After that small break.... they had decided to go back.... only to see that the entrance is now above them. He sigh as Ford said if there was someone who can not only fly but also help them up there into the hallway. “I think I can just do this..” as he started floating in the air, him staying mostly still while doing this. He did bring out his Physics gun, a blue claw like item and said “ok.... who is willing to go first...” as he waited for an response:
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Stairwaygroup

Watching as the now named Nancy Tompson and the others speak about the strange man they saw earlier..... he just sat down on the floor and spun the hammer around on its handle, catching it when it’s falling down. While sitting down he said “Well.... the name is Gretar... an Jormungandr. We are here also because of that guy as well.....” he said, still spinning his hammer on the floor.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Bedrroomgroup
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
So far, everyone seems to be fine, though she only had answers from Aloy and the two girls, well one of them, who she still didn't really get their names. She was then hugged from behind from the one that was said to have taken an interest in her, the one who was also part cat. There was no doubt that she was interested in her, but just how interested was she? Tur
ning her head to the two girls, she just had to ask. "I don't think either of you two ever told me your names."

Before they could answer, a girl entered the room and the one hugging her let go, making Blake quickly raise her weapon for a few seconds before realizing it was a normal girl and lowered it. She had a pretty reasonable reaction, asking who they were and what they were doing in her room.

To be honest? Blake didn't have an explanation.

The penguin tried to explain it, but she doubt the girl would buy into that. Another one told her that she wouldn't believe them and she had to agree with that. "
Really, you wouldn't believe us."

She then described the man in the boiler room and Blake nodded in response, followed by the girl explaining how she knew him. So he invades people's dreams, haunting them. That sounded like dreams she never wanted to have. It then got worse when, thanks to her cat ears, she picked on her saying that he kills them.

He's a dream killer then... add that to the list of things they had to worry about now.

When asked if he sent them there, she nodded. "
That's right. We were in a boiler room before we fell through the floor and ended up here." Though, she had to wonder why he sent them there. This had to be some sort of trick, right? And then she realized that she forgot to put away her weapons, having held onto them ever since entering that house. While she would put them away, she chose against it as they were still in the Nightmare Realm.

The man had mastery over the Nightmare Realm after all, he could make anything happen and lure them into a false sense of security.

Introductions began to happen and she looked at the girl. "
Name's Blake. Nancy, I have to ask: does he usually teleport people in dreams or can he do it when teleporting people from dreams into the waking world?"

darkred darkred , Topless Topless , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Crow Crow , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

The fires were put out, followed by Stan being frozen in place by one of their own as the man couldn't move him at all. Finally, they could get the strings off of him, which was what happened following Stan being frozen. Now all they had to do was find some way to leave as the man had left, probably to go to the other group.

But before that, she ran over to Megumin who had been on fire. "
Megumin!" Checking to see if she was alive, she would find that the answer to that was yes, but barely. Everyone started trying to heal her and it started slowly working. Poor girl was still going to hurt like hell though.

Then, she started trying to get up despite the injuries. "
Megumin, slow down. We'll get to the others, just take it easy or let one of us carry you. Don't push yourself any further than you already have to. Let's get Stan and try to get to the others." The talking rabbit then tried to leave, making her grab his ears before he could leave and kept him there with the others.

Stan was then freed, asking who they were. "
My name is Ciri, it's nice to meet you. We can talk more once we find the others and get the hell out of here." Ford then asked if any of them could fly and she shook her head in response. "I'm unable to fly and I'm not sure if I could open a portal in here to outside of the house as an alternative way out."

The man that freed Stan changed forms in response to Ford asking if they could fly, proceeding to hold his hands out to everyone. Without hesitation, she stepped onto his hands, still holding the rabbit's ears.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie

  • "Hmph." Megumin folded her arms, and allowed her face to wrinkle. "When we see him again, I'll give it everything I've got, even at the cost of my own life. It will serve him right. Anyway..." Her tone and expression sweetened towards Stan. "Hello, Stan! My name is Megumin, a Crimson Demon archmage who controls Explosion magic!" As soon as Hiryu had let her down, and she gave Hiryu an apologetic look, Megumin would lean towards Stan with bright eyes. "I understand that you've met my close friend and party leader, Kazuma?"

    Now came news that was music to Meg's ears: They were leaving this creepy mansion behind! On the other hand..."Ford, what about the others?" Her bottom lip quivered. "We're not going to leave them behind with that beast, are we?" On top of that, their exit had somehow shifted to the ceiling, which was certainly a bad sign. "What if they're in trouble, but then we fly through that hole, and we get into trouble? Our quest could end horribly!" She shivered. But maybe they could find the others if they went up there? Anything could be possible, but knowing what kind of being Freddy was, she could only assume the bad stuff.

    "Well...Here, Hiryu, let's give it a try." The archmage quietly climbed onto Kuuga. It seemed like a strange choice given her past behavior towards him, but he was the one possessing large, armored bodies. He was using his powers for good right now, so why not? "...Unless you think I'd be safer going with you, Benrey..."
While waiting for their responses while hovering in the air.... Megumin began speaking about whether she should go with Hiryu or him when flying up to the Hallway. He just shrugged and said “Hey.... it’s your opinion... not mines. So go with what your gut and brain thinks is the best option for you kid....” as he took out his ToolGun and spawned in something. It was a chair, and before gravity could take place, he froze the object, allowing him to sit down mid-air without gravity coming to mess with his day.
P PopcornPie
"Come on Omnitrix, give me someone that can fly," Ben says, smacking his watch down, taking the form of a small rodentoid creature.


"Molestache? Not even Jetray or Big Chill? Perhaps I should've been more specific. Very well, whoever wishes to board the U.S.S. Ben Tennyson, gather around me."

Whoever agreed would see Molestache stretch his moustache to engulf them, before they soon saw themselves on a stache hammock, very durable. The rest of his moustache would extend to the top of his head, creating a propeller to hover upwards and fly.


"And away we go."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs
Lealan growls in dissatisfaction her prey had fled. She returns her Astro Sabre to her inventory and draws three Red Stim Packs. She begins to Jam them into her stomach. With a pained hiss, her flesh began to regrow, crawling up her skull bit by bit in multiple layers. It was very grotesque to see if anyone bothered to watch, especially when her eyes regrew. Once it was done, she ran her fingers through her hair and huffs in irritation. "I only had one damn hair tie." She pulls out her damaged lab coat and hisses again. It's pretty much ruined. She returned it to her inventory and stretches her arms. With more skin exposed, you can see a natural, leaf-like armor on her wrists/hands, and shoulders.
The very angry Floran marches up to Stan with an angry scowl on her face. "You owe me a new coat, and a hair tie. I could have just cut your limbs off to save the trouble. If you try to argue with me on this, I will beat you with this!" She holds up an large ingot of .9999 gold. She then turns to Ben, and after hearing his offer, nods. "Carry me. I don't feel like making my way up on my own." She sits in the stache hammock with the gold ingot in her lap, makes a threatening gesture to Stan while gesturing to it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Upstairsgang

  • Kassandra scowled through her visor, her head still on a swivel as she continued sweeping the boiler room with her Spear extended. At Jason's remark, the warrior silently shook her head in response before half-jumping at the screeching noise and turning to face the source. Of course, the noise got louder and louder, prompting her to cautiously but slowly start walking up. A few others seemed to form up a defensive stance, but she wasn't too interested in that.

    She was more interested in the sparks forming ahead from the scratching. She would've very well chastised Benedict's sorry hide for enabling the serial killer, too, but once again she had her entire attention on whoever was ahead- and the voices. Thankfully, Gretar seemed to take the same idea of forming an offense, and the Spartan found herself standing shoulder to shoulder with the hammer-wielder.

    The second a sled was sent hurtling past the group, Kass instinctively cleaved the contraption in two with her sword before Alexis turned it into ashes, albeit not before it smashed into the idiot penguin. When she saw what the sled was, she only uttered her all-too-famous "Malaka". She said it again, though more irritably than afraid, when the cat-girl declared they were all separate from the party above. That's when the figure appeared, causing the Greek to assume a defensive stance. She still stood her ground, though, since everyone else seemed to be unsure of what to do. Some people began to panick, others questioned whether to engage, and one guy in a mask decided to vomit his lunch. Even in this dire situation, Kassandra couldn't help but turn to Deadpool and utter one word:


    Finally, Alexis broke the tension by firing off a few fireballs. The sword-wielder followed suit, letting off a loud battle cry as she rushed forwards to hack the man in two with her sword... only to meet thin air. She turned around to stare at the spot where the long-armed man had just stood before the ground ripped open and swallowed everyone without warning. And down, down, she fell.

    Once again, Kassandra was knocked flat out by the impact this time. She very well should have recovered the fastest, but she'd actually landed head-first into the bedroom and not on the bed, her entrance marked by a loud "BOOM". When she finally came to, everyone was apparently talking to one "Nancy Thompson" about how they got into this new place and what exactly the "boogeyman" was. The Greek let off a loud groan, slowly pushing herself up to her feet and grasping her pounding head before removing the helmet and tossing it onto the bed, half listening as she tried to ignore the throbbing ache in her temple.

    "Wait... did you say something about him haunting dreams?" She asked groggily, before pointing a finger at Blake as a "what she said" style of gesture.

    "Don't tell me he has the power to do whatever he wants in our dreams, too. The last thing I need is more people who deal with warping reality or something along those lines." Kassandra grimaced both at her ache and the notion of having to deal with someone who could shrug everything off like the little kids from the tent.

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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
As soon as Benedict fell with a thud, he would immediately nod in approval seems......mister Freddy wants us up before his big expo......indeed, I do feel.....a tad.....sleepy....just a tad, no less.
Benedict would say before laying back down on the would be hard to sleep though since his favorite sleeping partner clippy was gone.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@Bedroom gang​
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
As soon as Benedict fell with a thud, he would immediately nod in approval seems......mister Freddy wants us up before his big expo......indeed, I do feel.....a tad.....sleepy....just a tad, no less.
Benedict would say before laying back down on the would be hard to sleep though since his favorite sleeping partner clippy was gone.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@Bedroom gang​

"I don't know, didn't his creepy chant say something about us being unable to sleep?" the Agent says to Benedict. "He isn't passive aggressive or anything, right?"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Despite Lealan's protests, Arthur still dug into the ashes to brandish what seemed to be a video tape, though not before he replied to Midna with a simple "Shoar". Video tapes weren't exactly his field of expertise, so when the alien shapeshifter dug into the tape, he felt more than grateful enough. At Ciri's inquiry on what they were supposed to actually do with it, Morgan turned to her and shrugged, keeping the tape relatively even as he did.

    "Beats me. Guess we just wait for results." He tried his damndest to ignore the fact that a certain someone was hell-bent on being extremely finnicky and uncomfortable. Unfortunately, he definitely couldn't ignore the sight that followed when Ben came back and projected the tape, blood and horror and whole.

    "You sick sonuvabitch..." A serial killer was bad enough. But child murderer? The mere thought made Morgan disgusted, and a scowl quickly formed on his face. He remained in the room after everyone had left, though, quickly sketching the set of claws he'd seen in the camera alongside a caption for himself later on.

    New Journal Entry

    Unfortunately, this ended up meaning the screams and shouts across the room was what alerted him to something very wrong happening to his group, and warranted him to rush outside with his LeMats drawn.

    ...Except he opened the door to the horror show just as Freddy created a blaze throughout the room, forcing the gunslinger forwards and into the area with a loud "SHIT!" to boot. He slowly pulled himself to his feet, though by the time he did so the show was entirely over. He would've asked what happened, but just one look at the group made him decide against being nosy. Apparently everyone had the bright idea that they should get the hell outta Dodge, which then prompted Morgan to look at the entrance he'd just went through.

    Too bad it was now directly above everyone despite the fact that Arthur remembered he'd just went through the damn thing a couple seconds ago. Thankfully, it seemed like everyone had their own little fancy ways of getting there, whether it was through shapeshifting or creating an object. Arthur had a more old-fashioned way.

    "Alright, old friend; let's see you do your magic." Arthur pulled out his lasso alongside a slightly-worn grappling hook's head, wrapping the rope around the latter to form a makeshift grappling hook. The grappling hook idea had helped him way back in the Tesseract Incident when he had been positioning his comrades for a fight, so he hadn't abandoned the hook despite it seeming like a silly thing to carry around. And here it was, about to pay off.

    "If y'all don't want to be carried, follow me. Just make sure you don't unlatch it or nothing like that." With that, the gunslinger began spinning the lasso around to gain momentum just before launching it upwards to latch it on whatever it could snag on. Once it did (whether it took him one or many tries), Morgan would begin climbing the rope.
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I'm alive.

I'm alive!

I was so scared that I couldn't even think of a one-liner. Yes, that's my main concern! I patted my body to see if anything is wrong with it only to find out it was completely fine. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and let out a sigh of relief. I crashed onto Nancy's bed whether she liked it or not to relax. At least the adventure finally kicked off with the excitement. I feel like that might be a little too scary rather than exciting. No matter, I shall prepare and we will make quick work of that boogeyman. What's the worse that can happen? He can't be worse than Zant since that guy managed to kill a chunk of good men.

"Nancy, lady, you know anything that can defeat that poser?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Rex and everyone’s efforts to kill the deranged looking worm is a success, and ends up turning into spiders crawling past everyone.

“I got a bad feeling that this won’t be the last time we’ll see that thing..” The gang make their way to find Stanford’s brother who’s apparently named, Stanley.

“Clown? Who are you calling- Ahhh.” Suddenly everything begins to shake and the roof is removed revealing a man who shares the same face as the worm from earlier who is literally, pulling the strings.

“It’s the guy from the video.” He controls Stand to walk towards everybody to probably do no good. The man manages to burn Lealan’s face to show that she’s, actually a robot? “Lealan! That’s it, pasty face.” As Rex was gonna try to blow him up, Megumin open Rex’s backpack to take Lucky’s gun away and unfortunately end up burning herself. The man in the sky leaves, but there’s still a burned Megumin to worry about.

“Megumin! So stupid. She got hurt because I was too slow to do anything!” Rex runs over to her, but was stopped by Sora.

“Rex. I’ll focus on healing her. Stay with Lucky before he gets himself killed.”

“But I-“

“No time. Go.” Sora runs over to her to heal her wounds with Cure. “Megumin! I’m sorry I wasn’t there, but I’m here now.” The Keyblade would grow a bright green and a slight gentle breeze would emanate from it, all while flowers hover above Megumin’s head with petals fly around her briefly. “All better.”

Rex would find Lucky only to have him be saved by Minda. “Thanks. C’mon buddy. Oh, and before I go. Where do you keep going when we’re fighting giant shapeshifting monsters and gods in the shape of triangles?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (mentioned)

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Hello, Nancy. I'm-"

>"Salutations, my name is Venus Aeon Di Lamia, and this is my companion, Shujinko Kanou. It appears that you have known that man that we were being attacked. Since you have experience with him, might I ask how did you fare against him?"


Mood: Kind, Awestruck, Curious
Tags: (Leo, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage had been taken aback by Leo's apparent shock in his commentaries over the room. He didn't think it was anything warranting that much reaction, suddenly feeling like he had accidentally said something weird again and was too late to take it back.

"Well, uhhh, I've been in mine? It just looks nothing like this one!", he had corrected, oblivious to the seriousness of the whole matter, so much even that he didn't know to stop going, "It's a lot smaller, with a concrete floor, and a futon instead of a bed so it can be taken out of the way preserving space. Sometimes I just sit there and meditate. A little marble table that's attached to the wall by the corner for studying and similarly like a, uhhh like a box? A stone enclosure where my clothes go, so they're out of risk of getting set on fire. It's not like, wow or anything, it just has the essentials to live, a bit dark too but keeping the door open will let the light from the corridor sip in better... I mean, you're not supposed to be in your room a lot, right?", he had laughed by the end and, unknowingly to him, it probably just made it all tougher to swallow.

Before he could have done anything else, however, a little girl had walked in, shocked at them being all gathered into what was apparently her room. Ah, that explains the delicate nice taste in decor... Understandably, she asked who they were and what they were doing there. Sage could only soften his gaze with sympathy at the confused child, wearing a gentle smile as the others chimed in and... Some tried to explain exactly what was going on, while others were just making it more convoluted.

He got out of the bed slowly and smiled at her, raising an arm in greeting. The pyromancer had a soft spot for children and it showed:

"Hiya~ Sooo, I'm Sage, these are Alexis...", the young man gestured towards the Kitsune, "And Leo.", he did the same for the other brown-haired teenager, "And uh- ...Shoot, are those all the names I know??", he frantically looked at the rest of the group for a moment, "Oh! The one with grey hair is Shujin-, yep, there we go!", man, he was, bad at this only three people out of a group of about ten? And he didn't think to introduce Jason, thinking that maybe the dude wouldn't be too happy about it. He just seemed, to be always a bit... angry.

"You have a really pretty place here, Missy~", he continued, exploring the location while absolutely mesmerized, "Did you help choose all the colors and items? I feel rather at peace looking at it, it's pretty nice, you have a penchant for this..."

It was really bright, compared to the room, in what could be considered the basement, that he had. Soft tones mixed with the overpowering wine of the curtains, the wooden planks almost the same shade as the one in the bed. No color seemed to overstay their welcome, they just blended smoothly together and popped-up against the slightly unsaturated white of the walls. It followed the principles of Feng Shui too!
The bedroom area was located in the family quadrant of the Pa Kua, with Wood as its Element! Even the sight of nature through the windows added a nice touch to the whole thing. The bed at the center put the most important furniture into its appropriate command position and he could also see shapes and colors that alluded to the other Elements. Overall, though not perfect, it all seemed rather balanced and aesthetically pleasing. A really good job!

Sage was in complete awe, he really felt like decorating a place more like this one day... And he couldn't wait to see if rest of the house had applications of it too! Truly, the only thing that he couldn't really agree with was the presence of electronics in the bedroom. For a place where you're supposed to feel safe and be away from any external energies and their influences, something like a TV was ultimately throwing a wrench into that whole idea. The posters too, being considered too much visual input for the supposedly calm bedroom area.

"It wouldn't have anything to do with a horribly burned man in a sweater and a fedora, would it? With knives attached to his fingers?", now that was... oddly specific, "He's been in my dreams lately."

And down went all the pleasantness, with the pyromancer taking a deep breath and muttering a single word in his first language:

"Ah, básiwàt!" (Asiwit!), which stood for Death, but in this case was being used as 'ah, chaos!", an equivalent to going 'fucking hell!'.

Turns out the mind-fuckery didn't stop. Now they were dealing with having their dreams messed up with?! This wasn't good news to the Descendant considering that a lot of them had to do with uncontrollable Fire. Fire and a certain room that was source of a lot of childhood trauma. Fantastic, his first experience with this kind of power and he had already developed an aversion and extreme distaste.
And this was just the start of the adventure...

"Hey, since we're all having a downtime or something, before things get too wild again...", Sage had chimed in a bit out of nowhere, "Can someone just please explain to me what a 'ghost' is?? I've asked a couple of times and got no reply, and everyone keeps using it all the time. I'm starting to feel awfully out of the loop here!"
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"No, I'm sorry." Megumin whimpered. "We keep losing these fights because I'm being too cowardly to push myself. I promise you, the next time we see Freddy, or Bill, I'm going to use all my strength to reawaken Explosion!" She growled, analyzing her staff. Maybe the orb was cracked. Maybe Explosion was just a Belzerg-exclusive spell, and just plain didn't work in other worlds? No, that wouldn't explain how it still refused to work when she was in her home world. Maybe she just had some kind of amnesia? No, she wouldn't remember bearing Explosion at all if that were the case.

"I j-just wan-n-na make everyb-b-body some fuckin' chicken nuggets in me d-damn kitchen...not me fault that some asshole in desp-p-perate need of a manicure moved in while I was g-g-gone..." Lucky mumbled, seemingly prepared to drift off again.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Orbeck of vinheim
Status: Freddy has ran away, in frustration.
Condition: normal​

"I... don't suppose that any of you can fly? And when I say fly, I mean fly all of us non-fliers up and out of that hallway."

For our undead sorcerer from vinheim, that would be a big no. Flying? Not possible for him. If the vinheim dragon school can't come up with a method to take flight, it is unlikely there will ever be a spell that could do such. It would be nice to have that sort of freedom. But for now, he'll need to gain assistance from those that could...well, fly.

"No, I'm sorry." Megumin whimpered. "We keep losing these fights because I'm being too cowardly to push myself. I promise you, the next time we see Freddy, or Bill, I'm going to use all my strength to reawaken Explosion!" She growled, analyzing her staff. Maybe the orb was cracked. Maybe Explosion was just a Belzerg-exclusive spell, and just plain didn't work in other worlds? No, that wouldn't explain how it still refused to work when she was in her home world. Maybe she just had some kind of amnesia? No, she wouldn't remember bearing Explosion at all if that were the case.

"You better not force it. Unless there is some sort of disparity between how magic in general works between your world and mine, trying to force it out is...ill advised. Didn't you receive that... wizard coin, chip, what ever it's called, by Hiryu?" At this point he got himself on Ben's mustache...thing, siting down on what space is available. Just what do you even call this creature.

The very angry Floran marches up to Stan with an angry scowl on her face. "You owe me a new coat, and a hair tie. I could have just cut your limbs off to save the trouble. If you try to argue with me on this, I will beat you with this!" She holds up an large ingot of .9999 gold. She then turns to Ben, and after hearing his offer, nods. "Carry me. I don't feel like making my way up on my own." She sits in the stache hammock with the gold ingot in her lap, makes a threatening gesture to Stan while gesturing to it.

" your threatening the greedier of the two brothers, with gold?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Uhhh.... okay." Was all Stan could say in response as him and Ford both grabbed onto Hiryu's weird bug arms and began to fly up the passageway alongside everyone else. Before they did so, however, both him and Ford addressed Megumin's concerns. "No idea who that is. Then again, I didn't learn anyone's names." He replied, shrugging. He then turned to Lealan and cocked a brow. "Hey, hey! I don't owe you squat! I had no control over any of that!" He said, only to quirk a brow when Lealan threatened to beat him with gold, before smiling smugly. "Kid, I've been beaten with about everything in the book, including money, You're gonna have to try harder than that to get me to fork up cash." He then thumbed towards Orbeck when he made his point. "See? This guy's got the right idea."

"That's where we'll be going next, Megumin. Warning the others about that monstrosity is our next priority." Ford would reply to Megumin as everyone finally began to ascend out of the dark room they'd found Stan in.

Midna, meanwhile, just kinda shrugged when Rex asked her where she kept disappearing to. "Don't wanna make things too easy for you guys!" She said, before floating on up and away from them. By the time you all finally reached the top, you would begin making your way back down the hallway, which had returned to its familiar, grotesque shape. You eventually found yourselves back in the house's main room, where Ford began leading you all towards the back where the other group had gone.

"Okay everyone, I think that they made their way down here." The scientist said. Though, when he tried to grab the knob, Ford let out a scream and yanked his arm back, with smoke arising from it. If any of you were to look, you would find that the knob was red hot, with smoke arising from it. To make matters worse, one of Ford's hands had been badly burned.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Upstairs

"Oh... nice to meet you, Whisper." Nancy said to the wolf as she watched her hop off the shelf and onto her bed. "And you too, Gretar." She would shrug, though, when Blake asked her question. "I... don't know. All I know is that he haunts your dreams and then kills you. But him being able to teleport wouldn't be too far off after everything else I've seen him do..." She shuddered a bit. "And, I hate to say it, but I think so." She would then say to Kassandra. "I myself barely got out alive. It was pretty much just a miracle that I managed to wake up before he killed me. And I couldn't tell you what his weaknesses are, either." She shook her head and sighed, pressing her face into her palms.

"A ghost is like... a dead person's spirit that comes back. It's like being alive but... without a body, I guess." Leo explained to save, before pointing to Lilith. "Like her."


Meanwhile, as Benedict took it upon himself to sleep in Nancy's bed, he and others might notice a very familiar silhouette, stretching the wall above him like rubber, as if it was trying to break through...

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower @Bedroom
“Y’know if we die, you die, and countless others won’t have their home back including yours. So if you could stop being lazy, and actually help take back the multiverse that would help.”

Rex decides to get out before he makes the situation worst for himself, and takes the drunken Lucky with him, taking about chicken nuggets. “Suuure buddy. You’re gonna make all the nuggets you want once we’re out of here.”

meanwhile, Ford leads everyone to the main room of the house. He tries to open the door of the room where the other group is at, but gets his hand burnt by the iron hot knob. “Stanford.” Sora walks up to Ford to heal his burned hand and offers to help in anyway the boy can. “There. Let me handle this.”

Sora uses Blizzard on the door knob so it’ll be safe to open and the others can go forward to help the others.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Sighing as he flew off the chair he was on and despawned it... before flying into the hallway. It seemed like it’s was back to its old self. After walking a bit around the place, going back to the main hallway and walking to where the other may have gone. Ford had tried opening the door, but was instead left with a badly burn on his right hand. Sighing, he took out his ToolGun again and used the shortcut in order to spawn in another med kit as he said “I feel like I will be doing this a lot with you guys.... also ford just touch the button on the med kit and your hand will be healed.” as he passed the Medkit to Ford’s hands. He saw Sora tried to freeze the doorknob but he said “Why do we need to use the doorknob when we can break through it.” as he used his ToolGun to spawn in a Fire axe. Putting away the ToolGun for now, he began chopping down the door with heavy strikes from the axe.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @upstairsgroup
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Lealan stores the gold. "So would you rather be beaten by an eye? Or I could just eat an arm." She shows off the Erchius Eye. It stares at Stan, pulsating with power as its pupil retracts, a light purple glow suffusing through it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lilith was still in her full on fangirl state due to the fact that she was practically in one of her all time favorite horror movies, that was until Freddy was about to break out through the wall and snatch Benedict up. Thankfully Lars was able to catch him before Freddy could. "Take that you pizza face creep." Lilith says as she rests on Lars' shoulder.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Freddy)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Lars)

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