--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

"That son of a...!" Hiryu hissed as he pulled his sword, blood still dripping off of it as Toga disappeared. Still glancing around when Qrow finally returned. "We were ambushed, is all." He sighed as he reverted back into a normal highschooler.

Eventually, the gang arrived near Haven where they are now separated into teams. Hiryu would simply nod as Falcon claims he has the PERFECT Distraction plan.

"Alright, let's hear it. What's the plan?" Hiryu asks, "Cause I'm just thinking of just sending out a horde of Another Riders and freak them out."
Snake continued to walk forward, seemingly unfazed by the round practically grazing him. “I know that. And I’m sorry. But, you have to understand, not everyone deserves to die, even some of the sickest of bastards should just be locked up. Killing isn’t the only option.”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
As Megumin ventured deep into the woods, she did not find Toga, but instead something much more horrifying...


The giant ogre screamed a hello towards Megumin, and then began chasing after her!

Or so she thought.

It turned out that the blood loss was just making her hallucinate.

P PopcornPie
She hisses at that, but has to acknowledge the truth in his words. After all, she left Astra Nox to rot in a cell even after he released the Ruin and destroyed Earth. She lets him approach, but keeps the pistol trained on him.
Venom Snake Venom Snake
Of course the maniac found some sort of way in order to escape, putting away his revolver. After a long walk, they managed to reach some sort of fake Japan here, but while the others were planning for their actions, Benrey used his ToolGun in order to change is appearance to something more fitting to the task. If anyone were to look at Benrey now, he definitely looks much different than he was a second ago and may even look like a stranger to other people..... if the mask didn’t show key facial features that only Benrey had.
“So..... what are we doing once we get inside, are we gonna split up into groups to cover more ground or are we staying together....” he said, waiting for the plan of what to do.
“You’re back! Oh man, thank you, you’re not gone.” Rex flicks her in the head a little for the scare she gave him. “Seriously. Stop scaring me, or I’m gonna put you in a bubble.”

Toga was pinned, tortured, but still didn’t say anything. But suddenly before more can happen to her, she disappears.

“What? Where did she go. Where did she go? Seriously. Where?”

“What! I thought you guys had her?”

“We did. She’s just gone, we have no clue how.”

“D’aw.” Just then Qrow came back just moments before the fight ended, acting like nothing happened and continues the trip. “Are. You. KIDDING ME!?”

They make it to Haven and it looks a lot more peaceful then where they were before. “Huh. This place looks like Japan.”

“Really? I was reminded of another place that looks similar to this.”

Qrow gives both teams what they’ll be doing and how thing’ll play out. He ask if anyone has questions before this starts.

“Yeah. I hope you don’t take any unnecessary bathroom breaks when we’re getting our butts kicked and cut.” He dryly replied, upset at the cycle of people not helping when needed. Rex looked over to Lucky and hoped he’d be sober by the time they get here, but no dice. “Aw boy. Sora, do you have anymore of those magic stars.”

“You mean potions?”

“Yeah those.” Sora gives Rex about four potions to boot.

“Hopefully that should do. Hurry back.”

“Thanks.” Rex walked over to Lucky to put him in the makeshift backpack from the nightmare realm “C’mon blabberbutt. I know you don’t like this, but I’ll make it up to you when your sane again.”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"An ogre!" Megumin was taken aback. Such a hideous creature, all green and swollen. On the other hand, he was smart enough to know how to weave his own clothing...or maybe he stole it. Unfortunately, time was of the essence. "Excuse me, have you seen a blonde with strange bottles of suffocating gas around her face? It seems that she has the ability to teleport, and...um, hello?" The ogre's cry had her recoiling, protectively cradling Midna. "Shush, you loudmouth! The Twilight Princess is trying to sleep!"

Instead of quieting down, however, the ogre started to give chase! "AAAAAAAH! I'M SORRY!" Then she ran deeper into the forest...or was she actually getting closer to Haven?...screaming to Toga about how she knew this ogre was on her payroll.

Midway through the "chase", she would hide behind a log, hugging Midna tightly.


"Oh! Oh, hey. We're still together." Lucky hiccuped, entering Rex's backpack without complaint. "S-sane? I'm fine! I m-m-might have treated meself to one R-r-rusty Chain too many...Heeheehee!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
She takes his hand and slowly guides it to her widening maw. She keeps direct eye contact with him as she does this. He can feel her cool breath and dripping sticky saliva on his skin.
Venom Snake Venom Snake
As part of the distraction team, Ben's first verdict was to find a guard. He smacked his watch down.


"Jury Rigg! OK, I have an idea so that we don't make it too obvious that we're distracting them from something. First step, I need a few guards here to ambush, three to five should be enough. Lure them here. Feel free to destroy 'em."

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam

"Stealth is best performed in small groups. Teams of two to three should work," the Agent suggests.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Toga disappeared. What a shame. After sometime, you made it to Haven. This is where you get separated from the Stealth Team. Captain Falcon has an idea.

"What you have in mind?"

Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari, when given a choice between being on the Stealth or Distraction Team, said, "I'll go with the Distraction Team. As we're likely to be in the sights of a whole slew of guns, Kronos and I can help keep us fighting fit if our enemies are well-armed."

On the way to the 'Haven', both groups were suddenly brought into an ambush, with a smoke grenade spewing its contents everywhere. Blake and Sora had been stabbed by... someone, and when this 'someone' revealed themselves, Akari was... puzzled. "Ex...cuse me? Did she just-- did she just lick the blood off her knife?" He asked everyone, pointing to the blonde girl, apparently named "Toga". Akari's mouth turned into what was basically a flat line when Toga continued being creepy. "Okay... yeah. So... that creepy attitude you have...? I'm going to have to put a stop to it." Before Akari could do anything, though, she vanished. "Good. I thought she'd never shut up."

Qrow had asked the Distraction Team to go outside of the Academy's walls, and to that, Akari unsheathed his sword from his back and held it in both hands. "On your signal..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
A cheeky smirk spreads across Captain Falcon's face "Oh, that's gonna be a surprise! But imma tell ya', its gonna be quite the show heheheheh."
Rex rolled his eyes at the drunken rabbit, still not buying the fact he was sane. ”No, I’m afraid you or I might die like idiots if we go out there, not thinking straight. And need I remind you that this is the second time you’ve almost died drunk and it took Megumin’s fake death to snap you out the first time.”

Rex clears his throat to speak again. “*Ahem.* So I’m just gonna stick with you until you’re okay. I’ll buy you nuggets if you can go through this without being drunk. You can do that once this is over.”

Rex turns to Ben and comments on his plan. “Ben, they might know some- Actually. You’re tiny right? Why don’t you just control one of those guys from the inside, get in a good spot, then boom. Ultimate distraction.”

Crow Crow P PopcornPie
Lealans teeth pricked into Snake's hand, warm red liquid leaked out, pooling in her maw. Her tounge gently swirls around once, before she opens her mouth and pulls his hand out, putting a Red Stim Pack in it.
"Hmm. You do taste good." She begins to head back to the trail, but stops beside Snake. "....How did they do this...?" She mushes her mouth against his cheek before pulling back and moving back to where they seperated from the others. As she straddles the log she turns back to Snake "Hurry up Snake! They probably already left us behind!"
Venom Snake Venom Snake
"Heheheh. Yeah, I remember. In hindsight, I was m-m-makin' a big deal out of nothin'. I mean, she's already off to g-g-get herself killed anyway." Lucky pointed back to the forest.

Then Rex cut him a deal: if Lucky went without being drunk this whole mission, then Rex would buy him tHE MOST AMAZING GODDAMN FOOD ON THIS BURNING TRASHFIRE OF A PLAN-I mean, chicken nuggets. "If I'm not drunk?! Awwwww!" Lucky's tail and ears fell, and he started to whine. "B-b-but Laddie, I already am drunk!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Arthur then attempted to shoot Toga after the others threatened her, ask questions, and hurt the girl, in which the blonde haired girl disappeared before the bullets hit her. She put Gambol Shroud away as Qrow came back, apparently from going to pee. When asked what happened, she spoke up. "Well, this girl with blonde hair named Toga threw a smoke grenade, took some blood from me to drink it, and attacked us."

If Toga ever showed up again, would they stand a chance? With how many people they had with them, she certainly hoped they stood a chance.

Everyone then began to continue on the way to Haven. Well, everyone except Megumin and she hoped that someone went after her. Left alone, Megumin was in serious danger.

Once they reached Haven, she and the rest saw that there were guards, turrets, and sentry's. Seems like they, and by extension Penguin, really wanted this place protected. She looked at Qrow who asked them if they had any questions. "
Qrow, does the stealth team stay here or is there somewhere for us to wait as well? Also, can I go after Megumin? It's not safe going alone after what happened with Toga."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie


Megumin then began to get up, determined to go over to Toga to fight her. While not giving up is usually a good thing, in her state, she benefited more from resting. When she fell after her knees buckled in, Ciri caught the young girl. "Megumin, I know you want to fight her, but that isn't a good idea in your state." But it seemed she didn't listen as she got up and slowly went over to Toga, starting to choke her out.

It didn't help that two people were encouraging it. "
She doesn't need to go and choke her out, she needs rest!"

Others began to hurt the girl and threaten her, causing some pain to her and making her bleed. And right as Arthur shot her, she disappeared into thin air. Ciri put her sword away, sighing. "
If we ever see that girl again, it'll be too soon."

Qrow then came back, the reason for him disappearing being for him to use the bathroom which she could understand. You couldn't really fight if you had to pee, it would just be uncomfortable. "
If I may, Qrow, Blake's right. We were attacked by a psychotic girl who drank some of her blood. Does that name ring any bells?" They then continued onwards to their destination but not before Megumin started trying to figure out where Toga went, or at least that's what she figured that the girl in the hat was going off to do.

She desperately wanted to stop her, but they had a mission to do. Maybe she could talk to Qrow and see if she could go find Megumin instead.

After enough walking, they finally reached their destination. The place they reached, Haven Academy, looked peaceful and beautiful after having gone through the slums and the storms. Well, it would look peaceful if it wasn't for guards that were currently patrolling the grounds. Qrow then asked if there were any questions and she definitely had one. "
Could I go back and look for Megumin if Blake isn't allowed to? We all need to be together and it isn't safe to be alone with Toga out there."

If he answered yes, she'd run back to the forest and head in the way that she saw Megumin go, only to hear her screaming. "
Megumin?!" Ciri then proceeded to run after her, following the screaming.

If he answered no, she went over to where Qrow pointed out, reaching the meeting place. A few of them, namely two of them, had ideas and one of them wasn't telling. That would be the first sign that she didn't trust the idea.

Ciri looked at the boy that shapeshifted, who gave the other idea. And honestly, she liked that plan much more. "
Alright, I can do that."

P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Crow Crow

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