Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari leaped out of the way when Gretar summoned a huge-ass serpent that brought what he called the "Hammer of Ragnarok". "I was expecting something big, sure, but I didn't expect something that big." He commented. "Still, if it works..."

Benrey had fired some kind of energy gun, and when he did, Akari took care to shield himself from the arcing electricity of the ball using his sword.

It was then that Shujinko... used a Persona?! "Wait, you have a Persona, too?" Akari was genuinely surprised by this turn of events. "If so, this certainly got a lot more interesting. Although, that is a curiously dour way of summoning one..."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Topless Topless
(Open for Interactions)

DARK JAK/Dark to>>Light Jak/Light
As the attacks headed toward Freddy, Freddy tried using Jak as a shield.

"Sorry, I don't plan to stick around with your ugly mug."

Light Jak lifted him off the ground and dropped Freddy toward the line of fire of everyone's attack. He then hit his hands letting time slow hopefully letting Freddy fall into the line of fire.

The angel tentacle form took advantage of the time slow to move through the sky by himself, moving out of the path of the BFG, then somehow was able to make it back to the group in one piece.

"How the hell did i do that?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Crow Crow darkred darkred darkred darkred Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


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"Hahaha! Not gonna try to kick me off this time?!" Lucky would sneer if his mouth wasn't occupied. He struggled to sink his trusty incisors down to the bone. Before he could, however, he would receive a small, but sharp sting to his shoulder. Not an attack missing its mark, but a warning that things were about to get very, very, very bad for him.

Sure enough, not long after he unstuck his teeth did Akari summon a two twisted pillars of light that almost took Lucky with it as he bounded away.

Unfortunately, this put him right in the path of Benrey's BFG. Though he lunged out of the way, the energy ball reached out to pinch him. "EEEEYOOOOOOOOW!"

He stumbled the rest of the way back to the others, believing that the giant snake Gretar summoned was just a hallucination from his fried brain. Naturally, he was also caught in this electricity as the snake threw up an electric hammer. "Dear...God...why..." He wheezed, collapsing behind Gretar to catch a breath.

Meanwhile, Megumin's limp corpse remained motionless, unchanging in expression. On the inside, however, she was a cat ready to pounce at her opportunity...

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
The barrage of strike raids and rocks did seem like a good idea, until Freddie reflects the projectiles back at the boys. “I got this.” Sora instantly summons his Keyblade back in hand before it could hit them and used Reflect to block most of the rockets while Lucky took out a few, beating Rex to the punch.

“But I’m faster.”

“Show off. Anyways. Our powers aren’t doing much if he can reflect them back at us.”

“There’s gonna be something we can do.”

“We gotta keep doing what we’re doing, we may be able to hit him sometime.”

As they were consulting to stick with the plan they have, Jak flings Freddie into the air for everyone to attack him while falling.

“Or we can get a couple pot shots in and then stick to the plan.”

“I’m game. Thunder!”

Rex strikes again with more missiles and Sora changes it up with thunder attacks.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie darkred darkred
--Another Riders: On War Ft. Whisper--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

When Another Fourze's drill leg was grabbed, his entire body spun in place of the drill. While it did absolutely nothing in terms of damage, it looked silly regardless. When he was flung, the Another Rider was dismissed just as Whisper used Hover to fly away from the speeding buzzsaws, aligning herself away from Gretar's massive attack, which caused most of Hiryu's Another Riders to be dismissed due to its size.The clockhands in his head spin, activating his precognition ability to determine his next move as he combine his clockblades.

Before Hiryu could get his results, Whisper fired off several Rockets while falling from midair, soon switching to Hover to keep herself afloat, circling Kruger from up above.
Lealan looks at Orbeck for a second before nodding, equipping her dual Clawed Gauntlets and holding them forward for him to do his thing. To Orbeck, they may seem like ridiculous weapons, three massive blades, each nearly big enough to be considered a sword on it's own protruded from them. "Do it, we'll see how it goes."
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Luckily, two of her shots got a hit on Freddy. It didn't take long for that to go south as looked at her on his back. He then proceeded to stand up, plunging his claws into the ground, and once she saw the shadow of something starting to come out from behind her, she quickly turned around. As soon as she saw what looked to be a hand, she quickly moved out of the way before it could hit her.

Once she recovered from moving out of the way of the hand at the last second, she saw the rabbit's flamethrower attack fail. So, they could cross using fire off of the list. Maybe ice then?

That would have to wait if this next part failed as after the man that he had tried to gut with his claws had picked him up, flew up, and then dropped him, she chose to use the kusarigama part of Gambol Shroud's pistol form. Grabbing the ribbon connecting to the pistol, she started swinging it and then threw it at him, the blade connecting to his gut. At least, she hoped it did. Once it did, she'd try to yank him down as hard as she could towards the ground.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , darkred darkred

Unfortunately, he got out of the way and kicked her in the back of the head before she had a chance to react. Ciri stumbled forwards, turning around to face him. And as she did, she saw him about to stab one of their allies in the gut. Before she could go help, the claw was caught and Freddy was pushed into the ice attack.

That didn't seem to work as Freddy used him as a shield, having the opposite effect than what he attempted to do with Freddy. In a twist of events, he then picked the burned man up and then dropped him once he got high enough.

Once he started falling and the girl with the cat ears threw something at him, yanking him down, it was her turn. Running at where he was falling, she activated Charge once she got close enough. From various different directions around him, she appeared as a green silhouette before turning normal for a few seconds, disappearing and reappearing coming from a different direction, repeating a few more times. With this, she attacked multiple times each time she disappeared.
Once she was done, she appeared a few centimeters away from him.

Orbeck of Vinheim
status: Crystal Magic Weapon enhancement, and invisible body
Condition: normal.​

Lealan looks at Orbeck for a second before nodding, equipping her dual Clawed Gauntlets and holding them forward for him to do his thing. To Orbeck, they may seem like ridiculous weapons, three massive blades, each nearly big enough to be considered a sword on it's own protruded from them. "Do it, we'll see how it goes."
As Orbeck wave his court sorcerers staff over the oversized claws, magical blue energy would cover the blade, crystals would form all over. This would be the end result.

Despite the overgrowth of crystals, Lealan would find that they don't obstruct from attacking.
"your weapons are now sharpened and reinforced with crystalized sorcery.should have a better time attacking that dream bounded nightmare in front of us...one more thing."

another spell was casted, Lealan wouldn't notice anything different. at least from her point of view. But to anyone else, it would have looked like that she disappeared.
"I also cast invisible body, should keep Freddy from noticing your presence until you strike."
now it is up to her to deliver.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

Once again, Dib was not paying attention to anything around him. Instead, he was browsing the website Reddit on his phone. It really ticked him off how everyone says reddit is for neckbeards and band kids. He is neither of those! He’s only blown a trumpet once in his life! He scrolled through post after post upvoting all of the ones that made him LOL. He checked some of the posts he had made and became saddened at the fact that he had only received downvotes. He dreams that someday he will get the fabled Reddit gold from a kind stranger, but today is not that day. He clicked on a suspicious link in one of the subreddits he was browsing. It turned out to be a virus and his phone was hacked. He screamed and threw his phone to the ground and stomped on it repeatedly.

When Lucky wrapped his arms around Freddy's leg, the dream killer merely growled and rose up his other leg, before slamming his foot down into Lucky's skull to knock him down! This, however, distracted Freddy from Akari's subsequent attack. By the time Freddy noticed it, it was too late, and all he could do was flench as the hypnotic light enveloped his entire body. Freddy let out a scream when it did so, and the attack made him fall to one knee, wincing in pain as smoke began to rise from his body. He then glanced up and saw the giant ball from Benrey's new weapon flying towards him. His eyes widened when it struck him, the entire blast enveloping his body. When the smoke cleared enough for you to see inside the giant crater that had formed, Freddy's body was gone.

He wasn't gone for long, however, as he soon re-appeared behind Gretar. His clothes had been ripped by the blast, and he still smelled of smoke, but Freddy kept on fighting anyways. He tapped his shoulder with his claw to get Gretar's attention, and when the man turned around, Freddy would deliver an uppercut to his jaw! However, despite how sickly and burned the man looked, the uppercut would somehow be enough to launch him up into the air, assuming it were to even land. The spell that was fired from the persona managed to hit him, however, but it only knocked him back a bit. Freddy growled and made his way towards Shujinko. He tilted his head to the side, and when he did so, Shujinko herself would be lifted up into the air! He then tilted his head the other way, and she was launched into a tree. He began tilting it back and forth, resulting in Shujinko being thrown into multiple trees like a rag doll, until he finally tilted his head upwards, resulting in her raising higher, and then dropping her out of the sky!

He was soon caught off guard when Jak grabbed him and threw him up into the air, only to slow down time on him and make Sora and Rex's attacks hit him! Then, Blake yanked him down towards the ground when time sped back up, knocking his hat off his head. Freddy snarled and spit out a tooth once he stood back up again. He was then surrounded by multiple Ciris, but when she did so, Freddy only smiled. He rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, and then suddenly, multiple Freddies gang-attacked the multiple Ciris, fighting them off for him while Freddy went for a stab towards the original. When Hiryu used his precognition ability on Freddy, he would find that his next attack was to extend his arms out and grab Whisper from out of the sky, before slamming her down into the ground. Which, he then attempted to do moments later, of course.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts darkred darkred Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Ineptitude Ineptitude DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless quadraxis201 quadraxis201
Jill wandered down her own path alone. She had gotten separated somehow from the group and needed to find her way back. Her radio was not working and she had no way of communicating with anyone else. Great. Could things possibly get any worse?

“Hello? Is anyone there? Guys? Where am I?”


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Suddenly as these attacks are coming in, two blurs would be seen. One would hit Freddy in the chest, the force of which would throw Freddy through the wall, and out the other end.

The second much faster blur would attack Freddy multiple times everywhere. Moving so fast that even before he would hit the wall, several attacks would slice through his metal frame.

Then the attacks would suddenly stop. As suddenly Freddy would be encased in a heat blast.

As Supergirl does her heat blast. Zwei would target his arms and legs. Attempting to disable them with her sword.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • While Akari's light coated the room, Bill was probably glued to the sight. Why wouldn't he? These multiversal mortals were throwing themselves against the King of Nightmares, and they were having the floors mopped with their asses, and it was HILARIOUS! So much so that Bill might have even thrown his...erm, top angle back to laugh.

    In that moment, he would see a staff thrown towards him. It whisked just above his eye, but it pulled his hat right off his head! With this, the triangle had to have been confused, right? With everyone occupied with Freddy and vice versa, who could have chucked the staff?

    The Crimson Demon archmage, who was still alive and kicking, that's who!

    tenor (10).gif
    "LASSIE?! YOU'RE ALIVE!?" She heard Lucky's shout from across the room, and snickered deviously. "I probably do have some kind of lung condition from all the smoke I've inhaled in my lifetime, Chomusuke, but I'm far from being a Lich!"


    "So Bill wouldn't expect me to do THIS!" Megumin would scamper to reclaim her staff, rushing past the temporarily incapacitated Freddy to retrieve her staff and new prize. "Hey, Billy!" She cried, waving the hat into the air. "Would you like your hat back? Well, then..." She stuffed Bill's hat beneath her own. "...come and GET IT!"

    In a flash, Megumin was following Shujinko outside into the trees. She seemed to disappear into the overgrowth entirely! Heh! As an adventurer, she was pretty damn fast, not to mention the head start! Would Bill follow her right into her improvised trap?
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice



>"Yes, yes, it's a Persona, yes, yes."

>Activate your Overdrive?

>You save the Overdrive for later. But then Freddy uses his telekinesis to throw you into some trees until he drops you off the air. Luckily, Venus ran in and catches you. You begin to cough up blood and you feel that your ribs broke during the onslaught. You get off and start spitting blood.

"Oh dear, are you alright? I'll call someone to help you heal up."

>But you refused. Megumin caught up to you. You wonder what she wants.

As much as she wanted to help the injured Shijinko, Megumin couldn't afford to slow down for even a second. "...HISHUJINKOHIVENUSTHATLOOKSBADSORRYICAN'THELPBUTHEYIFYOUWANTTOHELPMEOUTIWOULDN'TMINDANDWILLEVENAPPRECIATEIIIIIIITTT!..." Her blur shouted at the girls as it disappeared into the overgrowth.

Topless Topless
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari's smirk changed into a full-on grin when he saw what Kougaon did to Freddy. "As expected. This nightmarish cur is weak to light. My intuition as a video game player has not failed me on this account, it would seem." When Freddy seemed to react to a lesser extent when Shujinko had used the same magic as Akari, he made an observation. "Aha, a classic strategic staple, perhaps. Wait for the right opening, and then hit him hard."

Speaking of Shujinko, she seemed rather... plain... about suddenly announcing her ability to summon a Persona. Akari decided to not think too deep into this, however, and simply accepted her words at face value. "Very well. Another Persona user is never a bad thing... unless it's him, dead or alive." When she was thrown like a ragdoll, Akari rushed over to her aid.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Topless Topless
(Open for Interactions)
The figure in the wall soon seemed to disappear as soon as you all pointed it out, and the wall had returned to normal soon after. This also meant that Blake just stabbed a hole through that poor girls' wall. "Horror movie...?" Nancy would ask upon hearing Lilith's words. Before anyone could answer, though, Jason began making his way towards Nancy's door.


"It was really nice meeting you and all, but we'd better get going," Jason said as he made his way towards the door and swung it open. The rest of you followed suit, leaving the confused girl even more confused as she stood in her room staring at the now closed door. Once you all had exited, you soon found that you were back in the main room of that creepy house you'd all ended up in. And, as if that wasn't weird enough, one of the first things you saw was the other group trying to break into the basement with ice storms and axes. "Uhh... hey." Was all Red Hood said as he lifted his arm in a small waving motion.

"Ah, there you all are!" Ford said with a smile, having wrapped up his burned hand in bandaging as he made his way over to you guys. "As you can probably see, we've found my brother. However, I must warn you, as there's--"

"An evil fucked up dream demon that kills kids on the loose?" Jason would ask after turning away from Ford and walking towards the exit to the house. "Yeah, we've met him." Stan, meanwhile, still seemed unimpressed by Lealan as she continued to threaten him.

"No, I'd just rather you leave me alone." The old man said before jabbing the glowing pupil with his finger and then walking away. With that, Ford would give you all a knowing nod and lead you all out of the front of the house and back into the woods. However, as you probably knew by now, things were never that easy. Because just as Ford opened the door, who were you met with other than...


Bill Cipher! Who seemed just pleased as punch to see all of you!

"GOTTA SAY, PROPS TO YOU GUYS FOR MAKING IT OUT OF THAT PLACE ALIVE! REALLY, HATS OFF TO YOU!" He exclaimed, before reaching up and tipping his hat. When he did so, the whole world around you shifted, which caused you all to fall down, only for it to return to normal once he put the hat back on.


"Enough games, Cipher!" Ford shouted angrily once he stood back up. "We've found my brother! It's over!"

"AWWWW... IS IT? IS IT REALLY!?" As soon as Bill asked this, the ground around you began to shake. Bill floated upwards, away from all of you, and suddenly a microphone appeared in his hands. He tapped it a few times, as if testing it, before leaning into it and throwing up two arms, while the third one held onto the microphone with ease.




(Can't catch up due to this many pages :/)
Spinel quickly stood up from a gaze, and took a look at the floating triangle, "sooo... you must be the one everyone is talking about. Bwahahahaha, heaaaaa, UHHHH...." left speechless, she cowered a bit. Bill certainly is a strong being, even stronger than fusions.
Blackhat didn't cower at all, he was a demon, he can handle this!!
"Oh hell naw"

What Will they do now, cower again in front of one of the most dangerous people in the planet? Or team up and defeat them both?
Find out soon
Antoneva visibly winced as her spell hit a nearby ally instead. Her eyebrows furrowed together and her teeth worried into her bottom lip. She waved a hand and sent three bolts of magic rocketing through the air. Starlight shimmered in its wake as it honed in on the original, intent on piercing him through.

At her fingertips, a different spell was being crafted. Dimension Banish. It was a bit finicky, but given the doppelgangers that had spawned, it just might be worth using. A three-dimensional cube formed above the free-for-all of duplicates, and underneath their feet, black matter stretched outward. Just a second. Just one second and everyone in its range would be sent to a different plane. There, her other selves would help her allies finish off what enemies they could before the spell inevitably broke.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice



>Looks like Megumin is in a rush...or maybe she has a plan. Soon after, Akari caught up to you. Your broken ribs are stinging you with pain.

"Akari, would you mind help her?"

"He is rather powerful. Perhaps Molestache is one of the worst choices for this battle," Molestache thinks, "ah, of course, this is the nightmare realm! It was rather obvious as to who should've been the choice from the beginning..."

Molestache smacks the Omnitrix emblem on his belt, initiating a transformation with a flash of green light as the flames initially on his moustache fully engulf him into an unseen tranaformation, blocked by the coat of flames. The flames then take the form of a giant phoenix as they rose upwards and dived down on Freddy with a loud screech.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Crow Crow darkred darkred Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Third P.O.V
Gretar continued his walk towards Freddy, only to watch as his body was enveloped by an explosion, the attack being from Benrey’s BFG. He was about to sigh in relief, before suddenly being touched on his shoulder by a claw like hand. He turned around only to be launched into the air by an Uppercut, the hand belonging to none other than Freddy himself. Soaring through the air.... his blue aura on the outside taking most of the force.... he stopped mid-air and redirected himself in order to charge an attack. He saw a he Phoenix like Ben who also dived to attack, he followed suit along with the distracted Freddy. A small red circled would appear underneath Freddy, which is where the attack would land, and Freddy was standing directly in the center. If the attack landed, he will slam the hammer directly onto Freddy, and with the kinetic energy along with the heavy hammer, would cause a small crater to form beneath the two, but that was not all, for it will also electrify the area he was also in, shocking with the power of a thousands bolts of energy. Benrey, believing his job is now over, spawned in a chair along with some popcorn using his ToolGun, and began watching the chaos unfold, laying the BFG 9000 next to him.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @FreddyKruegerFight
Lealan would stalk around the battlefield, silent as death. With the addition of Orbeck spell, she was nigh undetectable. she stalks behind Freddy, waiting for a good moment to attack, Like when he strikes at someone else. Lealan would plunge both of the claws into Freddy, then rip them out to the sides, aiming to rip him in half.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • The archmage galloped like a racehorse through the trees, wondering if she could find her way back to Twilight Town. Every so often, Megumin would look behind her shoulder, seeing if Bill would give chase. He'd better hurry; The house was getting smaller and smaller!

    This plan of hers would come with a hefty price, however; Because she needed to zig-zag past the trees, she quickly lost her sense of direction. She could only keep running forward, hoping that all would fall into place.

B.J. Blazkowicz

Count to four. Inhale. Count to four. Exhale. Get up, Blazkowicz. You ain't dreamin', and you ain't mad. You ain't fallin' just yet, and you ain't in the chaotic bosom of the afterlife. Blazkowicz rose from a period of unconsciousness to a battle of odd powers, alien-like figures, and a god awful headache. So much shit had happened, shit where he hadn't even participated in. Whether it was out of ever-lasting bewilderment of the whole multiverse predicament or because there were still Nazis roaming around his damn Earth that needed killing (more likely the latter), he stayed in the background. But holding back was useless. He had kids on the way, and he'll be damned if he continued what he was doing and left the fighting to others just because of some talking rabbits and apparent magic and multiversal hocus pocus.

He pushed himself up, gazing at the scene before him. "Jesus Christ... you might as well blow him up to Venus with your mystical bullshit," he muttered. B.J. pulled out a schockhammer (shotgun), spinning the rotor to see if it was still usable. Then he pulled out another, wielding two shotguns in each hand. But I'm willing to bet guns have killed more Nazis than magic has. He finally turned his attention to Freddy, caressing the triggers of his guns. So anyways, I started blasting. The auto-shotguns went off immediately, sending barrages of bullets at Freddy's torso.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @FreddyFight​

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