• --Another Riders--
    Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
    "It's probably harder than it looks." Hiryu said as Midna struggles to open the curtain, gripping onto the Another Zi-O Anotherwatch. "Stand back, I'll--" Hiryu raised the Anotherwatch, and just as he pressed onto the button, chains which initially came from Another Wizard wrapped around his waist, electrecuting him! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!" He cried aloud as he was dragged out of the tent, electricity coursing through his body as the Anotherwatch glowed, the black belt manisfested around his waist. He gritted his teeth as he tried to prolong it, building up dust clouds as his shaking hands managed to slot onto the belt, initiating the transformation just as he is flung out, feeling his head being squeezed as he finally reverted into Another Zi-O, growling, gritting his teeth.

    The Another Riders, surprised by all this, began to try and assault the now strangely glowing cyan bodyguard began to throw around Another Zi-O into the other Another Riders, wincing as he finally decided to try and stop being tossed around by materializing one of the clock hand blades and chopped off the chains, skidding onto the ground in front of the tent as his Another Riders knelt, weakened by the assual.

    F L A M E

    Another Wizard placed his hand on his belt, tossing a breath of flame onto the ninja bodyguard while Another Build tries to catch him with a roundhouse kick, its blue foot's tank threads moving as it hopefully skids onto the guards face. Another OOO prepares to swipe its claws off of the air.

    Meanwhile, the clock hands on Another Zi-O's head glows, spinning around his face as he now activates his precognition ability, attempting to predict the guard's next moves as he growled, attaching his clockblades together into one dual bladed pole arm while staring straight at the monstrous Guard!
Lilith was pretty disturbed by whatever Pacifica is doing and slowly leaves the room, but before she could she was suddenly grabbed by a hovering glove and pulled back. She yelped a little bit but calmed down after. "Sorry I...my curiosity can get the best of me sometimes." Lilith whispers blushing a bit and sounding worried. "I hope she's okay."

Crow Crow (Agent Penguin)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pacifica)

Mood: Confident, Startled, Upset
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage took pride on a job well done for merely a couple seconds before his intentions seemed to completely backfire. Maaaaybe he should have expected that, it's what he had wondered to himself as the other had started yelling his way about burning the church down. Noooo! He wasn't trying to burn anything down, this is was an attempt to protect it instead!!

"It doesn't work like that!", it's all that the pyromancer can manage to reply, without letting his focus slip from the construct or the flight. Not that it's going to clarify anything, but he tried...

The attempt to put out the fire doesn't seem to do anything, it didn't even seem to react as one would fire to expect with the wind and instead just danced inside the frame of the construct, like a fiery lava lamp of sorts. All the effort to put it out had been a pointless effort. The lines about thinking, however, did the trick, as the hurtful assumptions had prompted him to jerk in mild shock and focus was gone. The fire wall construct lost shape and then dissipated in the air as if it had never been.

Now slightly dejected, the pyromancer let out a defeated sigh and decided to land. The wings took a new flap and extended backwards, causing Sage to dive-bomb near to ground before opening them again to stop the descent, primaries mildly bent and acting as a parachute, allowing him a slow and gradual landing. As soon as his feet had touched the surface once more, the wings themselves were gone also dissipating in the air.

"It was a carefully considered decision... Do you really think I'd be this reckless with it??", Sage retorted a bit frustrated, already scavenging his jacket's pocket for the armlet.

Welp, lesson learned, make sure to explain other's your powers beforehand...
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon sees the group and just as he's about to wave to them in relief...Until he sees a morbidly obese ...hobo(?) fighting them. "What in the name of..." The hobo then proceeds to chuck a giant rock at him and as Falcon sees it heading his way "Oh, you got to be kidding me..." Falcon sprints towards the rock and jumps in the air. Just before he collides with it, he pulls his arms back to his side and juts his knee out, creating a small crater at it's center, before it gets bigger, bigger, and finally breaks apart by torrents of electricity, thus, the Knee of Justice has prevailed over this rock! Captain Falcon flies through the rubble until he lands on his feet and holds the pose. "That..." He lifts his head up and looks to the bouncer. "Is going to be your face...!" Falcon sprints towards the bouncer
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Ah......renovations.....nothing beats it like fixing things to fit your demanding specifications. That’s what Benedict was thinking when he was grabbed and slammed against the wall
Ah.....I’m renovating, down you fiend!
Benedict would say before hitting his attackers arm with another hammer.
then a WITCH would fly in and set a fiery barricade between him and his glorious property.
Benedict didn’t even have to think, he knew who these people were.....they were the building committee! Of course.
Ah! Here’s my permit you old dogs....as you can see....this church.
Benedict would say before snapping as Josh pulled out a large sign and placed it on the ground.
The sign would have a huge image of Benedict’s face on it and would say the following in gold letters
“Future site of the great Benedictine church of God!”
This church is mine.....now I really must fix up this nasty wall.
He would say before pounding the wall even harder
Ah.....Josh, rule number 5,468.....things will fix themselves if you hit them hard enough.
Josh would then intently and stunningly write that down.....how wise....he was truly in a state of pure awe.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Rex, who still had Benedict in place, was now having an argument with with a weird redhead kid who started the fire, claiming it’s not his fault. Unfortunately for him, Rex doesn’t believe him and starts going off.

“What do you mean it doesn’t work like that, there’s clearly a fire right here in front of me.” As soon as he says that the redhead boy gets rid of the fire, reliving Rex a little.

“Hey, you be surprised how many times I get killed by kids who don’t know how to use their powers.”

Rex would turn his attention back to Rex, who tried attacking him arm, but no dice. He’ll need more strength to make break the whip.

“And news flash, egghead. I’m not letting you damage the church! This isn’t YOUR church, and you didn’t let the people know that you “supposedly” bought it out.” Benedict keep spouting out rules Rex didn’t care about except the last one which said. “Things will Rex themselves if you hit them hard enough.” This puts a smile on Rex’s face.

“I couldn’t agree more! RAGH!” Rex would begin slamming the crap out of Benedict till he stops trying to demolish the church.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The interruption of their game of rock paper scissors has been lead to the moment of a masked man talking about ending the crisis of the multiverse and saving it. Both the Tenno and the Warframe nod as they listen to the man, the boy turning over to watch Umbra synchronize the watch to the given digits on his wrist as he nods, disappearing in the light blue energy like wisp of dust. Umbra keeps his gaze on the watch, paying attention to the loud beeping as a strange shape had enveloped the warframe. The silent warrior simply does that, remain silent, as he feels this odd sensation. The Operator on the other hand, was quite thankful of his wise decision to return to the warframe.

"Such a very odd place, very quaint and, simple..", the Operator mumbled within Umbra's mind, the warrior coming to as his vision cleared up to see the town. With the mention of the town supposedly being destroyed, if Umbra could perk an eyebrow, he would've done it. For this town though, it was certainly odd that despite it's meager size, it was empty. "Very offputting for such a small town to have no one around yeah?", the boy whispered to the gilded warrior, to which he nods once more as he follows behind everyone else after the one in the metallic Red Hood. Umbra had pulled out his braton from his back and held it close, with a strangely empty place, could never be sure about what else is going on.

As the majority had seemed to split off, the space ninja would drop his arms, maybe it would've been best to split up but, still, they could indeed get more ground by doing so. With a quick look about, the warframe looks to the top of one of the buildings and jumps up, grabbing a hold of the edge of the roof as he hops himself up and begins to dash across each building, rifle now returned to his back. "Guess we'll stick to doing what we do best then, maybe we'll find someone who can see about this whole conundrum.", the young boy spoke into his friend's mind, the warframe nodding as he still continued to hop and dive upon each buildings' rooftop, looking for, anything strangely peculiar.. With a few leaps about and the pitter patter of barely audible footsteps, the scarf equipped ninja has sprinted and dove off on his own path.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The bodyguard appeared to be distracted by swinging Haryu around, so Lucario's trip was enough to topple him! He collapsed onto his butt with a groan. He soon recovered, however, and reeled both his hands back, before shoving them forward to catch Ben in a deadly clap! Once Zwei approached again at a higher frequency this time, the bodyguard winced as she began delivering faster blows to his aura, the blows themselves so fast that the aura didn't have time to react. Each blow caused the aura to flash, and each flash lasted a bit longer with each hit. It didn't take long for the bodyguard to catch onto what was happening though, and in a moment of pure desperation, he reeled his giant fist back and flew it right towards Zwei's face!

He then let out a scream as the black matter ball was fired towards him, and brought his arm back to swat it away! It worked, and the dark matter completely incinerated the car that had been thrown at him, creating a small explosion. However, this didn't come without its benefits, as the aura on his arm completely disappeared!

"Everyone, try to disable the aura around the rest of his body!" Jason shouted as he saw the strategy needed to take the guy out. He put in his own help as well, aiming his guns to shoot at the man's shoulder. The bodyguard was sent reeling back with another growl from the bullets, leaving him open for Gretar's next attack! He was sent flying back from it, destroying a few trees and possibly killing some wildlife in the process. Slowly, the guard stood back up, gritting his teeth. He slowly stepped forward, easily blocking the fireball with his palm. But even that caused his aura to flash for a moment, but he still trudged forward nonetheless. He held out a hand and backhanded the Kamen Rider as it attempted to roundhouse kick him, and broke out in a full on sprint towards Another Zi-O! While predicting his attack, he would find that the guard was about to leap up into the air and slam both his fists down right on top of him like The Hulk, giving him a chance to react accordingly! Also, when Captain Falcon sprinted towards him, the bouncer merely backhanded him like he did to the other guy.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @BouncerFight

As Agent Penguin approached the door and gave it a knock, followed by him asking his question, all that could be heard from the other side was Pacifica's light whimpering.

"I think Orbeck's right," Leo said as he looked up the stairs towards the penguin and Lilith. "We should probably leave her be for now." He then followed Orbeck to the vending machine, where he said hid an apparent secret entrance. When he suggested that someone move it over, Leo rose a hand. "Wait," He said, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "If there's a secret path behind this, then I can see it with my All Seeing Eyes. We don't really need to go wrecking someone's house." He said, before slowly opening his eyes.


Leo proceeded to open his eyes once more, revealing his crystal blue All Seeing Eyes of the Gods. He looked up and towards the vending machine. "There's nothing there." He said immediately once his gaze landed upon the machine in question. "All that's behind it is a wall. I can share my vision with anyone who doesn't believe me."

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching P PopcornPie @MysteryShack

"The Gleefuls are those jerk-offs that run the Tent of Telepathy." Wendy replied, finally looking over from her phone by lazily rolling her head to the side. She glared daggers at Sora. "Didn't you say you were there with those other weirdos back on the street? Because I like, explained that earlier." She said, before scoffing and rolling her eyes, before returning to her phone. "Whatever..." She muttered. She still refused to look at Sora as he spoke about Bill CIpher, instead continuing to just text away on her phone. "Dunno any Bill Ciphers. Know a Will Cipher, though. With a W."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Once the smoke cleared Whisper firing her rocket launcher thing at the curtain, she found that it still refused to move. In fact, if she were to pay attention, the curtain itself seemed to glisten a bit after she did so.

"Maybe try searching the stage and the room for a secret switch or something?" Midna suggested with a small shrug.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

When Umbra and The Operator went up to bound across the buildings, they would get a good view of the chaos that surrounded all of them, from the bouncer fight to Benedict's antics at the church. However, after a bit of hopping across buildings, they finally found something of interest on top of the building closest towards the path that led to the Mystery Shack.


And that something was a nervous, sweating, white-haired, chublly little boy.

"W-who the heck are you!?" The boy, who couldn't have been older than thirteen, shouted as he backed up on the roof, stepping near the edge. He spoke in a thick southern accent, indicating that he wasn't exactly from around here. Or at least, he hadn't grown up here. "S-stay back! I-I'm warnin' you!" He shouted further, before reaching behind him and pulling out a dark red journal with what looked like a six-fingered hand printed across it, and the number "3" written on its cover in black marker.


He shakily held the journal in front of his chest as some sort of weapon, before gulping and pulling it closer to him. Frantically, he opened it and began flipping through the pages. "Come on... come on...!" He frantically muttered to himself as he flipped through the pages like mad.

Riven Riven
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Son Goku
The bouncer is an actual threat to the group that he is in. His powered up state could harm a person greatly whether they have superpowers or not. Everything is happening rather quickly around him. It's time for him to take action.

"That guy is going nuts! I think it is time to knock some sense into him!" He said angrily.

Goku charged at the bouncer and he delivers strong attacks against him. The battle has just begun.

  • --Another Zi-O--
    Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201

    "There...I see it!" Another Zi-O simply mutters as he pressed onto the button of his Ridewatch, the pink screen on the belt turning into digits marked 0. Just as the bouncer leaped, Another Zi-O stood up, the blades of his polearm now glowing bright purple as he spun them. He timed the strike just right so that the glowing blades would hack and slash at bodyguard's chest, glowing with temporal power!

    After the double hit, Another Zi-O leapt back, which prompted Another OOO to lunge at the bodyguard, throwing a flurry of slashes with its large ass claws as Another Wizard casted another spell.

    L A N D

    A magic circle appeared above the bodyguard, and a large square boulder fell ontop of the him.

    Another Zi-O separated his polearm into two swords as he tapped the Ridewatch again, causing them to glow as he swung them both at the Bodyguard.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari watched the bouncer block and dodge the attacks thrown at him, but the aura surrounding one of his arms had waned, and Red Hood had announced a strategy. "Here you go!" Akari cast Heat Riser on Gretar, as they seemed to be a particularly heavy hitter. Their defensive power would not be altered by the spell since Akari had already cast Marakukaja on everyone before, but not only they would find their attack power increased, but it would also be a bit easier for them to both evade enemy attacks and land successful hits.

As a way of contributing hits himself, Akari leaped into the air, sword held back, and lunged at the bouncer, hoping to strike his other arm.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
“Oh, that’s what you meant. Okay, okay. I can see you don't to be around people. But can I ask you one thing? Don't worry, it'll be quick.” Wendy goes back to her phone and says there’s no Bill Cypher as far as she knows, but instead a Will Cypher.

“(Okay, now I really think we’re in the wrong place. Still, Will Cypher sounds just as interesting. We may be able to learn something important after all. Will might be related to Bill too.)”

With that, Sora decides to learn more about Will. It’s the least he can do while he’s here, it could be useful.

“So there’s no Bill Cypher, that’s fine. But can you tell me everything about this, “Will Cypher?” I’d really like to know.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"Yeah I guess you're right." Lilith says thinking that trying to ease drop on her was a bad idea, she follows Leo downstairs and Leo tells the group that there may be something behind the vending machine. "What do you mean that there's a wall." Lilith asks, encouraging him to let her see for herself and maybe a few others. Her curiosity seems to start to grow again as her eyebrows raised a bit and she was rubbing her arm.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Leo)
His attack may have launched his opponent a bit too far in order to use his Hammar slam. But hey, at least he managed to launch someone through a bloody tree. He managed to hear about the plan to lower the opponents aura, to which he agreed with. Feeling a buff to his strength, he looked at Akari and faced a thumbs up, before charging with his hammer, doing his dodge/up heavy attack as he held his hammer with both hands, before doing a large overhead swing. If it landed, he would combo this with Jotunn Farewell, slamming his fist into his opponents gut, draining some of his stamina.

So the plan is to waste his opponents aura until its gone.... to which he responded with “Welp.... might as well end this quickly.. since I want to play Heavenly Sword on my PS3 later” as he took out his ToolGun, searching through the small screen before stopping and spawning out the item. This item was an minigun he held with both hands with no problem, as he said “I wonder if he likes the taste of lead.....” as he spun the barrel of the gun, before shooting it at the bodyguard. The bullets flew everywhere, but mostly the landed on the bodyguard throughout his entire body. If the bodyguard got permanently damaged here, he could just spawn in a couple of med kits to heal the man.... or the teammates he might hit here.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss quadraxis201 quadraxis201 GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Mood: Annoyed, Disappointed, Indignated
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The other's question had merely gotten a sigh as a reply, it wasn't something that was too easy to explain, especially not with words. Solid-constructs were a concept that only really made sense if you had a demonstration... Sage wasn't opposed to it, but the next statement had received a bit more attention:

"Kid? Buddy, aren't we about the same age though??", he frowned, clearly still hurt by the assumptions. Why is it that no one could ever just trust his judgement?, "And I can guarantee you, there is no one more worried about the risks and consequences than I am. There's no need for another one... Unless you begin seeing blue."

But then obviously, the cartoonish man did not stop, babbling something about owning the grounds of a place they had literally recently gotten to. This individual was delusional! There was no other way to put it, he had gone as far as to have a penguin put down a sign buried in the grass!! Does this guy never give up?!

"Are you hearing yourself??? How can you own a building we have just seen for 10 minutes?! Think logically maaan, you're clearly getting them mixed up!", if there is a church somewhere that he does own and it's not just more delusions...

And then the other guy decided it was a good idea to slam the tiny top-hat man into the ground. Sage sighed, letting go of the armlet that he had barely gotten out of his pocket. The Gods were testing his patience.

"So I'm the reckless one...", the pyromancer put an arm in front of him, turned with the palm upwards and in front of him a new circle in the ground flashed orange, "But somehow ramming a person in the ground...", the spot burst into flames as he had pulled the arm up, and seemed to attach itself to the whip-like tech construct of the other, with a new gesture towards it. The fire itself had taken a chain shape and wrapped around the morphed limb just as a normal chain would. It also reacted to gravity, seemingly having weight, just like any other solid was expected to, "IT'S A BETTER IDEA???!", and then he pulled it.

As Sage seemingly pulled the air, the chains themselves responded to the command pulling the other along with them.

He wasn't trying to fully stop him, if anything, the fire chains were a lot more fragile than whatever the violent one could do, but it would at least startle him and maybe even bring the action to a halt for a moment. Only way this could backfire terribly is if the heat, --equivalent to an oven's door when it was on--, would get to Rex given the whip was still part of his body, whiiiiich Sage wouldn't be able to deduct alone.
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The bodyguard appeared to be distracted by swinging Haryu around, so Lucario's trip was enough to topple him! He collapsed onto his butt with a groan. He soon recovered, however, and reeled both his hands back, before shoving them forward to catch Ben in a deadly clap! Once Zwei approached again at a higher frequency this time, the bodyguard winced as she began delivering faster blows to his aura, the blows themselves so fast that the aura didn't have time to react. Each blow caused the aura to flash, and each flash lasted a bit longer with each hit. It didn't take long for the bodyguard to catch onto what was happening though, and in a moment of pure desperation, he reeled his giant fist back and flew it right towards Zwei's face!

He then let out a scream as the black matter ball was fired towards him, and brought his arm back to swat it away! It worked, and the dark matter completely incinerated the car that had been thrown at him, creating a small explosion. However, this didn't come without its benefits, as the aura on his arm completely disappeared!

"Everyone, try to disable the aura around the rest of his body!" Jason shouted as he saw the strategy needed to take the guy out. He put in his own help as well, aiming his guns to shoot at the man's shoulder. The bodyguard was sent reeling back with another growl from the bullets, leaving him open for Gretar's next attack! He was sent flying back from it, destroying a few trees and possibly killing some wildlife in the process. Slowly, the guard stood back up, gritting his teeth. He slowly stepped forward, easily blocking the fireball with his palm. But even that caused his aura to flash for a moment, but he still trudged forward nonetheless. He held out a hand and backhanded the Kamen Rider as it attempted to roundhouse kick him, and broke out in a full on sprint towards Another Zi-O! While predicting his attack, he would find that the guard was about to leap up into the air and slam both his fists down right on top of him like The Hulk, giving him a chance to react accordingly! Also, when Captain Falcon sprinted towards him, the bouncer merely backhanded him like he did to the other guy.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @BouncerFight

"That was a close shave," Waverider, as Ben's current form was called, said via audible telepathy, now that Zwei's actions saved him from getting hit, "disable his aura huh? That's just my thing!"

Waverider starts off as thought bubbles with question marks circled him, before an exclamation mark formed and he raised a finger, followed by devious snickering

Waverider used Nasty Plot!
Waverider's Special Attack Sharply Rose!


"OOOOOKAY. Let's fight aura with aura! For starters, my signature move - AURA SPHERE!"

Waverider charged a large ball of aura, boosted by the Nasty Plot, made from the pure justice of the Fighting-type, in his palms, before firing it off at the guard. As a move of a type supereffective against the Dark-type, it was bound to do something. Furthermore, this was a move that never missed no matter how much sand was in the user's eyes! Any attempt to dodge it will only result in the attack homing in like a heat-seeking missile!

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BouncerFight

View attachment 739328
Lilith was pretty disturbed by whatever Pacifica is doing and slowly leaves the room, but before she could she was suddenly grabbed by a hovering glove and pulled back. She yelped a little bit but calmed down after. "Sorry I...my curiosity can get the best of me sometimes." Lilith whispers blushing a bit and sounding worried. "I hope she's okay."

Crow Crow (Agent Penguin)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pacifica)

As Agent Penguin approached the door and gave it a knock, followed by him asking his question, all that could be heard from the other side was Pacifica's light whimpering.

"I think Orbeck's right," Leo said as he looked up the stairs towards the penguin and Lilith. "We should probably leave her be for now." He then followed Orbeck to the vending machine, where he said hid an apparent secret entrance. When he suggested that someone move it over, Leo rose a hand. "Wait," He said, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "If there's a secret path behind this, then I can see it with my All Seeing Eyes. We don't really need to go wrecking someone's house." He said, before slowly opening his eyes.


Leo proceeded to open his eyes once more, revealing his crystal blue All Seeing Eyes of the Gods. He looked up and towards the vending machine. "There's nothing there." He said immediately once his gaze landed upon the machine in question. "All that's behind it is a wall. I can share my vision with anyone who doesn't believe me."

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching P PopcornPie @MysteryShack

"As do I," the Agent says. "It's clear that she doesn't trust us right now."

He then looks to Leo, "you sure it isn't one of those lead wall deals? Hmmm... you guys seem to have suspicions that this place might be different. What if it is? What if this isn't where you think it is?"

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @MysteryShack

  • That's enough, girl," the Agent says to Megumin, "rule one of any secret organization - never disclose anything about it to the public."
    "Are we really in public, though?" Megumin kept looking around. The shop was empty, nobody was watching outside, and the moving animal parts were probably just her eyes and damaged brain playing tricks on her.
    >You giggled. You are starting to like Megumin.

    >You hear a voice in your head.

    By the bonds connected, you have obtained the skill set of Megumin.
    >You have acquired the powers of Megumin. The following abilities you can use are; Explosion.

    >The lead ran off in panic. Something is wrong.

    "Should we go after her?"
    All the while, Shujinko didn't stop poking her cheek, and was adding insult to injury by giggling. "This is a laughing matter to you?" The archmage snapped. "When you dig your fingernails into my cheek, it stings!"

    Suddenly, Shujinko paused, holding an expression which suggested a sudden thought. "Huh? What are you thinking about? It's not Bill, is it?" Megumin's eyes widened.

    Unfortunately, Lucky had overstepped their boundaries, causing poor Pacifica to get spooked and run away. "Wait! We're not here for anyone's brains! I'm an archmage, not a Lich! Please wait for me!" She galloped after the blonde, only to have a door slammed, and I mean slammed, in her face. It had her groggily stumbling backwards, muttering some incoherent observations about the world around her, before she tumbled backfirst down the stairs. While she was counting stars, Lillith had to go check things out for her.

    "How is she?" Megumin asked the ghost girl once she reappeared. "Anything I can help with?"
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"Yeah. Kinda reminds me of Earth, before the Ruin. They had some less developed areas like this preserved for teaching and entertainment purposes. I would come on breaks and hunt some of the local animals." Lealan flexes her hands, then starts another song. "I think I see some kind of building up ahead."

Venom Snake Venom Snake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
“Hm. Your pretty good. When’d you start playing it?” Snake spoke, he himself knowing how to play, having used it as a passtime when he tried to retire the first time, when he was in Alaska.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Ah, It was in the Protectorate Academy. I didn't want to do community service, and music was something I had a knack in. I've learned to play many instruments over time, and have a ton stored on the ship, but the guitar was first. That was an acoustic though. No good when you're hunting though." Lealan explains. "What about you? You play anything?"
Venom Snake Venom Snake

The slashes from the various swords and claws knocked the bodyguard up into the air, but even then, he managed to turn mid-air and grabbed the boulder, holding it in front of him and allowing it to get chopped into pieces by the final two swords! However, soon after, he was intercepted by Goku. Goku's attacks were, of course, the strongest attacks that the Bouncer had faced thus far. Each punch alone outright disabled a different part of his aura, until the final one sent him flying all the way back into the woods! By the time he emerged, smoke was literally rising from his body, and the aura had been disabled in different spots across his body. It was no longer protecting any specific area of his body, but rather, it was unevenly and randomly dispersed. Despite all this, he kept going.

He let out a scream as the sword hit one of the spots that wasn't protecting by his remaining aura. It embed itself into his arm, causing blood to spurt out like a small water fountain. Soon after, while he attempted to pull out the sword, he was met with a fierce punch to his gut, which sent him flying into the air, and disabling the aura on his torso! Then, the minigun was fired, disabling small chunks of his aura as he fell to the ground. Just as the guard stood back up, Lucario fired his aura sphere, and the bodyguard was enveloped entirely within it! He let out an agonizing scream that shook the ground you stood on, and by the time the sphere was finished with its job, the aura was completely gone. And all that was left in its place was the bodyguard, who had fallen to one knee, smoke rising up out of his body.

"That shield he had's gone!" Jason shouted, as he aimed his guns and began to fire. "Let's finish this fucker off!"

Crow Crow quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @BouncerFight

Whisper would be unable to find any switch of any sort, however she found something that was just as interesting, if not more. In the corner of the stage, off in the shadows, she would find something etched into the wood with what appeared to be a knife. It was hard to make out at first because of the shadows, but when she finally did, there was no mistaking what it was.


Bill Cipher. Surrounded by some strange symbols in some sort of wheel.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @TentofTelepathy

Wendy shrugged. "Not much is known about him. Only that the Gleeful twins keep him as some sort of slave or pet. He's a nearly omnipotent being, but those damn twins... did something to him, and now they have him under their thumb, and have access to all of his powers as a result." There was a long pause from Wendy as she continued tapping away on her phone. "Either that, or he's just a big pussy and the Gleeful twins just bullied him into being their bitch." For once, she looked up from her phone, and this time it wasn't to stare into his very soul. Instead, her expression was slightly worried. "Listen, I don't know who this Bill guy is you're worried about... but I'd stay the hell away from those twins if I were you. They're fucked up, and not in the fun way."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @TheChurch

"What I mean is that there's a wall and nothing else. No secret passage, like Orbeck said." He turned to face Agent Penguin when he approached. Leo shook his head. "That's doubtful. My eyes can see past any substance." However, Lucky still wanted to be as stubborn as ever and began to crawl into the vent. "I'm telling you, there's nothing--" But it was too late, and Lucky had wiggled into the vent before he could even finish. Leo sighed and slumped over, before turning to face Megumin.


"Is he always this stubborn?"

Meanwhile, as Lucky crawled through the vents, he would end up in every room of the house. The living room, the kitchen, even Pacifica's room, where she was still tucked into her hoodie and whimpering silently. However, nothing Lucky found exactly screamed "secret room". At least, nothing with a portal. There was, however, one room in particular that maybe caught Lucky's eye...


It was an old, dusty room with old books and knick-knacks sprawled throughout it. It was filled to the brim with cobwebs, put what probably caught Lucky's eye more than anything was the carpet in the center, marked "Experiment 78."

Pacifica, meanwhile, finally replied as Megumin insisted that she wasn't an alien. "How do I know that you're not lying!? And that when I open this door, you won't just take my mind!?" She whined out.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching P PopcornPie @MysteryShack
“Yeah. I had some time to myself back in the day, tried Piano, Acoustic Guitar, electric, trumpet, drums, just anything to keep me busy. Does your guitar double as electric?”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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