In the middle of their fight with Freddie, Akari speaks with Sora how it’ll help him take more blows then normally, but can’t go nuts with it.

“Got it. Thanks again.” Sora’s thought would be interrupted again, as Megumin “appears” to be dead.


“No! That’s it!”

“Let’s go!”

The two would unleash a barrage of even more attacks, out of spite for their “supposedly” fallen comrade. Sora would throw a couple of strike raids, with the last one being the strongest throw of them all, while Rex goes in to slice Freddie up some more.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Okay, bitch, let's dance."

Now that that trip was done and over, Molestache would begin to fight Freddy, transforming his moustache into a pair of large fists and beginning to punch him repeatedly!


Meanwhile the Agent would take out a Jeweled Cutlass while nigh-instantly changing his outfit to that of a pirate. He raised the sword into the air as energy gathered around it in the form of extensive light, before he would use this light to cut into his opponent!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie @MeguminRescueSentai @Vs. Dream Demon

Eventually, the gang made it together again. However, before any heartfelt speeches can be said, that motherfucker showed up.


And he's not alone. Bringing along a friend, the man behind Stan's puppeteering as well as the Boiler Room incident. Freddy Kr*ger. As the dream demon appeared and the smoke spread out, Hiryu took out his Another Watch, ready to throw down.

"When will learn you...?" Hiryu was about to activate it when he noted something wrong with Megumin. He walked up to her alongside Benrey, and watched her die at the hands of the smoke. "This ain't happening..." Hiryu shook his head, crouching over her body, searching for the Anotherwatch he handed her. If there's one thing he learnt from his time working with the Time Jackers, is that these watches, can be used to save the damned. Many contracts had proven that. Another Faiz and Fourze were created to prolong the life of a dead girl. Another Ex-Aid tried to force unwilling children to become donors for his dying son. Another Ghost's contract was made on the verge of death. Finding it, Hiryu gripped Another Wizard on his hands, a question was posed.

Would she had want him to do this? Unlike most hosts, Megumin doesn't condone to being mind controlled. Hiryu simply placed the Anotherwatch on her hand and stood up, seeing the others duke it out onto the Dream Demon, Hiryu ought to fight as well. He walked past Megumin, glaring straigh towards Kruger.

"Henshin." Hiryu growled as he took out the Another Zi-O II watch, gold rings spin around him as clouds of dark smoke appear behind him, four Another Riders appearing then and there alongside his own transformation.


A grey and black clad Another Rider with yellow eyes with red lines similar to Another Fourze appeared alongside a humanoid red beetle with human teeth. These two appeared alongside Another Fourze ans Another Den-O, two familiar Another Riders.


"Watch me take everything away from you." Hiryu growled as he drew out his clockblades, the other Another Riders surrounding Kruger. Hiryu lunged towards Kruger as the others finished their attacks, swinging his clockblades as Another Den-O swung his behind Kruger. Afterwards, he was tackled by Another Faiz and Another Kabuto, which Another Fourze activated the Drill module, turning his left leg into a drill as he attempted to kick the dream demon's gut.

Whisper circled around Kruger and launched several pink buzzsaws at him.

  • tumblr_ml52vlPJFs1qe8dm1o6_400.gifv

    DARK JAK/ Dark
    Of course out of all the chaos, Bill shows up with the strange child murderer right behind him. Freddy, the guy himself.

    Jak turned toward the sight of Megumin supposedly falling and gritted his teeth. One ally was “down.”

    The man felt a headache coming on and dark eco shocks quickly surrounded his body as his body changed to that of a feral looking beast, with lavender skin, greyish hair, dark demon horns grew out from his head, and long sharp claws grew from his fingers.

    He waited for a good time to slash Freddy.

    His dark eco fueled claws longed for some blood.

    He ripped his claws across Freddy’s back.

    Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
    PopcornPie @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz
    JRay L Laix_Lake Freddy Freddy Fight

Both Bill and Freddy both watches as Megumin collapsed from the non-poisonous smoke, all pathetic like. Then, instead of throwing any attacks towards Freddy, Captain Falcon instead decided to stand there and insult him for some reason. The demon stood there, kinda just staring at him, and when he was finally done, Freddy merely attempted to plunge his knives through Captain Falcon's chest. "You look like a dumb kid playing dress-up to me!" He growled. Freddy then turned to face Lealan and rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he'd have been hit head on by Sora's attacks! The attacks left Freddy dazed, but he recovered just in time to see Rex coming. He disappeared entirely when the rockets were shot his way, and then reappeared right behind Rex when he started to slash his weapon. "Surprise!" He said with a smile, before plunging all four of his knives down into his shoulder!

Freddy's head then popped back to see Sage telling him to bring it on. He smiled at that, letting out a slight snarl. But it was one of amusement, rather than anger. "Look at you! Such a big boy!" Freddy exclaimed. He proceeded to plunge his head forward a bit, sending Sage flying back a few feet without Freddy even touching him. "Well come on! Show me how you're gonna beat me!" Freddy lifted his finger into the air and flicked it towards Sage. When he did so, several gigantic planks of wood were shot towards the boy's head. However, all this plank moving distracted Freddy long enough for Blake to get two of her shots in, which sent him falling to the ground. He turned, facing Blake on his back, showing his fangs as he stared at the girl. "Aww... look at the little kitty cat!" He laughed again and then stood up. Once he did so, he plunged his knives deep into the ground. And seconds later, a giant version of Freddy's clawed hand emerged out of the ground behind her, aiming to slash down at Blake!

As he was doing so, Ciri began charging at her. Freddy anticipated this, though, and like some sort of martial artist, he leaped into the air with his glove still embedded into the ground, and swung around to kick Ciri in the back of the head! The flames from Lucky's flamethrower didn't appear to do anything to Freddy, either. "Can't burn someone who's already been melted!" He exclaimed, before pulling his glove out of the ground and attempting to slash Lucky's flamethrower in half! During all this, Freddy managed to notice the pulsating block from Anteneva being thrown at him. Like an expert gymnast, Freddy leaped up into the air and did a backflip, causing the Time Delay Forcefield to hit Rex instead! When it did so, it would have caused Rex to slow down enough that Sora's strike raids struck him instead. However, his victory was short lived, because he was soon knocked right off his feet by Ben's mustache fist. Each fist struck him repeatedly, resulting in a slight grunt from the Springwood Slasher, until he eventually produced a lighter! When the final punch was thrown, Freddy touched the lighter to the mustache, attempting to set it on fire!

The light cut was a different story, however. Freddy was so busy lighting hair on fire that he didn't even see the beam shoot towards him. It struck him head on, knocking him clean off his feet once again. This caused the Another Riders to get a few good hits on him, sending him shuffling back and forth. This continued until they were done, leaving Freddy pretty dazed. The drill that was sent into his gut left him screaming for a moment as blood spewed out, though within seconds, that blood turned into a devilish smile. If he were to look down, Fourze would find that another pair of arms had emerged from Freddy's stomach and grabbed onto the drill. They then attempted to lift him up and throw him up into the distance! Whisper's saws struck Freddy, sending him tumbling forward a bit. He turned around and tilted his head to the side, catching the final saw blade and tossing it back towards Whisper at two times the speed!

Finally, when Dark Jak charged towards Freddy, the dream demon himself merely caught them with both hands. "Oooo! You look so scary!" Freddy screamed, before pulling in Dark Jak for an effective headbutt, and then attempting to stab him in the gut with his claws.

darkred darkred P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Ineptitude Ineptitude Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun quadraxis201 quadraxis201

"All you've done is give Molestache the upper stache."

His moustache now on fire, Molestache would continue his assault, considering this an advantage.

"If you're so obsessed with fire, let's see how you do against ice!"

The Agent tapped a few buttons on his phone, summoning a white creature.



"OK, Chill, let's freeze that guy!"

The white, furry creature, named Chill, put on some earmuffs before unleashing a powerful blizzard from its mouth at Freddy to counteract the fire he would spew.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict and Josh would vigorously take notes as Freddy flawlessly began to fight everyone that surrounded him at the expo. seems like he’s samples....of his newest attacks.....ah, I can’t resist a good sample.
Benedict would say before pulling out his famous pistol, taking a round of shots at Freddy.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The flames from Lucky's flamethrower didn't appear to do anything to Freddy, either. "Can't burn someone who's already been melted!" He exclaimed, before pulling his glove out of the ground and attempting to slash Lucky's flamethrower in half!
Lucky worked all his might into jumping away!

"So! I can't burn you..." He muttered, watching him attack everyone else. For someone who had been burned, Freddy moved fucking fast. Yet as he stabbed and kicked everyone, he simply pressed down on the bellow which kicked up the rabbit's inner flames. " like STABBING, do ye?" He galloped towards Freddy's back like a bull, his knife deployed, ready to stab at the back of the demon's neck. His small size proved useful for jumping onto Freddy's back! "YEE FUCKIN' HAW!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon swats Freddy's knives away from him "Better I look like a superhero than some murder hobo... FALCON KICK!" Falcon rushes forward, blazing with a flaming kick towards Freddy
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Third P.O.V
After getting back to safety of the group, Benrey laid Megumin back onto the floor and checked her for any signs of life. There was apparently no pulse for him to feel, and made it seemed like she was dead. The only thing he saw that affected her was the smoke used.... so unless she had asthma or something.... then there was definitely something wrong here. Benrey would just leave her here for now as he ran into battle, him taking out his ToolGun and yelling out loud “Everyone need to step back right now.... because this will definitely hurt ya if your not careful...” before spawning in a large weapon. But to those who knew the weapon, would understand that this was th BFG 9000, the ultimate weapon from the DOOM series. He then charged the weapon, to which it began glowing green and spewing out green electricity. It will take a while to fully charge for ultimate power and destruction.

Back with Gretar.... his chanting would continue, the ground shaking more and more as his chanting became louder each second. But it seemed like that the shaking slowly became pin pointed to one location, which was behind Gretar, his chanting became almost to full voice, as the ground shook more and the intensity increased.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @FreddyKruegerfight
Sora’s attack proved successful unlike Rex who would take a swing and a miss, leaving Freddie to slash his shoulder. This hurt him, but it’s not the worst thing to ever happen to him. Rex would go for another attack, only for him to slow down and get hit by Sora’s strike raids.

“Really, dude?” He said in pain.

“Sorry. C’mon over here.” Rex went over to Sora like he said and proceed to heal his claw marks.

“Can’t fix the jacket too?”

“Sorry, but I got a plan.” The begin to whisper as they were behind each other’s backs. “Let’s stick together, he can’t beat us both and has the other on his tail.”

“Aww, so we camp him out, he’ll take the bait and then we’ll rush him. Not bad. If he tries to sneak attack us, I can make us a shield or drill our way out of here.”

“Same here. Now let’s get him!”

The new plan is formed and Sora & Rex start shooting Freddie from afar with more raids and rockets.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Freddy, now back on his feet, managed to evade the flaming hot mustache fists with relative ease. "Almost had me that time!" He laughed, before finally ducking under the final one and extending his non-claw arm outwards! It extended long enough to reach Ben, and then was moved up with the intention of punching him in the gut! The ice attack would have more than likely struck Freddy, though, had it not been for Dark Jak grabbing onto him. Freddy smiled and grabbed onto him with his free hand, before twisting Dark Jak's arm behind his back and hiding behind him, using him as a shield from the icy tundra! Freddy also just cut Benedict's gun in half with his claws with ease. He then turned around and caught Lucky by the throat when he attempted to lean back onto his back. The demon's arm jerked Lucky towards Freddy's face, and he proceeded to caress the rabbit's cheek with his claw. "Look at you... so tender..." He groaned out, before slamming Lucky down into the ground.

The Falcon Kick managed to catch Freddy in the side, however, and it sent him flying back a bit. Krueger quickly stood back up, glaring at Falcon. "You like birds, do ya?" He asked. Freddy then lifted up his sweater, revealing his horribly burnt body. His stomach opened up like a gateway to hell itself, and out came dozens of tiny, burning falcons. They all charged towards Captain Falcon, screeching loudly, and attempting to impale him with their razor sharp beaks! Freddy then turned to face Rex and Sora when they began firing their raids and rockets towards him. Instead of rushing them as they expected, though, Freddy thrust his hips forward in an almost comical fashion. When he did so, all of their attacks were fired back towards them at two times their original speed!

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Crow Crow darkred darkred Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Whelp, that didn't go as easily as he hoped.

As Lucky was slammed into the ground, he remained dizzy for a little bit, but he quickly returned to consciousness. His recovery has just in time to watch Freddy give birth to a flock of tiny falcons at Captain Falcon. "Clever..." He mused, before turning his attention to the attack on Rex and Sora. With his machine gun activated, Lucky would try to detonate as many of the rockets as possible before they hit either of the boys.

With that done, Lucky, seeing as Freddy was standing still, would resort to his incisors. Figuring that his self-proclaimed melted skin was very weak, Lucky would dig his teeth into Freddy's leg, while also slicing at it with his knife.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Orbeck of Vinheim
status: Bill and Freddy Krueger. What's next, a darkwrath?
Condition: normal.​


Bill Cipher! Who seemed just pleased as punch to see all of you!

"GOTTA SAY, PROPS TO YOU GUYS FOR MAKING IT OUT OF THAT PLACE ALIVE! REALLY, HATS OFF TO YOU!" He exclaimed, before reaching up and tipping his hat. When he did so, the whole world around you shifted, which caused you all to fall down, only for it to return to normal once he put the hat back on.


"Enough games, Cipher!" Ford shouted angrily once he stood back up. "We've found my brother! It's over!"

"AWWWW... IS IT? IS IT REALLY!?" As soon as Bill asked this, the ground around you began to shake. Bill floated upwards, away from all of you, and suddenly a microphone appeared in his hands. He tapped it a few times, as if testing it, before leaning into it and throwing up two arms, while the third one held onto the microphone with ease.




A reunion, then him...Bill. Mocking them once again with a shift in perspective, crashing before introducing the crazed clawed killer. Freddy Krueger. His introduction marked the start of the battle, with bill looking over the spectacle in a distance. Despite looking like a deformed hallowed undead with claws, his influence within the nightmare realm is significant. Avoiding, blocking, and even resisting the various attacks from the group. However, he is not invincible despite the struggle. Orbeck wonders why Bill would go with someone like him? seriously whats next? A few darkwraths? A golem? The Twin princes of lotheirc?! He won't be able to contribute directly in the fight at this point. so...he'll have to do something else.

In a shocking twist, Lealan's healing water seemed to fail! Instead, poor Megumin continued to cough, and even gag, as her eyes grew pale and teary. "L-lealan..." She wheezed. "My time is running short...Bill...I can feel his poison picking apart my though they were blackbirds attacking a berry bush..." She gave it a big wheeze. "I'm not going to make it...i-it seems that Bill has disabled healing m-magic..." She waved a hand towards the ceiling. "I can see the light. I can see where I'll be sitting, and watching you all take back the multiverse..."

Once more did she try to get up, but her arms wouldn't even hold up her upper chest. Luckily, Benrey was there to carry her. "Tell Kazuma...I died unafraid, and with honor...This may be the Nightmare Realm, Bill, but I am not afraid of death, even here!" One last blaze came out of her eyes, up at Bill. "I have lost this battle...but you will lose the war...I will see to it in spirit." Then she coughed her worst, shuddered, and took one last, feeble breath. Her heartbeat ticked...ticked...and stopped. There was no pulse for Benrey to feel. The great Crimson Demon archmage had passed away, lost to the unfeeling trickery of Bill Cipher.
Lealan moves to where Megumin now lies, motionless in Benrey's arms. "Hey, let me take her, you join the others in fighting." Lealan offers to Benrey. "I'll take care of her."

Maybe it was Orbeck's previous occupation as an assassin of Vinheim, but smoke? choking out the arch wizard to death? Or was it truly something that bill has done? even accounting for that, Megumin's body is clearly limp as expected of someone recently dead. regardless of that...

"Lealan was it?" he glances at the presumed dead body of a promising (but foolish) archwizard before speaking "I am in need of your assistance, I may be able to do you say it "an extra kick" to any of your melee weapons. You seem more qualified to deal with him directly then I can. Don't worry about Megumin I can watch her body in the meantime."

"Kick me all you damn like." This time, Lucky wrapped his body around Freddy as he bit.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Orbeck fired a soul dart to get the attention of the now textbook definition of insanity, lucky. at the very least, the small blue dart of magic will only sting the crazed rabbit.
he gestured to Lucky to get back from his current endeavors, basically to fall back.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari remained in front of Gretar for the time being, steadfastly choosing to protect him while he uttered his incantation to do... something. Whatever was going to happen, Akari figured it had to be big. In the meanwhile, however, Akari reached for his visor with one hand, ready in case anything tried to go near him or Gretar. With a cast of Kougaon (and Freddy perhaps distracted by Lucky's antics), a twin spiral appeared above Freddy before crashing down and cascading upwards into a pillar of rainbow light as bird silhouettes appeared from it and vanished. "Allow us to shed some light on your predicament." Akari quipped with a smirk.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Written Mention)
P PopcornPie (Written Mention)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Third P.O.V
After waiting a bit.... Benrey would hear a ding coming from the BFG, as a large green ball of electricity formed in the barrel in the weapon. He smirked as he fired the large green energy ball at Freddy, the energy ball spewing out electricity around it as it made its way slowly to Freddy. Those who who near it would be shocked badly from the electricity spewing out the sides from the Energy ball, before getting much closer to Freddy. If it directly hit him, it would cause a large explosion that would cause incredible damage to those in the blast range.

Gretar would continue his chanting... until he yelled out in English “Rise Jormungandr.... give me strength to help me smite my foe... WITH THE HAMMER OF RAGNAROK...!” as ‘It’ arrived. Popping out from the ground behind him was a large blue snake like creature that had electricity flowing across its skin.

The large snake would make a loud roar.... as electricity formed in its mouth. It would then fire the large lightning bolt onto the ground, but instead of aiming for Freddy, it instead aimed at the ground in front of Gretar. After the bolt hit the ground.... smoke would appear from the hit, but as the smoke clears, a single thing would be left in its place. A singular large hammer, made of a strange blue crystal was left floating above the ground. Gretar would quickly make his way to the hammer, before picking it up. The large serpent would retreat back into the hole, as it closed up and returned to normal, like a giant electricity snake didn’t appeared about now. It was when he was struck by a bolt of lightning randomly, and he suddenly had a blue aura on his body, along with electricity forming on his body, his eyes now glowing red as he began to slowly make his way to Freddy.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @AnyonewhoissmartenoughtododgetheBFG9000ball
Last edited:

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You got out of the bedroom and regroup with Ford, but then Bill came in and reveals the hunting figure as Freddy. Now everybody is fighting him.

>"Shujinko, be careful. Whatever he capable of doing isn't going to end well for us. Watch your back, or rather, I'll watch your back."

>You take out your weapons and prepare to fight.



>"Shujinko, I'm sensing this man is a supernatural being. You need to change a skill set that can hurt him."

>Would you like to change skill sets?

>Which one?


>Luckily, you were out of the BFG's way of fire. You decided to top it up a notch. Rather than aiming your Semi-Auto Blade on Freddy, you aim it on your face as you shout.


>You pull the trigger, no bullet came out. Instead, blue shards of glass bursts from the back of your head as your Persona appear behind you; Kaguya Hime. It would then cast Kougaon at Freddy.

>"Make that two!"


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