When Lealan and Snake get back to the road, following their own trail back, Lealan looks around the area to see what happe ed after fhey left. "Wow. That's disappointing. They lost her, and then went that way." Lealan points up the path where the groups trail goes.
Venom Snake Venom Snake
--Hiryu Kakogawa --
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

"Riiight...Well I'll just be over here preparing a small army in case things go wrong on your end." Hiryu simply nodded at Falcon before taking out the Another Zi-O II Watch, preparing for the worse. He transformed into the clockbased Rider, crossing his arms as he watched Falcon's plan.
Megumin would stay there, pleasantly curled up, occasionally flicking her head over her shoulder. Once, twice, thrice...only when Shrek was completely gone did Megumin get up, and keep walking. "Maybe there was something in that smoke after all..." She muttered, hoping that the hallucinations were only temporary.

If Ciri was given permission to look for her, she would hear Ciri's call way back. Cupping her hand to her mouth, she shouted back. "TELL THE OTHERS I'M OFF TO FIND TOGA BEFORE SHE WARNS THE PENGUIN ABOUT US!"

Either way, she wouldn't stop for Ciri. She couldn't stop for Ciri. Time was of the essence. The last thing everyone needed was the Penguin being able to track them down instantly.

Wondering if it would help, Megumin would struggle up the highest trees she could find, only to grow weak and fall to about halfway. Then she would survey the forest for the blonde potential-spy.
Chronology: Ultimate

LOCATION: Haven Academy, Distraction Team
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
MENTIONS: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @DistractionTeam

Alexis was a little startled by Sage’s sudden and almost violent awakening, but the kitsune was glad that he was okay. She laughed a little at his dazed confusion, "Yeah, we’re back to Gravity Falls and we showed Bill why messing with reality is not a very good thing to do. Don’t worry you help...sorta..."

Before she could elaborate more, a teenage boy with an unpleasant tone began telling everyone about how he had helped them by pretending to side with Bill. Working as a double agent would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for his admission that he wouldn’t hesitate to make the group suffer again. There were more than just a few things wrong with this teen, but she withheld any criticism seeing as she hardly knew him. Rather she put her mind to preparing herself mentally for the next world. A whole new universe meant a whole new set of operating principles.

It wasn’t long before their departure was announced, and once the farewells were said, Alexis imputed the coordinates into the watch as Jason read them out. When the last number was read out, Alexis was once again pulled through the fabric of the multiverse to the next universe to tackle. The experience was no less strange or unpleasant as the first time, but Alexis was surviving.

When the kitsune landed, she heard the thunder and felt the rain pouring down. Instinctively, she brought her tails up to shield herself from the rain. Each of the tails she used heated themselves up until they produced a light flame, sizzling as the droplets of water evaporated out of Alexis’s way. The fire cast field of warmth and light, as well as made sure Alexis stayed dry under the torrent. The town around them was much more run down than Gravity Falls, close to derelict, even. It was a very depressing and ominous atmosphere broken only by the loud sounds of merriment and drunken excitement coming from a nearby building. Alexis recognized the "drunken" part thanks to a drunkard that stumbled out of what Alexis could only assume was a tavern or a bar.

The banter that subsequently took place between Qrow the drunkard, and the others didn’t really interest Alexis, but when he led them inside the tavern it seemed as if there was much more to be discussed. The main talking point was Oswald Cobblepot. While the name wasn’t familiar to Alexis, it sure was to Jason, which meant that he was important. If Cobblepot’s taking over a nation and a military all by himself out of nowhere wasn’t important enough by itself, then the fact that Cobblepot was probably from another universe was very concerning. The description of the Kingdom of Atlas under Cobblepot sounded like a mess, and what made it worse was that the catgirl, Blake had a personal stake in all of this, with half of her friends trapped in Atlas and another half dead at the hands of Cobblepot. It was nice to see that others began to comfort the girl, however. Solidarity was what was needed the most during periods of grief and loss.

And so a plan had to be hatched to infiltrate Atlas and handle this Cobblepot character. After some discussion, it seemed as if the course of action was to split into two groups, one to cause a distraction and the other to sneak into Haven to investigate whatever was guarded there. It sounded simple enough, but if Bill had set a standard for the insanity they would face, then simple would be far from reality. Of course, Sage volunteered for the distraction team after letting Alexis know that the two of them could go all out without worry. The kitsune’s definition of cutting loose probably wouldn’t fit Sage’s expectations in bad way, but she nodded in affirmation anyways and giggled at his enthusiasm, "Let’s not get too excited about blowing things up as fun as it may be. I’ll be joining the Distraction Team too."

It wasn’t long before the two groups set out, with Jason leading the Distraction Team and Qrow leading the Stealth Team. They began the trek through the rain towards Beacon, but it wasn’t long before there was more "excitement" to be had.

A smoke grease was tossed out from the bushes shrouding the air with particles set many others coughing. Alexis wasn’t particularly bothered; with smoke being a byproduct of flames she was very familiar with, inhalation and irritation was not an issue, though the obstructed vision sure was. The kitsune, along with everyone else in the group, were open to sneak attacks. In an effort to clear the smoke, Alexis whipped her tails back and forth like a giant, fluffy fan. It wasn’t long before the visual impairment was gone, so the supposed creator of said impairment was now visible. It was a masked schoolgirl with an unnerving obsession with blood named Toga. Toga’s aforementioned obsession was something that never boded well when one could clearly see the "crazy eyes" that she was giving.

Alexis was ready to end the fight quickly with more fire than Toga could possibly dodge, but several members of the group decided to turn this into a close quarters encounter. The kitsune wasn’t eager to char her teammates to take out the enemy, even if they were brash and lacking in the ability to use simple tactics. Besides, she didn’t have much attention to divert to Toga as Sage slinked towards her clearly worse for the wear. The way his powers worked weren’t helped by the weather it seemed, and he was scared. He needed fire. Alexis was glad to oblige, "Of course! Use as much as you need."

As she moved one tail over to shield Sage from the rain, she brought up another tail next to the boy and set it ablaze. These fires were undeterred by the rain unlike Sage’s, they were fueled by Alexis’s Aether and they would keep on burning as long as she had any to spare, that is, a lot. However, just as soon as Alexis produced the fire for the Phoenix boy, the fight had already ended, with Toga being incapacited by the group before disappearing. It probably won’t be the last time they’ll encounter this girl, however, she looks only to be a nuisance at most...though the blood thing still concerned Alexis a little bit.

It wasn’t a matter that particularly weighed heavily on Alexis, she quickly pushed it to the back of her mind as taking care of Sage became priority. The poor boy needed some fire and warmth, so she wrapped another tail around the child and gave him a little extra heating to bear the weather. "Are you doing better now, Sage? Do you want me to keep the fire on a little longer or are you good?"

Eventually, they would resume and complete their journey to Haven, and what they were greeted by was a large complex with a distinctly Oriental design covered in guards. Alexis and the Distraction Team’s job was to make sure every one of those guards was occupied long enough to allow the Stealth Team to safely infiltrate the complex. She began to trek over to the designated place where they would cause a "little" scene. This being a job Alexis could do with the greatest of easy, she sounded a bit more excited that usual with an extra pep in her step, "Come on, Sage. We have some fire to set off and some chaos to cause. We won’t have to worry about hurting robots, so don’t worry. Just go at it and get comfortable with your powers!"

lucky didn’t seem to understand what Rex was getting at. He wasn’t about to sell him a bad deal, so he decides to make it clear. “No, I mean, AFTER your sober this time. If you don’t get drunk after this! Then I’ll buy you nuggets.”

P PopcornPie
"OooooooOOOOOOOOOOooooohh..." Lucky's eyes lit up. "Alright. I d-d-don't know when I'm gonna be sob-b-ber again, though." He chuckled. "I really went to town, didn't I? Like Y-y-Yankee Doodle. Only I don't have a pony. I m-m-met a pony once, though. And she made zombies appear and shit. Wanna hear about it?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

  • Well, it looks like Arthur probably should've been a much faster draw earlier. Even if popping Toga's kneecaps was a bit extreme, the group had a task to be carried out, and he sure as shit didn't want this crazy lady to try and interfere with their job again. Hopefully she got the message and wouldn't come back.

    "Tell me about it," The American grumbled under his breath as some people antagonized Toga's departure, shaking his head before instinctively reloading his LeMats for another engagement. Specifically, the "distraction" that was probably about to go down.

    When the party reached Haven, Morgan had noticed two things: One, the place was armed to the teeth. Two, that stupid little girl Megumin had went off, apparently trying to be a hero again. Sure, the wizard could certainly hold her own better than Rin, but he missed the Vocaloid simply because she knew to stick by the rest of the group. Megumin? She was splitting off all the time, doing whoever-knows what. He couldn't be babysitting children all the time, even if he did somewhat enjoy the presence of kids (though he wouldn't publicly admit this).

    After Ciri and Blake asked Qrow about going off to find Megumin, Arthur shook his head before turning to the woods where Megumin was supposedly in.

    "No, I'll go. You all keep working on that distraction plan of y'ers, and I'll catch up." The gunslinger commented, and before anyone could stop him he headed off into the woods.

    "MEGUMIN?" He shouted, calling out at the same time as the Witcheress if she was allowed to go. Either way, the call(s) would reach the wizard, who responded she wanted to find Toga. Of course, being taller than the girl and in good shape, Morgan would find the girl climbing up a tree. He looked up, quietly sighing before calling out to her again.

    "Look, kid, leave Toga alone. If she knew about us beforehand and works for Cobblepot, then they already know. Besides, it ain't safe out here; come back to the rest of us!" He tried to persuade the child to come back; whether this would be successful or not was yet to be seen.
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Orbeck of vinheim
status: Attack of the blood starved girl, and Keeping track of a foolish arch wizard
Condition: normal.
Literally out of thin air, having not been seen by any of you before, a young girl suddenly ran up to Blake's side, slashing towards her cheek with a knife! The girl's voice was muffled, which was evidently so due to the mask that was covering her face. She turned back around to look at all of you, clearly smiling behind the mask she wore as she held up the knife. She held the bloodied knife up to her eyes and seemed... almost disappointed. "Not enough blood..." She muttered under that mask of her's, before looking back up at the rest of you.


"That's okay, though!" She cheered as she lowered her mask so the rest of you could see her face. She smiled widely at all of you, before licking the blood off of her knife. Once she'd done that, the blonde haired girl lowered her stance a bit while gripping her recently cleaned blade in her right hand. "There's more than enough blood here for you to share~!"

A fight ensued, one against a scared looking girl of a young age. One who clearly gets aroused by anything relating to bloodshed. Going as far as to suck the blood off the poor arch wizard. To be frank, even for someone that may be working for Cobblepot, the amount of harm being done could have done more than its fair share of injuries. including the man with some sort of of...super gun? Honestly, he sort of lost his focus during the battle. Realy why does it feel like he is losing his touch on those sorts of things?


After the long trek through the forest, you all finally reached the ending of the trees. And, as you emerged, you came across a stark contrast to the slums you'd been in a few hours prior. Tall buildings lined the bright skyline that was behind it, especially since it had stopped storming a bit after your encounter with that Toga girl. Like you'd expect an academy, there were several large buildings that populated the area you had found yourselves in. However, all of that was more than likely ruined by the amount of guards that were patrolling the place. It looked like there wasn't a single window that wasn't covered by a guard, sentry, or turret.

They arrive, to what could be described as an eastern looking fortress. Everything looks to be as expected, robotic guards all over the place, armed with firearms of course. It might have helped to have a gun in this case, just for the chance that his spells are unsuited for a direct conflict. But, there is something, or someone missing. That foolish arch wizard. Fortunately, he was not the only one that noticed as Arthur went out to look for him. Seeing what she has done thus far, the attempt to hunt down the blood starved girl will only go badly. So he allowed after the cowboy as they find Megumin. Up on a tree, why? could be anything.

"Look, kid, leave Toga alone. If she knew about us beforehand and works for Cobblepot, then they already know. Besides, it ain't safe out here; come back to the rest of us!" He tried to persuade the child to come back; whether this would be successful or not was yet to be seen.

"As he said, there is no point in this. You are not even prepared to take any sort of deviation from what we discussed. What are you even going to try once you find her? The risks outweigh any potencal benefit...Do not be tempted act with this sort of reckless abandon, not when you already done so before." If it wasn't for the fact that the battle with Bill was in a subconscious realm...the arch wizard's fate would have been all the more crestfallen fate.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie

Mood: Reassured, Excited, Helpful
Tags: (GM)
(Alexis), (Ben 10)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage had been, more or less comfortable with the distance he had taken from the conflict, until crazy ninja girl over there had included him in the story much to his dismay. The mix of sheer terror and straight disgust and shivers down the spine that he felt would have caused the pyromancer to dash and hide after Alexis like a frightened child seeking protection from a parent, if he hadn't been so focused with the fire... Not that it impeded a little startled 'Eek!' to make it out anyways.

"But I don't wanna be tattered in the smell of blood!", he had mentally retorted, in too much of a dangerous position to actually dare to share the banter, "I don't even wanna be covered in the smell of ashes and that would be a normal thing for me!!!"

Turned out that the Kitsune really wasn't bound to the same limitations as him while being continuously soaked! The young man had been completely mesmerized when the answer he had gotten came in the form of a little flame on top of one of her tails, proudly burning and dancing despite the rainy weather. Unfortunately though, they had moved a bit too slow, the others finding a way to subdue the blonde attacker only for her to disappear again with a return promise... He wasn't too fond of that, nu-uh, noooo freaking way!
There weren't many people, if at all, that the pyromancer could be tempted to burn on sight despite his pacifist self knowing this was wrong and went against everything he believed in but, Mighty Beasts in the Sky always watching over them, that Missy unnerved him to such an extreme level, that he was actually considering the possibility!!

Oh well, at least he knew that even if he ended up nearly defenseless again, he could count on Alexis to maintain a fire.
That was honestly great and really reassuring to know.

As an extra, the woman had decided to help Sage bear the weather, wrapping a heated-up tail around him that he couldn't help but give a little hug to for mental comfort. Though he struggled with the difference between her doing that and him warming up to dry as soon as the downpour was over, Sage was still immensely thankful for not being drenched and cold the rest of the way. His hair remaining a mess regardless was but a little small detail in the big scheme of things...

"Oh wow! That is, much much better, thank you~!"

He had been about to ask her whether she minded keeping it up the rest of the journey, but then it had become a moot point as the rain finally stopped. Oh, now you stop falling?! The Descendant couldn't help but glance upwards in irritation, feeling that he had been absolutely forsaken by the Deity of Water and Innocence this time. Though really, the Concept of Weather would be the biggest culprit in here but, given that it was well, a Concept, it sorta had a mind of its own.
He still felt quite unlucky anyways, sighing in defeat, which sadly wasn't that unusual.

Spirits were raised as soon as the so-called 'Haven' had entered their sight, the resemblance with his Temple-home in architecture and aesthetics was uncanny, so much that Sage couldn't keep himself from bouncing to the front of the group and excitedly blurting out things, mostly random trivia such aaaaas:

"Oh hey! This feels just like home! Just make it a lot smaller, fill it with red and gold patterns and it's basically our Clan's Temple!", as mixed as it was, the nostalgia was real. Ohh he wondered if they had plantations in the back too! And maybe a lake somewhere since it was huuuge, "It's just missing a torii in the front, the flower hedges aaaaand obviously there weren't that many soldiers lying around~", he had completed with an amused, awkward chuckle. Can you blame him though? This was such a sight for sore eyes after everything else!

Having arrived at their location, the Distraction and Stealth teams were to split, with Qrow asking if they had any more questions. Sage had none of those and his anticipation was back in the game, aided by Alexis' own excitement almost to the point of tunnel-sighting. It was going to be so cool! Not that Sage endorsed the destruction of misc property, but he never got a chance to do anything with his powers so this waaaaaas both amazing and nerve-wracking. Yep, he was feeling quite nervous just about now. Like butterflies in the stomach.

The pyromancer had set off to follow his fellow Fire Magic-user in a heartbeat when just in the nick of time he had managed to catch some of the ongoing discussion in the background, much to everyone else's relief. Excitement or no excitement, common-sense and the aim to please, -and not make a disaster out of things-, spoke rather louder:

"Okay, let's do thiii- Oh waaait!", Sage had literally executed a sudden 180-degree turn without warning, "Actually I like what, uhhhh", he was pointing at the little red-tailed creature and his mind drew a blank, "I don't really know your name I think, sorry. Or uhh, a-any of them??", and an awkward silence remained for a minute...

"Aaaaaaanyways! Here's what I'm thinking: a fire corridor!", he had announced with a little excited hop, "We could separate a portion from the rest with a 3-wall enclosure and to both make it easier on me and force them to our direction, keep shortening it closer and closer!", the young man seemed quite proud of himself. He wasn't any good to strategize big, but when it came to creative construct ideas, he did have his moments to shine, "Sure, depending on how smart they are, they could just attempt to shatter it instead, so a plan B would be good, but-but! If not, it's both a closed-off space to engage and a way to pick one of their groups apart."

"W-would something like that be a good idea? Or maybe that'd draw too much attention...?"
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"Jury Rigg. But if you're asking for my name and not my current alien's name, Ben, Ben Tennyson," Jury Rigg says to Sage. "A corridor made of fire? Fire's a bit too bright and noticeable. One on hand, that is definitely something they'd notice. On the other hand... might be too obvious. Though if you really want to go for that idea, I'd say make sure the guards aren't too plentiful first, say ten or less, and you have to hide it with something that seems normal and average, yet be something worth investigating. If we're talking corridors... then the first thing that comes to mind would be four walls and a door... but something like trees to- oh yeah, the forest. We could lead them there!"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Thoughtful, Helpful, Hesitant
Tags: (Alexis),
(Ben 10)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

"Oh it was, mostly the second one, yeap!", the pyromancer had replied, awkwardly scratching at the back of his head, "Sorry, I'm, uhh... Terrible with catching others' names unless they are being told directly at my face...", he had laughed at his own jab. What? It was absolutely the truth, "I'm Sage!", the young man had raised an arm and stopped for a second looking at his hand, before deciding to extend it towards Ben, remembering that Rex had given him a handshake, "Sage Kaelber. But you may shorten it to 'Sey' if you'd like, some people do that..."

As his idea got considered and evaluated, he could only find himself agreeing with all of the other's points, even nodding his head as the sentences came by. Maaaan, he made it sound so easy! The guy had probably done this like a hundred times before if he was able to think so clearly and so fast about this! Shouldn't be too much of a surprise considering the shapeshifting watch thing...

"R-right. Weeeell, now there's a bit of a concern over a forest fire... But that does sound like a much more sensible option.", was he upset that he hadn't as much as he had hoped for? Eh, a little bit, but it's fine it would pass, "Then I guess shooting from a distance before anyone can notice what's happening might be a better idea... Annnnd since the flame spikes break rather easily, maybe having them as ammunition that doesn't leave traces later would make it interesting?"

Now he was shooting in the dark a bit, scrambling to find a way to assist, while also throwing ideas in the air for Ben, who was obviously much more experienced than him, to think it over. At the same time, there had been a little glance towards Alexis, as the young man wondered if she'd have anything of similar nature or if it all tended to catch targets on fire by default. Sage was aware that her magic was a lot more destructive and powerful than his was, -or maybe it was just the inherent lack of Talent for it-, but he couldn't grasp if to the extent that trying to make it more harmless was literally impossible.
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  • After being startled to tbe point where she nearly fell out of her tree, Megumin glared down at Arthur and Orbeck. (And Ciri, if she was there) "We don't know how far away this forest is from The Penguin. There might still be time." Once again, she'd try to climb higher, only to quickly peter out and slide back down. "We've got to do whatever it takes to keep our plan working smoothly, including taking out anyone who can expose us! If nothing else, I can at least do the same, and warn the rest of you." She decided to sprawl on her branch, breathing deeply. "I just...need to replenish my blood. Then, if I meet Toga, I can continue to use what I learned from Samus to take her down. I took down Bill, I can take down some bloodsucking girl."

"Whatever you say, blue legs." Micah spat towards Captain Falcon as he trudged past him and up and over the hills. As the Distraction Team was led out, you would find that there were soldiers stretching out for miles and miles. They were all organized in groups, with almost all of them standing there, as if waiting for their next order. Micah led the group, with Leo following closely behind him alongside the rest of you. Once you all got to a certain point, Micah stopped and held up a hand as he hid behind some nearby bushes. The hand was clearly a signal to stop, because ahead of you was a very familiar duo to some of you... in red and orange armor...


"You know, Sarge, I never thought I'd say this... but I prefer talking to you over most of the people here." The all too familiar Grif said as he sat in the passenger's seat of the large, expensive looking vehicle.

"And as much as I would normally want to be blowing your jaw off with my shotgun, Private Grif, I reluctantly will also admit that you are miles better at conversation that these... people." Sarge grunted as he glanced up at the array of soldiers in front of them both, who all continued to silently stare ahead, while waiting for their next objective. Sarge cleared his throat and rose a hand into the air, trying to wave and get their attention. "Hey! Any of you got any old war stories you wanna tell! Or... ya know... anything??" He called out, though his question garnered no response. Sarge sighed loudly and slumped back down into his seat.

"Looks like we got ourselves some pickin's...." Micah muttered as he slowly turned to face all of you. "What do ya say we go 'n rough 'em up a bit?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Riven Riven @DistractionTeam

"Blake, you stay here with me. Ciri, you and Arthur can go off and find the little girl." Qrow replied to those who asked to go and hunt for Megumin. He then turned and looked over at Agent Penguin. "We'll be going in through the back as one group. Trust me, I know Haven and I know Cobblepot. The more groups we have to manage, the more likely it is that we'll lose somebody." Qrow then proceeded to begin sneaking off towards the back of Haven's walls once the Distraction Team had gone off to do their thing. He motioned for you all to follow him, and without much of a choice, you did so quietly.

After a bit of sneaking, you finally made it to the back of Haven Academy. Several guards were patrolling the doors to the school. "Alright," Qrow whispered as he turned to look over at the rest of you over his shoulder. "These doors here will lead us into the back of the school, and we'll have to get to the main hall from there, before finally gettin' access to the former Headmaster's office." He then glanced up to the guards guarding the door. "But first... we need to get past those two."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @StealthTeam

Throughout all of Megumin's antics, she unfortunately would find no sign of Toga at all. And, also during all of this, Midna slowly began to stir awake from inside of her hat (or wherever she was at the moment).

"W-what... what's going on...?" The imp asked as she glanced around, her blurry vision making it hard to tell where she even was.

P PopcornPie FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
The Operator and his warframe moved side by side along the rest of the group labeled as the Distraction Team, now face to face with a mass of soldiers stretching for miles. "Starting to remind me of the Grineer..", the Tenno spoke to Umbra, giving him a nod in return as they both kept their gazes on the numbers. As Micah held up a hand for them to freeze, the pair began to see an all too familiar duo, with which the warframe tilts his head.

"Is that.. Grif and Sarge..? From Blood Gulch..?", the Operator asked to the group openly in a whisper, surely someone here must've remembered these guys other than the Operator and Umbra themselves. With the mention of pickings and roughing them up, the Operator simply smirked with a shrug. "These guys are alright, but, sure we can give a message if we rough them up a bit.. We'll wait for your signal Micah", the Tenno replies in the same whispered tone as he nods his head, before turning over to nod at Umbra.

The Warframe returns the head motion as the Operator disappears, and Umbra slowly pulls for the hilt of his Skiajati. With a hand on the hilt of the blade, and another hand with a lone raised finger brought to where its imaginary lips are in the motion to keep quiet. The Warframe began to walk off from the group, the black grey and gold figure turning translucent as he disappeared and made his way around to flank the Blood Gulch Duo.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Megumin slithered all throughout the forest, absolutely determined. Wherever Toga went, the archmage would find her. No questions asked. Nobody was dying to the Penguin's military today.

    Then she heard a weak voice, and stiffened. Whoops...She had completely forgotten to keep Midna comfortable. "The Twilight Explosion worked, Midna! Bill is dead, and Gravity Falls is back to normal! We're now in Blake's homeworld. While everyone else is trying to get into Haven Academy, I'm trying to find someone who may or may not be a spy. Nothing to worry about, I have this under control. You may keep resting."

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Lilith looks up from the bushes to see the two guards protecting the school. After thinking for a bit the ghost girl thought of an idea. "I think our best bet is either distract those guards or try and knock them out." She quietly says to Qrow, Lilith then looks over to the rest of the team. "Any suggestions?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Qrow)

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