• "Woah! What is that thing!?" Even if it was nowhere near her, Megumin dove and rolled away from Jury Rigg's new toy like a startled cat. "It's on our side, right? Oh, what am I saying!?" Her cheeks turned bright red upon realizing that nobody heard her cry, and she galloped to Lucky and Sarge-pretending that Sarge wasn't there, of course-and shouted louder. "CHOMUSUKE, WE NEED YOUR HELP! THE STEALTH TEAM IS BEING LED INTO DANGER!"

    Lucky just looked at her. "That crazy bitch with the affinity for blood, right?...You had to come and get us for her?"

    "Yes!" Megumin stomped her foot. "What else was I meant to do?!"

    "...You could've just, like, hung around outside, and then called your teammates after a while."

    Megumin's face turned pale. "Right! The best time to call is-" Then she slapped herself. "Oh, gods damn it! I broke my communicator out of anger!"

    "Well, I didn't." Lucky tapped random buttons on his own communicator. "Lucky O'Chopper, Rabbit of Wisdom. Hm...Who's on stealth again? Uh..." He ended up choosing a member of the stealth team at random. "Hey, stealth fellas. You doing alright? Need us to come over there? Megumin's worried."
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: P PopcornPie

Hearing the communicator ring, Whisper stepped away from the Soras to answer it.

"This is Whisper, over." Whisper's voice was loud and clear for once, although she's still pretty much whispering at the communicator. "We have a situation here. The Ren we followed turned out to be a fake and led us to the real one, but now there are two Soras, one of them claiming that the one we're with the entire time is the shapeshifter, over."
"Heh heh... whatever you say!" Sarge laughed towards Lucky's babbling in his ear as he continue to shoot at the surrounding mechanical soldiers. He then glanced over to Megumin as she approached and waved at her, while he held his shotgun up with his other hand and fired it towards the unfortunate few robots that came charging his way. "Hey there!" Jury Rigg's missiles managed to do a lot of damage on the field, getting rid of entire platoons of guards in a single hit, as well as taking down the recently surfaced choppers no problem! Alexis' fireballs had the same effect, and both of these attacks combined did for some massive damage work!

"Wait.... Megumin..." Leo would ask from the side, confused by her presence. "What are you doing here? I thought you were with the stealth team?" He then listened to Megumin explain her situation, and all Leo really did after that was allow his lips to form an "O" and nod a bit.

As Another Drive and Another Kabuto launched their attacks towards the girl, she just continued to smile as one of her swords left the circle and swiped at both their lead legs while they were mid-air, attempting to dismember them entirely! Another OOO's claws managed to strike her from behind, she made her lose her footing a bit, but otherwise she was fine. Another Fourze, however, did loads more damage, to the redhead. The bullets would immediately strike her arm, catching her off guard completely. They continued to strike her near her shoulders and upper chest, which caused her significant damage. Chunks of fake skin and metal began to fly off where the bullets were hitting, until finally one of the floating swords came to her aid. It began to block each and every bullet from the gatling gun with precise aim, until it finally arrived near Another Fourze. The sword then wasted no time in slicing the gun in half, before making another move towards Fourze's neck! The girl still managed to narrowly dodge Another Kiva's downwards kick, only to then watch it explode from her beam. The girl then merely flew up into the air with the rest of the attacks and began firing the beam downward, destroying the rest of the Another Riders with ease. Finally, when the clockblade spear had been thrown up at her, she merely reflected it with one of her many swords, which swiped at it from the side so it would direct its path not towards the flying girl, but rather the still hidden Umbra. Whether or not this was intentional or not was unclear, but it still began falling down towards him nonetheless!

In the meantime, Shujinko's attacks also aided in the long battle against the mechanical soldiers.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

Sora would wince and cry out in slight pain when Agent Penguin bound Sora down to the ground and people began to immediately interrogate him.


"Woah woah woah! Jesus!" Red Hood shouted as he watched Sora get tied down against his will. "Look, guys... I'm all for gratuitous violence as much as the next psychopath, but don't you think tying up a beaten man like this is a bit much?"

"Well... they've gotta point." Qrow shrugged. "Toga can shapeshift by drinkin' people's blood, as this kid said. It stands to reason that we tie him up, since Toga drank Sora's blood." He explained with his arms crossed.

"Okay.... then shouldn't we tie up anyone else who had their blood taken?" Jason would suggest in an attempt to somehow make this terrible situation better. He gestured towards the currently freed Sora and Blake with the end of his gun.

Whisper was definitely able to tell a difference between the two Sora's. The injured one smelled like he was covered in blood, while the other one smelled normal. However, the injured one was bleeding out of his mouth, so that more than likely muddled things a bit. Nora, meanwhile, would nod slowly when Lealan handed her the syringes, and slowly picked them up to inject Ren with them.

And then, before the interrogation could even properly start, Deadpool planted a gun against the injured Sora's temple and started asking him useless questions.


"We are fucked.... we are so, so fucked..."

Just then, Jason's communicator began to vibrate. He scoffed a bit as he pulled it out, groaning a, "What is it now??" before answering it to find that it was Lucky. Lucky asked if they needed help with anything, which caused Jason to turn and look at the ensuing chaos behind him. "Uhhh... well, apparently that crazy Toga girl from the forest has some kind of shapeshifting ability from people who's blood she drinks... and now there are two Soras... Deadpool is interrogating one of them... very poorly, I might add..." He then watched as Whisper explained the situation in a much clearer way. "Yeah, what she said."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam
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Being carried around by someone is actually peaceful..... if you count unable to use their functioning limbs other than their right hand peaceful. But hey, he was not complaining.... but that Ren person was awfully suspicious, but hey, they were strangers so there may be a reason for stuttering a bit. But after reaching a room with the real Ren, shit began to spiral out of control, with everyone ganging up on the wounded Sora. He then took out his ToolGun and whispered to Lars ears.. “I need you to take these handcuffs and put them on the other Sora.... just to be safe...” as he used the ToolGun to spawn some handcuffs on Lars’s right hand.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
"Very desperate times, very desperate measures. And speaking of..."

The Agent looks away.

"Restrain Megumin the very moment she returns. On the other hand, Blake, I truly apologize for this. It's necessary."


The Agent would summon a white creature that blew frost at Blake, freezing her in a block of ice!

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @StealthTeam
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Dammit!" Hiryu, seeing that his blades were knocked away, the clockhands on his head spinning, glowing purple as Hiryu activated his precognition, attempting to find an opening in her next move, conjuring another set of clockhand blades, lowering his stance as somehow, by some miracle, Another Blade and Another Wizard remained nearby, awaiting the next command. This is...Perfect.

If Hiryu could pinpoint an opening where this bitch could be knocked down, then that would give him the chance to face her head on with Another Blade. If he could do that, then this might just cripple Atlas' Military!

  • Well, the Rabbit of Wisdom certainly wasn't expecting that answer. He stared at his communicator wide-eyed, in utter silence, until he dredged up his go-to phrase for things going south. "Well, shit!"

    Megumin scratched at her face. "Oh no, I was right about Toga!"

    "'Oh no'?! Lassie, you have gloating rights now!"

    "But if Toga kills or imprisons them, there'll be nobody to gloat to!" Megumin paused for a grumpy wave towards Sarge, then continued. "Poor Sora! We have to get over there!"

    Lucky blasted a few more guards in the head, now speaking through gritted teeth. "I don't know, Lassie, we're kind of in the middle of a fuckin' stampede here."

    "Then we'll end the stampede as quickly as possible!" Megumin whipped her head around. "Do we know who is sending these guards?"

    "Well, I heard this feminine voice shouting, but hell if I can find the face attached to it." His ears led him to the sound of several Another Riders making a ruckus, then pointed to the ensuing chaos far off. "...Eh, try over there."

    "We stop her, we stop this battle, then we can save the others!" Megumin cried bravely, rushing through the guards. This left Lucky to take care of the guards aiming at her.

    "I regret to inform you that she's still herself." Lucky sighed at Sarge. "Freelancers broke her magic, but they couldn't be bothered to fix her common sense. Of damn course." He stuck the tip of his nub in his lips, hanging off what Jason told him. "Wait...didn't that bitch drink Megumin's blood, too?"

Lealan's interrogation of Sora is interrupted when Deadpool grabs him by the neck and pins him, and by extension Lealan's arm, to the ground. "God dammit. Village idiot number two has arrived." She spits out as the pulls her arm free. "I honestly can't be bothered sooooo." She uses her Mater Manipulator to encase Sora's and Deadpool's legs in stone. "Now kiss!" She commands turning her gaze to where she thought there was the Ren that had lead them here.
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Venom Snake Venom Snake Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

He turned around and glared at Tux from Linux, and yelled back to him, ”WHAT’S THAT?! YOU WANT ME TO RANT ABOUT HOW DISNEY KILLED CLUB PENGUIN AND KILL YOU NEXT?! ZIP IT, FISH FOR BRAINS!” Hearing Jason “Mew2King“ Zimmerman’s comment about his horrible interrogation, Deadpool let Sora go from his grasp, and put his gun away. ”You know what? Fine, you’re off the hook for now, but know this: when we’re all done with this Multiverse shit, I’m coming straight for your a-“ As he got up, his legs were suddenly turned to stone, rendering him pretty much useless as of that moment, aside from his upper body being free. ”OF COURSE THIS HAS TO HAPPEN ON THE DAY THAT MY AUTHOR IS AHEAD OF THE GAME IN POST WRITING! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!”

Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- and everyone else wondering how the hell I found the time to write this post as well.
It seems stealth was never allowed for Umbra. Period. One moment he was trying to get some insight on who this little girl could be with an army this size of machines, and mentioning of working for Cobblepot. Before suddenly being interrupted by another one of the team as a fight had broken out, alas, also destroying the robots amasse.

"Goddamnit..", The Operator sighed as Umbra slapped his face once more, the strange girl now revealing to be what seemed to be either partly machine, or just really powerful as she countered her assailant with her own attacks with these strange floating daggers. Huh.

"Let's keep the pressure on then!", The Operator exclaimed to the warframe, Umbra nodding his head in reply as he suddenly broke into a flanking sprint around the girl as she continued to attack Hiryu, now with his braton in hand off of his back as he gave it a satisfying cock of the chamber.

And with that, he continued to sprint in a crescent shape around to flank, continuously aiming and spraying as his cloak began to disappear, showing the Frame and its entirety as he continued to fire at her.

Hiryu's precognition would find that the girl was about to slash a sword towards Another Wizard and Another Blade as her next move. She proceeded to do so without much thought. Whether this worked or not, she would soon find that her attention was taken away by Umbra. She was knocked back a bit while still mid-air, causing her to sling to the side before glancing back up. "You are making this much harder than it needs to be. I would advise that you surrender now before further damage can be done." The girl replied in a sing-song voice as one of her swords was brought down towards Umbra. First, it attempted to slash through his weapon and cut it in half. Whether or not it didn't work wouldn't affect the sword's position, however, as it quickly turned right back around, with its blade pointed towards Umbra's chest. It shot towards him at almost blinding speeds, with the aim to impale him through the chest!

"Uh..." Sarge paused as he watched the conversation between Lucky and Megumin continued on, unsure of what they were even talking about. "I dunno." Was all the southerner could muster, before he returned to shooting more soldiers with his trusty shotgun.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

Jason, Qrow, and Byakuya would all watch silently as the handcuffs were placed on the non-injured Sora and Blake was frozen in a block of ice. "Jesus... can't believe we have to resort to this shit..." Red Hood muttered, mentally facepalming at the entire situation due to the fact that he couldn't actually facepalm because of the whole red helmet thing he had going on. And then, just as Deadpool was about to get off the injured Sora, Lealan decided to encase him their legs in stone, which also would make interrogating him even more cumbersome.


"What the FUCK did you do that for!?" Jason shouted to the plant lady, throwing his hands up into the air in an annoyed fashion.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake darkred darkred @StealthTeam
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"Whoa shit!", The Operator exclaims in surprise as Umbra leaps to the side in a dive, barely dodging the flinging blade as he reached a hand to his Skiajati, and slipped the rifle on his back. The warframe continues his sprint, now moving directly towards the girl instead as he barely unsheathed his own blade.

The Operator maneuvers Umbra to a a-line towards the female, before what sounded like a whir caused the boy to react suddenly. "Jump!", The Operator yells to his warframe, Umbra suddenly taking a leap as he rotates mid jump to see a blade coming directly at him. With a rush of a sudden swing upwards from the waist slung Skiajati, he suddenly unsheathed his katana completely, a loud twang echoing as the Warframe swung the katana at the sword and clashed blades.

Once swinging upwards, he suddenly flips the blade swinging it diagonally to the bottom right direction, attempting to deflect and "throw" the blade to the side as he dove in the air to directly dive towards the girl once more. Umbra shakes the blade carrying hand with one thrust, the skiajati's blade now glowing a bright blue as he activates his Exalted Blade.

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
No answer from him.

While Nora seemed to be convinced that this was Ren, Blake was now convinced that this wasn't the real Ren. She proceeded to take out her weapon, switching to pistol form in case he tried anything. They all reached the door and upon entering, she looked away for a split second to see the real Ren, injured.

And this was all that was needed to fully prove that the Ren that was with them wasn't the real one.

"I knew it... Who are you, really?" Pointing her gun at the fake Ren, who then turned into an injured Sora to fool everyone, she was about to fire when Deadpool jumped onto the fake with a gun pointed to his head. Everyone else was hesitating, like they couldn't tell which one was which, and they were talking about restraining those that had their blood taken.

"We're really hesitating about this? We already know which one is the fake, the injured one!" And before she could fire at it, she was then frozen as a block of ice and the fake one was encased in stone.

...this was fine.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , Crow Crow

As she took out robot number fifteen, she was about to go after robot number sixteen when she heard Megumin. And from what she said, it wasn't good at all. "
Toga's in there?!"

Seeing one robot come up to her and try to fire at her, she ducked under and pushed off her foot right as she ducked to run at the robot and slice its head off. "I'm heading inside, whoever wants to come along, I'd suggest you do so fast! Megumin, you may need to come with me to show me where the others went!" Using Blink to get to the doors that led inside faster, she headed inside.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , anyone else in the distraction group
Killing these metal humans is a very boring task, considering that he could fell many of them with one swing of his sword. But even when under fire, he heard the words of Megumin that the stealth team is in danger. While he listened, a robot tried sneaking up on him for a quiet kill, only for Gretar turning to face the robot and said “Here hold this...” as he plunged the sword he had into the chest of the robot, before going into a dash in order to follow Ciri, Lucky, and Megumin, the sword slowly disappearing into dust and ashes.

“Hey...! Wait for me...” as he tried his best to follow the three into the building.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Ohshitthestealthteamisintrouble

Mood: Self-challenging, Worried, Helpful
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

As even the flame spikes had been efficient somewhat, the pyromancer had learned that the robots weren't as tough as one would have expected the army of a location to be. Scraps, wires and what else littered the patio? of Haven as they went on, which would have been bothersome to the environmentally friendly Sage if it hadn't been for Ben putting the third R into good use! Recycling! The more robots they took down, they more were rebuilt to fight on their side! It was sooo cool!
And then he had begun getting even fancier and altering the projects into even more efficient ones, it was like watching one of those speculative robot-uprising movies, but for some reason, half of them were still trying to fight for people!!

To say that he was having fun would be an understatement. It was impossible not to stop at points to admire the mix of powers and talents out and beyond his wildest dreams, all coming together in the space below... Man, just wait 'till he told Hershel all about it too!

Even Alexis had joined in on the chaos, showing her mastery over Fire Magic with what had been a shower of flamey destruction falling down into the battlefield, lighting up every enemy it came into contact with aflame nearly instantly. It was a sight to behold... You know what would be cool afterwards? If they found a space to maybe practice together for a bit! Then they could share ideas in a Master-student moment! It was, quite interesting to see the Kitsune as a magical instructor, but by the Gods that was amazing, and got Sage to wonder if and how he could get a similar effect going, even if solely on curiosity. He doubted he needed that much fire-power for anything...

Despite both their Magic being essentially different in how it worked, there were clearly a couple of overlaps when it got broken down into their base uses. And he really wanted to experiment with it, see how far that went! It was one thing to have written descriptions, might I add done by people that were just as lost with the whole matter, but to be seeing stuff done live?! It just made him want to attempt them too!

"Right?! It's a bit disappointing!", Sage had added to the woman's banter after laughing at what had been said, as he had stopped by, trying a 2-direction flame spike attack at enemies she hadn't gotten yet quite proud it had worked without dropping him out of the air, "Guess they weren't worried enough about invaders since they couldn't give them a larger budget!", with a wave of his arm a new pillar of flames engulfed another soldier, "Even the spikes are doing something and they're as brittle as glass, like, come oooon!"

Then a blue bipedal fast animal had complained about the enemy numbers. If he hadn't seen Zwei use her powers earlier, he would have probably been quite intrigued:

"I see someone's fond of the strength in numbers strategy... Maaan, these guys are relentless!!", huh small attacks weren't doing much here, maybe he'd try something big instead... "I guess it's time to amp up the heat~!"

Having said that, the Descendant took a new flap and progressed forwards, swaying this and that way to dodge incoming projectiles and friendly moves, only stopping right above a bulk of enemy robots. It had to be a rather large group to justify what he was about to do... A huge circle would lit up in the ground, marking a circumference for an upcoming attack. At the same time that he was trying to see if he could pull it off, there was a small part of him that was showing off to Alexis, most likely seeking to make her proud of him.

"IF YOU'RE INSIDE THE CIRCLE AND CAN'T DEAL WITH FIRE, GET OUT NOW!!", Sage shouted the warning to his allies to make sure it wouldn't become a problem to them as well.

He waited enough for others to leave, but not for the enemy to realize what was happening and raising both of his arms with the palms up, commanded the circumference to burst into flames, effectively walling-in a portion of the robots. Then he'd turn the palms back down, making a rotating motion with his arms and the fire wall would begin to spin and spin and spin, ragging furiously picking up speed, the whole space would turn into a huuge flame TORNADO, burning everything that had been caught inside it.
It would have been too easy, and take a lot less of him, to let go out of it and let the flame go whichever direction they would like to travel, but! Still on the prospect of not destroying friend and foe alike, Sage had not done that and instead, held it in place after a final rotating motion, as if holding the very air in between his palms.

Pulling them farther from each other, he'd command a controlled expansion of the radius, the fiery spiral of instant Death sucking in more and more enemies until he decided it couldn't go much farther safely and let it burn contained in place.

The pyromancer had managed to keep the ragging tornado up for about 5 or so minutes when the sounds of the incoming choppers had alerted him of more trouble about to start. Forced to move away and fast, he had dropped his arms down allowing the spiral to dissipate in the air and sent his wings forward, creating a force to send him back and just in the nick of time out of the way of the machine gun rounds, in a risky but successful dodge. Obviously, the shooter tried again, this time one of the wings folding in front of him into an expanded wing-shield that held up with clear struggle through the rest of the round of bullets, cracking like reinforced glass at the multiple impacts.

"Phew! That was a close one!", he let out relieved, not too happy about the extra company, "If anyone else could help with these guys I'd be really thankful!!", and then he turned back to the aerial contraption preparing a barrage of flame spikes aimed at the gun, "I thought the fireworks were only coming in at the end?! You guys are too early again, why can you never do your job properly??", the flame aura powered the attack and off they went once more, "If you shoot at me, I can shoot back! It's only fair!!"

Before the weapon could reload or anything, Sage took a new flap, diving down and passing under the, hopefully now disarmed, attack chopper, then coming back up beside it, right where there might or might not be an opening into inside. He didn't want to take it down without being absolutely sure that there weren't people on it. Focusing on his hand for a moment to set it on fire, Sage had settled for attempting a flamethrower, kinda inspired by seeing Lucky use it earlier. He'd aim it at the body of the machine in case there really hadn't been anybody inside, or they were just more robots, but if not, the aim would be just at the guns as a spray of furious flames would come to life from the hand he had held right in front of him, burning flame aura once more acting as the source.

In-between dodging/blocking bullets and getting some new jacket holes caused by slight late turns, the pyromancer had merely managed to flame-throw two of the incoming aerial assaulters, when a new cry had rung in the air immediately drawing all attention to itself:

"-EEEEELP!" , the start of the message had gotten muffled-out by the fact he was right in the middle of a bunch of explosions, but as he looked down Sage had caught sight of pointy-hat girl looking very distressed and waving her arms up, "Help! Our team went into the building successfully, but that blonde girl we encountered in the forest is on the loose!", okay that uhhh... That was not good.

As creeped out as the blonde Missy had made him, the ever-altruistic pyromancer could never not answer to a call for assistance. He glanced back at the chopper for a moment, forced to suddenly execute yet a new set of loops to dodge more shots and then after also flame-throwing that one had looked back down catching sight of the Kitsune.

"ALEXIS!", he called out for her, putting his hands to the front trying to make it even louder, "Stealth is in trouble, I'mma go check that, can you handle the rest of these helicopters for me?", with the fire-power that he had already seen from her, this should be a breeze for the woman.

He waited for a reply before inclining his body downwards and making a quick dive towards the group that was preparing to head back in, wings closed and pointed to the back to allow him to cut through the wind like a bullet and opening with a loud sudden 'fwop' just short from the ground for the landing, bringing acceleration to a full halt.
As soon as his feet had touched the surface, the constructs had dissipated in the air behind him.

"I'm coming too!", he announced with a determinate tone, "Distant attacks seemed to be useful against her and there's no rain to get in the way now.", of course, the building could still have sprinklers and it would be basically the same but shhhh, let's not jinx it too hard!

As they had turned around and begun making their way inside, Sage had tagged along, sticking to the back of the group both because ranged powers but also due to not being that athletic of a person overall. He tried, but he wasn't very used to running for long, okay?
Buses were a thing that existed to make travelling long distances easier!
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  • "He won't be surrendering at all!"

    Megumin's battle cry echoed just barely within the girl's earshot. Then she galloped towards the girl, waiting until her back was turned before-

    Oh, Ciri wanted her.

    "Never mind, I have a rescue to do! You've got this, Hiryu and Umbra!" Megumin turned on her heel, running back to Lucky and Sarge, then passed them to Ciri. Then she rounded up her, Gretar, Lucky, and whoever else was willing to help the stealth team solve this case.

    Along the way, the bunch would almost have their tails cooked off by Sage's fire tornado, which caused Megumin to lose all her color as she fled. "HEEEEEEEEEEY! PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME! I HAVE TEAMMATES TO SAVE!" Since time was of the essence, she would have to catch her breath as she continued to run.

    "Okay, I did get kind of lost in this school-I'm no good at dungeons, okay!?-but I did take out a lot of the guards!" The archmage led her ragtag team of mystery solvers with haste, zagging, spiraling, and almost running into walls, then actually running into walls. Finally, they came to the Grand Hall, where a nasty surprise waited.

    "Oh, no! Toga must've locked the door!" With a growl from the depths of her diaphragm, Megumin's patience ran out, and she proceeded to wave her staff in the air. "Darkness blacker than black, and darker than dark-"

    Fortunately, Lucky kicked her staff out of her hands. "How about we don't, Lassie. I'm pretty sure that, if we took a poll, 100% of the people here would prefer not being baked alive."

    "Even the figment agrees!" Lupé chimed. "I enjoy existing."

    "Right..." Megumin pressed up against the door. "Stealth team! I've come bringing help!"

After going through past the fire tornado and into inside, it was where they were met with their first challenge. Apparently.... Megumin doesn’t know how to retrace her steps because she led them through everywhere..... with no clue of where the Stealth team might be. But sooner or later, he, along with the others, finally reached the door that was locked. Apparently the Stealth team was behind the door and were locked from the outside world.

“Move outta the way..... time to show you how Vikings open doors...” as he gently pushed Megumin back with his left arm, before stepping back a bit. It seemed like he was gonna charge forward and break down the door with his hammer..... and you would be correct..... well half correct. Yelling out a noise of pure anger, he then charged the door and crashed right through it..... falling on the floor on the other side.

It seemed he was hurt, before he quickly sat up and said
“I’m ok.... it’s not like a small door is gonna keep me out of commission.” as he looked around to see what the hell is going on in the room.

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @Backupteam
Umbra's clever swordplay acted as a cool distraction for the fire-haired girl and her own swords, but nothing more. When it was sent flying back down towards the ground, the girl merely flicked her wrist back up towards Umbra. When she did so, her own sword rotated like that of a boomerang right towards the warframe's side! If it hit him, he'd have a sizable slice in his midsection.

Riven Riven Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @PennyFight

"W-wait! Hold up!" Leo would shout from the other end of the battlefield when several of his allies began heading back towards the school. Sarge would have more than likely stayed, but then Lucky told him that Toga was a Blue, which made him cease fire entirely.

"A BLUE!? This could be their commander!" Sarge exclaimed as he broke out into a sprint towards Haven, shotgun in hand. On the way, he ran into Grif, who was taking out enemies with his assault rifle throughout all of this. As he passed the orange armored soldier, he smacked him in the back of the head with the butt of his shotgun, which caused Grif to scream out in pain.

"What the fuck was that for!?" Grif cried as he rubbed the back of his head, which was probably bleeding under his helmet. Sarge, however, didn't reply, and instead continued running in the other direction. Grif groaned and began to slowly jog right behind him, the two Red soldiers now on their way towards Haven as well. Micah, who had seen all this in the meantime, also happened to notice that Atlas' numbers were dwindling significantly thanks to all of your attacks. So, without much left to do, he turned his head up towards all of you.

"Alright, think we're done here." Micah said to the rest of you, before holstering his handguns and walking off towards Haven, with the rest of you following suit. Well, except the two fighting the girl with the swords.


By the time you all reached Haven and made your way to where the Stealth Team currently was, you all managed to group up in front of the locked door with the rest of your crew. After watching Megumin luckily unsuccessfully cast her Explosion spell, Micah just scoffed and stepped ahead of her and Lucky, even shoving them back a bit. "To hell with this!" The outlaw spat, before drawing one of his handguns...

Only for Gretard to charge through and knock the door over seconds later. Micah stepped back and slowly holstered his pistol with a grunt, while you all began to witness the antics the stealth team was getting into. And what antics they were. Blake was frozen in ice, Sora was in handcuffs, another far more injured looking Sora was on the ground tied up in rope with a Deadpool on top of him, and both their legs were encased in stone for some reason, there was some guy you'd never met tied up on the ground and bleeding from his leg, with another girl that had red hair hunched over him with a worried expression, Qrow chugging down alcohol from his flask, Byakuya brooding silently in the corner, and Jason looking like he wanted to die during all of this.

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch darkred darkred Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @DistractionTeam-->StealthTeam
Umbra's activation of Exalted Blade actually did cause a bit of his own distraction as he charged at the redhead, the returning blade going towards his center. Instead of being able to dodge this one, the Warframe simply barely leaned to avoid any critical damage as the blade struck through and true, a nice cut to Umbra's side. "GAAAAHH!!!", The Operator yells in his mind, spiritually holding his side in pain as Umbra lands to the ground with a hand around the wound, the blade causing a fizzle as his shields disappeared out of existence for the time being.

This, hearing his Operator in pain. Sparked something, a mix of adrenaline? Or, Rage. The Operator felt a surge of energy, something he hadn't felt in awhile as Umbra's chest suddenly flashed a cyan blue and seemed to hold and chuck something to the side. The dust lifting ended up revealing the Operator himself, gasping as he held his side still in pain as he looked at Umbra, the warframe stabbing the blade of his Skiajati into the ground.

Oh no.
Umbra had ejected him.

The warframe knelt by the blade as it finally let go of its wound, remembering the sound of his Operator's pain as it suddenly looked to the sky and roared a mix of a roar and a howl of anger as sparks began to flash from the frame's body.

With that, it suddenly grabbed the sword and pulled it out of the ground, the blade now engulfed in the electrified blue of the Exalted Blade's energy as it suddenly lurched head straight on at the red haired assailant with more rage and fury than could be explained in words.

And the Operator, could only sit there on the far side of the room as he held his side, still gasping in pain as he was helpless in seeing a sight that he had only seen once, but even frightened him upon seeing it happen once more.

The Warframe, was out of his control.



thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Then, the others began to follow her and Megumin. At least more people would mean that they'd handle whatever would come their way, right? Unfortunately, Megumin revealed that she got lost in the school, which wasn't great.

So, they began walking, finally reaching a set of doors that appeared to be locked. Before Megumin could cast a spell and someone tried to get rid of the lock, the one with the hammer busted the door down. Yeah, he was fine, but once they saw the others inside, it was obvious that they were not fine.

Stepping inside, she saw the insanity inside. "Alright, what the hell is going on?!" When she saw the two Sora's, her mind immediately went to how Doppler's were. For the uninitiated, Doppler's were basically creatures that could turn into other people, being perfect replica's. They were usually good natured people, so this couldn't have been a Doppler, only something similar to one.

As Rex was tearing down the guards, he hears Lucky say how they could help them. ”We’re confused and nervous too. And we’re literally about of a multiverse team. Look where we are now, it’s Sarge’s fault for being an idiot!”

The stealth team had reach their destination, when Ren opened the door they see another Ren tied and gaged. Not only him but Sora as well telling them, the other Sora with them was that blood girl from earlier, Toga. She’s a shapeshifter.

The fight with the guards ended soon and the distraction team went after the stealth team, only to see some people of stealth team were injured, frozen and captured.

“What the heck is going on here? I’ll help.” Rex ask this as, Sora gets interrogated for possibly being Toga in disguise. Deadpool threatens the fake Sora to tell who “he” really is and spouting nonsense no one knows, but before Sora was going say something, he’s put in handcuffs.

“Guy’s hold on. I know this looks bad but I can prove it!” Sora speaks up finally, and he speaks to Deadpool who’s with the other Sora, asking him what he was talking about. ”Also, who are you and how do you know Mickey? What is smash bros?”

“Well everyone calm down!” Rex shouted in frustration and annoyance. “Look. I’ve known Sora the longest. Why don’t we ask them some questions to see who’s the real one? Also if I don’t to deal with Lucky’s craziness, those dorks from the Blood Gulch, and you guys actively trying to shoot someone I know without even trying, I’m going to shove a big fat sword through someone’s head!”

Once silence fills the room. Rex begin his Sora trivia. “Okay, first off: What’s one of Sora’s favorite snacks?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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Orbeck of vinheim
status: The arch wizard is still a fool. and a familiar situation.
Condition: normal.​
"Hey, Lassie! Look who's here!" Lucky cheerfully pointed down at Sarge.

"Chomusuke, this is no time for-OH, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" She unsheathed her claws towards Sarge, curling back her lips.
The moment that Orbeck finally got himself out od those hallways, was the moment that he was opened up to the current chaos outside. Robots piling up like ashes, flames, and gunfire filling the outside of the academy. If this wasn't a prime example of a modern battle, he doesn't know what is. And in this ever chaotic battle, the archwizard had to go to that Insane rabbit for help, and some sort of armored soldier in red?

Before she could consider trying to attack the CLEARLY major threat that was, her calls for help were answered by a few people...No make that about one-third of the distraction team. Fire tornado aside (and his inability long gone), they proceeded back inside into the hallway. Why was it that they needed MORE people, it will just give that Toga girl more leeway to hide among ourselves. At the very least they could wait outside the doorway, keeping the girl in question form escaping. That would have been more idea then what actually happened.

To hell with this!" The outlaw spat, before drawing one of his handguns...

Only for Gretard to charge through and knock the door over seconds later. Micah stepped back and slowly holstered his pistol with a grunt, while you all began to witness the antics the stealth team was getting into. And what antics they were. Blake was frozen in ice, Sora was in handcuffs, another far more injured looking Sora was on the ground tied up in rope with a Deadpool on top of him, and both their legs were encased in stone for some reason, there was some guy you'd never met tied up on the ground and bleeding from his leg, with another girl that had red hair hunched over him with a worried expression, Qrow chugging down alcohol from his flask, Byakuya brooding silently in the corner, and Jason looking like he wanted to die during all of this.

...Let's just say that it would have been a blood bath if Julie was here. Doesn't excuse the antics going on here.
"It seems as if trying to apply subtlety is somehow, burdensome for some of you people." Orbeck deadpanned. He would relate to both Jason and even the somewhat pretentious Byakuya. Because this was all stupid.

he makes his way up to the two Sora's. It seems like the most logical thing to do is to ask questions...without pointing guns like a mad man.
"Before any of you get tempted into any foolish ideas, let's ask the two a few questions.

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch darkred darkred Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"God all of this is starting to make my brain hurt!" Lilith says as she rubs the back of her head. As she was trying to comprehend all the shenanigans that were happening Ciri asked what was happening so Lilith chimed in. "Well from what I can tell Toga has the ability to disguise herself as other people, so she disguised herself as Sora and now were trying to find out who the real one is. I know it's a lot to unpack, I'm just as confused as you are."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri)

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