
Mood: Intrigued, Chatty, Awkward
Tags: (Leo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

"Don't worry about it! As long as you're trying, that's all anyone can really ask for, right?"

"Hahahaha! That's the spirit~!!", Sage had laughed throwing finger guns the other's way, and as he did that he had a moment thinking to himself that, man, he really liked Leo already. It was interesting how they had similar easy-going vibes despite everything, as he was about to find out...

The explanation had started shockingly heavy. With Leo being such a carefree and lively character, the tragedy behind his abilities had taken the pyromancer by surprise, forcing him to hold his breath by the second sentence. It was bittersweet, in one hand the dynamic between Leo and his sister sounded incredibly wholesome and something he would have loved striving for, hearing the lengths the other teen would go for his sibling was nothing short of inspiring; At the other hand, the circumstances were not great and a situation had been forced upon him without much say... The Descendant could only hold up the Sign of the Heart silently through the whole thing, as a share of condolences and support.

Now the ability itself was intriguing, a mix of Illusion, Inducement Magic and the most powerful detection array in existence, --which by itself was not a thing given that Rune Magic was by definition, limited--, all together under the same function. Obviously, seeing the eyes do the cog motions again had gotten him to flinch back a bit, because eyes weren't supposed to do that and it would take a while to get used to it. He was convinced though, Leo definitely outranked him in the hierarchy which was still baffling! Never would he have looked at this kid and attributed him such strong and mind-blowing magic!

In the close-off, Sage had come to learn the name of the previous magical creature, Midna, and that Leo was apparently part of an organization before being an MPF member. And then it sank, most people in this room would have experience and training that he did not... He was much like a child trying to play superhero with the big shots. Suddenly he felt a bit... nervous to be here in the first place.
Hoooo boi...

"Oh man, I'm- completely out of my league right now, aren't I?"

A tense silence remained for a moment as he thought of what exactly to say. It had been a lot to take in...

"Yiiiiikes, I had, no idea things went that deep... It kinda makes me feel bad forcing you to share it like that...", okay man, flip that switchback, there's been enough melancholy already, "BUT, Buuuut it's kinds cool that you're like used to all of this already, having a group you work with and such. I, in the other hand, am realizing just how out of place I may beee... No experience over here, just a silly childhood dream~!", he had chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood even if just a little bit.

"Oh well, a deal is a deal! I guess it's my turn now... Hmmm, how do I even begin this?", Sage crossed his arms for a moment, kinda, as he was still holding his new half of hamburger, and tilted his head a bit. Deconstructing the narrative seemed like a good tactic, "Unlike you... I was born with this and still unlike you, I've never had a family, well, biological family. I was given out to the Clan before I could even remember and all I've ever know where the other Clan members. I'm not allowed to meet them, they're not allowed to meet me, it's how it's always been."

"So, I was raised in a Temple, a religious Temple. If you think of a uhhh, monastery? You're not gonna be too far. It wasn't always bad, I don't think so, but then things happened and it all just went downhill from there...", he sighed, both with regret and thinking just how to go from there, this was about to get complex, "It sounds like your place is a lot more open about magic and the mythological, right? My world... used to be like that, long long ago, but nowadays everything that is even remotely magical in nature had been hidden away and downgraded to legends and mythos. And that includes people like me."

"I'm what they call a 'Descendant', the exact implications aren't too important right now, but due to having a Deity waaay back in my bloodline, I've been bestowed the impossible ability of naturally channelling magic. It could be great if it wasn't the Phoenix aaaand if it wasn't so tied to my emotional states. Fire, probably the most volatile and destructive Concept to channel, objects looove spontaneously combusting around me. To make it all worse, while I am able to do a lot with it, I'm incredibly deficient in the control area, it's like... Like having a really powerful shotgun but the worst aim possible. It has a bit of a mind of its own... S-sometimes quite literally."

The exposition came to a full halt as Sage considered how much he wanted to open the game this early. Should he mention the Take-Over right away? Would that be like enlisting this group to help him keep It at bay?? Maybe, maybe this was too soon. In his experience, only one person that had been told about it didn't completely flip and start looking at him differently. Perhaps this was selfish, and most likely coming back to haunt him later down the road, but the pyromancer was too scared to say it.
It hurt a lot, to continuously end isolated and looked at as some kind of monster for something he had little to no control over. It's not like he enjoyed it either... If anything, he was terrified, that Entity could end himself and everything else whenever It felt like.

"Silverlining has to be the flight though, can't set stuff on fire if you're soaring through the air and, maaaan does it feel good~"

Something else was happening in the background, as more yelling was been thrown this or that way, something about dropping people out of the air. Sage facepalmed a bit too tired of these wacky shenanigans and inability of teamwork at this point. Some of these people... were psychopaths, he was rather convinced by now. The approach of a new person into the group, now interacting with Leo made the pyromancer even more uncomfortable over telling the whole story. As pleasant as the new girl seemed, he wasn't about to trust her with something this big.

Soooo he just awkwardly watched as the two interacted, back on nibbling at the burger hopefully this time to completion.
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Chronology: Ultimate

AETHER: 100%
LOCATION: Next to Sage, Wakanda
COLOR: #E1914F

Purple Hotdog
Angry Hotdog
INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
MENTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


"There you go..." Alexis watched as the fire boy relaxed in her tail’s embrace and did his little chants to ground himself. She was glad he was able to calm back down. She knew that fire was an element that was stoked by passions and being as young as he was, he wouldn’t have much control over his power. Granted, Alexis was still prone to lose control, but the flames must be fed much more until they erupted...during which the eruption was far more violent. Such was the nature of fire—it must burn. All one can do is choose what to fuel it. For Alexis, it was love, but anger, pain, and passion were just as valid.

Once it seemed that the boy had recomposed himself sufficiently, Alexis removed her tail from his shoulder, but not without patting his head with it first. It was just to let him know that he did a good job calming down. He looked like he needed it, especially when he expressed that he was used to people reacting poorly to him and his powers most likely. The kitsune’s heart went out to the boy and she began to understand his overreaction to involuntary expression of powers. He must be used to scaring people with them and in turn, become scared of his own powers. There might be more to it though, so Alexis kept her mind open and kept on observing the boy.

And there she stood, listening to the boy and Leonardo’s conversation. To hear about Leo’s sister broke Alexis’s heart a little, and as much as she wanted to help, she knew that it wasn’t something she could help with. Her powers lent themselves more to destruction than healing. Aside from Leo’s story, his "All Seeing Eyes of the Gods" were also very interesting—it was a power that sounded like the amalgamation of one of Alexis’s and one of her husband’s powers. She knew firsthand how powerful illusions can be, so she acknowledged Leo as a powerful ally.

Then it was the fire boy’s turn to share about himself. The kind of world he described sounded like the worlds of quite a few people Alexis had met before: a world filled with magic, only hidden away from the mortals who can’t experience or comprehend that sort of stuff. To learn that he was a descendent of a phoenix deity was a nice little coincidence. Alexis just so happened to have Hestia, a phoenix goddess in her metaphorical backpocket...though it might not be analogous to the sort of deity that the boy knew of. All in all, it certainly seemed like he needed some guidance when it came to controlling his powers, "That is a lot of responsibility and the fire thing can definitely get annoying. If you need some help learning how to use your powers, I can help you out as much as you need. Fire is definitely a tricky element if you don’t know how to manage it."

"Oh! We never introduced ourselves have we?" It was then that Alexis recalled that she hadn’t gotten the fire boy’s name yet. It sure would be awkward to be calling him that for the remainder of this adventure and for him to not know her name. With a cheery voice, she introduced herself, "I’m Alexis Kuroki. But you can just call me Alexis. And let’s just get it out of the way: I don’t do handshakes with my actual hands. Wouldn’t want you to lose your souls." She wiggled her fingers for emphasis before extending a tail to him as if she was offering a handshake with her tail instead, "My tails are perfectly safe though. What does such a wonderful boy as yourself go by?"

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Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

The aura of power emanating from Akari subsided as he dismissed his Persona. With an arm across his chest and a short forward bow, he said to Midna, "You're welcome. It is what I do." Akari was only mildly annoyed when Midna ruffled his hair-- people like him, after all, had a particular dislike for unsolicited physical contact, but he was willing to excuse it this time.

Akari's attention had been caught when a certain "Dr. Ludwig" joined the group, accompanied by another man, apparently named "West". Whoever they were, they had apparently been at "The Cape" while it was collapsing, and met this "West". He was particularly intrigued by the idea of working with another medic, and so he went over to them. "Ah, another person to heal the wounded. I have respect for those that help to keep front-liners fighting fit." Placing his sword before himself and resting his hands on his weapon's pommel as the blade touched the ground, Akari introduced himself. "Akari Kishiri, although, if you so choose, you may call me 'Paladin'. It's a codename I used in my old group, you see. In any case, it will be good to work alongside another medic." His gaze drifted a bit to the Medic's dirtied gloves. "Although... those gloves might need replacing. Until then, I shall give you this." Akari, rather than giving a handshake, closed his eyes and gave the Medic a head-bow instead. "Nice to meet you."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
(Open for Interactions)
“That explains why you talk so fast.” Leo said, following his words up with another nervous chuckle. “Well, are you enjoying the food?”

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
“Yeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!! I love food!”
She smiles, then the smile fades a bit as she considers what she had heard before. “This Ganon fellow sounds tough!” She says, now chewing her hamburger! She is solemn for a bit. “Weareprobablyallgoingtodie!” Then she smiles again, “butwerethegoodguysright? Goodguysalwayswin! Oh right! YoucancallmeZwei! Nicetomeetyou!”
She then turns toward the pyromancer, “Ohhi! Didntnoticeyouthere? Whatsyourname? Whatuniverseareyoufrom?Whatpowersdoyouhave?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Woah, what a reaction! Not every day I find a woman who would openly lust for me. I mean, girls go crazy at my mere presence alone. They're just doing a good job at controlling themselves. I don't have any concrete proof that this is the case but trust me, I'll somehow prove that my theory is correct. And another beautiful lady joined in on the conversation. Wow, my natural lady magnet aura is on fire today! First I got that dark-skinned cartoon girl agree to be my meatshield and now I've lured another woman into my arms.

"Eh, this happens a lot!"

That's a lie.

"I have a group of men and women wanting to marry me back home."

That is most DEFINITELY a lie.

Falsehoods aside, the kiddo wondered who this "Robin Hood" is. Seriously? What era is this guy from?? Could he simply not have heard of him? Whatever, it doesn't matter to me. He seemed kind of innocent, wanting to learn something new. That's adorable, and I don't throw that word around much unless Its something truly worth calling cute. Might as well educate this child since he could be born way back before Robin Hood was ever popularized. I've seen a cowboy from the past before so this kid is probably the same deal.

"Robin Hood is a thief that steals from the rich and gives them to the poor. Awesome, right? I'm basically the modern equivalent of that guy." I said, pointing at myself with both thumbs.

Well. . . That's kind of stretching the truth. I barely give money to anybody other than my friends. I used to live in poverty myself but what differentiates me from the others is that I'm willing to do anything to keep myself afloat ever since I gained money. I refuse to go back to being poor.

People don't need to know that though.

Topless Topless GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Micah, who had been silent while he waited on Arthur's reply, flashed Blake a toothy grin as he flicked his hat up with his thumb. "In the flesh, sweetheart." He replied in his thick southern accent. His teeth were as yellow as his hair, and he definitely did not seem to be the most friendliest individual in general. His eyes darted between Blake and Arthur for a moment, before they finally settled on the latter. "You been spinnin' tales about me, Black Lung?" He asked, his permanent smirk glued onto his face all the while.

"No worries! I'm fine with sharing it anyways." Leo said in his usual easy-going tone. "And don't worry about feeling out of place. I felt the same way when I first joined Libra, actually." Leo shrugged. "You just kinda... grow into it after a while, I guess." He fell silent soon after, listening to Sage spin his tale. He frowned a bit as he listened, unable to really keep his face pensive like Klaus. All he could really do was silently listen and nod until it was over. "Yeah... our world is definitely more open to magic and stuff." He finally said, before taking another bite out of his burger. He wondered for the briefest of moments what Sage meant by the "literally" at the end, but judging by how silent he went after saying it, Leo could only assume that he wasn't comfortable talking about it. And, as such, he simply left it alone from there. Instead, Leo just smiled once more when Sage mentioned the flying. After chuckling a bit, he said, "Yeah... I wish that I could fly, sometimes. It seems like a cool ability to have." And with that, Leo went back to nomming on his burger. When Alexis interjected, though, Leo's mouth was still full of the burgery goodness, and honestly manners were something that the boy forgot about half the time. So, instead of swallowing first, he looked up at Sage and excitedly said, "Fthee? Youvghs appeddie thot hoobobby poo heah ooo! (See? You've already got somebody to teach you!)" The words, as inaudible as they already were, were accompanied by bits and pieces of burger flying out of his mouth.

Not long after, Alexis suggested they introduce each other. Luckily by then, Leo had already swallowed his burger, so there wouldn't be anymore disgusting food flying out of his mouth hole. He did, however, smile and shake her tail with his left hand. "I'm Leonardo Watch! You can just call me Leo, though. It's nice to meet you AlexiWAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITHOLDONAMINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!"


In a matter of seconds, Leo's expression changed from friendly and cordial to straight up horrified.


Due to Leo effectively having a mental breakdown over the idea of his soul being taken away, he sadly could not respond or even understand Zwei and her really fast speak.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

  • "Agreed, Relying on the length of spell's chant as your only warning. Rash, and utterly disastrous."
    It didn't matter if it was a nuclear explosion or not, what she provided was a lazy and disastrous excuse for the close-range use of a spell.
    "If I tell my opponents that I'm using Explosion in advance, they'll find time to escape, deflect, or even prevent me from using my spell." Megumin tilted her head. "You're probably going to propose that I tell you in advance, and then we run somewhere far from the desired zone. But I don't know telepathy, and there's a chance that we'll be too far away to hear each other."
    "So you ask for our advice? Then let me ask you, Megu-meme? Have you considered scaling down your "Explosion" spells to compensate for such a glaring issue like the one you have just described? Or use a more appropriate spell for the situation at hand? I would imagine that someone who has graduate early in your respective school would have one of those spells at hand"
    "Megumin. What's a meme?" The Crimson Demon's voice was half irritated, and half genuinely curious. With so many dimensions mixing and mingling, the MPF was chock full of such inside jokes.

    What Orbeck would suggest next, however, was the equivalent of asking Megumin to drain the blood of kittens. The colors of her eyes and skin drained, as her entire face contracted and wrinkled in pure disgust. "You dare suggest that I leave Explosion behind for other spells?! N-no! Never! Such a task is unbelievable for me!" She poked herself with her thumb, shutting her eyes tight with her eyebrows pinching together. "Explosion is the one and only spell for me. Explosion even saved my life as a little child! I have dedicated my life and skill points to it ever since."

    Then, before she debunked his other suggestion, her sour expression drooped into a shy one. Her hat aided in this, casting a shadow across her eyes and nose. "...That is simultaneously the best and worst aspect of Explosion. It gets stronger the more Skill Points you put into it...and I've given it all of mine." She shrugged. "There's no proven way to control its blast size. Not that I've heard of."
    His attention was then unceremoniously pulled away by none other than Megumin, who was still insisting that she use her world ending attack. "I don't know who that is, but what I do know is that you weren't dealing with an entire plethora of allies last time. What if someone doesn't hear you? Or someone else is injured?" Red Hood asked in a concerned tone of voice. He may have been an asshole, but he genuinely didn't want any allies getting hurt. "Just... try something else. Throw a rock or something. You can probably find a few lying around here."
    Jason's statement was a true kick to the heart with football cleats. "Kazuma is the leader of the party I'm in, not to mention my closest friend..." Her lip quivered. "Haven't you seen him? Or had a file on him? He's brunette, has green eyes, and stands at about my height..." Oh, the implications behind that statement were baaaaad. What if Ganondorf had picked off each of their loved ones? What if he made Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness cease to exist?


-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Do you think I'm qualified to be your wife?"

>That's a silly question you asked. You turn your eyes to the young man speaking to Tandem. You go over to him and poke his scar on his forehead.

Open for interaction
Chungchangching Chungchangching GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Zwei frowns at Leo’s mental breakdown. Tries to talk to him but then gets distracted by Tandem and nearly all the woman around him.

In a flash she was by Tandem’s side, looking directly into his face!

”hi!whatsyourname? Whyaretheresomanywomenaroundyou?!
ImZwei! Speedster!”

She quickly shakes his hand, so fast he might even have time to be aware of it.


Chungchangching Chungchangching @Tandem’s Harem
In the distance dirt rises as the pitter patter of tiny little feet could be heard. A figure could be seen in the distance. It was turtle like. As it got closer you could see the dust fly from beneath its silly green shoes. It ran at blinding speeds as it got closer and closer to you all. Eventually, it stopped revealing itself to be none other than Koopa the Quick!
He was huffing and puffing completely out of breath as he made his way over to Lucky. He had a large frown on his face and sweat dropped down his flopping brow. His nostrils flared as he took in every needed breath to get his lungs in working order again. “You must be Lucky... I’m very sorry to tell you this, but.... Lana has been found dead in a ditch with thirty seven stab wounds. We have run studies and have found out the body has been there for at least three days now....”
The little turtle fell to his knees and began to punch the ground angrily.
“I wasn’t quick enough! I couldn’t stop this tragedy!”
He slowly stood up again and wiped the tears from his eyes. He handed Lucky a note.
“We found this next to her body... it had your name on the back so we are guessing it is for you.”

Suddenly, everyone saw that a little big headed child was amongst them all. He raised his hand and with a stern glare, he walked over to the turtle man and said
“I don’t even know who that is, so I feel no empathy towards this poor victim of slaughter.”

P PopcornPie
Lealan is unable to catch herself and begins taking blows. As the strikes litter her body, she swaps her Lance for the head sized Erchius Eye. It stares at the captain, and begins to glow pink, before it releases a large pink beam aimed for his chest.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Venom Snake Venom Snake
"Well, there was someone named Kazuma involved in the Gravity Falls Incident, but there's not much more information than that." Jason replied to Megumin, remembering seeing a file about him a while back. The MPF kept tabs on everyone involved in previous incidents, but because of the secrecy surrounding the Gravity Falls Incident in particular, not much is known about many of the survivors, aside from the ones who came back to the MPF afterwards, or the ones who were involved in subsequent events.

P PopcornPie

Mood: Chatty, Troubled, Confused
Tags: (Leo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The pat in the head had been a surprise, once more causing Sage to stop for a brief moment. Unused to physical displays of affection directed at himself, he had given the lady a little flustered smile, as awkward as ever. Leo's statement about feeling out of place was reassuring too, it was easy to forget that the pros were once newbies. To think that he too could grow used to this was a really encouraging prospect! One day, he'd be just as experienced with this whole saving other worlds deal!!

"It really isss~~", his tone was longing, already looking forwards to the next time he could open his wings and soar, you didn't have to think hard to realize just how much this young man adored flying, "There's not a lot to worry about in the sky. Things are not going catch aflame, all my problems are back down in the ground... I would just be there making loops and turns for the rest of my life if that was possible... It's one of the few times I can be myself, all of it, without fussing over the consequences. Weeeell, until I crash, of course.", he laughed more to himself than anything, "Sometimes you just catch a rougher current and plummet back to the ground in spiral... I'm an average flyer, really."

"If you wanted to experience it though, I'm sure there'll be plenty of chances to ride along today~! Just watch for the heat and I'll promise not to maneuver as much!", was... that a weird offer to make just after mentioning crashing? ...Probably. Oops, too late now!

Then the fox Deity had added her two cents, the way she spoke was reminiscent of some of the pyromancer's instructors, that wise and reassuring tone he was quite used to, just without any of the cryptic, coded messages that left him wondering what was even being talked about. A welcome change of pace, definitely.

"Oh, absolutely and rather frustrating. Annd that was all with THIS DARN THING RESTRICTING IT!"

As he said that in a sudden exalted voice, Sage had gestured towards his upper left arm with indignation, directly at where the armlet was rested. Now depending on how observant the others were that detail would have already crossed their minds at some point as it sat on top of all pieces of clothing. An ornate gold two-piece armlet snaked over the red and black sleeve of the jacket, crumpling the fabric as it had been slid in, aaaaaall the way from the hand. People did not normally wear fancy pieces of jewelry like a common arm band, so this was an incredibly odd fashion choice. The centrepiece had a textured wing-shape.

"The array of Runes inscribed inside it work as a Magic dampener, it's supposed to hold it in as much as possible, which is why all the incidents are situations of sudden emotional spikes. It doesn't work too great with them, there's not enough reaction-time and fear or anger are the worst ones to contain in my experience.", he sighed in defeat, "I don't dare being without this thing longer than needed... It's unpleasant, it honestly feels like being put inside a container that's too small for me, but I've always seen it as a necessary evil."

"Like, I- doooon't really want to know how many more objects would have burned otherwise... I'd like two to remain the quota!"

Once more throwing laughter, though a more nervous one this time, into the mix to lighten the mood, the young man had legitimately been taken aback when the rest of the woman's speech culminated into an offer to help. A legitimate magic instructor of flesh and bone instead of ancestors diaries, which, were just as confused as he was when they first wrote them.
Had- had he finally found someone to relate to in that level??! He wasn't entirely sure of how to feel about it...

"I- ...R-really?! You want to teach... me?? Of all people?", did he even deserve something like that????? Leo seemed to think so, cheering with his mouth full of junk food. The silliness of the other teen had managed to get a chuckle out of him.

And suddenly it was introductions round again! Which, the pyromancer had completely forgotten about since he had told his name once already. Gueeeess that's what came with having this much people inside a same place, can't expect them all to hear you!

"Oh shoot! Right, uhhh...", good gracious, why did he have to be so awkward, "Sage. I'm Sage, Sage Kaelber, uhh sometimes it gets shortened to Sey? If you like nicknames? If you ask me, a single letter less doesn't make much of a difference..."

This time, Leo had been the one to react strongly to Alexis statement about Souls. It was a very understandable reaction though and Sage hadn't reacted that much better, shaking the tail, then looking away with a nervous chuckle and even pulling the collar of the jacket a bit. What kind of being could even absorb Lights by touch alone??? Oh boi that's like, tempering with Life level of stuff!! What even??

"Uhhh, yeah definitely not... It's already been spent enough as is.", hello sudden lifespan concerns, how is it going?

Their new addition to the group was incredibly lively, to the point that she spoke so fast he had a hard time understanding much. There was something about them all going to die? Wow, thanks for the positivity; but then the whole the good always wins?? And to close it with a golden key just a buuuunch of assorted questions thrown his way, which the pyromancer scrambled to answer as best as he could:

"Hi? Uhh, Sage Kaelber! Uhhhhhhhhhh, the Universe? We don't have a different name for it, but in Bh̀-liwê it's called Crûzhoh, so maybe that??", shoot! A power question next?!, "Uhhhh I set fire to stuff?? And fly with it and can heal myself with fire... And oh! There's a recently noticed one, it's like a Magic Sensor? Not very useful to be honest, but kinda neat!"

And then she was gone, just as quick as she had arrived. Sage just stood there for a moment blinking at the direction Zwei had left:

"That was... something.", and then nibbled at the burger once more, still staring away in confusion.
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Interactions: Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless

Tanjiro Kamado
Tanjiro now understands who Robin Hood is and he is more or less of a hero. At least that's what he thinks. He is starting to get to know him better and they might eventually team up in the future. But that is up to Tandem's decision. He doesn't want to ask him now as he will do so later. For now, he needs to figure out the place that he is in.

"Interesting. It was nice meeting you but there are some things that I need to take care of. Perhaps, we will meet again?" He asked as he walks away.

As he was about to leave, he noticed his forehead getting poked by a woman. He is not happy with it as it is bothering him.

"Hey! Stop it! What's the big deal?" He asked angrily.
Lucky stood there, unamused by Spinel and Blackhat's bothering. "Well, Lassie?" The rabbit folded his arms and tapped his nub. This dame was just...uncomfortably looking at him. Her eyes...those orbs were not natural. Or maybe they were. That looked like a natural stone on her torso. But whatever. He was in no mood to talk to anyone but Lupé, and...well, here he was. Forced to have a conversation. Would anyone distract him...?

Um...yes? It seemed that this story was about to see a reenactment of "The Tortoise and the Hare". A bipedal turtle, easily ten Luckies tall, maybe more, came sputtering up to him. Needless to say, he did not need to see a gigantic turtle flaring his snotty nostrils repeatedly. "If you're here for a race, Laddie, let me just say that it wouldn't be fair. You can go farther in one stride than I can in ten."

"Lucky, look at his face. This can't be good news." Lupé's ears drooped.

And it wasn't.

"L...lana?" Lucky's ears drooped alongside his jaw. The jade pieces on his chest pulsated, struggling to tighten their grip. "That's why I didn't see her here..." Lana...sweet, innocent Lana...when they met, she told him that everything was going to be fine. And she hugged him. As far as he knew, she was the first acquaintance, Braixen or otherwise, to be so brave.

He hoped to see her again. He hoped to show off his Barrijade and guard her from Ganondorf, and actually agree with her that everything would be fine. After his utter failure at doing so in Blood Gulch, he welcomed this second chance. She would have been spared from the coldness brought on by Barrijade, he was sure of that. Or was he? Going off how badly he snapped at Megumin, did Barrijade read his memories and teach itself to distinguish between friends and Lana?

Now he would never know. Because Lana was gone.

And he...he left her to this fate.

"I...I shouldn't have given up." He uttered. "I saw her. I saw her being taken away by that shadowy blob. And I was the only one who gave a fucking shit." He pressed his eyelids together. "It was me last chance to be her knight, I knew it was. Kendall didn't fuckin' care. I fucking abandoned her for that...that...BLUE WAFFLE of a Typhlosion! What a pussy I was, what a douchebag...I was so caught up in me own shit..." He struggled to find more insults for himself as he accepted and read the note. "I knew...I knew people would be after us. Off to kill us."

"Hate". He couldn't focus on that word. "Hate". It used to be a word so familiar to him, a word he was so proud to see and use. Then that sweet Braixen used it in her final call. Now it looked like a word in some other language. Lana...Lana, technically, was the first person in his whole life who he didn't hate. He was annoyed by her timidness, and irritated by her sappy nature, and brought to a rage by her never bringing up Kendall. But he never hated. "She...She just..." He sighed longingly. "...Urgh, it made me soft and weak in the end, but...she just wanted me to feel good about the situation we were in..." He almost tore the note apart through his wild trembling. "Lana, you stupid bitch! I never hated you! I just never had the balls to call you a friend, Lass..."

Suddenly, he threw his head back and winced. In response to his rapid heartbeat, the jade bits fused into one big piece, and the big piece fastened onto his heart. Cold mineral tentacles wrapped around his four chambers, suffocating the little machine inside that brought these bittersweet thoughts. He started to snarl, "W...what am I saying? Of course I hated her. She didn't really like me! She just enjoyed seein' me all scared and nervous! Hahaha! Karma collected her debt!"

"Lucky! You've gotta fight it!" Lupé was screeching and flailing like a fish out of water, because her landscape was jading over again. She couldn't even get into a running start before the awful stone pinned her down by her tail, then worked its way up her spine, bringing nothing but a bitter cold. "Lucky...You know you feel bad! You know you miss her! Don't let Mismakora stop you! LUCKY...!" And the conscience was petrified once more. Fortunately, her final wish had gotten through to the worst way possible.

"Heheh...She was stupid...she didn't believe me...but I was right." Lucky went on, his lips curled back into a predatory sneer. "There was someone after us, ready to kill us for knowin' too much. They just didn't want to believe me, because they're RETARDED! I can't believe I fell for their delusions meself!" Lucky guffawed at himself. "Well, WELL, NOW it's a hunt. Fuck Bill, and fuck Ganondorf! I'll use this mission to find the tin can in Blood Gulch responsible for her death, and THEN!...?"
"Wait...Kazuma has been in Gravity Falls!?" Megumin's eyes widened, and her brow wrinkled. "So that's why he vanished that day! He was a part of Bill Cipher's plan to cause an apocalypse, and didn't say anything!? I wouldn't have been so terrified upon being cast into Blood Gulch if I'd known that he'd been through something similar!"

Then her sharp little ears picked up on the sound of Lucky loudly ranting to a giant turtle and some bigheaded boy. "Ch-chomusuke!?"



thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @WhoeverWantsToNoticeThisShit
Last edited:

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Oh! I want candy bars!"

>You somehow understand Zwei's motor mouth just as Tanjiro tells you to stop. You did.

"Forgive me. I'm just that curious. Is that a tattoo or a scar?"

>You hear a voice in your head.

By the bonds connected, you have obtained the skills sets of Zwei and Tanjiro.
>You have obtained the powers of Tanjiro and Zwei. The following abilities you can use are; (Zwei) Superspeed, (Tanjiro) Enhanced Smell, Breath of Water, Hinokami Kagura.

Koopa the Quick allowed Lucky to mourn in the freakish way that he did. His eyebrows perked up and he put a little finger on his chin as he pondered and looked around. He gasped audibly as he turned his head to see Jason Todd. In cartoon fashion his eyes bugged out of his head and a high pitches scream escaped his mouth.


Dib looked at the crippled rabbit in disgust.
“You have issues man.”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The fight continued, and Ben has now became what he called “shocksquatch.” And Midna cheers Rex as “Tech Monkey” again.

“Frankly, I don’t. But whoever you got, I can take him. Also, let’s not go crazy with the tech monkey comments. If you’re gonna insult me, do it the right way.”

“Just ignore her Rex, you got this. Show him who’s boss.”

Rex shot Sora a smile, but as he can continues his match, Sora hears someone talking about Rex. “Uh Lucky. Why are you talking about Peeing on graves? And who are you talking to?”

Rex rushes Ben, with more punches hoping one of them lands, with one of them being a smack in the ribs from the side in the middle of the string of attacks. Ending with a stomach jab and uppercut.

Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
With the arrival of the two, The Operator and Umbra had both turned to the explanation that the one known as T'challa gave of why they were there, the pair turned to each other, both shrugging. "Here we go again.", The Operator replies with a sigh, Umbra nodding in return. The two both turn their gaze to the table that were motioned to, Umbra going over to grab a pair of the tools. As he slipped the strange stick like device onto his hip beside his Skiajati, he wraps the communicator around his wrist, making sure it is secure with a satisfying strap. The Operator would look to them with a rub of the chin, remembering the words, "Gravity Falls huh? Never heard of it, must be another universe that we haven't touched yet." Umbra nods in agreement, before looking about the room. As it seemed that the majority of those available were occupied with other happenings, both Umbra and The Operator move to the side of the room, both taking seats as to see about who else they can notice that they may remember.

They both keep to themselves as Umbra proceeded to pull out his Skiajati, giving it a satisfying rub of his fingers against its blade, before returning it to its sheathe. The Operator himself, tossing in the air and catching repeatedly a very infamous and memorable sharpie from the world of Blood Gulch. A smirk on his face, the Operator sticks the tool in his pocket as he pokes a finger at Umbra's shoulder, holding up a fist with a rather confident look on his face. Umbra looks at the boy's fist with a nod as he makes the same gesture of a fist with the hand, holding it over an open palm. The two figures begin making the action, bumping their fist against their palms three times before throwing out the fist in a hand shape, an all too ancient tradition.

The Operator had kept a smirk as he held out his fist in the shape of a pair of scissors, and Umbra, in a flattened out hand in the symbol of paper. "What's that now, 36 to 34?", The Operator replies with a cheeky grin, before the two began to bounce their fists once more, if Umbra had a face, he would certainly be rolling his eyes right about now. This time however, Umbra had kept the hand formation of paper, to The Operator's action of Rock. Umbra joyfully punches his fist into his palm in a triumphant action, to which the Operator does the very motion Umbra couldn't, a roll of the eyes. "Aaand that's 35 to 36. Don't worry, we can keep doing this as much as you like buddy!" The Warframe shakes its head in defeat, clearly just doing it to entertain his operator, but still hoping to get ahead of their scores of each other. WIth a nod, the pair begin another round of fist bouncing on their palms.

They may certainly most likely be doing this for awhile.

Until then.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@ everyone
When Koopa the Quick made his terrified exit, Lucky's laughter continued. "Yeah! Just like that, Laddie. Just. Like. That. I'm gonna do to his dignity what he did to mine! I'm gonna send him runnin' to the desert hills, screamin' like a girl with hand sanitizer in a cut on a sunburn!" He started to pace. "Lana didn't ask for it. No, she didn't. She just wanted to live in her cute little fantasy world, where nothing is wrong..."

Dib, when he tried to object, got quite possibly the ugliest glare of them all. "I don't have issues, Laddie. I have power. I have strength. I have a job to do! And I'm not gonna stop until the murderer is forced to use his own small intestine as a bungee cord! Or maybe pushing him into the cogs of some heavy machine would be better. I don't know. Oh! Here comes someone who can help me decide..."

Sora was greeted with a nub wave, and a jeer which was sliiightly less nightmarish. "Hey, Laddie. You like Rex, right? Well, what if Rex was murdered, because there really was someone out to get him, and the rabbit was right, and you were stupid and chose to live in Happyland instead of reality? How would you make sure that the murderer says 'hi' to him on his way to Hell? Would you use a sandpaper-covered cheese grater on his skin? Or stab fish hooks through his wrists and pull him through a swimming pool lined with nails? Or maybe you would instead hack away at his back until his spine was exposed, and then push him backfirst into exposed gears?" A fuzzy eyelid twitched. "You would put your need for vengeance above your need to hold in your lunch, right?!"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Dib began to ponder. He put a finger on his chinny chin chin.

“Hmmm... that weird turtle might have been one of Zim’s evil plots...”
He looked over to Sora and stumbled back in shock and disbelief. That hair cut was atrocious!
“People make fun of my head, but that hair cut is even worse...”
Dib looked back at the rabbit and grew angrier.
“Well I have...”
He raised one fist
He raised the other
“And Order!”
He moved his arms around like he was an idle animation in a fighting game. He swung the fist named “Law” at Lucky only to miss and face plant onto the floor. Very quiet sobbing could be heard as he lied on the floor.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie
Well, that bit of clownery did knock Lucky's rage down a couple pegs, as the rabbit looked on with slack eyelids. "You're not good at this whole 'vengeance' thing, are you, Laddie?" Christ, at least Lucky could land a damn hit.

He crouched, putting his nose right in front of Dib's. "Law and order never got me anywhere in life, kid. You really think I'll just law and order me way through Lana's death?" He threw his head back and chortled. "In case you haven't noticed, murderin' a sweet lady doesn't fall into law and order, either. So what if two wrongs don't make a right? I don't want to make a fucking right! I want to bring justice to this goddamn multiverse!"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

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