--Another Fourze--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Calm down, I'm just NOT letting your body attack us!" Hiryu hissed as he heard Stan's plea, soon pressing another button.



"Try and hold still--I'll cut your strings loose!" Hiryu said as a GIANT PAIR OF SCISSORS appeared on his left hand. Hiryu approached the bound Stan, the claw positioning itself so that it would expose it's low enough for him to cut the strings. During this time, Hiryu attempted to cut a leg string and an arm string.
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

In response to the sudden sound of metal scratching metal, Whisper turned and aimed at the humanoid figure, it's intentions pretty obvious withthe son and whatnot. Whatever this man's after, it's certainly something put into Sonic's own words, 'No Good'.
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Lilith threw her hands up. "Yup were dead, Freddy's gonna break through this shield, he's gonna kill me, you guys are gonna run, and he's just gonna kill you guys anyways, I can already tell." She then pauses for a bit and then reassures herself. "You know what forget it we might as well give it a shot, I've bet you guys probably faced worse."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Freddy)
@Boiler Squad
Lars was startled when he saw the man with freakishly long arms. He didnt look all that durable but looks can be decieving. Plus, he didnt know what to expect anymore but perhaps they could have a chance if they coordinate an attack. Lars leans over to Red Hood "You think we should take our chances and attack him all at once? There's more of us than him afterall."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan did not, in fact, look above herself, keeping focused on Stan. As a result, the deluge of acid splashed over her. She released an echoing shriek as a familiar sensation of her flesh burning off takes over. She dashes out of the spray, storing her labcoat as she falls to her knees. She glares up at the puppeteered Stan. While her coat took the acid for most of her body, her face mostly burrned away, revealing a black metal mockery of a skull, sharp prongs of metal and wires holding it together. Whoever had put these parts in her clearly didnt care to do so cleanly. Dash techs past the grappled Stanely, trailing another Astral Tear as she swipes at another string.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
I feel like this is gonna take a while, as he walked forward along with the group.... not caring that spiders went past his feet. After a while, they managed to reach a room that had someone else inside, which was Ford’s brother. But of course.... ‘HEY had arrived..... and in this case... removing the roof of the building as an giant version of himself before sending down hooks on Stanley, controlling him like some sort of marionette puppet. He yelled out loud to Lealan “Uh..... that looks bad.... but hey at least my med kits could heal those wounds.” as he both spawned in a medical kit and a circular saw blade onto the ground. He yelled out to Lealan by saying “Hey... fall back... I got a medical kit that can heal most of the wounds you have.” before spawning in a gravity gun. He then used the orange claw like weapon to pick up the circular saw with a orange beam, before aiming at one of the strings attached to Stanley and fired, the saw sent after it quickly.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs fight
"KillitKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLIT! Kill it with fire! Kill it with violonce! Kill it with an atomic bomb! Kill it with an asteroid! Kill it with the Moon! Kill it the Sun! Kill it with a black hole! Kill it with the Big Bang! Kill it with every god in existence! Kill it with 2 girls, 1 cup! Kill it with EVERYTGING!" Captain Falcon tries pulling out his Magnum frim the holster but finds it stuck "Gaaaah! Dont do this, man! Please! PLEEEAAAASE!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would look at Lilith
Indeed.....I once met a......ferocious child at the orphanage......it attacked me.....hm, all I did was....laugh at its suffering.....indeed, angry orphans are a far bigger worry than mister Freddy.
Josh still prayed ferociously, throwing various gold ornaments and riches at the scary long armed nightmare man....he even tossed a candle at him for extra prayer points.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Freddy jerked his fingers up, resulting in Stan moving out of the way from Hiryu's scissors! He then proceeded to counter the scissors by making Stan's remaining leg he had control over kick him in the face! Freddy then let out a deep laugh when Lealan's face melted off, revealing an electronic exoskeleton underneath. "What!? Thought you weren't scared of me!" Freddy shouted, before having Stan deliver a punch to the weakened Lealan's robot jaw, while easily evading Lealan's swipe towards his other strings. Freddy then found himself laughing once more as Captain Falcon started screaming. "You can't kill me! I'm your GOD now!" He continued to shout, before walking Stan over to the F-Zero pilot and having him attempt to roundhouse kick him square in the gut! Benrey's claw, however, managed to disable the string on Stan's left hand, leaving only two strings remaining!

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Upstairs

Seven, Eight...
Better stay up late...

The figure advanced even further, his laughter growing louder with each step. Before Jason could reply to Lars' question about attacking him, the figure himself replied in his place. "You can try...." He said menacingly, almost begging for you all to unleash attacks upon him. Like he was challenging you.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom
Orbeck of Vinheim
status: Who is freddy krueger?
Condition: normal.​
"One!" Megumin released little shrieks as Lucky instinctively tried to whirl around and shove his way to freedom, kicking and scratching. Fortunately, Megumin, presumably with somebody's help, managed to keep the cage latch closed for long enough to lock it. "Sorry, Chomusuke. This is for your own safety."

Because of this bout of tension, she was all nice and shocked for when Ben came out of the tape.

After dealing with the containment of a certain drunk rabbit, a film of some horrific murderer, and a monstrous warm that would have fit in with Cathedral of the Deep, Orbeck followed along with the others keeping their eyes peeled as they go through the decorated hallway. They eventually find a room with the man of the hour, Stanford pines, tired behind a chair. before anything more could be said...well.

"There's no time to explain!" Ford replied as he quickly made his way to the back of Stan's chair, working desperately to undo the ropes that bound him down. "But we need to get you out of here! Before--" Ford was interrupted by the entire room shaking, as if a tremendous earthquake had just hit. A loud cracking noise could be heard from above you, and as you looked up, you would find the entire roof had been removed! Instead, a more horrifying sight awaited you from above.


"There's my marionette toy!" The demonic, gigantic being that had appeared in the night sky shouted. His voice alone shook the very room you sood in. Most of you could recognize him as the man from the video, except his face was horribly disfigured and burned. Strings with hooks on the ends of them dangled from his fingertips, before digging into Stanley's hands and feet. He screamed as the sounds of his flesh tearing and bones snapping could be heard. "Dance for me, puppet!" The disfigured demon laughed as he flicked his fingers upwards, causing Stan to stand up, ripping right past the ropes that had bound him down towards his chair. The strings then made Stan walk towards all of you slowly, before he made Stan take a swing towards Lealan, and then another towards Ben!

He appeared, a massive deformed human figure ripped the roof of the house and proceeded to manipulate Stan akin to a puppet. judging by the reactions of a few others in the group, he was likely well known by a few of them. Still, who is Freddy Krueger? Despite being in front of a MASSIVE TOWERING KILLER, he asks himself that question. compared to the sort of horrors that are in his own world, this one just seemed too dreamlike to be generally afraid of.
"KillitKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLIT! Kill it with fire! Kill it with violonce! Kill it with an atomic bomb! Kill it with an asteroid! Kill it with the Moon! Kill it the Sun! Kill it with a black hole! Kill it with the Big Bang! Kill it with every god in existence! Kill it with 2 girls, 1 cup! Kill it with EVERYTGING!" Captain Falcon tries pulling out his Magnum frim the holster but finds it stuck "Gaaaah! Dont do this, man! Please! PLEEEAAAASE!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs
There where also those who chose to overreact in the most over the top way possible. In response to Captain Falcon's cries to kill Freedy, he proceeded to bonk him on the head with his court sorcerers staff.
"Have you lost your wit's? there isn't any need to be exasperating the situation. we just need to..."

"You can't kill me! I'm your GOD now!" He continued to shout, before walking Stan over to the F-Zero pilot and having him attempt to roundhouse kick him square in the gut!
Orbeck proceeded to block the roundhouse kick with his shield. at the same time, he casted soul greatsword in an attempt to cut one of the strings holding stan. There was not much to say about Freddy's statement, for he is about as much of a god as the lords of cinder. Mortal compared to Bill.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- P PopcornPie @upstairs.
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--Another Fourze--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Ack! Watch it, this face is pure metal!" Hiryu grunted as Stan kicked his face, evading his massive scissors. As Stan was moved towards Falcon, in an attempt to kick him!

"Oh no you don't!" Hiryu tugged on the mechanical claw on his right hand, throwing his arm back as the claw reeled the same like a fishing pole, trying to keep Stan AWAY from Falcon at all costs.
After spending much longer than necessary opening one of his newly purchased pickle jars, Deadpool finally managed to remove the lid. "FINALLY, FOOD! But I swear the saying was always 'lefty tighty, righty loosey'... Eh, who cares anyways, time to finally eat!" Although his attention was focused on getting this jar open for the past few minutes, he had told the rest of the group that he'd catch up when he finally removed the lid. Taking a bite out of a pickle, he finally made his way out of town, through the forest, and to the mysterious house, which just stood there in pretty much middle of nowhere, menacingly. Wade then noticed that he had a message on his communicator from Delsausage, but as he got closer to the structure, it started to appear quite a bit glitchy. As a result, he decided to put it away, as he entered the house. Walking in, he heard a variety of squeaking noises from the numerous floorboards he stepped on, as he looked around to see where everyone else went. "Hey! ...Guys? You know, it's a bad idea to go somewhere by yourself in a horror movie... Huh, nobody's around, I guess... In other words, nobody's around to critique my musical talent!" DP bent down and started pushing various floorboards to see what sound each made, and eventually got back up, having found the four boards necessary for playing a quick song. He then stomped on each one in a specific order, playing a familiar 7-note tune:

(Yes, I meant just the intro, genius.)

Jumping on the fourth floorboard with both feet to play the seventh note, rather than hearing another squeak, Deadpool heard a loud cracking noise as the board broke, sending him and chunks of other floorboards down into the basement. "GOD DAMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT- AUGH!" He belly-flopped on the floor, and slowly got up, dizzy from the impact. "Eugh... I should probably take a page out of the Mario Bros' book and take mushrooms before jumping like a madman, they probably numb the pain from landing..." As Wade got up, he turned around to face the figure that was approaching him and the others that were apparently in the basement. "Oh, hi there! There's probably not a bathroom down here or anything, but do you mind if I just vomit up like three pickles on the floor?" Lifting his mask off of his mouth, he then started to puke up what originally was his "lunch."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch and everyone else likely to also throw up in reaction to Deadpool throwing up.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You hear someone singing a creepy melody. You look around, trying to find out. A sled comes by, but don't be distracted. You look back and saw something horrific. A man with long arms, and he is about to come for you. Deadpool is there, but he starts vomiting. Good, he's useless in this situation, less be used as a meat shield in case that man attacks. Still, you aim your Semi-Auto Blade at him.

>"This level of power is unreal. I don't think this guy is mortal. He's something more of a ghost. A poltergeist rather, one that refuses to rest unless his business is done. Or worst..."

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
It was then a silhouette was revealed, being the source of the voice, footsteps, and screeching. As everyone began to try to attack him, he started challenging them. And when someone challenged others to attack them, it usually didn't go well for the attackers.

Something then crashed through the ceiling, revealing that it was one of their own, Deadpool. He didn't seem fazed at all by what was happening, which was odd. Deadpool then began throwing up, which made her look at the others. "
Should we just run? I don't think attacking him is a good idea."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , @ boiler squad

Once the creature was taken care of, she followed everyone and eventually ended up in another room. Eventually, they got to an empty room with the man they were looking for, Stan, in there. "
This definitely doesn't seem like a trap..." If she wanted to, she could stay outside of the room, but she didn't want to risk anything else happening so she followed them inside with her grip on Zireael still very tight.

Getting inside, she looked at Stan, who was tied to a chair. "
We can do introductions after we regroup with the others and get out of here." The room began to shook, proving that this was indeed a trap and she looked up to see the roof was gone and the man they saw murdering children standing there. Except his face looked to be burnt, but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to.

Then, he dug hooks into Stan's hands and feet, turning him into a puppet. "
You're a sick man!" Stan then began moving towards them slowly, readying her weapon. She didn't wish to hurt him, but she wasn't going to take a beating. Luckily, the others started taking care of the strings.

A scream then came from one of them, looking to see that a bottle of something poured on the girl. It was probably acid, which made her eyes widen. This was a very twisted individual they were up against who had some sort of control or mastery over this realm. Did they even have a chance?

Two strings were remaining, followed by the girl that was burned with acid having her face melted. When the man said that he was their god now, she rolled her eyes at that. "
You? Our God? I'm not very religious, thank you!" Ciri ran towards Stan, using Blink to appear behind him before turning around and jumping up towards the strings, attempting to cut both strings with the sword in one slash.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
You know.... Gretar was expecting something much scarier.... but a single man with very long arms...? The figure said that he dared them to strike... to which he would respond with throwing his hammer at the foe but someone near him spoke about this person being a phantom or ghostly being. He just stood at attention... ready to fight in case he strikes first. But then Deadpool fell through the celling and began releasing his stomach contents onto the floor. He just raised a brow at this as he looked back at the long armed foe..... before a roach crawled across his bare foot to which he responded with a small shiver as he shook his left foot, throwing the roach away.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Topless Topless @SpoopyBoilerroom
"FLORAN DOESN'T WORSHIP, SSSSTUPID PREY." Lealan hisses. When Stan punches her face she takes another swipe at the nearest string, undetered by her face snapping to the side. The pain blurring her mind. No fear, no reason, only vengeance in her mind.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
kindpng_5029417.pngLars instantly freezes. As it stood, there was no real maneuverability for them to move about to fight him. And even if then, what exactly could they do to him? Lars didn't know exactly what Freddy was capable of but he knew that if he was inviting them to fight him, he knew that he was capable of alot more than any of them could imagine. And there was no beating someone...Something like that.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BoilerRoom
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Whisper's aim stay steady and true, glaring daggers from behind her mask as she stared down the taunting figure. She awaited his first move, not wanting to rush things. She has a bad feeling about shooting an openly armed target concealed in the dark...
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari followed everyone upstairs, holding his sword in his hands in case anything tried to attack the Upstairs Group. When Ford burst into a room, ray gun in hand, Akari stuck close by. The plant-person from earlier had unleashed a volley of crystals, likely in surprise, but the ones that flew towards Akari were quickly blocked by a guard from his sword. "It's alright. Just... be more careful, okay?" Akari said to Lealan, accepting her apology.

Then, Arthur found what looked to be an old VHS tape. In Akari's time, those things seemed to belong only to neckbearded collectors of old media, but here, there were bound to be answers.

And, gruesome, gory, disturbing answers were indeed found.
Although, Akari seemed to not be bothered much at all by the images displayed on the tape. The knife-gloved figure, whom Benrey had called "Freddy Krueger", the disembowelment of a little girl, the laughter, the blood, the screams... no part of it seemed to faze him. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't seen worse before. But, logic would denote we may find this person within the house." He announced.

Akari had noticed the sudden change in scenery, and tilted his head a bit. "Well, then... the hallways are suddenly so pristine and clean. How very surprising." There was, however, the worm-like creature staring them down at the other end of the hall, which was quickly defeated and dissipated into a small group of spiders, a few of which Akari crushed underfoot.

In one room at the end of the now confusing and funhouse-like hallway was a person not unlike Ford-- it was Stan! Akari watched the semi-happy reunion, but was a bit surprised when the room began to quake. Akari looked up, and...

an enormous version of Freddy was staring back at everyone.
As Freddy sunk puppet strings into Stan and used him to attack Lealan and Ben, Akari gripped his sword tighter than ever. "We'll get you out of there... don't worry." He said to Stan with a firm nod. Akari summoned Kronos and cast Marakukaja on everyone in his group. As what happened with the fight against the bouncer, they would feel their defensive power gain a boost. "As for you... the bigger they are, the harder the crash, and the bigger the burn." Akari taunted Freddy. "Try as you might, you cannot and will not stop the sun from rising. It is the will of the universe."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Mildly Afraid, Moderately Angry
LOCATION: Boiler Room, Haunted House, Nightmare Realm
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Basement)


Alexis was all for leaving the boiler room and burning the house to the ground, along with whatever child murderer was haunting it with some soul-consuming flames. Sure a forest may be set on fire, but that was a small sacrifice to burn this psycho and maybe even Bill. However, any of that was put to a stop when Alexis turned to see that the stairway that they came now was now replaced with a brick wall. These thoughts may have been a bit radical, but it didn’t seem like it to Alexis, who was more focused on the burning corpses of children. It took Sage to remind her that the two of them would have to contain the fires of the boiler.

It was then that Alexis realized that Sage may not be referencing that the two of them contain the flames, but rather Alexis be the one to contain the flames. Between the two of them, Sage’s loss of control seemed much more likely that Alexis’s, requiring only sufficiently extreme emotions. In this kind of situation, between the child murderer, the haunted house, and the other people in the room, pressure and emotions must have been running high in Sage. However, Alexis wasn’t compelled to calm Sage down. She saw him being confident and ready to fight, and that was what he needed to begin to have a semblance of control over his powers. Alexis took preemptive measures, holding back the flames between Sage and the others. She encouraged the boy as he got ready to fight a threat that might not even be physical, "Don’t worry about it, Sage, I’ll handle the fire, focus on the threat."

Leonardo’s declaration of not being able to see anything didn’t exactly inspire any confidence in Alexis. Neither did the metallic screeching filling the air, especially not the screeching. The sound of metal against metal tore through the air as sparks went flying by the pipes without any clear source. Then the ominous rhyme came through the air, sung by children and accentuated by footsteps. Hearing gruesome nursery rhymes from the disembodied voices of children was always a strong indicator of horror. Alexis was willing to wager that these voices were the souls of the children slaughtered and now burning in the furnace, but she didn’t think it would’ve put anyone at ease if she expressed it.

The tension was broken with a sled shooting past them and crashing into the wall. Alexis almost jumped, but she quickly shot several balls of fire at the sled. Though she wasn’t entirely convinced it may be the evil they were hunting, she tried to incinerate it just in case it was the child murdering creature. "FoxFire Bullet."

While the crash disrupted the screeching for a brief moment, the screech soon started back up, accompanied by the source. It was a humanoid figure with comically long arms with knife-tipped fingers walking slowly toward the group chuckling. It was the same voice as the child murderer, challenging the group to attack him. Alexis more than obliged.

With the fireballs in her hands and the tips of her tails, she began lobbing them at the figure in a stream of explosive flame orbs. Nearly a dozen orbs were sent towards this man with the first volley, and they would explode upon contact. "FoxFire Burstfire."
The resulting attacks made short work of the worm creature, and it fell limp soon after all of you got your licks in. It then appeared to... melt away, only to turn into a legion of spiders. The spiders quickly crawled past all of you, before disappearing beneath the walls of the hallway. "Alright..." Ford said. "Let's keep going." He then made his way forward down the hallway, with all of you following behind. The hallways appeared to twist and turn the more you traversed down them, like you were going through one of those mazes at a carnival. After an absolute acid trip of a stroll, you all made your way into a seemingly empty room at the end.


And who was there waiting for you, other than Stan Pines himself, who was tied down to a chair. Who appeared to not have the most happy expression, by the way.

"Stanley!" Ford exclaimed as he made his way over to his brother and hugged him. Stan would have probably hugged him back, but his limbs were bound to a chair.

"Took you long enough, Poindexter!" Stan replied in his familiar deep voice. His eyes then shifted behind his glasses to look at those of you who accompanied his twin brother. "Who the heck're these clowns?"

"There's no time to explain!" Ford replied as he quickly made his way to the back of Stan's chair, working desperately to undo the ropes that bound him down. "But we need to get you out of here! Before--" Ford was interrupted by the entire room shaking, as if a tremendous earthquake had just hit. A loud cracking noise could be heard from above you, and as you looked up, you would find the entire roof had been removed! Instead, a more horrifying sight awaited you from above.


"There's my marionette toy!" The demonic, gigantic being that had appeared in the night sky shouted. His voice alone shook the very room you sood in. Most of you could recognize him as the man from the video, except his face was horribly disfigured and burned. Strings with hooks on the ends of them dangled from his fingertips, before digging into Stanley's hands and feet. He screamed as the sounds of his flesh tearing and bones snapping could be heard. "Dance for me, puppet!" The disfigured demon laughed as he flicked his fingers upwards, causing Stan to stand up, ripping right past the ropes that had bound him down towards his chair. The strings then made Stan walk towards all of you slowly, before he made Stan take a swing towards Lealan, and then another towards Ben!
"Oh...Well, that was easy..." Megumin sighed, looking down at herself. It could have been even easier if she had Explosion...Her own question had her pondering. What if she forced it out? She never felt herself forcing it out before, it simply flowed out of her body and staff. When she tried using her Explosion since Blood Gulch, she felt magic pushing up against some sort of blockage. What if she just wasn't concentrating enough? Could she blow loose whatever was blocking her magic off?

It was hard to think about this as she struggled to keep her footing. Somehow, the hallways were able to twist and bend all around them. It made her stomach fluids slosh and bubble. Waiting for them at the end of this winding corridor was...the very person they were looking for!

"You must be Stan! Hello!" Megumin waved to the elder, then tried to help Ford with the ropes. Unfortunately, they couldn't get very far before the roof was removed! AND IT REVEALED THE VERY SAME MAN FROM THE VIDEO!

"Goodness, you're even uglier up close..." Megumin hunched into her cape. "What do you want from us? We just want to get Bill Cipher, and free Gravity F-" She was almost caught as Freddy threw some hooked strings down at Stan, taking him by the limbs immediately! It was almost like..."MIND CONTROL!" Megumin would cling to Rex immediately, hissing.
Lealan would make a shout of "Not impressed. Ive killed bigger!" When ole' scrotum face made his appearance. She watches the hooks puppet poor Stanely into attacking her.
The Floran easily twirls away from the attack, equipping her Astro Sabre Deluxe as she twirls to cut the nearest string controling Stanley with an Astral Tear. "Making others fight for you? Coward! Pansey!" She Heckles the giant murderer.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan did not, in fact, look above herself, keeping focused on Stan. As a result, the deluge of acid splashed over her. She released an echoing shriek as a familiar sensation of her flesh burning off takes over. She dashes out of the spray, storing her labcoat as she falls to her knees. She glares up at the puppeteered Stan. While her coat took the acid for most of her body, her face mostly burrned away, revealing a black metal mockery of a skull, sharp prongs of metal and wires holding it together. Whoever had put these parts in her clearly didnt care to do so cleanly. Dash techs past the grappled Stanely, trailing another Astral Tear as she swipes at another string.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"LEALAN!" Megumin gasped, her face turning pale as her poor Floran friend had her own skin burned away. Oh, Eris, what even was that beneath her flesh?! It looked nothing like bone! It was...what's the word...cybernetic!

Her sloshing stomach fluids stood still, then began to boil. "Your treatment of Stan, your treatment of US...You're with Bill, aren't you?" When it came together for her, Megumin's eye glow intensified until it could even light up the hallway.
Freddy jerked his fingers up, resulting in Stan moving out of the way from Hiryu's scissors! He then proceeded to counter the scissors by making Stan's remaining leg he had control over kick him in the face! Freddy then let out a deep laugh when Lealan's face melted off, revealing an electronic exoskeleton underneath. "What!? Thought you weren't scared of me!" Freddy shouted, before having Stan deliver a punch to the weakened Lealan's robot jaw, while easily evading Lealan's swipe towards his other strings. Freddy then found himself laughing once more as Captain Falcon started screaming. "You can't kill me! I'm your GOD now!" He continued to shout, before walking Stan over to the F-Zero pilot and having him attempt to roundhouse kick him square in the gut! Benrey's claw, however, managed to disable the string on Stan's left hand, leaving only two strings remaining!
"You DARE call yourself a god?!" Megumin spat, trembling. "One who works with a demon who destroys friendships and communities belongs in the lowest depths of the Demon King's lands!" Her wrinkled nose loudly exhaled as she wondered what she could do. No longer would she stand and watch others fight! But Freddy was clearly beyond physical attacks. With two strings holding Stan, how could she...wait, Lucky!

"Chomusuke, I'm sorry, I'm going to need this..." Megumin would very gently open Rex's backpack, then open the latch, then try to remove Lucky's Paw o' Death. To her shock, a mere touch was enough to reawaken the rabbit, who seemed to be somewhere between the late stages of drunk and the early stages of a hangover. "Huh? Hmph. Lemme help, Lass. This is me mission, too." He deployed all of the Paw's weapons, but Megumin was only interested in the knife. She held him high in the air, nudging his armpit to make him swing his knife at Stan's ropes.

"First, I free Stan. Then...I guess I'll just have to sacrifice myself..."
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"And your skin's gonna be my new sweater!" Freddy shouted in response to Ciri's claim that he was a sick man, as he made Stan's remaining arm that he had control over throw a punch towards her cheek. He then pulled Stan back to avoid her sword slash, while he continued laughing. "Then let me educate you, bitch!" He replied to her, before flicking his finger up, causing Stan's leg to shoot up towards her jaw! He then moved Stan to the side again, causing Lealan to miss once more. "Ooooo... you almost had it that time!" Freddy exclaimed, before letting out yet another sickening laugh.

"Well, you'd better hurry up! This don't exactly feel like the Bahamas!" Stan shouted to Akari through heavy breaths and some light screaming, all caused by none other than the hooks that were still buried within his right hand and left foot.

"Awww.... how poetic!" Freddy cackled, before snapping his neck to the side a bit. When he did so, a fire erupted in the room and surrounded the group in a circle. "This oughta heat things up a bit!" He then looked down at Megumin and smiled widely when she asked him what he wanted. His teeth were crooked and yellow with holes all in them, and half of them were already chipped off for the most part. "I just wanna watch all you little piggies squeal!" With that obvious motivator out of the way, Fredd pulled Stan's arm back and had him sling it right towards Megumin's face, aiming to knock her back into the raging fires that surrounded them!

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Upstairs

Nine, Ten...
Never sleep again...

When those two final lyrics ran out, the figure known as Freddy stopped walking towards you all and let out a devious, loud laugh, and then disappeared from sight before any of your attacks hit him. You all stood there for a moment, perhaps looking for him, perhaps just gathering your bearings. Before any of you could say or even ask anything, though, the floor opened up beneath you and you fell right through.


When you fell through, you began to hear Queen's hit song "Radio Ga Ga" playing for some reason. When you gathered your bearings, you realized that you landed in what looked like a teenage girl's bedroom. Which was filled with old radios, posters of the hit bands Bon Jovi and Queen, and even a CRT Television that was playing a rerun of the hit sitcom, Cheers.


"Shit..." Jason sighed. "I think we've been literally thrown back into the 80's."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom--->Bedroom
"Move!" Snake ran towards Mengumin, tackling her to the side so the arm wouldn't knock her into the flames. Snake then stood, ready to dodge a hit and looked towards Freddy. "You'd think a god would dress better and not look like an avacado had sex with another avacado."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
"And your skin's gonna be my new sweater!" Freddy shouted in response to Ciri's claim that he was a sick man, as he made Stan's remaining arm that he had control over throw a punch towards her cheek. He then pulled Stan back to avoid her sword slash, while he continued laughing. "Then let me educate you, bitch!" He replied to her, before flicking his finger up, causing Stan's leg to shoot up towards her jaw! He then moved Stan to the side again, causing Lealan to miss once more. "Ooooo... you almost had it that time!" Freddy exclaimed, before letting out yet another sickening laugh.

"Well, you'd better hurry up! This don't exactly feel like the Bahamas!" Stan shouted to Akari through heavy breaths and some light screaming, all caused by none other than the hooks that were still buried within his right hand and left foot.

"Awww.... how poetic!" Freddy cackled, before snapping his neck to the side a bit. When he did so, a fire erupted in the room and surrounded the group in a circle. "This oughta heat things up a bit!" He then looked down at Megumin and smiled widely when she asked him what he wanted. His teeth were crooked and yellow with holes all in them, and half of them were already chipped off for the most part. "I just wanna watch all you little piggies squeal!" With that obvious motivator out of the way, Fredd pulled Stan's arm back and had him sling it right towards Megumin's face, aiming to knock her back into the raging fires that surrounded them!

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Upstairs

Swampfire smacked the emblem on his chest, assuming a new form.



With that, he spun around to extinguish the threatening field hazard of a blaze with great geysers from his palms, before using strong jets of water to cut the strings!

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @JRay Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs

Mood: Annoyed, Focused, Reflective
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Weeeeell, so much for the coolness points, it turned out that the noise wasn't coming from the boiler itself. But rather something beyond it. Sage listened as Leo mentioned not being able to catch anything with his powers, this threw him back at the very entrance of the group into Gravity Falls where the same had been true. Somehow, he had this feeling that it was going to be a constant theme throughout the adventure, detection powers just not working at all..

Still, they had to be prepared for whichever psycho was coming their way. The young man hadn't released the Kung-Fu guard at all, merely taking his fiery gaze out of the boiler and towards the end of the room, encouraged by Alexis saying that she'd pay attention to the boiler instead. Waiting... Watching the sparks that flew behind the pipe, the noise was reminiscing of metal scratching metal like something out of a mechanic's shop. He doubted it was exactly something of the sort though.

One, Two...
Freddy's coming for you...

"He can sure try it.", the pyromancer had nearly scoffed with annoyance, his anger overpowering any sort of fear or flight response. His orange eyes shone a bit brighter too.

In the background several members reacted to the occurrence, some were just straight pessimistic, the delusional cartoon man... Seemed to know the killer? And liked him???? But probably the strangest thing had been to hear the penguin say something about a living sled... Only to have it appear running past them a minute later!
Taken back by the sudden sentient object, Sage had jerked his head towards it and blinked a couple of times almost not believing what he was seeing, his fellow fire user's flames flying past and towards the odd being right afterwards. 'What the-?' had muttered the confused pyromancer, until it had finally sunk in. This was either an Illusion Ability or more mind-fuckery. Mighty Beasts in the Sky! He freaking knew it, the Moon Clan vibes were never wrong!!

Cursed be his luck! ...Or, therefore, lack of.

Three, Four...
Better lock your door...

"You've already trapped us in, you sick bastard!", maaaaan, someone had to update these rhymes properly...

Five, Six...
Grab a crucifix...

"A what now?", blurted out Sage whose world had no concept of Heaven and thus had no idea what a cross even was, other than a non-symmetrical plus sign.

He wasn't liking this. And the pyromancer didn't mean the weird figure with very long arms laughing as it approached in their direction. Oh no, he actually meant all the suspense. He had been here, pumped out for a fight all this time, but it kept getting delayed and delayed which, was terrible! It meant that he had been holding this level of magic going for just about the same duration. On top of the volatile anger.

Thus, while everyone else seemed unnerved and ready to fight, the Descendant had been forced to cool down. He had gotten out of the Little Tiger guard for a moment and allowed the fire aura to subside, taking a deeeep breath. If anything, the killer was just going to keep the counting going and not actually do much before it was over, so he was allowed the moment to retain some mental balance.
Holding his hands together as if in prayer, the young man had gradually let the orange-flames around him to fade and a chunk of his anger with it, before going back into the pose with a renewed stability.

Close one.
If the enemy hadn't insisted on keeping the motifs as much, or if the others had decided to engage first, this could have gone badly.

Seven, Eight...
Better stay up late...

Not like they had much choice on that matter...
At least Sage had been given enough time to work things out now. If he had been allowed such a luxury back in the tent things could have been much much different! Oh well, but now he was on the right track. It may have begun with anger and frustration and disgust, but at this point, his resolve was held up by the pyromancer's unyielding sense of justice, of right and wrong.
If anything, this is how it was supposed to be from the start!!!

And then someone had crashed through the ceiling, coming from the upper levels and completely startling everybody. The boiler looked like it was spitting fire like a Dragon for a moment...

"U-uhhh... D-dude, are you okay??", the surprised but self-less young man had reached out a hand and asked the new figure in a thigh bodysuit. A bit of a stupid question that had soon been answered by the man suddenly vomiting in the ground, "Y-yikes...", Sage had averted his gaze, cringing slightly and thought about offering him water from the bottle but then oops! He remembered that he had lost it back in the tent. Why was his luck so bad...

And then, of course, some of them, the Kitsune included, had attacked the murderer, falling for his taunts. The cat-eared lady's question did put him to think though, that... man had confidence enough to approach two Fire Magic users inside a room with a functioning boiler, aka: more fire. Either this 'Freddy' was too overconfident and about to get his butt kicked in epic proportions... OR he had something planned. With alll of the bad vibes that everything gave him right now, the pyromancer was leaning towards the later.
Could they use the hole in the ceiling to escape instead? But what about the ones that couldn't fly or jump that high?! Could someone please explain to him what a 'ghost' was already?? Why did everyone keep using that word?!

Nine, Ten...
Never sleep again...

The environment had changed, suddenly from the boiler room they were in a rather fancy bedroom. Well, fancy for Sage who had always lived inside a cage cubicle:

"Shoot, I was right, he did have something planned! ...........I uhh, I don't think like being right in such a situation...", he let out with a nervous laugh, taking a minute to contemplate the new room in awe, "So this is what a normal room looks like... It's like twice, maybe the triple of mine! And so colorful! The flowery patterns are adorable too, like maaan, what a nice taste..."
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