-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Aww...don't say something like that, birdman."

>You tried to cheer Captain Falcon up.

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"I can arrange for that scenario." Hiryu says when Qrow addresses his concern of bringing in an emergency backup unit. "Considering that I can summon and turn into monsters...I'm sure a sudden horde attack will send some his soldiers crying for Ojichan's help." He says, taking out of his Anotherwatches. "These Grimm creatures...What are they, exactly? How do they act?" He asked, examining his Anotherwatch. Preferably, Another Kuuga should be enough to scare off the soldiers, but if they are to hijack a plane or two, these monsters need to be convincing. Regardless, there's still concern on how to get one. "Hmm...It's not like they have a hotline for these kinds of things..."

  • KZXDzEl.png


    Aloy sat up and nodded as the long eared warrior joined in as well "Well, you know my name is Aloy of the Nora Tribe. I was raised by a Deathseeker named Rost and he trained me to be the best fighter and huntress I know. My mother's name is Dr. Elizabeth Subet. I.. am a clone of her... I struggled so long trying to find out why the Nora tribe rejected me for years.

    The tribe eldars showed me to the spot I was found and turned out I had the right tools to see All-Mother which was a mechanical door.

    Inside, so much was revealed to me. The Old ones, metal creatures, GAIA, HADES and so much more.

    I had to fight the ending of the world and machines were taking over with HADES help.

    Now that's ended and I'm chasing after a oddly strange ally named Slyens who might have other plans for my world..

    I won't be able to stop him unless I survive Ganondolf. That's my goal.

    darkred darkred FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri)

Captain Falcon jumped when he felt Leo pat him and almost jumped again when Shunjinko spoke to him with words of encouragement. Up until now, he didn't know who either of the two were or how they even heard him. Probably super hearing. Everyone here probably has it. As much as he appreciated the comfort, this wasn't going to change his hidden feelings. The truth he's accepted about his existence for years now. The same truth he tried to burry with his own hubris. But he wouldn't bring it to light. Not here. Not now. All he did was give a warm smile at the two but for those who know Falcon, they would know it was fake. And he rarely faked a smile.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Topless Topless

  • View attachment 739041
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    (Art credit goes to NeoNeko5000! Thanks for the older Jak Commish!)​

    Jak was keeping tabs on the conversation at hand and the strategy needed to get to Atlas.

    Jak turned toward Aloy and raised a eyebrow "A clone? Of a woman 1000 years ago? How is that even- You guys wouldn't even believe the strange story me and Daxter went through.

    "So anyways, my name is Jak, but my real name is Mar. It's actually odd how much of a time loop my timeline is."

    So I find out I'm the lost heir to my father, King Damas in the middle of a mission in the middle of the Wastelands." Jak squeezed the table in frustration."Anyways my lost father is King Damas and I am not sure even who my mother is. Me and my friends,Daxter, Keira and Samos were just moving a time machine after a successful defeat of the dark eco sages, Gol and Maia. Soon after, we press the button and I find out that metal heads come out of the time portal and a big metal head comes out named Kor. After landing in a futuristic city 200 years in the future, named Haven City of course. Me and Daxter find out the hard way as Daxter ran away and I was knocked out and tortured for 2 years with Dark eco. That's not the worst of it. I catch blame from the people for everything that happened over the last years like I was the scapegoat.

    As I worry, I find out Samos knew everything about what happened to me before it happened but he doesn't tell me so I become the hero I am today. But here's the worst part. The people blame me for the war in Haven City. My friends, the Governess of Haven City Ashelin Praxis and Torn couldn't stop a power hungry man named Count Veger and he leaves me and Daxter and Pecker to die out in the Wastelands.

    Only for Damas and the others to find me in the Wastelands. Now? I'm a Wastelander like them.

    FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri) darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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So now, there was another problem: Penny was taken offline and Penguin might have infected her with twilight. She didn't want to fight Penny and she knew Ruby didn't want to either. Despite having barely any interactions with her, from the ones she did have with her, she liked her. Penny reminded her of Ruby when they first met, so to have to fight her wasn't something she was keen on doing.

Great... Now we have to worry about Penny being on Cobblepot's side."

Once she heard Atlas ships, she started trying to think of something. It was a long way off, but it was better than nothing. "
We could go and see Cordoven, hopefully she's still where we saw her last. We can get Ben a VTOL to look at there." While she didn't like going to her due to how she viewed faunus, it was better than nothing. Another idea was suggested, which was to cause an attack on one of the ships. Maybe that could work.

Her face turned a bit red once Qrow mentioned the sushi. "
I thought we weren't going to bring that back up again, Qrow."

She looked at the man who wanted to know what Grimm are. "
Grimm usually take the form of animals. There's Beowolves, Ursa's, Borbatusk's, Lancer's, and a whole lot more. They're usually black with white masks on their faces and red eyes and they're drawn to negativity. And some, like Borbatusk's, have armor covering most of their bodies."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

From what Ciri heard of her world, it was interesting. Aloy was a clone of this Elizabeth woman, making her Aloy's mother in a way. And this Rost was like a father to her, similar to her and Geralt. Tribes, machines, the end of the world. There was so much about that world that intrigued her.

It sounds like every day, you fight to survive. It's the same way in my own world." She looked at Jak. "What about you, Jak?"

It was then explained that they needed an Atlas ship. Two ideas were suggested: one where they go visit someone to get Ben to see a ship and another where it involves an attack on the ship using the creatures of this world. Thinking about it, she made up her mind. "
Well, the first one would be easier, but the second one is the fastest. We need to be there as fast as possible, correct? I say we go with his idea." Ciri pointed to the one that suggested the idea.

Jak then explained his world and she could understand being the child of someone who was royalty. But she was interested in certain things he mentioned as she had never heard of those things before. "
Dark Eco? What is that?" Being used as a scapegoat for a war on the other hand was something she knew nothing about.

darkred darkred , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


(Art credit goes to NeoNeko5000! Thanks for the older Jak Commish!)​

Jak looked up "It's complicated, i have two entities inside my mind that balance me out. But remember when Midna showed the power of twilight?

Dark eco is somewhat like that.

Except hold on, let me show you.

Jak lifted out his hand and a ball of purplish like energy appeared in the eco warriors hand.

"I'm something in my world called a Eco Channeler. I am able to absorb and use eco as attacks."

"This here is dark eco. Watch as I absorb it."

"It twists, ages anyone else other than me, really. The stupid Baron Praxis found out the hard way."

The dark eco absorbed into Jak's body, causing a bit of a shock in Mar's body.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla


[tab=Jak's Abilities/Powers/Equipment/Armor]
Location: Kingdom near Atlas
Status: Fine

Dark Jak
Light Jak

Morph gun:
16 mods

Mar's armor

Equip: Multiverse Watch

"Well, like I said, if you want a ship, you'll have to give Cobblepot a good enough reason to send one down here." Qrow replied to Ben. He then looked up at Hiryu. "Big. Dumb. Stupid. Kinda like your friend over there," He said, nodding slightly over to Captain Falcon as he spoke. "But regardless, pretending to be Grimm won't do ya much good. Cobblepot doesn't care about the Grimm attacking his soldiers. They're expendable to him." Qrow proceeded to lean forward onto the table, shifting his weight onto it via his elbows. "In other words, you'll have to cause a pretty damn big fuss to get his attention." Then, Blake interjected again with her own ideas, which caused Qrow to somberly shake his head. "That won't work either, kid." He said, his vision failing to meet Blake's for a moment. It finally did after a bit, and when it did, Blake could more than likely tell that Qrow had a distinct look of slight sorrow in his eyes. "Cordovin's dead. Cobblepot killed her and a bunch of other now former Atlesian military personnel a few weeks back."


Despite the words coming out of Qrow's mouth, and the sudden darker tonal shift, he still managed a small smile in regards to Blake's other comment. "Nope. You made your team promise that, not me."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- P PopcornPie Topless Topless Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"That ain't no smile, but I'm sure you can work it out."

>Some more encouragement. You're starting to take an interest in him.

>You hear a voice in your head.

By the bond connected, you have obtained the skill sets of Captain Falcon.

>You have acquired the abilities of Captain Falcon. The following powers you can use are: Falcon Attacks (Punch, Kick, Dive), Raptor Boost, The Gentleman, Knee of Justice, Heel of Shame.

>You turn your attention to Qrow, still listening.

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

"I've always wondered if a catgirl would do cat things in real life." Hiryu nodded at Qrow'a analogy if they tried to fly. "Thanks for letting me know." He smiled before Qrow revealed that grabbing a ship from a confidant wouldn't work because she's dead. "Fuck."

"Well shit. Guess we'll only have one ship to work with if we call them...Somehow." Hiryu rubbed his chin before asking again, "Do you think he has anything important here in Mistral?" Hiryu asked, "Cause if you go for that, it might freak him out and send an armada or two."
"So we just need to cause enough mass damage and panic? I can do that. With Snake it'll be easy as eating a baby! Speaking of which, where can we get food. I'm hungry, and I don't want to exhaust the emergency snacks yet." Lealan's eyes drift to Josh and the Agent when she says this.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow
"A big fuss, huh? I think I might know someone who can do just that."

Ben smacks his watch down, turning into a new form. He grew smaller in size...


"Echo Echo!"

The being, Echo Echo, began to divide into a dozen as he- no- they spoke in robotic voices.

"One of me can stay behind with the group."

"While the rest of me-"

"-causes a mad ruckus!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless
"I can still-! You know what? Forget it...Forget it! Let's just do this thing...If this Cobblepot pot fellow has expendables, where is he getting them from? Assuming he has to replinish his attack and defense forces. We could disguise ourselves as part if his militia or something. Cause I doubt he pays attention to who he enlists in his little 'march'."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Welp.... there was many plans going left to right here.... so much that he needed to go outside for a bit since he couldn’t understand one thing. Walking out the front door, he was waiting near the entrance of the place, waiting for a plan to happen.
After a while, he was now working on the motorized wheelchair that he used back in the nightmare realm. Basically, he is planning on attaching weaponry to the wheelchair..... and maybe create a tank out of parts as well with the Wheelchair being the center piece of it all. But he has to think about the former first, going through his mod list on the ToolGun in order to find the perfect weapons to attach to it.

(Open for interaction)
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Feeling pretty bored of waiting outside, Whisper hopped off of the building, using Hover to float down and land on Benrey's creation.
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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If they wanted a ship to get there, they needed to cause something that would warrant him to send one. Which was going to be a bit of a problem considering this was Cobblepot they were dealing with. They just needed to figure out a way to get him to send one seeing that she doubted anyone would go with her idea due to distance.

That and once she saw the sorrow in Qrow's eyes when it came to Cordovin... her idea wouldn't work.

God..." Her eyes had widened, hurt by the news. Yeah, Cordovin wasn't the best person, being against faunus and prioritized the military. But, she didn't deserve to be killed by The Penguin of all people. Hearing that there were others, she had to ask. "Who... Who else that we know did he kill?"

Part of her had a feeling she knew one person that was among the people he killed, but she didn't want to be right.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

So, from the explanation, Dark Eco sounded to be similar to twilight. If that was the case, then how powerful could Dark Eco be in comparison to twilight? Jak then proceeded to show a demonstration and it even looked a bit similar to twilight.

Jak then said that he was an Eco Channeler, and she had to wonder how many different types of Eco is there in his world. She figured there was more than just one, one type being Light considering there was Dark Eco.

He absorbed the Dark Eco, causing something to happen and making her worried. "
Jak? Are you okay?"

darkred darkred
Bayonetta and Willow

Bayonetta's Status: probably in purgatorio i don't really care
Willow's Status: somewhere idk
Health: how am i supposed to know/150
Hunger: or care/150
Sanity: this isn't an actual serious post lmao/120

Bayonetta's Interactions: N/A
Willow's Interactions: N/A

meanwhile bayonetta and willow are chilling in the back like

sorry my motivation died, i swear i'm gonna make up for this by posting more in the future and rping 6+ chracters at once in the final battle

Benrey was too busy spawning in ‘something’ from his ToolGun to even notice Whisper land on the motorized wheelchair. After finishing spawning in the item, he turned around only to almost drop the item due to Whisper suddenly being there on his contraption. He managed to grab it while it was mid-air and said “Oh god....... first of all, thank god I didn’t drop this because it would have ended badly, secondly, make sure to tell me when your gonna sneak up on me.” he said, motioning to the item in his hand.
“So.... you must have come here for a reason. Are you interested in what I am building or are you here to talk with me.” he said as he placed the missile like item inside a tube launcher that was located on the back of the wheelchair.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari suddenly felt himself getting full-on chucked into Rex... as a car? He turned to face Sora from the side car when he spoke to him. "Fate has a curious way of reuniting people, key wielder..." Akari said to Sora, still feeling a bit woozy from the sudden launch.

Then... it seemed for a moment that the Nightmare World fell silent, followed by a monstrous explosion that consumed Bill.
Akari suddenly jerked awake... and he was back in Gravity Falls, as if nothing had happened. He saw Megumin get swarm-hugged, but as he couldn't seem to find a spot to join in, he simply folded his arms with an approving nod. "Nicely done."

Akari gave a two-finger salute when it was time for the group to go, and with the next set of coordinates, he was whisked away to the next location.

It seemed to be a much more old-fashioned place, with rain falling down and rumbles of thunder. "Strange as it seems, I actually prefer rainy weather to sunny weather. It's relaxing, good for studying, and I find fog soothing to the soul... so long as there aren't murders involved, as what supposedly happened in Yasoinaba."

Akari turned to see a man drinking from a flask, who called everyone "kids", to which Akari cocked an eyebrow. "I'm no 'kid'. I'm six years above my home country's legal drinking age." Qrow, as he called himself, mentioned the "Kingdom of Mystral". Wait... a kingdom?

He entered the bar and seated himself. "
Me? A 'Hunter'? Well... I suppose you could say that I 'hunt'. I fought plenty of Shadows several years ago in the 'Metaverse'." Akari said, giving air quotes when he said the word "hunt".

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
P PopcornPie
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

(Open for Interactions)
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Lealan would lean down and poke one of the Echo Echos. "A mechanical sounding being that can duplicate? Can I eat one of you?" Lealan asks the Ben in front of her.
Crow Crow
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

". . .Yes." Whisper nodded as she faced Benrey, feeling rather comfy on the seat as he carried what seems to be a giant bomb. "Just waiting for the others...You too?"

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