"Oh, that was just my daughter, Wendy! She's quite the character!" The man laughed and stood up from the coffin, revealing a pair of bloodied, black gloves on his hands. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm. "Gee whiz, transporting these bodies from the funeral home to here sure is exhausting!" He exclaimed to no one in particular, before turning back to face the two boys. "Well, what brought you here to our quiet little town? It's not on many maps, after all! I doubt you just... found us on your own!" He said, following up his words with another kind-hearted laugh as he began walking towards the side of the church. "Can I get you three anything, by the way? Drinks? Cookies? Cucumber sandwiches?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

  • "You mean the Gleefuls?" Wendy asked, furrowing her brows even more as she listened to Haryu speak. "Gideon is the only Pines in Gravity Falls. Well, him and his piece of shit dad. But he's never around." She pointed towards the direction opposite of the woods. "If you're looking for Dipper and Mabel Gleeful though, they're at the Tent of Telepathy on the opposite end of town." She shrugged. "It's probably not open right now, though. They're preparing for their next 'Biiiiig Show'." She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she raised her hands to make lazy, passive aggressive jazz hands to accompany the "Biiiig Show" part. "Bleh... hate those pompous assholes..."
    "Oooh, a big show!" Megumin's eyes twinkled. "I hope we can have time to watch it once we're all done here!" Her expression soured as she remembered there being bigger fish to fry. "Have you seen Kazuma? He's about my height, brunette hair, green eyes and collar-shoulderpad thing. I was told that he was taken to this town." She cocked her head towards Jason.

    "Megumin, come with me to the shack. I'll be in need of your assistance." If his statement was not enough to bring Megumin out from the current conversation. He would proceed to drag the small arch wizard with him. towards the forest. He honestly wanted to continue that conversation with Megumin and her stubborn persistence of using a single spell. Speaking of spells, is he able to use his sorceries this time? As they start to approach the shack, Orbeck decided to continue the conversation slowing down just a tad bit.

    "So, what lead to your inability to use your "explosion magic"? if I might ask?"
    He takes out his court sorcerers staff. Somewhat bland compared to the stylings of Megumin's own staff.


    With it, he attempts to cast a simple sorcery, a soul arrow in a presumably random direction in the forest. Will he be able to cast it or not?
    "OW! Heeeey!" Megumin thrashed around in Orbeck's grasp. "I just said I'm not a child, and you're making me look like one!" She whined. "Do you realize how hard this kind of gesture is to live down?! At least let go of me so I can follow you like a normal fourteen year old does!" Her protests echoed over the treetops.

    Even after he finally released her, she glared at him with her bottom lip out. "What could be so important that you needed to drag me out here like a lamb?"

    To be blunt, she wasn't particularly interested in Orbeck's staff; compared to hers, it was very much a beginner's staff. It didn't even have an orb nestled into its curve. Alas, she understood, and her head drooped with a defeated sigh. "You're going to compound the loss of my magic and show off your own, aren't you?"

    Yup. Orbeck tried to cast a spell. A perfect "soul arrow" came out, flying away into the trees. Now Megumin had a bitter taste in her mouth, and she grumpily told her story.

    "You see, when we were kidnapped by the Meta, the Project Freelancer members decided it would be safest to clone us, then put our consciousnesses inside the clone bodies. These clones didn't have our powers or weapons, so we had to be looked after by the soldiers in Blood Gulch as recruits. Eventually, those clone bodies were killed by the Meta, so we had to be put back in...well, I'm not confident in saying that this is my original body, but at least we all had our powers back, right?" She growled and shook her head. "Somehow, my brain was handled improperly. Shortly after I was returned to my home world, I tried to use Explosion on a pack of White Wolves, only for the spell to backfire and paralyze me." She began to shiver. "It would have been my end, if Mao Mao didn't find me."

    After the magic debacle, Leo followed the two wizards to something called the "Mystery Hack". "It looks like a level two adventurer's house." Megumin muttered.
The boys would find out that the girl that barged in earlier is named Wendy and is the daughter of the man standing before them. “Your daughter? I hope she’s okay.”

“Geez, I wonder what you did to make her that mad.” Sora elbows him in the chest a little, reminding him to choose his words carefully at this (possibly) sensitive moment.

After that, the man asks what they’re doing in Gravity Falls.
“We’re looking for a being named Bill Cypher. Have you seen him?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Maybe he should have not sneaked up on them while spying on the tent, as he saw Jason almost scared to death after noticing him. He then whispered out in Icelandic Fyrirgefðu .... það heitir Grétar (English translation:sorry about that.... the name is Gretar by the way) as he looked at the tent. He then listened more to the conversation, about this Bill Cypher, and the tent might being a trap. Until he saw Midna hovering above them saying that they should rush in, only to be pulled back into the bush they were in by Jason. He rose a brow at this and agreed with what Jason said, which is to not go in there, and probably wait until reinforcements arrive so that they have a higher chance of taking this Bill Cypher down. But he held his hammar with his right hand, ready to fight in case their cover was blown and something was sent after them.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I would suggest we knock on their door. From what it sounds, it seems that they are having a friendly conversation, therefore we might meet up with some friendlies. What do you think, Shujinko? Um...Shujinko?"

>You paid your attention, but then you were behind Megumin all of a sudden and started poking her loli cheeks.

--Kakogawa Hiryu || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

"I could try and simply ghost my way in, but I'll need to know what I'm dealing with first." Hiryu says as he would then listen in to what the crowd would be saying. . . It seems that they could bend reality, according to the crowd's chatter. Clearly Bill's work. But why would he be working with the ones who sealed him off in the first place? Hiryu doesn't know, but he needs answers.

Whisper observes that the crowd seems to expand to where she is. As she got close to the rope, pushed by the growing crowd, the guard would see her, bringing sweat to her fur.

"Eep!" Whisper would yelped softly as she tried to back up, her tail spiking up in fear as she desperately tried to find a new way in.

"I agree with Midna-chan. These guys said that they could bend reality, right?" Hiryu whispers to Jason, "Then why not make them get into action faster? I'll cause some good old fashioned chaos. You guys sneak in if there's an opening." Hiryu simply says before getting out of bush, raising the Anotherwatch onto the air.

"Henshin." Hiryu says as he pressed on its crown, the watch's face glowed a black energy started to wrap around Hiryu as his appearance changed into a veiny corpse-like monster with stitches all over its body, clad in a black leather jacket with a hood on. Its face is orange with pitch black bug eyes and an eternal grin--its face stitched to some sort helmet with white flowing hair to the sides of its hooded face. It also contains a large black horn on its forehead. Its chest has an orange open eye as well as its belt with some sort of lever on the side of its belt.


G̴̮̙͆̀ ̸̨̳̓̔̔͐͊H̸͖̽ ̸̤̔O̴̰͓̥̪̿́͗̇͋ ̵̭̕S̵͇̥̹̳͗̽̾͝͝ ̴̥̺̀͘ͅT̵̢̖̈̿̋͝
It spreads its arms as it began to float around the crowd, attempting to distract it by suddenly turning into 4 ghastly parkas, flying all over the crowd. Either these fans are crazy enough to believe this is one of the Gleeful's tricks, or they'll be scared shitless.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Before long, the mission to Gravity Falls began to commence. Akari listened to what Red Hood and Shuri had said, and placed a fist to his chest. "Understood." He lowered his gaze down to his watch and punched in the coordinates that Shuri had provided. "Four... two... seven... nine... eight... seven... two... three!" Akari murmured to himself. "Alright, what happens no-" Suddenly, Akari began to feel a bit lightheaded as the dark cloud surrounded him and the very air around him began to distort.

Akari (feeling a bit nauseated from the trip) arrived in Gravity Falls, a quiet-seeming mountain town. And, what breathtaking scenery! First Wakanda, now this place... it sure seemed like Akari was getting quite the scenic tour. "You may take point. But... urgh. That was something, alright. Quite different from going into... the Metaverse." Akari said to Jason and Midna as he followed them. Someone else in the group, who seemed to be quite fast, had done a quick recon operation and found nothing, save some sort of... strange, dancing man.

In any case, Akari followed the two of them (and whoever else had come along) to some sort of tent. He hid in the bushes with them, waiting to see what would happen next.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
"You can try, but I wouldn't recommend it." Jason replied to Zwei with a shrug. He then turned to Gretar, but luckily he was fluent in multiple languages so he understood him. Training under The Batman would do that to you. "Right, yeah. I'm Red Hood." Jason whispered in response. Meanwhile, as Haryu's ghosts began to fly over the crowd, they began to cheer and holler at the sight.

"Wow! I can't believe they're giving us a pre-show!" One of the crowd members cheered, while everyone else cheered and clapped at the sight. The bodyguard, meanwhile, didn't move a muscle.

"Well, so much for that plan..." Jason scoffed. Whisper, on the other hand, would not be able to find another way in, as the tent was nailed to the ground on all corners, and there were no other entrances.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @TentofTelepathy

"Pfffft... I'm pretty sure that I'd remember an apocalypse!" Pacifica exclaimed in response to Lucky, seeming to pass off his words as nothing more than a joke. Whatever the case here was, it appeared that the people here were pretty oblivious to Bill's entire presence. It was then that the others entered The Shack. Pacifica watched Lucky and Megumin interact, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Chomu.... what?" Pacifica asked, confused. "Do you know this girl, Lucky? To make things even weirder, some other girl walk up beside Megumin and poke her in the cheek. Pacifica just chose to ignore that, and instead firmly placed her hands on her hips and gave off an angry expression. "My memory's just fine, thank you!" She shouted annoyedly. "Like, I can remember every boy I've ever crushed on, plus all the lyrics to all the boy band songs I've heard, AND all of Gideon's weird journal things! So there!" She shouted defiantly, before immaturely sticking out her tongue and blowing raspberries at the group.

P PopcornPie Crow Crow Topless Topless Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Chungchangching Chungchangching @MysteryShack

"Oh, don't worry! She's always like that!" The red-headed man chuckled as he entered the church's kitchen-- which was right next to the main hall. He pulled out some bags of cookies and chips for the trio, his warm smile remaining on his face all the while. "You know how teenagers are. I had a bit of a rebellious streak when I was her age as well." He said, following his words up with another chuckle. He sure was friendly, at least. "Can't say I've heard of any Bill Cipher, though. Is he foreign?" He asked as he began laying out sandwiches on clear plastic plates.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @TheChurch
Lilith ran out of the building trying to avoid all the crazy shenanigans happening back there. "First Benedict was getting the snot beat out of him and now some random girl just spontaneously exploded next to me, I've got to go somewhere less dangerous." She then took out her watch and hesitated for a bit before deciding to give it a try. "I guess one try wouldn't hurt." She ended up in a forest and while she was exploring she eventually found a shack with a few people inside. "What's going on in there?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and the shaq peeps
haha i said shaq instead of shack i'm so funny
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Sora and Rex ask the man about Bill, but alas, he hasn’t heard of him. The boys gather for a quick whisper again.

First the town’s peaceful, there’s no there’s no sign of Bill, and the townsfolk here haven’t even heard of him? Are we even in the right place?”

“We have to be, the guys back there gave us exact coordinates. We are here to save the multiverse after all.”

“That is true, but still, this doesn’t make any sense. Let’s try asking him something else that may be related to Bill

The two break up and start to ask him some questions.

“Ummm. How do I say this. He’s this triangle shaped god, and we’re here to take him out. Has he caused any trouble here?”

“Or any clues you may have that could leads us to him. Or anyone you know, anyone at all? At the very least someone that think believes Bill is real?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Another Ghost|| Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201

"This isn't working...I need a new plan..." Hiryu's ghosts whisper as they fly around the crowd, the ghosts would gather in a donut formation around the shack, circling it. As if he had an epiphany, Hiryu had one of the ghosts pick up a panicking Whisper sweeping her off her feet and onto the other side of the rope, making it seem like an accident. With all eyes on him and his ghosts, Hiryu started to throw in some of the crowd ONTO the other side of the rope! Eventually, the ghosts gathered at the very top of the tent, reforming into the monstrous Another Ghost.

Whisper, seeing her chance and what Hiryu is actually plotting, had some of her Wisps be set free--particularly the cyan and the pink one as she made a mad dash towards the tent entrance!

Mood: Shocked, Regretful, Observant
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Leo had never really said anything about the flight offer, he had probably ruined the idea with the mentions of crashing, which uhhh was most likely the prudent thing to do in this situation... But, instead, it had been Alexis who had accepted it. Sage couldn't help but wonder how that would even work considering that she had mentioned that any sort of physical contact with her had the risk of draining the Lights of beings... Unless she went in the back?? Was the self-proclaimed 'Kitsune' fire-proof? The way she spoke did give off the feel of perhaps having similar power-sets, and yet! Assuming was never a good idea. It really left the doubt though, would they be flying together, or was Alexis expecting to be a passenger?? That's something he'd have to clear up with her later apparently... Would be nice though, to get a flight partner for a bit other than birds!!

She pushed on with the idea of teaching more about controlling his ability... And the logic was undeniable, as most as he still felt rather unsure about the whole thing. Honestly, this wasn't the first time he had this, Hershel had insisted on similar too... Was that even possible? He had always taken the lack of control and absurd need for focus like something natural, perhaps it was just the Universe's way to balance things... 'Here's a very versatile impossible power and everything you try with it will backfire' or something... Despite said 'balance' being even more detrimental to it. The Universe operates in mysterious ways.

"IIIIIIIIIII can't really deny any of that...", Sage had replied putting a finger back down. The hierarchy didn't allow him to argue back either, "Do I have much hope on it? Uhhhh, not really? But by all means, if you think you can help, I sure am up for it! It's rather exciting too, I've never had a Magic instructor before~! ...Unless you count Rune Magic which, is something else entirely, and a loooot less volatile. Well, it's not like there was anyone that could teach me more either, only contain it, strain over mental balance and hope for the best..."

From the explanation over the whole 'taking Souls' bit, the pyromancer could more or less comprehend that whatever the woman was and wherever she was from, Lights were also used as magical batteries over there. It was, a bit offputting to be honest, and added a mental note to ask about whether her place had a similar Reincarnation Cycle or not... Where did the stolen Lights went? What happened to the people they once were? Was that interrupting the cycle by complete? In his place, it would. Lights had that name because not only they had once been Stars, but because that was pretty much how they acted. If you stopped providing electricity to a lamp it stopped working right? By a similar principle burning out a Light with Magic would simply make it stop existing, converted into a form of fuel.

It was a scary idea, to be suddenly gone without a trace forever. Some people took solace that even after death they'd not be completely gone and that though limited as they time was, at least it was adequate, to live a full life... As a Descendant, Sage didn't exactly get that luxury. How many years had been spent by now? How much longer should he be looking forward to? Would it be more reassuring or distressing to have an exact number?? Every high-strain incident was as much as a risk to others as it was to himself.

...This was the worst time to be worrying over Death, wasn't it?

Luckily the call to action would soon break through the train of thought. It was time for action! Of course, it also meant that it was time to clean his mess... Nibbling a bit faster at the end of the burger that was finally done, the young man bent down to pick up the now a bit less soggy but still very much burnt one from the ground, putting it adequately inside a trashcan, a moment of silence holding the Sign of the Heart in respect for the abused food item. Sage had also considered drying the floor, but without enough time to head off and get a towel or something of the sort, his only option would be taking the armlet off and letting his natural heat aura do the job. That sounded like a bad idea, so the floor was left wet. Hopefully, no one would trip on it...

Something else that was wet was one of his jacket's pockets. That's was the result of using it as a cup holder for the milkshake and then forgetting to take it out. The condensed water soaked the fabric and the tiny box of matches he carried with him... Shoot, uuuuhhh the matches would still work when dry, right? Taking two biiiiig sips of the vanilla milkshake and then leaving it by the table to whoever would like to finish it, Sage had arrived in the nick of time to the watch sync session, having pocketed the still unopened water bottle just in case...

Numbers input and watch glowing, he couldn't say that the cloud thing was too pleasant to look at, and instead to take his mind off of the whole thing had closed his eyes muttering a little prayer in Bh̀-liwê. Anything to avoid his mind of registering it as threat and having his power react with it. And hey, it worked! The trip went on without any more incidents.

The place they had ended up was... unexpectedly nice? No really, with all the commentaries about a crazed triangular Deity taking over the location, Sage had been expecting ultimate chaos, but... this? It was a town smaller than his own! A legit countryside little town, the likes that the Wood and Earth Clans would be all over, away from the bulk of technological advancement and the hectic urbane paces. In here, nature seemed to take a chunk of the town for itself, trees extending over to the mountains in the horizon.

A light-blue nearly clear sky overhead was so pretty that the pyromancer itched to fly on it as soon as it had come to sight. It beckoned him to soar in the free space that honestly had the makings of a child's fantasy or something just as pure. Could a place such as this really hold a dark, malevolent purpose behind it?

"Don't let your guard down, everyone. This is probably one of Bill's tricks."

The others seemed to think so.

He watched as Zwei hurried before anybody else, scouting every residency in a matter of seconds. Sage had his mouth open most of the time, impressed with the sheer speed that lady could run! How did that work?? Could she bend like... Time itself?? Wait uhhh, maybe not starting to wonder about the mechanics of people's powers again was a better idea, wouldn't want to get another headache trying to make sense of things! For now, blind acceptance would have to be the name of the game.

With the sky calling out to him, the Phoenix Descendant had been about to oblige when a new person had stepped in front of the group and confronted them. The punk style of the girl had instantly made his heart skip a beat, with the name of 'Lucy' almost getting uttered out of instinct. Of course, this was a different world and the female in darker shades was not his college friend. She still had her hair in a normal hair color! ...And they hadn't been in good terms ever since the auditory incident.
Well, she had tried, but it had been clear that things would not be the same between them, an added apprehension to their later interactions... Sage hadn't talked to Lucy again in many months now. It wasn't as if they had ever met outside of the university after all.

Not Lucy turned out to not be too helpful, and even rather hostile. He should have just gone already, looking for something to do, but he couldn't. For as long as the native teen has stood there with her punk attitude, the pyromancer could only stare back with shock. By the Gods, even some of the lines echoed similar, it was impossible not to see the resemblance, despite the lack of Emerald bright-coloured hair. He could kinda see it though, well, maybe not a shade of green, but purple or blue?? It seemed to fit in the mental image his mind was conjuring.

It was only once she had left that his brain seemed to restart, as if her departure broke some kind of enchantment... He blinked, still observing the direction the Punk girl had walked off to............ AND SUDDENLY HE REMEMBERED WHAT HE WAS ABOUT TO DO.

"Uhhh I'mma patrol around and get a layout of the town!!!", Sage announced to no one in particular, sliding off the bracelet in a single swift motion.

As soon as it was off, the usual shade of cappuccino brown that his eyes had took on a fiery orange-red tint to them and the air nearby seemed to heat up just slightly. At the same time he felt, envigorated, it was a sudden surge of power, confidence and the sensation that finally things felt just fine. As if the Universe itself had suddenly been fixed and natural order had been restablished. There was a smile and with a loud 'foosh' a pair of wings made of fire, matching a bird's seemed to come to life out from thin air, hovering just inches from his back and somehow not burning the jacket.

The wing constructs took a fierce flap, straightening downwards and zoooooom Sage was off with impressive speed, higher and higher stopping about the height of a tower. Initially, he had stood there, occasional flaps stabilizing the flight, as he eyed the horizon and everything that was immediately in front of him taking in the beauty of the environment. Then with a new flap, he turned behind travelling forwards before forcing a turn right. The plan was to circle around not too far from the departure point, taking notice of every building, formation or interesting structure that could be seen from the new advantage point.

Yes, it had been an excuse to distance himself from the whole 'Lucy' matter, but who knew? He might see something the others had missed this high up too, right? If not, he'd take this time to calm down and return to Alexis just as quickly.
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As the dark grey cloud enveloped over Benedict, he would begin to panic, screaming into his megaphone yet again
And with that, Benedict and a frantic Josh were thrown into Gravity falls, along with a mountain of suitcases they might’ve hit someone in the head as they flew out.
Benedict did NOT like this, some sort of witchcraft took everyone from Mojito and threw them into gravity falls.
Ah......I see my various land investments went well....come Josh, I want a real close look at my real estate success.
Benedict would then proceed into the town on Joshs back
Hm, no....no no no, this.....doesn’t seem right.....the statue of me should go.....there, the prune store should be there......ah.....and the church to me should be.....there......this won’t do, I’ll start renovations.....right now.
Benedict would then proceed to pull out a hammer, viciously pounding the wall of the nearest building
Hmmmmm hm hmmm hm hmmmmmm.....ah.....better.....I will see this towns shining glory soon......glorious.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Oops, looks like she was caught! "O-Oh I didn't think you would notice me, sorry for ease dropping I guess." Lilith said laughing a little nervously afterwards. "I just really needed to get away form whatever was going on back there."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pacifica)
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake looked towards Micah. "
No, but I think I might be starting to understand." She looked back at the man, Blendin. "So... let me get this straight."

Listening to everything this man told them, it seems as though he was sent here to figure out what happened and stop time anomalies. But, the two of them and the others weren't time anomalies at all, yet Blendin wasn't listening to that part. A stubborn one, he is.

So, Bill caused Weirdmageddon months ago for whatever reason, keeping you and your organization unable to enter this town, destroying the town and torturing the residents. Then, all of a sudden, you're allowed in, only to find that the entire town is seemingly fixed and people's personalities are shifted and we're the reason because you're convinced that we're time anomalies."

Sighing, she continued. "
Listen, Blendin. We've just arrived here and we're here to help the situation. Neither me or my... associate here are time anomalies, we aren't even from here. So how about we work together and help this town? We all want the same thing: to stop Bill."

Really, she had her suspicions that he might be a mole for Bill, but if he wasn't, they'd need all the help they could get. Especially from a resident of this world, even if he's from the future.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Megumin, choosing to be serious about this situation, held her stoic frown. She surveyed the Mystery Hack with eyes as hard and brilliant as garnets. "If there is memory trickery going on, then we're fighting an uphill battle. Nobody believes us, and we can't get any clues if nobody believes us. If magic still works here, then we may need to do something advanced. On the other hand, can we even get access to memory spells around here?" In the midst of her brainstorm, through the shield of pure seriousness and attentiveness she had built, one of her fellow recruits managed to slip through...and started poking her cheek.

    "Hey! Please, don't dig your fingernails in so deeply!" Megumin squealed and whimpered, trying in vain to push Shujinko away.

Even though he didn’t want to enter, apparently everyone else wanted to get in. He watched as Hiryu transformed into something and tried distracting the crowd. It seemed to work as he heard the man he almost scared to death was called Red Hood. But apparently, this was their chance or something to enter the tent, to which he looked at red hood and said in Icelandic “um .... ættum við að gera eitthvað til að stöðva þetta eða vera hér inni” (English translation: um.... should we do something to stop this or do we stay in here) as he waited for his response.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore quadraxis201 quadraxis201
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

"Well, that is... certainly the most macabre thing I've seen all day." Akari made an observation as Hiryu proceeded to create a distraction. But, putting a hand on the handle of his sword, Akari said to everyone, "It looks like he's buying us time, though. I suggest we seize the opportunity. Let's go." He quickly stood up and ran, sword gripped tightly, towards the rope. With a mighty leap, Akari bounded over the rope and into the tent.

(Open for Interactions)
"Oh, heavens no! I don't know anything about that occult voodoo stuff!" The man replied to Sora and Rex with a shake of his head. Grinning still, he thumbed towards the back where Wendy went. "You'll have to ask my daughter about all that! She's into all kinds of crazy things!" He said. It was then that a loud banging could be heard from outside the building. The man didn't seem to acknowledge it, though, as if those kinds of sounds were normal around here. If Sora or Rex were to go investigate the source of the noise, they would find none other than Benedict banging the wall with his hammer.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @TheChurch

Haryu's distraction seemed to be a rousing success. The crowd, and even the bodyguard, began to cheer even louder as they watched the show and even got to participate in it! The crowd absolutely adored the man's show, and they were all too distracted to even try and notice Whisper making a dash into the tent from behind the rope!

"Huh.... I'll be damned." Jason muttered in mild shock. He then looked over at Gretar and was about to reply, but before he could, Akari lept out of the bushes and blew everyone's cover. Even with the show going on, this was enough to grab the bodyguard's attention once more. He very angrily stomped over to the rope and stood in front of it, just as Akari lept into the air. With a loud thumping noise, Akari crashed against the man, who didn't move a single muscle, instead watching the former fall to the ground. He didn't say anything as he stared at you all angrily, and instead only cracked his knuckles.




"Oh, you've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me..."
Jason groaned.

Looks like you were in for a fight.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @OutsidetheTent

As Whisper enetred the fabled tent, she would find that it was... well, a lot cheaper than she probably thought. It was filled with foldable, metal chairs, all of which were lined up for the guests who entered. The room almost had an eerily creepy vibe to it. All the noise from outside appeared to silence completely, and Whisper would feel cold chills even underneath all that fur she sported. In the front of the room, there was an empty stage, which was covered completely by dark blue curtains. In the center of the curtains was a star split up into five fragments, and in its center was an eye that eerily resembled Bill's...

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @InsidetheTent

When Sage flew up into the air, he didn't exactly find anything new, but he did get a better view of the place. Depending on how good his eyesight was, he would find the Mystery Shack in one corner, and in the opposite the Tent of Telepathy, where it looked like a fight was about to break out next to a cheering crowd. In the center of the town, not too far from where they were walking earlier, was a church. The only noticeable thing there was Benedict smacking its walls with a comically oversized hammer. Then, finally, if his vision was really good, he would notice Blake and Micah conversing with some fat bald man in the alleyway...

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @TheSkiiiiieeeeesssss

"No, no, you're fine!" Pacifica exclaimed as she held up her hands, afraid that she hurt the ghost girl's feelings. "We never get guests here anyways! Well, unless you wanna count the tourists as guests... but still, we never get guests like you guys!" However, confusion once again returned to her face as she heard Lucky throwing out terms she had no idea about. "MPF? Blood Gulch...? And who's this Bill guy you keep talkin' about?" She had so many questions now, and none of them were being answered! Poor Pacifica. "And... I don't think Gideon would like that Benedict guy very much. The last time we met an insane guy, he tried to eat all our cereal and pee on our couch." Pacifica made a disgusted face at that, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she held her stomach. "Ugh... it took weeks to get the smell out..."

When Lucky looked down at the watch, however, it would appear that the watch not only looked new, but almost futuristic. It had a very slick, rectangular design, and it seemed to be made of an extremely resistant metal. One that felt warm to the touch, yet harder than pure tungsten. Also, the watch clearly read "Gravity Falls", so there was no mistaking that they were in the right place.

P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @MysteryShack

Blendin slowly nodded in response to Blake's explanation. "Th-that's what I just said, yes." Though, when she further explained the stuff about Bill, and why they were here, Blendin stood there for a few moments silently. "Hmmm.... well, alright!" He finally said, though instead of suddenly acting all buddy-buddy, he pointed an accusing finger at both of them. "But no funny business or time trickery! I-I-I mean it! I have the authority to tell on you if you try anything!" He shouted,

"Don't worry yer bald little head." Micah said as he casually strolled on over to Blake's side. "We'll be as good as two peas in a pod here. Right, Kitty Cat?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon sits up abruptly "Who? What? Where? Where am I? What is this place? Why is it so basic? Ow..." Falcon rubs his helmet "My head hurts...And I don't know why...Helmet, you had one job!" Falcon looks around "So...Where do I go from here? I swear to the space gods if I get lost again.....I'm hurting something! I don't know what it'll be....But it'll be something!" Falcon gets up and begins to walk around Gravity Falls

  • Once Tektite dropped, it immediately retracted its head and rolled back to Xenophon, who promptly picked him up. They would stay together until it was time to go.


    Eventually, Tektite and Xenophon went to Gravity Falls along with everyone else. However, while Xenophon became metaphorically lost in the wildlife native to this town, Tektite managed to separate from him. Tektite bounced around town, unnerved by all the strange sights as it munched on french fries from its lunch bag. Then it spotted Jason and the others by the Tent of Telepathy.

    There, the small alien tucked its head again and rolled up to Jason's feet, eager for his attention specifically. It seemed unaware of their current circumstances.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201
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Thankfully, Blendin listened and agreed to help them. Though, telling on them isn't really a good threat, it was a child level threat. But, if he was going to work with them, she'd have to put up with the child level threats he made. "
Thank you. My name is Blake."

She looked over at Micah who came to stand next to her, calling her a name she hadn't heard in a while. And the only one to call her that was Torchwick, who wasn't a great person. "
Uh, right. Well, I'll be good at least. Come on, let's continue looking through the town." Letting go of the handle of Gambol Shroud, she exited the alleyway after peeking out to look around and continued going the way that she was going.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

After the red haired woman left and people went off in groups, she turned to the three other women. "
So, which group are we going with? Or are we staying together? I vote on going with the man in the suit."

darkred darkred , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva

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