F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Iron Man should've lived....Man had a whole family and junk....But at the same time, it was a good send-off for the man that made Marvel movies mainstream, though I prefered Marvel when it was a free enterprise. Them having allowed themselves to get bought out by Disney has really messed them up in my opinion."
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I know. But nowadays I don't mind it at all, honestly. Tony Stark was a great guy...well, except during Civil War, which is VERY questionable."

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Yea, but so was Cap when he sided with Bucky when it was revealed he had assassinated Tony's parents, but aside from that, the X-Men movies were my guilty pleasure...Even if my man, Cyclops got done dirty and only 2 or 3 of those movies were actually good! But I digress."
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I wonder when will they show up in the MCU? Or rather, the OTHER Marvel superheroes that were left in the dust. I wanna see some obscure ones for once."

While the happy little reunion was going on...... Benrey was left in a rag doll position on the floor due to that hammer strike. Of course it fucking hurt like hell..... but how did that girl had enough strength to launch him like that. It looked like he broke several bones on his body due to the way he was laying on the floor..... but good thing he doesn’t have any. There was one thing that was going through his head as he waited for his allies to notice the Benrey in a red suit and ski mask on the floor...... ‘Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost…...’.

And then there’s Gretar..... he’s confused.......Huh! MPF! Gretar’s confused.
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"I do too, buuuuut, I kiiiinda don't trust them at the same time as they already got rid of some lesser-knowns like Baron Strucker. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D does seem like a good conduit to show off these lesser-knowns like they did with Deathlok. Then there is Sony with their Spider-Man Cinematic Universe. Which I'm all for as Spider-Man's has got alot of enemies and allies that have, at one point or another, had their own solo titles and such. Venom wasn't exactly that bad though I understand some folks gripes with it. But if they want this universe to succeed, they need to be able to pull out all the stops, like they did with Spider-Verse. That movie SHOWED that Disney isn't the only ones good at making Marvel movies! Free enterprise I say!"
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kindpng_5029417.pngAs Lars was finishing his assualt, he ends up tripping over Benrey "Hm? Hey? Hey, are you alright there?" Lars kneels down, putting a hand on his back
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
A few seconds later after he thought of those words.... he felt someone trip over his fallen body, before hearing what seems to be Lars speaking to him before laying a hand in his back. A muffled sentence can be heard from Benrey... “If I was ok.... then explain why I haven’t gotten up from the floor from my paralysis yet..... also I am sure that limbs are not supposed to be bending this way” he said, and Lars have a much closer look to see what Benrey meant.
“I think I cant move anymore..... I think someone needs to carry me for the time being..” he said his final words.... him trying to move his limbs but couldn’t.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
kindpng_5029417.png"Oh...Well, don't worry. I can do that. Just let me know if I'm holding you the wrong way, okay?" Lars slowly and carefully picks Benrey up off the floor and lays him over his shoulder "Is that good?"
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
"More, machines..?", The Operator replied with a voice of confusion as he tilted his head to the side to scale the figure, as well as Umbra, still keeping a tight hand on his Skiajati with concern. As he began to overlook around, the sound of a little girl caught the warframe and pilots attention with even more confusion. "What in the blazes..", the Operator mumbled.

The warframe backed away slowly to the younger sound voice of a girl, looking about in confusion as he turned his attention to a machine and slowly pulled out his blade, sprinting at it with his weapon drawn for a slice as he remained under cloaking.


Mood: Stubborn, Regretful, Sympathetic
Tags: (Grif)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Widening his eyes as the red one had pulled yet another gun from the bottom of the car, Sage could only have a mental moment of 'are you freaking kidding me?!' as he considered whacking the new one away as well, and again and again as many times and as many guns as he had to. He was just that furious, his distaste for the weapon was literally burning at an all time high and this Sarge was so apparently trigger-happy that it did not help with this matter at all! The other just wasn't the type of person that should be trusted with a weapon, same as Lucky.

But fortunately, before he had engaged in what might have been just an extremely stressful and pointless endeavor, Alexis had stepped in.

The pyromancer had flinched slightly as he felt the tap at his shoulder, the action snapping him out of the absolute outrage that he had been feeling for a while now. The arm that had been in the air and got pulled away wasn't actually pointed at the burning gun, though it had been there in standby to possibly make a new chain and slap the second one from the crazy soldier's hands. The reason why the first one still burned rather chaotically was well, that it burst into flames from an outburst caused by emotions that had still been going rampant, the fire didn't relax because Sage didn't relax, it kept being influenced by his emotional state like a fiery hivemind.

It was in situations like this that the 'Empathic' portion of his Ability tended to get in the way, being near flames, either just made or already existent in the environment, was enough to influence them solely by how he felt. This whole scene had been the perfect brewing pot for kindness, altruism and self-righteousness to explode into anger, frustration and annoyance due to how unfair and unjust it all was.

Because no matter how he looked at it, Grif was nothing but an innocent forced into someone else's mess unwillingly...

Yep, the Blood Gulch folks would probably not agree. Would, most certainly not agree, but from the impartial place that the pyromancer stood at Grif, was completely innocent. He was just a normal quirky guy who had an odd love for pizza, wanted to try something else in life and got forced into a conflict by Sarge despite what he actually wanted to do. And that, summed to how the same man kept pushing the other around as if a prisoner, was infuriating and triggered his drive to help so bad that he had eventually tunnel-sighted with it.

This was abusive, oppressive, painful to watch and Sage wanted it to end immediately.
And if it didn't by itself, then he'd do it by his own hand.

Alexis was absolutely right though, he had taken it too far.
As realization struck and the pyromancer took a breath to calm down, the shotgun bonfire seemed to grow calm too; Furious dancing fire quelled into less frantic and lower flames, before being put out altogether by the Kitsune. Sage wasn't aware that it had been her, and was still too focused on his own dilemma to notice much, but if he had, he'd be quite thankful due to fact that he... didn't actually know how to do so without either suffocating it with his jacket or using water. Sage was honestly unsure whether it was even possible to do so without physical methods. It was a key difference between solid constructs and actual fire: Constructs were very easy to destroy and dissipate, but free-form flames just wanted to continue burning regardless of everything else.

Still, with a heavy heart, some regret and even Grif himself telling him to give up on the idea, the young man was forced to step back.

"Sorry I- ...I-I tried.", he had sighed in defeat, though at this point there was no denying that whatever he had once been trying to do had gotten rather lost along the way. And didn't really seem worth the sheer escalation that things had taken either.

From there on, Sage had just stood in backlines beside his fellow fire user, feeling quite awful over the spin things had gone into, a spin he had contributed towards a lot. Though his default self-deprecation prevented him from realizing what could have happened had him and Rex not interfered. There was the chance these two would have not survived the rabbit's vendetta then.
Alexis' threat to Sarge had been, shockingly harsh, devoid of all mercy and the pyromancer actually got a bit spooked out seeing that side of her, curling a bit on himself. It was a tone that he knew all too well, the disappointed lecture tone, and he just couldn't help deflating sightly at hearing it, while also being glad it wasn't pointed at his direction for once. As cold and just plain wrong as it had been though, it seemed to have worked and the red one would finally lower his second weapon, stealing a relieved sigh out of Sage.

Now it seemed that they were trying to get those two on their side, which he approved of whole-heartedly despite still thinking that poor Grif over there wasn't cut out for the kind of things they had already faced and might be about to face again. Sorry pal, the attempt to free you from having to deal with this ended up thwarted over the sheer thoughtlessness and stubbornness of your superior...

As he awaited their replies to a white-haired woman's bluffs, the pyromancer respectfully held up the Sign of the Heart in condolences for the quirky Private that just wanted to eat pizza and not to fight another, probably also forced, war.
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He was suddenly picked up by Lars and put onto his shoulder. When asked if it was ok to be there, he said “Yup..... even though the only thing I can see is your back, it sure beats laying face first in the ground.” before going back to think about what the hell happened to make him like this.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Alright, how would you describe yourself in the future?"

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Hmmmmm...Either I find a significant other and trying giving family life a try or just dead. I kinda peaked...Like a while ago. So those two things are the only outcomes I can see in my future."
Topless Topless

  • Through a reckless barrage of kicks and punches, the dizzied Megumin fell onto her back, right into a reunion. "Nora, was it...?" Despite everything being a blur around her, she retained a peppy smile. "Indeed! My name is Megumin! I am a Crimson Demon archmage who controls Explosion magic! And I think I finally got it working again!" She grinned like a hyperactive chimpanzee, then continued. "What's more, we're here to free this world from the claws of Cobblepot!"

    Excitement changed to pity as she looked down at Benrey. "I feel your pain." She lamented softly. "Every time I cast Explosion, I, too, am too paralyzed to move. Then Kazuma has to carry me to somewhere I can rest. I don't know if I can carry you, though..." She reached down and tried to lift poor Benrey by positioning her hands beneath his shoulderblades. No dice.

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After being offered to be placed on the back in order to see, he said “sure....” before listing to what Megumin has to say, because he can’t turn his head. “So.... everytime you cast Explosion, you become paralyzed....? Well in this case it’s different because my body stopped working after getting hit in the chin with a large hammer..... probably some temporary brain damage..... but don’t worry, since it just naturally heals back on it’s own.” he said replying to what Megumin said.
P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
kindpng_5029417.pngLars shifts Benrey around to where he's laying on his back with his arms over his shoulders and can see in front rather from behind. "That ought a do it. You say this is temporary, right? How long you think for. Not that I have a problem carrying you that is." Lars assures
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Well, I for one think of being successful and have a better life."

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Something I have already achieved...But am now feeling....Unfullfilled....I guess there comes a time where....You kinda just feel....Done with suceeing sometimes, especially since that's all you do. Not saying failure is an option but it's like the rewards don't hold the same wait anymore. Cause when you succeed, you get just about whatever you want, but once you have it, what else is the point? But what can I say? Your in school and I'm a celebrity." Captain Falcon chuckles "My turn. If you could be in any videogame, what would you choose?"
Topless Topless
"It's because Explosion drains all my mana." Megumin explained. "I keep forgetting to increase my mana capacity, so I have nothing left to keep me standing. I think the doctor said that it taps into my life force, too." She winced at Benrey's explanation. "An entire hammer to the chin!? Oh, that sounds painful!...Don't worry, I've learned exactly what it's like to have brain damage, and I can help you get through it. Living with brain damage is going to be difficult, but with lots of love and support, you'll learn to get by. Do you feel a blockage?" She hounded him frantically.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
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"Well... I mean... Grif is the laziest sons of bitches I've ever met! So getting him to even get off his ass is a miracle, let alone joining a war!" Sarge exclaimed in response to Rex. Grif slowly nodded.

"Yeah man, as much as I hate to agree with General Jackass over there... he's got a point. A guy like me being part of it at all is more of a miracle than not." He shrugged. "And why are we making this an argument anyways? Isn't it clear that the war sucks?" He then listened to Rex continue on, which just confused Grif even more. "Dude... while I wouldn't exactly be surprised either, Sarge wasn't the one to start the Blood Gulch shit. And he sure as hell didn't start the Great War. That was all the UNSC guys and Master Chief and a bunch of aliens. Which, ironically enough, is what I signed onto do, before being stuck in that dumbass canyon." The two soldiers then fell dead silent as they listened to Ciri make her argument. They were extremely quiet all the way through it, as if they were even unsure of how to reply at first. It wasn't until Ciri made her individual arguments that they actually formed replies. Grif was the first to reply, since he was the first to be addressed, "You're telling me that those bastards are gonna try and take away my right to eat a double decker patty deluxe sandwich supreme wrapped in feta bread with a bit of parmesan sprinkled on top and topped with ketchup, mustard, a hint of mayo, lettuce, onion, tomato, sliced pickles, and the Big Mac special sauce?" He asked, for once sounding genuinely offended by something and not just apathetic like usual. If he wasn't sold already, Ciri's next argument certainly sealed the deal. "And you have a machine that can give me whatever food I want?" Grif paused, looking between Ciri and Sarge, before slowly walking towards the former.

Next, was Sarge, who listened to Ciri just as well as Grif did, if not better. "You mean to tell me that I was tricked by a bunch of dirty, no good, stinkin' blues? Who are also PENGUINS!?" Sarge let out a low growl as everything around him seemed to disappear. Without another world, the ignition of the jeep he was in began to rev up loudly, and Sarge slowly turned the vehicle around to face the army. "Damn..." He growled lowly as his foot began to slowly prime the gas pedal, revving it even more. "Dirty..." He growled even lower, his fist literally slamming against the jeep's control panel, resulting a loud cracking sound of glass. But that wasn't the only thing that could be heard, as pretty soon after, a very familiar tune to some of you began to play...

"Oh no..."

And as the strangely upbeat music played like a symphony in all your ears, Sarge slammed his foot down on the gas pedal, the jeep moving at a speed that it certainly shouldn't be able to on this terrain. But yet here you were, watching as Sarge began to drive right towards the lines of guards. One of them looked up and glanced around for a moment. "Does anyone else hear that music...?"



Before any of you could even react, Sarge ran the bumper of his jeep right into the nearby field of soldiers and immediately hopped out. Like the madman he was, he held his shotgun in his hands, Alexis' orders be damned. He took shot after shot at each and every one of the nearby guards. Within seconds, the once neat and orderly line of soldiers had been reduced into a junkyard full of wires, scraps, and other robot parts. The soldiers were immediately put on red alert and began firing at Sarge, but that didn't really matter to him as he charged forward.



"Welp..." Micah said as he stood up and drew both his pistols. "Guess y'all sure as hell riled 'im up!" He shouted as he began to jog forward, joining the fray of guards as he began shooting them all one by one with his classic gunslinger handguns. Grif sighed and joined the fray as well, taking out the now angry metallic soldiers with his assault rifle. In the meantime, Hiryu would not notice any turret where they were going. Instead, they just continued to run... like Forrest Gump. Also, Leo overheard Captain Falcon's conversation about Iron Man being dead, and rose a brow.

"But... he's not dead. Unless Ganondorf killed him back at The Cape..." Leo muttered. And then Leo heard him talking about Captain America and free enterprise and something called Disney, and he just slowly walked away in the other direction.

Meanwhile, as Umbra continued to make his way further back, away from all the ensuing chaos behind him, he eventually found another squadron of soldiers off in the distance. As he moved closer, he would notice that they were almost identical to the one he'd observed before, down to the very formation and position of their feet. However, the one big difference was the presence of an orange-haired girl, who looked like she was about as old as Blake, standing in front of them with a smile and her hands neatly placed behind her back. As he got closer, Umbra would soon realize that she had been in the middle of some kind of speech as he began approaching.


"...Mister Cobblepot wants this place guarded like your very lives depend on it! And, as a personal request, he also wants this entire area in tip top shape! I certainly think that you all can handle that! After all, you're all robots, so strenuous activity shouldn't be a burden in the slightest!" The unusually peppy girl exclaimed to the robotic soldiers who stood in front of her. She didn't seem to notice Umbra yet, which was probably a good thing.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven @Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @92MilesPrower @FactionGuerrilla @Thepotatogod @QizPizza @JRay @quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

The purpose of the monitors was already what Lealan had guessed. They were security cameras that outlined every room of Haven Academy, including the very room that they were standing in right now. Most of them didn't show anything of note, mostly just the guards patrolling every room like Qrow had said they would be doing. However, one room was of note, that being the Headmaster's Office. In it, a very.... unsettling looking man sat in the Headmaster's Chair.


The scars on his face definitely were not nice to look at in the slightest, and if Lealan was really paying attention, she would notice that he was ginger, which was in line with Qrow's very brief comments about him before they'd set out. He stared ahead of him, before a knock could be heard at his door. He rose a hand and said, "Come in!" Once he said so, the doors slammed open, and in walked none other than Toga, who had her usual sadistic smile on her face. "Did you take care of those... people in the forest like I asked?" The man asked.


"Well, I tried to! I really did!!" Toga whined, crossing her arms in a huff. "But those jerks from the forest were no fun!! And they were strong, too! Some of them could probably even give some Pro Heroes a run for their money!" The psychotic girl complained loudly, which earned a scoff from the scarred man at the desk in front of her.

"People aaaallllwayyyys wanna play the hero...." He groaned. "What happened to the days when you could just stab a guy and be done with it, huh? Pop someone's eye out without ten super-powered monkeys coming to ruin your fun?" He threw up his arms while Toga just stood there. "Well... whatever. No use crying over spilled milk." He said as he looked back at her. "Have you tried using that... that uh... what do you call it?" He asked as he repeatedly began snapping his fingers, trying to remember it.

"My quirk?"

"Yeah, that. Use your quirk on them." He said, which made Toga's smile return. She nodded happily, before turning and skipping on out of the room without another word. In the other end of the room Lealan was in, the energetic girl they'd just met didn't even appear to notice what was happening, as she was too interested in her apparent reunion with Blake.

"Well of COURSE I know Blake! We were classmates back in Beacon, and we've been fighting together as Huntresses for a while now!" Nora exclaimed in response to Lilith, beaming with excitement all the while. In the meantime, all Kassandra found was a piece of money on the floor.


It was a negative twelve dollar bill! She might want to hold onto that. Or not. It was literally less than worthless, after all.

Back with Nora and the rest of the gang, the energetic redhead had let go of Blake once the faunus had requested her to do so. "Oh... sorry." She chuckled nervously, backing up a bit as Blake began to ask her questions. Well, she energetically waved to everyone else first when Blake introduced her, and then moved onto the questions. "Ruby sent Ren and I down to Mistral while the rest of 'em dealt with the stuff in Atlas. Apparently, Penguin's got some super secret artifact here that's giving him power or something. Ren's here in Haven as well... somewhere. We split up a while ago." She shrugged, before shaking her head slightly when Nora asked her if she knew what happened to Penny. "Dunno. No one's seen her since Penguin took over. The real question is, what happened to you? You just up and disappeared on us!" Nora whined out, fighting the urge to pull her friend into another hug. That urge was luckily stomped out when Agent Penguin asked her if she was working for The Penguin. "Of course I'm not working for him!" She snorted a bit. "I only attacked you guys because I thought you were working with him!" Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Benrey lying on the floor in a not-so-comfortable looking position. "Iiiiiis he okay?"

"He'll be fine." Qrow said as he entered the room alongside Red Hood. "But we need to get going soon, otherwise we'll get to meet Cobblepot's welcoming committee firsthand."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @JRay @Venom Snake @92MilesPrower @ConnorOfficials @StaidFoal @Benedict Cucumberpatch @Thepotatogod @Crow @Laix_Lake @StealthTeam


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