-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I like action, romance, and more recently, superhero stuff."

As Hiryu soared high up into the air and let out his roar, he would indeed have attracted attention! Yes, for that very roar would cause a gigantic cannon to be aimed his way. "You are in restricted airspace! Please land now or we will shoot you down!" A loud, male voice suddenly shouted over an intercom. The cannon began to swell up with a blue, plasma like energy. Leo, meanwhile, stared at Jury Rigg as he bragged about his supposed perfect plan... or something. Leo kinda just stood there, before nervously scratching at the back of his neck while staring at the gremlin thing.

"Uhh... remind me how this is gonna help us?" The boy asked, confused.

"Genetic materials? The fuck are you on about, man?" Grif asked in a very, very confused sounding tone. And then, the pair listened to him talk about Lana and how she apparently killed herself. "Oh yeeeaaaah! I remember her! She was the happy one!" Grif exclaimed, nodding slowly. Sarge, meanwhile, just kinda stared down at Lucky.

"Son, as much as I hate to rain on your pity parade, I don't think that someone can stab themselves thirty-seven times in the heart before dying of tremendous blood loss first. Or at least goin' into shock." Sarge said. He may have been an idiot, but he was smart enough to at least know how stab stab swish swish worked. "Also, quit yappin' about candy! Yer gonna make Grif hungry!" Sarge added on.

"I already am hungry." Grif replied from the side, crossing his arms. "And I dunno, man. We never met the people in charge of Red Team back in Blood Gulch, either. Why would this place be any different?" He asked, before addressing the rabbit's next concern. "And yeah, I remember the fucking Meta." They then turned and looked over at Ciri. "Well, there aren't any other mass armies around here, are there?"

In the middle of their conversation, Sarge's gun suddenly combusted right in his hands. The Red Commander screamed and dropped his gun onto the ground, now trying to soothe his burnt hands. "Ah, shit!" He screamed, before looking over at the very angry looking Sage. Sarge stared at him for a moment behind that emotionless helmet of his, before slowly reaching down and grabbing another shotgun off the floorboards. "Thank God I always carry a spare!" The man exclaimed, before following up his words with a light chuckle. That chuckle soon stopped, however, when Rex butt in again. "That war was not pointless! It was the most important, historic set of battles of all time!" The angry former Red commander yelled.

"Just don't bother with it. You're not gonna win this." Grif replied from the side, before thumbing towards Lucky. "This guy's got the right idea." He said in regards to his Capture the Flag hypothesis.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

Qrow and Jason merely nodded to B.J. and Lealan as they began making their way through the vents. The two would end up moving through them much longer than anticipated, definitely for a lot longer than such a small hallway should have been, until they eventually came out in what looked like a room full of computer monitors. They didn't really have time to focus on the monitors, though, because of the individual who was currently standing in front of them... holding what looked like a grenade launcher.


"INTRUDERS!!! WE'VE BEEN CAUGHT!!" The... hyperactive girl shouted, before rapidly shooting literal grenades in the pair's direction.

In the meantime, those of you who were outside in the hallway would no doubt hear the loud shaking from the girl's grenades from the hallway, perhaps even feeling them as well.


"That doesn't sound good..." Jason would mutter while Megumin began to pull the cameras off the wall... and flop around like a seal for some reason. Thanks to Blake, though, she managed to successfully lure away two of the guards at the end of the hallway, who began to give chase after the fake clone while the others remained on standby. Sora's thunderbolt successfully disabled the rest of cameras as well, and without much more of a reason to sit back, Qrow leaped up from cover.


"Alright... now!" Qrow shouted to those of you who remained as he charged forward, swiftly taking out a few guards with his scythe. Jason did the same as he remained kneeled in the back, desperately shooting at the guards with his dual handguns. With that signal, it could probably be assumed that you were free to take out the guards in this area.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

In response, Hiryu simply fired off a cannon ball right at the cannon's turret before flying over to its side, attempting to tackle if out of its place.

--Whisper The Wolf--
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Whisper, who was with Qrow's team the entire time, nodded with his order, sniping off some of the guards with the laser Wisp that would attempt to disrupt the flow of everyone's majestic combat, peeking in and out of cover like a sniper.
Lealan curses loudly. "Shit! More guards!" She summons her Astro Sabre DX and slashes in front of her, activating her Astral Tear. A ripping sound comes forth as the Sparkling Rainbow Blade cuts a wide hole in space in front of the pair, letting some of the grenades fly into the literal void. "B.J. call the others, we've been found! And are probably lost!" The Floran readys for the next wave as her golden Perfect Armor forms around her to protect her from the missed grenades.
StaidFoal StaidFoal thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The efforts of Umbra's attempts to flank around were as said, for naught. The sounds of Lucky and gunfire, began to be reciprocated from the Blood Gulch hooligans. Umbra simply did nothing as he kept cloaked and remained silent, the soft sound of a metallic clink as the warframe facepalmed his blank face. "That Pobber really did it, he actually went ballistic..", Umbra shook his head as he got up and kept crouched behind the warthog's side, avoiding any gunfire as the team had definitely gotten to their namesake of a job with the poor duo of Sarge and Grif. "We'll say hi to those poor grunts later, right now, what's going on..", The Operator whispered into his suited friend as the warframe shrugged and quietly made his way over to the unmoving soldiers.

The fact that the army was remaining still and completely unaffected to what was going on, puzzled the pair as Umbra went up close to keep watch as he examined as much as he can about these still soldiers. Without touching them or doing any kind of contact of course. Hopefully there isn't an issue as he left some footprints over and any close inspection would see that a mirage gaseous form was hovering around a soldier.

Let's hope this was truly not for nothing.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Welp.... it looked like stealth was out of the door completely now, after he had heard the explosives coming from a room. He sighed as he decloaked.... his red ski mask and suit being visible again. Shooting one guard with a bullet to the head and filling the other with 12 bullets from his completely normal revolver, and went to the door that led to the room where the explosive noises had came from. After kicking it down, he found the person who did the crime, some sort of girl with a grenade launcher as he said “Who the fuck is she....!” he said, aiming his revolver at her. But she is gonna keep doing more damage with that grenade launcher of hers, so he aimed his revolver at the hand holding the weapon and fired two shots, and if it worked, she would drop the weapon.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Snake can't take a flashbang, so time for darker colors)
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Not Angry, Just Disappointed
LOCATION: Haven Academy Exterior, Distraction Team
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
MENTIONS: P PopcornPie @DistractionTeam

Unsurprisingly, things went horribly before the distraction could officially begin, thanks a bloodlusted rabbit with a gun. Alexis didn’t have many questions about whether a rabbit should have a gun, but rather her question was how anyone thought letting a person with this kind of mentally instability have any weapon was a good idea. She wasn’t particularly annoyed or passionate about protecting the fat orange-armored soldier and Southern red-armored soldier, but it seemed that Sage was particularly invested in saving these two men. For one, Alexis assumed that these two were guards just like all the others in the hills...except they weren’t frozen...and they were human as far as she could tell, as opposed to the robots they were told they were going to be facing.

That was probably why Sage threw up a fiery wall construct between Lucky’s bullets and the vehicles the two soldiers sat in. If it was Sage’s desire to protect the enemy, the kitsune wasn’t going to sabotage his efforts by taking the opportunity to attack the two colorful soldiers as they probably should’ve. As the seconds passed, it appeared as if the two soldiers recognized Lucky, which was quite surprising, as they returned fire, even with the fiery wall separating the two parties.

It took less than three shots for the wall to fall and for Sage to switch tactics and use fiery chains to drag the fat orange one away from danger. Alexis was really starting to question what was going on in the boy’s mind. Sure, not every enemy is an enemy that needs to be killed, but he was way too worried about the life of his enemy. The kitsune was far from war-hardened and jaded, but her husband certainly was, and she’d learned that at some point, compassion has to run out for people you don’t have personal ties to.

As the chaos unfolded around her, Alexis ignored it, thinking about how these ended up here and why they were here. They weren’t frozen like all the other guards so logic dictated that these two must have been commanders that would give orders to the autonomous guards when they were needed. Either that, or the commanding officer didn’t particularly like them and just gave them firewatch duty the entire night. The latter seemed to be more reasonable, judging from the words that started to come out of their mouths, making Alexis question how they ever managed to be recruited into this little force to begin with. Now, Alexis had heard jokes from some of her coworkers that came from the military that intelligence wasn’t exactly a defining characteristic of grunts, but this...was something else.

It was all just chaotic banter between children until another shot rang out and Sage shouted into the air. Generally, Alexis’s rule of thumb was to let her children play around as much as they wanted until they were in danger of hurting each other. In this case, she loosened her rule to accommodate the potentially violent nature of the missions they were undertaking and the fact that she was mostly dealing with adults. Gunshots and spontaneously combusting shotguns was where Alexis decided to draw the line.
The kitsune stepped up behind Sage and placed a gentle tail on the boy’s shoulder to try and calm him down. She also used another tail to nudge Sage’s hand down away from the burning shotgun as she increased the Aether density around the raging flames until it was completely smothered. While the act of shooting someone in the back was deplorable, this was more about Sage’s emotional state than Sarge’s stupidity. Alexis knew that extreme emotional duress tended to allow whatever was inside of Sage to seize control, and she also knew that losing control was the last thing the boy wanted. Lord knows how much it would hurt him to think that he hurt his friends and allies while he was powerless to stop it. With her voice soft but firm, Alexis spoke, "That’s enough, Sage. You’re getting too worked up...and you know what happens when you get too upset. I don’t want you to have to deal with that, so please, calm down...for your sake and everyone else’s sake."

Then Alexis gave a piercing glare at Sarge that figuratively burned into him. Her expression looked calm, but it was the sort of quiet anger that one would expect from a mother who "is not angry, just disappointed". Her words came out with surprising coldness, coldness that was enough to turn water into ice, directly contrasting the fire that she was usually known for, "I suggest that you put the gun down and avoid shooting anyone else with it. If I even see your finger on the trigger, you will share a fate with your other shotgun over there...except I won’t be as kind as to put you out before you are nothing more than a heap of molten steel and flesh."

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"Well, it certainly helps!"

Jury Rigg hopped into a modified guard, and proceeds to send his guards away.

"I'll have these guards tell the other guards where the danger might be, direct them away."

The modified guards would leave the vicinity on Jury Rigg's command, relaying information to other guards on some false information - mainly where the source of Hiryu is, and how taking out that nonexistent source would stop Hiryu. Misdirection was key.

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @DistractionTeam

"Let's melt them down to slag," the Agent declares as he presses a few buttons on his phone, summoning a black creature.


With a few hand commands, the black creature would burn up in blue fire as it played pinball with the robot guards, creating melting, embery dents on them in the process.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam
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  • "Hmph. Amateur explosions." Megumin's tone was rather unfazed by the grenades. So much for stealth, but oh, well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Now it was time to take out some guards! Megumin closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. First, she took a couple steps back, then she began to charge. Her heart had replenished most of what had been lost by now, so she could keep herself much straighter and stronger-looking than before. Now, when Samus did this, she gained a bright blue glow. Megumin probably needed a Power Suit to get this glow herself, but she would just have to take what she could get for now.

    After building up enough speed, Megumin would make a flying leap for a guard with her elbow!
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Two of the guards had followed the clone, followed by Sora taking out the cameras, leaving the rest of the guards there to be taken out. Before she could do anything, she felt what seemed to be some sort of explosion.

That was a bad sign for all of them.

Then, her cat ears picked up on the yelling and the voice was very familiar. There was no mistaking that voice. "

On Qrow's command, she had taken Gambol Shroud out and switched to pistol form, coming out and throwing it at one guard, the blade to it sticking in the chest of the robot. Pulling the ribbon back, she pulled the guard back towards her. The pistol came out as she had pulled the ribbon, in which she grabbed it and right as it got close to here she kicked it towards Qrow. "
Heads up!"

With that, she switched it back to a katana and ran at another robot, using an afterimage as a jump boost to jump off of it and onto it's chest. As her and the robot fell forwards, she stabbed it in the chest with the katana as soon as the robot hit the ground on its back. Turning to Qrow, she switched it back to pistol form, reloaded it with electricity dust ammo, and fired a few rounds into a robot that tried to fire at him from the side. "
Qrow, I heard Nora! She's here! Handle the rest, I'll get Nora!"

Heading to where it came from, she found that it was behind a different door than the one that led to the Headmaster's office. Opening it, she saw that they already began fighting. "
Wait, stop! She's my friend!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , StaidFoal StaidFoal


Grif's response definitely confirmed it. "I was just seeing if I heard correctly. Just give me one second." Taking a step back and stepping back to the group, she turned to the rest of the group and started whispering. "They don't seem like they'll hurt us. You think we could just convince them to switch sides?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @distraction gang
B.J. Blazkowicz

"Another day, another crazy lady with explosives." He dove behind cover as one of her grenades went off. Lealan was first to run on the offense, ordering him to call the others. After witnessing her dispose of live grenades using a rift in time and space or some magic whizz, Blazko figured it was fine. "Roger that!" B.J. returned to the vent, then shaking his head and turning towards the wall. With the explosions rumbling the place, the guards are definitely alarmed. Using the more destructive equipment shouldn't affect the mission too much at this point. "Fuck it." Ram shackles primed, B.J. charged through.

"Door here! Come on in! There's a crazy lady shooting grenades at us!" He ran back inside, but just as one of the grenades landed close behind him. Blazko felt the shrapnel pierce his jacket and claw his skin. A minor injury, but it still pissed him off. "Alright, lady, you wanna play ball?" B.J. attached something to the underside of one of his sturmgewehrs, feeding his own handgranates into it. He did the same to the other sturmgewehr, and he raised his two assault rifle/grenade launchers. "Say auf wiedersehen to your Cobblepot-kissing ass!" What came next was a barrage of armor-percing bullets and grenades, kicking up clouds of dust and raising hell.

The bombardment was cut short, however, by Blake's entrance. He immediately ceased fire as the last of the grenades blew up. "So you know her, then." BJ lowered the rifles, reloading them in the meantime.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @StEaLtH_Team
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"I'd watch romance movies myself if they werent so sappy and....Saddening....You can never go wrong with action movies or superhero movies though! What's your favorite one so far?"
Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"So far that would be Avengers: Infinity and Avengers: Endgame. To me, they are the very best movies I would love to watch on repeat."

Hiryu managed to successfully flip over the cannon turret, which managed to finally draw the attention of the guards around him. They rose their guns into the air and began opening fire on him without much warning. Or at least, they would have done that, had it not been for Ben's tinkering. They stared at each other for a moment, seeming confused, before shrugging and running off to fight the nonexistent source that Ben had told them about.

"Oh... well... nice job." Leo muttered as he watched all this transpire.

"Not really, no." Grif shook his head in response to Lucky's first question, while Sarge stood up a bit.

"It's a Red Soldier's code to never question authority!" He shouted, sounding a bit offended by Lucky's insistence for them to look deeper into their teams. "I would never betray my code! Why, without it, I'm no better than a terrorist! Or a vampire! Or a terrorist vampire!"

"But I do remember enlisting. Mainly because I needed a job... and somewhere to sleep." Grif explained, while Sarge nodded alongside him.

"And my family's been Reds for generations! It would have been a disgrace to not follow in their footsteps!" Sarge continued to shout. Then, Lucky asked them about some vacation video. The two soldiers seemed to fall silent for a moment, not appearing to know exactly what Lucky was talking about. It took them a bit, but finally, Grif spoke up.

"Ohhh! No, that video was taken on Earth. Specifically what's left in Florida after the Greenhouse Effect fucked over everything." He said, before shrugging in response to the part about the war itself. "I mean... The Great War kinda put most people in armor like this, yeah. A bunch of hostile aliens threatening the entire human race will kinda do that sorta thing, I guess."

Then, at around the same time, Alexis started threatening Sarge while Lucky laughed at him relentlessly. The Red soldier stood there in silence for a moment, wanting to come up with some kind of retort, but the words from those two kinda just caused him to slowly lower his gun and sit back down. For once, Sarge was speechless. Then, when Ciri asked if she could possibly convince the two idiot soldiers to join their fight against Cobblepot, Micah just kinda shrugged in response. It was probably worth a shot, right?

Meanwhile, as Umbra investigated the soldiers more up close, he would find that they all definitely were very robotic in nature, which lined up with Qrow's story about them being... well, robots. Their skin, though seeming real enough from a distance, definitely had a very latex like texture and look upon close inspection. They were all in the same white and blue outfits, as well as the same white helmets with black visors that completely covered their eyes. If he were to continue even further back, though, he would hear what sounded like a girl talking...

P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod QizPizza QizPizza Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @DistractionTeam

The onslaught of attacks were enough to completely dispatch the remaining guards, and within a matter of moments, they were all reduced to little more various mechanical parts and wires lining the ground. Qrow had helped out Blake with her attacks, and Jason had been doing his shooty mc shoot-shoot stuff, while Byakuya silently hung around in the back with his arms crossed.

In the meantime, the orange haired girl seemed surprised as the literal void opened up and sucked her grenades in. She gasped slightly, before her grip tightened on the grenade launcher she held. As it did so, the grenade launcher slowly but surely shifted away from a long ranged gun to a...


Giant hammer. One that could even give Gretar's a run for its money, by the looks of things. With the recoil from her grenade shots giving her an advantage, the teenager leaped into the air with her hammer in hand, avoiding Benrey's shots! She lifted the hammer with surprising ease, and with her added power from the aforementioned recoil leap, she took a mighty swing upwards towards Benrey's jaw! She landed on her feet, smirking, before B.J. started assaulting her with an onslaught of grenades and bullets! She used her hammer as a shield of sorts, spinning it to block the bullets while simultaneously knocking the grenades back towards the hardened soldier.

Before things could escalate further, though, the orange-haired girl (who was apparently named Nora according to Blake) stopped mid-battle as her friend's unmistakable voice could be heard throughout the room she was in. Her eyes immediately lit up as they fell upon the catgirl, and like a deadly fight to the death hadn't been happening mere seconds ago, Nora tossed her hammer behind her, which threatened to land right on top of B.J. if he didn't move out of the way in time. Then, like a puma in the wild, Nora sprung forward towards Blake!


"BLAAAAAAAKEEEEE!!!" The hyperactive girl shouted as she leaped right onto her apparent friend, engulfing her in the most powerful of hugs imaginable. She tackled her to the ground, squeezing with all her might, so hard in fact that poor Blake might even be suffocated by all the affection-- both figuratively and literally!

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @StealthTeam
Lealan watches as the fight ended as soon as it began. "Whelp. That worked. And I found a... security room, or a control room..." She looks over the computer monitors, searching for their purpose. Hopefully they weren't too damaged by the scuffle from earlier. "Hey, I'll be messing with these. Please don't smash anything else, and keep any hostiles away!" She orders out to where Blake had come from, hopefully getting word out to the rest of the group. The tear in space will remain for a few more seconds before it seals itself.
StaidFoal StaidFoal Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Rex stood there chuckling to himself, Lucky was making some good points. It seemed like Grif himself didn’t want part of anything Sarge was in. “Pffff hahaha! Face it Sarge, if a guy like Grif doesn’t want to be in your war, then it sounds pretty pointless to me. Heck, I’m surprised Grif of all people is actually making sense along with Lucky.”

Sarge would try and disagree but Rex would grow a gigantic grin on his face, as this would only tempt him to try and trigger him more by saying likewise. “Hey dude. It’s three against one. Sounds like your war sucked.”

Sarge’s gun then blew up in his hands Lucky started to laugh at this sight, but for some reason, Rex couldn't help but laugh too. He wasn’t one for laughing at other’s pain and he tried to hold it in, but it was no use and he started bursting in a fit of laughter. Was Rex laughing out of spite? Or something about Sarge getting burned? Whatever the case, he and Lucky was having a blast.

Lucky would crack another joke saying that “a world war started over capture the flag.” But Grif says it’s not.
“Y’know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sarge was the one who would manage to start a war over the most trivial stuff.”


Sora’s camera tricked worked and proceeded to lay the smackdown on the guards. Sora rush one with a downwards slash, throw a Strike Raid at one then thunder struck the restnocking them out. Eventually Sora would hear and feel rumbling coming from the hallway. He goes to see what was causing that noise only to see a ginger haired woman transform a grenade into a hammer.

“She has one of those transformers too?” She quickly stops once she sees Blake and goes to hug her. “Heheh. Friend of yours Blake?” He said, rubbing his nose.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Lilith had to admit, there weren't many things that made her burst out laughing but for some reason that was one of them. She floats over to the two of them trying to hold back her laughter. "So you two must know each other right?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Hype girl and Blake)
B.J. Blazkowicz

"Ah, hell..." It was only after he reloaded his weapons he realized that the massive hammer was only seconds away from flying into him. He couldn't jump away in time, not without losing a leg or two. So, he backed up as much as he could, holding his chest out, utilizing the ram shackles. He lurched up at it as it neared. Then, impact. With a loud gonging noise, both the hammer and B.J. bounced away along the floor. After a few seconds of restrained groans and stretches, Blazko steadied his breathing, standing back up like nothing happened. He slapped the ram shackles, chuckling and relieved that it was still (barely) functioning. "Christ... You've still got it, old man."

He glanced at Blake as she was being engulfed by the liveliest fighter he'd ever seen. He figured to stay back for now, considering that they just tried to kill each other.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @StealthTeam

  • Kassandra kind of... well, stayed back during the rest of this scenario. After Lars had screwed up stealth- though apparently it was still salvageable- she let other people actually do the work this time around. Only when Blake ran off to stop a fight did the Spartan follow, though she waited in the entranceway without much to say this time. No point in interrupting the reunion. That said, she did turn to the armored man who had been fighting earlier, who'd apparently been hit by the girl's attacks.

    "You still in one piece?" was all she had enough energy to ask this time around. Since there wasn't much else to do, she also activated her Revelation ability, utilizing her echolocation to search for objects of importance in the near vicinity.
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Good thing she stopped the fighting between Nora and the others. Bad news? She was now tackled to the ground and running out of air. "N-Nora...! It's nice to s-see you too...! Can you let go o-of me now, p-please...?!" On Blake's face, one could've sworn that her face had turned from it's usual white to a shade of purple and then to blue from how hard she was being squeezed.

Once Nora would let go, she got up and looked at the others, who had finished taking care of the guards. Sora and Lilith asked if she knew her and nodded. "
Of course I know her, we're friends. Everyone, meet Nora Valkyrie, a member of another team my own team is close with and probably the most hyperactive girl you could meet. Nora, this is Sora, Lilith, Red Hood, Byakuya, Kassandra, Megumin, and I'm sure that the rest can all introduce themselves since there's a bit of people here and it would waste time listing everyone here off."

Looking at Nora, she noticed a lack of a certain someone. "
Nora, what are you doing here? Where's Ren? Shouldn't you be back in Atlas helping the others? And do you know what happened to Penny?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , P PopcornPie , @stealth gang


Seeing as how the only reply she got from someone there was a shrug, it didn't hurt to try to convince them, right? And from how Grif and Sarge each had spoken about something that they were fixated on, she could use that to her advantage.

Stepping back over to the two, she sighed. "
Grif, Sarge, I don't know how to really say this... You aren't really on the right side. Cobblepot is going to use you and the Atlas military to fufill his end game, no one will be free while he's still in power." First, she looked at Grif. "Grif, if he succeeds, no one will be able to eat whatever they want anymore. Join us and fight for you freedom to eat. Also, we have someone with a device that can summon anything, even food."

Then, she looked at Sarge. "
And Sarge, if he succeeds, he may never bring in anyone from the Red Army or allow anyone to wear red ever again. In fact, he may have everyone wear
blue. He doesn't care about the two of you, whatever promises he made you are false ones. He just wants to rule over everyone like a tyrannical king and once he's done with this world, he may move on to the next. And the next, until they all bow down to him. Cobblepot may even figure out a technology that turns everyone into penguins. Do you two really want him to succeed in taking over?"

As she finished, she hoped that it was enough to get them to align themselves with their group and not the military.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow

Seeing as he has knocked down a turret, Hiryu instinctively flew back, not knowing when the other guards will shoot. Curious, Hiryu follows the tampered robots to see if there's also a turret where they're going...

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