Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari watched as Freddy's head gave up and burrowed out of sight. "I guess Freddy wasn't ready." This angered Bill, who proceeded to outright insta-kill everyone in sight with a slam of a huge fist.

Or, perhaps, he would have, had Midna not shielded everyone.
In any case, Bill had become quite enraged, and transfigured himself into a seemingly invincible, monstrous form. With no other option but to run, Akari did. Shujinko had grabbed his hand and started running... well... at a particularly supersonic speed. Akari's legs were frankly struggling to keep up at Shujinko's incredible running pace, but at this point it didn't matter when a red, homicidal pyramid was going to crush everyone. Then, she decided to start shouting "Sexual Harrassment" repeatedly. Akari... did not ask. "A Persona... now... super... speed...?" Akari positively wheezed as he asked Shujinko, growing exhausted from the sudden mass exercise his legs were getting. Just how many surprises did she hide? /Oh... every known celestial deity... please don't let my legs be on fire when I wake up.../ He thought to himself.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Topless Topless
(Open for Interactions)
Some minutes earlier...
Having no objections to the idea of splitting up to find Stan, Sonic joined the group going upstairs, and had stuck alongside them, staying in the back to see if there were any attempts of sneak attacks. While Ben was showing the video of this Freddy guy killing a young girl, Sonic was hanging out near the doorway of one of the other upstairs rooms, unable to shake the feeling that someone was going to come from behind to assault the group. His suspicions were confirmed, as he was suddenly grabbed from behind and taken into the room he was standing in front of, with the door suddenly closing at the same time a scream was heard from the video's footage. With both of his feet still free, Sonic kicked his kidnapper in the crotch area, causing the mysterious assailant to let go of him. Sonic then ran to the other side of the room he was now stuck in, now seeing who his attacker was.

"AUGH, BITCH! YOU HIT ME IN THE NUTS, BITCH!" It was none other than Scary Terry, a legally-safe knockoff of the man he would have encountered if he were still with the rest of the upstairs group. As Terry recoiled in pain in reaction to the kick, Sonic asked, "Jeez, what's your deal, Shrively Swordfingers?! Gonna try to turn me into a shish ke-hog or something?! Not on my watch!" "THE NAME'S SCARY TERRY, BITCH! AND YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT CHEAP SHOT, BITCH!" Terry then leapt in Sonic's direction, attempting to slash at him with his finger-swords, only to land face first on the floor as Sonic quickly dashed behind him once again. While Terry got up, Sonic, slightly disappointed with how easy this fight was going to be, responded, "Okay, first off, you really need to calm down with the profanity, it doesn't make you sound any more threatening. Secondly, Scary Terry?! PFFFFFFT, what kind of name IS THAT?! You just look gross!" Hearing this, Terry fell to his knees, appearing very upset. "...Bill was right... I'm not scary, bitch. I'm just a complete joke compared to the real deal, bitch! This is exactly why I was put on the sidelines as a back-up plan, bitch!" Surprised by how the dream demon knockoff took this, Sonic then slowly approached him, wondering, "A-are you okay...? I-I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything..." For the next few minutes, Sonic talked with Terry about the whole situation with Bill replacing him with Freddy Krueger despite their seemingly great friendship, his purpose in life, and a couple of other things. With newfound confidence from their pep-talk, Terry thanked Sonic as the blue hedgehog went out of the room, conveniently joining the rest of the upstairs group, who had just reappeared from their fight against the giant Freddy.

Doing what he does best, Sonic caught up with the other speedsters in the group. Seeing Hiryu grab Blake by the chest and throw her, he grinned smugly and winked at him. "Smooth moves, bug guy. Probably should save that for when we're not being chased by an angry pyramid."

The trunk of Car-Ben suddenly opened up, with a familiar face sitting inside of it, angrily facing Bill.

With both handguns drawn, Deadpool shouted towards the evil Zeo Ultrazord, "EAT LEAD, TORTILLA CHIP WITH TOO MUCH DIP! I'M THE ONLY PERSON HERE WHO CAN GIVE THESE PEOPLE INSULTING AND COMICAL NICKNAMES!" He then started blasting away at Bill Eye the Pyramid Guy.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Topless Topless quadraxis201 quadraxis201 and everyone else about to cancel Hiryu on social media for sexual harassment.
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would stand still as his gun was sliced in half....oh boy, now there was a challenge....and Benedict loved a challenge.
He would scream before hurling Josh at Bill
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow

"THANK YOU! Now let's NEVER talk about this shit ever again!" Hiryu thanked the sentient car for dispersing the situation before the blue fast hedgehog Whisper saved told him that he should've saved it for later. He simply scoffed and continued running.
Even when traveling at 200 Mph, he could still see the others probably speaking to each other while still being chased by Bill.... or maybe it was because he was also using binoculars while having the Wheelchair on autopilot..... which was just a small stick keeping the wheel from slowly turning. He decided to turn of MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE off for now, as he pressed a button, the thrusters turning off as the Wheelchair began to greatly slow down due to the thrusters no longer pushing it forward. He then put on his seatbelt (that was somehow not used earlier when activating the thrusters) and suddenly stopped the wheelchair with both brakes, the tracks stopping. Then..... Benrey would wait a bit for the others to arrive. He then started the engine, the tracks slowly moving before picking up speed, and soon enough, the others had managed to arrive, and he was going at the same speed as the others. He then said “Hey.... what’s with all this talk, aren’t we supposed to be running from the now blindly pissed Chinese knockoff of the Illuminati. I mean, what’s so important that you guys are literally looking away from the ground and risk tripping just to talk about something.” he said, keeping his eyes on the path ahead as he spoke to them.

Status: Temporary Magically-induced Coma
Tags: (Bill)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

By the time Sage had stopped both containing and maintaining the furious flame spiral, only the head of the psycho remained on the ground. He had to admit it though, trying to hold that up while the shiver-inducing horrific screams of the beast echoed in the air had been a task and a half. He had never thought he'd be actually trying to burn people, like, to actually damage them and it was an unsettling thrownback to his first Take-Over. Hundreds of fellow college students crying and begging for their lives in cacophony, inside the crumbling auditory...
Urrgh, the young man had to shake the memory away for a moment, even the wings shook to their very tips. There had been so many unpleasant flashbacks already, and somehow he felt this was just the start. Yikes, he really had no idea of what he was doing when he set up for this, but as much as he regretted it, the righteous part of him liked making a difference too! This was all to free this world from power-crazy individuals like those two, it was all for the greater good. Some things couldn't be avoided...

As much as that had been unpleasant and perhaps a tad too brutal though, the pyromancer didn't feel like Freddy deserved proper condolences or anything. If anything, he found himself wishing that the Deities took attention of him to finally destroy his twisted, vengeance-tinted Light once and for all! It probably reflected in a bloody red-hue too. A saturated opaque blood red...
Fitting and truly, truly disgusting.


Welp, triangle man was pissed. Sage had remained in the sky for the beginning of the banter, but as soon as he realized what Bill Cypher was about to do with all the size-shifting the pyromancer thought it was better to land, now able to prepare for whatever was about to come with full attention. ...Or not, because that was a really huge fist! Amidst panic but also selflessness, he had tried putting up a fire barrier in front of the group, as lengthy and high as possible. Which, was still obviously not enough and took a lot to keep raised, breath even growing shallow at the sheer effort, Sage knowing too well that he was testing his limits with the attempt and that as soon as the hit came he'd be going over the safe output. If it didn't just immediately shatter completely...

But still, he had tried, suddenly saved from over-exertion by Midna, the Mood Goddess look-alike, with her anti-matter powers. Dropping the focus on the construct, the flames had dissipated in the air as he now felt slight light-headed. This had probably been the largest construct that he had ever created and uhhh, note to self, never try something like this again. Angry triangle then turned into a huge furious pyramid, an abomination of a pyramid with rotating pieces, four legs and even a huge mouth filled with teeth.
Uh-oh, this wasn't going to bode well to them, was it?

Forget protecting, forget fighting back. It was time to BOOK IT!

So book it they did. Sage had looked around first, searching for Leo who wouldn't have the means to get away from the creature as fast. Luckily for them, the other teen was sat over some type of flying platform that would certainly be less of a turbulent flight than the pyromancer while he manoeuvred on the sky. Despite still being rather dizzy, he had gone for it, wings out and a strong flap to send him in the air as it should always have been, looping it the very top to turn around giving his back to the rampaging creature. With a routine of continuous flaps, turning out of the way and extending the wings again to allow for a straight glide, the pyromancer flew away for the pyramid Bill rather fast, the wind didn't seem to be against him and rather peaceful despite the chaos behind them, so cutting through the layers of the atmosphere wasn't being too difficult. He just had to keep it up, keep it stabilized...

Bill took a shot to the eye and decided to frantically wave his new enormous arm around... The pyromancer was in the line of impact.

"Oh, SHOOT!!!"

Panicked, Sage had steered his body out of the way in a risky sudden turn but the current caused with the swing had completely disrupted the flight pattern. He spiralled out of control with a loud 'wooooooa!!!!' plummetting about half-way, wings flapping wildly trying to ease into the new trajectory which eventually worked, managing to lower the turbulency enough for him to pull back up from the dive and thwarting what would have been a bad crash. Flight restabilized, he had let out a relieved sigh, about to pick up the height back, but this is when things started getting dicey.

Bill wasn't the only one targetting the pyromancer, Lucky's Barrijade was as well.

Just think about it, this magical rock had decided to infect everybody and longed for broken hearts, right? Now look at Sage, though all of his hurt was most certainly directed at himself, at his own unchangeable situation rather than something more concrete, there was enough in there for a lifetime. The rock could feel it, and it was like a buffet of hidden away turbulent emotions for this thing. It had homed in on the runaway Descendant like a missile. And now that its target had stopped progressing it could finally catch up to him.

The magical gemstone embedded itself on the pyromancer's back without ceremony, impaling him, breaking through the wing construct and making a hole through the jacket. However, what this cursed rock did not expect was having to battle over control with something else that was aware of it all, something else that did not like to share. Something else that functioned as a defense mechanism and was now PISSED.

With a sudden surge of magic, Sage's aura burned in an unnatural mix of both the orange and blue hues, the Take-Over was being FORCED and the blackout was immediate. In a half-asleep state the pyromancer fell from the air, the wing constructs uselessly wrapped upwards bent that way by the wind created by the fall, then they slowly started dissipating too, leaving only a falling Sage burning up as if re-entering the atmosphere of the planet itself, plummeting from the heavens like a shooting star.

A certain dream demon might want to rethink about that which he wished for very soon... Also someone should probably get him, preferably someone fire-proof.
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"Hey hey hey!"

The Agent would tap some buttons on his phone, summoning the same pink creature from before, riding on his back as it used its lasso to grab Josh.

"Does he do that all the time?"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

"It's a good thing I came with accessories! Batteries not included and batteries not needed!"

Decimus contributed to Deadpool's firepower as a pair of missiles fired from underneath the car homed in on Bill's eyes.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Topless Topless quadraxis201 quadraxis201 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
"H-huh...? Wha...?" Was all Midna could manage as she was taken by Megumin, the young girl having offered to put her in her hat. Midna was basically outtie by this point, but she managed to get the gist of what Midna had asked. Lazily, she slapped her palm down on the end of Megumin's staff, and when she did so, the familiar dark mist of Twilight began to transfer over to Megumin. The young archwizard would almost immediately feel the power surge through her body. A strong, burning sensation could be felt as Megumin's skin began to darken slightly. Her veins glowed in a shade of dark purple, and her eyes would turn completely black with red irises. The power she'd felt from the little bit of Twilight alone would be almost enough to overwhelm her completely, but luckily Midna knew her limits. Weakly, Midna managed to give Megumin a small smile and slowly give her a thumbs up.

"G-Give... him... hell..." Was the last thing she could say, before collapsing into the depths of Megumin's hat, completely unconscious.

"Probably until we all die." Jason said to Lilith as the car that was known as Ben 10 sped them all away from Bill, who had since regained his sight and was sharp on everyone's tail once more.



And then, a conversation about tits started, and these were the only faces Stan and Ford could muster.

And then, Deadpool started to fire at Bill for some reason. The bullets, of course, didn't do anything to the monster. Instead, he just let out a roar and began charging even fast towards you all. Bill did, however, eat Josh as the poor penguin was thrown at him.

"MMMM.... SCRUMPTIOUS!" Was all the demonic form of Bill shouted, before licking his lips (?) with his grotesque yellow tongue.

Meanwhile, Leo watched all of this happen at once, as well as Sage's forced transformation as he began to plummet towards the sky and then back down to do the same back towards the ground. All he could do was sigh and slump forward during all of this.


"We're gonna die here, aren't we?"

P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss darkred darkred Topless Topless TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

  • Within moments of everyone's combined efforts, both Freddy and his stupid little clones were eviscerated, the former finally declaring his surrender before dissipating into the gloomy ground. The American and the Spartan both had their ways of celebrating, the former seemingly doing a trick with his crossbow before slinging it whilst the latter gave Freddy a mocking laugh.

    "And don't come back, unless you want another ass-kicking!" Kassandra gloated, whilst Morgan kept a much more serious nature. Arthur knew Bill Cipher wasn't about to concede a win, and the guy was almost certainly not going to let the group go without an attack. Instead, he defiantly yet silently stared at the yellow chip, waiting for something to happen. Of course, his suspicions were right when the yellow triangle grew to a gigantic size, raising his fist to smash the group. He braced for the impact, knowing there wasn't anything else he could do at this point, though he knew it was probably going to squash everyone and kill them instantaneously.

    That didn't happen, though. The gunslinger could immediately tell something that was made out of Twilight, and his eyes shifted over to Midna before chuckling quietly at her remark despite the group's dire situation. This humor didn't last long, since the princess became incapacitated the second Bill grew huge and looked ready to murder everyone with just his lone eyeball. Everyone else began to flee, though Morgan couldn't help but just stand there out of sheer shock.

    "Ho-ly shit..." He muttered just before his instincts kicked in, and turned to run. At this point everyone else had seemingly bailed out, leaving him to fend for himself. At least, if it weren't for a certain new MPF recruit, who could only be seen as a red blur as she promptly snatched Arthur. This warranted a shocked shout as he immediately found himself in Kassandra's arms as though he were a bride being carried.

    "No need to thank me. At least, not yet." In reality, the Spartan wasn't planning on carrying anyone the entire time; she spotted the Ben-Mobile racing off, and sprinted over to the car before off-handedly throwing Arthur on the car's roof. He rolled once before sticking the landing, shaking his head to ward off the disorientation that came from being zipped around at a high rate of speed. At the same time, Blake was thrown on before complaining about feeling "it". The American glanced over at his comrade with a Do I even want to know what happened? look before his attention was focused upon the rampaging Bill.

    "Are you kiddin' me? Is there any way we can get rid of this guy?" Arthur groaned as he watched Bill eat a lot of things- including a penguin- as he seemed to keep getting closer and closer. Running out of ideas, the American decided now was the best time to pull out a stick of volatile dynamite, lighting it before hurling it directly upwards. The plan was for Bill to "run" into the dynamite sticks, which would hopefully be high enough to strike the nut job's eye. He did so three more times, hoping it wasn't just a flat-out waste, though he cursed his bad luck the whole time.

    Kassandra, however, wasn't focused on killing the giant; she was more focused on keeping her hide safe. That all changed when she spotted a flying kid get struck by something before quickly plummeting towards the ground a good distance ahead of her. Nobody else looked remotely in a position to catch Sage, so it was definitely up to her to catch the boy. She wasn't entirely certain just how fast she could sprint, but now was definitely the time to find out.

    Seconds before Sage would have turned into a pancake upon the ground, the Spartan pushed forwards with an extra burst of sheer speed, surprising even herself for a split-second. Just how insane is this suit? She didn't dwell on this question for long, though, as she refocused herself on Sage. Within a blink of an eye, she snatched Sage from the air before putting on a second burst to further the distance between herself and Bill. However, even through the suit she could feel the heat the boy was emitting... and a sharp object in his back.

    Letting her feet continue making a gap between the duo and the threat, the ancient warrior gently flipped Sage over (as best as one could do when going faster than a car) to see one of Lucky's stupid jade pieces having lodged itself in its victim's back.

    "Why can't that fucking rabbit go five minutes without endangering someone?!?!" The mercenary angrily remarked to herself, shaking her head before using one of her arms to cradle-balance Sage so he wouldn't fall. With the other gloved hand, she began pulling hard on the jade piece, attempting to tear the damn thing out. If she were successful, she'd definitely try to crush it in her palm in an attempt to nullify the damn thing.

    Ikaros, meanwhile, had decided to remain high and dry during this entire fiasco. The Golden Eagle stayed as high up as he can, way out of Bill's reach, whilst still following the fleeing group to the best of his abilities. Because the Eagle Bearer had no time to possess her bird, he was completely on his own, and definitely didn't want to draw attention to himself from the giant whilst he was still undetected. No harassing Kass' foe this time, especially not when he wanted to avoid the same fate that Benedict's penguin did! The sight of Josh being eaten alive definitely made Ikaros glad that his owner didn't try to abuse him and hurl him at enemies all the time...
As the boys were doing plan to repeat the ranged damage till necessary, Lucky puts Freddie’s hat on Rex’s head, telling him to taunt him, call him names.

“What are you-? Okay. Let me clear the air right now. TAUNTING THE GUY WITH THE MELTED PIZZA FACE WITH HIS HAT ON ME IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!” Rex realized that he did as Lucky told him to do without knowing it. “Oh crap!”

“Not now, Rex; we almost got him. Keep going!”

Rex tossed the hat away and went back to what they were doing until Freddie went away in fear.

“Huh. The guy who looks like someone out of a horror flick running away like a coward in fear. A bit ironic when you think about it. Uh oh.”

Bill after having been frustrated at Freddie running away, decided to take care of the heroes himself and prepared to crush them all with a giant fist. “LOOK OUT!” Sora got ready to save everyone with Reflect, but surprisingly, Midna comes in to save everyone, proving to Rex she’s can indeed help. (When she wants to)

“I’d make a counter remark, but I’ll take that apology for right now.” The joking stop as Bill enters a sort of enraged mode, turning red and growing multiple arms.

“Guys. I’m thinking we may have to run for for it.”
“Hop on.” Sora does as he says and the two fly out of there. Bill tries swapping at them with his arms, but Rex saves them by disabling the machine, and transforming into the Rex Rider.

“Nice ride!” said Sora complimenting Rex.

“Not bad huh? Hold on tight, and watch this!” Rex decided it was time to upgrade his ride by making two seats on the side, each for one person. (Depending on the size at least) “Anyone want a ride?” He shouted to anyone else running away from Bill.

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Onfootgroup
Megumin's eyes watered as Twilight swirled around her staff. "My sweet Explosion, please, be assured that this is for the best..." The archmage would lovingly caress her staff as she watched Bill devour whatever attacks were hurled at him. Even now, even when it all came down to her for once, even when Bill had forgotten about her, even with the strength of Twilight and the protection of Another Wizard...

...she was trembling.

The weight was unbearable, threatening to make her legs forget their strength and buckle in. Her staff wiggled in her clammy palms as it worked to hold it all in. The sizzling burn Twilight gave her would only remind her that this spell would have but one chance, one alone. If Megumin failed this, the multiverse was good as doomed.

She was used to having it all come down to Explosion. Just not like this.

On the other hand...this was retribution. Bill was paying for trapping Kazuma in his twisted machinations. Bill was paying for tormenting the town. Bill was paying for turning her friends against each other, making her lose hope. The coming satisfaction...she could feel it pushing on the bellow inside her gut, helping the Twilight along without hesitation, without rest. The resulting adrenaline nourished her tired muscles, excitedly persuading them to fond the strength they needed.

But there was one more thing...Midna wouldn't survive this. A fabric hat couldn't possibly protect her. Then again, she still had Bill's hat inside, so maybe that would save her through some reality trickery?...Nah, she really couldn't risk never living Midna's demise down. "HEY!" As Decimus zipped by, she would gently throw the Midna-filled hat into his passenger seat. Stray Barrijade lodged itself into her body, but she was too determined to let some silly stone stop her.

One more look around...Was everyone gone? Was everyone who needed to be out of range out of range? Good...they had their fill of body horror. They really didn't want to see what her body was going to look like after this stunt. "Farewell, everybody..." Megumin would wave to the group.

"BILL!" Her next move would be to strut forward, her shoulders high. "Your reign has ended! You call me pathetic. You call us toys! You believe mortals cannot be smarter than you!" She smiled, licking her lips. Her head was...not just aching. Stinging. Whatever was blocking her nerves was trying its damnedest to either work itself out or stay in, she couldn't tell. Her vision kept splitting, she was suffering vertigo like one would never believe.

"Bill...what I am about to do has a very high chance of killing me for real. As I have told you before, however, death does not frighten me, even in this world!" She pumped all her confidence into that lie. "Because you have made the ultimate mistake, Bill Cipher. It was not taking over this town. It was not tormenting me in this Nightmare Realm. It was even thinking that you would get away with making me lose faith in my party, my spirits, and the Multiverse Protection Foundation! If I die, I die knowing that I was the one to teach you your last lesson!" Her blazing eyes motioned towards her staff. "And you, my lovely, longlost Explosion, will help me. I know the Freelancers separated us, I merely implore you to come back this one, final time!...I wouldn't mind if you stayed, however, should I survive." Her staff began to spark, kicking and stinging her arms. She could feel it trying to escape into the air, to flee from this terrifying foe. No. Megumin knew her magic was braver than that. "You were with me when we took down the Meta, Explosion! I know you remain in there, and I know your courage remains inside in turn!" That eye was regenerating, her pain was growing unbearable...time to wrap this up. With one more breath in her tingling lungs, she released an incantation, her voice low and proud.

"Detonation... Detonation... Detonation...

Wielder of the most glorious, powerful, and grand explosion magic...

Tell this to all your nightmare beings! My name is Megumin.

The blow that I am given to strike turns a blind eye to the fate of my kindred, rendering all hope of rebirth and anguish, and the model by which all forces are judged!

Pitiful creature...

Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood!

Burst forth..."

Megumin looked back at where her friends had gone one more time. They had doubts of her power in Blood Gulch, were afraid of it in the Cape. Just for them, she would give it her all. Her ultimate apology, for everything she had done to hamper them.


Her voice echoed in the Nightmare Realm, her bittersweet tears falling into her mouth as she howled the name. Immediately, Explosion agreed that it, too, was tired of running. It took a running leap off her staff, hand in hand with the lawfully evil Twilight. Together, they tore up the ground with awful claws as they surrounded Bill, baring their scalding hot fangs. As they pounced the demon together, they allowed themselves to clash headfirst, swallowing each other until they formed one predator!

Bill would be enveloped in the resulting pillar of orange and violet-black faster than he could say "weird". This pillar stretched into the stratosphere-if the Nightmare Realm had a stratosphere, anyhow.

Unfortunately, this is where Megumin's condition came butting back in. As her headaches overtook her, she started to jolt left and right, cringing and gnashing her teeth. In turn, the Nightmare Realm would see the ultimate nightmare: Megumin losing control of Explosion!

It transformed from a smooth pillar of Twilight and fire into something of a roman candle; It shed drops of its lethal material, sending them crashing down on whatever it pleased. It would also expand like a balloon, happily swallowing more and more of the surrounding trees and scenery.

Everyone else would be okay.

Megumin, however, was swallowed by her own magic. And the mighty roar would quickly be accompanied by an agonized scream.

This noise would reawaken Lucky. "Huh? Who screamed? Who did he get? Did we win?" He started to look around, his voice having lost all its power. "Am I dead? Unconscious? W-where is everyone?! I can feel us movin', but I can't see who's doin' it!" The world was all black, a little chilly due to the breeze...it all smelled like smoke and Twilight...that wasn't enough information. "WHERE AM I?! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! WHY CAN'T I SEE?!" Something new compelled him to panic, to thrash around and kick like a donkey. He could hear Lupé struggling to calm him. "Lucky, I think something just got lodged in your-"

"DON'T 'I THINK' ME!" Lucky would respond, running in circles. "THERE'S NOTHIN' TO THINK ABOUT! I CAN'T SEE!" He would randomly swipe and flail at everyone and everything. "HELP! HEEEELP!" Not even his Barrijade knew how to react to this turn. It stopped spreading, but still switched between splintering and staying still.

Everyone fleeing would be treated to a breathtaking display of glowing poison, the sky above it dyed in shades of menacing indigo and brilliant vermilion. The miniature explosions in the air would pound on their eardrums, some making their escape just a little more challenging with little earthquakes. The fires playfully raced after them with their tails wagging, enthusiastically licking everyone and everything down below.

The blast would go on for what seemed like hours, but all fires die eventually.

Allow this narrator to lay your fear to rest right now: Megumin had survived. Upon realizing its coming demise, the Barrijade had formed shields around her more vulnerable parts. Despite its valiance, it stood no chance against the combination it just endured, and it was dissolved into ash. Overall, it was barely any protection in the grand scheme of things, but it preserved her thread of life. This ash served as a thin blanket for the limp archmage, who ultimately ended up being thrown by the tremendous force with her clothing burned to ribbons. She laid on her side, her back facing the area where Bill once stood. A blood stain on the tree trunk cradling her was a clear marking of its naïve effort to cushion the impact while it fell over and burned itself. Leaves were burned to nothing more than tiny specks of ash, helpless against the wind.

Pain. Pain. Pain. There was nothing but pain. Her blood vessels felt completely burst and shredded. She could feel a waterfall of blood gushing down her chin, formed by overflow from her lip and smaller rivers down her cheek fusing together. As her lungs struggled to collect enough oxygen to keep her body going, they gently lifted and set down a set of broken ribs. And her arms...her arms clearly shouldn't have been bending the way they were.

Even so...she was happy. She did it. No way would they not see the glory of Explosion after this. She showed Bill just how amazing she truly was. He wouldn't still be alive to hear her gloat, probably, but...eh, it's the thought that counts. Even beyond Bill, she'd shown the Director and his Freelancers that she could rise above whatever they did to her.

The others were probably going to leave her behind, but that was okay. Megumin had what she wanted.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Crow Crow

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Ineptitude Ineptitude

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

StaidFoal StaidFoal

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

QizPizza QizPizza

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

quadraxis201 quadraxis201

darkred darkred

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Venom Snake Venom Snake

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Topless Topless
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice



>"This guy!"

>You said as you saw Rex offering a ride. You toss Akari to him, finally giving him a good rest for his legs. You then pull Venus and carry her on your back, essentially giving her a piggyback ride to safety. You kept running until you saw a bright colorful explosion.

"Oh! Pretty lights!"

"I don't think those are pretty lights, dear..."

"She did it..." Decimus/The Ben Mobile began to feel sorrow in his voice as he dashed forward. He wanted to, but he knew he couldn't make a U-Turn in a dire state like this. "... she really did it... but at what cost?"

"Now that is an agent I- no- we should aspire to be like. Josh, Megumin, your sacrifice will not be in vain," a tear fell down the Agent's eyes, some dripping onto Aloy's head.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Ineptitude Ineptitude @FactionGuerilla StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch QizPizza QizPizza 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss P PopcornPie
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whiser The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow

Hearing the blast, Hiryu tripped due to the force of the blast, causing the Another Rider to be forced out of its form, reverting to a regular human being running as fast as he could, his body filled with a few bruises.

"That's...!" Hiryu glanced back to see a great mighty mushroom cloud behind, presumably where Megumin was. "...It's majestic..." Hiryu could mutter. What of Megumin? She could've used Another Wizard's power to Connect herself here but...She didn't. Something happened to her, but what?! "You better be alive when we're done with this..." He grumbled as he continued to run alongside the car, eventually grabbing onto one of the turrets and let himself dangle in the wind. It's been quite a day.


In front of Megumin herself was the Anotherwatch Hiryu gave her. Its face was cracked as it frizzled and sparked, like a machine breaking down. True, it should've protected her from her condition, however the addition of Twilight proved to be too much. As if by great symbolism, the watch's face shattered in a small explosion, reverting it back into a black, empty Ridewatch, losing its base purple.
As the boys were riding away from boy till they can’t no more, Akari was tossed into one of Rex’s side cars. “Hey, Akari, fancy meeting you again.”

Suddenly they hear a voice behind them screaming the words, “explosion.” “That voice. Wait!” They turn around only to see Megumin unleashing a big explosion in an attempt to take out Bill, taking her with it.

“Megumin! Rex, turn around, we have to go back.”

“We can’t Bill’s on our tail right now and if Bill doesn’t finish us, the explosion will.”


“We don’t have time to argue. We’ll make sure her death wasn’t in vine. I promise, we’ll win this! You’ll pay for this ganondorf.Rex whispered to himself as they continue to drive away.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Bill only stood and laughed as everyone attacked him. Arthur's dynamite did absolutely nothing to him. Everyone else's attacks might have been even more useless. Bill kept rampaging forward in his monstrous form, screaming at the top of his lungs about how he was going to kill you all. As he closed in, Jason, Leo, Stan, Vivian, and even Ford all closed their eyes in fear. Micah, for those of you who were wondering, had fallen asleep back at the INN in Twilight Town, drunk off his ass. But anyways...

When Megumin approached Bill, the monster actually managed to stop. He stopped there and stared at Megumin. He didn't say anything this time, only watching as Megumin threw out her words of spite towards him. However, when she began to chant the spell, Bill began to shrink down to his regular form. And then, he began laughing at Megumin.


"AAAAHAHAHAHAH!!! YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME!? SORRY KID, BUT I DON'T BELIEVE IN FAIRY TALES!" The homicidal triangle exclaimed. Jason could see all of this from Ben's car as they drove off into the distance. Without much of an option, and because jason had grown a bit attached to Megumin back in the bar in a big brother sort of way, the vigilante rolled down the window of the car and poked his head out towards the archwizard.

"KID, FUCKING STOP BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED!!" He cried, feeling tears invading his senses as he imagined the tortures Bill had in store for Megumin. But she didn't stop. In fact, she continued, ignoring his words as she stood up to the triangle. And that triangle stared right back at her, waiting to see what she'd do.

And then, it happened.


(OOC: Just pretend like the blue flames are black clouds)

Black clouds began to swirl around Bill before Megumin even cast her explosion. This was instantly recognizable by everyone as Twilight-- the very thing Ganon and Midna were both using. Bill fell onto his feet as he saw this, unable to speak as a worried look appeared on his eye. All he could do was watch, before he eventually pointed at Megumin while she continued to speak her chant.

"S-S-STOP IT! WHATEVER YOU'RE TRYING WON'T WOOOORRRRRR----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Bill let out a pained shriek as her chant only got louder. Black tendrils latched themselves around Bill's arms and legs, restraining him in place. "NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! LET ME OUTTA HERE! LET ME OUT!!" Bill cried as he attempted to fly out, but the tendrils just pulled him back down. Instead, he looked up at Megumin with complete fear in his one eye as the Twilight enveloped him at a critical level, making the demonic triangle fall to his knees, begging for his life before the archwizard as the tendrils tightened around his limbs.



But Bill's words meant nothing to the archwizard. All Bill could do was watch in horror as Megumin finished casting the spell.



The Twilight filled explosion soon filled the air, wrapping Bill in its mass entirely. One of the last things you saw was Bill changing forms, desperately trying to escape, even chanting something in some kind of tongue that you didn't recognize.



Whatever he was saying, it didn't really mean much, because pretty soon he was gone completely. His entire body exploded in a mess of yellow and black pixels, leaving no trace of the once powerful demon. Bill Cipher was dead.

And, with his death, you woke up.


As soon as Bill was defeated, you all were instantly transported out of the Nightmare Realm and back into the sleepy town of Gravity Falls. You didn't even really have a chance to check on Megumin, since the beast who had been keeping you all there was now dead. Everything seemed normal as you stood up one by one, and you heard nothing more than your own confused grunts and the pleasant birds chirping around you.

And the first thing that happened was Jason and Leo tackle hugging Megumin to the ground without restraint.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Leo shouted in glee, while Jason quickly realized what he did and stood up. All he could do was clear his throat a bit awkwardly. And, before you ask, none of you sustained your physical scars from the Nightmare Realm, so Megumin was okay.

"Yeah, uhhh.... you did great, kid. Damn great." Jason said with a smirk, kneeling down to ruffle Megumin's hair a bit.

"D-Did it work...?' A young, prepubescent voice asked from behind all of you. As you turned around, you would find the young Dipper and Mabel PINES standing behind you all, confused.

"I don't know, kids..." Stan said with a smile as he stood up, holding out his arms with a warm, teary-eyed smile. "Why don't you two knuckleheads tell me?"


"GRUNKLE STAN!" The two kids exclaimed with tear filled eyes as they ran in and gave the older man a hug. "I thought I lost you! And y-y-you'd never be able to look at my scrap book or Waddles o-o-or anything again!" Mabel cried through childlike sniffles and wheezes, unable to hold her tears back.


"If I ever have to wear those disgusting poor people clothes again, I will literally sue ALL of you!" Screamed a much... meaner sounding Pacifica as she walked past you all from the direction of the Tent of Telepathy. Beside her was a vaguely familiar looking Gideon, who Umbra might sort of recognize but not really due to Bill's trickery now being over.


"Ah... m'hair! I can't believe Bill messed with my beautiful hair!" The true Gleeful whined in a sorrowful tone as he tumbled past all of you, trying his best to fix his hair into a much more ridiculous fashion than it had been in before. Yet another familiar face approached all of you, this one being none other than the original Wendy, and not that gothic one you'd all met earlier.


"You dudes did pretty rad!" She said with a warm smile. "And great job getting me outta Robbie's clothes, by the way. If I had to spend another minute in that dumb hoodie of his, I might've puked on it."


Soos was there, too, giving you all a thumbs up. "Haha! Pretty sick, doods!"

Ford, meanwhile, watched from the side with his hands in his pockets, only giving you a knowing nod while Dipper and Mabel embraced their uncle for the first time in years.

Looks like now is the time to say your goodbyes to Gravity Falls, as your work here was finally done.

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Willow (Don't Starve)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein)
Tandem casual.PNG
I let out a whistle at the feat of power that the little girl just pulled. Who would have thought a girl like her had so much destructive magical abilities under her belt. It's kinda scary but amazing nonetheless. I pushed the brim of my duck hat up with my index finger so it won't obscure my vision. What a happy ending we have here! I'm already beat from all this excitement but I know this adventure isn't finished yet. We still have to find Ganon and Zant. Maybe making fun of her is a bad idea since I don't want to be in the receiving end of her magical abilities so I'll drop that promise I made to myself to 'ridicule her for this entire journey'.

I approached Megumin with a hand rubbing my back.

"You did great out there, kiddo!" I cheered. So, uh, our argument: No hard feelings, right?"

I smiled though you could obviously tell it had fear and admiration at the same time.

P PopcornPie
Lilith was unconscious for a little longer then the others until she finally woke up. "Oh god where are we?" She says as she rubs her eyes, she seems to look pretty tired judging by her bangs under her hair and the bangs under her eyes. Lilith slowly floats over to Wendy and asks her something. "Hey excuse me, do you have any idea what the heck is going on?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Wendy)

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>You wake to beautiful blue skies and birds singing. The nightmare is over, and everyone loves, including Megumin. The moment you wake up, the first thing you do is run up to Megumin and give her a great big hug and kisses on the cheek.

"Ara ara~ what a lovely sight."

Third P.O.V
Both Benrey and Gretar has woken up to a clear blue sky.... now free from that hell they were once in. “That was the most beautiful explosion I have ever seen in my life..... maybe I can try to recreate it with a nuclearwarhead launcher when I get the chance.” as he walked about..... now relieved to be seeing the beautiful skies once more. Gretar however, looked at all the happy moments happening around him, before realizing that he still did not have his translator. He just approached Ford and pointed at the top of his chest.... trying to say that he had lost his translator.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @AnyonewhowantstointeractwithBenrey
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow

In a snap, every thing turned black. Hiryu's eyes snap awake, letting out a gasp as he caught his breath, as if he had just awoken from a nightmare. He rubbed his head as he took out one of his Anotherwatches--Another Zi-O II in particular. He'd find that it's still fixed. Without a scratch, not even a crack. He let out a sigh of relief as he clasps the watch in his hand, letting out a smile.

"Then that means...?" Hiryu pondered, soon standing up to see...Well, everyone. They all woke up, groggy from the dream realm. Everyone seemed...Fine! Megumin, too were there, hugged by Leo and Ben. "Good..." Hiryu sighs as he pockets the watch, approaching the group hug and placing a hand over Megumin's head.

"Good job, Megumin." Hiryu said, "I think you just saved this universe." As he said this, he patted her head before pulling out, placing his hands on his jacket's pockets as he looked around to ses the various characters of the town of Gravity Falls revert to their normal selves. "Is this how it feels like to do good for something this big?" He would ask, "It...Feels really great, somehow."

If Megumin were to look at the Another Wizard watch, she'd find it glowing and bright, as if it wasn't broken at all.

Meanwhile, Whisper approached Soos, looking up at the fat Mystery Man. She hasn't seen him in a long while, so it's nostalgic enough to make her tail wag while her face is covered by her mask.
Orbeck of vinheim
status: "yet another reminder of how his sorceries compare to others, Yet despite the risk, she has chosen to use it."
condition: mesmerized, pondering, relieved, and concerned.

“Nice ride!” said Sora complimenting Rex.

“Not bad huh? Hold on tight, and watch this!” Rex decided it was time to upgrade his ride by making two seats on the side, each for one person. (Depending on the size at least) “Anyone want a ride?” He shouted to anyone else running away from Bill.
Orbeck doesn't have the stamina to continue running for much longer, Rex's mind boggling transformation into some sort of vehicle would be a life saver to him. All that was left for him to see was the incoming spectacle that would absolutely devastate both the caster and the target in question. A reminder of the sort of bonds that friend ship can intale, something that Orbeck himself was only made truly aware of during his time at Firelink shrine, teaching that unkindled sorceries as if it was their very own school...of course there was also the mention of vengeance.


Her voice echoed in the Nightmare Realm, her bittersweet tears falling into her mouth as she howled the name. Immediately, Explosion agreed that it, too, was tired of running. It took a running leap off her staff, hand in hand with the lawfully evil Twilight. Together, they tore up the ground with awful claws as they surrounded Bill, baring their scalding hot fangs. As they pounced the demon together, they allowed themselves to clash headfirst, swallowing each other until they formed one predator!

Bill would be enveloped in the resulting pillar of orange and violet-black faster than he could say "weird". This pillar stretched into the stratosphere-if the Nightmare Realm had a stratosphere, anyhow.

Unfortunately, this is where Megumin's condition came butting back in. As her headaches overtook her, she started to jolt left and right, cringing and gnashing her teeth. In turn, the Nightmare Realm would see the ultimate nightmare: Megumin losing control of Explosion!

As Orbeck rides along with the others, he would hear the sound of that one single word, and the subsequent explosion that rocked the surroundings of this dreamscape. Just looking at the massive display of power alone, could see, once again that even the finest of sorceries that he has will not go above the sort of spells and magic from the rest of the multiverse. At least on its own. If just attempting to cast the spell cased paralysis, then the pain that she may be in could be just...unbarable. He would be proven right by the sounds of screaming that followed the loss of control over the spell.

Megumin, however, was swallowed by her own magic. And the mighty roar would quickly be accompanied by an agonized scream.

This reminded him of something he said to that unkindled...what as it?

That's it, "no matter the victim's stature, every killing has a consequence". Doesn't matter if it was considered just killing, there will always be some sort of price to pay. whatever it may be a former killer for hire trying to make up for time lost in an unsuited form of work, or in this case, someone going out of their way to end the threat, once and for all. Even if she survives the massive mess of flames and twilight (that of which would put the witches of Izalith to shame), it would be unlikely to come without a cost...may it be, physical or mental. There is no escaping of this one simple truth...

And, with his death, you woke up.


As soon as Bill was defeated, you all were instantly transported out of the Nightmare Realm and back into the sleepy town of Gravity Falls. You didn't even really have a chance to check on Megumin, since the beast who had been keeping you all there was now dead. Everything seemed normal as you stood up one by one, and you heard nothing more than your own confused grunts and the pleasant birds chirping around you.

"so, it seems this nightmare has ended..." it was something to celebrate, yes. But this was just the first. THE FIRST thing that they had to do to, just to deal with Ganon... We all have a long road ahead...

View attachment 743439
Lilith was unconscious for a little longer then the others until she finally woke up. "Oh god where are we?" She says as she rubs her eyes, she seems to look pretty tired judging by her bangs under her hair and the bangs under her eyes. Lilith slowly floats over to Wendy and asks her something. "Hey excuse me, do you have any idea what the heck is going on?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Wendy)

"Bill was defeated, the result of that exposition sending us out of our comatose states." he said to the phantom.

He was now looking toward the group hug, with the Megumin the center. presumably fine. Time will only tell. Now...


"If I ever have to wear those disgusting poor people clothes again, I will literally sue ALL of you!" Screamed a much... meaner sounding Pacifica as she walked past you all from the direction of the Tent of Telepathy.

If looks could kill, the glare from Orbeck would be the equivalent of backstabbing her...in the back.
"You where nearly killed, by an omniscient, omnipresent being capable of all sorts of horrors...yet you complain about..poor people clothes and...suing?'
Yes, his time at the MPF helped him understand a few law terms.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @only_the_begining...

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