--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whispwr--
Interaction: Venom Snake Venom Snake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie

"If we're going with the red and blue plan, I opt for the Red Team." Hiryu turned to the huntress. "With my power, I make a great distraction on the front lane." He nodded. Not before long, the gang headed out. Qrow's sword turning into a scythe...It's a detail I like.

On the road, Hiryu debriefed both Whisper and Benrey about the situation--the fact that one team is going to sneak into the academy and the other's gonna cause a big ol distraction.

"...Infiltration." Whisper simply said, confirming her choice. Whisper has been part of a group which makes her specialize in sneaking around, albeit her job is mainly to snipe, being able to lurk around quietly is indeed part of the resume.

As he positioned himself near Lucky and Megumin in order to make Lucky NOT drunk for the sake of the mission, the rustling of bushes can be heard. Snake in particular took note of that.

"Oh, so it wasn't just me?" Hiryu asked, practically drawing out an Anotherwatch, "Should we take a look?"
B.J. Blazkowicz

B.J. had remained mostly silent, trying to gather as much information as he could from everyone who asked their questions. Grimm. Basically rampant monsters. Can't get worse than Nazi zombies. Robot army. No problem. Willing to bet this place would sunder at the sight of the London Monitor. Once it seemed a plan was finally formulating, B.J. stopped leaning against the wall of the tavern. "If that's the plan, then I'll go stealth with Blue Team." He checked his constrictor harness, feeling his chest compress lightly. Yup, still working. He went ahead and clicked silencers onto his two pistols.

"Christ... How many Nazis could I kill with that?" he muttered upon seeing Qrow's sword/scythe weapon. Fast forward to the trek, where B.J. silently trudged among the group. He usually carried infiltration missions by himself, and the reality of everyone's eccentricities was still settling in. Upon hearing the rustling of the bushes, Blazko immediately raised one of his hatchets, the more quieter option out of his stockpile of weapons. Lot of things you can do with a hatchet and a person. Glancing at his teammates, Blazko took the initiative and slowly approached the bush with his hatchet. He kept his other hand near where he kept his silenced pistol.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Megumin snapped to attention. "Oh! Infiltration? Me?" She gazed worriedly at all her friends on Distraction. "Okay, if you find it safer for me, or think I can do it, whatever the train of logic is..." She would need to stuff the Midna bundle down her shirt, and figure out how she would keep Midna safe on the way. "Think, Megumin! What did you do as a mercenary?" Actually...did she do all that much? Right before Meta's first attack, she was just shooting the breeze with those on the Red team, and watching Lucky's psyche crack. "You're sure I wouldn't work on Distraction? I think I did a good job at distracting Meta...But then again, Chomusuke did even better, what with setting himself on fire." And, hey, no shame in trying new things, right?

    The forest they walked through reminded her of the last quest she had taken before she got roped into all this mess. Sometimes, she wondered if her friends and family came back to that spot. Maybe there was a memorial planted for her!

    She felt a little comforted by Hiryu drawing near. "I never thanked you for lending me your power. Being turned into a Rider wasn't as scary as you made it look back at the tent..." She smiled. "Urm...think you can do that reverse time method again, to take the alcohol out of Lucky's head? Or maybe he'll be an even better distraction as a drunkard..."

    Then there was a rustle in the bushes! Megumin immediately jumped to everyone's aid, posing defensively between her friends and the bush. "This is how most monster encounters begin back home! Everyone, stand tall!"
“My. File?” Sora was surprised to hear he has his own file that has record his achievements and who he is. To be fair, these are guys who keep tabs on the entire multiverse, but still.

“(When did this happen, when did they know I got the Keyblade or how I’m a master? And Lucky.. poor guy.)” Sora exits his thoughts to go back to Megumin. “Okay, I don’t like how you went through my file without my permission. If you wanted to know me, you should have asked. Just ask before you do stuff like that got it?”

The teams are set and Qrow assigns Megumin to Stealth and Lucky to distraction. “Y’know, maybe having you on stealth may be a good idea if you were able to find out about me.” He tells Megumin, impressed with her skills. He then turns to Rex about a little furry problem.

“Looks like I got another drunken bunny to deal with again.”

“We’ll be back soon.”

“Take your time, no pressure here, I only have to deal with a drunk hairy baby basically.” Rex begin to keep an eye on Lucky again to make sure he doesn’t get himself into trouble. “There has to be something I can get you that doesn’t involve alcohol next time.. I wonder if they have those chicken nuggets you love so much?”

The teams head out, with Qrow leading the stealth team, and catches Sora’s eye when he transforms his sword into a scythe. “Whoa! I thought that was just a sword, how did you do that?”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Orbeck of vinheim
status: The plain has been set. and a disturbance.
Condition: normal.​
"Alright, guess our plan is settled, then." Jason said as he pushed himself up, standing in the center of the group. "I'll be taking the Stealth Team. Leo, your eyes could be good for the Distraction Team, so you take that. Micah, you'll be on Distraction Team as well. Byakuya, you'll be with me." Jason said, prompting slow nods from Micah and Leo, though Byakuya just stayed silent. He probably got the gist of it, though. Regardless, Jason turned back to face the rest of the group. "The rest of you, form your teams now. We don't have long, so make it quick."

There was no decision to be made, for Orbeck was trained for stealth. Even if the target in question was a heavily armed, heavily modernized, base of military operations. His sorceries and experience will prove useful in the distraction team.

Your trek had brought you to a forest of some sort and outside of any nearby markets. The wind blew through your hair as you continued to walk out in the cold, rainy, dreary weather. You'd been walking for a few hours now, with nothing but yourselves and your own footsteps to keep you company.


"Just a few more miles this way and we'll be at Haven in no time." Qrow said as he turned to face you all over his shoulder. After he said this, some of you may or may not have noticed a mysterious rustling in the bushes around you.

there was still a bit of time before the plain is set into motion, a bit of leeway to have some idle chatter. It may as well be the best time to give that foolish archwizard something for assistance, just something to show some gratitude for bill's defeat (even if he despises her insistence on that one spell). But of course, this moment would be disturbed by some rustling in the bushes. It seems unlikely to be those grim creatures since they have not gone too far yet. For all he knows, it could be some sort of animal or rodent. Speaking of...

Then there was a rustle in the bushes! Megumin immediately jumped to everyone's aid, posing defensively between her friends and the bush. "This is how most monster encounters begin back home! Everyone, stand tall!"
The whole trek, he was having a blast. He bounced up and down, helping himself to whatever wild fruits he could see or smell, and making stupid, oftentimes crass observations about everything. Naturally, when the bush rustled, he saw nothing suspicious at all. "AAAAAY! THIS IS HOW THUMP-P-PER GOT A HOT DOE IN THE M-M-MOVIE!" His tail wagged wildly as he moved to stick his head through the bush. "I'M READY FOR ME OWN H-H-HOT DOE! CM'ERE, LASSIIIIIIEEEE~!"

Orbck would promptly drag the lunatic rabbit out from the bushes, and like the last time he held an animal against his will, Lucky was held in place like a purse. He was not having it. Not. One Bit. Realy, he doupts a threat would come in and attack a well armed group such as this one. We will just have to see.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @the_path(or something)
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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The only thing they knew about who was leading Haven was that the person had red hair. Well, that helped them a little in narrowing down who was the leader. As Qrow picked up his weapon, Harbinger, and switched it's forms, they proceeded to head out.

As Blake walked with the group, she kept an eye out. Bandits were usually in forests and she didn't want them to get jumped, even though all of them could hold their own. Aside from bandits, there were also Grimm around here and if there wasn't, something would be very wrong. Her ears twitched as the bushes rustled and she looked at Qrow for a few seconds. "
Qrow." Pulling out Gambol Shroud in pistol form, she aimed it at the bushes.

Hearing Falcon, she shook her head. "
No, a Grimm would've came out by now and besides, I didn't hear Grimm footsteps." That put any fears that it was the Grimm to rest. That left one question: who was in the bushes? "Who's there?!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Now, they were heading out. Getting out of the booth, she looked at Aloy who chose the stealth team. "
Be safe, Aloy." Once Qrow grabbed his weapon, which was interesting as it went from a greatsword to a scythe, they all headed out.

They headed through a forest and Ciri was on edge. After all, from the conversation the others were having back at the bar, she had heard that there were creatures in this world. The creatures of Grimm, and she knew that they were probably hostile. She didn't want to take the chance that they could be jumped by the creatures.

Hearing the bushes rustle, she took out her sword, Zireael, and readied it. It wasn't as impressive as Qrow's weapon, but it could get the job done. Ciri figured that it was Grimm but once she heard Blake say that she didn't hear any Grimm footsteps, it had to be people. "
Whoever's there, come out!"

darkred darkred , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"I guess I'm not the only one that's hearing that strange rustling noise." Lilith thinks to herself as she looks over to the direction of where the noise is coming from. "Hold on guys I gotta check this out, don't worry I'll be fine." Lilith slowly approaches the rustling bush and checks to see what was inside but also tries to keep her distance as to not get attacked. "Hello, anyone in there?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Who's that in the bush? 🤔)
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Upon opening the bushes to take a peek at the source of the noise, those of you who were looking wouldn't find anyone, but rather...


A smoke grenade, which was currently live.


"SHIT! It's an ambush!" Jason exclaimed as the smoke rapidly began filling the world around you, clouding most of your visions. Even those of you who could see through the dense smoke wouldn't find anything except your allies coughing and looking around all confused like. Amongst the confusion, though, Blake and Sora would feel sharp pains in the back of their legs. It felt as if someone had just jammed a needle into their calves.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Venom Snake Venom Snake StaidFoal StaidFoal FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Lealan hisses. "Tricky Prey!" She draws Hokucide and equips her Perfect Helmet to guard her eyes and mouth from the smoke, before leaping into the trees and away from the smoke cloud, scanninf for who threw that grenade.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
B.J. Blazkowicz

As the smoke cloud rose, B.J. could only say one thing: "Shit..." He activated his battle walker, bringing him above where it was less dense. He pulled out one of his sturmgewehrs and switched the scope on, making a sniper rifle, and began scanning the edges of the smoke cloud for the possible attackers.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • (Art credit goes to NeoNeko5000! Thanks for the older Jak Commish!)


    (Thanks NeoNeko for the Commision of Older Jak!)
    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

    As everyone headed out, Qrow led the way but when someone checked the bush, there was a smoke grenade.

    Jak growled as he quickly slipped his goggles over his eyes and scarf over his mouth so he didn’t cough from the smoke. Hopefully he could see with his goggles over his eyes.

    He mentally cursed as he searched for the others in smoke.

    He might have muttered a quick “Shit! under his breath under the giant red scarf."

    Jak held his Morph gun with the Blue mod on it, setting it to Vulcan Fury.



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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Just then, a smoke grenade got tossed at them and went off, making Blake cover her mouth with her arm. As she began to cough, she felt something pierce her calves. It didn't seem to hurt like a sword stab or a knife cut, it felt... like a needle. Which meant something had to have been injected into her if it was a needle.

Immediately, she turned around, trying to look for whoever did that. "
Guys...! Someone injected me with something...!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone else

Something was tossed at them, followed by smoke coming out of it. Covering her mouth with her free arm, she started to cough. She looked around, trying to see if she could spot anyone in the smoke that wasn't any of them. But, that didn't seem to work as the smoke was too dense.

Ciri kept a tight grip on her sword, ready to defend herself.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • "Aiyyyeeeee!" Smoke! Megumin had to cover her nose and mouth with her cape, trying to offer the rest of the cape to anyone willing to do the same. She stumbled around, looking for someone who knew what to do, until-


    Yep, right into a tree. And she was content to just keep laying down, her cape over her mouth.


-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>With the preparations made, Qrow would lead you out of the building and begin to make your way to Atlas. Along the way however, you hear rustling in the brushes.

"I sensed...hostiles!"

>As Venus said it, a smoke grenade was throw, letting out smoke that obscures your vision. You cover the lower part of your face with the upper portion of your jacket and then your draw out your Semi-Auto Blade. Venus quickly went over to you and clings on your back, her face covered with her arm. You then hear Blake yelling that someone injected her with something, so you begin to make your way towards her.

"An ambush?!" Captain Falcon immediately throws himself out on the path and buries his face in the dirt to keep from imhaling the smoke. "Wait a sec....I have a scarf! Im over here sniffing dirt and junk and I couldve done this!" Falcon gets up wraps his scarf around his face
Lars was caught directly in the smoke cloud. He tried covering up his entire face with his arms but to know avail. Of all the days he shouldve worn a helmet, it had be walking on a peaceful path
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Dejected, Nervous, Panicked
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Well, he guessed it was settled then. Again, distraction team did make sense with his Ability... It was a bit disheartening that no one seemed excited about the idea of steering any explosions away, you'd think the prospect of not getting blown up would be at least acknowledged somehow. Maybe the others were, still wary over the mess at the tent. He did tell Rex that he knew what he was doing only to, basically not, anymore. Ooor maybe they were just being professional and it was quite silly to be excited about things this soon...

It still felt disappointing though.

As Qrow had announced he would be joining the 'Infiltration' aka Stealth Team, Sage was... actually delighted, because that meant that being away from the drunkard his bias wouldn't be hammering too hard and stealing focus, which was great! The weapon transformation had also gotten a little 'w-woa!' out of him, though the pyromancer still doubted the man was in any condition to fight, considering he kept chugging down alcohol.

Then they were off back in the cold rain and it eventually sunk in: the man was their guide. That headache was back full force...

Past the town and a lot of squishy mud, the group would suddenly find themselves in a forest and the young man was, uncomfortable. He was already uncomfortable because of the drinking of both their guide and their rabbit member, but now he was also uncomfortable due to how flammable everything was around them. Really, as soon as the rain stopped pouring, there'd be just places for possible fires everywhere!
So as they had progressed the Descendant had been, kind of hugging himself with apprehension, too uneasy to make an attempt at enjoying the nice view of night-time nature.

Caught in his own thing, Sage had not noticed the bush rattling, at least not until the one in a pointy hat and cape had said something about monster encounters. His mind had gone back straight to the giant spiders of Yggdrasil and the Katie quest. Taking a step back, now focused on the source of all the ruckus, he had taken the armlet off to be ready, the confident surge of power being a welcome assistance given their situation. Sage watched and waited for it, and Blake said it wasn't a creature that was stalking them, but rather a person...
If they were stalking them from the shadows it couldn't be a good thing, right?

Not too much later the answer had come in the form of a smoke grenade and Jason suddenly shouting about an ambush! Startled, the pyromancer ended up setting fire to the bush in question, though the rain would once more do its job and put it out rather fast. Aaaaand now they couldn't see, and it was rather hard to breathe too. In a completely instinctual reaction, his body would lit up that ever so familiar flame aura, attempting to burn the substance in the air directly around him, which depending on what it is might set the whole cloud of gas on fire? But it wasn't as if he had a say on it as he choked and felt extremely unsafe right now, covering his face with one of the jacket's sleeves to quit inhaling whatever this was.

Since the aura was coming off of Sage, the rain did little to put it out, merely sizzling and evaporating against its might. On the other hand, keeping it up was taking about double the strain it usually would and only grow more intense for as long as it was kept active.
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Sora didn’t get an answer from Qrow, but instead got an ambush; and to make matters worst, he and Blake feels sharp pain in their knees. “Ah! Get. off!” Sora summon the Keyblade for a quick attack named, Vicinity Break as a quick “get off me” attack.


The smoke was becoming a problem, no can see through the smoke, and Sora and Blake were and danger. Thus, it’s up to Rex to rapidly spin his Funchucks to clear the smoke and possibly bash some heads.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Thanks to your efforts, the smoke was eventually cleared. But as soon as you could all see and breathe again, things only got worse.

"Oh, I didn't inject you with anything!"


Literally out of thin air, having not been seen by any of you before, a young girl suddenly ran up to Blake's side, slashing towards her cheek with a knife! The girl's voice was muffled, which was evidently so due to the mask that was covering her face. She turned back around to look at all of you, clearly smiling behind the mask she wore as she held up the knife. She held the bloodied knife up to her eyes and seemed... almost disappointed. "Not enough blood..." She muttered under that mask of her's, before looking back up at the rest of you.


"That's okay, though!" She cheered as she lowered her mask so the rest of you could see her face. She smiled widely at all of you, before licking the blood off of her knife. Once she'd done that, the blonde haired girl lowered her stance a bit while gripping her recently cleaned blade in her right hand. "There's more than enough blood here for you to share~!"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher StaidFoal StaidFoal Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Topless Topless Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>When the smoke clears out, the assailant has made her appearance, slashing Blake's cheek before looking at all of you.

"Who are you? Did Cobblepot sent you? Are you alone?"


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