Haryu's distraction seemed to be a rousing success. The crowd, and even the bodyguard, began to cheer even louder as they watched the show and even got to participate in it! The crowd absolutely adored the man's show, and they were all too distracted to even try and notice Whisper making a dash into the tent from behind the rope!

"Huh.... I'll be damned." Jason muttered in mild shock. He then looked over at Gretar and was about to reply, but before he could, Akari lept out of the bushes and blew everyone's cover. Even with the show going on, this was enough to grab the bodyguard's attention once more. He very angrily stomped over to the rope and stood in front of it, just as Akari lept into the air. With a loud thumping noise, Akari crashed against the man, who didn't move a single muscle, instead watching the former fall to the ground. He didn't say anything as he stared at you all angrily, and instead only cracked his knuckles.




"Oh, you've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me..."
Jason groaned.

Looks like you were in for a fight.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @OutsidetheTent

Ben followed those who were headed for the tent, only to notice a fight about to break out.

"Ooookay," Ben, still in hiding, dials the Omnitrix, preparing to fight in the worst case scenario.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @OutsidetheTent

"No, no, you're fine!" Pacifica exclaimed as she held up her hands, afraid that she hurt the ghost girl's feelings. "We never get guests here anyways! Well, unless you wanna count the tourists as guests... but still, we never get guests like you guys!" However, confusion once again returned to her face as she heard Lucky throwing out terms she had no idea about. "MPF? Blood Gulch...? And who's this Bill guy you keep talkin' about?" She had so many questions now, and none of them were being answered! Poor Pacifica. "And... I don't think Gideon would like that Benedict guy very much. The last time we met an insane guy, he tried to eat all our cereal and pee on our couch." Pacifica made a disgusted face at that, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she held her stomach. "Ugh... it took weeks to get the smell out..."

When Lucky looked down at the watch, however, it would appear that the watch not only looked new, but almost futuristic. It had a very slick, rectangular design, and it seemed to be made of an extremely resistant metal. One that felt warm to the touch, yet harder than pure tungsten. Also, the watch clearly read "Gravity Falls", so there was no mistaking that they were in the right place.

P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @MysteryShack

"Must be terrible, I certainly wouldn't want anyone like that in my igloo," the Agent says, "I believe most of the stuff we're investigating is pretty classified. But I suppose that since Bill is... considered foklore in these parts, we are allowed to disclose something. Is that correct, all?"

P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @MysteryShack
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari felt himself hit something hard and muscly as he leaped over the rope, and fell backwards onto the ground. He got back up on his feet and drew his sword, gripping it in one hand as his other drifted towards his visor. "Very well. I was expecting this to happen. If you intend to bar our entry, then so be it. But know this... ours will be a decisive victory. No wall shall stop us."


The familiar aura of power surrounded Akari once more as Kronos manifested behind him. "Come, Kronos... shall we enlighten him?" Kronos spread his wings and pointed his staff towards the bodyguard as Akari cast Kougaon on them. Above the bodyguard, a dual spiral of glistening light crashed down onto him, and once it hit the ground, it shot upwards into a pillar-shaped fountain as what appeared to be bird silhouettes emerged from it and scattered.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

(Open for Interactions)
“Aw man.”

“Shoot! Agh. What’s that noise?”

“I don’t know. Can you speak up, Mr.?”

The boys would show their disappointment hearing the man has no idea about Bill or doesn’t know anyone about him, on top of that, there was loud banging in the background. Luckily the boys were able to hear the man does know at least one. His daughter, Wendy.

“Yes! Now we’ve got a lead.”

“Yeah, now we- rggg, where is that noise coming from!?”

“You go after Wendy since she’s the moody one and your the smooth talker. I’ll go see what’s making that noise.”

“Got it. Thank you gramps.”


Before Rex went go outside to investigate the noise, he saw the yellow creature again from the base. “Sorry, I haven’t seen whatever you’re talking about egg with a mustache.”

Rex was outside only to find Benedict banging on the walls with a hammer, angering Rex, forcing him to grab him with the Blast Caster to hold him in place! 8E170C8F-D1BE-4550-ADA9-533CA34B6638.jpeg

“That’s enough. I have had it with you, eating animals that act like people, beating up my friends. And now, damaging people’s property and interrupting us when gathering info to save the multiverse! We end this now egghead!”


“Hello. Wendy? You saw me at the entrance, I’m Sora. Can we talk? It’s something important.” Sora would walk around the back, hoping to find Wendy so she can give answers and dirt on Bill

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
The distraction actually seemed to work.... even the guard was distracted. Until Akari went ahead and managed to catch the attention of the guard, to which he mentally sigh as Red hood aka groaned in disbelief. But hey, at least he gets to fight something here as he popped out of the bush and charged the guard. The first thing he did was using Zealot's Bolt, throwing his hammer at his opponent while yelling out "Við hamar Þórs!" (English translation: By Thor’s hammer),the hammer hitting its mark and removing the stamina of his opponent. Another hammer appeared in his hand as he looked back at the group, waving at them to join the battle, before beginning to charge the opponent again.
The first day in the job and he was already late to the meeting. But hey, at least he didn’t went through hours of boring lecture. He was also apparently late for teleporting to the town they were suppose to go to , but he managed to successfully teleport there. The portal opened up behind Red Hood, Benrey popping out a few seconds later and saying out loud “You guys didn’t tell me we were going to a circus.” as he looked at the tent and the crowds of people. He then also looked at the fight and said “And they seemed to be performing already out here..... might as well join in.” as he took out his ‘passport’, a enhanced version of the combine pulse rifle and began to slowly walk towards the confrontation.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201

  • --Another Ghost--
    Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

    "That's not good." Another Ghost noted how the guard finally took notice of Jason's group. He descended back to the ground, implanting some of the crowd with two pocketwatches similar to Hiryu's own by flying around the crowd once more--a few of them, three in fact, started to feel stomach pains as they started glowing purple. Another Ghost then took out another Anotherwatch, raising it and pressing on its button as its face glows, putting it onto his waist as if sliding onto a belt. As soon as it happened, three specific people in the crowd began to glow wildly as a mass of shadows overtake them, much like how Hiryu initially transformed. Several metallic rings circle Another Ghost as a mass of shadows overtake it, transforming its body once more into a white clad clock rider clad in metallic silver with pink highlights. It bears a black belt, its Ridewatch exposed. Bearing exposed teeth as white eyes appear under its fleshy pink visor.


    Z I - O

    Just then, three more Another Riders appear from the crowd itself--one bearing a red gem for a face, a ring from its exoskeleton protrude around the side of its head, wrapping around. It also bears a red tattered cloak, its shoulders appear to be silver skulls. Its belt appears to have a skeleton hand as well as a red rune on its ring finger.


    W I Z A R D

    The next one was a mixture of three creatures. Its head appears to be a falcon with human teeth, its wings as long as hair going to its legs. Its lower torso was yellow, striped like a tiger's bearing giant claws. Its legs were green and spiked like an insect.


    O O

    The last one was some sort of two sided monster colored in a disymetrical manner. Clad in blue and red, this creature bore fangs with its left side being a blue tank and its right side being a rabbit. It appears spiky and tattered all over, its spring rusted and its belt corroded.


    B U I L D

    As if continuing the show, the two Another Riders hopped past the crowd and onto where Hiryu was, snarling as it stared onto one another. The Another Zi-O, orignally Another Ghost snarled as he glanced at the two, giving them instructions.

    It seems that Another Zi-O can control other Another Riders. With a nod, the two would then hop around and do a play fight, throwing punches and kicks as Another Zi-O let out a chuckle, retreating into the tent.

    Meanwhile, Another Wizard teleported behind the body guard, placing its ringed hand onto the skeleton hand belt.


    Soon, chains wrapped around the guard as holy pillars of light as well as lightning struck down on the muscular body guard.

    Talk about an overkill.


  • "I'm afraid we're not exactly guests, either..." Sweat glistened on her cheeks as she whipped her head around. "I don't know how much we can tell you. Bill Cipher is this evil being who was supposed to have ravaged this town. That's why we're here! We've come to your dimension to get rid of him. Ever heard of the Multiverse Protection Foundation?"

Zwei would freeze the moment they were caught, “umlethalornonlethal! Screwitgoingnonlethal!” She would unsheathe her swords and they immediately start vibrating at a low frequency and she would vanish. Aiming for the guard’s head, intending to knock him clean out while he was restrained. Considering her ludicrous speed, and the fact that he is restrained, it will take a miracle for the slow ass guard to avoid the hit!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The two agreed for a 1v1v1 fight. This causes Goku's blood to be boiled with excitement. However, it is difficult for him to figure out their power level to determine their strength but he has to fight them in order for the truth to be revealed. A 1v1v1 fight shouldn't be too difficult for him.

"A 1v1v1 fight, huh? Fair enough. I'm willing to take you on all at once and I won't go easy on you two! Prepare to see my true power!" He said with excitement.

He couldn't choose which one he was going to fight first. He chose a yellow ape-like creature instead since he seems to be tough for him. He charged towards him, delivering a few hits in the process.

But before he could do anything further, their fight suddenly got interrupted as he finds himself in a different universe. This time, it is different. He looked around the area as he is in what appears to be a normal town. Nothing chaotic.

"Huh? Where am I? What is this place?" He asked in confusion.

Goku then realized that the others have to go to a specific place via watches and he doesn't want to be left behind so the fight has to be postponed. However, they could fight again in the future. He is a little disappointed.

"Already? Well, I guess our sparring has to be delayed. I'll see you around!" He said.

Upon syncing the watch with the others, Goku then finds himself in what appears to be an ordinary town. It doesn't seem too chaotic at least.

"This place looks nice." He said as he looks around the area.
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Mood: Observant, Intrigued, Unamused
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Huh, small town indeed! There wasn't a lot out of ordinary, or really much to see at all. For a moment, Sage had considered looking closer at the fight brewing by the white and blue tent in the veeeery end of the place, but noticing the crowd, he thought again. Fire near such a huge amount of people? That'd be a bad idea and a half! And that was without considering how flammable a tent would be... The second building that had drawn his attention the most had been the church, it was... so different from the Temple had been raised at!

Again, it was tiny matching the size of the town itself, but the European architecture with the ample entrance and the pointy ceilings was, uncommon! Well to him at least, and why was there an asymmetric plus sign on top of it? Was it signalizing something? Was it there for planes and helicopters passing by? Somehow the pyromancer doubted it, otherwise there would have been an airport nearby, right? It seemed like all this location had were streets and dirt paths, only wheeled vehicles could come and go, maybe even with some difficulty as dirt paths weren't exactly stable... Back home, the Temple was a closed-off, isolated space from the rest of the city, in here, this whole town seemed isolated from everything else!

Taking a moment to admire the woods encircling everything, the airborne young man had soon had his, thus far, rather pacific flight interrupted when the sound of harsh impacts cut through the stillness of the landscape. Surprised by how sudden it had come to be, Sage's fiery gaze had travelled after the noise assigning it to a demolition. And then, realizing that such a small town would probably not be demolishing and building new locations the same way his hometown would... Bingo! It, wasn't a demolition, at least not as an official one, was that-

"Heeeeey! What are you doing to that building?? This is not what we're here for!", he yelled from the sky down at the cartoony man, "The locals will be mad at us!"

Someone else had left the European stylized location and seeing the same atrocity towards the architecture promptly held the top-hatted individual in place. Would that be enough? Sage considered briefly recalling how intent in causing trouble and how stubbornly this person seemed to be, from minute one after he had arrived... Yeah, no, he wasn't taking any chances.

Diving into the sky-space of the little church, the pyromancer acted fast, focusing on the area between the troublemaker and the wall of the building and raising an arm. Before the two interacting, an orange light would appear making a line on the ground before it erupted upwards in flames, making up a solid fire wall separating them from the building. Nothing but the starting line burned, if anyone chose to look at it with attention it would appear that while the fire burned and shifted still, it could not leave beyond the shape of the wall it was contained in.

It was still fire, however, so nearby the air would be like when the oven was on and the surface of the construct would be extremely hot to the touch. Hopefully, no one would think of doing that, right?

"Sometimes I wonder what even goes on that tiny dude's head...", thought Sage with disappointment, now focusing on both stabilizing the flight and keeping the barrier in place at once.
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Rex still had Benedict in his grasp, until another guy came on the scene, upset at him too, and made a firewall separating the wall and Benedict.

“Yikes! What are you doing, you want to burn the church down!!?”

With his other arm normal and free, Rex used a Funchuck and started spinning it rapidly to put out the fire.

“I got Benedict under control; but next time, think before you use those powers and burn someone.”

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
"Wait hold the phone." Lilith asks Pacifica sounding a little confused. "Who are these two guy's you're talking about, is Gideon supposed to be like the landlord of this place or something?" She scratches her head a bit as more and more questions start filling her head.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pacifica)
Captain Falcon would eventually find his way to the grounds of the Tent of Telepathy, where a fight with a comically oversized bouncer was about to break out. Jason glanced down as Tektite as the tiny creature entered as well, and he sighed loudly. "Not now, kid. Can't you see that a fight's about to break out?" He asked the tiny creature. Assuming that it didn't budge, he sighed once more and turned around. "Midna! Can you take care of this thing for m--" Red Hood paused mid-sentence once he realized that Midna was nowhere to be found.


"...God fucking dammit..."

Just then, the fight finally began to break out. The man looked up and like some sort of ninja, outright did a backflip onto his hands, then pushed himself up off his hands and landed back on his feet, avoiding the pillar entirely! One might notice that his eyes were now glowing a strange, light blue color, and his body was enveloped in that exact same color aura.

"Great. So there are ninja bodyguards now. Why wouldn't there be ninja bodyguards?" Jason asked as he quickly pulled out his guns and shot a flurry of bullets towards the man, only for him to lift an arm and outright block the bullets entirely with it! However, for those of you who were paying close enough attention, you would notice that the bullets didn't even hit his skin, but rather the aura itself outright incinerated them! The man grunted and reached down into the ground, before ripping out a large chunk of the earth below and hurdling it towards Akari and Captain Falcon! He went to grab another chunk of ground, but was knocked back by Gretar's hammer. It bounced off of his aura and landed in the ground beside him, embedding itself in it. However, one could notice that upon striking him, the bodyguard's aura flashed brightly for a split second, before returning to normal.

Zwei, on the other hand, would merely bounce off the guard as she attempted to knock him out. The aura that enveloped him would send a burning sensation down her arm and knock her back a good few feet. Then, as the bodyguard had the chains wrapped around him, they wouldn't stay like that for long. He let out a loud scream as his aura began to glow even brighter, and soon enough, both of his hands gripped the chains, ripping them off his body! He threw them up into the air, allowing the lightning to strike them. He let out a pained scream as he felt the burns course across his hand, but otherwise the aura absorbed most of the pain. Then, as Hiryu attempted to enter the tent, he threw the chain in his direction in an attempt to catch him!


If the electrified chain successfullly wrapped around Hiryu's waste, the bodyguard would yank him back and out of the Tent of Telepathy. Then, once he was close enough, he'd pull Hiryu up to his face. Literal smoke was coming out of his nose as he angrily squeezed the Kamen Rider in his grip, before finally, he grabbed the end of the chain with both hands and began smacking Hiryu into all the fake Kamen Riders he'd made!

"Yeah, great to meet you!" Jason shouted towards the man who'd just come in through the portal. "But save the witty one-liners and badass slow-motion walks for later, please!"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @OutsidetheTent

As Xenophon entered the church, there would be no sign of Tektite. Rather, all he would find was Sora, Rex, a redheaded mid-fourties man preparing cucumber sandwiches, and Benedict outside striking the church's walls repeatedly with a hammer. Upon hearing Xenophon's question, the red-headed man merely glanced up and faced him with that award winning smile of his.

"You lot are certainly strange!" The man said, though he shrugged at the question itself. "Unfortunately, I haven't seen the thing you're looking for. But I'm sure he's around here somewhere!" When Sora and Rex parted ways away from the man, he smiled towards them both and waved them goodbye. "Alright! Feel free to come back and get some sandwiches, though!" He said happily. He then sniffed twice, only to smell smoke. "Oop! Looks like my cookies are done!" He exclaimed, before prancing happily off into the kitchen, not realizing that the smoke was in fact caused by Sage's fire.

When Sora made his way back to Wendy's room, he would find that the door was already open. Upon entering the room, he would find a sharp contrast from... well, everything else he'd seen.


The room was dark and lit only by a single blacklight hanging on the wall, above what looked like a spray-painted picture of a muffin. The room itself was a mess, with stuff thrown everywhere. It smelled like tobacco and alcohol and dirty clothes, but Wendy herself didn't seem to mind as she laid back on her bed, staring up at her phone. "The hell do you want?" She asked spitefully without even looking at Sora. "Didn't you weirdos go to suck off the Gleefuls or whatever?"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @TheChurch

"Hey, there ain't no need t'sell me out like that, Kitty Cat." Micah replied with a smirk as he strolled on out of the alleyway alongside Blake.

"W-well... a-alright then..." Blendin said as he began to walk out of the alleyway with Micah and Blake... only to stop half way. "W-wait just a gosh darn time minute!" Blendin shouted at the top of his lungs. An angry expression came on his face, as Micah turned around to face him with a loud sigh. "I-i-if you two aren't time anomalies, then why's he look like he's from the wild west! And why are you i-i-in medieval clothing!? W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-we're in the year 2013, not 1895!"

"Can I please shoot this guy now?" Micah asked Blake, groaning.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Pacifica shrugged in response to the penguin. "I dunno. I guess." She then heard Megumin explain who Bill was, but Pacifca still didn't buy it. "Well, the town is clearly fine! I mean, it kinda stinks and those Gleefuls are jerk-faces, but it certainly wasn't destroyed!" When Megumin asked her if she'd ever heard of the foundation, Pacifica merely shook her head. "Nuh-uh!" She protested, before facing Lilith. "No, Gideon's my cousin! Uncle Bud owns the place!" She explained. Lucky's words about memories being wiped didn't do anything to make things better, in fact they arguably just made things worse. "Well, I know my memory wasn't wiped!" Pacifica shouted. "I can remember everything from now since I was a little baby! Unless..." The little girl paused. "Unless... those are fake memories... and I'm some sort of alien clone of the real Pacifica! And you're all here to take me back to your mothership!"

With that thought now deeply implanted into her mind, she slowly backed away from you all, before pointing a finger at you guys and screaming loudly. "GIIIIIDEON, HELP! THERE ARE ALIENS HERE THAT WANNA EAT MY BRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIINSSSS!" She screamed, before rushing upstairs and slamming the door shut behind her. An audible clicking noise could be heard, indicating that she locked it.

"Well, there goes that lead...." Leo sighed.

P PopcornPie Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Chungchangching Chungchangching @MysteryShack

Soon after Haryu had been pulled out of the Tent of Telepathy, Midna casually just appeared from the side, having been hiding in the shadows.


"Well, looks like they're having fun out there, aren't they?" Midna asked as she floated up towards the curtain. "Don't worry, though. I'm sure you and I can have loads more fun in here~!" The imp chimed, before both of her small hands grabbed the curtain and attempted to yank it open...

Only for nothing to happen.

"What the...?" Midna asked, before pulling on it even harder, only for it to not move an inch. She sheepishly giggled as she looked at Whisper. "Gimme a sec! Probably just got stuck by the cold weather or something" She said despite it being summer, holding up a finger. Her hair then formed a large, orange hand, and began to pull on the curtain with all its might, alongside Midna's regular hands. Still, the curtain didn't budge, and Midna was sent flying back into the wall! She bonked against it and fell to the ground. After a few moments, she slowly pulled herself up and held her head. "Ugh... what's that stupid thing made out of!?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @InsidetheTent

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You giggled. You are starting to like Megumin.

>You hear a voice in your head.

By the bonds connected, you have obtained the skill set of Megumin.

>You have acquired the powers of Megumin. The following abilities you can use are; Explosion.

>The lead ran off in panic. Something is wrong.

"Should we go after her?"

"Oh great what's going on now, I swear if I see one more person ether die or get beaten half to death I'm gonna have to get someone to erase my memory of all this nonsense." Lilith slowly floats up the stairs and pokes half her body through the wall to see what is going on.
This won't end well.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pacifica)
Upon Lilith poking her head through the door, she would find Pacifica on her bead, curled up into a ball. She'd pulled her sweater up over her legs and pulled her arms inside of it, and had hidden her head through the collar. She was rocking back and forth, having gone to Sweater Town.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Captain Falcon would eventually find his way to the grounds of the Tent of Telepathy, where a fight with a comically oversized bouncer was about to break out. Jason glanced down as Tektite as the tiny creature entered as well, and he sighed loudly. "Not now, kid. Can't you see that a fight's about to break out?" He asked the tiny creature. Assuming that it didn't budge, he sighed once more and turned around. "Midna! Can you take care of this thing for m--" Red Hood paused mid-sentence once he realized that Midna was nowhere to be found.


"...God fucking dammit..."

Just then, the fight finally began to break out. The man looked up and like some sort of ninja, outright did a backflip onto his hands, then pushed himself up off his hands and landed back on his feet, avoiding the pillar entirely! One might notice that his eyes were now glowing a strange, light blue color, and his body was enveloped in that exact same color aura.

"Great. So there are ninja bodyguards now. Why wouldn't there be ninja bodyguards?" Jason asked as he quickly pulled out his guns and shot a flurry of bullets towards the man, only for him to lift an arm and outright block the bullets entirely with it! However, for those of you who were paying close enough attention, you would notice that the bullets didn't even hit his skin, but rather the aura itself outright incinerated them! The man grunted and reached down into the ground, before ripping out a large chunk of the earth below and hurdling it towards Akari and Captain Falcon! He went to grab another chunk of ground, but was knocked back by Gretar's hammer. It bounced off of his aura and landed in the ground beside him, embedding itself in it. However, one could notice that upon striking him, the bodyguard's aura flashed brightly for a split second, before returning to normal.

Zwei, on the other hand, would merely bounce off the guard as she attempted to knock him out. The aura that enveloped him would send a burning sensation down her arm and knock her back a good few feet. Then, as the bodyguard had the chains wrapped around him, they wouldn't stay like that for long. He let out a loud scream as his aura began to glow even brighter, and soon enough, both of his hands gripped the chains, ripping them off his body! He threw them up into the air, allowing the lightning to strike them. He let out a pained scream as he felt the burns course across his hand, but otherwise the aura absorbed most of the pain. Then, as Hiryu attempted to enter the tent, he threw the chain in his direction in an attempt to catch him!


If the electrified chain successfullly wrapped around Hiryu's waste, the bodyguard would yank him back and out of the Tent of Telepathy. Then, once he was close enough, he'd pull Hiryu up to his face. Literal smoke was coming out of his nose as he angrily squeezed the Kamen Rider in his grip, before finally, he grabbed both the end of the chain with both hands and began smacking Hiryu into all the fake Kamen Riders he'd made!

"Yeah, great to meet you!" Jason shouted towards the man who'd just come in through the portal. "But save the witty one-liners and badass slow-motion walks for later, please!"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @OutsidetheTent

"I didn't want to do this, but it's hero time!"

Ben smacks his watch down, allowing transformation to begin. His skin began to be covered in blue fur, he became more jackal-like in his face...



The jackal-like form declared. It seemed that it spoke through some type of telepathy. It created a aura-based bone in his hand, using it to perform a low sweep to trip the 'ninja' guard!

"Bone Rush!"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @OutsidetheTent

Pacifica shrugged in response to the penguin. "I dunno. I guess." She then heard Megumin explain who Bill was, but Pacifca still didn't buy it. "Well, the town is clearly fine! I mean, it kinda stinks and those Gleefuls are jerk-faces, but it certainly wasn't destroyed!" When Megumin asked her if she'd ever heard of the foundation, Pacifica merely shook her head. "Nuh-uh!" She protested, before facing Lilith. "No, Gideon's my cousin! Uncle Bud owns the place!" She explained. Lucky's words about memories being wiped didn't do anything to make things better, in fact they arguably just made things worse. "Well, I know my memory wasn't wiped!" Pacifica shouted. "I can remember everything from now since I was a little baby! Unless..." The little girl paused. "Unless... those are fake memories... and I'm some sort of alien clone of the real Pacifica! And you're all here to take me back to your mothership!"

With that thought now deeply implanted into her mind, she slowly backed away from you all, before pointing a finger at you guys and screaming loudly. "GIIIIIDEON, HELP! THERE ARE ALIENS HERE THAT WANNA EAT MY BRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIINSSSS!" She screamed, before rushing upstairs and slamming the door shut behind her. An audible clicking noise could be heard, indicating that she locked it.

"Well, there goes that lead...." Leo sighed.

P PopcornPie Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Chungchangching Chungchangching @MysteryShack

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You giggled. You are starting to like Megumin.

>You hear a voice in your head.

By the bonds connected, you have obtained the skill set of Megumin.

>You have acquired the powers of Megumin. The following abilities you can use are; Explosion.

>The lead ran off in panic. Something is wrong.

"Should we go after her?"

View attachment 739323
"Oh great what's going on now, I swear if I see one more person ether die or get beaten half to death I'm gonna have to get someone to erase my memory of all this nonsense." Lilith slowly floats up the stairs and pokes half her body through the wall to see what is going on.
This won't end well.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pacifica)

"Respect her personal space, please," the Agent says, tapping on his EPF phone to conjure a glove-based gadget, pulling Lilith backwards, before he put the gadget back where it was.

He then knocked on the door with his flipper. "Pacifica, can we have a word?"

P PopcornPie Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Chungchangching Chungchangching @MysteryShack
“Hello, Wendy? Huh? The door’s open.” Sora made his way into Wendy’s room, and.... it’s not the worst thing he’d seen, it’s just a little junkie.

“(Well, it’s not that bad, mine used to be like that from time to time, minus the cereal on the floor.)”

Sora would examine the room, taking in it’s surroundings, getting a feel for it. “(Least it’s better then Grif’s room. Can’t say much for the smell though, instead of mold and trash, it’s cigs.) Wendy, there you are.”

Wendy saw Sora to her displeasure, and wanted to know what he wanted. “Gleefuls, what are you talking about, what’s- anyways. I was told you knew something about Bill Cypher. Me and my friends need information to take him out, can you help us?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Orbeck of Vinheim
status : Back at the shack.
condition: normal. if somewhat embarrassed.

Orbeck would find that he could, in fact, use his soul arrows just fine. As he fired one off in the distance, though, the sound of the man who Delsausage pelted with flaming hot dogs earlier could be heard screaming in the distance. "Ow! Today is just not Toby's lucky day!" The man shouted in dismay.


"Let's... not throw random arrows at people." Leo said
How did that even happen? HOW? He could've sworn that clearing in the forest was clear without any random naked men running around. Who was that guy anyway?

"You're going to compound the loss of my magic and show off your own, aren't you?"

Yup. Orbeck tried to cast a spell. A perfect "soul arrow" came out, flying away into the trees. Now Megumin had a bitter taste in her mouth, and she grumpily told her story.
"That wasn't the point. I was just making sure I wasn't prohibited from using my sorceries like the last time I was sent here."

"You see, when we were kidnapped by the Meta, the Project Freelancer members decided it would be safest to clone us, then put our consciousnesses inside the clone bodies. These clones didn't have our powers or weapons, so we had to be looked after by the soldiers in Blood Gulch as recruits. Eventually, those clone bodies were killed by the Meta, so we had to be put back in...well, I'm not confident in saying that this is my original body, but at least we all had our powers back, right?" She growled and shook her head. "Somehow, my brain was handled improperly. Shortly after I was returned to my home world, I tried to use Explosion on a pack of White Wolves, only for the spell to backfire and paralyze me." She began to shiver. "It would have been my end, if Mao Mao didn't find me."

After the magic debacle, Leo followed the two wizards to something called the "Mystery Hack". "It looks like a level two adventurer's house." Megumin muttered.
"I see."
They eventually got to the shack, along with a few others. Just from the cheery demeanor of the blond hair girl, it would be apparent that she was supposed to be some version of Mable Pines. It was odd. Seeing someone else talk exactly like another, right down to their mannerisms.
"A level what?"

>You paid your attention, but then you were behind Megumin all of a sudden and started poking her loli cheeks.
"Hey! Please, don't dig your fingernails in so deeply!" Megumin squealed and whimpered, trying in vain to push Shujinko away.
"if you can stop poking her cheeks...then maybe we can formulate some sort of plan," he whispered to Shujinko. "come over here for a moment."
then turning to Pacifica "Excuse us for a moment, Pacifi..."
but before he could do anything else...

Pacifica shrugged in response to the penguin. "I dunno. I guess." She then heard Megumin explain who Bill was, but Pacifca still didn't buy it. "Well, the town is clearly fine! I mean, it kinda stinks and those Gleefuls are jerk-faces, but it certainly wasn't destroyed!" When Megumin asked her if she'd ever heard of the foundation, Pacifica merely shook her head. "Nuh-uh!" She protested, before facing Lilith. "No, Gideon's my cousin! Uncle Bud owns the place!" She explained. Lucky's words about memories being wiped didn't do anything to make things better, in fact they arguably just made things worse. "Well, I know my memory wasn't wiped!" Pacifica shouted. "I can remember everything from now since I was a little baby! Unless..." The little girl paused. "Unless... those are fake memories... and I'm some sort of alien clone of the real Pacifica! And you're all here to take me back to your mothership!"

With that thought now deeply implanted into her mind, she slowly backed away from you all, before pointing a finger at you guys and screaming loudly. "GIIIIIDEON, HELP! THERE ARE ALIENS HERE THAT WANNA EAT MY BRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIINSSSS!" She screamed, before rushing upstairs and slamming the door shut behind her. An audible clicking noise could be heard, indicating that she locked it.

This had to happen, that rabbit had to put words into the mind of a child.

"Gods. You people were too overbearing..."

may as well address most of the group. Given that Pacifica.
"As that talking penguin has said, it is imperative that we don't speak too openly about Bill and related matters. Let me reiterate that Bill is a malicious being capable of manipulation of our sense of reality and is most likely the one responsible for the discrepancies in Gravity falls. We can not have BIll finding out about our arrival...Last i remember, this shack hoses some sort of underground facility, one that has been responsible for the previous incident here."
He walks over to the vending machine, the location that he knows for a fact is the entrance to this underground facility.
"This should be the entrance, If anyone has the means to move this...vending machine over, then we should have the means to enter the aforementioned base."

>"Should we go after her?"

"Let me also clarify that despite the circumstances, she is still a child...leave her be for now."
he then looks forward to Lucky, the rabbit who may as well be on the same list as Doomguy and the squid girl for making dumb mistakes.
"Everyone else takes a look around for anyone else in the building,"

P PopcornPie Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching
Zwei screamed in pain as she was burned and launched a few feet back. She managed to land perfectly away from the guard.

”Allrightyouwannabetough, letsbetough!”
She switches the vibration to a higher frequency and rushes the guard again! This time striking at multiple spots in his aura.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari watched as the bodyguard not only dodged seemingly everything that was thrown at them, but fought back quite hard. A chunk of earth had been thrown straight towards him and Captain Falcon, and with quick thinking, Akari guarded the attack with his sword. He was able to defend himself from a large amount of the blow, but he slid back from the impact nevertheless. "He's like a Shadow... certainly stronger than he appears at first. But... I've dealt with plenty of Shadows." Akari summoned Kronos once more, but this time he adopted a bit more of a defensive strategy. "When the going gets tough, get tougher." With a cast of Marakukaja, everyone fighting the Bodyguard would find their defensive power gain a boost.

When Ben asked who he was, Akari turned his head toward him, observing how he had transformed into some sort of anthropomorphic animal. "Akari. Akari Kishiri. But, we will have time for proper introductions when we don't have a musclehead ninja trying to stop us. What I can see, though, is that you've tricks up your sleeve, as well. Excellent."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Crow Crow

(Open for Interactions)
He watched the battle as he slowly walked towards it, seeing how this one man was somehow tanking all this damage. But hey, at least someone won’t die to one shot from his passport now. He the turned and faced Red Hood and said “way to ruin the mood.... but hey... might as well shoot him now.” as he aimed his pulse rifle and shot a dark matter ball at the man. He then switched it out for his ToolGun and quickly checked its screen, before spawning in a prop, an broken car, before spawning in a gravity gun in his hands. He then used the glowing orange tool to pick up the broken car, before launching it at the bodyguard, saying out loud to his teammates “if this guy survives a large car, then he can pretty much survive anything.” as he looked at the bodyguard again.

Looks like this guy is not some sort of cheap copy of the Shugoki’s back at home, because apparently he is surviving everything they launched at them. He just shrug as he charged the man, preparing to use Twilight of the Gods to knock his foe onto the ground and get a free Hamarr slam in. He got into range of the man as he held the hammer above his head, a red circle appearing on the ground, the hammer also glowing orange as he yelled out Ragnarok”, and unless the bodyguard attacked using a move that pushes people, then he would be able to unbalance his opponent and throw him onto the floor. But he did not notice the car flying past him, only focusing on his attack.
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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