Tandem casual.PNG
Yoyo trick after Yoyo trick, somebody approached me and asked if he could hold one. I pulled my weapons away from him and stuck my tongue out.

"No way, bud!" I sneered. "These are one of a kind and I'm not just going to share it! Give me a good reason why I would let you hold one."
Dead children?! Are you kidding me?! Not even I would have the guts to physically harm them, let alone kill! Whoever is stalking us must be a bonafide serial killing slasher! My smile completely disappeared and a face of fear replaced it. I covered my mouth at the ghastly sight and the voice was the icing on the cake. I should not have let Shujinko drag me here! I am no good when it comes to horror so experiencing a real-life slasher would make me feel like I'm going to faint. I held my babe tightly in response to all of this spooky nonsense, shivering a little. I should have known we were about to get hunted down by a horror movie monster the moment we split up.

The screeching noise was the straw to break the camel's back.

"Nope. Nuh-uh. Nah. I'm out."

I attempted to walk outside.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>The only exit has been blocked off. You open your mouth to scream, but Venus quickly covers it before you do.

>"Shhh! If you scream, you might be the first victim, and I don't want that to happen. Let's all calm down and find a way out of this place. There must be something or a way to get out of here, somehow."

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @BoilerRoomgang

At the sight of the bones of dead human children as well as the sudden voice shrilling out to everyone present, Whisper concluded that going down here is indeed, a bad idea. However, in Jason's suggestion, they urged everyone else to stay since it could lead that thing to everyone else.

Whisper gulped, having an idea, she rushed up the stairs, attempting to leave with everyone else but...No avail, there was a brick wall. Her plan literally won't work.

"Another unbreakable object." Whisper clicked her tongue, "Bill sure do love those." She mumbled as a comment, turning back and aligning her back to Jason's, not wanting to get backstabbed by someone else. "Tell everyone to stay close." Whisper told Jason, having a bad feeling about this entire predicament as her Wisps, physically sweating, switched on her Wispon from Cyan to Pink.
“So you’re saying we were in a nightmare realm? And those kids we saw there were..” Rex shudders a bit when hearing that bit of news, but at the same time feels sympathy for Ford in regards to that last part.

“I don’t know what’s worst. Getting trapped in a place like that, or having your family used like toys.”

“Don’t look down yet, Stanford. We’ll get ‘em back.”

“*Sigh.* I knew you were gonna say something like that at a moment like this.”

“Hey, I gotta give people something to hang on to. You gotta try and think positive.”

“Well, it’s a nice chance of pace, I’ll give you that much.”

“And that means?” Sora gives a dry face in response to Rex’s joke.

“You already know, dude.”

“*Sigh.* (It’s not easy being the nice guy.)”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As some of you attempted to leave to boiler room, you would soon find that a brick wall had formed between you all and the exit. Any attempts to collapse said wall would prove fruitless.

Meanwhile, the screeching noise only began to get louder...

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BoilerRoom

"Looks like the only thing we can do is stand our ground and fight," the Agent assumes a combat pose, EPF Phone in hand, "this will not be our final fight."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BoilerRoom
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Fortunately, the girl that had been locking arms with her and one other person had volunteered. Really, she didn't want to admit it, but this place really creeped her out. Like any other person, she wanted out of this house as fast as possible, so they had to make this quick. The group began to head downstairs, Blake following them, holding onto Gambol Shroud tightly.

Getting down to the room, she felt the heat and it was uncomfortable. She couldn't just take off her coat as she was wearing a black bodysuit, so even if she took off the coat, she wouldn't be comfortable. So, she chose to not take anything off even though it might be a good idea to do so.

Going into the room, they found it was a boiler room. Well, it explained the heat, that was for sure. But how in the world were they able to feel it earlier? This was a realm of dreams after all, so maybe it was best to not question it. Looking around, it did seem like it would fit in a realm called the Nightmare Realm.

Some people turned to leave and when she looked, she'd see that the exit was no longer there and her cat ears began to hurt due to a screeching sound. No exit wasn't good and the screeching sound could be coming from the boiler, but it could also be coming from whatever was trapping them in there.

It was quiet... too quiet. This was definitely unsettling, whoever or whatever was down here was really trying to wait for the right time to- JESUS HOT SAUCE CHRISTMASE CAKE, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!

Blake jumped, turning around with her weapon ready to attack to find it was the man with the giant hammer trying to kill... a cockroach. Sighing, she lowered the weapon. "
We need to be quiet! Whoever's blocked off our exit could still be here!" She looked at Lilith. "Well, at least you're content here."

Kassandra then went towards a working boiler and she was about to follow before being stopped once she got in range of sight and smell to notice what it was. Her eyes widened, realizing what it was exactly. "
Oh God..."

A voice then rang out throughout the room, making her ready her weapon. When she turned around, there wasn't anyone else there, making her look around. "
Your collection?! Those were children! Just who are you?!"

The screeching noise rang out once again, making her look over at the other side of the room. Hearing the penguin, she nodded without taking her eyes off of the other side of the room. "
Right." Needing to warn the others, she took out her communicator and tried to contact the others. "Ford, guys, we have a problem! Get downstairs, now!"

Topless Topless , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Crow Crow

"You're welcome." Hearing a crash upstairs, she ran up the stairs with her sword in hand. She didn't want to take any chance in going up there without her sword out as there was a chance whatever was up there might be harmful. Once she reached the top of the stairs, she followed Ford's lead, being silent and moving slowly. They then reached the room and Ford hopped into the doorway, she followed pointing the sword at who or whatever was there.

It turned out that it was one of them. Ciri put a hand on top of the gun and looked at him, lowering her sword. "
Ford, they're with us! Stand down!" Crystals were then fired at them, making her quickly step back out into the hallway and hide right next to the doorframe, using the wall as cover.

Coming back through the doorframe, she looked at the one that had crashed through the ceiling as when she looked up, there was a whole. "
Are you alright?" When she made her theory the place was alive and Arthur dismissed it, she looked at the two. "It's not the first time something was alive. But I do feel as though someone else besides Stan is here."

Arthur then said he found something, making her go over to see what it was. "
Ashes?" He then pulled out a black box with something written on it. "What do we do with it?"

The communicator then started beeping, making her take it out. Whether or not there was a transmission or it was her imagination had yet to be seen cause we gotta wait for the GM.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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  • In that moment, Megumin forgot everything they were doing.


    Megumin "gently" dropped Lucky onto the floor, then ran to Rex. If Rex remembered how she had previously behaved, he may have flinched, completely helpless as the archmage threw her arms around him, nuzzling deep into his shoulder. At the moment, she didn't care about the tape Arthur found. She just cared that she could finally forgive herself.

    "I'm so sorry for everything I said, and my attempts at killing you! I only heard what you said, and it sounded like you were leaving us for Mabel, and that our relationship was fake. I should have known it was just Bill trying to tear us apart. I don't know what came over me when I said all those horrible things!" Megumin may have been apologizing up a storm, but Rex may or may not have had trouble breathing. If that were the case, luckily for him, Megumin would significantly loosen her grip, looking down at the rotting floor with misery. "I thought I had bullied you into giving up on us, and leaving for home! I'm glad you're still with us!...But if you'd still rather not be my friend anymore, then that's okay, too."

    Then she hastily reclaimed Lucky as he tried to scuttle away, and moved towards Arthur and his VHS tape. "What is it? Some kind of..." No, she couldn't even match the strange object up with anything in her world.
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Mood: Annoyed, Unnerved, Determinated
Tags: (Leo, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

"Cult? You used to be a part of a cult?"

Such an innocent question made out of simple curiosity shouldn't mean much, but for once, the pyromancer had turned around immediately and seemed legitimately offended by it:

"What, me?! No. Nononononono, no dang waaaaaay! We're a proper religion! With actual temples and actual altars and you meditate in the main room and there's a private counselling area nearby, and a farm in the back... It's all kept with the money of donations too, so people don't have to help if they can't, only if they feel like it and want to give something back...", and then the pleasant tone grew rigid and bitter, "But the Moon Clan, oh those guys... Their whole thing is about being above societal rules. Gamblers, thieves, rebels, sleight-of-hand aficionados... They're all thrill-seekers that will use and trick you in the first chance they've got for amusement. They take 'freedom' into an extreme no other Clan can agree with, selfish and self-centred, with pleasure at the top of their list. Absolutely untrustworthy."

A lot of this was biased. They weren't words built over Sage's own experience, no, most of it were words he had caught from conversation in-between other Phoenix Clan members, which were also quite biased. It was hard to know for sure given the other Clan's nomadic nature and secrecy. Moon Clan matters hardly escaped their settlement boundaries. But they were a group to be suspicious of...

"Add Illusion Magic and similars to the mix and you have trouble brewing. And boy do they like to start a fight, it doesn't help that I've attracted enough attention to myself, got a few squabbles thrown my way. Just felt like I was having my limits tested.", he sighed remembering that the whole time he had just wanted a Descendant-to-Descendant but it was just like talking to a door. At least the Unicorn one had been more talkative, even if she was trying to kill him at the start, "Somehow they keep showing up for Clan meetings despite being impossible to find, it's... quite eerie.", the Alexis had chimed in with her own experience with cults, which got the young man to add, "Hard to know for sure, but wouldn't put 'murderers' past 'em either."

It was interesting to know that the Kitsune had spawned a few of them over her person, though seeing as she was pretty much Deity-tier to him it wasn't that far-fetched. What a pickle, having deprived individuals do something so horrible in the name of such a nice lady. It was truly disgusting and disturbing that people could even be like that...

Passed his looong rant about the Black Sheep of the Clans, Sage had finally glanced back at Leo to realize that he seemed a bit dazed? Unfortunately for Leo, the young man still had to flap his wings and constantly correct and stabilize the flight, unlike Alexis. It wasn't such a big problem when it was just flying, but the more his ability had to multi-task, the harder it got to keep everything going at once. He had been sent in spiral back down a couple of times before, normally in the middle of a fight. Soooooo, as nice and smooth as he had tried to make it, the poor teenager had still felt his ride shake and turn...

"Oh shoot! Leo are you going to be okay??", asked a concerned pyromancer as soon as he has noticed it, "Maaan, I didn't know you had like, motion sickness or something, I'm so sorry! I got a bit carried away...", whenever the subject was flying he just seemed to tunnel-sight and forget important details, oops!

Entering the house, the characteristic smell of a burnt environment was waaaay too familiar to him, and as such made the young man quite uneasy. The same time the Kitsune had been careful not to break even more things, Sage had been treading on as if stepping on eggshells, quite uncomfortable by the scenery that just brought back a couple of really bad memories. It was like being in that room again, the one he had completely destroyed as a child and that had been thus kept untouched to serve as some kind of reminder of what could happen. He didn't like being in it, he didn't like remembering it. It was like a huge trauma.
A huge chunk of their group kept using a word the pyromancer had no knowledge of: 'ghost'. Again, the worse he was expecting was to get jumped by a thief or a psycho, things still in the 'material world' category. At some point, he had been so curious that he had stepped closer in-between Alexis and Leo and asked what a ghost was supposed to be.

Following the Kitsune's lead, their little group had soon entered a warmed up corridor, whiiich was weird, considering the place looked abandoned. The lower levels felt like a perfect place for a cult hiding though, so maybe it wasn't abandoned and they were about to invade some kind of meeting. This probably meant that they were about to run into trouble too. As the temperature levels kept raising, the young man had raised his arms slightly up and announced 'I'm not doing that' a bit out of instinct when others had complained about the heat, just in case anyone thought to glance in his direction after the mess at the tent.
It had turned out to be the boiler, whose contents could not be seen from where he stood at the very back of the group...

"Do you like my... collection?" , the sinister psycho voice had caught Sage and everyone else by surprise,
the pyromancer jumping sightly at it.​

This time, since there were already flames in the room, those staring into the boiler would have caught the fire dancing just a bit stronger and wilder for a moment as it reacted to the pyromancer being startled. Alexis seemed on edge, summoning a fireball on top of her tails, but he, and his lack of contact with the supernatural wasn't exactly afraid, just bothered to be running into a killer which he obviously had a great distaste for.

And then the boiler screeched, the temperature kept rising...

Blowing up?! Okay that was not good. As he looked back towards the ones fleeing though, more bad news: the entrance was suddenly blocked. Now Sage was scared, he was scared for everyone else and he was scared of having to step forth and do something about it. Just look at the size of that thing?! This had high magic strain written aaaaall over it and-and, not again; Please, not this soon!!

"Your collection?! Those were children!", upon hearing these words, the pyromancer had stopped.
Time also seemed to stop, at least to him.​

And now Sage was angry. He was angry at the situation, angry at the killer, angry for the poor innocent children used as fuel for the boiler, angry to be about to do something incredibly risky. Just angry. The temperature around him started to rise too and he shook with pent-up energy. Anger wasn't good, it was way too volatile, way too hard to control. But it did serve for one thing. When directed towards the right cause, anger would fuel confidence, it would fuel resolve. It could burn through any logical holdbacks just at the right moment and encourage one to act.

The pyromancer stepped forth, he was sick of this. He wasn't about to let this psycho make any more victims. HE WOULD NOT ALLOW IT. He passed through the group with the temperature still rising and stopped in front of everybody else even past Lilith's barrier in the case that was possible to do.

"Alexis, if it does blow up, it's up for us to contain and hold it back."

Sage was scared, he was worried that he was tempting a new Take-Over, but he wasn't about to let the others down in the one thing he knew how to do well, the one thing he had known all his life and the one thing that could save their butts. Channeling fire and bending it to his will. The armlet was off, the power-surge that came from it only made his resolve stronger now surrounded by an aura of orange fire that weirdly enough counted for smaller wing-shapes that were not present, making a weird drawing in the air.
Spacing out his legs and bringing an arm back, the pyromancer stood in front of the about-to-be explosion with laser-focus on the boiler, holding up a burning Kung-Fu stance, the Little Tiger guard...

He was ready. This was Sage's time to be the superhero that he had always strived to be.
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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
As Benedict was watching the show, he would be interrupted again by Fordsy......ah.....but he wasn’t mad......everyone loves Fordsy.
He would scream into his megaphone, but Fordsy seemed to have it under control.
Ah.....Fordsy you old sucker you.

Once they arrived at the creepy mansion, Benedict’s eyes would gleam
AH! THIS HOUSE......is filthy! Ah.....it must be......the backwoodsmens house!
This small notion would cause Josh to turn white in pure dread as he fell to the ground.
Hm.....ah, Josh, it’s.....no time.....to play the statue game!
He would say before whacking Josh with his cane, bringing him out of his fear-induced coma.
Once inside, Benedict would silently draw his pistol
Ah.....Josh.....get the.....pepper spray....we must “remove”.....these backwoodsmen before Bill uses them to ruin my property margins.
And with that, Josh would salute the genius sir before walking around the main area, spraying pepperspray here, a little there, a dash over there.....a little PINCH here......ah, perfect.
Ah......Josh, pepperspray.....I do love the smel-
His phone would scream in a weird cartoony voice as he was sent a message.
Josh would tremble and cry at this ghastly revelation......nothing can be scarier than those two combined.
Benedict would immediately respond back:
On my way agent......what’re your coordinates.
QizPizza QizPizza
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
His worthless attempts at killing the beast was stopped when Jason grabbed his hammer before it could go down again. He was about to argue when there was apparently a strange voice speaking about their collection, along with many of the group speaking about a collection of human bones somewhere. He stayed behind to group to cover their escape, until the fact that the stairway was blocked by some sort of wall. Holding the war hammer in a combat position, he said “Be ready for what ever comes after us.... I will stay in the front to distract the threat while the others attack it from the sides.” he said.... getting ready to fight.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Boilerroomgang

There was an old tape that Arthur found somewhere. He just shrugged and said “Welp.... might as well see what’s on it..”
Orbeck of Vinheim
status: upstairs, dealing with a video tape.
Condition: normal​
When Artur dug through the pile of ashes, he only found one thing.


An old video tape that had a white label hastily slapped across the front. It read, "31/10/1967" in what looked like black marker.
The trip from the small town to the abandoned home was uneventful, remaining silent as he heads towards the upper levels of the degraded home. One false alarm latter, someone was able to find a...video tape? At least that's what he was told when he fist asked about them. It was also found in a pile of ash. It wouldn't surprise Orbeck if those where the cremated remains of some... dreaded killing. Then again, it doesn't fit the description of absolute insanely that is Bill.
Then she hastily reclaimed Lucky as he tried to scuttle away, and moved towards Arthur and his VHS tape. "What is it? Some kind of..." No, she couldn't even match the strange object up with anything in her world. "...Oh, hey, there's gold bits on the floor, too!"
"Gold? All I see here are piles of ash scattered about. Makes one question how this home has came to be." he said "do you need help with that intoxicated rabbit?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Smug Smug @upstairs.
Lucky kept trying to kick free of the hat, still babbling about chicken nuggets. "Yes, please help..." The archmage looked at Orbeck wearily. "The last thing we need is him escaping into the house in this state. Does anyone see a cage?"

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
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While waiting for the tape to be played... he heard Megumin talk about needing a cage for Lucky the rabbit who was currently inside her hat. He then said “Welp.... might as well keep someone from dying.” as he took out his ToolGun and searched throw the mod list. Touching the screen of the weapon and shoot a beam onto the floor near Megumin, a large enough cage for Lucky materialized from thin air. “Ok.... now to carefully put the drunk and possibly dangerous Lucky into the cage now.” referring to Megumin to start the procedure as he opened the cage.
P PopcornPie
As Ben entered the tape itself, he would land in what looked like a basement or boiler room of some sort. It was nighttime outside, judging by the fact that there were literally windows above him that showed a night sky. In the room itself, though, was a man covered in shadows.


The man himself appeared to have some kind of glove attached to his hand, with said glove having long, razor sharp blades attached to them. His face was obscured by the shadows of the room. In front of him was a little blonde girl in a ping dress, no older than four or five, who was trembling in fear before the man and quietly sobbing. The older man appeared to be smiling down at her as he lowered his glove slightly.

"Shh... shhh...." He hushed her in an almost mocking tone. "Don't worry, Dracie. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said, and right after he did so, he slowly traced his blade across the young girl's cheek. Ben luckily was spared the finer details, but he definitely saw a trail of blood exit the girl's cheek when he withdrew the glove, and there was no mistaking the girl's almost violent sobbing as she screamed out in pain. The man, however, remained calm, as he tilted her head upwards with one of his makeshift claws. "Now... look into the camera, sweetheart." He chuckled, and she slowly did so while crying. The sadistic man smiled up into the camera as well. "She's the first of many." He said, before waving goodbye in a clearly mocking fashion towards the camera, of course with his knives, and then plunged all four blades right into the little girl's stomach.

And then, the tape ended, and the last thing Ben heard were the sounds of the little girl's screams and the man's laughter before being dejected.

Back on the outside, Ford had turned to Rex and Sora, forcing a small smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it." He said, only for his attention to be grabbed when Ben was dejected from the tape. "Well? What did you find?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Upstairs

Leo had followed Sage and Alexis down into the Boiler Room after their conversation just outside the house. After everything that had happened down in the Boiler Room itself, he used his mystic eyes to look around and attempt to find the source of the creepy voice, though to ultimately no avail. "My eyes aren't picking up anything..." Leo muttered as he shook his head, before closing his eyes once more.

When Blake attempted to contact Ford and the others upstairs, her communicator would be met with nothing but eerie static from the other line. It looked like they were truly alone down here. The screeching noise, meanwhile, wasn't coming from the boiler as some of you had assumed. Rather, it sounded like it was being caused by something behind the set of pipes at the end, like someone was scratching nails against them really loudly. If some of you with the more keen eyes were to be paying attention, you could actually make out sparks flying up and landing on the ground beside the pipes.

And then that's when you heard it.

One, Two...
Freddy's coming for you...

As you heard what sounded like a group of little girls say the nursery rhyme, the screeching stopped, and the sound of footsteps could be heard from behind the pipes....

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom
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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Just as Benedict finally found the mysterious sausage, he would be met with something interesting.....the screeching sounds, the chanting......it was......HIM!
Benedict’s eyes would gleam as Josh put on the fakest and most awful attempt of hiding fear smile ever seen.
AH! Josh! Hm! I should’ve known! It’s good old Freddy......ah yes.
Benedict would say to Josh confidently as Josh began to curl up into a ball and tremble....eyes open wide.....he knew what was coming.
Benedict would begin to clap happily as the children sang....he loved Freddy, his work was revolutionary in the field of ruining people’s lives.....he’s been studying him for years.
Josh would scream as he buried his face into Benedict’s coat, causing him to be whacked yet again as the song almost ended.
HUSH! Don’t interrupt mister Freddy again!
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@Boiler room peeps
Things were not looking any better for the downstairs group, especially now that they started to hear some little kids singing nursery rimes. Lilith has watched enough horror movies in her time to know where this was going, her nonexistent heart started to sink and she started to sweat a little. "Welp we're screwed." She says still holding up her shield to protect the group.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Freddy)
As Ben entered the tape itself, he would land in what looked like a basement or boiler room of some sort. It was nighttime outside, judging by the fact that there were literally windows above him that showed a night sky. In the room itself, though, was a man covered in shadows.


The man himself appeared to have some kind of glove attached to his hand, with said glove having long, razor sharp blades attached to them. His face was obscured by the shadows of the room. In front of him was a little blonde girl in a ping dress, no older than four or five, who was trembling in fear before the man and quietly sobbing. The older man appeared to be smiling down at her as he lowered his glove slightly.

"Shh... shhh...." He hushed her in an almost mocking tone. "Don't worry, Dracie. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said, and right after he did so, he slowly traced his blade across the young girl's cheek. Ben luckily was spared the finer details, but he definitely saw a trail of blood exit the girl's cheek when he withdrew the glove, and there was no mistaking the girl's almost violent sobbing as she screamed out in pain. The man, however, remained calm, as he tilted her head upwards with one of his makeshift claws. "Now... look into the camera, sweetheart." He chuckled, and she slowly did so while crying. The sadistic man smiled up into the camera as well. "She's the first of many." He said, before waving goodbye in a clearly mocking fashion towards the camera, of course with his knives, and then plunged all four blades right into the little girl's stomach.

And then, the tape ended, and the last thing Ben heard were the sounds of the little girl's screams and the man's laughter before being dejected.

Back on the outside, Ford had turned to Rex and Sora, forcing a small smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it." He said, only for his attention to be grabbed when Ben was dejected from the tape. "Well? What did you find?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Upstairs

Upgrade merged his cellphone into his palm and began to record everything that occured from the moment he landed. He was horrified by the sights, stepping away on occasion during the brief seconds that he believed the situation was real.

As soon as he was ejected, he said, "this isn't for the faint of heart. I suggest you avert your eyes if you're just that. And I don't want to see it twice."

He raised a sizy palm that unleashed a recording - a 3D projection of what would've been a 2D sight on a retro TV. Simultaneously, he turns his head away from the projection.

He didn't see it, but he could still hear it. Well, everyone could hear it - the cackling, the stabbing, the screams.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs

Leo had followed Sage and Alexis down into the Boiler Room after their conversation just outside the house. After everything that had happened down in the Boiler Room itself, he used his mystic eyes to look around and attempt to find the source of the creepy voice, though to ultimately no avail. "My eyes aren't picking up anything..." Leo muttered as he shook his head, before closing his eyes once more.

When Blake attempted to contact Ford and the others upstairs, her communicator would be met with nothing but eerie static from the other line. It looked like they were truly alone down here. The screeching noise, meanwhile, wasn't coming from the boiler as some of you had assumed. Rather, it sounded like it was being caused by something behind the set of pipes at the end, like someone was scratching nails against them really loudly. If some of you with the more keen eyes were to be paying attention, you could actually make out sparks flying up and landing on the ground beside the pipes.

And then that's when you heard it.

One, Two...
Freddy's coming for you...

As you heard what sounded like a group of little girls say the nursery rhyme, the screeching stopped, and the sound of footsteps could be heard from behind the pipes....

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom

"Well, that's downright unbearable," the Agent comments, Night Vision Goggles enabled to identify anything coming before it comes. "Is this 'Freddy' a Sled? A living sled? At night?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BoilerRoom


(Art credit goes to NeoNeko5000! Thanks for the older Jak Commish!)[/CENTER]

The video was quite gory in fact, there was a boiler room on the tape and Jak bit his tongue when the strange tape was played from Ben’s projection.

Jak resisted the urge to turn away when the screams, killings and more happened. This kid didn’t deserve what was going to happen to her.

[The eco warrior’s mind]

The dark creature inside Jak’s head paced around, things screamed survival and things were going to turn out bad.

Jak’s light side winced, pushing aside the dark beast as he forced himself to watch the video in horror. “Dark, is this what you do?”

“I’m NOTHING like that guy.”

Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
PopcornPie @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz
JRay L Laix_Lake @Upstairs


[tab=Jak's Abilities/Powers/Equipment/Armor]
Location: Abandoned House/Upstairs
Status: Fine

Dark Jak
Light Jak

Morph gun:
16 mods

Mar's armor

Equip: Multiverse Watch

Watching the tape the Ben put on for the others.... he said “Great.... of course that is the home of the goddamn Freddy Krueger of the nightmare in elm street movie..... because why else would there be a tape that showed a man similar to what I am talking about..” he said..... telling the others his own opinion. While he had killed innocents before...... killing a child was something he had never thought of doing. And he kinda felt weird inside after seeing that. But the past is the past, and there is nothing else to do about it. “Welp.....let’s hurry up and go already.... don’t want to stay in here much longer than we have to.” he said before motioning everyone to exit the room and continue their search.

Hearing the strange screeching sounds end, now there was an creepy girl voice singing something while footsteps can be heard. He went forward a bit of the group and said “Come one out coward.... you think that some screeching noise and creepy nursery rhymes would scare me....... how about you try something else and actually face us..... man to man..... or whatever you are.” while he got ready for a fight. If the others behind did not want to face this person so be it, he may be a little reluctant to fight but since he knew his allies would always be with him, he stood at attention, waiting for anything to happen.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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  • "Thanks!" Megumin smiled brightly at Benrey, before carefully extracting Lucky from her hat. She held him by the ears, but he didn't move. "Okay...okay..." Brrrr, this was making her stomach gurgle, and had her spine trembling. "Someone, be on standby, he looks ready to bolt..." Her ears rang with every breath. Lucky looked downright demented, his lips stuck in a permanent, daring smile, as he breathed loud breaths through his exposed teeth and flared nostrils. On the count of three, his ears would be released.



    "One!" Megumin released little shrieks as Lucky instinctively tried to whirl around and shove his way to freedom, kicking and scratching. Fortunately, Megumin, presumably with somebody's help, managed to keep the cage latch closed for long enough to lock it. "Sorry, Chomusuke. This is for your own safety."

    Because of this bout of tension, she was all nice and shocked for when Ben came out of the tape.

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon stood frozen for a moment having born witness to the horrendous acts displayed on the tape. He takes a gulp before speaking "Well umm...I think Imma...I-Imma step out...Cause...I think I've seen enough and...I don't feel comfortable here anymore....I didn't even feel comfortable before we came into this house..." Falcon makes his way out the room
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @UpstairsGang

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