
"Break break break! Fix fix! Fix fix! Fix fix fix fix fix fix!"

Jury Rigg's antics continue. He commanded his modified guards to attack. Every successful kill they and his allies would make - he would turn the scraps back into guards, except this time they did his bidding, not Cobblepot's. His army continued to grow, and grow, and grow... As time went on, what was once the enemy forces began to turn on the enemy forces themselves.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam

"Yeah, don't worry, because this Penguin is out to stomp the Penguin," the Agent swears to Nora, "let's get moving."

He opened those double doors...

"I'd say ladies first but Club Penguin doesn't ask if you're a boy or a girl when you register. Pretty strange society, I know."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam​
"Jason, I have visual on the Headmaster. And the one from the forest is there too." Lealan commits the mans appearance to memory, then looks to see if there was any kind of map of the area she could reference where the Headmaster's office was. A security office had to have something like that for coordination. If not, then this place was even shittier than she thought. "Male, Ginger, and his face was scarred up, except for a pair of long slits along his mouth, like a big smile. Also Forest girl is hunting for us. They mentioned a quirk or something? Maybe a special ability. They are coming, it seems." Lealan looks to see where the placements of the cameras are, like if they have any on the outside of the building.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake looked at the penguin and nodded. "She is, yes. And I doubt she is, didn't you see the wanted posters Qrow brought up back at the tavern? Nora was on one of them." It was then that Nora began to answer her questions, revealing that she and Ren were sent here by Ruby, Ren was somewhere around here, the artifact that gave Cobblepot his powers was here, and she also didn't know about Penny.

Again, the worry about Penny didn't go away with each answer about what happened to her being that they didn't know.

Then, she was asked what happened to her. "
Well, it's a long story. But essentially, me and someone went after Cobblepot and after we failed, I ran away after Cobblepot... My friend didn't survive... A portal appeared in the alleyway I hid in and now, I'm helping them save the multiverse."

They then had to move out soon, which she looked at Nora. "
I don't think I have to ask you if you're coming with us, I already know the answer to that." She then heard that the one from the forest and whoever was in charge now were heading their way. "Great... we have to watch out for them."

Crow Crow , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp


"...yes Grif, that's right. They'll take your right to have that if we don't stop him." Really, she didn't understand exactly what he said, but she figured it was some sort of food. "And yes, we do have that machine, you can ask for whatever you want after we're done here."

Then, it went south once Sarge started speaking.

He then drove the vehicle towards the guards, which wasn't the greatest thing. Sighing, she took out her sword. "
Well, at least they were both convinced!" She started to run out to the guards, hopefully taking cover behind something so that she could figure out a plan.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Well it looks like two people really care for their teammates. Replying to Megumin.... he said “It is not very serious.... I can still move one arm.” as he raised his right arm.... “but I am gonna be stuck like this for a couple of hours considering how hard that crazy hammer girl hit me in the head. But there is a small chance I would be normal again in 10 minutes, again.... a small chance.” before sighing as he looked around with his eyes. He then heard the girl with the hammer said that if he was ok, to which he responded with “Yeah..... sure, I am ok, it’s not like I was able to use my other three limbs before you hit me with that hammer..... of course I am not fucking fine, what do you expect a hammer to do to someone’s head....” as he took out his completely normal revolver with his only working hand, his right hand, “Welp.... let’s see what is behind the doors and who we have to fuck up in the process.” as he aimed the revolver at the door.
P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

It looked like everything was already being taken cared of. From enlisting those two soldiers to work with them, to Ben somehow making a army full of robots... so he decided to sit down on the floor and wait in case he was needed.
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  • "Oh! That secret project must be what we're looking for!" Megumin brightened. She trotted towards Nora with wide, excited eyes. "You see, Blake has been working with the Multiverse Protection Foundation! We're working to undo all the multiverse's corruptions, including the Penguin's tyranny, and Ganondorf's takeover!" She kept looking between Blake and Nora. This was crazy! Suddenly, poof! They had a ton of information valuable to the mission! This was going to be a snap!

    Once Nora explained her side of the attack, the archmage shrugged and smiled. "That's all right, it's a very easy mistake to make. We did just barge in here, after all. What matters is that you're with us, and that's as good as safe!" She followed Blake's lead, only to learn that safety was far from guaranteed. "Toga! I knew she was still around here!" She hissed. Then, in a stunning display of wrath, she chased Toga's voice.

    Meanwhile, this narrator anticipated the ensuing kidnapping with a smile.
B.J. Blazkowicz

"Yeah. Been through worse," he said to the spartan. The execution came to mind, and Blazko touched the device connecting his head to the body. Yep, still attached. Probably shouldn't try stupid things like that in this condition. At the monitors, Lealan reported what she found to everyone. B.J. only nodded. "Guess it won't be long 'til we've got more people to shoot and stab." He pre-emptively brought out the shotgun, flicking its fire mode to Rotor, so it fired all three barrels at the same time rather than individually. He then looked back at Kassandra, and out of curiosity asked, "You ever shoot a gun before?"

Oh, should probably say something to the... excited girlie. "Sorry for shootin' and callin' you a Cobblepot-kissin' ass! It happens!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @StealthTeam
Megumin kept racing down the halls, looking left and right for a familiar blonde head. "Toga! Come here!" She hissed loudly, knocking over any guards she came across with her staff. "Remember me? My blood is replenished. My heart is pounding. I am ready to finish what you started!" This archmage would not be satisfied until her foe came for a rematch!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Toga)
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow

"Don't tell these guys only had the ONE cannon." Hiryu scoffed as he followed the rampant robots, seeing as they led him nowhere as they just ran around and take up more numbers. With this not so shocking revalation, Hiryu began to fly around the perimeter to see what he can find.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

Whisper made her way through the now broken wasteland of scrap, and just as she made it to the room where everyone is, Megumin whooshed past her, prompting Whisper to stare and glance at Qrow.

"Should I follow her?" She asked, seeing as Megumin would.most definitely in danger. She'd stare at Megumin before she disappeared off the face of the earth through the corner, trying to determine her path.
Jury Rigg's plan worked out quite well in the group's favor as more and more of what had once been considered the group's enemies began turning into their allies. In the distance, you could notice that all this chaos was finally starting to pay off, as a number of the soldiers guarding Haven began rushing over to the Distraction Team.

"More guards incoming!" Leo shouted from the side. Ciri wouldn't really be able to formulate a plan due to the chaos that had been ensuing around her. It appeared that, for once, mindless destruction would probably be the best way to solve all this. Micah, who was still shooting the soldiers with his dual pistols when he noticed Gretar sitting on the ground.

"The hell are you doin'?" The blonde gunslinger asked with a slight snarl. "Get up and help us take these assholes out!" He shouted. Sarge, on the other hand, didn't really seem to notice Lucky on the ground. It appeared that he was too deep into his blood induced frenzy to really care. Meanwhile, as Hiryu began to fly around in search of anything interesting, all he would find is the ensuing chaos the rest of the Distraction Team was making, and that other squadron with the orange haired girl that Umbra was currently spying on.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam


"Noted. Thanks, Lealan." Jason said to Lealan as she briefed him and the others on what she saw on the cameras. When the plant girl herself began to look on the other cameras, she didn't really seem to find anything of note. She did, however, find that there were cameras placed outside as she suspected. One of the feeds showed a number of explosions and gunfire in the distance, which could only be assumed was from the efforts of the Distraction Team. It looked like they were doing their job, at least.


"Ohhh! That's neat!" Nora would exclaim in response to Blake's and Megumin's explanation as to where she had been. She paused and started blushing in embarrassment moments later. "Well the part about you... saving the Multiverse is. Not the whole losing your friend part..." She added on, though her cheerful smile soon returned when they began filing out of the room. "You know me so well!" She exclaimed as she slung her hammer over her shoulder and trotted out of the room alongside the rest of the group. When B.J. were to apologize, Nora merely waved off his apology like it was nothing. "Pssh.... that's fine! I get shot at and called things all the time!" Also, if Megumin were to chase Toga's voice, she would just run directly into the wall, because her voice was coming from speakers next to the camera feed. Before she could run off ahead of everyone, she would feel her cape grabbed by none other than Jason, who pulled her back.

"You really need to stop running off without us, kiddo," Jason said, before letting go of her cape and continuing on alongside the others.


Once you all exited the double doors and into the Grand Hall, you were met with a room that more than made up for its name. The room was wide and expansive, with about a dozen hallways and doorways that led to the various areas of the Academy. As you all began to walk around the room, you were suddenly bumped into by yet another new face!


"Oh! Hey, Ren!" Nora would exclaim towards the new boy with an excited wave.

"Nora." The polite looking boy said with nothing more than a nod. "I see you've found Blake and Qrow. As well as made some new friends." He said in a quiet, polite, almost pensive sounding tone.

"Yup! They're from across the Multiverse! Isn't that neat??" Nora asked, her wide grin matching her very energetic and bouncy tone.

"Yeah, yeah," Qrow would step between the two. "Look, these reunions are nice and all, but we've kinda got a mission to do here." The drunk said flatly.

"That's actually what I was coming to tell Nora about," Ren said. "I found a route to the Headmaster's Office and went ahead and took out the guards ahead of us. If we hurry, then I think we can get whatever it is Cobblepot is hiding without much issue." With that, Ren turned and began walking in the other direction. With a shrug, Qrow began to follow him and motioned for you to do the same, with Jason, Nora, and Byakuya following behind.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Riven Riven

Chaos--yep, that's probably what they wanted when they decided this team up. Hiryu observed the chaos caused by Ben's massive bot tinkering. Eventually, he spotted what seems to be a growing army of robots as well as a redhead.

"Why, hello there~" Hiryu whistled as he saw the squadron. Seeing this as a primo chance to disrupt operations, he promptly landed ontop of the robotic unit, letting out a roar as he stomped on them...Much to Umbra's dismay.

  • "Ouch!" Megumin had given her poor nose a rather ugly bruise, but she wouldn't let it stop her. She WOULD find Toga. She WOULD defeat Toga. She WOULD-Oh, gods damn it!

    "B-but Toga will just hunt down the rest of you, and drain your blood!" The archmage protested, thrashing and yanking at her cape. Her eyes blazed at Jason. "I was right! I needed to find her before she told anyone we were here! And now she's been sent to track us!" She snarled at the air, her ears completely back.

    She tailed the back of the pack, continuously pausing and looking back at the halls behind them. A sonar was going crazy in her mind. They had moved to a big room. Toga had plenty of places to hide here.

    When the others followed a boy called Ren, Megumin planted her feet into the ground. He was just too complacent for her liking. For all they knew, Toga could disguise herself, or mind control, or something!
Jury Rigg's plan worked out quite well in the group's favor as more and more of what had once been considered the group's enemies began turning into their allies. In the distance, you could notice that all this chaos was finally starting to pay off, as a number of the soldiers guarding Haven began rushing over to the Distraction Team.

"More guards incoming!" Leo shouted from the side. Ciri wouldn't really be able to formulate a plan due to the chaos that had been ensuing around her. It appeared that, for once, mindless destruction would probably be the best way to solve all this. Micah, who was still shooting the soldiers with his dual pistols when he noticed Gretar sitting on the ground.

"The hell are you doin'?" The blonde gunslinger asked with a slight snarl. "Get up and help us take these assholes out!" He shouted. Sarge, on the other hand, didn't really seem to notice Lucky on the ground. It appeared that he was too deep into his blood induced frenzy to really care. Meanwhile, as Hiryu began to fly around in search of anything interesting, all he would find is the ensuing chaos the rest of the Distraction Team was making, and that other squadron with the orange haired girl that Umbra was currently spying on.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

"No, no... I need more! MORE!"

Jury Rigg decided to do something new. Instead of recreating the same old guards, he used the scrapped remains of every two fallen guards to make one bulkier, more powerful one, complete with four arms, to boot!

"Fix fix fix! But with something new! Ahahahaha! Keep 'em coming!"

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam


"Noted. Thanks, Lealan." Jason said to Lealan as she briefed him and the others on what she saw on the cameras. When the plant girl herself began to look on the other cameras, she didn't really seem to find anything of note. She did, however, find that there were cameras placed outside as she suspected. One of the feeds showed a number of explosions and gunfire in the distance, which could only be assumed was from the efforts of the Distraction Team. It looked like they were doing their job, at least.


"Ohhh! That's neat!" Nora would exclaim in response to Blake's and Megumin's explanation as to where she had been. She paused and started blushing in embarrassment moments later. "Well the part about you... saving the Multiverse is. Not the whole losing your friend part..." She added on, though her cheerful smile soon returned when they began filing out of the room. "You know me so well!" She exclaimed as she slung her hammer over her shoulder and trotted out of the room alongside the rest of the group. When B.J. were to apologize, Nora merely waved off his apology like it was nothing. "Pssh.... that's fine! I get shot at and called things all the time!" Also, if Megumin were to chase Toga's voice, she would just run directly into the wall, because her voice was coming from speakers next to the camera feed. Before she could run off ahead of everyone, she would feel her cape grabbed by none other than Jason, who pulled her back.

"You really need to stop running off without us, kiddo," Jason said, before letting go of her cape and continuing on alongside the others.


Once you all exited the double doors and into the Grand Hall, you were met with a room that more than made up for its name. The room was wide and expansive, with about a dozen hallways and doorways that led to the various areas of the Academy. As you all began to walk around the room, you were suddenly bumped into by yet another new face!


"Oh! Hey, Ren!" Nora would exclaim towards the new boy with an excited wave.

"Nora." The polite looking boy said with nothing more than a nod. "I see you've found Blake and Qrow. As well as made some new friends." He said in a quiet, polite, almost pensive sounding tone.

"Yup! They're from across the Multiverse! Isn't that neat??" Nora asked, her wide grin matching her very energetic and bouncy tone.

"Yeah, yeah," Qrow would step between the two. "Look, these reunions are nice and all, but we've kinda got a mission to do here." The drunk said flatly.

"That's actually what I was coming to tell Nora about," Ren said. "I found a route to the Headmaster's Office and went ahead and took out the guards ahead of us. If we hurry, then I think we can get whatever it is Cobblepot is hiding without much issue." With that, Ren turned and began walking in the other direction. With a shrug, Qrow began to follow him and motioned for you to do the same, with Jason, Nora, and Byakuya following behind.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam

The Agent darts his eyes around, staying at the very back of the group.

"Ren, was it? How'd you meet Nora and Blake? A bit of storytime as we progress."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam

Mood: Shocked, Pumped-Up, Crafty
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Well uhhh, that had worked... to extreme amounts of working that Sage didn't think anyone had been prepared to, a little 'ho boooy' making it out of his mouth overlapped with Grif's 'oh no'.

Honestly, what else was there to say? Sarge's apparent distaste for wearing blue had exploded into a rage comparable to the Entity's alleged taste for chaos and destruction. It was... impressive and uhhh terrifying??? But at least this destructive force of a man was now playing on their side and being the best source of distraction that Distraction Team could ask for.

Well, what now?

The pyromancer just stood there watching the one in red ram the vehicle into the robot soldiers and begin shooting at everything like a mad man. Grif, albeit a lot more reserved and sighing in defeat would soon join the charge too. No matter how one looked at it, every other kind of plan at been thrown off the window, but for once that didn't mean bad things for them, it was all just... shockingly too perfect!!

And just as they had been decided for, there was the opening to use his powers. With the shock at the sudden display of fury and brutality passing, the young man could only glance back at Alexis as if asking her whether they should join in on wreaking havoc too or not... And yet a moment later he was grinning at her. What he had been thinking was rather clear, there was no need to exchange a single word.
The initial excitement at the prospect of going all out was coming back, gradually but fast...

"Well, come on guys!", he had gestured with his head towards the ongoing confusion with an amused laugh, "We don't want to be left behind on the whole distracting thing, do we~?!"

Really, where else would he even get the chance for this?!

Before anyone else could say anything, Sage had taken off in a sprint and with a hop off of the ground, spawned his wings and taken off towards the chaos, flapping away with the utmost content. As long as they all looked the same and acted the same, he'd be taking the enemy in front of him as a robot, and thus not alive, and thus not wrong to burn without a care in the world. Since the plan had gone from harmless baiting them into the forest into straight demolition, he had remained on a rather low flight, not too far from the actual height of the enemy, so that the ground could still be used as the surface for all kinds of moves.
Sage, wasn't that great with aerial combat after all.

As he went by, the Descendant kept raising his arms here and there in swift upwards motions in the direction a robot enemy was, making the very floor beneath their artificial legs burst into ragging flame pillars hopefully too fast for them to even realize what was happening. Proud tall flames erupted majestically in the middle of town as he flew further in, attempting to engulf those that had once been safely standing right above them.
They'd also not 'relax' one bit for far as the pyromancer would still be in what was a rather long range and willed them to keep burning.

Oh maaaaan, now did he feel cool!! And surprisingly, he was having fun too!
Not to mention how freeing it was to just be doing whatever with his Ability without any sort restraint for once. You know, enjoying a good flight through the familiar Oriental aesthetic, roasting evil robots to a crisp... Not something he'd have expected to be doing ever really, but then again, today had been just packed with new and unexpected experiences!

"Hey now, I don't remember inviting this much people to this party..."

As a new wave had begun coming their way, he'd take advantage of the distance to stop in the air for a moment, flaps still stabilizing the flight and the wings' feathers would once more separate sightly as the flame aura charged up the launch of a barrage of fire spikes aimed at the incoming robotic soldiers. They were trying to impale rather than set aflame, though as every other construct were not deprived of heat. Depending on how strong their armor was though, it was more likely that they'd shatter on impact.

"No invitation, means no entrance!"

Either way, should be startling and disruptive enough to buy them some time, right?
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Lilith let's out a sigh of relief. "Finally some action, I was so bored back there I felt like every minute drilled into my brain." Suddenly she looks over to Lealan feeling embarrassed again. "Hey sorry about forgetting all about what you said earlier, I completely blacked out from what everyone was saying because I felt I was in there forever."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Lealan)
While sitting on the floor, he was spoke to by Micah, who wanted him to Cathy his sorry ass over to battle. Gretar just looked at him before slowly getting up, saying “You guys seem to have it under control right now..... but since you really want me in this.” before snapping his fingers, as a small sized hole opened up behind him. He turned around and looked down at the hole and said “hey.... Jormungandr.... I need my hammer back right now.” and was meet with pissed hissing from inside the hole. Apparently he understood snake, because he said “I know you are relaxing after the last time you did this..... but I need to use my electricity here since it seems like the best weapon to use here.” as Gretar went back and forth with the Jormungandr inside the hole. “Ok..... how about you just give me the ‘sword’ instead... Dainsleif was it...” and silence was heard.... before hearing a agreement with the snake as a sword was thrown out of the hole before it closed up.
Now picking up the sword and putting his hammer on his back, he began to charge at the hostile robot force. He joined the battle against the robotic guards, slicing some of them into pieces with each swing. And while he was getting shot, it didn’t hurt as much as being punched in the face by someone with super strength.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Distractionteam
Lealan looks at the spirit, weighing her words. "I can understand that. This trip has been dragging on. I want to spill some blood." Lealan twirls her Astro Sabre DX as she continues down the hall with the rest of the group. "It occurs to me, maybe we should have someone watch the cameras, just in case this becomes a chase." The Floran advises to Jason
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
"Oh! Salutations, friend!" The redhead exclaimed as Hiryu landed on one of the many robots, crushing and destroying it instantly. She tilted her head to the side a bit at the sight while the rest of the mechanical soldiers trained their weapons on Hiryu. If Hiryu was still watching the girl herself, he would notice several long swords float upwards and hover behind her while she smiled at him.


"Unfortunately, I'm afraid that this area is restricted to members of the Atlas army only. Please leave the area now, or I will be forced to use immediate lethal force." She said in a polite, peppy, and almost childlike tone with how happy she sounded. Sarge, meanwhile, still didn't seem to notice Lucky even as he climbed onto his back and rested on his helmet. All the soldier did was continue shooting away at the rival soldiers with his shotgun, all without a single care in the world. Jury Rigg's new four armed guard did double the damage (which was more than likely the intention), delivering one hit kills to every mechanical robot that came charging its way. However, the robots kept coming all the while, and they certainly didn't seem like they'd be in the mood to stop anytime soon! Gretar's sword and Sage's fires certainly helped ease the load a bit, with the duo easily able to take out multiple soldiers at once.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

As Megumin stubbornly planted her foot in the back of the group, Jason would notice this and let out a groan before jogging over to her. "Kid, look. I know you're scared of that Toga girl and probably wanna beat the hell outta her, and that's fine, but you really need to comply with us right now. This won't help anyone." He said to her. If she continued to deny moving along with the group for whatever reason, Jason would sigh and grab her by her cape again, before dragging Megumin alongside everyone else that was venturing deeper into Haven.

Back in the very front of the group, Ren would seem to pause a bit when Agent Penguin asked him how he met Nora and Blake. "Well... I... funny story--"

"Oh, Ren and I have known each other since we were kids!" Nora laughed from the back. "And Blake went to school with us back at Beacon!" She said, and Ren nodded a bit in response.

"Yup... what she said." Ren said with a slow nod, seeming almost a bit... tense from the questions, but it was barely even noticeable. Still noticeable, mind you, but only barely.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam

  • "No!" Megumin detached her cape, causing her to roll onto the floor. "For all we know, Toga is hypnotizing him! Or impersonating him! He looks like someone Nora knows, and offers to take us exactly where we need to go, and that's enough for you to trust him!?"

    To prove her point, Agent Penguin asked him how he met Nora, and the hesitation in Ren's answer was enough to convince her. "Forget him! I need to find the others!" She turned tail and ran out of the hallway. "And I'm not afraid to take off my clothes, so don't bother trying!"

    She huffed and puffed once she was back in the Grand Hall. Seriously, why was she the only one on edge? Now they could potentially be in horrific danger! "" She strained, pulling herself along.

--Another Riders: On War--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

At the issued warning, Hiryu flew back, away from the army of robots as his body is covered in purple mist, changing shape as he shrunk, gold rings appearing and spinning around Hiryu.


"Let me think..." The clockhands on Zi-O II's face spun, and shortly enough, an army of Another Riders appeared behind him.



17 monstrous riders stood beside Hiryu, with Another Kuuga growling behind them as the typical giant.

"How about...No." Hiryu raised his blade, pointing it towards the girl with over a dozen swords floating on her back. "I've been meaning to get to Atlas anyway, so why not have fun while I'm at it." He said, smugly as his Another Riders let out a roar and charged on forth.

Another Kuuga began the assault on the army by spitting out fireballs at them, like cannonballs.

Another Agito charged alongside his fellow Another Riders, throwing a rider kick towards one of the robots.

Another Ryuki used the dragon head on his arm as a flame thrower in order to clear out a few lines of robots.

Another Faiz cracked its fists as it began to combat the robots with lunging punches and roundhouse kicks.

Another Blade using its massive armor and sword to its advantage, charges lightning with its blade, soon swinging his sword and sending a wave of charged electricity at the army.

Another Hibiki simply raised its clubs, setting it aflame and began smashing robots.

Another Kabuto did the dame thing as Another Faiz, accompanying him even.

Another Den-O clashed his own blades against each other before rushing in and swinging blades on his own.

Another Kiva, who was summoned alone, fought hunched back, performing low sweeps of kicks aimed at the torso and legs.

Another Double caused a green tornado as they float around the battlefield.

Another OOO attempted to assault the ginger first, leaping and swinging its massive claws at her.

Another Fourze stood near Hiryu, stomping its feet as a blue missile launcher appeared on its leg, firing off multiple rockets aimed at various robots.

Another Wizard danced as fire followed his foot, kicking through the robot army without the use of his magic.

Another Gaim began hacking and slashing robots with his massive, rusted, rotten orange greatsword.

Another Drive sped around the field, helping out his fellow Another Riders.

Another Ghost summoned Parka ghosts to assist him as he did the same as Wizard, going limp and flying a bit in order to dodge certain attacks from the robots.

Another Ex-Aid hops around, smacking robot heads together.

Another Build...Fucking tripped before he even got anywhere, clumsily recovering and attempting the ginger to kick at the same time as Another OOO's attack.
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Clearly Captain Falcon didn’t know how to actually play 20 Questions, from what Sonic overheard. Deciding not to ruin his fun, Sonic watched as Ben messed with the army of robot soldiers, and laughed, only to stop after seeing Sarge suddenly charge into battle against said robots. “Well this is getting interesting, seems like we managed to get Sergeant Scarlet on our side now! I think it’s about time we got to do this ‘distraction’!” He then leapt into the air and started his assault on the opposing forces, hitting some with a simple Homing Attack, kicking others in the back of their heads, and even stomping on one to lead into a Spin Dash on the ground, slicing through the legs of some. Although a couple of stray bullets, embers and other debris grazed him every now and then, Sonic managed to avoid getting any injuries beyond a few scratches, thanks to his blinding speed. “Geez, how many of these robots are there?! Can’t really complain, though, breaking them is what I do best!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Topless Topless Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun P PopcornPie Crow Crow

“HUH?” As Rex was having a fun time laughing with Lucky. He soon offers Sarge and Grif to come with them, this quickly stops Rex’s laughter and now wants a word with Lucky but before that, Sarge goes on a killing spree. With that happening Rex takes this opportunity to talk to Lucky. “Hey, can you excuse me for a second?” He gestured.

Rex brings Lucky to somewhere private while bouncing him along the way, when they get there, Rex looks at him with face of something ferrous!
“Lucky, are you crazy! You just said how you wanted to kill these guys, and now you want them to come with? You and I both know neither of us cant’t stand them and if I’M the one that has to go through another adventure with those two or anyone else we saw there, I’m gonna blast my own butt to space!”

Unfortunately, their conversation would be broken like Rex’s bubble as the guards would not only shoot as Sarge, but them too. “THIS IS WHY, THESE GUYS ARE BAD NEWS!” Rex shouts over the loud and constant shootings by the guards to Lucky who would leave to go fight by Sarge’s side. Grif insist that Rex and whoever else was there help out too.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say armored slob! (Least I get to do something interesting.)” Rex would run towards the army of guards, and begin to saw them down one by one. “WOOOOO.”


Sora continued standing there as the ginger girl Hugs Blake to death, she let’s go and Blake introduces her to everyone and everyone to her, Nora Valkyrie. Sora walked up as Blake says his name. “Hey there. She says they’ll need to leave before the welcome wagon shows up, Sora nods in agreement. “Okay, lets get out of here.” They soon meet Ren and the rest begin to follow him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

  • Megumin quickly found herself lost in the hallways, but continued to chug on. The lives of everyone on her team depended on it! She could just follow the sounds the distraction team's distraction made, right?

So the stealth team were casually minding their own business as they were following Qrow and his pals when Lilith suddenly starting to realize something. "Wait a sec." She said under her breath, Lilith then moves over to Qrow to ask him something. "Hey Qrow, is it just me or are we forgetting someone?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Qrow)

P PopcornPie (Megumin)

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I'm thinking...Scribblenauts. mainly because you can literally write everything and it will appear."


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