
As the boy begin to become annoyed at Rex started call him out, He let him have it. As enough Benedict didn’t already make him mad enough, this guy was icing on the cake.

“Listen here “buddy.” Benedict over here has tried to eat beings that look like animals that walk and talk like us, beat up said animals, two of which were my friends, got my brain swapped without me knowing, forced to go to a war with idiots I don’t even like and I almost got killed because a little girl tried to blow everything up because she didn’t think things through, and all of that was on one journey. So excuse me, if I’m a little period at seeing someone start a fire like this AND need a better excuse to be angry, AT. ALL. THIS. CRAP!”

Rex would shout those last parts while slamming Benedict with each pause. “And second of all. You don’t know him for as long as I have, and I don’t know nothing about you or what you can do. So maybe, you’ll warn someone before you do something like this. You want to help, take this guy as far away from here as possible!”

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch


Sora was in shock after hearing what Wendy told him. It’s pretty extreme for a guy like Sora. “So these, “Gleeful twins..?” Have what is basically a god under their control? (I’ve never dealt with something this serious before. I’ve gotta warn them!”) Do you know where I can find these twins? I’ll take care of them and Will. If they’re causing problems that is?”

He’d shoot a smile at Wendy; but that smile of confidence, would turn into one of worry. Even after knowing Wendy for just a couple of minutes, Sora knows her long enough to know the answer she’s about to give is either a “piss off,” or “I’ll tell you, but there’s a big catch.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake’s eyes rolled in response to Micah as she continued to walk. She stopped to see if Blendin was following, only for him to start going on about how they were time anomalies. With Micah, she could understand due to his clothing, but her? Medieval?

Her clothes looked nothing like medieval wear, her weapon certainly wasn’t from that time period either. At this point, the man was never going to budge on the topic.

Hearing Micah, she quickly looked at him. “
No, we’re not shooting anyone. Give me a minute.” Taking out the communications device that she and everyone else were handed, she did what Shuri showed them all to do and contacted everyone. “It’s Blake, me and Micah found a man. His name is Blendin Blandin, if anyone knows him, please respond.” After that, she looked at the two men. “Blendin, for the last time, we are not time anomalies, we are here to help. And Micah, no shooting him, we need his help.

Right now… she was really needing Arthur and someone else’s help with this.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , anyone else
"Time to MEGA-EVOLVE!"

Waverider takes a brace attached to a marble-like item, strapping it to his wrist. He holds it close to the Omnitrix emblem on his waist as the Omnitrix glows a bright light, reacting to the 'marble'.


This was when green-hued energy gathered around him, engulfing him in a sphere that soon cracked to reveal another form. This must've been the 'Mega Evolution' Waverider mentioned.



"Pointless parody time!"

Waverider took a great leap upwards.

"Swords Dance!"

Waverider conjured sword-like projections as he spun around mid-air elegantly. These projections turned into aura, transforming into a giant sword-shaped aura that enveloped him, the tip of his foot being one with an edge. He proceeded to perform his attack in unison with Captain Falcon, practically combining their attacks.


... Jump....


... KICK!!!!!"

I could explain why it would hurt a lot, but that would probably be pointless.

Crow Crow quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @BouncerFight

"He's definitely somewhere," the Agent says to Leo, "maybe he actually found something of note."

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching P PopcornPie @MysteryShack
“Well, if we ever get some time after we go in here, or quite frankly piano, I’d be happy to show you what I can do. If I haven’t gotten rusty.”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • Arthur wasn't Micah. He wasn't going to compromise the mission despite hating the traitor's guts so much; his presence just meant Arthur had to make sure one more loose end was kept on an extremely tight leash. He wasn't joking when he warned Micah; that was going to be his only warning anyways. When asked about how he survived, he just scoffed quietly.

    "I'm a much tougher 'survivor' than you could ever boast to be." He remarked, throwing Micah's words on the mountain before right back at him before his attention was diverted towards everyone readying their watches. When the Red Hood readied his watch, so did the gunslinger, inputting the numbers right into his device before it gave him a confirmation beep. This time, instead of being taken away by a portal, Arthur felt himself quickly become enveloped in the fateful mist that had whisked him away the first time around. This time, he was more than ready to embrace it, and let it do its work.

    By the time he came over to the "Gravity Falls" place, everyone else had already begun to split up. That said, the place was already creeping him out. It definitely wasn't supposed to be completely intact, if the report about the incident was true. He couldn't help but observe his surroundings for a few seconds, watching the various MPF members split up before shaking his head.

    "C'mon, Arthur... Y'er losing ground already." The American shook his head again for good measure before hearing Blake's words to him. A few seconds later, Bell Junior followed the cat-girl, sealing the deal for Morgan. He ran in the direction where both had left, before watching some bald guy grab Blake and run into an alleyway.

    "Shit." He grunted as he took cover behind the wall nearby, unholstering his LeMat and slowly peeking his head around the corner. Apparently the idiot was some 'time traveller' who wasn't affiliated with the MPF whatsoever, here to investigate what happened independently. Blake seemed to defuse the situation rather well, causing the outlaw to relax before holstering his single-action slinger...

    ...Well, until that idiot Blendin seemed to not understand what exactly they were. For a time traveller, this guy definitely sounded really stupid. As Blake began to call everyone else- which made Morgan's own watch react, though Arthur wasn't focused on that- he came around the corner with a more relaxed state. He decided that it wasn't smart to look too aggressive, so instead of just standing there took out a cigar as he approached the trio.

    "First of all, partner, we ain't from 1895. He and I come from 1899; as for Blake, she ain't from no medieval times." He lit the cigar, taking a long puff before turning his head to blow the smoke away from the other people, seemingly adopting a calmer demeanor as to not terrify Blendin.

    "Secondly, I hope you understood Blake earlier. We ain't from around here; we're from another world, here to get rid of your Bill Cipher problem. Think of us like some kinda foreign pest control or something like that, I dunno, if that helps you understand what we do." Arthur took another puff, this time lifting his head up to blow the smoke above their heads. Honestly, the cigar was starting to help him relax from this stupid tense situation; it wasn't just a prop at this point, it was helping him focus for the time being and for whatever potential combat lay up ahead.
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It was a good thing the opponent was launched into the air, because shooting teammates was not a good thing. It seemed like his opponent was already down, probably due to the fact that everyone was attacking one person. But it looked like his allies were gonna take him down without him, to which he responded with “hey.... at least let me get a hit in as well” as he took out his ToolGun, before spawning in a grappling hook. He then used it to pull himself forward to also join in the final attack. He just used his ToolGun to spawn in his crowbar mid-air, before putting away the ToolGun as he prepared to slam the crowbar into his opponent, wanting to get an final hit in.
It looks like his job is done, because the opponent is now a sitting duck without his aura. So he just stayed back, resting his hammer on his right shoulder as he said out loud “Annað starf vel unnið ..... og við erum enn ekki búin enn” (English translation: Another job well done..... and we are still not finished yet) he sighed after finishing speaking. But hey, at least they took care of one obstacle already. He then whistled as he waited for them to be finished with an already weak opponent.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

  • Unlike Leo, Megumin knew full well that Lucky couldn't be stopped once he thought of a task for himself. "Yes, I'm afraid so." She giggled. "But it makes him very brave, if you ask me. Just look at how dusty those tunnels are!" Then she heard Pacifica's voice from upstairs, and went back into "Run Around The Place As Fast As Lightning" mode. "Be right back!"

    The archmage slowed as she reached the door, gently pressing herself against it. "Pacifica, I don't know how to take minds!" Megumin's answer was as cheerful and sincere-sounding as she could muster. "Even if I had that power, my powers have been disabled. Here, watch!-Er, listen."

    "Oh, blackness shrouded in light...

    Frenzied blaze clad in night...

    All else aside, I don't want to be outdone by anyone else when it comes to explosion magic!

    Here I go! My ultimate destructive magic...EX-PLOOOOO-SION!"
    This garnered the exact same result as the previous demonstration, with the added pain of Megumin hitting her head against the door on her way down.

Benedict would merely sit there, silently and calmly staring as the events ensued
Ah.....it appears....that I am in the center of some great.....satanic battle.....between two witches.....over my holy land.....ah, another day.....another......dollar.
Josh would merely stand there as well while the witches argued, this was terrifying, gods unholy abominations of voodoo and all things evil having a smack down over the holy one.....who would win? Can anyone win? This is truly unsettling. Did they not know that “Them” guidelines specifically state that the Sir has the right to purchase anything within a 500 year span of him seeing it? Look, it’s there.....in the book....read it.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
“Next time I won’t be so subtle.” Snake spoke as he gently opened the door, likely meaning next time he’d just kick it in. He held the door for Lealan as he looked around the place.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (I can ping you here)
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
As if her thoughts were being read, they were answered once she heard Arthur and saw him come over. “Nice timing, Arthur.” She looked towards Blendin, nodding in response to Arthur. “He’s right, I’m not from medieval times and we are here to help with what Bill did. In a way, we are like pest control. But trust us, we are here to help.

Now just begged the question: would anyone respond to the call she made on the communicator?

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone else (learn to read, doo doo heads)
The sudden notice of a strange boy had caught the space warrior's attention. There, near what seemed to be a building with the name of, "The Mystery Shack", sat a kid with an odd book in his hands, digging through it in a scared fashion. As he warned him to stand back, Umbra had stopped moving and stood tall at his complete height of 6'5, menacingly looking down at him with his blank face. The warframe tilted a head to the side slowly reaching for his massive katana, before instead suddenly snatching the book out of the boy's hands, beginning to dig through it, as well as concealing something in one of his hands.

Upon the warframe touching and taking the strange book, the Operator appears in front of him, between the new person and his warrior companion behind as the ninja began to dig and peek around the various pages. The boy held his hand out in front of the other kid, a frown on his face, "Chill out kid, we're not enemies, however you threaten us like that again, I won't be able to stop my companion from changing tactics. I'm his pilot. Who're you?"

As the Operator had begun talking to the new character, sounds of scribbling can be heard from behind that actually began to confuse the tenno, causing him to perk an eyebrow in response. The young boy turns around to look at his companion as he spoke, "What're you doing buddy?" The warframe looks back at him with what could be seen as a playful shrug in body language, as he slowly caps the all too familiar and now favorite weapon of the pair.

The Sharpie.

As he slowly reveals all of the open pages, now covered in tiny stick figures shooting guns and simplistic drawings of himself with his sword all about the pages, about 15 so far he has shown, he holds the front of it out, the 3, now drawn into an 8.

Well, he just got graffiti'd.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chronology: Ultimate

AETHER: 100%
LOCATION: Gravity Falls?
COLOR: #E1914F

Purple Hotdog
Criminal Hotdog
Gravity Falls?
INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ninja Bodyguard)
MENTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201


While the goth redhead had a rather unpleasant attitude, she did provide plenty of information. There were several key figures that prior visitors to this Gravity Falls had asked about, and given the answer from the goth, it seemed that there were some discrepancies. Whether it was a result of the passage of time or something more supernatural, Alexis kept her mind open and alert. She didn’t have any prior knowledge that would make her particularly useful, but she could still do her best to spot illusions. Based on what the girl said, there were two points of interest: the Mystery Shack and the Tent of Telepathy.

Seeing as the latter sounded like there was more "magic" involved, Alexis decided that her area of expertise would be put to better use investigating such a place as opposed to a tourist trap. As she followed a young teen and an anthropomorphic wolf down towards the Tent of Telepathy, she noticed Sage discard his armband and unravel his fiery wings. When she saw him take flight, she saw real confidence in his eyes; it seemed the one thing Sage had full control over was his flight. Alexis kept that in mind for when she would help the boy with his powers later.

Following the lead of Jason, Alexis sneaked up to the tent’s perimeter along with the others. During this process, a little bit of magic had to be used on Alexis’s part to make her tails blend into the trees and shrubbery around them. It didn’t really seem like everybody else was having much trouble staying hidden, but Alexis knew that she would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb with her tails. Not only are they snow white, each of them was about as tall and wide as herself. Alexis was literally a ball of fur that was as stealthy as a stark white billboard. Luckily, with a little magic, her tails turned into a shade of green like that of the shrubbery around her. Now she looked like a giant ball of leaves.

Unfortunately, all of Alexis’s effort in making her tails really look like shrubbery was wasted with the young teenage boy from earlier used his watch to transform into an orange skinned oni in black leather. Another watch that could transform? It looks as if the one that Ben Tennyson had wasn’t the only one of its kind in the multiverse. The orange monster subsequently flew straight into the open air and split itself into four cloaks as some sort of distraction. That would’ve been a great plan, but a blonde teenager with a sword in hand threw subtly to the wind and ran straight for the tent without any pretense of stealth. Alexis’s mouth hung agape in shock as the teen was intercepted by a large, muscular man covered in tattoos.

Now, if this was a normal man, it would’ve been easy to get past him. A little bit of seduction or a nice, heavy hit to the back of his head would have solved their problems. But unfortunately for them, this did not look to be a normal man. The first indication of this is the sheer mobility the man had, capable of effortless backflips despite his huge size. Past that, it was the glowing blue eyes and Shell that surrounded him. Now, if that wasn’t enough, it appeared as if bullets were unable to harm him, with the bullets from Jason’s guns being destroyed by the Shell. Along with the Shell, it appeared as if the guard was also granted impossible strength, ripping up the ground like it was paper and throwing it like nothing. Despite all this, Alexis wasn’t intimidated. She saw that the viking man’s hammer cased the Shell to flicker, as did the lightning from the masked monster red and black summoned by the young teen who transformed into the oranged skinned oni.

As the fight continued, it seemed that superior numbers of the party and the powers that they possessed were able to gradually wear down the Shell of the guard. Everyone else was doing a great job, so Alexis had let the others have their time in the limelight while she stood to the side and watched. However, she felt a little bit obligated to chip into the effort, so once the guard’s Shell had shattered, she formed a ball of fire in her hands and shot it at the guard. Upon approaching the empowered man, the fiery sphere would explode into liquid fire that would cling to the guard and burn away at him until he would be rendered...harmless. "Foxfire Napalm."

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
So there Delsausage was riding his Tediore rocket launcher, the Slaughsage—which Delsausage nicknamed Rocky. Anyways, Delsausage is trotting along the streets when he detected some FOURTH WALL BREAKS GOING ON WITHOUT HIM. Switching his rocket launcher to NITRO MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE, he pointed the launcher’s nozzle to the ground and fired it, sending both sausage and launcher into the air while leaving a trail of sausage induced hellfire in its wake.


After the little tirade, Delsausage was kicked in the weiner because he was breaking walls he wasn’t supposed to be breaking. "Ahem, that was weird. Dunno what just happened there. Anyways, I feel you man. People like us never can catch a break."
I was unceremoniously dragged around by Shujinko. So that's what it feels like since I did that a lot before. I would glare at her but she strokes my ego a lot. I like that about her. So far, this adventure is pretty boring. Where is the action? As much as I hate the life-scarring Tesseract incident I could appreciate the adrenaline it gave me. This is just dull. Who knows what's happening to the others right now? Whatever, I'm currently looking for valuables of this place and stealing anything interesting I come across.

"Give me a holler if you need me, alright, guys?"

With my luck, I bet I'll find something that will help us out.

Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Despite the potential gravity of the situation and all that could be at stake for Blake and everyone else, one hotdog heard it and took it upon himself to give a completely unnecessary answer. "No."

  • "Jill, huh? Good to know." Kassandra nodded courteously to the fourth woman just before Ciri showed just how to put the watch on, explaining they had to synchronize the watches to each other. A few seconds later, people began to set up their devices with the various numbers etched onto it. Kass kind of had to cheat off of Aloy, resorting to utilizing Ikaros' vision for a more concise idea on what to input before a strange mist enveloped her. It wasn't painful; it was just... more of a tingle. At least this won't be anything like Blood Gulch. The Spartan thought to herself just before she vanished from Wakanda.

    When the huntress remarked she didn't like this "Gravity Falls" place one bit, Kassandra couldn't help but agree with a nod. Call her crazy, but she knew a thing or two about foes lurking around in the shadows from the fucking Cult of Kosmos; if this place was bad enough to warrant a jump to this normal-looking world, then "Bill Cipher" must be in hiding. As Aloy began to walk off with her Focus active, Ikaros leapt off his perch's arm with a caw, flying directly up above the ladies to get a birds'-eye view on the town. Of course, it would only take one glance at the Eagle Bearer herself to either make one of two realizations: That her brain had stopped working, or that she was in control of her bird.

    Only when Ciri asked what their next move was did Kassandra finally return to her body, hopefully having gotten an understanding of what was going on in the town overall so far (and a basic idea of the layout). The swordswoman asked if they should follow the suited guy, at which point the Spartan merely shrugged.

    "At this point? I think we need to go. We've already lost the head start to everyone else, so we'd better get moving. Besides, Aloy can handle herself." The warrior remarked, though not before her watch began vibrating. Green and red buttons showed up on its screen, and since Kass was Spartan she was obviously inclined to press the button that was correlated to her colors. That stopped the gadget, prompting a shrug before Kassandra began walking off.

    ...Only to be greeted by the horror show that happened to be the Church.


    "...By the gods. Why was that idiot invited here?" Kassandra groaned aloud, grimacing as she watched Benedict apparently argue on how he was supposed to be taking over the church or something. If Ciri had followed the Spartan, the latter would glance back at Ciri (having temporarily removed her helmet since she wasn't in a fight yet) with a less-than-pleased expression.

    "I'd expect more 'incidents' like this in the near future, if I were you. Some people seem to be more barbarians than people..." The Greek sighed as she stayed back, continuing to spectate the unfolding events from a relatively safe distance.
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--Another Zi-O || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @TentGang

"Neutralize that bitch." Hiryu spoke in a heavy grovely voice, pointing his blades at the bodyguard. Another Wizard taking action as he casted yet ANOTHER spell. Binding the guard in chains once more as the other Another Riders gather in front of Hiryu. "You lot, with me." Hiryu beckoned the other Another Riders as the others proceeded to wail at the depowered guard, probably dead by some random bitch's fire.

"...?" Whisper knelt near the spot, tapping her mask which activated night vision. This allowed her to make out some strange wheel depicting Bill Cipher and several familiar symbols. She recognized a few of these. The Pine Tree, the Shooting Star, the...Crescent Pac-Man thing, the Question Mark, the Heart with stitches...Even the star with an eye. Could this be a hint? Before she could bring this up to Midna, Hiryu and his gang of Another Riders enter the tent. The three mindless Another Riders began to shuffle around the room, knocking over chairs aa Hiryu walked over to the stage.

"What did I miss?" Hiryu asks, glancing over at Whisper and the still not broken metal curtain. Whisper shook her head, saying that she hasn't found a way to open it. "Drat. You, shuffle around and see if you step on a switch." Hiryu says to his Another Riders before rubbing the clock hand on his head, walking out to test a theory.

Since this is a tent, opposite side of the tent should be cloth...Hiryu gripped one of his swords and slashed the back of the Tent of Telepathy, hopefully creating a shortcut.

As Sora would continue having his conversation with Wendy, unexpectedly, he would get a call on his watch.

“Ahehe. Excuse me, I have to take this. Hello? Who is this? Blake? I don’t know a Micah and not sure if we’ve meet, but sure. I’ll be there soon!

Once he hang up, Sora turned to Wendy, hoping she would shrug his phone call off. “Sorry, something came up, if you can just tell me about Will, that’d be great.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher


“Witch? Y’know, if you’re gonna insult me, you can at least do it right. And this isn’t your land either.” Rex continued holding Benedict in place after having a little freak out, but suddenly, his watch started to go off.

“I forgot I had this? Hello? Blake? You and who? Okay, okay, I’ll show up as soon as I can. Kind of in the middle of something right now.”

As soon as Rex ended his call, Kassandra would witness the chaos that’s happening right now. “Oh, you again. Sorry you had to see this. This k-“ Rex stopped himself from calling the redhead boy a kid again. “Guy, started a fire, and Benedict was destroying another’s property. He kinda had it coming.”

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Sonic arrived in the mysterious small town alongside the rest of the group, and was immediately intrigued by the statement that things were suspiciously too normal around the place. Before the others would really notice, he took off to do some recon of his own volition. “Might as well see what’s around. I’ve only ever heard of this place rather than seen it for myself, it seems interesting, to say the least.” A few minutes later, after having passed by a number of facilities such as a library, bowling alley, cemetery, and police station, Sonic noticed that a call was being sent out to the entire group of multiverse travelers. Pressing the green “accept” button, he simply stated, “One hedgehog, coming in hot.“ Rushing down the last few streets he didn’t cover quite yet, Sonic then saw Blake, Micah, and Arthur, and stopped to join them. “Alright, what’s Baldy McTracksuit’s problem?”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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