• Thankfully, the Gunslinger wasn't the only one who cared about Blake. Leo, too, came to comfort Miss Belladonna, further soothing her emotions to the point where she looked much better now. He ignored the random person caressing Blake's ears, only giving the boy with magic eyes a curt nod.

    "Leo. Hope them eyes ain't bothering you." Arthur greeted his comrade before a commotion quickly broke loose yet again- this time, an armored person similar to "The Meta" had come in. Of course, Morgan knew just who she was, but just as he opened his mouth to talk everyone completely blew it out of proportion, a couple of them attacking her only to get their asses handed to them- which wasn't exactly surprising. He just put a hand to his forehead, shaking his head as Kassandra sheepishly apologized for not identifying herself.

    "I know it ain't exactly a priority, but maybe next time let people know who you are before you run around in some bad guy's armor." He would probably have talked to the Spartan about not terrifying the whole room a bit more, but a devillish voice immediately caught his attention. A voice he didn't want to hear. A voice he knew all too well.


    The cowboy practically spat the name out, his expression immediately souring as he turned to the rat. When Leo asked if they were friends, Arthur grunted before shaking his head. Even if Micah claimed otherwise, they were anything but friends.

    "He's anything but a friend, unless you consider a friend someone who'd stab you in the back." Arthur growled, slowly walking an arc around the southerner- as if he were sizing Micah right back up. His fists tightened as he bit his tongue, almost ready to beat the living shit out of the traitor. For a few moments, there was just silence; he didn't even care about the fact that Midna was creating a scene nearby. To him, everything seemed to narrow down to just him and Micah all over again. Just the two of them; opposite sides of a coin. Only Blake broke the silence in his mind, formally identifying Micah. He gave her a short nod just before Micah accused him of "spinnin' tales", which only made him angrier.

    "I ain't no liar. I don't twist my words like you do, ya rat." The high-ranking MPF individual scowled, taking a few steps right up to Micah and lifting his fist up as if he were about to deliver a haymaker. However, he barely restrained himself at the last instant, stopping his fist inches from Micah's face and holding it there for a couple seconds before exhaling angrily and backing off, turning his rear to Micah as he visibly seethed. After a few seconds he turned around to face the unfaithful Van Der Linde member before addressing him again.

    "I don't know who invited you to this party, but you'd better be on your best behavior. Because the second I see you making any move to betray us, you're getting a bullet to the brain. And this time, I know your true colors. You ain't just some nut job who'd shoot up a town for revenge and your gun; you're a nut job who'd also bail any sort of moral code, you disloyal bastard." Morgan snarled, giving his two holstered LeMats a glance for good measure. Hopefully everyone else knew who Micah truly was: A dishonorable monster who had nothing in the way of anything related to morals. Because otherwise he was a major liability to this mission...
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  • Ikaros, who hadn't given a care in the world about the misunderstanding involving Kassandra's armor, lifted his beak to let Aloy scratch underneath his head with a satisfied tweet. When the Spartan had come back over, the bird's eyes shifted off of its master to the three other girls, as though he were examining them.

    The ancient misthios (mercenary) looked over Ciri, too, her eyes sweeping over the lady's sword. Seems like sole sword-wielders were kind of rare; back in Blood Gulch, there'd been a few sword-wielders like Umbra, Corvo, and even herself, but they all had ways to pick away at people from a distance, too; Corvo and Kass had their crossbow and bow, and Umbra was... well, Umbra, with some lightning-quick powers to match. Of course, it was probably best to not judge a book by their cover; surely, she had a way to deal with anything beyond point-blank range?

    "When you're raised for battle as a little girl, then essentially left to fend for yourself-" As much as Kassandra loved Markos, that idiot couldn't exactly defend himself- "fighting kind of ends up being second nature." Of course, the Spear of Leonidas certainly helped, alongside the Hephaistos Suit, but she still knew her way around an old-fashioned brawl without her Spear. When the white-haired woman with green eyes introduced herself, Kassandra performed a slight bow out of respect.

    "Kassandra of Sparta. Nice to meet you." The mercenary would have also pointed Ikaros out, but since Aloy introduced the bird first he cawed boastfully, leaving Kassandra to gesture at Aloy in a way to nonverbally note "What she said". The statement about watches, however, caught the warrior's interest, tilting her head out of curiosity.

    "Sorry, but 'watches' aren't exactly a thing in my world. Older times and all that." Her eyes glanced over to the table, lined with various little gadgets that all looked the same, before picking up one of them. Of course, she began to examine it, bringing it somewhat close to her face as if scrutinizing the object.

    "So what exactly is this supposed to do again? I suspect I missed the explanations, right?" She inquired. It didn't really matter who answered her; she was sure Aloy would help out, but if either Ciri or the other woman wanted to explain what was going on, it would be certainly appreciated.
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Right now, Blake wasn't being a big fan of Micah so far. And his dental hygiene didn't seem to be that great either once she saw the yellow teeth. When he asked Arthur if he was telling stories about him, she stared directly at the man with her amber eyes. "I only read what he wrote, Micah. And what he wrote, it doesn't paint you as a good person. Arthur isn't the kind of person to lie, but you seem to be the kind of person to lie. Or am I wrong?"

Her attention turned towards Arthur, in which she listened to him. "
I know, Arthur. I read the file. And I'm not exactly a fan." He then went over to Micah and almost punched him before stopping himself, which relieved her. Yeah, if she was more like Yang, she would've gone to do the same thing too, but she knew that fighting amongst each other right before a mission wasn't exactly the best idea.

No matter how despicable this Micah guy may be.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

The two women introduced themselves as Aloy and Kassandra, and just by looking at the two, she knew that alone, they were great fighters. But together? They'd work amazing with each other. The bird cawed, making her smile a bit. "It's nice to meet you, Aloy, Ikaros, Kassandra."

She pointed her thumb over to Jill, who was beside her. "
And this is Jill Valentine." Might as well speed up introductions, right?

She listened to Kassandra's reply to what she said towards her. So, she's seen battles ever since she was younger? It would explain how experienced she looked. And she was from a time where these watches aren't a thing, which made her glad she wasn't the only one. "
Glad to know I'm not the only one among us who has no clue about what these things are."

Aloy then asked them if they had gotten said object and Kassandra walked over to the box, picking one out. The ashen-haired woman held up her left wrist, showing it. "
I did and the others who are here have received one as well." Her attention turned towards Kassandra. "From what we were all told, we're suppose to syncronize these devices and they'll allow us to go to the other worlds that need our help."

darkred darkred , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva
CN Pose.png
When the ghost went through me, I was a little freaked out until an idea surged through my mind! A clever little prank to scare the ghost back! I had a disgusted look on my face before falling at the back of my head and started spazzing out like I'm having a seizure in my wonderful attempt to scare her through my actions. This is going to be good! My black eyes went completely white before I exploded, leaving nothing behind. I casually materialized behind her without a sound, you know, like every living creature does with my hands covering my mouth so I wouldn't burst out laughing. I wanted to see her reaction to what I did and when she notices me at her back: I'll go

"Boo! How's that for a scare?"

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
I finished my bar with a smile. Not bad. I looked at Shujinko ask what I want in a wife. Hm, nobody ever asked me that question. I don't plan on settling down with somebody since I am still a young man. Wild and free if you haven't already guessed by my profession. Eh, it's not like I'm actually going to marry this girl! We'll probably never meet each other again after the Multiverse is saved like most of the people here. I just hope that she doesn't die in our journey though. I'm not one to worry but it's hard enough living with the knowledge of knowing some of the people who got taken from their dimensions never got home alive.

"I just want a woman that can cook!"

I laughed like a dolphin.

". . . I'm just joking! I guess the only thing I want from a wife is that she loves and cares about me? She at the very least should be competent!"

Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You and Venus had finished your candy bars when Tandem answered your question.

"I can cook. Although, more on the instant stuff since I am in university. But also, I care a lot of people, much like you, ya sexy beast."

>Was it necessary for you to call him that? You really wanted to be in this guy's pants.

"Ara~ Shujinko, you shouldn't be rushing the man to marry you. Take some time. There is a reason why premarital sex happens."

Open for interaction
Chungchangching Chungchangching
As Lilith was fumbling over herself trying to apologize and and whatever but the girl suddenly started to have a seizure, Lilith started to freak out and try to call for help but then she exploded out of nowhere. She just stood there for about thirty seconds before reacting.

Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon is surprised by the wall of crystals and a wall of water both sides of him, blocking him in. He looks back to Lealan and sees that she has a crowbow ready and armed. He figures he might have to block again but he's blocked in for a reason. Whatever her next attack might be will probably spell trouble for him. Falcon decides he's going to try deflecting the bolt if he can. Once Lealan fires the bolt, he uses his Space-Maker Kick in an attempt to deflect the bolt.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake
Leo was about to reply to Sonic, but then Deadpool stepped in, and the two had a small argument. So, instead, he just stood there, eatin' burgers. He did, however, offer Arthur a small smile when he was greeted. "They aren't. Thanks, Arthur."

Jason, meanwhile, already had stopped kicking Dib by the time Sora came over, so he instead refocused all of his attention on Lucky. As angry as he wanted to be right now, Jason managed to relent, and just sighed again. "There are more important things right now than avenging the deaths of others. I get you're angry, but if you want to avenge Lana, then you'll stick to the plan. In case you didn't know, if Ganon wins, then so do the people who fucked over Lana. You'll get your chance to avenge her soon enough, but right now, worry about not getting everyone else killed along the way." And with that, Jason stomped away.

Micah kept on smirking as Arthur approached him. Even when the man threw a punch towards his face, only to withdraw it a few moments later, he kept right on staring into Arthur's eyes. Judging by the look on his face, he was making it no secret that he was loving every moment of this. " 'Ole Black Lung, just as I remember 'im. Always quick to throw the first punch, even if it costs ya your life." He shook his head and let out a sinister chuckle, placing his hands on his hips. "How did you survive that fight on the mountaintop, anyways? If I'd know you'd be here, I'd have put that bullet in between your eyes myself!" He exclaimed, before listening to the man rant about how if he betrayed anyone here, he'd be met with a bullet. Micah held up his hands "innocently" (though really it came off as more mocking than anything else), and spoke again. "Don't worry your pretty little tail," He said, seeming to be speaking to both Arthur and Blake with his words. "I'm bein' paid a pretty penny to take down this... Ganondorf fella. Honestly, everything I've heard sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but seein' you here walkin' on two legs after coughin' up both them black lungs'a your's on that mountain changes my perspective a bit." With that, he allowed Arthur to walk off.

And before long, things finally settled.

Chapter One
"Welcome Back to the Falls"


"It's time," Jason spoke after disengaging himself from everyone for a bit. He looked down at the watch firmly attached to his wrist. "To save the Multiverse, we're gonna need to weaken Ganondorf's influence and raise our own. First, we're heading to a place called Gravity Falls. Some of you know it, other's don't. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Regardless, look out for each other. No one gets left behind. We've only got one shot at this, and we can't afford to screw it up." With that, Jason stepped back and held his watch up. He looked at all of you, waiting to do the same.

"Okay, the coordinates are four... two... seven... nine... eight seven two three!" Shuri exclaimed towards all of you. "I will update you all with the coordinates when they are needed." Jason nodded, and began inputting the listed coordinates into his watch. You all began to do the same. Once you all had done so, your watches emit a loud beeping noise and began to glow a bright blue light. Slowly but surely, a dark grew cloud began to envelop each and every one of you. Those of you who were in The Tesseract Incident would recognize this feeling all too well.


"Good luck. You are going to need it, my friends."

With T'Challa's final more than likely not so reassuring words, you all disappeared one by one. And within seconds, you were no longer in Wakanda.

All at once, you all re-emerged in a small, quiet looking town. Some of you would immediately recognize this place as none other than Gravity Falls.


"What the....?" Leo asked, being the first one to speak up as you all arrived. He looked around the town, seeming off-put. "Isn't this place supposed to be destroyed?" He asked, probably reiterating what most of you were already thinking. Bill Cipher, as far as everyone here knew, had taken over this place and made it his own personal domain years ago. So why did everything look normal?


"Last time I checked, yeah." He turned around. "Don't let your guard down, everyone. This is probably one of Bill's tricks." He said.


"So... is anyone gonna say the classic 'It's quiet... too quiet' cliche?" There was a long, drawn out pause. "No? Okay. Just checking."

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven Riven as
Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as
Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
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When Captain Falcon kicks the bolt, it triggers it's effect, the bolt pulling him and Lealan toward the impact point, and each other, with the poor captain being yanked with dramatically more force. Lealan dashes forward with her Tech, leaving behind blue afterimages, and aims a punch with her Matter Manipulator at his chest. Contact would make stone form around the F-Zero racer to pin him in place.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Venom Snake Venom Snake
Zwei whistles to herself, ”it’s quiet, too....” just then a little imp spoke up, and Zwei immediately shut her mouth, looking a little guilty. ”If you guys want, I can check all the houses. It should only be a second!” She smiles at everyone and before anyone can reply: she literally vanishes, no streak, no blur, no nothing.

Speedster vision.

To Zwei, the moment she activated her speed, everything would freeze, and she ran, checking each of every house in Gravity Falls. Everything would be in slow motion as she ran around the Town, taking in everything she can before returning to the group.

To the group, she would only be gone a couple of seconds. One second gone. The next second back.

She would have whatever expression happened to be appropriate with what she witnessed, as she relays her report to Jason, whom she pegged as the leader of the group.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Zwei ran to every house in town, she would find that most of them were... empty. It was almost like a ghost town as she ran through the streets. Well, she would find one thing, but it probably wasn't something she was looking for. Or something she ever wanted to see, for that matter.


Regardless, other than that strange man dancing, she found absolutely nothing. Well, the fact that there was no one around was actually a pretty big something, but I meant that in the most literal sense, and not the.... nevermind.

Whenever she returned, she would be met with Jason, who had his arms crossed.


"Well," He said. "What'd you find?"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
”Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's a complete and utter ghost town. Not a single soul. LessyoucountthemandancingajigbecauseIdont”

She looks completely disturbed as she looks around, her hands grips one of the swords at her hip and pulls it out slightly.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Tch," Jason sighed as he uncrossed his arms. "Figures," He said, before turning around and facing all of you. "Alright team, let's start our search around the place. Even if there's no one here, we can probably find some clues that'll lead us to Bill if we search hard enough." With that, Jason walked off down the seemingly empty street, motioning for you all to follow him.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @literallyeveryonearound​

  • "He probably doesn't..." Megumin sighed. "I just can't get over it. Poor Lana! I can't help but wonder if Kendall knows..."

As Lucky began to hop off into the woods, he would unfortunately not find any fellow talking rabbits to interact with. In fact, there seemed to be absolutely nothing out here. It was just... trees, grass, woods, and rocks for what felt like miles. However, assuming his stubborn butt kept at it, eventually Lucky found a building!


The building itself was large and marked with the words "MYSTERY SHACK" on its roof. Well, more accurately, it was called "Mystery Hack" due to the S having apparently fallen. As he hopped closer to the building, he heard a voice.

"Yo, Gideon!" Exclaimed a young sounding girl. "Have you seen my bedazzler? I'm gonna make a new sweater! It's gonna be so awesome!" The girl's voice exclaimed. Eventually, she came into Lucky's line of sight. Or rather, she happily bounced into it, as she seemed rather peppy and upbeat overall.


"GIIIIIIDEEEEOOOON!" She shouted, cupping a palm over her mouth as she searched around. She puffed out her cheeks and rested her hands on her hips. "Ugh, where is he!?"

P PopcornPie
Zwei walks in normal speed beside Jason, her hands still on her sword.

”What do you think happened here? Or is this just a strange universe or something?”

Meanwhile Supergirl flies off, and scouts the area via superhearing to see if she can hear anyone.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
One would think that a bright red rabbit with no paws would have at least attracted a predator, but nobody came to chase him, or ask for his name, or even mock him. "Shit...Guess all the bunnies died off, too." Lucky mused with pure disappointment. "If boredom is that deadly around here, I'd better keep givin' me body wake-up calls..." He bit himself on the shoulder, then moved on.

Eventually, he came to some kind of hut marked "Mystery Hack". Honestly, looking at its flimsy roof and worn-out wood had his eyes watering. "Just like me old house..." Mismakora's cave just couldn't match up to great cabins like these!

"Lucky! You're not here to house hunt, remember?" Lupé stomped her foot.

"Y-yeah, yeah, I do!" Lucky stammered, as he came back to...urm, what was possibly reality. With the Paw o' Death firmly attached to his nub, he stalked inside. "Alright, you defective Dorito, say your prayers!"

He did not find a defective Dorito.

"Oh...just a lass." He muttered. "Well, it's somethin'. HEY, LASSIE! YOU SEEN A RUNAWAY CYCLOPS NACHO AROUND HERE?!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Well, that was some fight, but after that warm up, it was time to explore.

"Alright, let's see..."

Ben smacks his Omnitrix down, transforming into a great beast.



This beast started to sniff around, using a combination of smell and high-pitched echolocation to identify anything that others couldn't see.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Meanwhile, the Agent decided to go the most sensible path - approaching the building marked the Mystery Hack.


"You look like you could use a flipper." the Agent says to the girl.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Jason turned to Zwei and shrugged. "Beats me. The file said that this place was supposed to be in shambles." He paused and stopped mid-way through their trek, before continuing to speak. "More than likely, Bill somehow caught wind of us coming and is doing this to fuck with us." As Ben and Supergirl attempted to use their respective heightened senses to find anything, they would soon realize that they couldn't sense anything. Quickly, they would find themselves growing a bit dizzy. It felt almost as if something was blocking their senses.

Back on the ground, those of you who were walking would be stopped by a teenage girl, who some of you might recognize. Well, vaguely, anyways.


"Who the hell are you clowns supposed to be?" The gothic looking red-head asked. Both of her hands were shoved into her hoodie as she looked at all of you with a look that could only be described as pure disgust. If those of you involved within the Gravity Falls Incident looked hard enough, however, you would find that this girl strangely resembled Wendy Corduroy. Except, she appeared to have had a complete overhaul, in both looks and personality.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow P PopcornPie @Streets

"Huh?" The blonde girl asked after hearing Lucky's scream, having been outside. She seemed too occupied with finding her bedazzler to even notice the bunny walking in! "Who said that?!" She called out, her head twisting and turning as she made her way inside. Upon doing so, her eyes immediately shot open and filled with unparalleled glee.


"Oh. My. GOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHH!" The girl squealed in a voice so high that it was probably loud enough to take Lucky's ear off! "A talking rabbit! That is so adorable!" She cheered, before moving in and lifting Lucky right up off the ground, pulling him right in for a huge bear hug! "You are so cute!! I know this place is weird, but I'd never thought I'd find talking rabbits!!" She exclaimed, completely ignoring Lucky's question in favor for her fangirling. It was then that Agent Penguin entered the room, which made her smile brighten even more. "And a talking penguin too!? And it's not even my BIRTHDAY YET!?!?" With Lucky securely fastened in her arms, she broke out into a full on sprint to the penguin, and tackle hugging him to the ground.


You'd probably better find a way to calm her down.

Crow Crow P PopcornPie
Chronology: Ultimate

AETHER: 100%
LOCATION: Gravity Falls?
COLOR: #E1914F

Purple Hotdog
Criminal Hotdog
Gravity Falls?
INTERACTIONS: @Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Toby/Wendy)


The fire boy’s flustered reaction to the pat on the head was an interesting response—it was adorable, but it was also nice to see that he was getting a bit more comfortable with this strange situation. The joy and longing that shone in his face when he talked about flying was also just as endearing. The boy was talking about something that he really loved, and it sounded like one of the few things that set him free. Alexis wasn’t particularly fond of flying, but she has heard from others that flying in the open air feels as if you were shedding the binds of the ground and the walls. Even with his mention of crashing, Alexis thought that it would nice to indulge in the boy’s own little pleasures, "I’d love to fly with you for a little bit later."

Her attention was then brought to the boy’s armlet, a strangely ornate piece of jewelry for a teenager, but seeing as it radiated with magic it must have served some purpose aside from fashion. His explanation confirmed as much, revealing that it was meant to be used to inhibit his powers. A slight frown spread across Alexis’s face for a brief moment when she heard of the times that the armlet had failed. Of course it will fail—fire isn’t meant to be contained or suppressed. The only two viable options are to feed or extinguish it...and as long as one has emotions and those powers, extinguishing the flame is nothing short of a difficult option.

Next came the boy’s reaction to Alexis’s offer of tutorage in regards to his magic, and the awkward response with humility that may well border on self-deprecation. The kitsune nodded in affirmation as Leonardo cheered the boy one, "Yes, you! What good is knowledge and expertise if you can’t pass it along? Besides, I think we can both agree that it would probably be for everyone’s best if you learn how to control your spontaneous combusting of random objects in your vicinity."

It was then that she learned that the boy’s name was Sage Kaelber, but there was little time to process that when Leonardo freaked out about her soul absorption. She saw that Sage was similarly unsettled by this knowledge, but it really couldn’t be helped. Alexis couldn’t blame them for being uncomfortable around her; most people would freak out at the prospect of losing their soul just by touching her in the wrong places. She wished that it didn’t happen, but needing souls was just a part of being a kitsune. She gave the two boys a gentle smile as she elaborated, "Yes, I take people’s souls. Souls are one of the few things that have enough energy to fuel a kitsune of my age’s powers. Don’t worry though, just avoid touching my skin and you’ll be fine, and even if you do, it’s not instant. The fastest I’ve heard a kitsune take a soul without consent is a little over a minute, and even then...I don’t think any of you will get into a situation where that will be possible."

There wasn’t much more time to talk, as Jason announced that it was time to depart. Alexis listened closely as Shuri read out the coordinates, inputting them into her watch-like device before slipping in between the dimensions.

It felt strange to travel via this...Tesseract energy, it was called. It wasn’t the same as navigating the universe by meticulously walking along the various axes that existed. This Tesseract was definitely easier, but it was also far more disorientating. Alexis didn’t have much of a point of reference when it came to where in the multiverse she was, nor did she have any knowledge of how to get back home. The difference between what she was used to and this was like the difference between walking your destination and riding a windowless van to said destination. One might be faster, but it was a lot more suspicious.

When she came out the otherside, she was introduced to a quaint little town surrounded by mountains and forests. It was peaceful, more so than what Alexis expected, but nothing seemed wrong. If there were any insane illusions as Jason implied, Alexis couldn’t detect it. It sure would be a disappointment if a kitsune couldn’t spot an illusion. As she attempted to figure out what was going on, a rather gothic teenager girl approached the group and asked who they were. Alexis knew about the archetypal goth, but it'd been a while, and all she remembered was that she definitely didn't want her kids to end up like that. Still, the kitsune answered the girl, "I'm Alexis and these people are my...acquaintences. Have you seen anything out of place recently, like a eldritch pyramid or very large man that wields the powers of darkness?"

At around the same time, the purple hot dog known as Delsausage Roweiner blindly inputted the coordinates into the teleport watch for both him and his pet rocket launcher. The second he felt himself being pulled into the space between dimensions, he began to scream, "OH GOSH, OH DUCK, I DON’T WANT TO DIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

Just a few moments later, he popped out onto the sidewalk of Gravity Falls, perfectly fine. He looked around a little bit, not quite sure what where he was. At least his trusty rocket launcher was with him. He rode the weapon down the sidewalk along with all the other crazies that decided to travel the multiverse to fight some evil orange man big bad. What kind of idiot would do something like that? After a good five minutes, Delsausage asked his rocket launcher, "Hey, Rocky, does this place seem familiar to you? I’m getting some familiar vibes for some reason."

"F### no. I just met you last week. Why f###in’ would I remember, you w##ker?" was the rocket launcher’s response, only it wasn’t in English. It was in Rocket Language, AKA explosions, which meant that it fired a rocket randomly into the air. A volley of sporadically fired incendiary sausages shot out of the launcher’s muzzle towards the dancing man. Upon impact, the flaming sausages flop onto the ground pathetically for a few moments before exploding into a shower of flames that may or may not kill the man.

"Whoa, watch the language, Rocky. This is a kids’ show." It took a little while for Delsausage to notice the sausages shooting towards the dancing man. "Huh. We should...probably book it before someone notices, shouldn’t we?"

"You sh##ing me? Of course!" Several more rocket propelled sausages were sent towards the poor dancing man as the rocket launcher kicked it into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE and trotted away from the scene of the crime.
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"Raaaurgghhaaghaga..." the beast says to the woman, its native tongue deemed untranslateable by universal translators.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Crow Crow P PopcornPie QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"You've got a strong grip," the Agent compliments with a light chuckle, accepting the hug by patting the girl's back with his flippers, "how exactly are you going to 'show Gideon'? It was clear from your earlier words that you do not know where this 'Gideon' is right now."

Crow Crow P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Having pretty much no choice or say in the matter, Deadpool came along with the others. Noticing that it was suspiciously calm according to Lamer Deathstroke, Wade couldn’t help himself. ”It’s quiet... too qui- GOD DAMMIT! WHY CAN’T I EVER MAKE A SINGLE JOKE OR REFERENCE WITHOUT EITHER BEING IGNORED, SHAMED FOR IT, OR BEATEN TO THE PUNCH?! I’M PRETTY MUCH THE COMIC RELIEF IN THIS WHOLE ROLEPLAY, CUT ME SOME FUCKING SLACK!” Calming down, DP took a deep breath and said, “You know what? Fine. You guys can have this one. BUT NOT THE NEXT ONE! Anyways, are you sure that we didn’t also travel back in time? Cause you never know when an author suddenly decides to throw time travel in, whether it’s a shitty plot twist or not.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss and everyone else ready to disprove Deadpool’s shitty theory.
Zwei turned toward the red ninja, choosing to completely ignore the mean girl, and zoomed toward him.

”Idontknow! Thisismyfirsttimeuniversehopping! Anyway! Even if we did time travel --- waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt, areyouoneofthosepeoplewhothinkstheirafictionalcharactet!? Ohwhatmediumarewein? tvshowcomicvideogameohhhhmaybewereinamovie!! I love movies! Wehaveapersonwhothinkseverythingisfictionalinmyworldtoo! Whatacoindience!?”

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

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