After hearing what Whisper had to say, he took out a watch and began tweaking with the engine on the bottom of the Wheelchair as he said “Pretty much wasting time out here.... but I am making pretty important improvements to the vehicle I used back when Bill was chasing us. I am basically planning on putting weapons and trying to find a way to go past 200 mph....” as he accidentally removed something with his wrench and oil began spilling out from the engine. He quickly fixed the engine by screwing back on the bolt. “What is taking then so long in there?.” he said, wondering why they were taking so much time in there.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Jesus Christ... no, we're not causing any mass panic. We're here to stop the chaos, not create more of it." Jason would groan in response to Ben and Lealan's sudden insistence on their Joker-like plan. "And no eating each other either, for God's sake!"

Qrow, meanwhile, simply turned to face Hiryu. "Yeah, actually." Qrow replied, nodding slowly. "Word on the street is that he keeps somethin' guarded over at Haven Academy. No one knows what. Some people think it's a weapon, others think it's somethin' valuable." He leaned back and tipped his flask up once more, letting its contents pour down his throat. "All I know for sure is that whatever it is, it's heavily guarded in the heart of Haven. You'd more than likely get Cobblepot's attention, to be sure, but you'd also basically be askin' for a painful death."

Then, Blake had asked him if he knew of anyone else that had been murdered by Penguin. Qrow sighed again after looking up at her. "Those Special Ops guys, for one. And..." Qrow shut his eyes and clenched his teeth together for a second, as if saying the next part even hurt him a bit. He looked away from Blake, exhaling sharply. It took him a minute, but he eventually managed to meet the faunus' gaze once more. "And... Ironwood." He finally managed to say, his voice sharp as nails as he spoke. Qrow and Ironwood never exactly saw eye to eye... but to be killed by Penguin in such a brutal fashion, especially after all he'd done? It... it affected Qrow. More than he wanted to admit.

As if looking for an excuse to change the subject, Qrow almost immediately turned away from Blake when Captain Falcon proposed his plan. "Normally, that'd work. Only problem is that all of Penguin's army is made up of is robots."

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Topless Topless FoolsErin FoolsErin quadraxis201 quadraxis201 P PopcornPie darkred darkred Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Riven Riven
“If we’re going to get in, subtlety is most likely our only option. If you want, I can go ahead, perhaps try to find a way in and do some recon.” Snake stood between red hood and Qrow, speaking openly to both of them.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
And then... that hope was gone.

Out of everyone in Atlas that was part of the Atlesian Military, why did it have to be the Ace Ops and Ironwood? Especially Ironwood, he was the one that she hoped was imprisoned at the very least. "

From how Qrow was acting when breaking the news about Ironwood's death, she knew that he was hurting from it the most out of the two of them. Yeah, she knew that they didn't really like each other given how different the two were, but they were still friends, or at the very least, allies despite how many times they butted heads.

Tears then started to fall from her eyes as she looked down. Sub-Zero, Leon, the girl in the top hat, Ironwood, the Ace Ops, Cordovin, everyone else that didn't survive in the Point Zero incident... "
How many...? How many more are going to die thanks to Ganondorf...? To Zant...? To Cobblepot...?!"

People, good and decent people, died... all because of them. Those dead didn't deserve this... none of them did.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

"Ooh..." Whisper gave a thumbs up as Benrey continues doing his thing. He then asks what's taking the others so long. "They're probably planning on our next move." She say, promptly hopping off of the wheel chair.

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Venom Snake Venom Snake Crow Crow

"There's our target." Hiryu nods upon hearing that a school called Haven has Penguin's men guarding something. The soldier, Snake, then suggests that he'll go ahead and perform recon on the academy. "Good idea, but we should probably be nearby in case things go wrong for you." He tells Snake, pocketing the Another Watch. "Who knows how many eyes and ears that damn bird freak has right now."

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You noticed that Blake is tearing up after being told bad news. You walk up to her and give her a comforting warm hug.

"Don't cry. You still have us, right?"

Lealan lunges for the food, grabbing one out of his hand and chomping down on the other as he holds it, packaging and all. If he doesn't move his fingers or hand fast enough, he may just lose something. After a quick devouring of the first Ration, she smiles at Snake. "Thank you!!"
joy night tree.png
Venom Snake Venom Snake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"The task we accepted wasnt going to be easy...Death of innocents was to be expected...That doesnt make any less tragic...But this oughta give us incentive because the ones that are suffering wont be the only ones. If Ganandorf and his allies continue on like this, then we wouldve let the dead and the living down. Right now, we're all soldiers! We might not be the best the multiverse had to offer but we're ginna have to be if we're gonna come out on top of this. We need unity now more than ever. Cause Atlas wont be the last. Can you do this?"
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The Echo Echoes merged back and turned back to Ben.

"We may not be able to stop the deaths that already happened, but if we move soon, we can stop the ones that will. Make sure their deaths aren't in vain," Ben says to Blake, "that's what drove me through the Highbreed Invasion. If they're not here to do what they'd do, it's up to us to do just that."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
"I haven't eaten for at least a day, maybe more, depending on how lone we were in the Nightmare realm, and I can't photosynthesize for a damn considering how damn dreary everywhere has been. I am VERY hungry." Lealan scarfs down the other ration.
Venom Snake Venom Snake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Orbeck of vinheim
status: grief, clarification, and more questions.
Condition: normal.​
"We may not be able to stop the deaths that already happened, but if we move soon, we can stop the ones that will. Make sure their deaths aren't in vain," Ben says to Blake, "that's what drove me through the Highbreed Invasion. If they're not here to do what they'd do, it's up to us to do just that."
Context would be needed. But the man in green has a point. Grievances can be done once Cobblepot is dealt with. One would think that the "highbreed" part would be omitted. But does it really matter here?
As if looking for an excuse to change the subject, Qrow almost immediately turned away from Blake when Captain Falcon proposed his plan. "Normally, that'd work. Only problem is that all of Penguin's army is made up of is robots."
Robots...since that day at gravity falls, he has had in with a few such constructs. No magic, just a series of many processes that make up the functions of said construct. Still, it would mean that any sort of diversion that would normally work on people (undead or otherwise) would have to be adjusted to account for the more strict behaviors of Penguin's army.

"Another few questions, if you don't mind. Is there anything else that needs to be mentioned regarding your world? something that would be considered obvious to you and blake, but not to any of us. and are there any outside influences that we may end up dealing with, besides the grim?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow

  • The Eagle Bearer had no time at all to really fiddle with Sage's wounds outside of smashing the stupid Jade pieces into bits, especially not when a giant explosion erupted behind her. She turned her head around to watch the Explosion, her jaw dropping at the sheer sight. It was huge enough in Blood Gulch, but it looked enhanced and more menacing this time. Plus, an extra set of blue flames engulfed the first blast, causing her to instinctively avert her eyes from the ever-growing bright lightshow. Only then did she look down and see Sage cackling in her arms. Before she could react, though, her scene seemed to shift without warning.

    The very first thing Kassandra heard was the caw of a certain Golden Eagle. This time, it didn't take too long for her to shake herself awake, pulling herself to her feet as soon as she could to look at Ikaros perched on a nearby rooftop. She only gave him a single nod before her eyes turned back to the scenery. Judging by a single glance, Gravity Falls was back to normal yet again. Even the crazy kid Megumin was still in one piece; honestly, as obnoxious as Megumin had been when she'd gone crazy, Kass probably would've went over to check up on her if it weren't for the fact that Megumin was already being swarmed by a horde of people. Instead, she checked her person for her equipment; to her relief, everything was still there. Nothing'd been replaced when she'd been dolled up by that crazy girl... who was now apparently just a little girl. The Spartan didn't even know how to feel about that twist, so she shook her head before taking off her stuffy helmet yet again.

    Aloy's call drew the Spartan's attention away for a second, though honestly the latter was a bit tired, and they were about to leave, so there was no formal reunion yet. Instead, Kassandra began punching in the random numbers that the "Red Hood" called out. This time, she only had to fumble around a little with the tiny watch and cheat once with Ikaros to figure out one of the numbers she wasn't entirely familiar with yet, before lifting her arm up for Ikaros to land on her. With that, the duo vanished into thin air with the rest of the world-hoppers.

    "Ugh... I don't think I'm going to be used to that any time soon." The Greek grumbled under her breath the second she re-appeared in the newer world. In reality, she was starting to get more accustomed to the jump; for her third time being jostled from world to world, she was taking it a bit better than she'd admit. Either way, she threw her arm holding Ikaros upwards to give the bird a quick vertical boost in the air before flying off. This time, Kassandra would spend a bit more time possessing Ikaros to scout the area, subsequently leading to her looking like she was spacing out even more so than last time. So when she came back to her body, she looked like an absolute idiot standing out in the rain.

    She looked upwards at the gloomy sky before shrugging and walking into the bar, where most people had apparently went. There, Aloy, Ciri, and an animal man had all sat down together, apparently talking about their lives. The Spartan took a seat just before laughing at the notion of "saving the world" that Aloy was talking about.

    "You would think that some people here actually have normal lives. Instead, you've got so many people who have to 'save the world' from a bunch of malakes who think they deserve absolute control. I had to deal with the Cult of Kosmos, the Order of the Ancients, and petty Isu gods themselves. Honestly, I'm pretty sure saving your world is a requirement to be here at this point." She watched Jak go ahead and control "eco", which was apparently something like the all-powerful Twilight material that was supposedly coveted. After Jak claimed it could corrupt anyone besides for himself, Kassandra shrugged.

    "Well, as long as you don't go crazy and attack us, I have no qualms with you using it." She remarked before she overheard people planning on what seemed to be a raid upon a "Haven Academy" according to a drunkard who resided in this world. Some people suggested they go in stealthily, but as much as the Spartan wanted to play things quietly, there was no way they could do full-on stealth. At least, not with the sheer amount of idiots they had. After all, the groups weren't split off into Reds and Blues like in Blood Gulch-

    Waaaaaait a second...

    "I wouldn't exactly say full stealth would be our best option. Especially not a one-man stealth; if you get caught, you're good as dead." The Spartan remarked to Snake, standing up and leaving her Hephaestus helmet in her place. She walked over to Qrow's table, sizing up everyone in the conversation just before suggesting her idea.

    "With the sheer amount of people here, there's no way we could all go in quiet as mice, either. So I propose we have a 'hybrid' plan of sorts. One team- let's just call them Red- acts as a loud distraction, and another Blue Team goes behind the scenes to find out what this Cobblepot man is hiding. We put ranged people around the building, have them wield bows and snipers or whatever to deal with reinforcements. People good in close quarters combat should be able to bust through the main entrance and draw the attention of anyone indoors. Meanwhile, the quiet group can find a backdoor to sneak through, or a window, or even the rooftops. Either way, we can reconvene when either indoor team finds our target." Okay, maybe it was a rip-off of the actual Reds and Blues' usual ploys, and everyone who'd went through Blood Gulch that was listening would probably see where Kassandra was coming from, but if it wasn't broke then why fix it? Besides, she had a feeling that the missing Captain Price would have agreed with her. She'd taken a few notes from his strategic style, so she figured that was everyone's best course of action. Too bad he wasn't there to give some pointers; she sorely missed someone who could plan things out.

    "That way, people with way more brawn than brains-" A sour look was directed at the bumbling Captain Falcon- "can still cover for people who know how to be in and out-" A gesture at Snake and a slight gesture to herself, using her Spear to emphasize her point by disappearing into thin air- "without compromising each other." She reverted back to a visible state here, folding her arms in her usual relaxed misthios fashion.
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  • Arthur was afraid his dynamite blasts didn't work on Bill Cipher. It was still worth a shot anyways. The American braced to be smashed into pudding on top of the car, but that didn't happen. As the group drove away, Bill shrunk down to meet a little girl in a wizard's attire. Megumin.

    "Don't do it, kid!" Morgan called out at the same time as the Red Hood did, though it was too damn late. He already knew what was going to happen, so his words would likely end up on deaf ears. All he could do was shield his eyes from the sheer intensity from the resulting Explosion... then his mind blanked out.

    When he finally came to, he was sitting on one of Gravity Falls' benches, with everyone else sprawled out in front of him, including Megumin. He was extremely worried for the kid; she might be gullible, but she didn't deserve a painful death. That, and Megumin reminded him of... other casualties. Casualties back from the Tesseract Incident. Of course, Megumin wasn't the same, but... still. A child was a child.

    He stood up to make his way to Megumin, but the sheer amount of people running over to check on and/or congratulate her eventually turned him off. He wasn't much for words, nor was he that comfortable around crowds, so he ended up waiting just outside the crowd for them to disperse. Except that never actually happened. That said, he did get a chance to listen to the rich brat the MPF had jailed, who admitted he put everyone through the nightmare world so they could stand half a chance against the reality-warping Bill.

    "Seems you ain't half-bad after all." The gunslinger nodded at Byakuya, ignoring the fact the latter supposedly sold out Gravity Falls before coming into MPF custody. Instead, he inputted the coordinates for the next location before letting himself disappear from Gravity Falls.

    The next world was something Arthur barely recognized. When he realized it was raining, Morgan was quick to take refuge under one of the porches before lowering his head to begin scribbling down what just happened in his journal. This one took a good while to write, mainly because he kept pausing to think about what to write before actually putting his pen to work.

    New Journal Entry

    When he finally finished scribbling on his page of choice, Arthur closed his private notebook before glancing at the rain. Honestly could use a hat right about now... He pushed the notion out of his head before hunkering down and making his way over to the bar that everyone else had run into. Before long, he spotted a mortified Blake, who seemed to be crying. From what he could piece together outside as he was heading in, there had been a lot of casualties after Cobblepot had taken over Atlas and subsequently Remnant. A few other people came over, one hugging her and another two saying the deaths couldn't be in vain. Morgan would have given the cat-girl a reassuring pat, but Shujinko was still hugging her, so Arthur just stood close to his comrade.

    "They're all right. Well, mostly right. We'll have time to mourn, I promise, but we have to focus on the task at hand. What you're wrong about-" Arthur turned to address Lars- "is that Atlas will be the last mistake Cobblepot makes. Who cares if he's got some fancy Twilight? If we work together as a gang-" Maybe gang wasn't the best word, but he was thinking about how coordinated his old "family" had been- "We can take Cobblepot and whatever goons he's got, plus a bit more." He redirected his attention to the drunk man, who- if Morgan's recollection of his "skimming" the Remnant files- was one Qrow Branwen, before addressing him.

    "Qrow Branwen, right? I kinda read y'er file. Name's Arthur Morgan, you could say I'm a friend of Blake's; if you've got any important information about what Cobblepot could possibly be up to or something that can come up, you gotta let us know now so there ain't no surprises." He remarked to the alcoholic, though at this point Kassandra the Spartan began talking about what they could do to assault one "Haven Academy".

    "I ain't too much of a fan of that plan as a whole. Great idea, but I think we'd be better off splitting into two entirely different groups. One group should be causing trouble a good distance away from Haven so the other team can go in without worrying about reinforcements or none of that; no clustering up around the place as a whole. My gang had a similar idea when we robbed a bank. One party goes and creates a diversion, the other sneaks on by. No need for a frontal assault." Arthur didn't mention the fact that the Saint Denis bank robbery had been an utter disaster in the end; the concept had worked up until the point where they had been caught by the Pinkertons, which was probably because they'd caused too much trouble with Angelo Bronte beforehand. This time, there should be no Pinkertons or rats to flub them up... right? Either way, Arthur arbitrarily pulled out a Penguin figurine from his old exploits in "Point Zero", flipping the toy around in his hands whilst he waited for someone else to speak up.
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“Can I talk to you for a minute.” Sora pulls Megumin for a brief second to discuss something important. “I don’t know how you knew I was a Keyblade master, but whatever you know about it, you can’t tell anyone about the Keyblade. If word were to get out, everybody would drive themselves crazy trying to get one.”

Sora ends his talk with Megumin and Qrow doesn’t know much about the multiverse people, but wonders if they’re here for a man named, ‘Oswald Cobblepot’; aka, the Penguin. Apparently he’s taken over a military and has people who opposed him and helping the good, wanted! Including Qrow himself.

“I can’t imagine how it’s like to be wanted, but now we have to fight a military!?”

“I’ve taken down something similar to that, but even this sounds tough, in addition to those monsters, the Grimm? Right?”

”Yeah, that’s something I’d like to know. Just what are Grimm?”

While asking what Grimm are, Ben wonders if they could do something with Penguin’s army of robots. “Robots huh? I doubt we could do much with that. Penguin has control over a military right? He’ll probably blow us to bits.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie
"Well, you'll have to get to Haven first," Qrow said to Snake after he suggested he'd go on ahead. "It's about a ten mile walk from here. And, besides Atlas, it'll be one of the most heavily guarded places in all of Remnant." He then looked down at Ben and nodded. "Well, you'll certainly be a valuable edition, won't you?" He asked, his flat tone and expression making it hard to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. Especially after he took a swig from his flask. His attention was soon stolen by the sight of Blake crying. He winced slightly as he saw it. He was never really close to Blake all too well, Qrow's stakes really applied to Yang and Ruby more than anything, but seeing someone he'd sort of grown to care for break down like this.... it hurt him to watch.

"Look, kid...." Qrow said as he stretched out an arm, resting a reassuring hand on the faunus' shoulder. "There's nothing any of us could have done. What matters now is that we take Cobblepot out and stop more people from getting hurt." With that, though, Hiryu suggested that Penguin would have eyes everywhere and ears everywhere else. Qrow nodded slightly and leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. "He's right. There ain't a dime that changes hand in Remnant that Penguin doesn't know about." He turned back to Snake. "Solo infiltration may be your thing, but trust me when I say that Penguin ain't your run of the mill terrorist." Then, Orbeck asked Qrow if there was anything else people needed to know about his world. He grunted as he leaned back again, trying to think. Eventually, the drunk shook his head, "That pertains to you guys? No. But I will say be prepare for anything. If it wasn't obvious enough already, you guys ain't the first out of placers to pop up here, if you catch my drift."

Then, the Greek girl and the cowboy formed their own plans. When they were finished, Qrow nodded slowly. "The cowboy's right. Having two teams-- one for distraction and the other for stealth-- would be our most viable option. Forming a frontal assault is a one-way ticket to having Cobblepot's calvary show up and take you all out at once." His expression darkened a bit.


"And trust me, no matter how good you people think you are, Penguin has enough reinforcements to take you down if you try and blow up the doors from the front." He then looked over to Sora. "Grimm are monsters that inhabit Remnant. But... I wouldn't worry much about dealing with them." His eyes then shifted back up to Arthur. "Cobblepot ain't exactly the most open guy. If he's planning something, I'd be the last to know. Trust me."


"Alright, guess our plan is settled, then." Jason said as he pushed himself up, standing in the center of the group. "I'll be taking the Stealth Team. Leo, your eyes could be good for the Distraction Team, so you take that. Micah, you'll be on Distraction Team as well. Byakuya, you'll be with me." Jason said, prompting slow nods from Micah and Leo, though Byakuya just stayed silent. He probably got the gist of it, though. Regardless, Jason turned back to face the rest of the group. "The rest of you, form your teams now. We don't have long, so make it quick."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts quadraxis201 quadraxis201 P PopcornPie Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Riven Riven FoolsErin FoolsErin
“Oh, good to know then.” Sora got his answer for the Grimm, but was a little disappointed on how brief it was. Then he started to hear crying coming from Blake, mourning the loss over this ‘Ironwood’ character and many more. “(Hey. Maybe I should help her out, I may not know much about her, but when has that ever stopped me from helping someone?)”

Sora felt sorry for the girl and went over to Blake to cheer her up, with his hand on his shoulder, Sora begins to speak. “Hey, Blake? I know we haven’t known each other for long, or what Ironwood was to you or anyone, but soaking about this isn’t the way to go about it. I know losing someone hurts and I know this is hard, but his death will be not in vine if we don’t do this. Ironwood would want you to carry on, and help the people that he couldn’t.”

Sora moves in front of Blake and looks her right in the face. “We’ll win this. Not just for Ironwood, but for everyone else Ganondorf’s messed with; so the people can live happy, to see another day without living in fear, to be safe. Besides. Crying’s not a good look for you.”

Sora playfully jabs her shoulder a bit and ends this with a smile and a saying. “You gotta try and think positive!”

As if on cue, Red Hood informs the group there will be a stealth team and a distraction team and that they don’t have much time. Sora turns to Blake to say his final words “I gotta go. Remember this, think of your friends and they’ll guide you. Strength lies in your friends, and friends are connected by the heart, and as long as you think of each other, your hearts will be one.”

Sora snaps himself out of his before he gets carried away so much to where his time runs out. “I’m sorry, I went on this long rant back there I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Sora. Well, take care Blake.”

Sora meets with Rex again and decide which teams they’ll be on.

“Getting a little deja vu with the ‘team,’ aspect again?”

“Nughh, don’t remind me.”

“Hehe. Anyways. I was thinking I’ll go with the stealth team. If anything goes wrong I can help these guys out in a pinch with the Keyblade.”

“Good thinking. Guess that means I’ll be on the distraction team then. Maybe then I’ll get some real action instead of running away from a giant triangle. Besides.. I wanna tear something up!”

“Well, nothing says distraction like big metal hands and missiles. Best of luck then.”

“Same here.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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