--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"W-what were you planning to do with that..?!" Hiryu gulped when the speedster from before, Zwei, approached him and told him to forget about what happened in the Nightmare Realm, knowing that it's worth shit to get cancelled at the moment.

Eventually that everyone had to go to their next destination, not before Byakuya revealed that he's the one who gave Bill the idea to send them all to the Nightmare Realm--which apparently held a much greater chance of survival and success than the good ol' real world.


"See you all later." Hiryu bid a short farewell at Wendy before they all dialed their next coordinates...

This place seems to be some sort of old timey village. Wood and stone everywhere that made the houses, buildings and roads. Thunderbolt and lightning clouds hover above them. Rumbling.

Ah yes, danger.

Just as they're trying to piece together where they are, a random drunkard in a cape waltzed out of a tavern, noticing them.

"We're not just kids, old man." Hiryu scoffed at the drunkard, crossing his arms. "Besides...We...Legit don't where we are right now, and I have this feeling that you know."

Whisper simply stared off into the distance, trying to get a good view of the town they're in.
"Hey! Us idiots just got back from beating a dream-warping burnt potato with butterknice fingers and a reality warping one-eyed nacho! Sure, some of us aint the brightest. Me being the least brightest one here, but you best believe these idiots are gonna save the gosh darn multiverse! We are gonna save. Your. Lives!" Captain Falcon declares
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
“Look, let’s just leave it at, we’re not from here. Figuratively and literally.” Snake spoke as he walked to the front of the group. He turned to Jason. “What are we looking for here?”
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As she enters the bar Lilith was surprised to find that the bar was a lot more calming then she originally thought. "Well, I guess one stay wouldn't hurt." she says as she takes a seat at one of the tables, she then looks over to the drunk guy and asks him something. "So what's your name?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Drunk guy)

(Thanks NeoNeko for the Commision of Older Jak!)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Jak crossed his arms and stayed quiet which was fine at the moment. Long story.

"Surprisingly quite a few." The drunk said in response to Benrey, before turning to Hiryu. "Old man?" The man snorted. "Ouch." The man would lift a brow as he proceeded to ask him where he was, seeming confused. "You're in the Kingdom of Mystral. How do you people not know that?" He'd ask, before hearing Captain Falcon ramble some more. "Sounds to me that you're all one giant cuckoo's nest..." He grumbled.

As Whipser tried to get a good look of the place, she'd find that the current square they'd found themselves in extended quite a ways back. There were markets and taverns that lined the streets, though because of the storm, mostly everyone was instead. However, in the distance, she was able to make out a few larger, more prominent buildings.

"I don't know yet," Jason would shrug in response to Snake. "We're just going to places where Ganondorf's influence is the strongest. So, be on the lookout for anything that screams 'demonic warlord'."

"Name's Qrow. With a 'Q'." The drunk replied to Lilith when she asked for his name. "And Vacuo ain't a tribe. It's a kingdom." He said to Aloy. "And what's this multiverse stuff you keep mentioning?"

darkred darkred Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Venom Snake Venom Snake ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie
"Oh? You dont know? Your universe and ours are on the verge of decimation all due to this "Ganandorf". He has a special item that enables him to control space itself" Lars explains to Qrow "That's why we're here now. Trying to find him and his allies before its too late for everyone We could use your help for the duratiom we're here?"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lilith rolls her eyes as she was sitting at one of the tables. "What kind of name is Ganandorf anyway, it sounds like if my grandpa tried to think of a rap name."
Everyone said their goodbyes, Gravity Falls is safe and things were looking like their done here. But not before the blond haired boy from before tells where he’s been, he said none of us would have had a chance against Bill unless they were in the nightmare realm, so he gave the idea of facing in the nightmare realm to Bill in order to stand any chance.



After some exposition, everyone leaves the falls and enter the next world. This one would be quite gloomy more so after just leaving Gravity Falls. And to leave an even bigger first impression, they enter as a storm is taking place. Sora covers up his soaking head with a hood in which he barely wears; all while Rex has nothing covering his head, thus leaving him to use his jacket as a makeshift umbrella.

“I guess I get to use this thing after all.”


Qrow. Just then a man walks out of the bar, asking what were they doing here. “Kids? Okay, outside a few of us, I doubt you can get away with calling us that. We’re just looking for someone named Ganondorf, maybe you’ve heard of him?”

He then ask if they were hunters and huntresses. “Hunters? No, but we are heroes.” The man then introduces himself as Qrow and wants to know more about this “multiverse” talk. Sora and Rex have a quick whisper on the situation.

“Should we?”

“I don’t know, I’m not sure if he’s able to help us or not. Let’s just keep it short.”


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- P PopcornPie

"Long story short, we came from worlds far different this one. That Bill Cipher guy Megumin was talking about? He's from another Universe." Hiryu simply said, "We come from different cultures to different races to...Fuck, just different histories in general...That's why we don't know about this 'Mystral' place and where we are in general." He explained the general concept. "I'm Hiryu. Kakogawa Hiryu. Like the guy in red said, we're trying to find and get rid of Ganon's shit that's stuck on your world. Which brings me to ask...Anything odd happened to you lately? Aside from meeting us."

In an attempt to get a better view, Whisper tried to get up a building by jumping ontop of a store stall and using Hover to get on top of one of the houses.

Mood: Proud, Pumped-up, Annoyed
Tags: (Qrow, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Eventually regaining his bearings on the situation, Sage had been startled by the man in bright blue, --which he had to admit, wasn't a very welcome color to see--, congratulating them for taking down two Reality warpers without consequences. The fact of the message wasn't the startling thing, oh no, but the contents were, this is where the pin dropped! Those two had really been bending Concepts williy-nilly!!! Like sure, there had been the underlying suspicion all the time, the clues were there, but to be straight hearing it??
Having just survived beings that were playing with the pair of Reality: Time & Space, and even with the duo of Existence: Life & Death to an extent was... baffling??!!! Was this why his Deity had shown up in the battlegrounds? Had it come to assist them before such a previously inconceivable power?!

Whichever the truth was though, it didn't overshadow the satisfaction of a job well done, or having at last protected instead of destroyed, despite Its attempts at the later. Seeing the peaceful town of Gravity Falls and all its residents reencountering each other, with their true personalities, it just, it just filled the pyromancer with pride, it felt amazing to have had a hand in this, to restore to a world once taken-over by chaotic, malicious forces. Not even the 'squeeze' of the armet, the disconcerting sensation of restraint could take it from him this time. He had been a true hero, just like he had always wished to do!!

Man, it almost brought him to joyful tears... It had been nothing but a dream for so long...

BUT! A hero's job was never truly done, as they said, and soon they had to leave again. There were more universes to be freed after all! Still, twists and turns aside, Sage could leave the country-esque little town with a lot more resolve than what he had once he had just gotten in. He truly felt that he could do this. Surely even harder challenges awaited him, awaited this group... Surely, It would show up to do Its own thing again, but as a team, together they'd push through it. For the Descendant that had always been isolated and marginalized it was a breath of fresh air, a guiding light even in their darkest moments...

He had never thought he'd be a part of anything, now look how far he'd come! They were actually pretty cool with him being around!!

This time, Sage had let the black cloud do its thing without any fuss. The pyromancer stood there with the same confident stance from his introduction back in the Tent of Telepathy, an anticipatory, excited glint in his cappuccino-coloured eyes, looking forward to their next adventure as he was whisked away to their next destination.

The change in mood was uncanny. From the bright and cheery quiet town, the group would suddenly find themselves in a... a storm?? Shoot, maybe he shouldn't have put the bracelet back this early, instead used his natural heat aura to evaporate the water before it could seep in. Welp, too late, Sage was wet, the puffiness of his hair all slumped down in a mass of soaked reddish-brown so much that he had to move it out of his sight... The pyromancer didn't enjoy the coldness of the water against the wind too much.

"W-what're you kids doin' out here this late? Ain't it past your bed times or somethin'?"

A drunk man. Not only drunk, like light-drunk, oh no, he seemed wasted. Barely standing, wasted, if the pole he was using as support was any indication. The Descendant instantly cringed at the scene, going as far as shivering over it. The sight of the clear bar before them didn't help one bit. His only solace was having the smell of the humidity in the rain cover up what would most certainly be an overpowering puff of alcohol breath at every new word. Urgh, by the Gods...

"Is it?", he had asked back, almost taking his cellphone out to check the time before remembering that one, rain, second the times would not be synced, "What time even is it? We can't really tell since every Universe will have Time running differently from each other...", despite the casual words, he had never stopped glancing weird at the drunkard, it was unusually... judgemental.

The pyromancer had planned in just staying there, follow whenever the others wanted to follow or something. But then the plant lady had hissed in anger and the man didn't think twice before teasing it further. And the banter did.not.stop. He sighed, apparently starting a fight with every new person they found in each new world was a going to be a common occurrence. With his distaste over the alcohol intake hammering hard, Sage decided that he had enough and stepped in between the pair, extending his arms out to very clearly separate the two parts of the brewing tension.

"Do we really have to start a brawl at every new stop?!", the lamp in the post right behind them would explode suddenly catching on fire, luckily, the rain put it out just as quick as it had come by, "That's not something we should be wasting time with!!"

And next, he had directed his gaze to the drunk man. The drunk man who should know better than to incite the girl any further. Honestly, could he even do anything in that state?! He doubted it. The pyromancer's lines were thrown with disdain, and sounded... sounded almost like a lecture??

"Well, I sure hope that you're well-aware of what alcoholic beverages do to your body, Mister Qrow. Because it's not pretty."

Welcome to Sage's bias edition two: drugs and the like, and yes! It includes alcohol. This was going to be a loooong day...
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"Well, excuuuuuse him for being named by a culture of predominately consisting of mostly desert Amazons. Where he's from, the man is literally the only male around! And with his kind, a male comes around once a century! You think a race of females would know how to name their only male citizen? Show some concideration, dang...! I know he's trying to rule the multiverse and junk but you dont have to make fun of the man's name...Its not like he named himself..."
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Qrow pursed his lips and hummed while he listened to Lars and Hiryu explain the situation. He quirked a brow, his flask loosely held in his hands. "Can't say I have, no." He finally said in a flat tone, before he brought his arm up to his lips and wiped the alcohol off with his arms. He then lazily glanced down at his wrist, which lacked a watch, before turning back up to look at Sage with a flat expression. "Fifteen o'clock." He replied, smirking. Clearly he was at least having fun here. "And, by the way, I'm fully aware of what these things do to my body." He said as he lifted the flask and shook it around a bit. The hollow sounds of the liquid sloshing around indicated it was almost empty, which was probably a good thing, because it made Qrow open up the side of his jacket and stuff back inside.

"You kid're lucky that even though I'm sobering up, I'm still drunk enough to hear you out." He groaned as he made his way inside the tavern, gesturing for you all to follow him. He made his way over to one of the nearby tables and sat down, gesturing for you all to take seats in respective booths and at some tables. Jason gave Lealan a weary look in the meantime, before slowly taking her off his arm and walking in after Qrow."So.... you multiverse people..." He sighed again, trying to fully process what he was saying by lowering his forehead and placing his hands over his face. He rubbed his face in his hands a bit, before slowly looking back up. "You wouldn't happen to be here after a guy named Oswald Cobblepot, would you?"


"Cobblepot?" Jason perked up at that almost immediately. Qrow slowly nodded.

"Yeah... he's a tall... slender bastard." He tried to resist the urge to take out his flask again, but he barely managed to. Instead, he leaned back in his chair, draping his elbow over the back. "Took over Atlas and its military a while back. No one knows how, or where he even came from. Then suddenly, the man's replaced Ironwood as the head of the Atlas military and declared martial law against anyone who opposes his..." Qrow leaned forward, resting his arms in his lap. He lifted them a bit, before making air quotes with both hands. " 'Highly questionable' acts."

"...shit. Can't say I remember 'ole Ozzy being the slender type..." Jason paused and then looked past Qrow, towards the rest of you. "Guess we know why we're here now, though."

"Wait..." Qrow quirked yet another brow. "You know that asshole?"

"More or less. He's not the one you know, though." Jason paused for a moment. "At least... I don't think he is."

Meanwhile, back outside, when Whisper attempted to get a better look at the taller buildings, she would find a much cleaner looking square just past a few hills. People were walking along it, holding umbrellas over their heads, which was a nice opposition to the silent, grimy streets she'd been introduced to.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 darkred darkred
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Thank God..." Megumin was alive, which made her worries about her go away. Hearing Byakuya, she had to admit, it was smart of Byakuya to trick Bill like that. Without him, they'd probably be dead or worse. But they didn't have any time to catch up with the residents and talk with each other as they needed to move on. Hopefully, the next world was hers.

After they said their goodbyes, they headed to their next world.

Once they got through to their next stop, she looked around. "
Where are we?" Thunder then alerted them, telling them that they should probably find shelter. Before they could, she quickly turned around once she heard a door open with a hand on Gambol Shroud. That hand immediately went down once she saw who it was, her eyes widening.

...Qrow? What are you doing here? Don't worry, they're with me." He explained where they were, making her eyes widen. "Mistral? We need to get to Atlas!" Fortunately, Qrow brought up what was happening there and she looked down. "I know him too... We need to stop him. Where's the rest of my team? And where are the others? Jaune, Ren, Nora, Oscar, where are they?" The group moved inside the tavern, which she followed, looking at Qrow for answers.

P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Ciri looked at Jak, who also introduced himself as Mar. "
Of course she's a hero, we would've been dead if not for her." Megumin then showed that she was, indeed, fine. She was probably a bit sore, but at least she was alive, which was good as she let out a sigh of relief. A familiar voice called out her name, making her look to see it was Aloy. "Aloy!"

They didn't have time to talk with the others as they had to move on to the next world. The swordswoman looked at Ford. "
I'll be sure to come back after all of this." With that, they all said their goodbye's and moved to the next world.

When they ended up in the next world, she noticed that it wasn't as colorful as Gravity Falls was. It was probably due to the storm that was about to come in, but as they were about to head somewhere dry, the door behind her opened to reveal a man who clearly had been drinking. Immediately, her hand flew up to her sword hilt, not sure on the man.

Once the girl with the cat ears said his name, she figured that he was good and let go of the sword. This Qrow then began explaining a situation that was happening in somewhere called Atlas and honestly, they needed to be somewhere out of the open and out of the rain. "
Let's all find somewhere out of this rain before we catch up, okay?" They all then moved inside the tavern, making her follow them.

darkred darkred , P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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  • "So you guys're Hunters and Huntresses?" The drunk man asked as he got a good look at all of you. "Don't look like any Hunters or Huntresses I've ever seen..."
    "Oh! That's because we're not Hunters and Huntresses." Megumin would poke herself with her thumb, then introduce each of her buddies. "I'm a Crimson Demon archmage! And he's an F-Zero pilot, he's a Keyblade master, and he's an E.V.O., and he's a wizard, and she's an Eagle Bearer, and he's a hedgehog, and she's a Floran, and she's...erm, Blake, what are you again?...And she's Supergirl, and..."
    The drunken man would then look over at Megumin and slump forward a bit, narrowing his eyes as he got a good look at the young archwizard. "Dunno who a Bill Cipher is..." He said, before smirking a bit. "But you look like a kid to me, squirt."
    Megumin's boastful expression completely collapsed. "I am not a child!" A shadow fell across her eyes and the bridge of her nose. "I already told all these people, and I will tell you: I am fourteen! That makes me a legal adult! In Belzerg, anyway." Honestly, why was this so hard to grasp? If Lucky was treated as an adult, then she should be, too!
    "Ah, I see..." He said, before leaning back into the nearby pillar and nodding a bit. "You're all just idiots." He then looked over at Aloy.
    "Sounds to me that you're all one giant cuckoo's nest..." He grumbled.
    "Idiots! Cuckoos!" Megumin stomped her foot. "Now, look here! I finally feel good about myself for the first time since the Cape was destroyed, and I won't have you bring me back down just because what I've been through is otherworldly!" She breathed sharply out her nose.
    "Name's Qrow. With a 'Q'." The drunk replied to Lilith when she asked for his name. "And Vacuo ain't a tribe. It's a kingdom." He said to Aloy. "And what's this multiverse stuff you keep mentioning?"
    "Megumin! My name is Megumin." She smiled and poked her thumb to her heart. "I thought Belzerg was the only world out there, too. Then, however, I was kidnapped and cast into Blood Gulch, a whole other land with a whole other set of rules. Turns out that there are as many alternate dimensions as there are planets in outer space!" She waved her hands high. "Fascinating, isn't it? Unfortunately, the multiverse is being slowly devoured by a dark being known as Ganondorf. Any help we can get would be truly appreciated!"

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"Well jeez sorry." Lilith said face palming. "I mean my stupid past self named me after the mother of all demons and somehow I didn't even notice, both in my past life and in my current life until just now!" She says starting to get annoyed.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Caption Falcon)
Orbeck of vinheim
status: Another bar, and a seemingly normal drunk.
Condition: normal (consider him open to interaction)​

So this was the end of our time at Gravity falls, no talking triangles insight. Byakuya Togami was revealed to be the one trying with Bill during their time at the nightmare realm, taking advantage of Bill's eager playful nature to convince him to hold off of instantaneous death. So as they say their goodbyes, Orbeck thinks to himself,what was next?

Your next destination was a much more... dreary looking place than Gravity Falls had been. Wooden, almost old-fashioned looking buildings surrounded you all as you appeared in what looked like... mud. You almost immediately heard the roaring thunder above you as you began to take a good look around your surroundings. The rain poured down on you a bit hard, so that combined with the ominous thunder of course indicated a storm.


"Yup... gotta love the ominous thunder and the rain... 'cus that's always a good sign..." Red Hood grumbled under his breath as he shoved his hands down in his pockets and took a look around. As you all began to get a sense of the air of the place, a door swung open behind you. By the sounds of loud cheering and hollering from inside, plus the occupant who left the building, you could immediately tell that this was a bar of some sorts. The occupant in question had stumbled out of the building, before leaning on a pillar and offering you all a drunken smile.... only after noticing you all while chugging out of his flask, of course.


"W-what're you kids doin' out here this late? Ain't it past your bed times or somethin'?"

One multiversal displacement latter and they arrive in front of a bar on a rainy, stormy night. It looks about as simplistic as you could get with any other town. And in front of them a man by the name of Qrow (why Qrow? the same could be said of Megumin's name or even Orbeck's own name.). Most of the group spat out information, from bill's defeat, the concept of the multiverse, arguments over whatever of not their hunters of some sort, and sage's distaste over alcohol.

they head inside, where talks of one "Cobblepot" took the stage in the conversation. a man who has somehow made his way through the echelons of some kingdom of Atlas. This was not the first time he had heard of the name...
Once they got through to their next stop, she looked around. "Where are we?" Thunder then alerted them, telling them that they should probably find shelter. Before they could, she quickly turned around once she heard a door open with a hand on Gambol Shroud. That hand immediately went down once she saw who it was, her eyes widening.

...Qrow? What are you doing here?" He explained where they were, making her eyes widen. "Mistral? We need to get to Atlas!" Fortunately, Qrow brought up what was happening there and she looked down. "I know him too... We need to stop him. Where's the rest of my team? And where are the others? Jaune, Ren, Nora, Oscar, where are they?"

So it seems this was someone she knows about, as she started reading off names, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Oscar. This was her respective world wasn't it?
"I'm a Crimson Demon archmage! And he's an F-Zero pilot, he's a Keyblade master, and he's an E.V.O., and he's a wizard, and she's an Eagle Bearer,

"Sorcerer, not a wizard..." he corrected. "Anyways, it seems obvious to us who we are after. We were told of this by...blake, herself during the start of all this."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @anoyone_that_i_missed


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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Megumin then asked what she was when listing off what some of the others were. "
I'm actually a Huntress, Megumin." While she waited for Qrow's response, it was clear that she was extremely worried for her team and her friends. Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Oscar, they all had to be fine, right? Especially Yang, she had to be worried about her the most given that the two were partners.

She looked at Megumin and nodded. "
That's right. They're out there and I don't know where they are. I just hope they're fine and Penguin hasn't gotten to them..."

P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

After entering the tavern, she heard the cat girl's questions and concerns. Hopefully, her team and her friends were fine, they needed all the help they could get. Looking at Aloy, she had gone to a booth, prompting her to follow the red head to the booth and sit down next to her.

Ciri looked at Aloy. "
This is quite a crazy adventure so far, right Aloy?"

darkred darkred

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>It is time for you to leave. You say your goodbyes to the residence of Gravity Falls and went off to another world for another mission.

~~While on the way~~

>"Shujinko, I had a word from The Discoverer about our efforts, and he was pleased. Therefore, by his blessing, it is an honor to reward you with these items which will help more throughout our journey."


>"This is the Memory Journal. You can write your experiences here like an ordinary journal. Except that it has the power to bring back your memories upon reading should, well, your memories get wiped out. Secondly..."


>"A new weapon just for you. Skypierce is a bow which can shift into a shield. It's arrows are meant to be used to break defenses such as walls. I'm pretty sure you know how bows work, right? So anyway, that is all that The Discoverer has given to you. There will be plenty of more as we progress in our journey. Until then, let us see where we will end up in."

>You end up in a dreary town much worst than Gravity Falls. You enter a building and meet up with man who's name is Qrow. You listen to what he has to say, and when all is well and done, you take out your Memory Journal and start writing down your experiences from the very start up until now.



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"I think Qrow referring to a different type of Huntress. Just like how Orbeck and I are two different kinds of wiz-uh, right. Sorcerer." She wasn't really sure what the difference was, but whatever.

"Now, then...'Penguin'? Ozzy Cobblepot is also known as 'The Penguin'?" Megumin's eyes narrowed. "So we do know who to defeat. He is in Atlas, you say? Well, then, let's begin our pilgrimage."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Lucky, meanwhile, was laying upside down on his back. "I kneeew a p-p-penguin once. F-fucker was so stuhuhupid..." He laughed wheezily.

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