Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

When Freddy had Stan swing his arm towards Megumin, Akari jumped near her as Snake had done, ready to intercept Stan's strike and try to use his sword to cut one of Freddy's strings. "Then, I'll make this quick." He said to Stan when he asked Akari to hurry up.

Freddy had then surrounded the group in a ring of fire, but the flames didn't seem to bother Akari much at all. "I can assure you I'm no 'piggy', and I for one have no intention of 'squealing'." Even still, Ben had transformed once again and put in quite the effort to extinguish the blaze. "Well, it does seem your plans have all but fizzled out, there."

P PopcornPie (Protected)
Venom Snake Venom Snake (Unspoken Mention)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Crow Crow (Unspoken Mention)
(Open for Interactions)
Nine, Ten...
Never sleep again...

When those two final lyrics ran out, the figure known as Freddy stopped walking towards you all and let out a devious, loud laugh, and then disappeared from sight before any of your attacks hit him. You all stood there for a moment, perhaps looking for him, perhaps just gathering your bearings. Before any of you could say or even ask anything, though, the floor opened up beneath you and you fell right through.


When you fell through, you began to hear Queen's hit song "Radio Ga Ga" playing for some reason. When you gathered your bearings, you realized that you landed in what looked like a teenage girl's bedroom. Which was filled with old radios, posters of the hit bands Bon Jovi and Queen, and even a CRT Television that was playing a rerun of the hit sitcom, Cheers.


"Shit..." Jason sighed. "I think we've been literally thrown back into the 80's."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom--->Bedroom

"1980? That's even more ancient than the ancient era of 2005," the Agent says, "you find it ironic how the chant tells us to never sleep again yet tosses us into a place with a big bouncy bed?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom--->Bedroom

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You were about to pull the trigger when the floor suddenly opens and you drop down into someone's bedroom. Then Jason said that you were thrown back to the 80's.

>"If I were to be specific, 1984. If I were to guess, this bedroom, or rather this house, is what is used to be like before compared to when we got in."

Well.... everything is going to chaos once more. Freddy taunting everyone with curses or jokes... fire appearing out of the blue.... and especially the fact that he is literally seeing Freddy Krueger with his own eyes. But hey, he knew he was gonna see crazy shit when joining the MPF. Might as well do a distraction so that the others can help stand out.... as he took out his ToolGun again and spawned the Half-Life 2 rpg. Saying out loud “Hey fuck face.....! You forgot your daily dose of shrapnel....” as he fired the rpg. The rocket-propelled-grenade flying through the air..... and due to the logic of his world..... would continue flying straight towards Freddy’s face unless he did something to stop it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Stairwaygroup

It seemed like the man disappeared for now.... until the floor gave way beneath them. After hearing strange music and getting back up.... he was apparently in a ‘80’s’ room. “Well I don’t care about the origin of the room.... that.... thing will comeback sooner or later.... and we need to be ready by then. And staying in here would not be great due to the small amounts of space in order to use our attacks.” he said, as he tried the doorknob of the door to exit the room.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Bedroomgroup
--Another Zi-O II--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

This obviously isn't working. Perhaps a more direct assault to the puppet strings above Stan would to the trick. He took out the Another Zi-O II watch, the somewhat changed version of Another Zi-O, activating it, gold rings spun around Another Fourze, turning the Another Rider into the white clad clock faced rider once more.


The Clockbased Another Rider's clockhands glowed and spun, a grandfather's clock chimed as several Another Riders appear around him.


Four Another Riders, all familiar but one, who appeared to be silver and red, sporting a chinese dragon knight motif. A dragon for a hand and a giant scimitar held on the other.

"Wizard. Ryuki. With me. Fourze, Ghost. Deal with Kr*ger." Hiryu, as Another Zi-O II ordered in a monotone voice as his whitened eyes glow green along with the jade on its forehead. The Another Riders grunted as Another Wizard and Another Ryuki charged ahead of him. Another Fourze and Another Ghost began to fly up and face the giant Freddy Kruger.

Another Ghost summoned Parka Ghosts to pester the dream demon while Another Fourze fired off missiles from a blue launcher that appeared on its right leg.


Another Wizard tapped his belt with his ringed hand, a magic circle appearing underneath Stan's body, following him constantly before chains erupted and bound his limbs to his body, making Freddy unable to throw anymore punches. Another Ryuki meanwhile, charged and leapt, trying to cut off the remaining puppet strings from above with its scimitar.
"Awww.... how poetic!" Freddy cackled, before snapping his neck to the side a bit. When he did so, a fire erupted in the room and surrounded the group in a circle. "This oughta heat things up a bit!" He then looked down at Megumin and smiled widely when she asked him what he wanted. His teeth were crooked and yellow with holes all in them, and half of them were already chipped off for the most part. "I just wanna watch all you little piggies squeal!" With that obvious motivator out of the way, Fredd pulled Stan's arm back and had him sling it right towards Megumin's face, aiming to knock her back into the raging fires that surrounded them!

"Move!" Snake ran towards Mengumin, tackling her to the side so the arm wouldn't knock her into the flames. Snake then stood, ready to dodge a hit and looked towards Freddy. "You'd think a god would dress better and not look like an avacado had sex with another avacado."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

P PopcornPie
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

When Freddy had Stan swing his arm towards Megumin, Akari jumped near her as Snake had done, ready to intercept Stan's strike and try to use his sword to cut one of Freddy's strings. "Then, I'll make this quick." He said to Stan when he asked Akari to hurry up.

Freddy had then surrounded the group in a ring of fire, but the flames didn't seem to bother Akari much at all. "I can assure you I'm no 'piggy', and I for one have no intention of 'squealing'." Even still, Ben had transformed once again and put in quite the effort to extinguish the blaze. "Well, it does seem your plans have all but fizzled out, there."

P PopcornPie (Protected)
Venom Snake Venom Snake (Unspoken Mention)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Crow Crow (Unspoken Mention)
(Open for Interactions)
Well, uh...Freddy got his wish!

Megumin, dizzy from both Stan's smack and Snake's sideways tackle, ended up stumbling right into the flames anyway. Her body recognized the pain instantly, and she screamed with all her being. The fires engulfed her up to her arms. Fortunately, said arms immediately ejected Lucky, who was relatively unharmed, except for...

"ME TAIL!" Lucky wagged his singed tail, then stood up and glared at Freddy. "Hey. Nobody fucks with me tail, without me having somethin' to say about it." So, mustering up as much energy as possible, the drowsy bunny would use his flamethrower on Freddy. Of course, the flamed could get nowhere near that high, but at least they were near Stan's strings. "And you know? Y-you're the pig. Look at you. So god-d-damn piggy, you can't even fit in this, uh...fuckin' bitch."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Venom Snake Venom Snake quadraxis201 quadraxis201
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Just as Whisper open fired her weapon, the wolf all of a sudden, fell through a hole on the ground. In an attempt to slow her descent, the Hover Wisp switched with the Spike Wisp, activating the parasol mode of the Wispon, allowing her to land on the shelf instead of the bed as she drifted down.

The wolf was confused, but she decided to observe her surroundings, now sitting on a shelf that hung on the wall. It's rather...Comfy.
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Looking back at where the man was when she stopped hearing footsteps, he laughed and then just disappeared. Did he have some kind of mastery over the Nightmare Realm? It definitely seemed like it because after that, the floor opened up and they all fell right through.

Soon, they landed on a bed. Blake sat up and looked around, finding that they were all in a bedroom. Getting up, she looked at the others, getting their wellbeing out of the way first before doing anything else. "
Is everyone okay?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ bedroom gang

Once she landed on the ground after failing to cut the strings, she didn't have time to react to getting punched. She stumbled back a bit after getting hit to look and see that he had pulled Stan back. "
Sorry, but I don't plan on becoming anyone's piece of clothing!" He then made Stan attempt to kick her in the jaw, in which she moved out of the way once she saw the leg start to go up.

Before she could do anything, she and everyone else were surrounded by a circle of fire. If only Yennefer or Triss or even Geralt were here, they'd have a way to deal with the fire. She looked at everyone else. "
Anyone have any way to deal with the fire?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ upstairs group

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"We're fine, honey. Not a single scratch. Right, Shujinko?"

>For some reason, you hug Blake from behind and let out heavy breaths to get that stress off.

"My oh my..."

Ben's water jet blasts were able to extinguish the fires, but the unfortunately did nothing against the strings that were barely holding up Stan at this point. When Akari said he wasn't a pig and said he had no intention of squealing, though, Freddy's grin only widened even more. "Everyone's got their breaking point!" He exclaimed. He then watched as the rocket began flying towards his face. Freddy, rather comically I might add, simply proceeded to open his mouth wide open and eat the rocket whole. He chewed on it and swallowed it, before belching out a small ball of fire. "Mmm... finger lickin' good!" He exclaimed, following up his words with yet another evil laugh filled with hysteria. Freddy would do the same to the next few missiles were fired at him, and then smile once the ghosts began flying around him. "Looks like this is turning into a real party now!" He said, though when Hiryu used his magic to freeze stan in place, Freddy actually seemed surprised for once. He tried to move stan around, but that was to no avail. Because of this, Hiryu was able to cut the remaining ropes with ease, which freed Stan. Freddy growled down at them, and then merely disappeared like he was a ghost. He did, however, laugh at Megumin's state of burning alive once he left. Apparently she'd caught fire before Ben had put them out.

Stan was left held in his place in the air, while Ford ran over to Megumin and sprayed her with a makeshift fire extinguisher he had on him. "Megumin! Megumin!" He shouted repeatedly in hopes that she wasn't... well, dead.


"This is stupid." Stan said with a permanent frown on his face as he sat mid-air, waiting for Hiryu to undo his chains.

@DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay @Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake @Upstairs

"Wait... have you never been in a bedroom before?" Leo would ask Sage in a bit of a dumbfounded tone, with an equally dumbfounded expression on his face.


"2005...?" Jason would ask the talking penguin, wondering why he called it ancient, before ultimately shaking his head and disregarding the comment. "And yeah, a little bit." He then looked at Venus. "That's a very specific date to just pull out of your ass... but the house theory could be right." He said with a shrug. Before Gretar could even open the door to the room, however, he was beaten to the punch when someone appeared to have done it for him. The door slowly opened, and out stepped...


A confused, almost startled looking teenage girl. She'd jumped back upon seeing so many people in the room, many of which she looked like she'd never have expected to see in a million years. "W-Who are you people? And what are you doing in my room??" The young girl asked in a justifiably worried tone. She then looked up at Whisper, who had apparently taken a liking to her shelf enough to just sit on it. "And... and get off my shelf!" She shouted towards the animal in question.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower @Bedroom

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Someone enters the room, a teenage girl. She seemed surprised upon seeing all of you. You get off Blake and look at the girl.

"Our apologies for intruding into your quarters. You probably won't believe us if we say that we have been transported here by accident. We assure to you that we mean no harm."

Ben's water jet blasts were able to extinguish the fires, but the unfortunately did nothing against the strings that were barely holding up Stan at this point. When Akari said he wasn't a pig and said he had no intention of squealing, though, Freddy's grin only widened even more. "Everyone's got their breaking point!" He exclaimed. He then watched as the rocket began flying towards his face. Freddy, rather comically I might add, simply proceeded to open his mouth wide open and eat the rocket whole. He chewed on it and swallowed it, before belching out a small ball of fire. "Mmm... finger lickin' good!" He exclaimed, following up his words with yet another evil laugh filled with hysteria. Freddy would do the same to the next few missiles were fired at him, and then smile once the ghosts began flying around him. "Looks like this is turning into a real party now!" He said, though when Hiryu used his magic to freeze stan in place, Freddy actually seemed surprised for once. He tried to move stan around, but that was to no avail. Because of this, Hiryu was able to cut the remaining ropes with ease, which freed Stan. Freddy growled down at them, and then merely disappeared like he was a ghost. He did, however, laugh at Megumin's state of burning alive once he left. Apparently she'd caught fire before Ben had put them out.

Stan was left held in his place in the air, while Ford ran over to Megumin and sprayed her with a makeshift fire extinguisher he had on him. "Megumin! Megumin!" He shouted repeatedly in hopes that she wasn't... well, dead.


"This is stupid." Stan said with a permanent frown on his face as he sat mid-air, waiting for Hiryu to undo his chains.

@DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay @Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake @Upstairs

"I was too late..." Water Hazard gasps at Megumin's supposed demise as a flash of green light engulfed him, turning him back into Ben.

"She's gonna be OK, isn't she?"

@DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay @Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs

"Wait... have you never been in a bedroom before?" Leo would ask Sage in a bit of a dumbfounded tone, with an equally dumbfounded expression on his face.


"2005...?" Jason would ask the talking penguin, wondering why he called it ancient, before ultimately shaking his head and disregarding the comment. "And yeah, a little bit." He then looked at Venus. "That's a very specific date to just pull out of your ass... but the house theory could be right." He said with a shrug. Before Gretar could even open the door to the room, however, he was beaten to the punch when someone appeared to have done it for him. The door slowly opened, and out stepped...


A confused, almost startled looking teenage girl. She'd jumped back upon seeing so many people in the room, many of which she looked like she'd never have expected to see in a million years. "W-Who are you people? And what are you doing in my room??" The young girl asked in a justifiably worried tone. She then looked up at Whisper, who had apparently taken a liking to her shelf enough to just sit on it. "And... and get off my shelf!" She shouted towards the animal in question.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower @Bedroom

"Yeah, 2005 was 15 years ago, and everyone born in 1990 should be a wizard by this year," the Agent says.

As the young girl walks in, the Agent says, "we're working for the uh... FBI. Or something. I guess."

He turns to the others, whispering.

"You guys call it the FBI right?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Bedroom
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

"Maybe so, but you'll find me harder to break than most. I possess a power obtained through strength of heart, the will to aid others, a power you'll have to especially try your hardest to reverse." Akari said once Freddy had seemingly disappeared in frustration. He turned to face Megumin, who was currently on fire, and with a summon of Kronos, cast Salvation on her and everyone else around him. Everyone affected would feel a calming sensation as healing energy flowed through their bodies and their wounds would be healed. Any status ailments affecting them would also be removed. "If anything's going to fix her wounds, it'll be that." Akari told Ben as he turned around to face him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
P PopcornPie (Unspoken Interaction)
Crow Crow
(Open for Interactions)
Well... at least he knew that distracted Freddy, as he watch him eat all of the rockets sent at him like they were some sort of snack to him. After Stanley had been freed from Freddy’s grasp... he heard one last laugh from him.... before hearing Ford’s calling Megumin’s name. He then look to where it was coming from and saw a badly burnt Megumin.... to which he said “Oh fuck......! She needs medical attention right now..” as he ran towards the situation, him spawning a medical kit into his hands. After reaching Ford’s side..... he said “I have something that can heal her wounds.... let’s hope sheis still alive.” as he activated the med kit..... the item disappearing and would began to heal Megumin’s wounds on her body.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @upstairsgroup
Last edited:
--Another Zi-O II--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
"Serves you right." Hiryu growled at the giant Kruger as he fled after his plan worked, his attention soon turned to Megumin, who was on fire.

Much like Ford, Another Wizard came to her aid, conjuring a magic circle which poured refreshing water on the archmage.

"Come on, don't do this to me..." Hiryu walked near Megumin, having Another Fourze put a hand on Another Ryuki, taking out a strange switch which turned the other Rider into a cluster of energy, placing them onto Megumin in an attempt to heal her.

In an attempt to try and save her, Hiryu attempted to tap into the power of Another Zi-O II, granted by the Jade. Hiryu attempted to reverse the time of Megumin's body. He placed his hand above Megumin, a large, golden clock like symbol appeared over her. Her body seemed to reverse as the clock winds back, soon stopping at the point before she was set on fire. Reverting it as if she had never combusted.

Meanwhile, Another Fourze activated the Scissor module once more and started to snip away at Another Wizard's chains around Stan.

  • "Nobody fret." The hoarse voice kicked away the group's despair, as the archmage's silhouette rose. "I am just..." Megumin crawled from the ashes (It's a wonder the floor didn't collapse beneath her), completely black and red all over. Her still smoking cape trailed behind her, shedding ash and fabric as she crawled back into life. Entire layers of flesh had been exfoliated, revealing pulsing muscle encircled by swelling lumps of skin and pus. Megumin's eyes, though they were stuck squinting, were still ablaze, the last remnants of the fires that had consumed her. "...fine."

    Even though everyone was throwing healing spells at her, and though her flesh was screeching in pain, she continued to prowl back and forth. "Where is he? Where did he go?" Her voice was reduced to a harsh whisper. "He works for the one who almost made me abandon my party...I must not let him...live..." For all her anger, it wasn't long before her pain caused her to peter out. She did not resist any of her friends' attempts to heal her, and her body regained its color. "Thanks, all..." Megumin gave each of her rescuers a kind smile, then wiped it off her face as she started to try climbing the walls. "I've got to find that flame-breathing vermin...I'll use his corpse to send Bill a real message about what happens when you hurt my friends..."

"Don't bother, he'll find us - that's how it usually works," Ben said to Megumin. "I want round two as much as you do, but I think we've all got more important things on our hands right now.

If anything, it's more important that we stop him from getting to others."

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

Taking off the Anotherwatch, Hiryu reverted back to his human form. He then approached the staggering archmage.

"Don't push yourself, you idiot." Hiryu sighed as he helped the weak Archmage up as she tried to climb up the walls herself, stopping her from going any further and practically pulling her off of the wall as well like a cat. "The guy's gone for now. We better go."

At this point, all the Another Riders disappeared just as Another Fourze finished cutting out the chains.
It seemed like the owner of this room opened the door before he can even touch the doorknob when someone, a young teenage girl, cane through shocked, probably due to the fact that they are here. He responded to the teenager by saying “You wouldn’t believe us if we told you....” he said, as he walked away from the door and went back to the rest of the group.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Bedroomgroup

Well it seemed like that all that healing from everyone managed to heal all those nasty wounds. Sighing in relief.... before seeing her try to climb the wall, probably after Freddy Krueger. Before he did something.... Hiryu already grabbed her off the wall before she can do anything else. He chuckled at the sight of that... before quickly going back to his usual face and saying “If we barley fend him off right now.... then what makes you think you can kill him by yourself.” he said to Megumin, trying to prove a point.
P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @Stairwaygroup
"Right, the ones who went downstairs." Megumin just felt motivated to double her climbing efforts. The others, how could she forget the others?! What was Freddy doing to the others?! JASON AND BLAKE HAD GONE DOWN THERE!

It seemed, however, that she was climbing a lot higher in her mind than she was in reality. Hiryu pulled her off as simply as one would pluck a beetle from a leaf, which made her gasp sharply, which she caught and stopped by plugging her mouth. "Eep, sorry...I keep forgetting to remember to trust you..."

Then, to Berney, she growled. "I've been useless this whole mission because I haven't pushed myself. I know I can make myself unleash Explosion again if I just try hard enough, and Freddy deserves every fiber of my muscle."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Just then the group fell though the floor and ended up in a teenage girls room whitch just so happens to belong to Nancy Thompson. Lilith was on the edge of fangirling to oblivion but tried her best to keep calm, albeit very poorly. "H-Hey there my n-name's Lilith."
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god I can't believe this is happening!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Nancy Thompson)
"I... hope so." Was all Ford could say in response to Ben. The scientist then watched as three people tried to heal her, with one person even bending time itself to their will to do so, until the archwizard had been successfully healed. He then nodded in agreement with Ben, Hiryu, and Benrey's words. "They're right, Megumin. We needn't worry about him right now. More than likely he'll show back up when he wants to." Ford said as he helped the girl stand up to her feet.


"Well all that's great and all, but I still don't know who the heck any of these people are or where I even am." He then turned to face Hiryu and pointed at him."Except you. I remember you."

"We're in the Mindscape, Stanley. That... being more than likely works for Bill." Ford replied as he slowly stood back up to his feet.

"Oh yeah, Bill. That one-eyed demon that took over Gravity Falls and trapped me here after your portal went all heywire." Stan scoffed as he crossed his arms. Ford just sighed in response.

"Well, regardless, our main focus right now should be finding a way out of here." Ford then turned around towards the point you'd entered from, which apparently was now above you, despite it not having been before. You could see the elegant hallways staring at you from above, almost taunting you with their unfavorable position. "I... don't suppose that any of you can fly? And when I say fly, I mean fly all of us non-fliers up and out of that hallway."

Meanwhile, Lucky was stopped by Midna, who used her giant orange hand to block the path of wherever he was going. She then shoved him back in the other direction so he didn't get lost or something.

@DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay @Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake @Upstairs

"Well I don't see how you'd end up in someone's room by accident..." The girl said with a dumbfounded smile, shaking her head a bit. She then turned to the penguin, who basically just called her a wizard. She shook her head and walked towards her window, placing her hands on her hips. "Well... I'm certainly not a wizard." She said, only to stop staring out her window when the penguin then said something about the FBI. "Well, which is it? Do you work for the FBI or were you transported here against your will?" She asked, already seeming even more suspicious of you than she already was due to toe fact that your stories kept changing.


"It wouldn't have anything to do with a horribly burned man in a sweater and a fedora, would it? With knives attached to his fingers?" The girl asked.

"Actually, it's exactly to do with that..." Vivian replied shyly from her own corner of the room. She had been pretty silent up until this point, mainly because she didn't have anything to say. And even if she did, her fear over everything that had been occurring far outweighed her need to say anything. "But... how did you--"

"He's been in my dreams lately. And a lot of other people's. He haunts them like some kind of... boogeyman." She paused for a second, not looking to anyone in particular as she instead redirected her attention to outside the window. "And then he kills you..." She muttered under her breath. The girl sighed, and then turned back to face all of you. "I'm guessing he's the one who sent you all here, right? Or he's the reason you FBI agents are here or... whatever it is you are." The girl then turned to face Lilith when she introduced herself. "I'm Nancy. Nancy Thompson."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower @Bedroom

  • --Hiryu Kakogawa--
    Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie @Upstairsgang

    "Oof." Hiryu winced a bit when he heard Megumin's slightly hurtful words, letting her down. Stan then pondered who the hell are the others, except for Hiryu, he remembers him. Finally, someone who does. "You don't know how much that means to me, man." He said, soon following the old twins to the point where they last came from...Which now hovers above them.

    "I think I have one." Hiryu said, walking ahead of the group as he took out a Ridewatch that appeared different than the others. "I'm gonna look a bit...Buggy." He said, soon pressing the Anotherwatch. As Hiryu is wrapped with the dark energy of the watch, his silhouette begins to grow rather big, rather gigantic even. The shadows dissipate, transforming Hiryu into a rather gigantic black bug like creature with a red chest and wrist. Appearing to wear a belt as well as bronze anklets.


    K U U G A

    "Hop aboard, it's gonna be a bumpy ride." Hiryu then knelt, stretching its buggy hands towards the others.

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