-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"My least favorite memory? I think that was the time where me and my friends where in a vacation house spending our summer...then a typhoon came and we got stuck there for weeks than a few days. It was fun still, yet as time passed, it became boring."

"What? No. Sunburn is Mismakora's guard dragon. Nasty bitch was she. I think I got some jackrabbit in me. I'm used to heat. Besides, I wouldn't be able to wear shoes, remember?" He waggled his left bottom nub. "In fact, it was cold as shit. She lives in this cold, misty mountain range called the Forbidden Havens. Before ANYONE gets ANY ideas, it was a VERY long trek that I doubt ANY of you would have the patience to make. Even if you did, I guarantee that your dumb asses would be burned until crispy by Sunburn."

Rex's jest about Lucky paying for accessories had his brow wrinkling. "Uh, Laddie, I legitimately don't have any cash anymore. I have been living as a wild rabbit for, like, a year."

As Rex continued to play defense to Sarge and Grif, Lucky just rolled his eyes and looked over to Ben. From there, his eyes widened. He began to stitch things together. He had never seen these soldiers' faces, at least two of them were just AIs in disguise, Lucky could never seem to make them bleed...And they NEEDED Sarge and Grif either keeping their mouths shut or telling them everything they needed to know. Preferably both. In reverse order.

"Hey. Jury Rigg." With a knowing, playful smile, Lucky tipped his head towards Sarge. "Whatever you just did to that robot, do it to them."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow

Watching as Edna Mode’s Worst Nightmare unstealthily took out 2 guards blocking the back door of the school they were supposed to infiltrate, Deadpool facepalmed as a turret activated in response to his actions. ”...I swear this was the STEALTH team, not the SET OFF EVERY GODDAMN ALARM IN THE BUILDING team!“ He then followed the rest of the group into the building, after said turret was put out of commission, only to find that they had to somehow deal with an entire hallway of more guards. As they hid behind the corner, Deadpool asked Lealan about what she was finding out about the building. ”Hey Green Thumb, are you able to tell if there’s a control room or anything of the sort in the building? If there is one, maybe smashing it apart could be useful...”

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and everyone else in the Stealth team
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon is silent for a moment before sadly swallowing "Yes..." Falcon turns away in shame. Sadness slightly taking the pilot as his smile has faded
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“Ha. Oh please! I’ve taken down tons of EVOS that are dragon sized. Beating a literal one sounds like a piece of cake.”

Lucky mentions how he doesn’t have any money, making Rex rise an eyebrow in doubt. “Normally I would call foul on that, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say.. rats. Plus you don’t have pockets so I believe you. Also, when I say shoes, I mean shoes that’ll fit your.. features. No offense.”

After that, Lucky gets an idea to do what he just did again and again till necessary. “I mean. Considering what we’re doing, I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Go for it Ben. I’ll just keep an eye on him, so he doesn’t cause any trouble.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow
"What in the hell're you on about?" Was all Sarge could ask as Lucky went on a long rant about Toffee and something or another. "The hell does a Goddamn candy bar have to do with any of this? And, last time I checked, I'm the leader of Red Team! So that's two plotholes in your story, bunny boy!" Sarge exclaimed, before letting out a laugh at the rabbit's expense.

"We don't know who transported us, man!" Grif screamed to Rex from the bushes he'd been dragged into, struggling against the ground through his chains. "We were just in that stupid fucking canyon one day and then we ended up here!" Grif grunted and whined against the chains. "And who the fuck is Cobblepot?? We're just grunts, dude! If he's the commander of the army, then we've never even met the guy!!" He screamed. "Now can you let me out of these damn chains? I think that they're starting to bruise..."

"I don't know why that there rabbit's pissed at us!" Sarge shouted over to Hiryu. "He seemed pretty damn fine to me back when he was in Blood Gulch! He even helped us defeat that Meta fella!" Then, Lucky continued to ramble, and Sarge let out an audible gasp in response to his accusations. "AUDIBLE GASP!" See? "Son, I don't know what you think you're on about, but the war between the Reds and the Blues is anything but pointless! They've got a base over there, and we had one over here! My pappy was a Red, and his pappy was a Red before him! And we didn't force you to do anything! You were all new recruits who willingly enlisted!" Sarge shouted, before pausing. "At least... erm... that's what we were told by Red Command. But Red Command never lies!"

Then, Lucky got sad over someone named Lana apparently dying. All Sarge could do was sit there in the jeep, confused as hell by Lucky's sudden change in attitude. "Uhh... who's Lana?" He asked, before pondering some more. "A clone army does sound cool, though! Grif, write that down!"

"I'm a little busy here!" The captured Grif replied as he continued to struggle on the ground.

"Goddammit, Grif! You can't do anything right!" Sarge shouted in response. Grif, on the other hand was soon pretty shocked to find that the fire chains that had been wrapped around him suddenly just disappeared like magic, courtesy of the magic man himself, Sage. Grif seemed a bit confused as he slowly stood up, but he listened to Sage regardless. He didn't really flinch.. more so just kinda stood there in confusion.

"Why the hell would we try to kill you?" He then turned around and glanced over to the bumbling Sarge. "Scratch that. Why the hell would I try to kill you? I don't even know you, man." Grif said in a confused tone, before listening to the rest of what Sage had to say. When he pat him on the shoulder and reassured him, Grif couldn't help but smile a little bit behind that helmet of his. "You know what? You're right!" He finally said, before looking over at Sarge, who was in the vehicle. "Yeah, fuck you Sarge! I don't have to take any orders from your dumb ass anymore!" Grif shouted towards his now ex-commanding officer, even flipping him off in the process. "I'm gonna go live out my dreams as a gluttonous, fat slob who eats pizza all day and will probably die of a heart attack at thirty-four!" And then with that, Grif turned and began walking in the other direction, and Sarge was left speechless at the sight. Even Lucky's senseless ramblings couldn't stop the Grif as he slowly but surely walked away from the chaos that was happening behind him.

"GRIF!" Sarge finally shouted as his subordinate continued to walk away. "INSUBORDINATION IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!" Sarge shouted, before pulling out his shotgun and unloading it into Grif's ass. Grif screamed as the bullet struck his right asscheek, before groaning in annoyance and trudging on back.

"Fine! Jesus, fine!" Grif groaned out, before overhearing what Lucky was saying while rubbing his in pain ass. "Ow! What are you even on about at this point, dude? What AI???" He found himself asking through sharp whines. He then looked over to Ciri when she asked for their names. "I'm Grif, lady."

"And I'm Sarge! The... uh... FORMER commanding officer of Red Team, and the current soldier for the Atlas Military!" Their attention was then stolen once more by Ben, who started making the guards do a funny dance. All Sarge and Grif could do was stare all confused, and that's all Leo and Micah really did as well.


P PopcornPie @Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam
"Kid, I don't think you'll be finding Toga anytime soon if you haven't found her yet." Jason said to Megumin when she reentered, before patting her on the back to cheer her up. "Besides, your efforts will be a lot more appreciated here with us." Luckily for Benrey, however, the robots could indeed not see him as he made his way through the hallway. B.J. and Lealan also managed to find a conveniently placed vent that was perfect for their size right next to them! All they had to do was get those pesky bolts unscrewed, and they'd be ready to go in no time!

When Sora asked Qrow if there were any cameras around, the huntsman merely grunted and tilted his head upwards towards some cameras that were conveniently placed on the wall. He then turned to Blake and nodded in response to her plan. "Sounds like as good of a plan as any, kid." He said.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal @Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam
"Don't know. Didn't look" Lealan responds to Deadpool. She then uses her Matter Manipulator to quietly remove the vent cover, stashing it in her inventory. "I'm going in here to flank. Please dont do anything stupid." She then uses her Spiked Sphere tech, storing her body into a much smaller ball than should be physically possible. She rolls into the Vent and silently moves into its depths. Somehow the spikes are not leaving a trail of holes, but that's molecular manipulation technology for you.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow
"Yoooouuuu got it! I was starting to feel the way you guys did anyways!"

While Sarge and Grif were distracted by the dancing guards, Jury Rigg snuck out of his as they still did it, before swiftly playing around with their suits, taking things out and putting some things back in,

"Fix fix fix, break break break! OK, I've modified their voice amplifiers to the point that they'll actually sound softer the louder they speak! When it reaches below a 'normal' point, however, it won't apply and they'll be as soft as they really are! Ehehehe! Jury Rigg's a genius!"

The little gremlin-like alien danced with joy at the prospect of what he just did.

P PopcornPie @Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam

"Wait, so you lot are the reason why Megumin can't...You know what, fuck it." Hiryu sighs as Jurry Rigg begins to so its thing. "Imma go ahead and the job myself. Be back when I get shot." Hiryu says, walking ahead of the group and activating an Anotherwatch, taking off to the sky as he grows in size--turning into a giant red bug man with golden horns.


Another Kuuga flies above the courtyard, letting out a roar that would surely attract attention.
B.J. Blazkowicz

"Bingo." Blazko knelt beside the vent cover, bringing out his LKW to cut through the cover. "Been a while since I've used this baby..." But before he could even lay his finger on the trigger, Lealan was miles ahead, getting rid of the vent cover with some sort of doo-hickey abracadabra shit and already rolling into it as a tiny ball. "... Alright, then..." He put the LKW away and activated the constrictor harness. He held in his groan as it compressed his chest, allowing him to crawl through the space. I'm never getting used to this shit...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @StealthTeam

  • "Want me to go through that vent? Oh, I guess not..." She watched Lealan slip up the vent jealously, then followed Qrow's gaze to the cameras. "Here, let me try using my staff..." Megumin, in her eagerness to help, wanted to use the hook of her staff to pull the cameras off their holdings, hopefully breaking them.

    Also, she would hop around on her stomach like this, with Midna lightly strapped to her back.

    tenor (21).gif

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Her plan was given the okay, which was a good thing. She looked at the one that agreed with Qrow, who asked about where she was going to lure the guards to. "Down the hallway and somewhere else in the building." Hearing Snake and the girl, she stared at him. "You two do realize I'm going to lead them away, right?"

Now, it was time to send out the clone.

A little ways down the hallway from around a different corner, someone came around. It was... Blake. But, it wasn't the real Blake, this was a clone made from her semblance. The clone began to run towards the guards, taking our it's Gambol Shroud in pistol form and shooting the guards to get their attention. Once it got their attention, it began to run away, heading down the hallway in an attempt to lure them away from the hallway and the door.

If any didn't follow, they would be dealt with soon enough by the girl that went into the vents.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Laix_Lake Laix_Lake , Venom Snake Venom Snake , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp


So far, the one in red armor, followed by another one in orange seemed... what was the word for it? Interesting? Sure, let's go with that, they were interesting. The red one was all about a Red Army and the orange one seemed to be that fixated on food.

...maybe she should've gone with stealth.

Both of them introduced themselves as Grif and Sarge. "
It's nice to meet you." Wait, did she hear them correctly? "I'm sorry, did you say you were with the Atlas military?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Proud, Outraged, Furious
Tags: (Sarge and Grif)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage stood there proudly seeing Grif stand-up to his abusive commander while holding the Sign of the Heart as a way wish the other good luck and sucess with his uhhh, pizza eating endeavors? Not the most healthy thing in the world but hey, if that made him happy... WHEN, red ranger over there had decided to shoot the abandoning soldier from behind???!!! In what had to be one of the most cowardly, infuriating things the pyromancer had even seen, so much in fact that the reply had been done instinctually in Bh̀-liwê.

"KASHÉA!!!!!" (Kashia!!!!!), a single monotone word had been boomed as fiercely as humanly possible, it was the kind of thing to really make one realize how bad they had fucked up. The roar of one of the group members up high probably made it all the more impactful and intimidating.

As if had not been enough, since his gripe had been with the usage of the gun, Sarge's shotgun would catch on fire at practically the same time impeding it from getting used again. If the commander turned towards Sage he'd see a very very annoyed young man with his arms crossed and the most piercing glare ever conceived. He'd also see the orange of his eyes glowing rather unnaturally.
Before Sarge could react any further though, the pyromancer had raised his hand causing a spot in the ground not much farther by the other to catch on fire, a second take of the fire chain coming to life and whacking the burning weapon away from his hands. Oh, the other had most likely watched just how effortlessly the Descendant had slapped the gun from him with mere motions in the air. And that was, the point really, this time Sage was actually aiming to be terrifying.

He wanted the red one to think twice before continuing to be a psychotic coward asshole.

He didn't say anything else, just watching from where he stood with a furious disappointed and judging stare. At same time he also motioned for Grif to leave if he wanted to, even mouthing the words 'you may still go by the way' without ever leaving the glare off of Sarge. It was a challenge, the pyromancer was challenging him to try trapping his unhappy subordinate again, or anyone else for that matter really. Just dare, see if he wouldn't end up chained too. The fire still in the thrown away gun continuously danced, furiously making a bonfire, reacting to the young man's strong emotions.

Sage was not pleased. They only needed one of them to get information out anyhow, just let that poor man have his peace and pizza at last.

Rex sighs in disappointment as he doesn’t know how did this. Least their efforts weren’t entirely pointless, he and Lucky’s back and fourth may have been a nice distraction.

“(Well this wasn’t for nothing. Me and Lucky talking may have counted as a nice distraction.) There is one thing he thought was pointless, Sarge’s reasoning for the war. “No, he’s right. You’re stupid war was pointless and it got people like me and him dragged when we don’t want anything to do with it.” Grif then wanted out of this, but Sarge refused. “(Sheesh. Still selfish and and a dolt. And eating pizza till you die? God I hate these guys) Rex continued faceplaming.

Lucky continued talking to Rex about Sunburn until he returned to Sarge & Gif.
“Yeah, I still faced things bigger then a elephant.


Sora took Qrow’s hint about there being cameras, and figures a way he can help do something.
Leave it to me.Sora uses a thunder bolt to ricochet off the walls taking out the cameras, and free for all to take out the guards free of charge. Now go for it“

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Shame. I had... multiple boyfriends and girlfriends and gayfriends, but right now, I'm single."

"I uuhhh...Ive never been in a...Romantic relationship before. Granted, I could just go for a completely sexual one but...I dont want that....I actually want to form a connection with someone, y'know?I know, its abit unrealistic but...A loner can dream, can he?" Captain Falcon pats Shujinko on the shoulder "I suppose we're still looking for that special someone to come around, huh?" Falcon gives a small smile
Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>You take the shoulder pat and smiled back. And then you begin to think about Blake and her well-being.

"I mean...what were you two even fighting over?" Lucky added, frowning skeptically. "All we had for backstory was just 'shoot the shit out of each other'. And those zealots we met just wanted some dumb flags...Hey, wait a minute." His forehead wrinkled. "Is your stupid war just some overblown game of 'Capture the Flag'? Looks like even your best buddy there just wants it to end!" He "thumbed" towards Grif.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"We'll find the One...One of these days..." Captain Falcon looks to sky, almost as if he was thinking about someone in particular "But we're only half way there...!" Falcon says cheerily "What type of movies do you prefer?"
Topless Topless

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