"I see...." Ford replied to Gretar, before looking over to Megumin. "Well, keep a close eye on him. Wouldn't want him running off and getting his head chopped off or something." He then listened to Blake's idea to split into groups. which Ford seemed to agree with when he nodded. "Excellent idea, Blake. How about I take one group up those stairs, while the rest of you stay down here and investigate whatever is on this here floor?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • The overall appearance of the interior had Megumin reminded of what any place looked like post-Explosion, all charred and flimsy. She honestly wasn't sure how much they'd be able to find before the floor collapsed, and they tumbled into the basement, where various rusty nails and bone-crushing objects waited to end their adventure.

    She took Ford's question as an invitation to come up close to him, as though she were a lamb coming to her shepherd. "What Gretar said. I think he's just really drunk."

    Blake's suggestion had the archmage pursing her lips, as she once again looked to Ford. "Ford, may I stay by you?...And are you sure those stairs will support our weight?"


Mood: Sympathetic, Hyped, Disgusted
Tags: (Leo, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The pyromancer had gotten so caught up into his exchange with Leo that he had completely missed the fact that Alexis was actually right beside him all this time. It had only been once the woman had talked again that he had realized as much, jerking up sightly as her voice had caught him by surprise and soon the ever so familiar white tails had wrapped around them in some kind of group hug.
He was... starting to get used to this, at least a little more.

"Ahhh, I'm so sorry!", he had exclaimed with a nervous laugh, putting his hands up, "I wasn't trying to make everyone saaaad!"

She went on to state how proud she was of them sharing and how hard it was. There was that doctor-like vibe again, it didn't even surprise him at this point, and it wasn't like it was a bad thing either. Alexis was an interesting one for sure. At the compliment, Sage had gotten embarrassed and lowered his head a bit averting his gaze from her, stuttering a 'thank you' that almost did not come out. Then the woman had decided to share her story too...

The young man would only become more flustered at the implications, as she was cringing over the memories, he had been doing it out of mental images the whole topic had brought up. Mighty Beasts in the Sky, that was... Yikes. It made him think that maybe, just maybe he was lucky to completely blackout? He had seen it first-hand in the Tent of Telepathy what it felt like to be able to merely powerlessly watch as your body did not obey you, and it had been terrifying. He... couldn't begin to fathom how scared Alexis might have been back then. It also made him wonder just how much worse it would be if he could recall exactly what the Entity had done or said during Its 'stay'. ...This one was probably one of those stances where one was better off not knowing.
Supportive as always, Sage had actually raised a hand aiming to pat the Kitsune's shoulder for a moment, before remembering that it was a bad idea and putting it back down just in the nick of time. As she went on to bring up her husband, who had apparently spared her life out of kindness, the pyromancer had ended up mussing over searching for a partner too, or even, if he wanted to find one. He just had so many other problems rattling in his mind all the time that the idea hadn't even come to him until now.
And he certainly had no experience with the matter.

For a moment he was just there, thinking back on it and other things that he had never expected to be experiencing or speculating about.

Leo's speech about moving on without forgetting events would be the thing to snap him out of it, mesmerized by the wisdom that had been shared with him. Perhaps, this was the second biggest lesson that he was about to learn, 'people like them didn't get the luxury to live normally' and 'one's past actions did not define them'. The pyromancer had merely nodded a couple of times in agreement.

"Yeeeeah, I- I suppose you're right...", he had replied with a little awkward laugh, "And yeah, I don't think there's anything that can be done that doesn't involve completely disabling magic around me. And I surely can't depend on Anti-Magic Field forever... But! If I get knocked out before It shows up it should immediately cut the connection and interrupt the Take-Over. There's no flow of magic while I'm unconscious... Though, I-", Sage scratched at the back of his head, a bit ashamed and just as awkward as ever, "That might be a lot to ask from people... Hahahaha, I'm sorry."

At least Leo had taken his offer! The woman would clarify that she indeed could fly, and reinforce the fact that he should be the one with a passenger given how the whole physical contact thing worked for her. The young man had been decided on being the ride since the beginning:

"Oh, of course! That had always been the plan, I just wasn't sure if you were also a flyer or another passenger.", the other though had used the word whenever prompting Sage to burst out laughing in amusement, "No, you silly~!!"

He had hopped out of the ground and into his two feet, a glint of determination and anticipation in his expression. And then, off went the armlet, carrying with it that off-putting sensation of being out of place. This wasn't an escape flight, it was a leisurely time flight, for enjoyment. A leisurely flight for enjoying with his new friends. This was his place.

"That time is now!!!", the pyromancer of a fiery gaze had replied, extending Leo a hand to help him out of the ground, "You trust me, right?"

After some time, he'd have directed Leo to stand still with his arms up, Sage holding him firm but kindly by the waist. It was safer than the dangling one where he acted as a delta-wing and he wouldn't risk having him as a mount with all of the heat that would be emanating from the back.

"The Sage Airlines are about to take-off~!", he announced with a laugh, clearly having fun, "Just don't mind the temperature too much!!"

And with that, the wings would come into existence of what would be the first time for both of them unless they had paid attention to how Sage had gotten into the stage earlier. The constructs were just like the others thus far, composed of a solid layer and a hollow interior, where flames danced wild inside. It perfectly mimicked a bird's wings, pointier, longer primaries; Smaller rounder secondaries.
The take-off was a bit rough as there would be a fierce flap to catch up enough speed to ascend, but the rest of the ride had been kept more or less gentle, just a soft glide as they encircled around the area of Twilight Town a couple of times. He had tried to make the turns as smoothly as possible too.

It felt so freeing to have the wind passing through him and have an upper view of the whole area! He hoped that Leo had found it just as entertaining.

Not too later after, the elder named Ford had returned, gathering the whole group again. It seemed that they were being enlisted for a search, with the senior holding up a weird boxy device that was apparently detecting... something. Sage didn't really get any of that, he just got that it was like a Magical Detection Array, but not really. It was technology instead of magic, but for the sake of his brain not having a hard time, he'd just assume it to be practically the same thing and move on from the matter.

Seeing the abandoned mansion, the pyromancer could only cringe with dislike. Here came the Moon Clan vibes again, the whole area seemed like a prima place for their gatherings. Given the many descriptions, he had about them, maybe it wasn't even actually abandoned. Others would be worried about ghosts and other supernatural things, but since his world lacked any of that, he was just expecting to get jumped by a thief or someone else looking for trouble. Which was just as bothersome.

"Aw man, I hope we're not just entering a stupid cult's lair...", he muttered rather loudly, "I hate those guys, they like rilling you up for enjoyment and pickpocketing anything of value you have, it's terrible. And randomly picking up a fight for no reason at all!!"

Yeah, no. The dislike was clear and also very much biased as it all came from secondary sources rather than live facts. Some topics made Sage really really salty. This was one of them... It had been a good idea to put the bracelet back before starting this.
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--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie

"Oh, so we're also looking for the racist old man...I actually missed him." Hiryu says, revealing who they're looking for--Stan. The owner to the Mystery Nutshack...He's a riot. Stairs are no good, and the walls are DEFINITELY gonna break with very little force...A perfect place for an ambush. Hiryu took out his Another Zi-O watch, feeling something as ...Odd about its texture. Indeed, the Anotherwatch looked different, as well as having this small green shard poking out like a horn, glistening.

It's the Jade. Somehow, the Anotherwatch had made contact with the Jade. Hopefully this won't cause him to go beserk when he uses it, but just as a precaution, he'll have to go with other Anotherwatches for the time being.

It was then that the resident catgirl offered to split up in groups, and Ford obviously agreed.

"Guess we're doing this then. I'll take the stairs." Hiryu said, heading for Ford and Hiryu. "Best to keep an eye out for the chief."

Just then, Megumin posed the question on how the stairs will support their weight.

"I'll go ahead and scout for a bit." Hiryu pocketed the Another Zi-O II watch, taking out the Ghost Anotherwatch, activating it by pressing the watch's crown--basically the little dial thing that normal watches use to turn the clockhands. She would notice that if Megumin observed. Soon, Hiryu disappeared in a puff of black smoke, turning into four Parka Ghosts and flying in a group and heading up the the stairs without even touching the steps.

"I'll go with the human with the cat ears." Whisper opted, sticking near the catgirl.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I see. Well, whatever we are finding, I hope will find it quick."

>You listen to Blake's suggestion of splitting the group up.

"A high risk strategy? I guess there's no harm in trying. What are you thinking, Shujinko? Um...Shujinko?"

>You already let go of Venus and then you wrap your arms around the arms of Blake and Tandem and rest your head on the former's shoulder. It looks like you will be following the catgirl while dragging the femboy along.

"Ara ara~ such a beautiful threesome."

Ben joins the group heading up the stairs.

"I'm sure I'll be safe from spooks if I become the spook."

Ben smacks his watch down, transforming for a little blend-in. This new form had a raspy voice, fitting for a spectre-like entity.


"Ghostfreak! OK, when some spooky scary guys come to attack us, I just tell them to buzz off and find their own because I already called dibs on you guys. Flawless plan, right? Right?"

Ghostfreak looks towards Hiryu for a bit.

The Agent stays downstairs, while equipping his night vision goggles.

"Let's get cracking."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari, under his visor, narrowed his eyes. "Yes, let's please not run off on our own. Moving in organized groups is best." He said in response to what Blake had mentioned.

"Were I to pick a group, I would go with... Ford." Akari decided, walking alongside Ford. "One thing most idiotic horror movie groups don't have is a medic, let alone one with magic, a crossbow, and a really big sword. If anyone gets hurt, let me know and Kronos and I'll patch you up."

Akari had also watched Ben adopt some sort of ghostly form, and tilted his head a bit at his plan. "I admire your ingenuity. However... I'm unsure if the ghosts in this mansion will recognize that symbol on your chest." He pointed to the Omnitrix's insignia upon Ghostfreak's chest. "In any case... I'm not about to let some ghosts scare me away." Akari removed his mask as the power of Persona emanated from his being and Kronos appeared behind him.

"It's also not the Hospital... even if I'm already over that." Akari murmured to himself.
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Crow Crow
(Open for Interactions)
So after a while of trying to figure out where to go, he said “Meh.... might as well go with the hallway group.” as he made his way to the beginning of the hallway, waiting for the others.
Of course people wanted to split up in order to search the clearly haunted house, and it was all because of that person who he believed is called Blake. But hey.... at least it’s two groups instead of multiple. He then said “Gonna go with the stairs.... but just in case they don’t work.” he said. He then started to fly upwards into the air, making no motion to do so, his body completely still as he did this action, as he flew near the top of the stairs and said “Well... I can’t wait all day, especially since I want to leave this place as soon as possible.” he called, as he waited for them to go up the stairs.
@Stairwaygroup TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Of course you can!" Ford laughed, though it was cut short by a suddenly serious expression.


"Just keep that rabbit under control." He then turned around and eyed the stairs when Megumin asked if they would support their weight, cupping his chin as he contemplated the manner. "Hmmm...." He hummed, before smiling and snapping right out of his thought provoked state. "Well, there's only one way to find out!" He shouted, before slowly beginning to climb the stairs. Though, before he could get a good foot on the steps themselves, Hiryu used his watch to transform into ghosts and fly up on his own. This caused Ford to nearly lose his footing and fall down but he luckily managed to maintain his balance enough to not fall over and die or anything like that.

As Hiryu got upstairs, he noticed about the same as he did before. It was an old, dusty hallway with rotting wood being the main attraction. There were a few rooms upstairs as well, but from the first glance, there didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary... yet.

"Well?" Ford called out from the bottom. "What do you see?"

P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow @UpstairsGroup

Those of you who decided to stay downstairs and explore deeper into the house would begin to feel a strange warmth envelop you. Despite there being no way a heater could exist in a house like this, it still felt like one did, and more importantly, like it was gradually being turned up the more you crept through the hallway. By the time you reached the end, you found the door to what looked like a basement. A basement that looked to be well lit, and you could feel the warmth coming from its direction.


"Well..." Jason said as he stared down the staircase before all of you. "Who wants to go first?"

Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching @DownstairsGroup

Meanwhile Leo, who had a ton of fun flying with Sage but was now feeling a bit nauseous, was standing beside the pyromancer as the entered the building itself. "Cult?" Leo asked, raising a brow. "You used to be a part of a cult?"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Lealan stands on the outside of the house, looking around the front, before shrugging. She jumps to the wall, leaps off, hops off of thin air with a Multijump, and blinks onto the roof. She walks along the decreped rooftop a couple of feet before punching a hole in it with her Matter Manipulator, and hopping inside.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
After going down the hallway, feeling a strange heat, they managed to reach the basement. It seemed like the warmth was coming from there. It was when Jason said who wants to go first, is when he went forward while saying “I’ll be watching the front, keep an eye on the back to make sure nothing creeps up on us.” he said as he made his way down into the basement
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Hallwaygroup
It seems like the upstairs is almost the same as the downstairs.... as he said out loud “Pretty much the same up here.” he said to the group below, him flying back down to the ground and landing on the second story floor.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Stairwaygroup
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Everyone began choosing their groups, six people choosing to stay downstairs. One of them stuck near her while the girl that had been obsessed with her ears back before they left for Gravity Falls wrapping her arms around her and one other person. The penguin in the suit then took out a pair of night vision goggles, everyone in the group moving forwards shortly thereafter.

Following the group, she scanned the area with her cat eyes which helped her with seeing in the dark. So far, nothing was weird except the warmth she started to feel. That was suspicious considering that in a house like this, a heater shouldn't even be possible. And it continued all the way up to where they got to some stairs leading downwards.

There had to be someone or something down there causing this warmth, she had a feeling that was the case.

Looking at Red Hood before the door leading downstairs. "
If no one else volunteers, I'll head down there first." And as if on cue, one of them volunteered to head down first. "Wait, someone else should go down with you just in case. If no one else wants to, I'll go with you."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Topless Topless , Crow Crow , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , @ downstairs peeps

I guess I'll go with the group going upstairs." She headed over to the group choosing to go upstairs. As she got there, she saw that Ford had almost fallen down after nearly losing his footing. "Are you okay, Ford?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ upstairs peeps
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"This warmth is unnatural. I do not like this feeling."

>You stop in front of the basement door and someone walked through. You clenched tightly. You begin to feel that something is not right.

"I am betting a single dollar that a killer is waiting for us down there."

It was when he was about to go down when the lady who spoke about the plan to split up earlier spoke about two people at the front in order to go ahead. He then said “It’s probably a good idea.... in case something happens that separates those in the front with the rest of the group, at least there would be more than one person in order to make sure we are not truly alone down here.” he then looked at the group, waiting for who would join him in the front.
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Basementgroup

  • So, what have our two alien boys been doing during the 23 pages I haven't posted, too busy sitting on my ass as I play BOI:A+ and watch HLVR AI? Well, shortly after Xenophon looked inside the church way back when, he soon realized that Tektite was, indeed, not in there. He would've continued wandering around town looking for the blue creature if Jason hadn't sent a distress signal from the Tent of Telepathy. Xenophon eventually arrived there where he found Tektite, who was probably cowering in a corner next to Jason.

    From that point forward, they both sorta... Hung out in the background. They were just there, gradually taking everything in because of how strange and messed up it was. I mean, you got Lucky's Jade, a magical battle, spiritual possession, arson, and STAGE FREIGHT! Terrifying, right? Who wants to even do that? I know I wouldn't. Basically, their perspective can be easily summarized in the wise words of Will Stamper... "Gaze in horror at the disorderly disorder!"

    Now, the two have followed Ford and everyone else to the dilapidated building they ultimately stepped foot in.

    Xenophon, once again, wandered curiously until he met up with everyone besides the stairs Hiryu was climbing. He was carrying his small dissection kit he retrieved from Tektite's pockets just in case. You never know what horrifying monster you need to cut up like a maniac! Plus, it's his signature tool, he's not Xenophon without it. Anyway, he just stands by as he analyses the surrounding area.

    "Oh yeah. This place definitely isn't up to code."

    (Xenophon is with: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow

    Meanwhile, Tektite anxiously rolled up to Jason and his group. The blue alien shivered at the stairs leading further into the house, as it greatly intimidated it. What horrible abominations could greet him at the bottom? Tektite might just be overreacting, but from what it has experienced so far, it wasn't taking any chances. It huddled next to Jason's legs, praying that it doesn't have to go downstairs.

    (Tektite is with: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless )

  • Ben's plan made Megumin giggle a little. "Good idea, Ben. I'll stay extra close to you. I-If that's okay with you, Ford." Her heart ached a little when she watched the other group leave for downstairs, reluctant to accept that there was no turning back. "Good luck, everyone..."

    A familiar green glint caught Megumin's eye as Hiryu produced his own watch. Just like that, her stomach dropped. "The jade...but how?" She gazed down at Lucky, who stumbled over his answer. "So, basically, it could be able to absorb whatever dark energy is in this place...Hurray."

    She allowed Ford and Hiryu to climb the stairs before her, shivering as poor Ford nearly fell and broke his back. If not for her drunken rabbit flailing around, she probably wouldn't have been so afraid. "Be Samus. Samus would be bounding right up those stairs...but Samus has the suit...Oh, but I'm surrounded by people with powers! Just as good, right?" And so, with a hop, a skip, and a near nervous breakdown at the creaking noises, she finally made it up to the top, where she instinctively found herself pressing up against someone.

    "I mean...I have seen ghosts before...But something tells me, if there are any, they're not here to tell us to put them to rest..."

It wasn’t long until someone volunteered to join, the person being Shujinko. He kept a straight face as he readied himself, him holding his war hammer up to his side in case something popped up to try and kill him. Speaking to Shujinko, he said “Brave of you to join me..... come on.... best be ready for what we will see down here.” as he motioned her to follow him, Gretar still waiting near the entrance of the basement.
Topless Topless @Basementgroup
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Lealan would have found that she didn't even need to punch a hole for the roof, for as soon as she landed on it, the poor girl fell right through! Didn't her mother teach her not to step on old, rotting wood? Whenever Lealan landed, however, she would find herself in what appeared to have been a bedroom at some point.


I say what it appeared to be, because the bed and everything in it was either smashed to pieces or burned to nothing but tiny particles on the floor. Much like everyone else, she would smell an inhumane stench as soon as she entered the fair house.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you. I just lost my footing, is all." Ford replied to Ciri, adjusting his glasses as he began to slowly walk up the stairs. To those of you heading upstairs, all you would hear is a violent crashing through the roof as you began venturing up the loose staircase. This caused Ford to jump again, though luckily he didn't lose his footing this time. "What in the heck was that!?" He shouted after gasping loudly. Slowly, he took point in front of the rest of you as you all began venturing down the hallway towards the noise. He made a signal for you all to be quiet, and then once you reached the room, he leaped out in front of the doorway, suddenly holding a ray gun of sorts in both hands!


"Don't make another move, you triangular and/or other shaped monstrocity!" Ford shouted as he leaped out right in front of the doorway of the bedroom that Lealan was in.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow @Upstairs


"Well, if there's a serial killer down here, let's just hope that they're not some reality warping, mind controlling freak like those twins were," Jason said as he watched Gretar and two girls he hadn't really gotten to know take point and head down the staircase of the basement. Jason was about to follow as well, when suddenly, that thing he'd met back in Wakanda started huddling next to his leg. Jason sighed and glanced down at the alien. He knew it was scared, but he also knew that the thing would have a better chance at survival if he stayed with a group. "Hey, it's okay, little guy." Jason said in a softer, more comforting tone of voice than his normal one as he reached down to pet it... hoping that it even liked being pet in the first place. After doing so, he stood back up to his full height. "Just... stick behind me, okay?"

Without much more to say than that, Jason began to head down the staircase along with everyone else. As you all ventured down the suspenseful steps, the heat from before began to get worse and worse. For those of you in heavier close, perhaps it was even unbearably so. The light ahead of you began to glow brighter and brighter as well, until you finally reached the bottom...


And what else did you find than a boiler room with its engine still running? The twists and turn of the gears made for an eerie backdrop to the already creepy room. "I don't think this was a very good idea..." Vivian, who had joined the group heading downstairs, muttered. Jason ignored her for the time being and looked around the room silently.

Topless Topless Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Chungchangching Chungchangching @BoilerRoom

  • --Another Ghost--
    Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow @UpstairsGang

    "Not sure if Ghosts are civilized like that, but heck, it's worth a try ya Ghostfreak." Hiryu would tell Ghostfreak, raising a brow if it could as they fly around onto the next floor. It's the as downstairs. Creepy rotting wood, DEFINITELY unstable. There are some doors. A lot of them.

    "Nothing out of the ordinary so far...Just some creepy hallway and some doors." One of Hiryu's parka ghosts returned to Ford as he asked what he sees. The other ghosts began to try and open some of the doors just enough for them to peer through. However, when the crash was heard, Hiryu's ghosts abandoned that plot and gathered among the others, appearing beside Ford as Another Ghost as the old man drew out a triangular shaped ray gun.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>As you went along, the heat was getting worse. You remove your jacket and cap. Good thing you're wearing sleeveless. You end up in the boiler room and the engine was on.

"Someone was here. If it were abandoned, nothing would have been left on."

Well, not being attacked on the way down or exiting the stairway was a good sign. He then made sure as he walked around the hot and humid room, to check his corners in order to ensure that nothing was here. He then said “While this room is very hot, at least it sure beats burning alive........ what.... the people back at home like using fire as a weapon.” as he turned an upside down bucket on the floor, only to recoil back in fear once seeing the most scariest and fiercest foe inside, a small roach crawling across the floor as he yelled out “AAAAHHHHHH.... KILL IT, KILL THE FOUL BEAST.” as he began trying to slam his hammer onto the dangerous insect, the insect skillfully dodging each blow. But in reality, he was not used to hitting small targets, so he was missing a lot when trying to hit the roach.

After hearing a strange noice upstairs, Ford apparently going ahead and motioning for them to follow. After reaching what seemed like the room the sound originated from, he took out his passport as he began to breach the room alongside Ford. But to only instead have a couple of crystals hit his chest, as he identified the threat as Lealan. He then said “Welp.... looks like we got scared over nothing.... also I think I need a medical kit or something now for these wounds.” pointing at his chest as he voiced his opinion.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Upstairsgroup

  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652...jpeg

    "Yikes!" Megumin also jumped, hugging Ben tight with her free hand. "Have we already been found?! Eek, what will even happen if we get caught? Is there a second Nightmare Realm? A-are we going to cease to exist?!"

    Once again, she needed to remind herself that Samus and Mao Mao were counting on her. She held her staff like Samus's Arm Cannon, flaring her nostrils repeatedly to get the oxygen she needed. With that, she crept behind Ford, pointing her staff at the "monster". "E-easy now! We're only here for the boss at the end of the...Lealan! It's just you!"

    At the sight of the Floran, all the air she had stored in her chest quietly hissed out. "Oh, I see...were you trying to find Bill from up above?" The skylight Lealan created brought a nice, comforting air into the room, which she decided to bask in.


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