• "Heheheh,I KNEW that would get you going!" Lucky stifled laughter when he noticed Sarge running after them. Man, if only he knew this kind of trick would work so well in Blood Gulch! Maybe all he would need to do was say refer to Toffee as high-ranking on the Blue Team!

    Once the door gave way, courtesy of Gretar, neither of them knew exactly what they were going to look at. Of course, what they were looking at was the beginning of...some kind of murder game whose name escaped this narrator. One Sora was brutalized, the other restrained. Blake and Deadpool were both down for the count via stone. Oh, and another stranger was also brutalized and tied up. All that was missing were things randomly catching fire all around them-and now that all the fire users were here, that would become a possibility.

    "Huh...you weren't kidding when you said this was a shitshow, Lassie." Lucky leaned against the archmage. "Bein' honest, it reminds me of when me and the boys played Monopoly."

    "Sora?!" Megumin was unsure which Sora she should rush to comfort. It would be so easy for the injured one to just be Toga racking up sympathy, but Toga drank blood, and...well, Sora had practically spoonfed her blood.

    Rex called for silence, and then a trivia session. Through this, Megumin remembered what she'd learned from peeking at Sora's file, and called out after Rex. "Sora, we're not your only friends! You've left a few in your home world. One's a gerbil, right?" A brow lowered. "A penguin and a horse?"

    "Hey, Laddie. Any thoughts on...uh...fuckin'..." Hm, thinking of something they went through in Blood Gulch without Sarge butting in with his anti-Blue propaganda was tough. Finally, Lucky managed. "Oh! Me note! Remember that 'goodbye' note of mine? Do you remember what it said, Laddie?"
Rex takes notice of this, and quickly shuts down Megumin, with his hand over his mouth and whisper to her. “Megumin look. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but what you just did gave the other Sora more info then he shouldn’t have. I’m sure Sora doesn’t want his secrets or his live out in the open. Let them answer the questions. Don’t give them any hints if you’re gonna ask something okay?”

Rex lets go of her mouth and continues his quiz. “Back to the matter at hand. I’m waiting...”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
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"Aw...Okay..." Megumin pouted at Rex, her lips drooping. "Just figured that the fake one wouldn't remember his home world." She leaned against the doorway, holding her staff longways; Should the false Sora attempt to escape, he would, at the very least, be tripped over.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
As Umbra began to screech like a banshee, the orange haired girl merely stared down at him with her usual smile. She proceeded to flick her wrist up once more, sending over half of her swords up into the air behind her, while the remaining fourth focused on Hiryu and his riders. She proceeded to flick her wrist downwards, sending the multitude of swords flying towards Umbra in a horizontal line.

Riven Riven Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @PennyFight

"S-Sea Salt Ice Cream!" The injured Sora with his legs encased in stone shouted up towards Rex. "Come on, Rex! You know me!" He whined as blood trickled down from his nostrils onto his face, and then dripped onto the floor from his chin. He seemed to ignore Lucky's question, though. He either didn't hear it, or he was straight up not acknowledging it.

P PopcornPie @StaidFoal ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @Benedict Cucumberpatch @darkred Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @92MilesPrower @FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @quadraxis201 @QizPizza @Lazaro1505 @Venom Snake @DerpyCarp @Haven
A sudden blur of red and blue would interrupt Penny’s attack as Supergirl suddenly appeared, tanking the attack before they would hit Umbra. She would then send a concentrated heat blast at Penny!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Despite Supergirl coming in and taking the blunt of the attacks from the swords from Umbra, the warframe practically ignored her efforts of assistance as it continued to leap and dive towards Penny, despite the massive heat vision beam being fired out in her direction.

The Warframe's featureless and blank face of a helmet kept a solid glance at Penny, half of the mask vanishing so Umbra can take one long good glance and look at his affirmed target of quarry.

Showing a burnt face, and one white death faring eye of rage.


With another batch of loud howls and shrieks as sparks continued to burst as Umbra barely held back any rage, the warframe leaped towards Penny, pushing Supergirl out of his way as it continued to leap and jump from side to side, continuous flinging and making slicing motions with his energy infused blade.

The Skiajati, infused with the Exalted Blade, began rapidly launching bolts of electrifying energy and plasma with each continuous flurry of swings towards the redhead, Umbra releasing his pure fury in its entirety.

The Operator remained silent, watching his once silent companion, exploding with emotion.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
“(Crap! Looks like waiting for the right moment didn’t work. I guess I’m gonna to answer as fast as I can”)

“Okay.” Rex nods as he thinks on the right track, but notices something strange, he didn’t answer Lucky’s question. Then it hit him like a slap in the face. “That’s correct. But why don’t you answer Lucky’s question? Huh?”

Sora’s eyes widen as he heard Lucky say something about the note he gave him and Rex. “(Now’s my chance!) The note!” Sora shouted to get everyone’s attention. “Was you saying, you didn’t understand me and Rex and how we acted towards you despite the fact you thought you made everything worst when we knew that wasn’t true-“

“Okay! That’s Sora. The real one always gets sappy when it comes to moments like this. Also: notice that small stutter the other did when he said sea salt ice cream. Sora’s like a kid when it comes to his favorite stuff, he has no reason to hesitate answering, unless...”

“You’re the fake!”

Rex exposes Toga and points the sword at her at point blank range as he was preparing to shock her with the Blast Caster if she didn’t cooperate. ”Sora’ get behind Lucky and stay with him, we’ll know who’s the real one.”

“Got it! Thank’s for not giving up on me Lucky.”

“And as for you, you’re not gonna get away again. Tell us what you’re up to and who put you up to this!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You went along with the others until you meet up with the stealth group...sort of. One of the people you saw is Blake trapped in ice.


>Now that's just being dramatic. You run up to her, raising your Compact Edge as you were about to smash the ice. But Venus grabs your wrist before you do, telling you that you might shatter her. You look at Blake in worry.

"I'm sorry...."


  • Megumin blinked rapidly at the injured Sora's answer. Sea salt flavored ice cream? Salty? Sora? Salty? "We found him. We found the fake." The archmage stated bluntly, holding her staff beneath Sora's throat. "Shall I take him out back and blow him up?"

    "Yeah, Laddie, why didn't you?" Lucky stepped up to "Sora", and grabbed his collar. "You just don't take questions seriously when the one asking them is some plushy, limbless bunny rabbit, huh? Why, let's see how plushy you are!" He punched the boy quite a few times before he backed off. "Get it now? Good! Now prove to us that you're the real Sora!" He lowered his head and giggled. "Or should I say...see if you can salvage your act?" He jumped out of Rex's weapon's way, smiling a sinister smile. "Game over, Lassie. Unless you can just costume change at a speed nobody can see, you may as well just lose your cool and start tryin' to stab us."

    With that said, Lucky backed up to meet the real Sora, standing before the boy like an attack dog. "No problem, Laddie. There's no way I wouldn't know you got me note. I distinctly remember hearing you and Rex cut out the parts that were addressed to you!"

    "I saw right through you, Toga!" Megumin proclaimed, as she worked to help out the actual Ren. "I knew it wouldn't be intelligent to trust anyone willy-nilly with you dispatched!"


Mood: Ehxasperated, Disappointed, Helpful
Tags: (GM)
, (Blake)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

As he tailed the first re-entering group, lead by the girl in a pointy hat, with some struggle to keep up, Sage would discover that their guide had a worse sense of direction than his own memory. Which was a lot really. Even when some of the paths seemed rather obvious, the hat and cape Missy would still pick a different way and run then into a dead-end as if they were lost in a labyrinth instead of an education building. In fact, the location was like a more Oriental, medieval version of his university's rectory building, maybe even both rectory and administration together to compensate for the sheer size of it. This place was huuuuuuge!

Still, forced to follow someone that didn't seem to know where she was even headed, the pyromancer couldn't help but mutter to himself stuff over the air-headedness of the girl wearing scarlet. Especially since he recalled her being one of the few, if not only, people that still complained despite the warning he had given before bringing forth the fire tornado. Like, come on! What else did you want from him? He had been really careful, she had been the one somehow not paying attention to a shouted warning!!

Eventually, more like finally, they had gotten to the right room but unfortunately, it had been locked. Since he had been blacked out during the casting of Explosion during Bill's defeat, Sage wasn't aware of what the pointed hat Missy had been about to do with the words she had been chanting, though he could guess it was some kind of spell. By the reaction of crazy no-longer-drunk rabbit though, it was a powerful and dangerous one, and he had just saved the rest of the group and uhhh maybe just everybody.
Put Sage in enough danger and it would have triggered the Take-Over, which... woooould have been terrible. Just, just terrible.

So uhh, stupid decision that might have helped ended the world thwarted, they had to find a new way in...

"Anyone else have a less fiery idea, or can I just go ahead?", the rabbit had asked pulling the flamethrower out of its multi-weapon paw thing. The pyromancer couldn't hold his laughter.​

"Did you really just ask that to a guy whose power description is basically 'sets stuff and himself on fire'??"

Before anyone else could have a better idea, the big dude with a large hammer had charged in, breaking the door out of the hinges. That'd have been all nice and dandy if he had used the hammer for the break-in and not... himself. Yikes, man! That looked like it hurt! But as the young man had been about to ask about it in concern the other had stated that he was okay, which had been a relief. It did put the question though, how many other times had he done that?? And why not just use the hammer?!

With the entrance, absolutely destroyed now what had been awaited them inside that room was... chaos.

For starters, there were two Soras, meaning that psycho ninja girl was some kind of shapeshifter, --Huh, maybe she really was a vampire--, which meant trouble. It meant they had to figure out which of them was the actual Sora, and which was the weird blonde Missy in disguise. As his gaze continued to take in the scene, the pyromancer would also see a frozen Blake, an injured stranger by the ground being helped by a girl he didn't know, and just the overall left-overs of the others' attempts to restrain both of the copies of the spiky-haired kid.
To make matters worse, Jason, who was supposed to be the leader of this team, seemed to have given up entirely and was done at everything... AND THEN QROW WAS JUST DRINKING! Simply ignoring it all and chugging down the flask, being the drunk disappointment that the young man had assumed him to be as soon as they had met. Oh great! What now??

"I'd have expected something like this out of Distraction, not Stealth!!", Sage had thought to himself while glaring daggers at the drunkard and his terrible timing for drinking habits. That was just sad. Infuriating too, but definitely sad.

If all the actual adults were this messy and indifferent, did this mean that he, who was barely out of the teenager category, had to put order on everything instead??? With a long and deep sigh, the pyromancer tried to ignore an incredibly strong urge to slap Qrow's flask away from him and thought about it calmy, picturing the best example he'd have for a situation this convoluted. The question was: 'What would Hershel do?'
The cleric was a lot more level-headed and a lot more experienced when it came to things like this. As an adventurer, there wasn't a lot that could still faze him when it came to powers and creatures, not to mention how much more rational the other tended to be.
So how would Hershel have tried putting order to things? What would he have done?

Unfortunately, despite having figured out exactly what next steps to take, the young man had taken a bit too long to act, with Rex already handling the doubles issue as he seemed to be rather close to Sora, thus knowing him the best. Okay, that was less one problem. Pointy hat girl was also guarding the used-to-be door, so that made two...

"Someone that's a healer should take care of that one", he had gestured towards the hurt Ren, who was being nearly cradled by Nora at this point, "It would be bad for him to die...", honestly, why hadn't anyone thought of treating the injured yet?!, "I'm just going to uhhh... T-take Blake out the giant ice cube, I guess??"

Sheeeeesh what a headache! He already felt tired of the whole thing...

True to his word, Sage would step closer to the Blake-icicle and think about how he wanted to go about this for a moment. Perhaps drawing a Heat Array around her would have been more efficient, but he hadn't brought anything he could write with and writing the runes with fire would be, pointless and a waste of time. So he just, stood there, closer to her and focused on making his natural heat aura warmer. In a few instants, the temperature near the pyromancer would be similar to a functional oven. He would also raise his hands and put them closer to the now melting block to see if that helped un-freeze the fighter cat-girl faster.

He could have used the newly learned flamethrower too but, that just sounded a bit too dangerous for the task at hand.
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Riven Riven

"I see it." Hiryu saw the visions as he turned to his Another Riders. Another Blade responding first with his massive size. Usiung his equally large sword to parry them, sending them back to its sender, finally noticing Umbra helping him out, switching targets. Seeing this, Hiryu regrouped with his remaining Another Riders, and soon, four swords were sent towards him. Wizard decided to cast magic at this point.


Another Wizard got in front of the two, tapping his belt as a Magic Circle appeared in front of them. A large rock block appeared, causing the blades to pierce it.

Another Blade electrically charged his blade, soon swinging it and sending a wave of electricity towards Penny as she focused on Umbra!
Suddenly, Megumin was trapped in a tough, bouncy bubble. It was so durable, that only the sharpest of edges had the chance of ever popping it, so Megumin with her current arsenal had practically no chance of escaping.


The one that blew this bubble was a purple creature, not unlike the creatures the Agent summoned.

"Good job, Pop. We've contained them. Now unless Toga sucked the blood of someone else, we should be fine right now," the Agent says, "sorry Megumin, but this is important. Toga could take your form any moment, we have to keep you restrained until she is dealt with."

P PopcornPie @StaidFoal ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @Benedict Cucumberpatch @darkred Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @92MilesPrower @FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @quadraxis201 @QizPizza @Lazaro1505 @Venom Snake @DerpyCarp @Haven
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon comes into the room with the other teams with an assortment of wires, cords, and robotic limbs strewn around him "Whew! That was GREAT HAHAHAHA! I might not have been able to execute my PERFECT plan, but I'll hold off on it for now. So, what's goin, fooooooooooooo----" Falcon trails off as he looks at the, rather dissapointing sigh of the stealth team "Woooooow, you guys suck!" Falcon chuckles "Sorry...I know yall tried your best but...." Falcon couldn't help but bursting out chuckling
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam @DistractionTeam

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>As you wait for Sage to finish up melting the ice around Blake, you heard Captain Falcon laughing at the state of the Stealth Team.

>What will you do?
>Laugh with him
Scold him

>You walk up to Falcon with a stern look and punch him hard in the gut.

"The fuck is your problem, birdman?! Can't you see what these guys have went through?! Insensitive prick."

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngDespite being punched and scolded, Captain Falcon still can't help but laugh "I know...I know....! I'm trying....! I'm trying real har, but my douchy sense of humor won't let me...! I need water....I-I neeed water...!"
Topless Topless

"Alright I've about had enough of this hoonany, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this." Lilith says as she floats over to the two Soras. "Stand back everyone, I've got a plan." After examining the two of them for a brief period she speaks up and lays a few rules on them. "Alright you two listen up, I'm gonna be asking the both of you a few questions to "Get to know the both of you." as I should say. Whoever get's the most right will most likely be the real Sora, as for the other, well it's best that I don't get into that. So, any further questions?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Real Sora)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Fake Sora)

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You were about to punch him again when vines suddenly rises from the ground, wrapping around Falcon and then a ball of it was formed and is stuffed forcefully into his mouth. This is Venus' doing.

"You want water? Then suck it dry."


  • "What?!" Megumin protested, banging against the wall of her bubble. "But it IS me! Why would the fake Megumin alert the distraction team to trouble?"

    "Quite simple, Lassie." Lucky leaned up against the bubble. "Toga would pretend to be you, and make us all follow you in here in order...to trap...everyone..." Lucky's tail drooped, and Megumin's face turned ghostly, except for her nose, which turned bright red. Now that made sense. Even if Toga didn't intentionally create and raise red flags to get Megumin upset, she could easily spin this into a new trap!

    All thanks to the brilliance of our friendly neighborhood archmage.

    "...On second thought...maybe I should stay in this bubble for the rest of the mission." Said archmage folded herself up within the bubble.

    "Yes, you should. And you will." Lucky snorted at her, then turned to Rex. "Eh, we should verify a little. Or get the fuck out of dodge. Whichever works for everyone."

The sudden Kryptonian punch from Supergirl sent the girl flying a good few feet back. Before she could even recover, the exalted blade successfully did its job in delivering a truck load of more damage to her, and combine that with the sudden energy blast from one of the Another Riders, and Penny had been successfully overwhelmed. She fell back down towards the ground, knee planted firmly into it along with her fist. Despite being a robot, she was breathing heavily as she glanced up at all of you, smoke rising from her body. She paused for a moment as she glared up at all of you. Before any more attacks could be made, the nearly dismantled Penny took off into the air once more and flew off. Any attempts to follow her would be met with a sudden screaming sound from Haven's direction. Without much of a choice, you all began making your way back to Haven.


When Rex had finally managed to prove who the real Sora was, the injured Sora sat there on the ground, not saying anything. He'd laid his head back, just sitting there as the blood trickled out his mouth. And then, finally, Rex asked him why he was here. And just like that, Sora began to giggle. They were quiet laughs at first, almost like he was trying to keep them subdued. But not long into it, he pulled himself up despite the ropes and the laughter got louder. There was a crazed look in both eyes as his laughter became distorted and more high pitched. His flesh began to melt off of him like clay while the laughing got louder. His skin began turning gray as it melted away like Sora's own sea salt ice cream on a hot summer's day. The laughs were no longer giggles, but rather a full on hysterical fit. And then, finally, the distorted skin began to wipe away and fall onto the floor, which revealed the person who you'd all been expecting underneath.


"Wow! You guys sure are smart, huh?" She asked as she held up her hands, revealing that she'd cut through her bindings with her trademark knife at some point. With her usual crazed grin, she slammed her elbow down on the stone that encased her feet, causing it to literally crumble onto the ground. She slowly stood up and looked at all of you, knife in hand. "To think it was THAT easy to make you all turn on each other, though! It's almost like you WANT the Multiverse to be completely and utterly FUCKED!"


Without literally another syllable, Toga charged forward with her knife in hand, slashing in such a manner that she threatened to cut Sora, Rex, Lucky, and Sage! "Come on now! Show me how much you can bleed for me! DON'T CALL IT QUITS NOW!!" She laughed crazily as she charged forward towards all of you.

P PopcornPie @StaidFoal ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @Benedict Cucumberpatch @darkred Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @92MilesPrower @FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @quadraxis201 @QizPizza @Lazaro1505 @Venom Snake @DerpyCarp Riven Riven PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
"Oh god!" Lilith quickly exclaimed as she fumblingly shoots one of her spirits at her out of shock "This girl obviously has something jacked up in her head to be acting like this!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Toga)

(I swear to god this will literally be the only post where I don't make a stupid mistake because of me not actually reading other people's posts so I can get a better idea of what I'm supposed to post, this is why this post is so short because I'm more likely to make a stupid mistake by making a longer one.)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon sighs "Oh my gosh with this chick..." When Toga comes into range, Falcon casually slaps the knife away from him and out of her hand "Stop it!" Falcon points at her "Get. Help..." Falcon pokes Toga's nose "LOTS. Of help...I'd see we could help, but we're kinda too busy trying to save the multiverse from a warlock weilding a space-bending viagra pill. So if you don't mind. I still don't get why you crazies frun swinging these dang knives...KNIVES! ARENT! TOYS! You smiling now, but trip and fall, are ya still gonna be smiling when you gouge your eye out? Huh? Or-Or when you accidentally stab yourself in the chest? You ever thought about that?"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

"Wait, is that...?" Hiryu squinted when he started to see smoke rising from the girl itself. He was pretty late on the realization that the girl is indeed, a robot. A robot girl. He recalled Blake saying that she knows someone named Penny that's a robot girl...Is it her? Regardless, Hiryu scoffed. "Of course a robot army would be led by a fucking robot." He approached the girl as she glared at him, pounding on the Anotherwatch's button on his waist as his blades glowed. Just as he got near, the girl flew off. Prompting Hiryu to attempt to subdue her with a spear throw, yet the scream threw him off, and the girl successfully escaped.

"DAMMIT! What is going on over there?!" Hiryu growled as he and his Another Riders made their way through Haven. He pulled out the communicator and called literally anyone since the Distraction Team had left. "Talk to me! What's going on?! Where the hell did everyone go?!"

"This is Whisper!" Whisper answered, sounds of laser fire could be heard as well as Falcon attempting to scold a laughing maniacal girl. "The Distraction Team converged with us. We're currently engaging Toga!"

"OH, THAT BITCH?!" Hiryu practically roared as he and his two Another Riders rushed through Haven's Halls. "I'm on my way! Save a piece of her for me to mangle!" The call ended.

Whisper, meanwhile, attempted to shoot the lights out of the girl by shooting lasers at Toga.
Once the ghost girl explained, she seemed to be able to understand. "
So, we're dealing with an imposter. We have a race back home that can do that." Everyone then began to argue with each other and guess who it was that was the real one, which didn't sit well with her. "All of you, can you please shut up?! You think now is the time to be fighting amongst each other?! We need to figure this out, not be at each other's throats!"

Just like that, the one they declared the fake one began to laugh like an insane person and the appearance went away to reveal that it was Toga all along. Was anyone really surprised at that? She then began to charge at all of them and once she got close, she began to slash at her stomach, going from the right to the left. In case she tried to hit her or jump on her to drink her blood, she would end up Blinking behind her to get out of the way.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone in The Room™ that isn't named Tommy Wiseau

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