Antoneva backed off bit by bit, staring up at the growing size of their enemy. Then in the span of time it takes to blink, she began zipping off into the opposite direction. Waving a hand, a few of the people who wouldn't be able to make a speedy escape would quickly find themselves aboard the ark.

"Better hold your breath!" That was the only warning they would be given before their surroundings suddenly began to shift multiple times in rapid succession. They were making distance, and fast.

P PopcornPie (Not a car but close enough, right???) @Otherpeoplewhowanttoboardtheark
Lucky just...laid there on the Ark. Bleeding out. And shedding Barrijade like it was nobody's business.

When he comes to, however, this narrator will make sure he thanks Antoneva.

Ineptitude Ineptitude
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

As Kruger gave up, Hiryu's Another Rider army disappeared, crossing his arms as he finally dealt with the Dream Menace. However, their problems wasn't over yet as Bill took matters into his own hands...Literally. Bill grew in size and attempted to squash them all. If it weren't for the fact that Midna's there, this would be Hiryu's tragic end.

That only pissed the triangle even more, turning it into a monstrous pyramid. Another Kuuga couldn't POSSIBLY deal with that!

"Shit!" Hiryu was about to turn into Another Kabuto and bolt it outta there, however, Megumin appeared to NOT run, charging up her staff with magic. "What the hell are you doing?!" He rushed over to her side, knowing that she has yet to activate the Anotherwatch. This could potentially kill her--which is something no one wants, right?!

Seeing Hiryu and Megumin, Whisper sighed and opted to distract the triangle so that its attention is skewed away from.the two, firing off rockets towards the thing.
While the others were busy with either Bill or Freddy, Benrey was too busy making improvements to the chair he was sitting on. By attaching a couple of tracks and adding an engine using his ToolGun, he basically made a makeshift ATV. He didn’t even looked up when he was about to get crushed by Bill’s giant fist. After a while, he noticed the others running from a a very large Bill.... so he just started the engine and began driving. To anyone who looked at him, they would see Benrey wearing sunglasses as he drove a motorized Wheelchair with tank tracks instead of wheels. He looked at the others and said “sup...” as he continued driving, the ATV driving at incredible speeds (100 MPH) away from Bill.
Megumin now had tunnel vision for Bill and Bill alone. "No, Hiryu, I will not let him survive. No matter how gargantuan he becomes. No matter how much he warps reality around us." Her eyes were as hard as fire rubies. "He will be devoured by the crimson fires of Explosion. No more excuses." Her hands jiggled, the staff sputtering and groaning as it worked to hold in the once-stable magic. "I will bring forth Explosion. Even if it causes me to perish from an aneurysm." Her stony expression eroded under the raging pressure. "I just...need to overcome this disability...I suggest that you run away, Hiryu. Lead the others to safety."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow

This rage...Hiryu felt this rage before in his life. This desire to kill one person and one person alone. Hiryu spent his life dispising Sougo, and when he got the power, he got blinded by it and desired nothing more than Sougo's death in his hands.

"...I understand." Hiryu nods after a while, walking towards Megumin and grabbing the Anotherwatch he gave her from her. "I'm not sure if this will help, but it's worth a try."


Pressing the Anotherwatch's crown, its face glowed, getting behind Megumin and shoving the watch right in--Megumin will only feel nothing more than a sharp pain in her back and a sudden rush of power! As Hiryu took out his arm, Megumin started pulsing with purple energy, the watch resonating as it helped her charge her magic tenfold.

"You have quite a bit before it bonds with you, but you control over its transformation." Hiryu simply says as he turns around, taking out a different Anotherwatch, turning back on last time. "Give him hell...Wizard." Hiryu says before his body is engulfed in darkness, transforming him into a humanoid red beetle.


K A B U T O​

"Clock up." Hiryu slapped his hip, and soon, he's imbued with super speed. He dashed over towards Whisper, grabbing her by the hip and tossing her towards the Ben Mobile at high speeds like a football before dashing to catch up with it.
Decimus Prime/The Ben Mobile quickly opendd the doors to catch Whisper, before Kabuto quickly joined her.

"Seatbelts on, everyone?"

Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

The Agent swooped down, flying while wielding a jetpack on his back. He picked Aloy up so that her pace could increase.

"Need a flipper?"

darkred darkred
--Another Kabuto || Whisper--
Interaction: Crow Crow

"Yeah, I'll just run." Hiryu simply zipped out of the car as Whisper tried to orient herself, still stuck upside down.
"WELL, WELL, The Demon Dorito has shown himself! Sorry, but we kinda have to to bolt!" Captain Falcon hops on to the roof of Ben "Floor it, green one! We're out this mug!"
Crow Crow
Jason, Ford and Stan had all gotten into Ben's makeshift car.


"FUCKING STEP ON IT!" Jason would shout, while Ford and Stan stared at the monstrosity that began chasing them from behind. Leo, meanwhile, had found himself up on the ark.



Bill's first course of actions was to attempt to smack Ben's car with both hands. If he didn't get going in time, everyone inside of it would surely be crushed! Midna, meanwhile, was barely conscious in Lealan's arms. She groaned slightly, seeming to be fading in and out of consciousness.

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake Ineptitude Ineptitude Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
B.J. Blazkowicz

As he kept up the bombardment, the cybernetically enhanced rabbit he saw scurrying around earlier crawled onto his shoulder. Normally he'd have pulled out the hatchet and tried to swipe it away, but there were many other... eccentric... people around that he was desensitized. "Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of lead!" Dual automatic shotguns had done the job alright, blasting Freddy away as dozens upon dozens of fancy attacks and lights attacked him. Sure enough, all that was left was his head... still talking before somehow burrowing away.

He reloaded the schockhammers and unequipped them. But as the odd pyramid creature became some sort of monster out of the slimy pits of Deathshead's X-labs, B.J. found himself running to the nearest escape point there was, leaping onto Antoneva's ark.

P PopcornPie Ineptitude Ineptitude
And now there was a demon triangle with a top hat. Lars had to be dreaming...He had to be...But just in case he wasnt, he acted fast and with no clear idea what he was doing, rushes over to Antoneva's ark and gets on.
Ineptitude Ineptitude
Run...... that was something he hadn’t done in a long time. But even then.... he would probably be doing that a lot. Watching the events unfold, such as Freddy disappearing, Bill trying to crush everyone with an giant fist, him now chasing them. He just thought about where had everything gone wrong as he made giant leaps, covering hundreds of feet with each leap, the Hammer of Ragnarok helping him achieve this. But then he felt the hammer began to slowly dissipate, which meant he can’t be doing this for long. He hoped he made enough distance as he landed, before his hammer disappeared in a bright blue light, the hammer now gone. Looking back.... he may have no chance of escaping now unless someone were to pick him up.

@Ineedaheeo....I'mholdingoutforahero'tiltheendofthenightHe'sgottabeFast,And he'sgottabe fastAndhe'sgottabefreshfromthedash

Decimus would swerve to evade Bill's attacks, while the boosters would activate, allowing the his car form to move at great speeds comparable to aircraft! But yet, he continued to accelerate...

"Huh, it doesn't feel half bad when you're the car and not the driver."

Meanwhile, as the Agent would grab on to Aloy, he too would would boost his speed.

"Good thing I'm using the emergency fuel. Like, the fuel for emergencies, not to be confused with the backup fuel."

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake Ineptitude Ineptitude Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan would draw a Red Stim Pack and crush it, letting the red liquid seep onto Midna. Not as effective as an injection, but at these speeds at such erratic movement, that's too risky to attempt. "Wake up now please, no Inceptions allowed."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Huh?" Hiryu reached toward her for something, yet she remained watching through her peripheral. Bill was still working to squash whoever had survived. "I can't keep stalling like this...whatever you're doing, Hiryu, just-GAAAAH!" Suddenly, the spell dissipated, and Megumin fell onto her knees...then she rose again. "I'm okay. I'll just start again. I have to. Now, what are you-"

She had to keep her screams inside as Hiryu activated her Another Watch. Eek! The very thing he'd threatened to do in the Tent! But Bill wasn't controlling him anymore, right? But what if Hiryu was a wolf in sheep's clothing?! What was his plan?! The agony across her back coincided with some type of armor covering her body! And, soon...

She was no longer Megumin.

"Wizard?! Who is Wizard?!" The world spun around her head-or maybe it was just Bill-as she struggled to grasp it all. Would Explosion work within this body? Would it protect her from the inevitable fallout? Most importantly...if she killed herself of Hiryu in this act, what would come of her body?

No...she couldn't worry about this. She would just keep trying to call her Explosion back from the dead.

...Of course, some Twilight to enhance the spell would be nice...

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
--Another Megumin--
P PopcornPie

Magic pulsed through Megumin's staff as her body finally turned into Another Wizard. The ruby ring on her finger glowing bright as her staff. Large magic circles appeared that were unlike those of Wizard's appeared over and under the monstrous pyramid as well as a few above, under and in her, proceeding to charge mana as if nothing was wrong with her brain in the first place!

Oh yes--it's explosion time.
As Lilith was flying for her life she notices that there was a bunch of people driving in a car, she thought it would be a good opportunity to rest for a bit. (Yeah because she's totally going to rest through this) "Hey you guys got room for one more?" She says as she floats over towards them.

Crow Crow (Car Ben)
He would continue driving a bit away, thinking about what to do for his next course of action. But then he thought of a good idea... so he made sure that the wheelchair was going in a straight line.... before taking out his ToolGun. He searched through it quickly, trying to find a weapon that is not only able to reach that far but also very accurate to its shot. Until he found the perfect weapon, as he smirked, before spawning in the weapon in both of his hands, removing one hand to throw the sunglasses off his face so that he could focus in this next shot. Placing the rifle on the back of the still moving wheelchair, the rifle is now fully able to be seen and identified. It was the Lobaev Arms SVLK-14S rifle, a rifle that can hit hard and reach up to two miles away. He quickly aimed the rifle at a certain part of Bill’s... waiting for the right time. Before the gun let out a loud bang.... the bullet leaving the gun in slow motion before quickly soaring through the air. Considering if Bill was too distracted.... he would not notice the .408 Cheytac round aiming for his eye. If it landed, it would probably incapacitate him due to his eye now being blinded from the attack.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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