
Rex hoped he’d never have to see these guys again. He was ready to lose it, but keeps what little bit of cool he has left and ask them a few questions. “What we’re doing here isn’t any of your business. Lucky’s just mad because he thought you guys were up to shady stuff back at the Gulch and that you’re an idiot.” He whispered the idiot part. “And as for blab’nbutt in here. You need to calm down and ignore these guys. We won’t be here long!”

Lucky protested trying to remind Rex they treated them poorly and starts going on about his usual hatred. “I KNOW THEY TREATED US BAD! But we’re on a mission to save the you-know-what. Now isn’t the time to talk about Toffee again, so just pipe down, and I’ll-“ Before Rex could finish. Lucky spills the beans about them being apart of the MPF. “Damn it Lucky, be quiet!” Rex constantly bounces the bubble down like a basketball until Lucky decides to can it before he says anything else that could jeopardize the mission to stop Ganondorf.

Rex turns to Sarge and Grif and takes a deep breath.
“Okay, ignore what you heard from blabberball and tell me this. Who transported you, and why are you of all people here!?”


Stealth team makes it through the hallway, but stops to see an army of guards. Sora taps Qrow on the shoulder to ask them something. “Hey, do they have any cameras or alarms around? Maybe I can think of something to help.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
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  • "I can crawl on my belly..." Megumin offered softly. "You know, I bet I could camouflage with this carpet."

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie

"That's it, undrunking him." Hiryu sighed as Lucky began to go on a rampage over two seemingly random red armored men. As the rabbit was getting dribbled by Rex, Hiryu took out the Another Zi-O II watch, aimed it at Lucky and pressed it. A large symbol of a clock appeared, ticking down, rewinding the state of his body to the point of him NOT being drunk. He then turned to the two armored men after Lucky gave an explanation that they're the MPF and they're after Toffee. "I have no idea who that is, but he sounds delicious." Hiryu mumbled as he pocketed the Anotherwatch once more. "I'm Hiryu. Kakogawa Hiryu." Hiryu introduced himself, "But more importantly...Who are you two, and why is Lucky so pissed at you?" He asked, curious as to why Lucky started going at them.
Rex started bouncing the ball slightly faster, hoping Lucky shuts his mouth before things go wrong. “No-I-Don’t-Want-To-Do-That!” He said mocking Lucky’s in between sentence.

“And for the record. I hated it just as much as you do, but that’s not what we’re here for now. We don’t know anything about this place or why these guys are here hence why I’m asking questions!” Rex bounces the ball on the ground causing it to jump high in the sky for a little with Rex catching it, giving Lucky a second to breathe and prepare to bounce again.

“Okay? Are we cool? And if you say no, I’m gonna slam dunk you.” But another person shows up all of a sudden makes Lucky sober again, and introduces himself.

“Well, Hiryu, I appreciate the help, but he’s not drunk. He’s upset because these guys acted like idiots to him and me.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Lealan nods to Jason, getting the message. She silently holds her Matter Manipulater to the wall, not breaking it appart, but feeling around, for lack of a better term. She searches for alternet routes (Like maybe a vent or laundry chute) and secret passages in the building, her range for this is ~20 or so meters in a sphere around her.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky snarled at Hiryu, but the latter was able to reverse the state of his body somehow, and the former felt his brain revert to its regular state. "Weird...I feel like I just threw up beer, but I didn't..." Then he shook the cobwebs out, continuing to glare at Sarge. "Yeah, I hope he's delicious. That goddamn raptor used us for clowns in his sick little circus, and as soon as I'm able? I'm burning that tent down. And then I'm going to choke him to death with his own top hat, and I'll fuck him while wearing Sarge's armor." He jeered, folding his ears back.

"Idiots! No, no." Lucky gestured for Hiryu to listen to him. "'Idiots' implies good intentions. Those two forced us to maim each other in their own pointless war, and then they forced us to be the guinea pigs in order to clean up a mess their boys started!" He snorted. "Well! Not only have your experiments nerfed me anger, AND gotten me separated from me old home, you should know that you also made Megumin's Explosion completely unstable! I swear to God, if she finds out that you're here, you're gonna wish Rex let me kill you."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Captain Falcon is offering you for a game of 20 Questions.

"Sure thing!"

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Okay! Since, I proposed the idea, I ask the first question.I'll ask something simple What is your favorite color?" Captain Falcon asks
Topless Topless
Rex was gonna prepare to throw the bubble again until he mistook that last part about Lucky wanting to fuck Toffee while wearing armor.

“Wait, WHAT!” Rex did a double take and looked at Lucky disgusted and confused. “I don’t know what’s worst, you losing your cool every time you think of the word, ‘Toffee,’ or the fact that you... ugh. Okay though. I won’t judge you; but no, even idiots do bad things.”

Rex would have said something else had he not heard one of the things Lucky said in that last sentence. “What. Lana’s dead?”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Hey, he humiliated me first! Heheheh!......Hehe..heh...You didn't hear?" Lucky's hardened eyes melted, and his ears dangled down. "I was told right before we left for Gravity Falls. Lana has stabbed herself to death in a ditch." He produced Lana's final message, and pressed it up against the wall of his bubble. As sunshine shone through he paper, allowing Lucky to be reminded of what it said, he looked down at the ground. His voice dampened to a slow, harsh hiss. "Look at it, Sarge. This is what you did to her. This is how badly you broke her spirit. I hope that clone army you have was worth it."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Rex looked a little down at this. No one likes to hear that someone died, and while Rex didn’t know her that much on account of her always ignoring him, but it was still a little saddening.

“Oh.. Lucky, I’m sorry. I wasn’t that close to her, but I know she was to you and I’m sorry that happened. But getting revenge isn’t how you go about it. We’ll end this, so no clones, no more multiverse stuff happens ever again. I promise.” Rex looks at Lucky in the bubble with a genuine look of concern.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
"I should've known that Kendall wouldn't have been there for her..." Lucky sighed. Sweet Lana...she would have clung to him for comfort in the Nightmare Realm, and he would have so valiantly defended her from Freddy and Bill. So much he wanted to do...he got this enchantment to be strong for her again. Now look at him. He had strength, but no girl to guard with it. "Worrying more about the Meta than savin' her from bein' kidnapped was my greatest failure, Laddie. Killing Toffee and destroying the Gulch are on the top of me priorities list, but goin' back for Lana was right behind those. Hell, I still have that dress she wore in Mismakora's lair. I was going to give it back to her." He laid down, curling up nose to tail. "By God, I will make sure that her memory isn't defiled in any way. Including clones. I don't care how easy takin' over the country is with an army of Lanas." He snorted towards Sarge.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"White. The grandaddy of all colors....Or was that black? ....I don't remember the color spectrum. But nice choice! A troublesome color to deal with when it comes to stains but I digress. Your turn, ask me a question" Topless Topless
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Pfffffffft shooooooooot! Anything with beef and/or chicken! Give me that poultry! Give me them two whole beef patties! Give me them livers and gizzards! Give me ALL of that! You best not put me on a farm cause you do. I'm going from Farmer Falcon to Fryer Falcon! I'm deep frying anything that 'Moos' or 'Cllucks'! I'm that man who goes to Chic-fil-A and buys out the whole dang franchise!" Captain Falcon lets out a laugh
Topless Topless
“Oh yeah, Kendall. I forgot about that guy. He’s lone gone too. What a stupid jerk.” But then something catches Rex’s hear as Lucky went on. The main hook, being “Mismakora’s lair.”

“Mismakora? You mean that gem you stole belonged to someone else? Now I’m the one going crazy if Megumin’s the hero AND she suddenly started making sense, that thing is literally a curse. No wonder it makes you cuckoo.”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Understanding, Kind, Encouraging
Tags: (Grif)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Not sure how he felt about having the rampaging rabbit approve of something he was doing, but not like he could give it much attention, Sage had kept track of the fire chain, maintaining the construct's shape and making a turn behind the bush to get to the soldier he had yanked out of the vehicle. He wasn't sure what exactly he had been expecting, approaching carefully as he was still unsure whether they were friend or foe, but! It, absolutely hadn't... been a pizza rant.

Maybe it had been the sheer contrast in subject, maybe something else, but the pyromancer just couldn't help and let out a little amused laugh at it, which had made his attempt to get closer in silence a moot point, of course. With his hands up and gradual steps as he tried to reassure the orange-colored soldier, the young man, wearing a softened expression with nothing but sympathy for the others' struggles, had then attempted striking a conversation.

"Hey, hey, it's fine. I'm not here to hurt you, neither am part of psycho rabbit's vendetta over there. I'm actually a pacifist...", he waved a hand in the air and the fire chain was gone, dissipating slowly as if it had never been, "I was just worried he was going to explode that... car? So I dragged you out of it for protection..."

He had averted his gaze with awkwardness for a moment, trying to get closer. However, given the demonstration of fire powers that he had just given, Sage would not press on at the first sign of fear. If Private Grif as much as flinched sightly away, the pyromancer would stop, remaining a respectful distance from him. If not, then he would soon be offering his hand to help the unlucky soldier back up with a little 'here':

"I'm Sage and uhhh... Really sorry for the scare and uh, forced life-saving attempt... But man! Am I glad to finally run into somebody that's not trying to kill us!", he had laughed to himself for a bit, "You have no idea of how relieving that is after everything we've already been through!"

In case attempt to approach number one had been brought to a halt, a second one would come to be, this time to sit in the ground beside the other. Though as you can expect, any indication of invasion of boundaries would also thwart the whole thing.

"So uhhh...", Sage scratched at the back of his head looking for the words to say, "Shoot this is hard, uhh, as a guy that keeps getting dislocated to other worlds, I know how disorienting it can be and, By the Gods, I wish I could just send you home right now but, we can't. It's hard to say where the adventure is taking us next and, no offense, but you don't seem like the type of guy to want to fight for the multiverse against insanely terrifying and powerful beings. I'm not it either, to be honest...", he laughed again, this time with a nervous tone to his voice, "But hey, I do like protecting people, it's a really nice feeling...", the pyromancer shared a bright kind-hearted smile.

"Anyway, I'm rambling again, what I really wanted to say is. Well, you're free to go now, just do whatever it is that would like to do, don't let anyone else coerce you into life-risking jobs you're not happy with, got it?", if close enough, Sage would pat Grif's shoulder. If not, it would just be a little nod, "Go live those pizza dreams, pal and take care~! I gotta go back and assess the rest of the chaos there..."

"A hero's job is never truly done, as they say!!"
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I'm generally into pop, rap, and some rock songs. Perhaps my all time favorite would be My Boo by Ghost Town DJs."

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Oh yea? I personally enjoy R&B, Old School and City Pop and Old School Rap. You know. That type that actually had MEANING to it! And I love me some rock! Usually metal or alternative. And don't tell anyone but I...I even listen to country sometimes too..."
Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"That's cool. Perhaps I might have a listen to them at some time."


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