Toga whined childishly as Sora activated his magnet again. Seeing it coming this time, she allowed herself to be pulled in towards him, only to attempt to plunge her knife through his ribcage once she was close enough! Then, B.J. attempted to use his axe on her ankles when she was distracted with Sora. It worked, but Toga was fast, and managed to move her leg before the cut got too deep. She hissed out in pain as she hopped back once more. Meanwhile, Lucky needs to stop responding to attacks before the GM replies.

During all of this, however, Sage began to suffer from the Take-Over again. Toga managed to dodge his random attacks easily enough-- after all, they weren't even trying to really hit her that hard! But a much bigger issue was surfacing, one that Leonardo Watch had taken notice of.

As soon as Leo saw his friend began to suffer that takeover again due to the psychotic blonde's actions, he found himself running over to his side and placing a hand on his back. "Sage! Sage!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with dread-- dread that would only get worse if he couldn't stop what was coming. "Sage look at me! You've gotta cool it, buddy. You've gotta cool it and fight that thing, okay?" He looked up at the psychotically laughing Toga, his eyes widening for a moment before he turned back to Sage. "Just don't look at her. Okay? Look at me instead. Focus on me." He said, cautiously bringing his hands to Sage's face to try and get him to look at him. When Sage did so, he would find that Leo was smiling. "See? I'm right here. I won't let her hurt you. Alright? Just hang in there."

The powerful slashes that had been delivered to Toga were too fast for her to dodge or even comprehend, to be sure. She could barely even let out a gasp when Shujinko came soaring towards her with her most powerful attack yet. She only stood there and took it, laughing psychotically throughout. By the time she had finished with her cross blade attack, Toga was sent flying back into the wall, where she crashed into it before falling over, landing on one knee. Weakened, battered, and breathing heavily, she still managed to look up at you all with a smile.


"I'm just getting warmed up!" She shouted, that crazed look in her eye returning as she drew another knife from her pocket and charged forward, now brandishing two knives instead of one.

Meanwhile, Byakuya literally kicked Josh away from him.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless Venom Snake Venom Snake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

"Oh, gladly! Ohohohoho!" while evading Toga's earlier strikes by swiftly dodging them, Toga now allowed herself to be pulled by Sora's magnetic capabilities.

"I could take advantage of my own magnetism, but I have an even better idea..."

With blitzing speed, while Toga allowed herself and her knife to be pulled towards Sora, Refrigerator would use this to his advantage, using his thick tail to grasp onto Toga's neck, tightening his grip with each passing second as he repeatedly smacked her into the ground by swinging his tail about. He was hellbent on sucking every bit of life from her.

"Squirm, squirm, squirm! Let me hear it! Ohohohoho!"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless Venom Snake Venom Snake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari watched as what appeared to be a doppelganger of Sora had his skin melt off like ice. To most people, such a sight would be horrifying, but Akari had evidently seen something like this, or perhaps something even worse, and so when Toga revealed herself once again, Akari could only clench his teeth. "Ah, so the little bloodthirsty snake comes out of the grass." He then looked back to everyone present and said, "While I have a moment... if anyone needs healing, do speak up. I'll get you sorted out. Otherwise... I must assist in this endeavor." Akari ran one hand along the inside of his sword's blade before brandishing it. "Let us do battle."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Whisper || Hiryu Kakogawa

When Toga brandished her knives, Hiryu charged towards her, combining the blades into one spear and spinning, making the blades hack and slash at her while Whisper attempts to strike Toga's head with her cube hammer
During all this commotion, Jason turned to his old pal Poochie, who had joined in off screen! "Hey, Poochie! What's up?"


"Not much my hip-happenin' home slice! This entire fight is pretty wack, though! Thank god I was summoned off screen when no one saw me, otherwise I would've missed this totally tubular action!"


"You can say that again!" Exclaimed Sonichu, who also joined in off screen despite not being mentioned or referenced before now.



Then, Perry the Platypus, Sonichu, and Poochie unleashed their care bear stares on Toga, as well as using their bazookas, which launched Heavies from TF2. The Heavies latched themselves onto Toga, dogpiling her.



The heavies then bit toga's head off and killed her

the tides had truly turned against Ganon's army

except none of this actually happened​

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