kindpng_5029417.png"I got it." Lars quickly runs up between both before jumping in the hairand kicking them both down at once
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
As a few of the others headed out to go find Megumin, her, Qrow, and the rest of the stealth team started heading to where they needed to be. Luckily, they got to the back of Haven Academy without being spotted. Now, they had a problem:

The guards guarding the back door.

She looked at Qrow, keeping her voice down. "
You want me to send my clones out to draw them away?" Unfortunately, going sneaky wouldn't be an option anymore due to one of their own jumping out and running towards the guards.

...did he not understand the meaning of the word "stealth"?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Qrow then allowed her along with Arthur and one other person to go after Megumin. And as she called out her name in the forest, they would eventually find the young girl who tried to get away from them, but the attempt failed. "
Megumin, you do know that we went to Haven to get Penguin to send a ship, right? He isn't anywhere near here, we have to take a ship there!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Laix_Lake Laix_Lake , P PopcornPie
After following Qrow to the back of the school with some stealth to avoid the outside guard, they now were thinking of a plan to take out the two guards protecting the door needed to go inside. Ignoring the gun shots in the distance, he said to the group “Ok.... I will be taking out the guard on the left, someone else needs to take out the one on the right, wish me luck.” as he used his ToolGun to shoot a blue beam at himself. As soon as he did that, his ToolGun have been immediately has been replaced with a normal revolver. He then switched his weapon to a switchblade, and took out his left hand, which had a watch on its wrist, which is known as the Cloak and Dagger watch from TF2. He then suddenly slowly began to dissipate before disappearing completely. But to those with excellent hearing, they would still hear the footsteps. And just when he was about to reach the left guard..... before Lars ignores all regards for SNEAKING and knocked out the two guards like he was in some sort of game where stealth is an option. He mentally face palmed as he stepped back a bit, looking for any other guard who may stumble across this.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @ShameLarsforhisactions
"...You know where he is?" Megumin threw her head back at Ciri, eyeing her curiously. "Why didn't you say so? I might be buying Toga time by going the wrong way entirely!" She wagged her finger. "I will happily go whatever distance is necessary. I've been walking across Belzerg my whole life!"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

  • Well, that didn’t go down the way Kassandra expected. Without her help everyone took down the insane Toga without breaking too much of a sweat, causing her to re-emerge from the bushes and deactivate her camouflage.

    “Well, hopefully she got the point...” The Spartan remarked when people complained about her arrival and departure, though after a few moments they were off on the road again.

    When they reached Haven the Greek couldn’t help but emit a low, soft whistle.

    “That’s a good bit of ground to cover in those buildings. High security, too. We better be careful.” Kass noted aloud- though half to herself, as she always did when entering a restricted area- before nodding at Qrow and following the man. Soon enough they happened upon the back entrance, where various soldiers were still patrolling the area- including two at the front door.

    Now, this would be the opportunity where Kassandra would ask someone to perform a coordinated assassination upon the guards, but... the fist-fighter ruined all that, rushing in from a distance.

    “Why do I get matched up with the men with meat for brains?” The Greek groaned, taking a second to facepalm just before her Spear glowed again, activating her Slow Time ability. From there, she darted out from her hiding position, hurling her Spear at one guard’s neck in a Rush Assassination move to kill him swiftly. Using her Suit’s super speed, the Spartan would look like a blur, reaching her victim in the blink of an eye before she tore the Spear out from the first guard. With an equal amount of haste, she sprinted to the second guard before ramming the spear into his brains- all within a second of Lars revealing himself, thanks to her abilities. As her Slow Time ability ended, she took off her helmet before glaring at Lars. Meanwhile, if she had dealt the killing blows as she expected, the guards would seemingly vanish into gold particles- courtesy of her Death Veil.

    “If that saved our stealth, you owe all of us. Leave ‘stealth’ to the professionals, for gods’ sake!” She quietly chastised Lars, though she was unaware of any potential guards nearby. Perhaps someone else could fill in for Kassandra and Lars whilst they were exposed in the open?
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Kassandra then ran in to help clean up the mess that was made. Taking out Gambol Shroud and switching to pistol/kusarigama mode, she was ready in case any guards came over. If one did come over, she would throw it around their feet and pull them to the ground, giving Kassandra or anyone time to run up and knock them out.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Well, it's more like I figured out the general area of where he is. And it certainly isn't here, otherwise we wouldn't be taking a ship there. We should head back to the others, then once we get the ship, we can go to where he is."

P PopcornPie

Mood: Indignated, Shocked, Frustrated
Tags: (GM)
(Alexis), (Lucky)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

As the... rabbit menace had been snickering at their plan, Sage could only cringe, then facepalm with a sigh. It was a drunk rabbit, the drunk rabbit, who had been nothing but trouble since Wakanda, going on rampages for no reason, attacking allies, and already made a really bad impression of itself. A rabbit that had a lethal weapon and was waving it in the air as if it was a toy and- Did I mention that he was currently drunk too??!

"Absolutely, positively not!!", the answer was instantaneously, and strongly powered by both his distaste for guns and his bias against alcohol, "Anyone with a smidge of common-sense right now can see just how bad of an idea that would be. I'm not letting you wander off unless someone can keep an eye on you at all times...", following the scene with his disappointed and judgemental gaze, he'd realize that Rex was apparently the bunny's babysitter this time, having him strapped on a backpack "See, you're already contained for that reason!"

He did take a moment to muse over the other's accent though, it had been something that the pyromancer had barely heard before. Barely, because he could remember a few stances of banter when the others were back from Clan meetings he wasn't allowed to attend and the accent was subject for mockery one too many times... What was it again, oh, some Wood Clan members spoke like that allegedly. It sorta made sense, to have a rabbit speak like that, it wasn't hard to picture their Centaur Deity, Protector of Forest Life, somehow watching over this bouncy, but sadly bloodthirsty rabbit. Really, what makes a bunny into such an unhinged destructive force????

Either way, it was showtime.
Distraction was to go over the hill as Qrow had said them to earlier and the young man in his both nervous and excited state, almost had a skip in his walk as he progressed, man this was gonna be sweet! He was also wondering if it was possible to send flame spikes out of his hands instead of the wings, as usual, he remembered making them from a fire shock-wave move once, but maybe given the greenery around trying not to burn the ground at any instance was a better idea.

Or would, because the moment they found a group of soldiers to deal with things changed.

Two of the weren't robots, in fact despite the futuristic, robot-like armor they sounded just like people and Sage's heart sank. Welp, so much for going all out, now they had to change into a not deadly strategy... Maybe the fire chains? Their armor should keep most of the heat at ba- BY THE SPEAR OF ENDS AND BEGINNINGS WHAT WAS THE DRUNK RABBIT DOING NOW?!

Without time to even as much as think about how in the world Lucky had freed himself from the backpack with chains, the Descendant put his arms in front of him making a line in the air and the raised them up in a swift motion. In response, the ground a couple of inches away from the crazed rabbit had lit up an orange line before bursting in flames and formed the same kind of fire-wall that Rex had seen back in the church when they were trying to keep Benedict from destroying it.
It blocked, each and every single one of Lucky's machine-gun shots, each impact making his struggle to keep the construct up harder, as he felt them attempt to break through it. In fact, very near the end of the barrage of bullets the wall had actually suffered damage, holding dents on the surface it as if it was made of reinforced glass.

"Why... do you have... to shoot at everything?!", asked the frustrated pyromancer under shallow breaths, maaaan those things packed a real punch, "Ever heard... of non-lethal???"

He wasn't even trying to save the initial plan, Sage just couldn't bear to let this massacre continue if he could have made anything to stop it.
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"MOTHERFUCKERS! YOU RUSTY ASSED MOTHERFUCK-Ehh?????" For some reason, his bullets stopped hitting Sarge and Grif! Some asshole was interfering with his only chance for true revenge!

He was about to turn his weapon on whoever was responsible, but said one responsible just started to scold him. "What was THAT?!" Lucky roared at Sage, his lips curled backwards. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to pluck his kidney out like an olive pit?! Those idiots absolutely deserve lethal! They were responsible for me falling into a goddamn depression, they treated all of us like disposable work animals, I can never get as angry as I used to without getting into an aneurysm thanks to them, they had to be the ones who crippled Megumin, and did I mention that Lana lost her will to live because of them?!" That last one seemed to punch him in the gut; he bent over slightly, his ears falling and his eyelids fluttering, while his broken smile straightened out into an expression of pain. "I just want to make sure they die with all the pain they gave Lana..."

He stomped his nub on the ground, snorting like a wild animal. "Fuck it! I'll just blast them down to Tartarus indirectly!" With jade spikes reappearing along his back, Lucky resumed his rampage, now attempting to shoot at the Warthog's gas tank.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Micah was about to give some kind of signal to you all, and even was fine when Umbra went to flank around the two red soldiers. The gunslinger had also noticed Lucky begin to tense up out of the corner of his eye, as did Leo. Before Leo or even Micah could stop Lucky from shooting at everyone, though, the rabbit went ahead and did so. It's too bad that Umbra's efforts were for naught-- he may have even seen something cool! But, there's no use in crying over spilled blood.

The two Red Soldiers would immediately pipe up as they head gunshots directed their way and the sounds of familiar Irish jibber jabber. "Oh shit! It's that insane rabbit from Blood Gulch!" Grif shouted. "What the fuck's he doing here? And why the fuck's he shooting at us!?"

"Don't know, don't care!" Sarge replied as he aimed his shotgun towards Lucky while Grif turned their vehicle around. They were both shocked to find that a stream of fire had blocked all of Lucky's shots, though. But Sarge didn't care, as he began shooting at the wall of fire like a madman! Even if his bullets were being blocked-- which they most likely were-- the angry countryman didn't seem to really care much at all! "This is the action I've been missing! I love blood and violence!" The soldier laughed, while Grif ducked for cover inside the vehicle itself.

The other soldiers, oddly enough, didn't appear to react to any of this. In fact, they continued to stand perfectly still. Not a single one of them tried to look and see what was going on, as all of them instead remained almost deadly still and silent throughout all this.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam


"Oh, you've gotta be..."


"...fucking kidding me."

Jason and Qrow both simultaneously found themselves uttering the same phrase as they watched what was supposed to be a stealth op turn into a shitshow before their very eyes. Without any sort of warning besides a quick sentence, Lars decided to run on forward and take out the two guards, only for Kassandra to slow down time and do it herself in a much quieter way. The guards began to spaz out as they were stabbed through their robotic skulls, the holes left from the golden spear revealing a multitude of wires and just general things you'd expect to find inside of android soldiers. Within a few moments, they'd collapsed, before dissolving into a gold mist.


But just as the guards collapsed and disappeared, an automated turret that was attached to the roof began to rapidly fire at all of you.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow @StealthTeam

"Oh.... that's cool... good job, kid...." The imp muttered weakly in response to Megumin's explanation, before her head fell back and she was passed out again.

Also, Megumin would continue to find no signs of Toga in the forest.

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
"I'M SCOTTISH, YOU FUCKIN' MORON! AND I'M STRONGER THAN YOOOOOOOUUUUUU!" You might as well say that Lucky was going Super Saiyan at this point. A new set of jade armor formed around his back and head, only to get cracked by Sarge's gunshots. No matter, this was exactly why he had gotten the jade in the first place. The glorious day, though it wasn't in Blood Gulch as he would have preferred, had finally come. It was time to show everyone what happens when you used him as a pawn. With that firmly locked into his mind, he screeched and laughed like the Joker himself as he continued to try and plug the two full of holes.

"You really think the PTSD you gave me is going to stop me from making a xylophone out of your spinal cords?! Nope! You won't boss me around anymore, you piece of shit!" He would continue to rant, as he used his knife to slash the tires. Honestly, he was spending more energy proclaiming hatred than trying to kill the two. "Didn't you hear me rattle off everything you did to us?! I gave you one rule, just one! Don't double cross me! And you stomped on everything that makes me who I am! You showed me the truths I never wanted! You took away any chance I had of getting all four of me feet back! You hacked and slashed our pride to ribbons! You may as well have forced us to dress like Playboy bunnies, and then fucked us up the ass!" Somehow, he would manage to cling around Sarge's neck, staring him fearlessly through the visor and right into his retinas. "You. Made. Lana. Kill. Herself."

Upon realizing that he was now up close and personal, Lucky would now try to get the knife through Sarge's visor, still laughing and grinning like a hyena. "I'm going to enjoy every second of this, too! It's high time your high horse turned around and kicked you in the face!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Lars sees the turret opening fire at the stealth team. He wastes no time scaling the academy to get to the roof while occasionally dodging the turret fire
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam
"But if Toga tells him our plan, all we'll get is a carriage ride to the afterlife." Megumin pointed out, gently stroking Midna as she fell back asleep. "I just think at least one of us should stay on the lookout." So, in pure stubbornness, she kept scouting it out. Even the darkest areas of the woods were explored without fear.

" clues..." The archmage would report to the others, hanging her head. Then she heard Lucky screaming at people waaaayy out there, accompanied by gunshots. "...I think Chomusuke just reunited with someone." She stated matter-of-factly.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
"Welp, there goes our cover." Lilith thinks to herself as Lars kicks both the guards down and a turret comes out from the roof of the school. Thankfully Lilith comes up with an idea as to try and halt their fire. She possesses the turret and causes it to malfunction and return to her current position all while trying to be as stealthy as possible.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Turret Guard)

Mood: Sympathetic, Stubborn, Merciful
Tags: (GM)
(Alexis), (Lucky)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The kind-hearted pyromancer had been, rather taken aback by the rabbit's reply, taking some mental effort not to just flinch under the furious tone of a lecture about to come. He half-listened to everything while half-focused in maintaining the damaged wall up just in case, even getting a bit dazed over the extreme split of brain power. He saw, a similar matter than what Rex had against Benedict in here, though taken to extreme proportions and tried his best to still somehow find the right words despite the huge multi-tasking.

"Look, I-"

And then he got interrupted completely by the sounds of even more gunshots.
Urrrgh, why guns?! WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE GUNS?!!

With both Lucky attempting more shots from his side and Sarge engaging from the other, the already fractured fire wall did not resist, shattering before them like glass into smaller flame-shards that then dissipated in the air leaving only the scorch marks in the ground. Having it be destroyed like that was a hit and a half to Sage who got out of the whole thing rather dizzy, even stumbling back a little.

He couldn't stop them.
It was frustrating to admit but in-between both trigger happy parties, there was nothing he could do without risking everything else. The young man took a deep breath to regain some stabilization of both emotions and magic levels, soon thinking about it differently. You couldn't save everyone, but he could still try to make the losses minimal. Stubbornly, he changed practices, he'd make do with the lesser of the two evils. Lucky would have his thing as... cruel and senseless as revenge was, but not all would be lost...

Putting his arm back up, the target this time was a patch in the ground right beside the vehicle the attackers had been driving, lighting up the familiar orange, then once more bursting in flames, but this time, it was a return of the fire chain. As Sage waved commands in the air, it lunged forwards attempting to attach to the one in orange armor, arm, leg, body, whichever it found it would wrap around like actual solid chains, except with the temperature of a functioning oven. Once attached, the pyromancer would throw his hand back, dragging the man out of the vehicle with the construct and most likely through a bush located right behind its opening.

As soon as it was done, he wasted no time in running after them both to check on their condition and keep the second armoured person from being a problem. Sarge and the vehicle were left entirely for Lucky to do whichever he pleased with, Sage knew better than to try getting in the way of that mess!
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"Aw, yeah, Laddie!" Lucky gave Sage a big nubs-up as he dragged Grif out of the picture. "Now you're seein' it me way! Looks like it's mono el mono, Sarge..." Only when he got tired from scratching at Sarge's visor did he activate his flamethrower. "Give me a reason. After all the shit you put me through. After all the damage you've done. Give. Me. A fucking. Reason."

"Lucky, wait! Maybe he was enslaved. Maybe he's in the same situation he put you through. That's karma enough, ri-"

"JUST KIDDING! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" With reckless abandon for Lupé's reasoning, Lucky assaulted Sarge with flames. Fortunately for the opponent, its kickback made Lucky fall into Sarge's lap, causing him to change his focus to something else. Not before launching more flames at Sarge's crotch, of course.

That "something else" was the fact that Sage had left the Warthog open for anyone to take control. The twisted smile came back. "Hey. Fellas. Watch the fuck out." Without another word spoken, Lucky would slam all four nubs on the gas pedal...

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @OGDistractionTeam thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
It seemed like they can actually salvage stealth here, as he saw the others take out the robotic guards.... until the turret on the roof began to shoot at them. Good thing he was still invisible as he slowly took out his completely normal revolver out. But apparently it began malfunctioning due to Lilith.... so he still might actually have a chance at getting inside due to the others acting as a secondary distraction team. But he still held his revolver out as he slowly moved towards the door while still being invisible, and made sure to avoid the gunfire from the malfunctioning turret. He then reached the door and opened it, looking inside to see if someone was going through. If there was someone going to the door, he will hide next to the door and wait for whoever it is to exit.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @STEALTHteam

Rex looked at Lucky confused, but tried his best not to burst out into a fit of laugher and hears his story out. Once Lucky’s done, he speaks up. “So you were watching a show about ponies, and they spoke to you about being a bad teammate? Not only that, but we were zombies? Let me guess, they had beer there too? Okay, this is entertaining, I’ll say that much. Least you’re having a good time.”

Eventually the distraction make it up to a specific point to see from the Blood Gulch. ”Oh no.. OH NO! NOOOO! Not you troglodytes!” As angry as Rex was, his wouldn’t even compare to Lucky when he got out of the backpack and started shooting them down. “Lucky! Clam down!” Lucky got in the Warhog, but Sage came in to stop the bullets before they could reach them, but he starts becoming more insane and starts going on a stabbing spree at Sarge. Rex shortly steps in between the two; using a Smackhand to grab Lucky and the other to put him in a bubble.


“Lucky! Hey, cool it now! I hate these guys just as much as you but there’s no reason to kill them! And speaking of said morons. What are you doing here?


The stealth team then needing to take care of a few guards patrolling the doors. They were taken care of and the team went inside the building and now a turret starts attacking them. Sora was going to intervene, but Lilith stops the turret before he could. “Thanks. Now we can move on.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
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"H-hey... what the fuck!?" Grif shouted as he was unwillingly dragged out of the vehicle by Sage's makeshift chains. He struggled against them, crying out about how he shouldn't have ordered a large pizza, while he was unceremoniously dragged into the nearby bushes.

Meanwhile, as Lucky climbed on top of Sarge, the much stronger soldier easily grabbed Lucky and tossed him off of him before the rabbit could even hope to plunge the knife through his visor. "Jesus! The hell's your problem?" Sarge asked, before ultimately grunting and firing at the dumb rabbit with his shotgun while he was still on the ground. Before he was able to get back inside, Sarge had slammed the door shut and was about to start driving right into Lucky, but then he was thrown into some bubble by Rex. "Great googly moogly!" Sarge shouted as he watched Lucky get thrown into some bubble trap. He then got a good look at Rex from inside of the not-Warthog, and let out a confused grunt. "Oh hey... it's the science boy!" Sarge exclaimed. "Private Grif and I were transported here outta nowhere a while ago, and we decided to enlist in the local army!"

"I didn't decide anything! You forced me and held me at gunpoint when I tried to get a job as a pizza guy!" Grif complained as he struggled in Sage's chains off to the side.

"Shuddup, dirtbag." Sarge grunted, before turning back to face Rex and Lucky. "The real question is, what're you two dirtbags doing here? And the rest of your new friends?"

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

Thanks to the efforts of Lilith and her ghost powers, she managed to disable the turret within a matter of seconds. It slumped over as a slow whirring noise could be heard, saving those of you without any form of armor or regeneration from a rather unpleasant death.

"No. Every other entry point is more heavily guarded than this one, and I'll be damned if you two get lost in here and killed or something." Qrow said as he shoved his hands into his pockets and continued forward, opening the door and beckoning for the rest of you to follow him.


As you all entered the building, you were met with an elegant, wide stretching hallway. Qrow made sure to turn to you all and hold a finger up to his lips, and Jason followed it up with a nod and a finger to his own throat. I'll let you figure out what that means on your own.

"Okay... the main hall should be up through this corridor..." Qrow said to all of you as he gripped his scythe tightly in his hands. There were a few guards up ahead who seemed to be guarding the door to said hallway. You were currently behind a corner, so luckily they didn't see you yet. As you got a better look, though, you realized that the entire hallway before you was lined with guards. There was one stationed at every individual door in the hallway, with two being stationed at the end, standing side by side.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow @StealthTeam

Megumin continued to find nothing in the woods.

P PopcornPie FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You're getting bored at this point. Not minding the chaos going on.

"I'm bored."

>That's what I've just said.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam​
Lucky attempted to kick himself out of the bubble, glaring at Rex. "Are you even listening to yourself?!" He snapped. Then, using his eyelash curler to make himself look more cutesy, he squeaked in a voice similar to Rex's. "There's no reason to kill the people who treated us like toys! There's no reason to kill the people who probably have an army of clones of us waiting in their garage! There's no reason to kill the people who tOOK THE SWEETEST FOX IN THE DAMN MULTIVERSE AND DROVE HER TO SUICIDE!" His normal voice returned, just like that. "He's just a mercenary for the other team now! Laddie, we don't have to spare him anymore! Our time to get revenge is now, and you're being a pansy!"

When it came to Sarge's story, he threw his head back and yowled in laughter. "So now you do know what it's like to be kidnapped and used as a slave!" He guffawed. "Big news, douchebag. We're the MPF. Basically the multiverse's cops. And we're here to take down your military's leader because he's a douchebag tyrant serving a guy who wants to take the whole damn multiverse over. Oh, and that legion? It includes your little friend, Toffee." He spat the name bitterly.
With her efforts fruitless, Megumin decided to take a break and check in on her team, only to see a total shitshow. "What happened?!" She yelled down to the rest. "How did that turret get activated?!" Sheesh, this reminded her of Blood Gulch...Good thing she couldn't see the two soldiers, right?

Once the turret suituation was taken care of, she had to run in order to catch up with the others. "No Toga..." She whispered sadly. "But I can go look again!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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The stealth team enters the building and it appears that there was a group of guards around the hallway behind the corner the team was at, it almost feels like the whole situation was pulled right out of a scooby doo episode. "Jeez there is a lot of them." Lilith whispers. "How are gonna get though them?"

Welp..... it looks like being invisible is an advantage, but his allies are unable to go with him. He then turned to the group and whispered something while still invisible “Ok...... gonna head in, if these robots are able to see in infrared..... I am basically fucked.” as he turned the corner and began making his way down the hallway. Of course..... since he was using the Cloak and Dagger..... he had to stop in certain points of the hallway in order to recharge the invisi meter of the watch. He hoped that he didn’t put himself in a situation that meant him getting filled with lead here as he continued his way down the hallway.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @STEALTHgroup

He watched the entire thing.... being greatly confused. Aren’t they soldier supposed to be shooting them already, as he recalled Lucky’s little fury during the strange soldiers in different armor and color than the rest. And now they were apparently having a conversation now, and that was when he decided to walk up to them. “What is going on here....?” he said, confused that there was no fighting happening yet.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie @distractiongroup
B.J. Blazkowicz

"Guess stealth didn't take, huh?" Blazko dove behind cover as the turret appeared. He only held off on shooting upon seeing it disable. "Guess that's that. Now someone keep an eye on the action movie star." He followed the group to where dozens of more guards were stationed just around the corner and down the hallway. Not giving much routes for stealth, now are you? Guess the only way is through guns blazing... Fortunately, Benrey had cloaking technology. Take back what I said. Stealth must be straightforward if you can just vanish like that.

In the meantime, B.J. would search for any vent covers or openings in the wall, even if they were smaller than him. His constrictor harness would allow him to squeeze into such spaces.
The constrictor harness compresses his torso and allows him to crawl in tiny spaces like this:

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam

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