Lealan sighs, and moves away from the others, she checks her inventory to see if the items she used in the nightmare realm were really used up. Her hair tie, the Stim Packs, her Coat, Ect.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The boys keep riding on, but look back when they hear Bill begging for his life. It turns out Midna was helping Bill stay in place with Megumin dealing the finishing blow. Bill dies and everyone wake up back in Gravity Falls.

“We’re back in Gravity Falls? And our bruises are gone. Did we win?”

“Maybe. Least the jacket’s in tact, haha; ah who am I kidding.” Rex said, sadden at the lost of their friend.

“Oh. Right.. Megumin!”

“Huh? Huh. She’s alive! Megumin!” The boys see her alive and well. They ran as fast as they could to her and welcomed her in open arms.

“You’re safe. Thanks for taking out Bill, but don’t scare us like that!”

“I’m surprised you did it. Sure Bill had to be held down but still, and...” Rex went speechless and scratched his head a bit in embarrassment. Sora nudges him on the shoulder for encouragement.

“Say it!”

“(Sigh.) I’m sorry, I doubted you. People can worried about people that like that almost blows them to pieces. But that doesn’t mean they can’t learn NOT to blow them up. You got your powers back and you help us beat Bill. You did good kid.”

Rex shot her a smile and took her hat off to pat her on the head for her troubles. But then two voices appear and it looks to belonged to the kids Bill had control over, who went over to hug their uncle. Sora and Rex smile at this heartfelt moment and went back to congratulating Megumin.

Soon the rest of Gravity Falls went to thank everyone else who helped with Bill. Pacifica’s thanks was... not the kindest, to say the least.
Youre welcome.

Boys then chuckled at Gideon who was fussing about his hair like a little girl. Wendy thanks them for getting them out of someone’s clothes. “Aw. It’s no big deal. We couldn’t just sit by and let you guys be sad because of some jerk like Bill.”

Soos says they were pretty sick, but Rex somewhat disagrees. “Yeah we helped, but we would have been toast if it weren’t for Megumin over here.”

The boys stand up and look over to everyone else. “Take care everyone. You’re welcome for Bill.” Sora turns to Rex. “Y’know. Even though, we barely been here, I’m gonna miss this place.”

“Yeah, it has that certain charm to it. I wouldn’t mind coming back here to relax. So where to next?”

“Not sure. But whatever it is, we’ll be ready for it, and to help those in need.”

“Yeah, it’s more fun when we don’t know what’s ahead. Part of it is going with the flow and letting lose.”

“Mmm hmm. It’s good to have a surprise every now and then.”

Rex looked around to see Lealan, and figures to talks to her after having done so for so long. “I’m gonna go catch up with someone, hope that’s cool.”

“Sure. Go on.” Rex went over to Lealan, but Sora sees Lucky in the background and goes to talk to him too.


“Hey Lucky. Glad to know, you made it out too. What did you think of Megumin, who would have thought she had it in her?”


“Hey Lealan, whatcha think of this trip, kinda crazy so far huh?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Someone else then got on the roof of the car and looking, she found it was Arthur who gave her a look that asked if he wanted to know. In response, she shook her head no and proceeded to take Gambol Shroud’s pistol form and shoot at Bill. Shooting at him was probably the only thing she could do.

Then, two sacrifices were made.

The first coming from the penguin that was with the short man in the top hat, who was thrown by said man and eaten by Bill. She stopped shooting, her eyes widening. Shortly thereafter, another sacrifice was made in the form of Megumin, who she saw go up to Bill.

It wasn’t long before she and everyone else heard her yell out “Explosion” as black clouds swirled around Bill. Midna had given her twilight to use for this, the only thing that could weaken Bill. Megumin’s Explosion went off, Blake catching a glimpse of her losing control over it before seeing Bill change forms one after the other. “

Before any of them could check in on her, they woke back up in the town. Blake stood up, putting Gambol Shroud away, looking around. “Everyone okay?” Seeing Ford stand off to the side, she wanted to go speak to him, but she had to check in on Megumin first. It didn’t take her long to find Megumin as both Leo and Red Hood had found her, making Blake go over to her. “
Megumin! Please tell us you’re okay…!

One look at Blake could tell you that she was worried for her. Why wouldn't she be? Megumin was an ally, a friend! And she didn't want to lose someone else like... like Sub-Zero.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Do those situations always involve the girl running from something terrible? And wait, regularly?” Ciri kept looking back at Bill to check for Jak. She didn’t want him to get hit out of the sky for obvious reasons.

It was then that as soon as she looked back, the one that she would see with the man in the top hat, was thrown at Bill who then ate him. Her eyes widened, seeing someone get eaten right in front of all of them. It then got even worse when she saw black clouds appearing and she heard Megumin yell “Explosion”. Then…

a pretty big fucking explosion came from where Megumin was, defeating Bill who was changing forms, and stopping him once and for all. Though, she had heard Megumin’s scream as well. “

Her and everyone else then woke up back in reality, back in the town of Gravity Falls. Getting up, she looked for Megumin only for Leo and Red Hood to spot her out. She ran over to her after putting her sword away. “
Megumin! Are you okay?!

darkred darkred , Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Crazy? Eh, not really. It seems like that little Imp is all we need to solve the problem, and we had her the whole time. And we never even left the town! But then, when you've seen a planet vanish before your eyes, I guess not much compares. I remember having to travel between worlds to gather the information I needed. So maybe I'm spoiled." Lealan shrugs
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Concerned, On Guard
LOCATION: Gravity Falls
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
MENTIONS: P PopcornPie @FractionGorilla

Freddy finally went down, after all of that the group poured in to defeat him. Alexis was particularly proud of Sage for being able to confidently control his powers and even contribute his flaming spikes to attack the dream demon. The fire from the two pyromancers had turned the man into ashes, forcing him to screech into the air as he retreated into the ground almost comically. This left Bill Cipher to deal with the group by themselves, and honestly Alexis was a little bit worried about it. Freddy was just the goon, and he was hard enough to kill, but Bill? They got a little taste of his power back in Gravity Falls and it didn’t exactly inspire confidence in the kitsune.

And...Alexis’s suspicion was right. The pyramid grew until he was impossibly large, exerting an incredible amount of Aether Pressure on the area around him, though Alexis was one of the few people who would’ve noticed the power that radiated from Bill. It had been a long time since she’d felt that kind of Pressure, and it filled her simultaneously with fear and excitement. She’d be lying if she said that she didn’t miss facing off gods with her husband...though the key words were "with her husband". Bill was less fun and more of a necessity, but that was sort of what made it exhilarating. Her mind didn’t change when Bill turned his fist until it was even larger than his body before slamming it down on the group. Alexis was ready to attempt a dodge, but Midna provided a nice Twilight shield to protect the group. That was honestly a relief—it meant that the others would also be safe.

The kitsune wasted no time in retaliating, firing several fireballs at the pyramid. However, she soon found out along with everyone else that normal attacks wouldn’t do much against the pyramid. Alexis would cast something more powerful than a normal FoxFire Bullet, but Bill was fast approaching and his massive arms were an imminent threat, preventing her from prepping a chest. With that said, all Alexis could do was run… or rather, fly. Her snowy tails turned into charcoal wings, and not even a second later, the kitsune was in the air and flying away from Bill.

With the incoming giant arms though, with flying alone Alexis would’ve been turned into paste with a swipe or three. While in mid air, there were several instances where she had to use her ifrit physiology, sacrificing her wings and setting her hair on fire such that she can briefly turn her body into pure flames to avoid Bill’s attacks. She swapped between ifrit and phoenix forms as she ran as needed, but as she looked around to make sure everyone else was also avoiding imminent death by Bill, she quickly noticed that Sage was falling out of the air.

She didn’t know what was wrong, but if no one did anything, Sage would soon either fall mercy to Bill or to gravity and inertia. With no one else in sight, Alexis took charge and flew straight towards the boy. As she flew closer, several oddities poked out immediately. For one, Sage’s Shell was glowing both orange and blue, as opposed to one over the other. Did it mean that there was some kind of conflict between Sage and the entity inside him? The second thing was the gemstone impaling Sage’s back. That was definitely not normal, and even from where she was, she felt the oppressive and manipulative Pressure from the gemstone. Though what the gem did specifically wasn’t known, the nature was definitely malicious.

She was, however, a bit too late to save the boy, as a [color=#9e1316[b]woman in power armor[/b][/color] leapt up to catch Sage. While there was a slight bit of worry about how well that woman could take care of Sage, Alexis didn't have the luxury of expressing her opinion, with Bill hot on their heels. She left the Phoenix Descendent to the woman and with a mighty flap of wings, shot into the air to avoid the next swing of Bill's giant arms.

As she flew away from Bill, she felt the Pressure of powerful magic being cast in the background. Glancing backwards, she saw a tower of runic disks stretch into the sky before it all catalyzed a massive explosion of orange and violet-black. The explosion was on the scale of what Alexis would think to be effective against Bill, and it was. However, this was no ordinary explosion, the Pressure was all wrong...it was...Twilight. That was what Alexis was feeling from the explosion, a massive release of Twilight that should’ve been impossible to wield for almost everyone according to the MPF. The strange explosion didn't stop there, however, as familiar blue flames shot up at the edges and engulfed the pyramid to ensure its destruction.

Alexis didn't know who cast it the first explosion, but she had a suspicion who helped and she definitely knew who cast the blue flames. She was definitely concerned with Sage, but what mattered was that Bill Cipher was destroyed in the ensuing blast...though she doubted Bill would stay truly "dead" if the deities Alexis knew were any indication. And with the pyramid demon’s destruction, Alexis woke up.

The kitsune was back in Gravity Falls, and she felt that all the Aether she expended while in the Nightmare Realm had been replenished...if it had been truly used to begin with. That was not an area of concern, as Alexis’s mind immediately went to finding Sage. He might not be in the same situation as he was in the other realm, but Alexis did remember that when he was last in Gravity Falls, he was possessed by his entity. An explanation of why that would turn out to be a disaster was not needed.

It took her a few minutes, but she managed to find the body of Sage, as the others took care of the girl who cast the explosion spell. She cradled the boy with her tails, awaiting for the boy to awake...and prepared for the possibility of the boy’s entity taking over when he awoke. "Come on, Sage. Don’t let your worse half take over..."
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  • IYXNGMFyVjvwmjIW1FSbkO6xKs9j7QTon5QE-WoRCS7AvmfeLTzomxwrqLg4S3-jmHNBhfTtm4H9uKwc2NGzTpZSjJr-M-REmVNS0mZCCQ1rpPJUb5caEgmCcc1ycfDK6OkE25IZ

    (Thanks NeoNeko for the Commision of Older Jak!)

    LIGHT JAK>> Jak

    Light Jak held onto Ciri as hard and fierce as he could before Megumin released her most powerful Explosion yet. The Lightened angel form calmly smiled as Bill was gone for good.

    As Bill was defeated, the worlds changed back to the normal Gravity Falls and everyone landed back in the normal world. Light Jak dropped down with Ciri in his arms on the town’s ground and his Light form faded just like that.

    He sighed, and nodded “Name’s Jak, but you can call me Mar.”

    The MPF so far had taken him on some crazy adventures: Defeat a reality warping triangle, watch a mage unleash a huge explosion and more.

    Jak turned back “Making sure you are alright before I go check on Megumin. I think she’s proved her worth as a hero today. Plus she saved all our asses back there.”

    Jak nodded and walked toward Megumin, bending down and trying to feel for a pulse.

    “Is she going to be alright?”

    TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Zwei was immediately up the second she woke up here!


She looked around at the peaceful town. Zoomed all the way around again, checking the buildings.

”We’re back! We defeated the baddie!”

She then zooms toward Kabuto.

”Still haven't forgotten what happened in that hellscape! But.... Let's just forget about that! Now is really not the time to ”cancel” someone especially for an accident!”

She smiled at Kabuto... A pleasant one. Come to think of it. All her smiles are pleasant.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Mood: Vindictive |Confused, Relieved
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

When the gemstone had been removed, Kassandra would have realized that the in-most tip of the Jade shard had lost its original shape, melting and even scorching under the furious fire that had attempted to destroy it before it could become a problem. Already fragile from having to deal with beyond bearable sources of heat, the stone had no chance to resist being pulverized, and now in an even more succetible form, have its powder remotely lit aflame until there was nothing left of it to tell the story.

Now with the insolent parasite dealt with, the magic-flow could get back to its natural course, accumulating for the transition instead. Little by little the blue specks took-over the orange as it normally went and yet, surprisingly enough, It didn't feel like making a dramatic entrance for once, everything kept more or less normal if not for the now vivid blue flames that had relaxed a bit but weren't entirely gone...

It awoke, the first thing in the range of Its sight being Megumin's marvellous display of the Twilight-enhanced Explosion. It was... mesmerizing You know, It should be considered an exceptional feat to impress the Entity of Fire, but by the Concepts that formed the Universe, the archmage had done so! It was rather proud actually, proud to see the sheer raw power of an ability that wasn't much far from Itself, awe-struck by the chaos and destruction wrought on its wake. Fire, was witnessing a violent magic-powered combustion unlike anything else It had ever seen humanity do and oh, IT LOVED EVERY PART OF IT!!

Perhaps this is why It hadn't truly interfered with the attack, not tried to bend the detonation to Its will, not really tried to enhance it. The respect It had for the majestic sight of everything burning in an extreme radius and dark clouds fitting of the armageddon was great enough for It to want to see this run Its course unbothered. Instead, It took some extra measures to secure the kill.

Did Bill really think It would not find a way to come back and give the one-eyed aberration his just desserts for earlier?! FOR THE OFFENSIVE ATTEMPT AT WASHING ITS FLAMES WITH INSULTING FOOLISH WATER???!!!

It didn't even move, still humped over Kassandra's arm, dangling a bit. It also knew not to approach the shower of Twilight lest It wanted the body to get caught in the middle of such a terrifying substance. The flames in Its borrowed gaze shone brighter for an instant and the area just past the detonation range, a rim just by the end of Explosion's territory would lit up a saturated blue in the ground, several spots at once, bursting out in ragging spiralling flames to make a dangerous hurricane of flames trapping Bill in even more.
If somehow the creature managed to survive the core of the attack, it now had nowhere safe to escape to, the blazing tempest outside would finish the job before it could even BREATHE RELIEVED.


It laughed, so focused on taking revenge that the presence of mama Kitsune flying past was mostly ignored. It was a pleased, sadistic, warped, inhuman laughter, watching with the utmost joy as the dream demon screamed for mercy, offering all kinds of things to the mage that had cast his inevitable demise. Huh, pathetic! The mortals cared about each other and they prized being safe, Bill Cypher had disrupted everything, and Fire was well-aware of how destructive their rage could be. No one cared to give the freak a new chance, and neither was it deserved on their eyes. They knew better. They were sick of the trickery now...
The trickster had been out-tricked.

Ahh, what a spectacular ending for such a fowl being~

The crazed laugher continued for the entirety of the performance, entertained by the show for as long as it could and even letting a little amused 'ooooh' as the creature's body seemed to explode into bi-colored pixels. It did guess that the Nightmare Realm couldn't maintain itself without its master though, which was a bit of a shame. It would have to wait for a next chance to play with the others...
A certain fight had been interrupted before barely getting heated after all! And It wasn't too fond of leaving loose ends~

Back in reality, Sage awoke with a jolt, almost falling from Alexis' tails hold, a burst of the orange fiery aura coming and going in a split-second as he gasped in terror. The last thing he remembered was barely avoiding Bill's slap and then spiralling out of control downwards, trying his best to not crash painfully amidst the turbulence. He had... this impression that his attempt had been successful, but that's where it all just cut abruptly. Memory loss was never a good sign, but he wasn't burnt this time. ...So maybe, it had been okay?
Actually, it was a real miracle to not be damaged at all after what they've just gone through!

"A-are we back? Did we win???", asked the disoriented pyromancer, looking around the area frantically. Everything did seem normal again, which was all kinds of comforting, "It uhhh... It didn't- It didn't give you guys too much trouble this time, did It?"
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"Josh! You're OK!" the Agent exclaims, hugging the his flightless, feathered tundra-dwelling brethren. He then turns to salute Aloy.


"Count on me anytime, Aloy. Whenever there's trouble, EPF Agents like me will be there to lend a flipper."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch darkred darkred

  • Bill...she could hear him begging her for a trade. Money, fame, her own galaxy, all in exchange for his life. "You're such a fool, Bill..." Megumin would mutter, smirking. "Nothing you can give me compares to what I'm fighting for." She wasn't sure if he heard her, but her ears clung on to the demon's screams as his flesh...was it flesh?...disintegrated. Did she feel bad? Well, maybe a smidge. When he was finally trumped, Bill became desperate, and desperation was always something to pity. Not long after the leftovers of his voice drifted away did Megumin seem to fall unconscious again.

    As her mind traveled between the Nightmare Realm and the physical world, colors and shapes flew past her eyes. She felt the pipes within her brain nearly overloading themselves with pressure. Would she be okay? Did she just give herself an aneurysm? If she did, she would be okay, right? You could come back from an aneurysm, right? She wouldn't know until she tried to open her eyes.

    To her surprise, her entire body was willing to cooperate despite being incinerated and thrown into a tree, and she awakened. The first thing her dazed eyes would see were Blake and Ciri, seemingly in doubt that she was alive. The gasps of her rejuvenated heart would quickly convince them otherwise.

    Megumin tried and failed to get up. Her muscles ached, as usual. Her clothes became iced with sweat as her body worked to cool itself off after being in such heat. "That...felt...great..." She muttered hoarsely, rubbing her jaw. Why, gods be praised, it wasn't crooked! "My jaw...Oh, thank Eris! I couldn't possibly face you with my jaw the way it was..." So did that mean that her subconscious self was now horrifically disfigured? She'd just have to wait until tonight's sleep to see.

    But who cared about her wounds?! She was a hero!

    "Hang on...Somehow, I can feel my energy being replenished..." She would finally find the strength to get up, only to almost get knocked down again by everyone hugging her! "Aw, it wasn't much, just the usual power of Explosion!" She hugged her staff tightly. "Oh! Tandem, don't worry about our fight! It was foolish of me to let Bill turn me against you. Please, don't take it to heart!" Her eyes sparkled. "If anything, Bill has strengthened my confidence in our friendship and teamwork!"

    Rex and Sora came up next, and the former's speech had her inner fire blazing as it chewed away any doubt or guilt she had left. "Ha ha! You see? In the right hands, Explosion is a beautiful thing!" She cheered. "Perhaps you would be willing to walk the path of Explosion with me!"

    Then she spotted Mabel, and was hit in the face by a forgotten thought. "Oh! Mabel!" She gently pushed her way out of the hug, and took a deep breath. "When we first met, my greeting to you was weak and pathetic! I must make up for that. My name is Megumin! I am an archmage who is a born and raised Crimson Demon, and I control Explosion magic!" She masterfully switched between poses, waving her arms down to the fingertips!

    Then she mellowed, though she still smiled. "Unfortunately, we may not meet again. And I will miss you. I am happy, however, to have had the honor of saving your town!"

Captain Falcon finds himself on his back, looking up at the blue sky. Man, was it nice. He turns his head and looks around him and sees the mundane but rather placid living of Gravity Falls. Falcon smiles "Heh...Heheheh! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Falcon sits up off the ground and stands to his feet "Whoo! Way to go, folks! Give yourselves a round of applause!" Falcon claps for everyone "Cause we done outwitted 2 reality warpers with everyone with out hearts still beating and limbs intact! We keep this up, Ganon won't stand a chance in hell!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Ineptitude Ineptitude FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Thepotatogod Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @Benedict Cucumberpatch QizPizza QizPizza 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 darkred darkred @PolikShadowbliss@Venom Snake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @Necessity4Fun[/USER] Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Topless Topless
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deadpoolposttop.png & sonicposttop.png
Sonic and Deadpool both woke up, noticing that Gravity Falls was completely back to normal, and that everyone was checking on each other to see if they were fine. Remembering that this was just merely the first stop on the group's journey to save the multiverse, Deadpool complained to the others, "Well that's out of the way, just please tell me that the rest of this whole adventure won't be as ridiculously long... I swear, if this gets dragged out through like 9 more chapters or so..." Meanwhile, Sonic, who removed the tranquilizer dart from his back, walked over to the group of people checking on Megumin and asked Jason, "Now that Bill's all dealt with, what's our next stop? Once we know that everyone's okay, we should probably get going before Ganondorf makes his next move. As much as I'd like to hang out around here, there's other places in the multiverse that also need our help."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and everyone else about to be the bearer of bad news for Deadpool.
Wendy was about to answer Lilith's question, but then someone else answered it for her. The redhead merely thumbed over to her and shrugged. "Yeah, what that guy said."

Ford, in the meantime, luckily immediately noticed what Gretar meant. He laughed a bit and pulled out an identical copy to the one he'd given Gretar in the Nightmare Realm. "I always keep a spare!" Ford exclaimed with a smile, before clipping it to his chest. Pacifica just ignored Orbeck as she stomped off angrily, though. Also, when Lealan checked, she would find that her items were indeed used up in the Nightmare Realm.

"Wait... I'm confused..." Leo paused as he looked around. "So... Dipper and Mabel were kidnapped by Bill... everyone else was under his control... then who saved us and put us all here?"

"That would have been me."


There, before you all, stood Byakuya Togami, who had been noticeably absent throughout most of your mission. "You see, I was the one who gave Bill the idea to transport you all into the Nightmare Realm. He thought I was working with him, and that we were partners."

"So... you're the one who made us have to deal with that Freddy fucker?" Jason asked, growling under his breath a bit.

"Yes, I was. And I would do it again in a heartbeat if I could," Byakuya explained. "None of you stood a chance against Bill here in the real world. So, while you were playing around with those Gleefuls in the Tent, I came to Bill with the idea to you with you all in the Nightmare Realm. He wanted to kill you all here and be over with it, but a creature as foolish as him couldn't resist toying with his prey before slaughtering them."

"So, this was all--"

"Carefully constructed from the start? Yes. But I'm not looking for thanks." Byakuya stepped forward and crossed his arms. "Bill needed to be stopped, as does Ganon. I intend to see through to it that the Multiverse doesn't collapse under either of their grasps."

"Damn..." Micah interjected, before shrugging and taking a large sip from his flask, like the drunk bastard he is.

"Wait... but where's Vivian?" Leo would ask, confused as he looked around. Ford sighed and frowned a bit.

"Vivian is bound to the Nightmare Realm for now. This... Ganon's power prevents all of its residents from traveling freely as they wish." Ford explained, before sighing again. "She's alright, so you needn't worry. You probably just... won't be seeing her for a while." With all that out of the way, Ford stood back up, and everyone was smiling towards all of you happily. "Anyways, you all are certainly welcome back in Gravity Falls any time you like. We're only a trip through the woods and the Multiversal plains away, after all!" Ford exclaimed happily.

"And it was nice meeting you, Megumin!" Mabel waved happily. "If you come back, I can show you Waddles! And we can read romance novels, and talk about BOYS!" Mabel exclaimed all too cheerily for someone who'd recently been turned into a sadist witch girl with reality warping powers. With all that out of the way, however, Jason stood back up and grasped at his watch.

"Alright, well, we'd better get going now. Just make sure not to summon anymore triangle shaped demons that will inevitably destroy the world again." Jason said as he pulled up his watch and began toying with it, gesturing for you all to do the same.

"We'll certainly try!" Ford laughed.


"Okay," Red Hood said as he faced all of you once more. He proceeded to read out a string of coordinates to you all, which was really just a string of random numbers once more, allowing you all to input them into your watches. As you tapped away, the residents of Gravity Falls had gathered up to the side, waving you all goodbye before you were gone.

"Bye doods!"

"Have a safe trip!"


"Kick some stupid Twilight monster butt!"

"We'll miss you guys!"

"See ya, dudes!"

And, with that final goodbye and that final coordinate, the familiar black smoke enveloped you all as you were sucked out of Gravity Falls and into your next destination.

Chapter 2
"A Long Walk"


Your next destination was a much more... dreary looking place than Gravity Falls had been. Wooden, almost old-fashioned looking buildings surrounded you all as you appeared in what looked like... mud. You almost immediately heard the roaring thunder above you as you began to take a good look around your surroundings. The rain poured down on you a bit hard, so that combined with the ominous thunder of course indicated a storm.


"Yup... gotta love the ominous thunder and the rain... 'cus that's always a good sign..." Red Hood grumbled under his breath as he shoved his hands down in his pockets and took a look around. As you all began to get a sense of the air of the place, a door swung open behind you. By the sounds of loud cheering and hollering from inside, plus the occupant who left the building, you could immediately tell that this was a bar of some sorts. The occupant in question had stumbled out of the building, before leaning on a pillar and offering you all a drunken smile.... only after noticing you all while chugging out of his flask, of course.


"W-what're you kids doin' out here this late? Ain't it past your bed times or somethin'?"

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Willow (Don't Starve)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein)

Lealan stares at the drunken man. Something about him sent her instincts on edge. "Oh, you know. Just a group of varied adventurous out to make the world a better place!" Why was so many people so well adjusted to seeing a humaniod plant? She was led to believe such. Thing was rare.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Uh, good to know I guess." Lilith says as she rubs her eyes again. Upon there next stop she looks around still looking a little tired. "Alright what kind of trash fire are we gonna get ourselves into this time?" she says after letting out a small sigh. Just then a drunk guy swung open a the door to a building, witch appears to be some sort of bar, Lilith leans over to Red Hood and whispers to him. "Pretty sure there only one way we're gonna get out of this one."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Red Hood)

  • "...Oh." Megumin didn't really know how to feel about this "Byakuya" character. On one hand, he did essentially save them...on the other, surely there was another plane of existence they could have gone to, right? Preferably a Freddy-less one? And she didn't really like the amount of power his scheme implied he had. Oh, well. Water under the bridge, right? "Wait...If you knew that Bill would bring his own downfall, did you help me call my Explosion back?" She somewhat hoped that the answer would be "no". If it turned out that she hadn't worked Explosion out on her own, well, that would be quite a bummer.

    She simply finished up with Mabel. "I hope to be able to return to my own world after this. If we're able to meet again, I can bring Chomusuke!" Boys, however...that wasn't really as appealing. She had Kazuma. Who else could she possibly crush on in this great multiverse?

    "Well, I will keep you in my thoughts!" Megumin was quite reluctant to warp away from Gravity Falls, but she looked forward to the next group of people she would save.

    In a humorous display of irony, they all stepped out into a pouring rain. "...I was hoping to walk into more triumphant weather." Megumin huffed, lifting her drenched bangs out of her eyes. Midna was secured in her fist, but she needed to hunch over the Twilight Princess to keep her dry.

    Next thing she knew, a stranger same bounding in from the nearby bar, seemingly teasing them. "I am not a child!" She would shout, her cheeks heated. "For your information, I just defeated a nightmare demon named Bill Cipher!...Also, I would appreciate being welcomed in, I don't like being wet..." She sneezed cutely.

"So you guys're Hunters and Huntresses?" The drunk man asked as he got a good look at all of you. "Don't look like any Hunters or Huntresses I've ever seen..."

"And how's that?" Jason would ask Lilith. "We throw a bottle in the other direction and hope this guy takes the bait?"

The drunken man would then look over at Megumin and slump forward a bit, narrowing his eyes as he got a good look at the young archwizard. "Dunno who a Bill Cipher is..." He said, before smirking a bit. "But you look like a kid to me, squirt."

Then, Lucky took it upon himself to run into the bar without warning. When he did so, he would find that it was a much more.... quiet than the one in Twilight Town.


The atmosphere was very calm, almost orderly in some way. However, as he entered, the rabbit would also be quite displeased to find that there wasn't anyone tending the bar.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie
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Lealan would hiss aggressively at the man. "I'll have you know I am the best Huntress in my tribe by far" Her Astro Sabre Deluxe springs to her hand, ready to fight this guy. Something about him just doesn't sit right with the Floran.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

(Thanks NeoNeko for the Commision of Older Jak!)

The celebration didn’t really last long as he nodded at the Agent Penguin “Sure thing, Penguin.”

He was used to talking animals back home but otherwise he looked over at Red Hood and Byakuya.”

The man saved them in a way but still sent them to suffer against Freddy. It wasn’t a fair trade but still they had to do what they had to do to save the multiverse, right?
Jak looked at his watch, set the directions and arrived in a dark, druery area with everyone. The first figure showing up was a man holding a drink in his hand, who looked drunk.

“Not sure about a Hunter, but I’ll play along, stranger. Just a multiversal stranger on the road again.”

Jak raised an eyebrow as he sighed. Seeing a drunk guy was part of normal life for the eco warrior and his friends. In fact, he did it himself.

He shrugged. "Hey stranger, what the hell's got you so down?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie

"Pfft! Kids? Does a kid have fabulous facial features like this?" Falcon stroles his chin "Does a kid have a chissled chest like this?" Falcon runs his fingers across his chest "Or astonishing abs like this?" Falcon draws his fingers down his six-pack "Or beautiful biceps like this?" Falcon flexes his arm muscles "Quinessential quads like this?" Falcon tightens his leg muscles "Glorious glutes like this?" Falcon turns around and pinches his butt cheeks together "Or even sensational style like this?" Falcon dramatically poses before turning back around to Qrow "I think NOT, good sir!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Red Hoods answer wasn't really what Lilith was expecting so she tries to reassure him. "Well not quite, let's just say that someone is going to lose their lunch by the end." She says as she looks over to the drunk guy, then looks over to Red Hood and then to the ground looking a little embarrassed about what she said. "God that was the stupidest thing I've ever said."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Red Hood)


Aloy looked up as it was time to go to the next world. Red Hood read out the coordinates and like that the watch was sending them to another world which was dark and dreary.

Aloy looked around before seeing a man walking around with a flask in his hand, drinking away.

“You’re asking for Hunters and Huntresses right?”

“I’m Aloy of the Nora Tribe, I’m a Huntress?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Before a fight could break out, Jason ran over to Lealan and put an arm between her and the man.

"Okay, okay, just chill the hell out!" Jason shouted as he looked between the angry plant and the cocky drunk. The latter of that list merely tilted his head to the side a bit at Lealan's apparent frustration. And, as if he was trying to aggravate her more, he smirked at her.


And then, he began to beckon her over all slyly.

His attention was soon grabbed by Jak, who started spouting stuff about the multiverse.

"Multiverse?" He seemed confused after hearing that, but he seemed to brush it off when Jak asked what had gotten him so down. "Nothin'. I just enjoy the finer aspects of life, s'all." He said with a small chuckle to himself, before tipping his flask up and letting the contents drain into his mouth. He then stared at Captain Falcon's display, still keeping the smile on his face all the while. "Ah, I see..." He said, before leaning back into the nearby pillar and nodding a bit. "You're all just idiots." He then looked over at Aloy. "Never heard of that tribe. You from Vacou or somethin'?"

darkred darkred P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Third P.O.V
After their short reunion with those in Gravity Falls, they eventually teleported to a new much more stormy place... a small town with apparently a bar as a man would exit it, drinking a flask, before asking what they were doing here. Benrey would walk up to the possibly drunk man and said “If you are calling us kids.... I mean.... what kind of kids have you seen that have weapons and also look like they are in their 60’s.” he said referring to everyone, but the last comment was aimed at Gretar. Gretar however went after Lucky in order to stop him from getting drunk again.... but it was much calmer inside, and luckily there was no bar tender inside. He sigh as he picked up Lucky and said “This is no time to relax right now..... we need to figure out our objectives here and where we need to go.” as he dragged Lucky out of the bar back to the outside.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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