kindpng_5029417.pngLars already didn't like the look of the house from outside but inside was MUCH worse. And the basement part of this house was even WORSE than that! And what made it EVENE MORE worse was that now an eerie song was being chimed by the voices of little girls accompanied by screeching. He couldn't lie to himself, he was on the verge of freezing on the spot. He'd never encounter anything like this before. This wasn't going to be a threat that could be taken own by physical means. As he was finishing his thoughts, the singing and the screeching stopped. He takes easy, slow steps and he looks among the pipeworks surrounding him and the others. Keeping his wits about him in hopes he could avoid getting dropped on by whatever it was that was in the boiler room with them.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BoilerRoom
In the midst of another bro moment between the boys. Megumin runs up to Rex to give him a big hug out of nowhere and starts apologizing for things he doesn’t know.

“Huh? What are you talking about. Wait, what! You tried to kill me? And what do you mean about not being friends? Kid, you’re a pain, but I don’t hate you. It was just Mabel jacking up my mind.

Ben gets ejected out of a tape, interrupting Megumin’s apology and he shows everyone what he saw while telling the faint of heart to shield their eyes. Sora and Rex watch in horror as the man in shadows kills the little girl. Rex would stand there shocked and sympathetic for the poor girl, while Sora would be disgusted at someone could do something so heinous to a little kid, almost making him want to puke.

“Aw no.. this is.. ugh.” Sora said as he covered his mouth, trying to hold his lunch.

“Holy Crap!” Was all Rex could say. He’d seen horror moves before, but this was real life. The thought that someone like that in real life sunk in Rex’s thoughts for awhile.

Lucky on the other hand would laugh at this, which would probably upset some people; and by “some people,” it means Sora and Rex. (Though others besides them may also be offended)

“What is wrong with you!?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“There’s a time for jokes and this isn’t one of them Lucky.”
“A little girl just died. And you’re laughing!?”

The boys would say over one another’s words, showing their disappointment with Lucky.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow
"Um...Guys..." Megumin explained softly. "...Lucky is...well, we kind of made the mistake of letting him have something called 'Bud Light'."

"L-little girls d-d-die all the damn time!" Lucky went on. "And stabbin' is s-such an amateur way to d-d-do it! Use a gun, you fuckin' clown! Nerf or nothin'!" He fired off a couple shots through the hole Lealan made in the ceiling. "I d-don't approve of me h-h-house bein' used for this, though."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
"Mhmm." Megumin nodded, her tone equally dry. "And I guess this house looks like his old one."

"Even SMELLS like it!" Lucky tacked on, gripping the bars. "And it's all b-b-burned up, too, just as I th-th-thought would happ-p-pen. Thanks, Meta!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Ford slowly held his hand over his agape mouth in horror of what he was witnessing.

"My God...." Was all he could say when the video finally ended. He was in a state of shock, unable to do or say anything for a few moments, but Benrey's words about how they should get going snapped Ford back into reality. "R-Right... yes... we should get going." Ford said, before turning around and leaving the bedroom. Luckily, he wasn't there to hear Lucky's rambings. But Midna was. And, although she didn't really seem to react to the tape, her giant orange hand formed from her ponytail and backhanded Lucky hard enough to send him flying out the doorway, hopefully knocking him out in the process.


When you all re-entered the upstairs hallway, you noticed something was immediately off. The hallways seemed longer than they had been before... much longer. And nicer, too. They were decorated with paintings of various landscaped and the old, rotting wood was replaced with solid oak. It was all lit by candles, and generally it would have been a pretty pleasant change of pace, had it not been for what was waiting for you all at the end of the hallway.


The... giant grotesque worm creature hissed at all of you, showing off its disgusting pointed teeth. Ford stopped in front of you all and pulled out his quantum destabilizer. He held it in his hands while the worm simply hissed at you all, slowly wriggling its way towards you...

@FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @darkred P PopcornPie @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake @Upstairs

As if on some sort of cue, a sled suddenly slid right past the group as soon as Agent Penguin asked about it. The sled zoomed past everyone and crashed into the nursery rhyme. When it crashed into the wall, a crash in front of you all could be heard, followed by a loud thumping noise. Oh, and Agent Penguin's goggles still didn't pick up anything. They didn't even pick up that sled until it was visible to everyone else, as if it had somehow just appeared out of thin air...


The nursery rhyme continued as you all continued to make your way forward, though.

Three, Four...
Better lock your door...

@FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Chungchangching @Topless @darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow @QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
There was only one reply for this situation.


The communicator wasn't working, they were stuck down there with a child murderer. And the creepy singing certainly wasn't helping either. But she wondered: should they run? Standing there, waiting for this man to just come and kill them didn't seem like a great idea.

So what now?

Standing their ground and fighting seemed to be the plan they agreed on. She put the communicator away. "
I can't get a message out to the others. We're on our own." Something went past them, Blake recognizing it to be a sled. "A sled?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ boiler room peeps

They then played the black box, someone calling it a tape, and what she saw... was horrifying.

Children, innocent children, were being murdered. Her eyes had widened and she had her hand that didn't hold the communicator in over her mind. "
That man... he's a monster." She listened to the communicator, hearing static that would put anyone on edge.

Ciri looked at everyone, worried. "
Something's wrong. We need to get back to the others." Following everyone else, the change of scenery definitely tipped her suspicions scale. Seeing the... thing at the end of the hallway, she pointed her sword at it.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ upstairs gang
Megumin patted Rex on the shoulder. "Let's not worry about him. He'll be safe as long we keep him in the cage until he's sober. Come on, let's tell the others what we discovered!" Unfortunately, Midna proceeded to knock Lucky clean out of her hands, right into the hallway, where a loud rattle echoed up and down the corridor.

Surprisingly, the room's exit was not sealed up, and they were all able to strut out into very nice looking hallway. Lighting and everything. "Uuuh...Ford, did we fall asleep again? Or was there something in those ashes?" The archmage thumbed her staff, not sure how to feel.

That uncertainty didn't last long, though, because some disgusting wormlike animal came prowling towards them. "Ick!" Megumin stuck her tongue out at the worm, wondering how she should attack...if it was wise to attack, that is.

"CHARLIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!" The now dizzy Lucky called, waving his nubs to the worm. "Charlie, come over here, L-laddie! They put me under h-h-house arrest! And this bitch did domestic abuse..." He pointed to Midna wearily before falling unconscious.

...This narrator can only wonder what it's like to fall unconscious within a dream.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Ford slowly held his hand over his agape mouth in horror of what he was witnessing.

"My God...." Was all he could say when the video finally ended. He was in a state of shock, unable to do or say anything for a few moments, but Benrey's words about how they should get going snapped Ford back into reality. "R-Right... yes... we should get going." Ford said, before turning around and leaving the bedroom. Luckily, he wasn't there to hear Lucky's rambings. But Midna was. And, although she didn't really seem to react to the tape, her giant orange hand formed from her ponytail and backhanded Lucky hard enough to send him flying out the doorway, hopefully knocking him out in the process.


When you all re-entered the upstairs hallway, you noticed something was immediately off. The hallways seemed longer than they had been before... much longer. And nicer, too. They were decorated with paintings of various landscaped and the old, rotting wood was replaced with solid oak. It was all lit by candles, and generally it would have been a pretty pleasant change of pace, had it not been for what was waiting for you all at the end of the hallway.


The... giant grotesque worm creature hissed at all of you, showing off its disgusting pointed teeth. Ford stopped in front of you all and pulled out his quantum destabilizer. He held it in his hands while the worm simply hissed at you all, slowly wriggling its way towards you...

@FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @darkred P PopcornPie @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake @Upstairs

"Hey ugly! Worm your way outta this!"

Ben smacked his watch down, allowing transformation to begin. His body became veiled in plant matter, his head becoming a flower that bloomed.


"Swampfire! Now then."

Swampfire proceeded to toss some seeds at the beast, entangling it with thick vines that would likely further slow its already sluggish movements.

"Just give the signal and he'll be char-grilled."

In his palms were balls of fire, ready to be used for battle.

@FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @darkred P PopcornPie @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs

As if on some sort of cue, a sled suddenly slid right past the group as soon as Agent Penguin asked about it. The sled zoomed past everyone and crashed into the nursery rhyme. When it crashed into the wall, a crash in front of you all could be heard, followed by a loud thumping noise. Oh, and Agent Penguin's goggles still didn't pick up anything. They didn't even pick up that sled until it was visible to everyone else, as if it had somehow just appeared out of thin air...


The nursery rhyme continued as you all continued to make your way forward, though.

"Three, Four...
Better lock your door..."

@FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Chungchangching @Topless @darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow @QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom

After everyone was done watching the tape, Ford leads the group and are ready to go, but not before Midna sends Lucky out the room.

“Was that really necessary!” Rex snapped at her.

Eventually when they do head out, everything changed. The rooms looks different, the stairs were longer, and to top it off, a huge worm is there to making his way towards the group. And Lucky just stands there waving at it.
“Oh no you don’t!”

Rex grabs Lucky and puts him on his back in a makeshift backpack made out of machines. “I’ll put you in here till your sober and not try to get yourself killed. Again. Here’s an air hole.” As he said that, a hole appeared on the backpack, small enough to hold Lucky in, but big enough for him to breathe in.

“Get behind someone and don’t leave their side Megumin.” He informs Megumin words of advice to avoid dying.

“Now where were we?”

Sora readies his Keyblade, glowing a bright red imitating a slight flame from the tip of it. All while Rex uses Swift Rocket to make quick work of this thing.

“I didn’t know you had fire powers too. Great minds think alike huh?” Sora joked to Ben, seeing that he had the same idea he did.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow
Ok... something is definitely off with this place. Now they are in some sort of fancy and longer hallway. He got his ToolGun out in case he needed to spawn something in..... before seeing ‘it’. “Oh my god..... that is the most hideous motherfucker I have ever seen in my life.” he said, before the worm began crawling closer. He yelled out “nope... nope... nope...” as he used his ToolGun to quickly spawn in a flamethrower. Going to the front of the group and aiming his flamethrower, he fired at the ‘worm?’, the fire reaching very far and crossing the distance between the group and the worm quickly.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Good thinking, Rex!" Before she would move behind Ford, Megumin did one more quick check on Lucky. He looked peaceful, slumped against the bottom of his cage. It would be a very bad idea to awaken him. On the other hand, the Paw o' Death could very well come in handy for this bout. Maybe she could work her fingers inside it?

"Ford, do you know what that creature is?" She asked the old man, her eyes bouncing up and down her staff. "Is it something that could be put away with Explosion? Maybe, if I concentrated really hard, I could squeeze one out..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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Rex was surprised to hear Ben remember something they haven’t seen or done so long, and Rex is more then glad to let him now how it’s possible.

“Practice. That and I have a Nanite which allows me to make anything if I put my mind to it. What, you impressed?”

Rex flexed to Ben a little.

Crow Crow
Captain Falcon felt his heart racing faster than Sonic the Hedgehog. He noticed the hallways getting longer but kept what all cool he had and simply fast walked, hoping to find the end...Only find a deformed worm-like creature with a face of the killer instead. Falcon coils back in horror at the monstrocity in front of him "Whaat...! WHATWHATWHATWHATWHATWHAT!" "Fight or Flight, Falcon! You gotta choose now! There aint no shame in running away in this situation...But I'm not a wussy! Im a racer! A hunter! A fighter! And if this is gonna be the end of me, (which I hope it isnt) then I'm going down throwing down! Let's! GOOOOOOO!" "FALCON KICK!" Falcon rushes forward, blazing with a flaming kick
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs
--Another Fourze--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

"Holy shit..." Hiryu was aghast by what he saw. The tape...Contains a little girl being tortured to death by the tape. It was then that Lealan made a passing comment about not being an efficient hunter. "I don't think hunting's his passion...It's goddamn torture." He gulped aloud. Soon, it was time to go and get the FUCK out of this place...Well, as soon as they figure out how did the hallway get longer. "Is it me, or does this not look like where we--" Hiryu's question was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the giant face bearing worm.

"Jesus christ, what the fuck?!" Hiryu cussed as he saw the disgusting worm approaching them, prompting him to switch forms by promptly taking out and pressing an Anotherwatch in a panic. The form he ended up with appeared to be a silver clad Astronaut with visible teeth. Its suit had orange and red trimings, almost appearing to be exo skeleton like. It bore a blue buckle with some buttons on it.



Tapping on two buttons, Another Fourze's left arm and right leg glowed, appearing as some kind of radar dish and a blue missile launcher on its left arm and right leg specifically. Aiming the radar at the worm, he stomped the right leg, a volley of missiles flying towards the worm along with Swampfire and Rex's projectiles.
Lilith isn't sure weather to freak about the fact she was going to meet one of her favorite horror move icons in person or the fact that she was going to die at any moment.
The resulting attacks made short work of the worm creature, and it fell limp soon after all of you got your licks in. It then appeared to... melt away, only to turn into a legion of spiders. The spiders quickly crawled past all of you, before disappearing beneath the walls of the hallway. "Alright..." Ford said. "Let's keep going." He then made his way forward down the hallway, with all of you following behind. The hallways appeared to twist and turn the more you traversed down them, like you were going through one of those mazes at a carnival. After an absolute acid trip of a stroll, you all made your way into a seemingly empty room at the end.


And who was there waiting for you, other than Stan Pines himself, who was tied down to a chair. Who appeared to not have the most happy expression, by the way.

"Stanley!" Ford exclaimed as he made his way over to his brother and hugged him. Stan would have probably hugged him back, but his limbs were bound to a chair.

"Took you long enough, Poindexter!" Stan replied in his familiar deep voice. His eyes then shifted behind his glasses to look at those of you who accompanied his twin brother. "Who the heck're these clowns?"

"There's no time to explain!" Ford replied as he quickly made his way to the back of Stan's chair, working desperately to undo the ropes that bound him down. "But we need to get you out of here! Before--" Ford was interrupted by the entire room shaking, as if a tremendous earthquake had just hit. A loud cracking noise could be heard from above you, and as you looked up, you would find the entire roof had been removed! Instead, a more horrifying sight awaited you from above.


"There's my marionette toy!" The demonic, gigantic being that had appeared in the night sky shouted. His voice alone shook the very room you sood in. Most of you could recognize him as the man from the video, except his face was horribly disfigured and burned. Strings with hooks on the ends of them dangled from his fingertips, before digging into Stanley's hands and feet. He screamed as the sounds of his flesh tearing and bones snapping could be heard. "Dance for me, puppet!" The disfigured demon laughed as he flicked his fingers upwards, causing Stan to stand up, ripping right past the ropes that had bound him down towards his chair. The strings then made Stan walk towards all of you slowly, before he made Stan take a swing towards Lealan, and then another towards Ben!

@FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @darkred P PopcornPie @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake @Upstairs

Five, Six...
Grab a crucifix...

The loud screeching noise soon returned, and when you all looked ahead of you, you saw the silhouette of what looked like a man walking towards you all.


I use the term looked like, because the "man" before you had cartoonishly long arms. He chuckled slowly, his laughter matching the slow steps he was taking, as his right arm scraped against the pipes with what looked like some sort of knives that were attached to his hands. You immediately recognized the chuckling as a match for the same voice that had spoken to you all when you looked inside the boiler. Jason took aim at the creature with his guns, but didn't say anything. Vivian, meanwhile, remained in the back, shaking in fear. And Leo just kinda stood there confused.

@FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Chungchangching @Topless @darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow @QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @BoilerRoom
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Lealan would make a shout of "Not impressed. Ive killed bigger!" When ole' scrotum face made his appearance. She watches the hooks puppet poor Stanely into attacking her.
The Floran easily twirls away from the attack, equipping her Astro Sabre Deluxe as she twirls to cut the nearest string controling Stanley with an Astral Tear. "Making others fight for you? Coward! Pansey!" She Heckles the giant murderer.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would eagerly walk forward, spinning his cane as he did a slight whistle
Ah.....mister Freddy, I do think it’s be-
A random sled would shoot in front of him, slamming into Josh as he screamed
Ah.....I see you’ve failed your night vision training course look at you! Tut tut.
He would say as he stepped over the servant penguin, who was now trembling even harder as he stood up and dusted himself off.
Then......the song nearly ended, and a figure with long arms appeared, scraping against the walls. Benedict was wondering why Freddy didn’t answer his yelling.....odd.
Benedict would simply stand there now, quirking an eyebrow as Josh got on the ground and prayed violently.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@boiler room​
--Another Fourze--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"GOD." Hiryu huffed as the worm was taken down rather quickly. Dispersing into spiders which crawled past them. "Of course it had spiders." He spat, as the modules on his limbs disappeared. Under Ford's lead, the gang made its way through the winding halls soon, they were greeted with the familiar sight of the old man who run the Mystery Shack! "Finally a familiar face! Now let's take him and--"

Before anyone could say anything else, a goddamn giant creep appeared. Though it's hard to see due to how dark everything is, you could tell that his face is burnt HORRIBLY, his hands bore large claws, akin for fucking knives.

"Is that motherfucking Fr*ddy Kr*ger?!" Hiryu looked up and asked, japanese law forbidding him to reference the monster's name. Before long, the guy began to control Stan, making him attack Ben! However, Hiryu jumped in front of his fellow Shapeshifter, pressing a button on its belt.



A long, pink, mechanical claw appeared on Hiryu's right arm, the claw would attempt to hold and push Stan away from the other others, grunting as he held his right hand and planted his feet.
The string covering Stanley's right foot was cut, leaving three more.

"D'aww... it's cute watching you act all tough!" The man replied as he lifted Stanley up into the air and flipped him using his fingers, aiming for him to kick Lealan right in the jaw. "For your bravery, I'll give you a little present... NO STRINGS ATTACHED!" The man let out a loud, booming laugh at that, clearly proud of the joke he'd just made. If Lealan were to look right above her, a giant bottle of... weed killer had appeared right above her. As weird as it was, the weed killer's cap soon unscrewed and began pouring on top of her like a waterfall. If she were to touch it, even if she wasn't exactly affected by weed killer, she would soon find that it was acidic and melted her skin anyways!

"D'ow! Hey, d-don't attack me!" Stan shouted as the claw shoved and held onto him, before hissing in pain from the remaining hooks embedded into his hands and foot.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @darkred P PopcornPie @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Laix_Lake @Upstairs

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