Shocksquatch grinned as he took the first hits, then during the barrage, he grabbed Rex's Smackhands, slowing but not completely stopping their arrival at his stomach, but the moment they made contact, they created complete circuits, electrocuting Rex with the sheer electrical power of this electric yeti!

"Pretty shocking, eh?"

Hearing Goku, he says, "looks like someone wants to turn this into a 1v1v1. What do you say to that, Rex? Ready to up the difficulty?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja (surroundings)

"If anything, I should help once it escalates to a higher level," the Agent comments, "can't be any worse than Herbert's antics."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
The moment anyone were to say they wanted candy, candy bars would appear in their hands. Zwei didn't even seem to move, the only indication that she moved was her suddenly facing the harem. She was smiling, a genuine friendly smile. ”Eatupdontwantyourbelliestobeempty!”
Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching

“I don’t even know who the heck Lana is man... I just don’t like you because talking animals can only be the work of Zim.... You’re actually like really mean and you swear way too much dude... I’m only like twelve...”

P PopcornPie
Sora would stand in disbelief as Lucky would began to list of ways Rex could possibly be murdered and that he and everyone else were still living in a fuzzy candyland.

“Oh no..” He facepalms himself. “Let me guess, this “mysterious murder is Toffee,” right? Are you still nuts about him. *Sigh,* I’m starting to see how Rex feels.. anyways, we’re not blind to threats, it’s just that Toffee’s not really important right now. If he ever becomes a threat again, we’ll handle him. And if you need any help, we’ll be sure to give some to you.”

One of Sora’s little heart to heart speeches would then be cut short, as a kid with an interesting choice of clothes, came in mocking Sora’s hair and sobbing on the floor after missing a punch at Lucky.

“Ouch, not the friendliest of the bunch, aren’t you? You okay?”

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Ben Electrocutes Rex, and while it may hurt a little, it’s nothing he couldn’t handle. “Oh please, this all you got? Oh, him? I didn’t even noticed him, standing there. Goku right. Yeah sure, you can join. The more the merrier!”

Crow Crow GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

Dib looked up at Sora and his horrible hair angrily.

The young lad ripped the glasses off his face and pointed at the lens on the right side of the glasses. His right to be exact.
If Sora looked closely he could see a very tiny almost microscopic scratch on his glasses.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"A lot of people don't talk about stressful experiences," Jason shrugged. Before he could continue to conversate with Megumin further, he heard Lucky screaming like a banshee in the distance. Apparently the big headed kid from the Mushroom Kingdom Incident was back, and he said something or another that made the psychotic rabbit angry. Jason let out a loud sigh and walked over to Dib and Lucky. He glanced down at the former, who was on the ground crying like a baby. "When did you even get here?" Whether or not Dib even replied didn't matter, because either way Jason soon turned to face Lucky as he ranted. By now, Jason was more fed up with this rabbit than the kid with the cranium could ever make him. Growling, he said, "You won't be going anywhere. We've all lost people from a ton of assholes across The Multiverse. Arthur, Frank, Eric, Blake... we've all had fucking ghosts in our closet." He took a step closer to Lucky and kneeled down, poking him in the chest. "So if you don't man the fuck up and stop trying to focus on your petty revenge, and realize that we all have shit we've lost in all of these incidents, then I swear to you I will have Midna dump your ass in so much Twilight, that you'll be dead within a minute."

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
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Sora look closely to find the scratch on Dib’s glasses he kept freaking out about, only to see nothing. “I don’t see anything. I mean, outside of a smudge, your glasses seem fine.”

Soon Red Hood would also join in the conversation, telling Lucky to man up or he’ll have Midna take care of them.

“Don’t worry.. I’m sorry, I don’t know your name. Lucky’s known for stuff like this, but me and Rex’ll help him out. He just needs some time.” He tells him with a confidant grin, believing that Lucky’ll change for the better in due time.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie (mentioned in the convo)
After kicking B.H.B. (or Big Head Boy, as the cool kids call him), Jason redirected his attention to Sora and said, "Well, that's great and all, but there's a lot of shit at stake here. Like, all of us and everyone we love, kind of lot of shit. And, I'm sorry, but I can't have some vindictive woodland critter fuck that up for everyone!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
[Lazy post bois]
"Woah, cool cat. These things take time. Maybe if you survive all this, we'll see if you're wife-material."

It takes a lot to be my lover. I am a man with very high standards! She then took notice of the departing kiddo and gave him a poke on the scar. Pfft, he was pissed off by that. I had my attention on the duo with a cheeky smile most people know me for until another player has entered the game, scaring the bejeezus out of me with a flash, I even stumbled back and almost lost my balance. My heart skipped a bloody beat! She started speaking so fast that I could not decipher her words since I was still recovering from the spook that she gave me. I decided to randomly guess what she said.

I retracted the hand she shook and rubbed the back of my head with it.

"Uh, yes, we will kill Ganon and have fun doing it!"

"She asked what your name was and why there are so many girls around you, you dumbo!"

"How the heck did you even understa-- Oh, whatever! I'm Tandem! It's just my natural love magnet luring all the women near me."

I sighed after my heart started beating normally again, taking a look at the kid, doffing my hat to him.

"Bye, kiddo, catch you on the flip side."

I looked back at Shujinko, asking for a candy bar and it appeared on her hands. The weird girl told her to eat up so this must be her doing. Whatever her power is, it's awesome.

"I'd want some too."

After I said that, a bar appeared in my hands and so I started eating it.

Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
deadpoolposttop.png & sonicposttop.png
Sonic took a burger, despite the lack of chili dogs. "Eh, might not be a chili dog, but food's food. Besides, gotta have things other than chili dogs every now and then. Also thanks, Leo. But the thing is, at the moment, we don't really have time to mourn for her and everyone else who we lost. What matters here and now is that we have to stop Ganondorf from destroying all of our universes, or we'll end up having to mourn for even more people. Also what's witch girl's deal with all of her yelling? Could work as a good distraction though." He then turned to Whisper, reassuring her, "Tangle probably understands, it's a much bigger issue than Eggman, Starline, or Metal Sonic. No need to worry, her and everyone else back at home can handle themselves." Meanwhile, Deadpool took the devices for himself, and then looked around the room to notice a variety of fictional characters that he easily recognized, and then asked a very controversial question to everyone in the room: "Wait a minute, why are like even most of us here to help out?! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT GOKU IS HERE?! AND SONIC THE HEDGEHOG AS WELL! PLUS SUPERGIRL! ALL YOU CLEARLY NEEDED WERE THEM, AND NOT EVEN HALF OF US! I JUST WANNA GET BACK HOME, DO MY FUCKING JOB, AND MAKE SOME MONEY!" In reaction, Sonic shook his head and faced DP, telling him, "You don't seem to really care about the multiverse, do you? Thing is, the more of us there are, the better. What if we have to break off into smaller groups to tackle different problems at once? And what about facing villains we've never faced before, but someone in this group is the only person that knows or has their weakness? There's so many other things that could end up going wrong if it were just three of us. Either way, we're all in this fight no matter what, because all of our universes are at stake, and if we can't win against Ganondorf, then it'll all be gone. In other words, if we lose, no more of you doing this 'job' and making money off of it, whatever it entails. Seeing the full body suit and weapons, I probably shouldn't ask. I dunno about you, but I'm gonna eat this burger and wait for our mission to start." Groaning, Deadpool crossed him arms and muttered under his breath, "I should've just slept in..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod and everyone else very likely confused and offended by Deadpool's question.
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon puts his arms up and crosses them "Don't fail me spandex!" The pink laser hits Falcon's arms, living his arm gloves smoking ans slightly singed "Success..." Falcon puts his arms down "Excellent reflexes! Not my first or last time dealing with teleportation and lasers. That drill thingy was cool as H though! But I'm still wondering what else you got? I'm dying to know! ...But I'm not too eager to die or anything. Just so we're clear...!
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake
Sora understands why Red Hood’s like this, but still stared at him with a disapproved face. “(Someone didn’t learn any manners.)” In response to the swearing.

“(But still, I understand why he’s tense right now, but someone’s gotta stay positive for the rest of these guys. Who else is gonna motivate and get them through hard times.)”

Red Hood, continues to kick Dib in the head, thus making Sora cringe a little. “Olay, I think he’s had enough. He’s just a kid.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie
"Well alright then, suit yourself." She says to him as she watches all the chaos unfold. "I better go before things somehow gets even worse." Lilith excuse would herself from the commotion until she accidentally floats right through someone, she quickly realizes what happened and turns around to apologize to her.
"Oh gosh I'm sorry I hope I didn't freak you out or anything!"

Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan)

  • "A lot of people don't talk about stressful experiences," Jason shrugged. Before he could continue to conversate with Megumin further, he heard Lucky screaming like a banshee in the distance.

    Megumin shrugged again. "We have stressful experiences every other day, though. And Kazuma could have come to us for help, absolutely! Between the four of us, Bill would be dead!"

    Inevitably, Jason noticed Lucky's shouts, and the two exchanged worried glances before running to him. "It sounds really distressing..." Megumin fretted, biting her lower lip.


-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Thanky thank."

>"Aww... I want one too."

>In an instant, a candy bar appears in her hand.

"Ah, much obliged."

>You and Venus begin to eat the candy bars. It was sweet, chewy, and chocolatey. You look at Tandem.

"What are you looking for in a wife?"

Open for interaction
Chungchangching Chungchangching PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
“Oh. I didn’t noticed. I was too busy, fighting the Meta and..” Sora felt a little sad when he heard the news that Lana is dead. Sora leans down and puts his hand on Lucky’s shoulder.

“Lucky. I may not have not her that long, but I’m sorry that she’s gone. I promise, we’ll end this, for her sake. Not just for her, but everyone else; to make sure nothing like this happens again. Does Rex even know? I know he was close to her too and..”

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Weapons from BGB:
Sniper Rifle
Accessories: Overcharge
Tesseract Multiversal Watch
Weapons list:

Heavy Weapons
Some weapons can be picked up from dead human enemies, or shot off of machines. The following weapons cannot be purchased from merchants, and their ammo cannot be crafted.

Melee Weapons


Stealth Weapons

Gifts given by Kassandra:
Dark arrow
Electric arrow
Death arrow

Aloy held Ikaros in her arm as he chirped as she pet him just right.

As the woman removed the helmet off her head, she nodded at Kassandra, a friendly smirk remaining on her face.

"Of course, Kassandra." She looked over at Ciri "Ciri, my name is Aloy, I'm from the Nora Tribe. Over here is Kassandra and her golden eagle Ikaros."

"That reminds me, Ciri, Jill, Kassandra, did you guys pick up the multiversal watches.."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Lealan grins. "Of course. The fun is still getting sssstarted!" A burst of crystals shoot out of the eye around Captain Falcon's left, which will explode when they hit the ground. Then Hakucide blade forms in her left hand, and a shockwave of water streaks along the ground to cut off his right side. Finally, Lealan will form her Adaptable Crossbow in place of the eye and shoot an Implosion Bolt at Captain Falcons feet. The bolt will draw anyone nearby toward it, with great force.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Venom Snake Venom Snake

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