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Megumin then ran off, trying to find Toga. Thankfully, Jason stopped her and they all moved forward, entering the Grand Hall. It was there that they found Ren. "
Ren, I see you're doing well. We can talk after we're on our way to Atlas."

He then said that he knew a route to the Headmaster's office and then they all began to follow him. But when the penguin asked him to tell them the story about how they met, he seemed... off. He would've answered that normally, instead he seemed to have been lost for words. And she could've sworn that he tensed up when the question was asked.

This was the real Ren... right?

Blake looked at Nora, who was buying into this. "Nora, don't you think Ren's being... off?" Megumin seemed to have picked up on this too, making Blake look back at Ren. "Ren, what happened during the Fall of Beacon? And when you and Nora were traveling with Ruby?"

If he couldn't answer those questions without Nora stepping in to explain it, then her suspicions were confirmed.

P PopcornPie , @thatguyinthedoor, Crow Crow

Seeing as how she wasn't able to come up with some sort of plan due to the chaos, she had only one thing that could help them. And no, it wasn't the Piercing Scream. She began to think of the memories that drew the most anger and after having enough anger, it was time.

Getting up, she ran towards a robot that was focused on Sarge and then, a green mist surrounded her whole body.

This... was Rage.

Blinking past the robot, once she ended up on the other side, the robot fell defeated. How was this possible? Rage has the ability to increase her attack power, that's how. Now, once it fell down, she readied her sword again and began to use Charge, taking out the robots that were around her, going in almost like a circle. After that, she'd deal with any robots that came towards her.

Yes, I know this isn't that descriptive, I just want to get this post out.

Orbeck of vinheim
status: The arch wizard is a fool. a FOOLLLLLLLL
Condition: normal.​
As Megumin stubbornly planted her foot in the back of the group, Jason would notice this and let out a groan before jogging over to her. "Kid, look. I know you're scared of that Toga girl and probably wanna beat the hell outta her, and that's fine, but you really need to comply with us right now. This won't help anyone." He said to her. If she continued to deny moving along with the group for whatever reason, Jason would sigh and grab her by her cape again, before dragging Megumin alongside everyone else that was venturing deeper into Haven.

Back in the very front of the group, Ren would seem to pause a bit when Agent Penguin asked him how he met Nora and Blake. "Well... I... funny story--"

"Oh, Ren and I have known each other since we were kids!" Nora laughed from the back. "And Blake went to school with us back at Beacon!" She said, and Ren nodded a bit in response.

"Yup... what she said." Ren said with a slow nod, seeming almost a bit... tense from the questions, but it was barely even noticeable. Still noticeable, mind you, but only barely.

Ignoring the *ahem* explosive run-in with one of Blakes colleges, they managed to confirm that toga (the blood starved assailant) was working with the penguin. No surprise here. Not even with the appearance of Ren. It honestly felt as if things were going by in a flash, that feeling would go away in one of two ways. The first being...

Blake looked at Nora, who was buying into this. "Nora, don't you think Ren's being... off?" Megumin seemed to have picked up on this too, making Blake look back at Ren. "Ren, what happened during the Fall of Beacon? And when you and Nora were traveling with Ruby?"
Blakes, sudden suspicion over Ren, and her question. Hard to say if this is how Ren usually behaves, you can't exactly tell a fake from the original if you don't even know of the original, can you? that arch wizard has mentioned the possibility of someone being a fake. It wouldn't be that out of the ordinary to deal with someone like that having dealt with such a creature back in gravity falls.

"Wait a sec." She said under her breath, Lilith then moves over to Qrow to ask him something. "Hey Qrow, is it just me or are we forgetting someone?"
And the second disappearance of that foolish archwizard, can she not go running on her own for a moment? It wouldn't be posable if she had more than ONE BLOODY SPELL. But alas that is not the case, she will have little to now way fo defending herself besides that currently unsuited use of her explosion magic. the very definition of a fool...what will happen if, by some chance, they head out to Orbeck's respective world? Running off will be disastrous.

"...least act as if you could hold your own" he compensated under his breath. "I'll go after her,We don't need to be swayed any further from our task at hand," he said to Qrow and Lilith. Before anything more can be said, Orbeck runs off, casting the spell invisible body to make himself invisible for the off chance of any stray guards. whatever or not he manages to find the troublesome archwizard...
Megumin quickly found herself lost in the hallways, but continued to chug on. The lives of everyone on her team depended on it! She could just follow the sounds the distraction team's distraction made, right?

...will depend on chance.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
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It wouldn't be easy to find Megumin in the school. She was scrambling about frantically, desperate to find the distraction team before anything happened to the stealth team. Any guards trying to stop her would be whacked on the head with her staff. The rest of the time, she tried to camouflage and/or duck behind whatever she could find.

Sweat formed entire layers across her scalp and forehead. Her skin, especially the skin around her neck and fingers, turned clammy. Her lips were dry. No way were her friends with someone they could legitimately trust. If she didn't find the others soon, who knows what danger awaited them?
Bayonetta and Willow

Bayonetta's Status: e e e e e e
Willow's Status: oh no not this again
Health: all righty boys and girls/150
Hunger: let's get ready for another/150
Sanity: shitpooooosssttt/120

Bayonetta's Interactions: assgedhdehrfhtrfth
Willow's Interactions: rsetgedgyeryhrhh

someone please give me an indepth explanation as to what has happened i really want to post but i do not know what is going on
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"I wouldn't blame you. That some reality-defying mess right there! Just the idea of things you draw coming to life is as cool as self-regenerating food! And with you being an artist, you'd be a god! ...Amongst gods!" Captain Falcon laughs before coming to a realization "OHSHOOTTHEDISTRACTION! Yo, we were bonding and mess so much that we're missing out all the action! C'mon......White.....Giiirrrlll? I don't know your name but we're not about to miss this!" Falcon grabs Shujinko, putting her under his arm and sprinting after the rest of the distraction team
Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>You are being taken by Captain Falcon to somewhere. Venus followed suit.

"Ara ara~"

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Just as Benedict had continued on with the team, it would be revealed that *GASP!* it was a cardboard cutout in Benedict’s team! Not the real Benedict!
Benedict’s silly disguise was halted as he suddenly emerged from behind the cardboard cutout.
Ah! Do pardon my.....slightly false disguise....I was looking for clippy in.....no......you don’t want to know.
And at that sheer notion, Josh would cry.
@Stealth team (I’m sorry I’ll be active now even though I only know ab .01% of what’s happening rn)​
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari caught up with the Distraction Team, and it was then that he noticed his team in a clash with an army of robots. His sword in one hand, a "come at me" gesture coming from the other, he readied himself for battle. A slew of gun-toting robots pointed their weapons at Akari, unleashing volleys of lead at him, but Akari deflected the bullets with his sword. A few of them did graze his face, leaving streaks of red, but this was not enough to make him flinch. "My turn." Akari slashed through the bodies of the robots like they were made of butter, his sword leaving soft-red burn marks in a couple of them.

Right when Akari thought his batch of robots were all gone, another one crept up behind him. With a smirk, Akari reached for his mask and summoned Kronos. "Not this time." Akari about-faced and cast Hamaon on the lone robot. A tower of what looked to be prayer cards began swirling around them, confusing them. Then, the cards stopped moving...

...and the robot was gone, vanished in a flash of light.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Orbeck of vinheim
status: Hunting for crimson demons.
Condition: normal. (invisible)
It wouldn't be easy to find Megumin in the school. She was scrambling about frantically, desperate to find the distraction team before anything happened to the stealth team. Any guards trying to stop her would be whacked on the head with her staff. The rest of the time, she tried to camouflage and/or duck behind whatever she could find.

Sweat formed entire layers across her scalp and forehead. Her skin, especially the skin around her neck and fingers, turned clammy. Her lips were dry. No way were her friends with someone they could legitimately trust. If she didn't find the others soon, who knows what danger awaited them?

As Our sorcerer from Vinheim continues on his search for the foolish arch wizard, he ponders on how she can convince her and that one tracked mind of hers to not wander off like a fool. Because at this point, she was. Yes, she was the main reason that Bill was killed off in gravity falls, but if it wasn't for the fact that they were in a dream realm, she would have been killed or brutalized in a horrific way. It is unlikely that she will get a second chance like the reversal of her inability to cast spells.

speaking of spells, what was it that made her so stubborn about using another spell? yes, her explosion magic is powerful. But the way her skill set is now, it would be like an unkindled trying to cast soul spear with less than the required focus needed. Falling limp is not a thing that happens in those scenarios, it is still unfavorable none the less. She has access to spells that can outclass most of his own offensive spells, yet she goes with "explosion magic". Just, really? really?! If the Vinheim dragon school where stumble upon such spells...It would be maddening, they would slaver, no, OBSESS over a find like this. She would be the target of various assassins who would like nothing more than to obtain such power. She needs to understand this. It would also help to know how this so-called...leveling system works.

is he exaggerating some of this, maybe? But the stubbornness of Megumin was an oddity to Orbeck. Much like how Julie's attitude was a cursory back at Gravity falls. She can't squander about forever, Orbeck was trained as a killer for hire back at his days at the dragon school, Megumin lacked that kind of training. If he somehow finds her hiding behind furniture...he might consider...what was that saying "pull a fast one" one the arch wizard.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
"Alright, white girl! We're coming up on the fray fast! You ready? Ofcourse? Great to head! SHOW US YOUR MOVES!" Captain Falcon hurls Shujinko at a crowd of robot guards
Topless Topless
Sarge would support Lucky as the rabbit began to fall off his back and lose his grip, raising a hand to hold him up. "Don't fall yet, little buddy! We've still got work to do!" The Red Soldier shouted as he continued blasting away at soldiers.

In the meantime, all the Another Forms were more than enough to take out the squad of soldiers, though the girl didn't appear to react at all. Instead she just stood there with a complacent smile on her face until they were finished. When they finally finished their attacks, the girl merely just continued to stand there, smiling. And then, those swords of her's formed a circle behind her back and began rapidly spinning...


Only a few second passed before two gigantic bright green lasers began firing from the center of both sets of swords. The top one shot a much more expansive beam, which had the intention of encompassing all of the Another Riders. Whatever ones that weren't destroyed by the big laser would be targeted by the smaller one. When Sonic joined the fray in the other fight, his spindashes, homing attacks, and general fastness certainly helped the Distraction Team with their goal. Rex's efforts helped as well. Sarge also chuckled at Lucky's enthusiasm. "Son, I don't understand yer hate for candy bars, but keep usin' that enthusiasm to take out these Blues!" He shouted as more and more guards from the Academy's grounds made their way towards you all. Even choppers with machine gun attachments were starting to fly in to take you out!

But even those wouldn't be enough for you all, especially with Ciri's added rage ability! That, combined with the recent addition of Akari's magic and the rest of your attacks, would surely make short work of these guys in no time!

P PopcornPie @Riven Crow Crow @Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Energized/Aggressive
LOCATION: Haven Academy Exterior, Distraction Team
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
MENTIONS: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Necessity4Fun @DistractionTeam

It was good to see Sarge back down, even if it seemed as if it was from confusion. With that out of the way, it was up to Ciri to talk to the two men in armor. Alexis had to admit that the girl had a way with words. It seemed as if Grif was pretty convinced that siding with Cobblepot would not be in his favor. While the kitsune didn’t have any special desire to recruit enemies as allies, she had no apprehensions either. These two were too dumb to be a threat, and one less meat shield for Cobblepot was one more meat shield for the MPF. It worked out nicely.

What came next was wholly unanticipated. How would Alexis know how convinced Sarge was of the MPF’s cause. The red-armored soldier went into a sort of rage, turning his jeep around and stomped on the pedal, sending it plowing through the rows of frozen soldiers with polka blasting out of the vehicle’s speakers. It wasn’t long before he hopped out and began to send buckshot straight into the faces of the robotic soldiers. Alexis’s surprise made her forget her threat to the soldier she made just seconds ago, but it wasn’t as if she was that likely to make good on her threat even if she wasn’t in shock. Gunfire soon filled the air as the robotic guards retaliated against their aggressor as chaos took hold of the situation.

With the group heartily taking part in the chaos, Alexis couldn’t help but smile and acknowledge that they were really making a distraction. As Sage charged into action with his fiery wings, creating pillars of flame and fire spikes to destroy robots by the dozen. Seeing Sage in action, Alexis was becoming convinced that the boy actually had a masterful control over his powers...if he wasn’t worried about the consequences of his powers. She recognized that Sage needed less help with his fire magic and more help with his confidence...and that was a task that was no less easier than what she initially promised the boy. Presenting these kinds of open battlefields for Sage to cut loose would be good for the boy while Alexis figured out how she could help build his confidence when he was around innocents.

It wasn’t long before Alexis felt a little itch in the back of her mind that told her that she also wanted to take part in some of the destruction. The kitsune was sure that it was the influence of at least one of the souls in her. Perhaps it was Iblis wanting to cause some meaningless destruction or maybe it was Bisterne still being cranky that she was awoken back in Gravity Falls. Whoever it was, they’ve convinced Alexis to jump into the fight.

Alexis went for her standard start for casting her spells, gathering Aether into orbs at the tips of her tails and igniting them such that they become balls of flame. These balls of flame would not stay on her tails for long, as Alexis fired oppressive streams of darts of flames from these orbs. Each orb spawned 32 darts before they dissipated, and with 9 orbs, the total number of fiery darts was brought up to 288. Fire filled the air as darts rained down on the battlefield, exploding on contact with the metal of mindless legion. The fire ignored the fact that the soldiers were made of metal and set them ablaze nonetheless, melting their armor and reducing them into slag, "Ninefold Shiranui Seeking Salvo."
Though there was ample fire covering the battlefield between Sage, Alexis, and the overwhelming amount of firearms being discharged, Alexis felt as if there could be more done to create some chaos. She summoned another set of fireballs, and this time, each of these spheres was pulsing with heat, as if they were eager to burst and free the flames from being confined to a small 8-inch wide orb. With a flourish of her tails, Alexis flung orb after orb in succession at the robots before her, sort of like a pitching machine, if a pitching machine shot out explosive fireballs while looking hotter than the damn sun. "Ninefold Crimson Droplets!"

As the balls of fire streaked towards the robots below, Alexis let a small grin form at the edges of her mouth. Upon impact, each of the orbs burst into a medium-sized sphere of swirling flames large enough to engulf a car. The nine orbs landed haphazardly across the field, leaving no trace of life wherever they landed, whether it be plant life or mechanical life. She was cautious not to strike any of her allies, but aside from not aiming in the general direction of the others, restraint didn’t exist. She missed this. "Come on, is that all you got, bucketheads? You're getting crushed by a dainty, little mother of nine. Send something that isn't afraid of a little fire!"

Nora had shaken her head in response to Blake's accusation, essentially waving it off entirely. "Psssshhh... naaah!" The hyperactive redhead dismissively shouted as the group slowly continued their way down the hall, which seemed to grow longer and longer with every step the group took. When Blake began addressing Ren directly, he didn't say anything for a few moments. Words seemed to escape him entirely as they pressed forward, deeper into the hall. That is, until they finally reached a doorway, which was conveniently when Nora was going to step in for another quick save.

"We're here." He said almost too immediately as he placed his hand on the knob and turned it, before pushing the door open slowly. As you all entered the room, you found.... Ren. Who was tied up with rope and gagged with a dirty sock. He had a huge wound in his lower leg, and appeared to have passed out. He was still breathing, which was definitely a good thing. But the wound in his leg was bad and still appeared to be leaking blood onto the floor. Nora immediately dropped her hammer and rushed to his side, kneeling next to his limp body.

"Ren!?" She shouted as she gently placed her hands on his shoulder and began lightly shaking him. "Ren?? REN???" Nora's shaking became more frantic and her words became more desperate and louder.


"What the fuck..." Jason would mutter as he got a good look at the sight. As soon as he said this, the door slammed behind you and the sound of locking could be heard. When you all turned around, you found that Ren was gone, and in his place was what looked like a wounded Sora. He was breathing heavily, and his clothes were ripped in all sorts of places. It looked like a damn lion had just mauled him. He had cuts and bruise marks all over his body, and judging from the way he hissed and winced, it hurt for him to even stand.

"Th-that Toga girl..." He managed to stammer out, before pointing over at the Sora who had been with you the whole time. "Sh-she can shapeshift... by drinking people's blood..." Sora coughed a bit and fell forward onto his front, struggling to make even the smallest of movements as crimson blood spilled out his mouth while he struggled to speak. "S-she's been with you... the whole time!" He barely managed to even speak those last few words as he continued to point at the Sora who'd been with you with barely any strength left in his tired little body.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam
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  • Somehow, Megumin had finally come bursting out of the school, following the noise, attack helicopters, and small explosions to the distraction team.

    "HELP!" She cried, waving her arms. "Help! Our team went into the building successfully, but that blonde girl we encountered in the forest is on the loose! Our group met a boy named Ren, he offered to take us right to where we needed to go. But I didn't trust him, so I ran out here to get you guys! I don't like what's going on, but we're going to have to go back and take Toga down!"

Sarge would support Lucky as the rabbit began to fall off his back and lose his grip, raising a hand to hold him up. "Don't fall yet, little buddy! We've still got work to do!" The Red Soldier shouted as he continued blasting away at soldiers.

In the meantime, all the Another Forms were more than enough to take out the squad of soldiers, though the girl didn't appear to react at all. Instead she just stood there with a complacent smile on her face until they were finished. When they finally finished their attacks, the girl merely just continued to stand there, smiling. And then, those swords of her's formed a circle behind her back and began rapidly spinning...


Only a few second passed before two gigantic bright green lasers began firing from the center of both sets of swords. The top one shot a much more expansive beam, which had the intention of encompassing all of the Another Riders. Whatever ones that weren't destroyed by the big laser would be targeted by the smaller one. When Sonic joined the fray in the other fight, his spindashes, homing attacks, and general fastness certainly helped the Distraction Team with their goal. Rex's efforts helped as well. Sarge also chuckled at Lucky's enthusiasm. "Son, I don't understand yer hate for candy bars, but keep usin' that enthusiasm to take out these Blues!" He shouted as more and more guards from the Academy's grounds made their way towards you all. Even choppers with machine gun attachments were starting to fly in to take you out!

But even those wouldn't be enough for you all, especially with Ciri's added rage ability! That, combined with the recent addition of Akari's magic and the rest of your attacks, would surely make short work of these guys in no time!

P PopcornPie @Riven Crow Crow @Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

"No, not enough, not enough!" Jury Rigg declares, "Need more, need more! Break break! Fix fix fix fix!"

Jury Rigg created his ultimate contraption using the 'corpses' of all guards, turned-ally or enemy - a three-legged, heavily armed, heavily armoured walking fortress. Piloting it, it would begin to crush and step on a wide variety of guards, all while unleashing highly-explosive homing missiles upon the enemy forces! His internal instincts as a Planchakule urged him to keep firing on and on until all enemies were down!


(Close estimate appearance-wise)

Never fuck with the alien gremlin people. These fallen warriors were lucky they were facing Ben Tennyson, who has only known their ways for a year.

P PopcornPie @Riven Crow Crow @Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam

"Why did I see this coming? Should've restrained Toga the moment I smelled a fish," the Agent shook his head. "OK, the moment that Megumin girl returns, restrain her no matter what."

The Agent turns to the coughing Sora.

"Sorry, pal, I'm playing it safe. Everyone, don't mind me at all, hit the fake one with whatever you've got."


The Agent summoned a familiar pink creature to entangle the wounded Sora with a thick lasso, with no sign of free hands.

"I hope you understand. Toga is a limited shapeshifter, so with that knowledge, we can afford to restrain those she can turn into. That includes you, Sora."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam
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Lealan Dashes over to Nora and Ren with her Tech, she takes out a couple Red Stim Packs and drops them on the ground, the plastic syringes bouncing lightly. "Healing Fluid, Inject him. It should Regenerate most of the wounds, it should keep him alive, but he'll need something to drink after." She then Dashes over to the wounded and now tied Sora and stabs him in the side with a healing syringe, while grabbing a fistful of his hair. She injects him with a quarter of the Red Liquid. "If you are a fake, know that I'll happily bite out your spine, and I easily can from here, so sit down and keep your mouth shut, OK? We're going to interrogate you now." Lealan opens her mouth and lets some drool drip onto the floor, it's a light red color, and smells sweet, yet metallic.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam
"I'm usually the more pacifist type that sends people to prison where they eat the worst food everyday, but if you want a more merciful end, I'm not the one, hint hint," the Agent joins Lealan, "yes, yes, for starters - what's the name of your signature key-shaped weapon?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (?) DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

Much like the girl, Hiryu awaited her move, standing with an eerily cute smile on her face as the Another Riders swiftly clear out the robotic squadron. Feeling as if she's got something planned, Another Kuuga was moved from his spot at the back, intending to strike her down. That's when the swords were positioned in rings in front of her, gathering a green mass of energy in the middle of these circles.

"Shit, beam!" Hiryu winced as Another Ghost dispersed into several Parkas, enough for those who can't fly to grab hold of the flying clothes while those with super speed--mainly Another Drive and Another Kabuto, managed to dodge the beams perfectly, tossing in passing by punches at the girl while Another Kuuga attempted to use its massive size to its advantage and tank the massive beam all on its own. It groaned and roared, its chest heating up as it got struck by the beam. It won't be long until it kills the thing. While the ghosts were flying about, there those that failed to make it. For one, Another Build slipped its gripped off of the Parka Ghost's sleeve, causing it to fall at the beam itself. Another Agito realized the situation too late, and got hit by the beam beforehand. Another Faiz, successfully dodging the large beam thanks to the help of Another Kuuga, attempted to land a hit on the girl, only to be hit by her smaller beam and explode. The same goes with Another Ex-Aid, however, for as long as he could dodge, he was hit at the end. Another Hibiki and Another Den-O bravely rushed to their deaths alongside Another Gaim and Another Ryuki

The parka ghosts dropped the Another Riders away from Another Kuuga, surrounding the girl from the back. Hiryu was one of them, with Another Ghost reforming beside him. Just then, Megumin managed to reappear nearby, yelling about how their team got in and met Ren, mentioning how she might be Toga.

"What?!" Hiryu glanced at Megumin, bringing out his swords. "Blade! Wizard! Go inside and handle Megumin's issue with the Stealth Team!" He ordered the another rider in heavy armor as well as the familiar gem faced wizard. The two Another Riders made their way towards Megumin, grunting as if asking them to take the lead. As they were leaving, Another Kuuga finally exploded, being taken down by the large beam. Just then, the rest of the Another Riders wailed on the creepy brunette.

Starting with the two speedsters, Another Drive and Another Kabuto, they continued their passing by assault for a bit until they both threw flying kicks at the brunette. Afterwards, Another OOOs swung its claws at it, soon exploding by the smaller beam. Another Fourze activated its gattling gun module unloading a barrage of bullets as Another Kiva flew and struck down with a kick, who soon exploded due to the small beam. Another Double, alongside Another Gaim, got near and assaulted the girl, Another Gaim swining its blade as Another Double threw a double footed stomp at her.

As the rest of the Another Riders finally got destroyed by the beam, Hiryu threw his combined clockblades as a spear, aiming to immobilize her by piercing her. all the while, bracing for the beam to get him by crossing his arms.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Hearing the other Sora suddenly appear before them, Whisper immediately recognized that something's wrong and aimed at this newly arrived Sora, thinking that this one may as well be a ruse as he explained that Toga had the ability to shapeshift. She glanced at their Sora, remembering how he always carried that keyblade in battle...If that's true, then...Coincidentally, the spot where the other Sora was standing was also where Ren was when they discovered the real Ren's body. She approached the not wounded Sora, sniffing him for a bit before walking over to the wounded Sora, sniffing him as well. She didn't catch a good whiff at Toga, but one way or another, her wolf's nose should be keen enough to notice the difference.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You were thrown, but that doesn't matter because you start firing bullets at the robot guards with your Semi-Auto Blade until you make a rough landing.

"Now that's just rough."

Intermission #2
"Gotta Get Back"

The cabin was dark and barely lit. The entire area around it was covered in deep snow that would easily go up to anyone's ankles. Well, the area outside the cabin at least. The cabin itself was fine, although as previously mentioned, it was only dimly lit by an ever dwindling fire. The only occupant of the cabin was an elderly man in a lab coat. He was balding and appeared to be losing a significant amount of hair, and also had some kind of green liquid dripping from his chin. This man was of course none other than Rick Sanchez, one of the top scientists of the Multiverse Protection Foundation. He was hunched over a wooden tool bench of some sort, and was quickly working with several intricately placed mechanical parts. The room was silent for the most part, besides the clanking of metal and the occasional belch from Rick, until the door to the cabin suddenly swung open.

"Honey, I'm home!" The smallest Avenger, Scott Lang, exclaimed with joy as he kicked the door closed behind him. He was covered in appropriate clothes to accommodate the weather outside, such as a green toboggan, a thick red coat, some baby blue mittens, long black pants, and matching black winter boots. He was carrying a suitcase in one hand, and a plastic bag in the other. Rick didn't even acknowledge him as he entered, which made Scott frown a bit as he placed the plastic bag on a nearby table. "Okay... so you're not even gonna acknowledge me."


"Not when you come back with those tired ass seventies sitcom jokes." Rick replied flatly as he screwed some kind of glass containing a bubbling green liquid into the top of the machine he was making. Rick's words made Scott frown even more.

"You could at least try to have some fun, ya know." Ant-Man complained.

"And you could try and be more original. Y-y-y-you're basically acting like every edgy hipster online in their twenties who thinks saying that tired line and then playing a shitty laugh track is top quality humor because it's 'ironic', when really you're just being fucking obnoxious." Rick said, which just made Scott slump over in defeat. Rick didn't seem to care, though, as he held out his hand towards Scott. "Did you bring me the shit I asked for?"

"The smoothies or the plutonium?" Rick didn't answer, and instead just turned over his shoulder to narrow his eyes towards Scott. Scott just nodded slowly and placed the suitcase down on the floor. "Right... the plutonium." He said quietly, before popping open the suitcase with his thumbs. After taking off his mittens and slipping on the pair of black latex gloves that he had in his pocket, Scott slowly pulled out the aforementioned plutonium and handed it off to Rick, who snatched it from Scott without a care in the world and popped it into the back compartment of the device he was building. Scott, meanwhile, stood back up and pulled one the smoothies out of the bag he was carrying. "You know..." He said as he shoved a plastic straw down in his smoothie and took a sip. "You could at least be more appreciative. That stuff wasn't exactly easy to get, ya know."

"Yeah, because a man who out-heisted a fucking Avenger couldn't handle some two-bit guards hired by a literal bean." Rick grunted, and Ant-Man just pursed his lips together and lowered his head a bit.

"So uh... how sure are we that this is gonna work?" Scott asked worriedly from the side. "I mean like... isn't Multiversal travel like... still really not perfected yet? I mean, without the technology at The Cape and the last of the Tesseract energy we had being used to get ourselves here, and the fact that we barely even made it out of there alive... I just dunno if this'll work."

"I don't make mistakes." Rick belched, only for Scott to interject with a "Yeah, but--" while the scientist himself flipped the switch upwards on the machine he was working on. Suddenly, it emit a loud beeping noise and a lightbulb on its side began to flash red. Its blinking got faster and faster while the beeping kept in tune with it, and that flashing and blinking kept quickening in speed until... it stopped. A quiet whir emit from the machine as it appeared to shut down entirely.

"Well," Scott shrugged as he sipped on his smoothie again. "There's a first for everything, I gue--" Once more, Scott was interrupted again as the machine spurred to life once more, the loud beeping and flashing soon returning and increasing tenfold. Scott's attention was brought towards the machine, and it kept getting faster and even faster, until...


A green beam of light shot right out of the machine and into the wall. Rick turned to Scott as he picked up his flask off the workbench and quickly gathered his stuff into a small, metallic cube in his pocket with the push of a button on its side. "You were saying?" He asked in a clearly spiteful tone.


"Well... that was just... dumb luck." Scott stammered out. Rick just rolled his eyes and turned around, before walking through the portal. Scott looked around for a moment, before walking through the portal as well...

...only for him to run back out through the portal, grab the rest of the smoothies inside the plastic bag he had, and then jog right back through, before the portal closed behind both of them.​

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Alright, let's make this proper. Ahem...




>Upon PROPER landing, you take out your Skypierce and begin firing armor-piercing arrows at the attacking robots.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam​
Lilith's eyes widen a bit as Ren told everyone that Toga was disguised herself as Sora the whole time. "Wait, you mean him!?" She said in suspense, Lealan then beat the snot out of him/her so Lilith grabbed her shoulder and tried to calm her down. "Hey hold the phone for a moment we don't fully know if it's actually her!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore / Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Lealan)

As some of the robot guards in the hallway were taken care of, along with the security cameras and the vent, Deadpool ran through along with the rest of the team, slicing the chest/stomach area of multiple guards with his katanas sticking out at his sides. They then stopped at a room that contained various security camera screens and watched as Beacon’s Most Likely to Break the Fourth Wall pounced at Nyan Neko Sugar Girl. DAMN, that’s hot, I LOVE lesbians.” Making his way to the Great But I’ve Seen Greater Hall with the others, they met up with Shang Chi with Guns, who said that he could take them to their destination, only for them to find the same guy but tied up, rather than what they were actually looking for.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 and everyone else trying to determine whether or not Deadpool fucked up big time.

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