Geralt of Rivia

The Witcher could see it in Ciri's face. The palpable relief. She really had been worried that what she told him would make him upset. Not to say none of it did, but not at her. Obviously hearing someone he cared about had been through so much was disheartening. Mostly for the fact that Geralt wasn't there to help her through it. The guilt there didn't weigh him down too much. He couldn't have been here before, and he was here now. That's what mattered, in the long run. Same as when he had finally found her after she vanished for years. Playfully, he punched her in the arm after she finished speaking.

"I'm glad I showed up when I did, too. Seems you've got your work cut out for you without dealing with your own problems." With one more reassuring squeeze of her shoulder, Geralt released her. He was dry-eyed, but that wasn't strange. Geralt didn't cry... ever, basically. Still, his supportive smile was as genuine as they came. "Soon as we get out of here, we'll see if this boat has any booze on it. Take the edge right off. Don't try to keep up with me, though. I'll drink you right under the table." He crossed his arms yet again, though this time it was more a movement to relax than a sign of tension. He looked past Ciri. She needed humor. Something to lighten the mood. They were in an intense, high-stress environment and some levity could really help out. "So, your friend Kassandra... She seems nice." As before, the phrase was said innocently enough. "Mind telling me more about her? To get to know my new comrades."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Frank Castle

When Frank returned to where he had left Ellie, his eyes alighted upon nothing but a blank wall. He wasn't worried, though he did immediately turn to search for the girl. Wasn't like she could have gotten far, there was absolutely nowhere for her to go. Just a blank white room full of freaks and maniacs. It was a wonder they didn't fit the entire crew with straight jackets before throwing them in here. It also helped that Ellie just brazenly shoved her way through the crowd of people Follow the distgrunlted stranger, and you'll find the upset teenager. Castle's kids weren't teens when they died. Lisa was only nine. He had no idea how to treat her if he even wanted to treat the girl normally. She wasn't a normal girl, though.

Before he could find Ellie, Drax and the other Guardians responded. He locked eyes with Starlord for a moment. "So a planet really did fuck your mom." Drax's statement immediately shattered what momentary levity he felt at mocking the alien's fragile ego. His expression didn't change. If anything, his jaw tightened further. He was practically grinding his teeth at this point. Slowly, he made eye contact with Drax. Castle didn't say anything. Didn't think he needed to. This definitely wasn't his world's Drax, born from nothing with nothing to lose. If he got a chance to help this one get his revenge, he'd take it. Without hesitation. Wordlessly, he nodded the green skinned alien, any malicious contempt gone from his face. He didn't say anything else, turning away to resume searching for Ellie.

When Frank did finally find her, Ellie wasn't just sulking. She looked rattled. Like something had shaken her up really badly. He hadn't hit her in earnest, but maybe that had been a step too far. She was acting like and adult, and like she wanted to be treated like one, but she was still a girl. A young one, that had been through a lot, even before the Crossed incident. For a moment, he considered leaving her alone. Maybe she could use the space to cool off from whatever had her so rattled... No. She was too shaken. Leaving her to it was as likely to make things worse as it was to help. Slowly, he walked over. For the first time since meeting her, Frank kneeled to be at eye level with her. He tapped himself on the cheek with one finger. "You can take a free shot, if you want." Maybe this was his way of saying sorry. He really did mean, it too. No tricks intended. When she just stared at him, he moved on.

"I know something's got you shaken up. Practically look like you've seen a ghost." Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched her hands to make sure they weren't near her knife, but consciously remained kneeling in front of her, where he was vulnerable. "Could just be because I smacked you upside the head. I don't think it is. Nearly broke your arm back there and you didn't react half this poorly." His stare didn't waver. He didn't break eye contact unless Ellie did first. "Your memory seems fuzzy. I don't know how far back it goes. If you remember Joel, or the Crossed incident, or anything about the world you come from. I won't press if you don't, or if you just don't want to talk about it. But..."

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"You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya

Ellie just stood still with a frown as Frank approached and kneeled down. Wow. Even Joel barely ever did that. She wasn't really sure what he was going to say here. She didn't expect an apology from him, in fact she wasn't sure what to expect, but she didn't anticipate him turning his head and offering a free shot. Oh, her hand definitely made a fist when he said that. In her head, she played scenarios of her punching him, him curling up crying in a ball of defeat and her pumping her fists in the air. But he didn't ask it in anger, and she wasn't really that angry at him. "... Man, you got some kinda weird fetish for pain..." She knew it was a terrible joke and she knew he wasn't a fan of those, so she was glad he seemed to brush it off.

He got real with her though. Not just 'stick with me because you can't handle yourself and i'm the adult' real, but actually real about her feelings. It made her realize that if she was going to stick with anyone here, it had to be this guy. The one who'd been in this shit before and survived, the one person who knew what that was like, and... honestly, he could kick some ass too, which might come in handy. Speaking of handy, as Frank watched hers, he'd see movement. Not towards anything though, but her right hand trembled again. It was pretty intense too, enough that she'd definitely try to hide it if she was aware of it.

She looked into the man's eyes as he spoke, but at the sheer mention of Joel's name, she immediately closed her eyes and turned her head to look at the ground to his left. Her bottom lip trembled too. When her eyes opened up again, they were wet.

"I... honestly don't know..." she admitted. "I swear I was just brought into here while I was out with Joel, but... now those memories are getting mixed up with others, and in those memories, he's dead." She took a deep breath after saying that, as if those words made it a reality. "... and he is because I couldn't save him in time. And I know I've been in this shit before, but I can barely remember anything... I can feel it though... I can feel the guilt from... what-fucking-ever I had to do or didn't do, and I can feel the pain, and the fear and the..." she reached for the back of her head again. That scar was definitely real.


With a frown, she looked up at the ceiling to her right for a while and then dropped her arm. "I don't know which of the memories are the truth. I don't know what's fucking real anymore, Frank. Do you get that? It feels... It feels like nothing is. And if nothing's real, then what's the fucking point of even--"

She was cut off by a sudden rabble rousing within the crowd. She and Frank took some time to listen in. A giant stone man against a wall somewhere had apparently mentioned something about Gladiator fights. Her entire emotional state dropped away and she looked at Frank with wide eyes. Some people were reacting fearfully as well, but most people actually seemed... excited? That didn't bode well for either of them. Who were they fighting? Some alien super-freaks with super-guns? This Ganondorf's army? What if they had to fight each other?

"Well... guess it's time to start kicking and screaming again, huh?" She said with a genuine, understanding look of respect. She was thankful for him listening, despite not saying it. "I'll go get the kid." As if having completely forgotten about the talk she just had, she ran past Frank and took advantage of her smaller form to run towards Atreus.

- - - - -

Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Atreus had mentioned how he was able to infuse his arrows with magic, and Akari's eyes widened a bit. "Magic arrows, you say? Those certainly would make quite the difference in hunting and combat, indeed. Your dad must care about you if he's teaching you a vital skill like hunting for your own food, Atreus. Oh, but this sword I have, I do believe an old friend of mine told me about it. It's known as the Sumarbrandr, said to have belonged to the Norse god Freyr. It's capable of fighting on its own, or so I was told, but in my hands it's a force to be reckoned with." Akari then gave a slight smirk. "Oh, and should you wish to take a closer look, do be careful not to touch the red lining of the blade-- it'll do a bit more than burn." If Atreus were to look a bit closer at the center of the sword's blade as Akari held it, he would see light blue rune symbols along it, glowing and flickering like fiery embers. "But, aside from my skill in using a crossbow and sword, I have access to spells of my own. It's mainly healing and empowering magic, but I can also use offensive powers involving light. Should you find yourself in need of aid, Kronos and I can mend your wounds or make you a bit stronger." Akari added with a nod.

Then, Korg mentioned how the prisoners would be forced to participate in gladiatorial combat. "If that's the case, Korg..." Akari closed his eyes and exhaled. "...then so be it." In his mind, Akari prepared a plan. It seemed he wouldn't have much of a choice but to fight his allies, but he would try and do his best to not outright kill them if he could, then perhaps Samarecarm them when all was said and done. The problem was, he had to make his victory look convincing enough. Of course, he could not discuss this plan out loud with everyone at the risk of anyone overhearing it that was not supposed to, but for now, Akari hoped the others would catch on when the time came.

( This part is relevant for Celestial Speck Celestial Speck marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201

The boy's eyes widened immensely when he heard mention of Sumarbrandr. "That's really Freyr's sword?!" He called out more excited than ever. "It can prevail even against Surtr's flaming sword!" Atreus gladly took the chance to check the sword out, actually reading the runes and letting out a "Wooow..." in awe. "Hey, I've actually met Freyr's sister Freya! She's hiding in the woods now, after Odin--" but the boy was interrupted when suddenly, Ellie came running up behind him.

"Kid! Hey, Atreus..." Ellie said when she came running up and reached him. "It's uh... time to go, okay?" It seemed the talk of the gladiator fight had just reached this little group, and she intended on getting the boy out of there as fast as possible, before anyone else could suggest he stick with them. "Come on, let's get back to Frank..." Atreus looked confused, glancing back and forth between Ellie and the rest of the people he just met. "But.. I was just talking to--" "Yeah, well, I'm sure they're really nice and all, but... just come on..." Ellie then took a gentle but firm grip of his arm and pulled him along with her back into the crowd and toward Frank, not even granting Atreus' new friends a glance.

"Uh, bye! It was great to meet you all!" Atreus still called out to the rest.
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | CutieBoop CutieBoop | TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher | BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 | Ellya Ellya | @ anyone nearby!


The parent in question had been watching, for quite a lot now… with a lot of events happening to the crew, even more alienation and stress towards his son and… almost, terrible things happening many times over.

The middle-aged man could only watch, not feeling exhaustion due to the overwhelming worry and investment on the events happening on the other side of the portal… for a long time after his first message the portal connection didn’t allow for any more messages… leaving the man once again as an external observer to the quite frankly, catastrophic play happening in other dimensions…

Then, to make things worse, the one guardian to his adoptive child, the woman with fox tails had abandoned the rest of the group, leaving Sage behind… she was trouble, but at least she supported, if too much, his child. Thankfully, the luck of the gods smiled upon them, for a man named Kyou had shown up and was trying to help his son along. Even luckier, the portal was showing favorable conditions for communication again! This is the one chance he will get for a long time. He would pick up stones just in the same fashion as last time, and get in contact with the man known as Kyou.

Hello. My name is Hershel Avad. I need to ask a favor. Also, talking like this, mind based, 20 words.” The mental message would be delivered to the oni… now how he responded, it was up to him.

For Hershel, though...He would only get a few sounds of confusion from the Oni as the first few messages.

The few moments after Kyou Tana had his head hit by Mimaki after the little...Arguably dumb reasons from the Oni, the first 15 mental words Hershel got were a series of ‘eeehs’ and ‘aaahs?’ and ‘wait, whaaaa?’ at the strange words that mentally arrived at his mind.

Then, came a silence. Hershel for a moment couldn’t help but think the communication somehow was cut, before a reply in...The 5 words that remained came to him.

...Did I get brain damage?

...Well, this was off to a great start, wasn’t it?

The lord in question would be pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration for a couple seconds… but screw it, this was THE chance, and he was not wasting it. He would try yet again to contact the man… as many times as it took, no matter the cost.

Again, mental message, magic based, another world. Contacting you because it's the most convenient for the favor I want.

There was another pause, for a moment, nothing came through. One second. Two seconds...Before Hershel could hear another voice. Different from the oni- but old. Powerful. Almost alien. Coming from within the confines of the mind of the half oni, came an ancient and powerful being. Its voice was deep and masculine, and it spoke in an almost...Eerily human voice, but its mere presence made clear it wasn’t something human that was speaking.

We heard you loud and clear, invader of minds.The voice spoke- almost making the communication crack for a moment, before it returned to normal. It was obvious Hershel’s skill and power alone were what allowed for this being not to jeopardize the communication with his presence....You aren’t one of this group. Who are you?

Wait, waaaait! Yamata, don’t be rude! It’s the first time someone spoke to us in our mind in AGES!

...Wait, fuck, one word left. Daaaaamn.

What… The oni replied, and soon, the dragon, with his two words left, finished his phrase.
...You need?

Well, this was absolutely a first, in all his life. Did he hear a SECOND voice in the message? He, he did, super distinctive… that’s. Maybe it's bound to Kyou in some way? Either way, this expanded the answering capabilities of the man on the treacherous end… so hey, it worked out.

Alright. Kyou, Yamata. This is about Sage, the fire user. I want to ask to deliver words to him soon.

If he had more time and resources, he would inquire about the being called Yamata… but that would have to wait for now.

There was a surprised pause for a moment- but it didn’t last long. Kyou’s answer soon came.

...You know Sage? Are you...A friend of his? You can speak up, ‘bud. I’ll deliver whichever message you want me to…

Word limit reached. There was silence, before Yamata sighed, and Hershel could hear a groan coming from Kyou too. Soon, however, the audible sound of static and something breaking, almost like shattering glass, was heard, as Kyou’s voice soon came over again somehow.

..say to ‘im! Gah, stupid damn limiter.”’

Oh- what in the world. Did this man just forcefully break the limit of words??? What was that man?

Did you just… break the world limit to my spell? Nevermind. I’m a kind of adoptive dad to Sage.

He would double down and message once again before giving the other chance to respond, showing a slight frown at how increasingly puzzling this man was.

Message: ‘It doesn’t matter to me if I was wrong or not. I will never abandon you…

He would pause for another moment, thinking of the right words to finish it which came just slightly too long, requiring a new spell to be cast for it

And I will never stop trying to help you.

He was clenching his fist close to his heart by this point, trying to make the words come from a place of his heart, and not just superficial.

And for a moment, there weren't any words from the Oni or the dragon. The pauses were getting long and often, but it was clear that from the feeling that Hershel felt, the oni liked his words, and from the little dry laugh ‘Yamata’ gave off, he found them amusing as well.

It was a warm feeling, like Sage’s flames. But...They were warm, excited, proud. Like there were flames grinning at Hershel, but not in a shit-eating way like Toayî. No- these flames were kind, and they heard the man speaking from the depths of his heart, and they found it amazing. Warmth filled inside the ruler’s mind- a good warmth, as he could almost hear Kyou’s next words as if the man was right next to him.

...You know, Hershel-san...I have a feeling I like you already!

There came a laugh, and Hershel could see the Oni grinning. He didn’t even make an effort to hide it away, as he crossed his arms and smiled widely.

You’re a man who’s not even related to Sage, and want to help ‘im. Even thRough the ugly, even through the bad, even through the harsh…! The flames crackled on, as if patting the lord comfortably on the back. It was...Alien, but it didn’t feel wrong.

If that’s really like you, then don’t say you’re Sage’s adoptive dad- just say yer his dad already! Kye-hehehe~! But...Message heard and felt, bud. I’ll say it when I get the chance.

You’re certainly an amusing human, I suppose patience knows no bounds with you lot…
Yamata added, a small chuckle coming from the dragon.

Hershel, the man in question would let a sigh of relief escape his lips, showing a slight smile at the positive… warmth and words he was getting back from the man. The cleric had made the right call for this job, for sure.

There would be a few moments of silence between the three speakers, mostly due to the lord in question feeling like a weight just got taken off his shoulders, but there was still yet more to be done and said, so no rest.

Alright… thanks, and. I got two more favors, if you are willing to help me with them. You are capable.

Now instead of standing up from his chair, Hershel would be back to sitting on his chair, yet still diligent despite the accumulated exhaustion he had been suffering.

There was a nod of confirmation from the Half Oni- two favors were understandable when it came to someone’s kid. Shoot ‘em out. I’ll do the best in m’ abilities to follow through with ‘em.

Hershel would grin at the enthusiasm of his fellow parent…Before taking in a deep breath of preparation, he went through them in order.

First. Help him in control and develop his powers with creativity. One is obvious… Second, he can be a bit… dull.

He would now pause, giving time to see if Kyou had anything to add.

...Heh, ya didn’t even need to ask that~ I was plannin’ on doin’ so anyways. Ya don’t have to worry, my mind is already set on helpin’ him. But, the second one is…?

The cleric would nod in his end, just as he had suspected the man already had set his mind to it! Now… for the awkward one.

Haaa... Help him with relationship matters and emotions related to it… Specifically, related to Leo. It could be a liability.

He was yet again pinching the bridge of his nose… He felt bad to ask for that, but given circumstances, there was no other option. Regardless, the oni visibly raised a brow, and Hershel could tell Yamata also raised one. It was clear the Oni didn’t see the little...Moment between the two boys, either for the best or the worst.

Regardless, Kyou had a stable relationship, and from what he could gather, he was already married. But soon...A little hesitant nod came. It was the clear spell limit left some things without context, but the main message went across.

...That was also my plan- the emotion bit, that is. His powers are related to emotions, ain’t they? Same with me, ‘ere. The boy’s similar to me- hence I felt the need to help ‘im, ya know. But...I think I got what you mean.

...Don’t treat the man as if he was a child. He’s already an adult in his twenties.

Oi, Yamata, don’t be rude now! But...I guess he’s a bit right, though considerin’ Sage’s circumstances, it makes sense. I guess I’ll do my best with that, too. Hopefully it should be easy...But, I getcha with the bit of Leo, ye still afraid of yer kid growin’ up, heh.

It was a little tease from the Oni, with a little chuckle coming from him.

But...I guess this is all?

The lord in question would be showing a small defeated smile due to Yamata… maybe, maybe he was making the same mistake as Alexis, but that’s where he trusted Kyou to tread that line carefully. He was experienced, maybe not as old as Alexis, but clearly more stable. At least, from the looks of it so far.

That’s all… just, give him a helping hand. Coddling did no good, and... Sage can take it.

There was silence. The spell was soon coming to an end- the strange anomaly where Kyou could seemingly speak through the limit was still there. Something to think about later, but not important now. Through the portal where he watched the events go down, the Oni simply nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. But an understanding one.

...Right, I’ll do my best. Tell him yer message, help him control his powers, and help ‘im control his emotions. We can do that, right Yamata?

There was a little sigh- but one that didn’t show resistance. ...As long as he is willing to learn, it shall be done. We will try--

The spell flickered again. The communication was coming to an end. And yet, Kyou’s voice still persisted, going through the limiters and static, to send one final phrase to Hershel. A phrase Kyou hasn’t said in ages- but one that showed Hershel that the man wasn’t simply going to ‘try’ as Yamata said.

He was going to do it- simple as that.

We ain’t going to JUST try, we gon’ do it! Hershel-san, by m’ word, I promise ya, I’ll make sure Sage becomes a man you can be proud of!--

And then...Came silence, as the communication was cut off. Hershel was met with silence whenever he tried to cast the spell again, yet, looking through the portal, he could see Kyou staring at Sage, a determined smile on his mouth.

Those words, they were incredibly encouraging on all ends…this event had revitalized the cleric’s hopes that Sage could make it through… as a matter of fact, the thing he was preparing might be ready soon… everything was lining up. There he would sit, smiling with an expression full of hope.

Now all he had to do was keep watching.

Collab with Thexcentrichilean Thexcentrichilean
Frank Castle

The fetish joke drew a glower, but nothing more. She kept reaching for the back of her head, where Frank had hit her. Had the old vigilante hit her harder than he thought? Again, she was still a child, no matter how tough she acted. Still didn't seem right. Frank was keenly aware of his own strength. He'd given her a good clout, but nothing that would leave a mark or even really sting. It had been more to knock some sense into her from the surprise of it. No, there was more to that. Ellie was barely keeping it together. Her hand was shaking, and tears were forming in her eyes. As she glanced off to the side, his eyes darted to the back of her head. A surgery scar. Frank hung his head for a second, closing his eyes. At his waist, his fist tightened so much his palm bled. The old vigilante made sure he was looking up before Ellie turned back to him, but blood still dripped from his hand onto the floor.

Things didn't get much better when she started talking. Something had really fucked this kid up in the head. Was she just blocking the memories out? She knew enough for it to bring her grief. She knew Joel was dead, and that she had done something awful, or had something awful done to her... or both. Did Ellie deserve to know the truth? Would it bring her some bizarre peace if Frank told her about what she had done, and what happened to her? Or, would it push her deeper into despair? Did it matter to him, either way? She was just some kid, right? Just some kid that did something stupid because a sick fuck manipulated her, forced her to do it. Just some kid trying not to cry, standing a couple feet in front of him. Just some kid. A child. Afraid. Alone. In pain. The briefest flash of a memory. A runaway kite caught in a tree. Chasing after it with the kids. An old man tied to a tree with a gun to his head. The men around the old timer turning. Muzzle flashes. Lisa, making a face a little girl should never make. His fist clenched even harder, drawing yet more blood. Standing in front of him, for the briefest second, was Lisa... Meat spilling out of her.

He didn't let his expression waver, staying steady even as his hand hurt. She needed him to seem like a rock. He needed to be a rock. Something completely immmovable to grab onto while she was adrift at sea. That meant seeming distant, at least to him. In control. Every fiber of his being screamed out against it, though. Her father figure was dead, and it was at least in some small way her fault. A way that had been out of her control, but that didn't make it any less true. In front of him wasn't just a rough and tumble survivor. No. She was every bit as much a scared little girl. She was starting to question whether there was even any point to this. Not good. How to handle that? He--

The conversation was cut short. People were freaking out about something. As Frank stood, he tore off a piece of his sleeve, wrapping it around his bloody palm, turning away from her. His eyes narrowed as the Kronan revealed that they would have to fight in some sort of gladiatorial contest. That wasn't good. Unless the arena provided weapons, all he had was a knife, and he needed to keep these kids safe, above all else. If this was a fight to the death, though, there wasn't much the old man was sure he could do. Even aside from being unarmed, none of these people, at a glance, deserved to die, except maybe Samus. Not even her yet. Of course, that would change if they killed anyone, tried to kill him, or tried to hurt the kids, but Frank couldn't assume that and just hurt them ahead of time. That wasn't how Frank did things, even back when he was out hunting crooks every night. At this rate, maybe that's where he belonged. He'd tried the straight and narrow. Didn't exactly work out for him. Here he was, already falling back into old habits. "Kicking and screaming," Frank muttered back with rattling breath, swallowing a glob of blood. Spat too much out. Didn't want to worry the kids now, of all times. He nodded to Ellie as she went to retrieve Atreus.

Frank looked down at the boy as he was brought to him. Looking between the two, he shook his head before returning to sizing up the room. They didn't stand a chance in Hell against some of these freaks. His eyes burrowed into each of them, one at a time. "Whatever happens, when we're out there, I need you to actually listen to me. No bullshit. Don't care if you trust me. Don't care if you like me. I'll drag your asses to the ground if I have to. Could mean the difference between walking away or catching a slug to the brain." In particular, as he finished, Frank looked at Ellie, though the look was slightly less harsh than usual. "If it comes down to walking away alive or sticking with me, you don't hesitate. You fucking run. Got it?" The intensity was back in an instant, baring his teeth at both of them as he spoke.

Ellya Ellya The The cell​
With all introductions out of the way, the MPF were about to be on their way, until they realized they had no fuel. After enough bickering and whatnot, they mange to get up and start the ship back up. And if you’re wondering where Sora and Rex were doing at this time, due to unknown circumstances, they slept through everything again. Why? Nobody knows, maybe they were tired of everyone and just said fuck it all like they had nothing left to lose.

But all peace and quiet would come to end due to a large rumbling sound around the ship. Then, men in black suits came in and had weapons aimed at the MPF. With their hands up, Sora and Rex begin to question why the men in black had their sights set on them. “What’s going on here. What happened? Who ticked these guys off?”

“Does anyone here even know who they are?” With their questions ignored and finding themselves dragged on the deck, they were met with a wide man who looked like he had mustache on his head and accuses Star Lord and his crew of time anomalies. “Time anomalies!? Did you guys do something wrong to make this guy mad?” Another question ignored and now everyone would find themselves in a white box void of nothing and no one there except the being made of rocks who says his name is Korg. Jason explaining that every universe has it’s own rules and what they’re doing isn’t wrong, but time police might think the MPF are in the wrong place, and at the wrong time.

All they could do now was sit and wait for what’s to come next.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Killua Zoldyck

(Overtime heal, -3% Nen, full health)
Mood: Nervous
Overall Health: Perfect
Nen Charge: 65%
Stamina: 100%
Location: Unknown prison cell
Interaction: Everyone

They were getting absolutely nowhere. The trapped crew seemed to be talking about everything except on how they would all escape. He stood up from his corner. He looks at the crew and explains what's on his mind. Hey, it needed to be said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get this is peaches and cream and all, but we're still stuck here! We need to devise a proper plan on a way out."
He knew he was just 14, and the fact that there were several people older than him in the room, but he still needed to get a point out.
"I propose we do a bit of a breakout. We might not know much, but we should find a way outta here! Let's all work as a team for at least a bit longer and figure a way out of this place. We don't know exactly why we're here, where we are, or if we'll be let out anytime soon. My suggestion: Figure a way out of this... place, or punch a hole in the wall. At this point, anything goes. We don't have forever. Ganondorf might be monopolizing the multiverse as we speak. And I don't know about you, but instead of hoping someone will come and free us for whatever reason while Ganondorf is doing whatever he wants, I wanna do something about it."
Killua desperately looked around the room. Yeah, he may seem like a kid who just brags about being an assassin, looking for attention, but he needed people to get the message that some people need to get out ASAP. And for a 14 year old, he was a pretty damn good speaker.
"Now then," he looked at the room with a face of confidence and finished his last statement, "Are we going to find a way out or not?"
He looked around the room for any takers.

Open for interaction
Unspoken mentions: Everyone (Technically didn't use any names)​
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

While Weiss and Yang listened to Samus, Atreus had finally answered Yang's question from earlier; he was fine. However, just as with Blake, she could sense a bit of discomfort from the boy. She was about to respond, opening her mouth to say something, but then he started to geek out at Akari's crossbow. As Atreus started to introduce his own bow to the Persona User, instantly, another memory of Ruby emerged.

"Oh, sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff! *gasp* And she's got a fire sword!"

"Ow, owww!"

"Easy there, little sister, they're just weapons."

"Just weapons? They're an extension of
ourselves! They're a part of us! Ohh, they're so cool!"

As soon as Ellie started talking to Atreus, convincing him back towards Frank, Yang couldn't help but to start drawing comparisons between him and Ruby. Like Ruby, he was trained by family to use a potent weapon, and like her, he was curious about weaponry. Frank alone could care for him and Ellie, like how she cared for Ruby alone, but this time, she was starting to feel like...maybe a second hand would help.

But then there was Sage. He was struggling, perhaps more than Atreus and Ellie, due to the empathic fire abilities that left him struggling to control them, coupled with how he was (possibly) raised.

So she had two choices: it was either him, or Atreus and Ellie.

And judging by things, it looked like Sage had some caring to do for the most. So, after waving bye towards Atreus, she looked towards Sage.

— - — - —​

While Yang would do her thing, Weiss, meanwhile, heard what Jason had to say about relative time. In a way, it did make sense; the Tesseract Incident came first eight months ago, while the Mushroom Kingdom Incident came next years ago. But what mattered most was what came first, and what came next.

And all this, because ripples in time and space didn't know, nor care about when they'd happen.

"I...assume that makes sense, then," Weiss said, "If you think about it from a certain perspective."

And then, Korg said something about a gladiatorial tournament.

With one step closer towards figuring out why the Time Baby had people like Blendin arrest her and the group, Weiss raised an eyebrow. Already, she started off with possible ideas about what it could be, from the Vytal Tournament she took part in years ago.

Jared asked about whether they'd fight solo, or in teams, but already were people starting to take issue. Mimaki acknowledged the group didn't know if it was a fight to the death.

Almost nobody else acknowledged the tournament that was about to take place.

"So the tournament is why the Time Baby has us here," Weiss asked flatly, knowing full well what Korg may say.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Korg, Jason), Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage), Zamasu Zamasu (Jared), Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Mimaki) Ellya Ellya (Atreus, Ellie), BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Frank), quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (Akari)

  • Kassandra couldn't help but shrug when Geralt told her he had a good impression of her. Despite the neutral tone, she swore there was a hint of some flirting within that statement, which was confirmed when Ciri reacted negatively towards the Witcher. At this, the Spartan decided to play ignorantly, taking his compliment to her solely at face value.

    "Well, they don't call me the Eagle Bearer for nothing; I try to keep my senses as sharp as Ikaros, which includes remembering things. Besides, I'm sure that disadvantage will pass when you've gotten the hang of all this 'space and time' stuff." Granted, Geralt probably didn't have the same edge that Kassandra had by being an Isu, but he looked smart enough on his own. Plus, Ciri trusted him enough to be considered better than her true father, so he had to be competent. Oh, and when Geralt guessed Sparta's nature of warriors, the Spartan nodded.

    "You're much smarter than you give yourself credit for. Let's just say most Spartan children are taught to wield weapons the moment they turn seven... and even before, there's a 'tough love' policy." She remembered the group of kids fighting wolves in Lakonia earlier, and how her mater (mother) had stopped her from intervening due to Spartan culture. Of course, Kassandra didn't feel bound to such rules, as she was both a misthios and somewhat an ex-Spartan since she got thrown off a cliff due to said laws, hence why she was an interesting mix of both Athenian intelligence and Spartan might. Whilst both Ciri and Geralt caught up really quickly, Kassandra glanced over to the aforementioned Ikaros... who had went back to preening himself again. At least he wouldn't be squawking at the next resident owl, trying to goad them into a fight. She returned her attention to Ciri, who apologized and directly acknowledged the hunch Kass had.

    "It's fine, don't worry. I deal with a lot of people, men and women alike, who are much less subtle about their intentions. Gods forbid Eros wasn't trying to strike people with bouts of love, or Aphrodite giving them sparks of 'passion'." She rolled her eyes as she immediately thought of Alkibiades, who- despite his knowledge- seemed to have a knack for flirting, whether it be with a man, woman, or goat. That said, her minor amusement at Ciri's embarassment quickly faded as a scream came from the elevator device, prompting the entire group to check it out. Here, Geralt immediately proved his talents by completely deducing what happened with just one swift look. Even Kassandra couldn't do that; it usually took her a couple goes at a crime scene to fully piece together what was going on, but the Witcher's investigation was an open-and-shut case.

    Too bad they didn't get to follow up on that. Without any warning, a horde of black-suited guards burst into the bridge, prompting her to draw both her Spear of Leonidas and her Hero's Sword. However, she realized just how many enemies there were; even if she managed to fight through them all, one of her allies would inevitably get hurt. So her best course of action was to surrender. The Spartan blew air through grit teeth as she sheathed her weapons as quickly as they were drawn, Ikaros hopping on top of her shoulder to follow wherever she went.

    "You better not touch my Spear or my eagle, or I will make your life miserable." She threatened the one guard escorting her to her cell, though thankfully she wasn't punished nor did the guard ignore her declaration. Within moments, the Spartan was put in a bright white cell, and locked in. She let Ikaros loose, who began flying through the "guilded" cage, before grabbing at the bars to see if she could peer outside... which was a bad move, since it sent an electric shock. With a loud "Malakas!", she took a few steps backwards, grimacing at the zap. Of course, it wasn't enough to be harmful, but it was enough to deter any angry Spartan from trying to break down the doors. Instead, she used her Revelation ability, trying to use echolocation to find any sort of weakness in the cell. She couldn't upon first use, despite continuing to use Revelation throughout the general vicinity. Within this time frame, Ciri and Geralt both left to a more secluded area, but Kassandra didn't really mind.

    What she did mind was some beat-up looking guy, who gave her and... Megumin, Lucky and Aloy all glances. Quick, like he wanted to hide it, but noticeable enough to an eagle-eyed witness. She probably would've went over to check up on Geralt and Ciri, but that man intrigued her, especially when he'd looked at four of the higher-profiled Blood Gulch survivors. He was introduced by Jason as one "Tony", and by the way Jason reacted, it seemed like Tony was some sort of high-ranking member of the MPF at the very least, since he was asked about a few other choice people. Tony replied that he had no idea, before antagonizing some new man giving him the stink eye. When Frank went on a quick rave before storming off, this warranted an eyebrow-raise as Kassandra sauntered over to the still-sitting Stark.

    "What's that guy's deal, anyways?" She asked aloud, half to herself and half to Tony, before her eyes landed upon the man in question, offering a hand up before asking two other questions.

    "Do you need a hand up, by any chance? And... have we met before somewhere?" The latter question was a bit random, sure, but she wanted to know just why this guy was looking at her in particular. Either way, after she got her answers, the Greek looked over at Ciri. It seemed at this point the Witcheress was pouring her heart's contents out to her makeshift father, prompting her to use the still-flying Ikaros to quickly get a snippet of the conversation. The ashened-hair swordsmaiden was asking if she was the monster and if she'd been selfish. Oh, this certainly couldn't be ignored. Even if Kassandra wanted to stay to get answers from Tony, she knew she couldn't just sit back.

    "...Look, I need to check up on a friend of mine. I'll come back to you for some more formal introductions, but for now you can just remember me as Kassandra." With that, the Eagle Bearer hurried back to her close companion, even if the two were supposed to be more or less getting private time. Unfortunately- or fortunately, depending on how one looked at it- by the time she got there, the topic had moved on from Ciri to the Greek demigoddess herself. At this, she walked up to the two, forming a perfect triangle between the trio, just before making herself known.

    "Well, besides for being a misthios- I mean, mercenary- and an explorer, I think Ciri's seen more than enough to give you an idea of who I am." She glanced over to the Witcheress with a smile on her face, obviously allowing her to decide what to say about Kassandra. Well, that smile was short-lived, since Ikaros had other plans. The Golden Eagle wasn't satisfied with Kassandra's self-description, so he decided to dive-bomb Kassandra's head again.


    Just like his digital self in Blood Gulch, and a couple other times, the bird landed with a mischievous chirp- Forgetting someone?- before flying off, leaving a satisfied caw to emphasize his quick show and a less-than-happy Eagle Bearer.

    "...And, of course, I can't forget about Ikaros even if I wanted to."

    In the meantime, Ikaros would continue flying around the room, getting snippets of dialogue and information between the groups of people interacting. In particular, he seemed to have an interest in Aloy alongside Tony, the former in case she wanted to let him perch and the latter because Kassandra had interacted with him before and Tony had given her that weird look. Of course, anyone else could interact with the bird; just don't harm him, lest you invoke the Spartan's wrath.
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  • orbeck.jpg

    Orbeck of Vinhiem
    Status: tempered rage...and vises over ones self
    condition: Normal, and still not happy​
    Orbeck had approached, first time since the mess at the bridge and- He had decided to ask about the man from the Cape. The young man had deflated noticeably, grimacing at the memory.
    Either it was that bad of experience or the fact that he did not ask for his well being was what caused him to deflate like so.
    "You can say that... I-I think?", he wasn't sure either, "He was at The Cape, showed up in the room we were in which... Had turned up to be a mission simulator. I felt used. But there was also a lot of pent-up frustration from past happenings, including ending up in that building without wanting to.", he sighed with regret, "By the sounds of it, he's one of the MPF veterans."
    At this point, Orbeck just stands by next to him. Truly, the only thing that he could relate to the pyromantic boy would be the so-called eventual fate, the fear of no longer being yourself, Eather as a hallow husk...or a never-ending vile flame. He probably would have continued to glare at Samus as she sprouted her...abluste nonsensical claims over the stuff related to time and time babies...Bill was a threat that could have easily killed them all. End of discussion. He did not just deal with the killings at gravity falls just to have some armored female say that it was wrong because 'time baby wants it'. Time and space are so convoluted, more so then it could ever have been back at Lothirc, where phantoms could be summoned from alternate versions of that same world. He would have simply stand by as he pondered....Until Leo came in to ask how he is doing. And that was where his assumptions were made to be correct, he didn;t know if sage was aware of Orbeck he listened as Sage talked about his troubles about being the one who remained after that incident.
    "I still think that if someone had to leave, it should have been me. Really...", he brought his gaze back up and stared fixedly at Leo, it wavered ever so slightly and narrowed, as if trying to read the other, "What is it that you see in me? I've done nothing but invite more trouble. I'm, a huge mess, I understand very little about things... And I can turn on you guys at any time... It's- It's really no wonder people have gotten tired of having me around. I've caused more damage than the actual bad guys have. ...And all I ever wanted to do was help!"

    It was a question that should have been answered, what exactly made him able to tolerate the flare-ups of sage? His connections with Hersle? The previously mentioned fate of his? Or maybe it was the fact that he was more or less forced to open up beyond what he had known, and the people that he talked with. With Julie it was clearer, her demeanor was as abrasive and sincere as you could get...yet she holds some sort of vindictive feels on her own destiny, well that what he thinks of her so far. So why is it the case with him?

    "But yeah, I don't know if I should leave, I don't know where I'd even leave to considering... Well, considering that being in this cell and being back home feels about the same. It's just less empty and white, but the same thing.",
    This also made something else aeprnet, the lack of context over his...useal life, his constant attacks on him, and his character over the dreaded flame that he holds in his very soul itself. I mean, Orbeck was the victim of such when he was exiled from the Vinhim dragon school...all because he became undead. Guess he could count his stars that he wasn't subjected to the more severe discriminatory actions, like being locked up in an undead asylum untill the end of days, being hunted for sport by the nobles of some kingdom, or forced by the way of white to hunt for the secret of a needle in a haystack.

    Was this how it felt for those who were hallowed in such a place, empty imprisonment without hope?

    "But I also know that being around me is dangerous, that I have a lot of people to apologize to and that everyone seems to not want me around anymore. Which, as much as I understand makes me feel lied to... a bit."

    On this comment, the sorcerer speaks.
    "I hope I'm not intruding...although it may be too late for such." he said "So you ask why anyone at this point would be willing to tolerate the power that you have, despite what has happened for the last...few hours or so. I obviuly cant say of the others, but for myself...I didn't have a definite answer... could have been the prior interactions with Hershel, or what minimal similarities when it came to our...dates so to speak. I have been trying to do things that I... simply was not used to doing... even back then at the Gravity Falls insident...I had to expand my horizons, and not be so picky about it."

    "The only answer I could really...take from all for this and prior experiences during the conflict with that I didn't want another person to fall to those sort of depths، to where it seems... impossible to maintain any sort of relations for even a bread moment of time. That fear of losing ones self as I mentioned before, and the nightmare that shifted and turned over what little actions I have made regarding my inability to accept that fear of the curse, regardless of what happens."

    "I assumed I could at least help in some way...but I was simply not equipped with the knowledge nor experience to do more then some...pathetic attempts at comfort. Yet I continued...Would things have been different if I was a pyromancer?" The last line was said in jest, who knows what would have happened if that pyromancer at the shrine was in his place.

    "Guess all I could say is this. You are no fool, to try and fight against those odds... your certainly holding up more than...a few of less... restrained of our group." Looking at lucky and Samus as he said this. "I won't have the means to end this struggle with the concept of fire, Sage. But I can promise you that I won't simply treat you with blind praseing... with...what's the term...fluff?" Even now he was trying to put some modern words into his vocabulary. " won't be given fluff. And I am certain I'm not alone in that regard."

    Then the crazy happened...

    Leo, meanwhile, had sat next to Sage and listened to Sage ramble on. He felt sorry for him... about Alexis, about his own self worth. Nothing that had happened so far had been Sage’s fault, and Leo knew it. Leo understood how Sage felt. He understood every last bit of it. But... despite what Sage thought, Leo was never good with words. And as Sage continued in, talking about how happy he was just knowing Leo was safe, and asking Sage what Leo saw in him... Leo answered in the form of leaning forward slightly, and planting a small kiss on his lips mid-sentence.

    It was quick, so quick that anyone but Sage probably didn’t notice it. But it was hopefully enough to get his message across without having to give some huge, multi-layered spill.

    “Does that answer your question?”

    Orbeck was still talking with sage before...Leo kissed him? How was be supposed to respond to this without surprise. Who is he kidding, it is impossible to not be as such when it came out of nowhere.

    Also. They where to be trialed in a battle. Against who? We don't know.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Atreus freaking out over Akari’s weapons certainly made her be reminded of her former team leader, which resulted in a small smile appearing on her face. Looking over at Yang, she saw it too before heading over to Sage. Once Ellie dragged Atreus away from them, she gave him a small wave back and for the first time since being placed in here, she got to really look around the room.

It was a bad idea, really considering her history with rooms that were pure white.

Her breathing quickened as she started frantically looking around the room, shaking. This wasn’t good for her as the room reminded her of a certain incident: the Tessaract Incident. The last time she was in a room like this, that was when... no, she didn’t want to be reminded of that, and yet her mind was forcing her to be reminded of... back then.

A tear began to go down her face as she looked down, more starting to make their way down her face. “
W-We need to leave... W-We need to get out of h-here...!” Right as she had said that, all she could see were the memories of that incident being played over and over and just like that, her breathing became rapid, her eyes rapidly shifting all over the place.

...Someone should probably help her.

Ellya Ellya , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , marc122 marc122 , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


Geralt playfully punched her arm, followed by him squeezing her shoulder and she smiled a bit at that. “You aren’t wrong about that, Geralt.” The remark at her not being able to keep up with him when it came to drinking was met with her playfully punching his arm in response. “Can you now? I don’t know Geralt, I think I can keep up with you. And when you do get drunk, I’ll make sure you don’t go and find a place to obtain some dresses.” Clearly, Yennefer had informed her of that incident and to this day, she still found it amusing.

He then moved onto the topic of Kassandra, asking her to tell her more about her friend which sounded innocent enough but part of her knew this wasn’t the case. “
Wanting information so you could try to hit on her again?” A small laugh came from her and she looked up to see Ikaros flying around before Kassandra arrived on cue. Nodding, she looked at Geralt. “I have.” Right then and there, Ikaros landed on Kassandra’s head in which his response was met with another small laugh from Ciri. “No one could forget you, Ikaros.

Her emerald green eyes went back to Geralt as it was her turn to tell him more about Kassandra. “
As you heard her say, she’s a mercenary and an adventure. In terms of her fighting style, she’s very skilled. You’d be impressed on how she fought, she even has powers too from what I’ve seen of them in combat. She mainly uses a spear, a shield, and a bow as well as hand to hand combat, though she also has a second set of armor. Personality wise, she’s very protective of me, Aloy, our friends, and especially Ikaros and also holds grudges against those that hurt any of us. I’ve seen how she gets angry and she’s intimidated those that have made her angry, which is probably terrifying for those on the wrong end. Other than that, she’s brave, fights for what she believes in, is loyal to her close friends and allies, and most importantly: she cares for me, for Aloy, for our friends, and for Ikaros the same way you, Yennefer, Triss, and those back home care for me. And I’m grateful she’s on our side.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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“Oh, you’re divided up into teams,” Korg explained to Jared from his seated position. “Divided up for you, of course. Which is good, because I hate math.” He then listened as Mimaki and Kyou expresses extremely different outlooks on the whole tournament gladiator ordeal. “Well, that is optional, actually. You can kill your enemy, but knocking them out is also completely acceptable...” There was a short pause, and then Korg held up a finger. “I... think. It’s been a while since I’ve read the Terms and Conditions.” Then, when Weiss spoke up, Korg shook his head. “Well... no, you’re actually here because of the fact that you’re all time anomalies. The tournament is just your punishment.”

Then, Frank pointed out that Star-Lord’s mom was indeed fucked by a planet. He sighed at that, and slumped over a bit, shaking his head. “Come on, man...” He muttered, unable to say much else for a moment. Drax, on the other hand, merely stared at Frank as he nodded at him, confused by what he meant. Slowly, he leaned over to Quill, and whispered,

“What is the skull man doing?”

Star-Lord, of course, gave no answer, as he was too busy reeling from all the “a planet banged your mom” jokes.

Not long after, Killua had given his speech about breaking out, which simply made Jason sigh. “Kid, I appreciate the altruism, but I don’t know how you plan to break out of a plain white room with zero sign of any lack of structural integrity.” Jason as he lifted up his arms and gestured to the four plain white walls that surrounded them.

“Yeah, take it from someone who’s escaped twenty-two different prisons,” Came Rocket’s voice from near Star-Lord (which wasn’t really that far from Jason anyways). “We ain’t breakin’ outta here.”

And then, as if on cue, Blake began to have a panic attack right then and there. The sight made Jason grumble a bit under his breath, but he understood why it was happening. Anyone who was anyone in the MPF knew what the “white room” was - it was the first place where beings from across the Multiverse had been gathered, after all. Really, it was a miracle that this hadn’t happened sooner.

So, without any hesitation, Jason stomped his way over to Blake, before setting a hand down on her shoulder to calm her down. “Easy there, Blake. Calm down.” He said in... well, as calming of a voice as he could manage with the slight voice synthesis that his helmet caused. “You’re alright. You’re alright.” He repeated the words until Blake understood them, all while he kept his hand rested on the young girl’s shoulder. The last thing they needed was Blake having a meltdown before they could even assess the situation in full.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck FoolsErin FoolsErin TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Laix_Lake Laix_Lake quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya @Lazaro1505 BoltBeam BoltBeam DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @Kameron Esters- CutieBoop CutieBoop marc122 marc122 Zamasu Zamasu AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc Ciscodog Ciscodog FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Laix_Lake Laix_Lake quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Shanoa & Jared Williams

Shanoa let's out a slight frown as Atreus is being dragged away by a girl. By then, her ears got the word about a tournament, but as she was going to join in on the conversation, she quickly takes notice of Blake having a panic attack. Something about this cell has triggered her. Luckily, Jason sweeps in to comfort her, trying his best to get her to calm down. Shanoa felt sorry, but decides to leave them be knowing that whatever event they've went, she isn't apart of it. She goes off to where Korg is.

Upon arrival, Jared would later ask
"How many members in each team? Will the matches be all-out or one-by-one? What prize do we get when someone wins? I bet it's cash because I've been wanting to buy a submarine and look for my dropped nickel when me and team where at vacation. Who's pairing who? I want some really strong ones and stupid ones because I believe that anyone who is an idiot is the strongest." That's a bit too much to say to the point that Shanoa could not help but sigh.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @others​
Korg shrugged. "Um... I believe you'll have to take that up with management...." He took a look around, and then pursed his lips. "I don't believe that they're present at the moment, though..."

Zamasu Zamasu
Agent 3

“Yeah... like I said, time is relative across the Multiverse.” He explained behind his helmet. “It’s completely reasonable that you were taken into different Multiversal events after each other, from different points in your own timeline.”
Yeah, that sounds about right. By going from their own worlds and in turn different times to others 'different' from their own - especially the year - it would be safe to assume that much is going on. They were leaping into worlds not their own, sure, but they were going from year to year in conjunction to leaping through worlds. "It's starting to make sense..." She muttered simply, and then she sighed. No more elaboration is needed when literally everything you need to know, for her to make her own connection and what was told to everyone - was right there!
“Oh, you’re divided up into teams,” Korg explained to Jared from his seated position. “Divided up for you, of course. Which is good, because I hate math.” He then listened as Mimaki and Kyou expresses extremely different outlooks on the whole tournament gladiator ordeal. “Well, that is optional, actually. You can kill your enemy, but knocking them out is also completely acceptable...” There was a short pause, and then Korg held up a finger. “I... think. It’s been a while since I’ve read the Terms and Conditions.” Then, when Weiss spoke up, Korg shook his head. “Well... no, you’re actually here because of the fact that you’re all time anomalies. The tournament is just your punishment.”
Some kind of team-based fighting situation is going on? But Korg says the tournament is their punishment, because they 'are' time anomalies. This is... conflicting, it sounds. They'll have to fight each other for some reason or other - heck knows what's going on when that is considered, but... "...I don't know if I should be eager or not for that, just on hearing it alone." She said bleakly, shuddering in uncertainty.
Not long after, Killua had given his speech about breaking out, which simply made Jason sigh. “Kid, I appreciate the altruism, but I don’t know how you plan to break out of a plain white room with zero sign of any lack of structural integrity.” Jason as he lifted up his arms and gestured to the four plain white walls that surrounded them.

“Yeah, take it from someone who’s escaped twenty-two different prisons,” Came Rocket’s voice from near Star-Lord (which wasn’t really that far from Jason anyways). “We ain’t breakin’ outta here.”
OK, yeah, no exit, check. So they just need to wait. What fun. Agent 3 promptly sat herself down in the corner she was in, and just opted to do exactly that - sit down, wait, and try to ignore literally every single bad thing around her as long as she can - if anything, and if she can.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Concern​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "You were hauled off to jail!"​
RP Information
Location: Time Jail?
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @ContainedYourselfTheSecond​

"Oh! Yoshi good at battle anyways. I think... Yoshi treat it like normal stamina battle. Whoever loses their energy during battle is knocked down, basically!" Years of experience is how Yoshi knows the difference between special battle conditions. Being the smash Veteran made a big difference! "Yaya, Yoshi can compete that way!"

... Though, if this was just a punishment for being time anomalies, Yoshi began to ask Korg, "If we're time anomaly, is it by existing practically anywhere? The Yoshis have been through lotsa places, grass, cave, lava, sky, beach, and space, so that might make sense, would it? That feels like what a smash baddie would do to challenge Yoshi and friends..." The smash bosses were much different in the fighters' views. Master hand and Crazy hand did it for entertainment. Giga Bowser was just Bowser challenging the fighters. Tabuu wanted to destroy a universe. Master core was just... there, like a obstacle. Dharkon and Galeem were fighting over imbalance, but that battle cost the entire universe!

The best reason it could be is for entertainment, like the hands. Smash fighters were like toys before they all came to life.


Tags: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Korg)

(Fuma will be separate post for now)​
Geralt of Rivia

Ciri saw right through him. She was meant to, of course. Wasn't like he was being discreet about it. He chuckled a little at the comment about the alcohol, but made a mental note to keep an eye on her if and when this happened. Ciri hadn't taken the trial of the Grasses. If she wasn't careful, she could really get hurt. Meanwhile, Geralt and the other Witchers had steins of Vodka each as a round. Practically had to to feel anything, and, even then, Witchers metabolize alcohol so fast that it's out of their system in an hour or so, unless they drink enough to kill a horse. For now, Geralt didn't worry about it too much. Needed to keep the ball rolling on the levity, especially with what people were saying about some kind of gladiatorial match.

When Kassandra showed up, the Witcher certainly didn't seem to mind. Turning so that he faced both Ciri and the assassin, he listened as they both spoke. Kassandra was honest, but didn't exactly brag. Ciri, by comparison, spoke very, very highly of the woman. Once both of them finished, he rocked back on his heels before speaking. "That's high praise coming from her. Guess I'm grateful you're on our side too. Join us for drinks when we get out of here?" Same neutral, deadpan tone in his rough, not very emotive voice. Same underlying flirty tone. "Could always show me around the boat, too, if we end up back there." Geralt did, in fact, still have no idea they were in space. At this rate, it didn't seem like he would ever know.

Even as he spoke, Geralt's eyes were looking past the pair. His heightened hearing told him pretty much everything that was going on in here. The man with the skull on his chest was talking about something with the teenaged girl. She was crying; he could smell the salt of her tears and, if he really listened, hear her quickened heartbeat. Elsewhere, Jason was trying to calm down a woman with cat ears... With what? Geralt would have to come back to that. A young woman with golden hair moved over to a sullen boy, the centerpiece of the scene he had initially walked in on. Finally, Korg, the talking pile of rocks, explained a little more about the tournament. Killing was optional. Knocking out was acceptable, maybe. That was good. Geralt wasn't sure he could bring himself to kill anyone here. In all honesty, even attacking others here non-lethally, without being attacked first, was a pretty big ask. He looked back to Ciri and Kassandra. "Need to be careful. Don't know who here might go for the kill in this. You both know these people better than I do; who might be a danger?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"...But will there be an audience though?" Jared asked, to which Shanoa would ask him "Why are you so intrigued on joining a tournament which is clearly OUR punishment? Are you more than willing to fight each and every one of us?" Jared turns to her and answers "Because I'm bored, and I want to test how strong you guys are. Strength with numbers is good and all, but individual strength is what matters the most. Don't worry, I'll restrain myself from taking your lives since all of you are human and with good hearts."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @others​
"I think it just has to do with multiple people from multiple time periods being all at the same place and at the same time, Yoshi," Jason explained to the Green Dinosaur. He didn't really even know Yoshi all that well yet (he'd just met him, after all), but he could definitely tell that he was innocent, so the last thing he needed was feeling like he was solely responsible for this mess. Especially when... ya know, he wasn't.

"Oh, yes, there's an audience," Korg said to Jared with a nod. Though, at Jared's words about how he'd refrain from killing everyone, Rocket merely snickered from the corner. He didn't say anything, but it was clear that the not-raccoon didn't take his words seriously, from how he was openly mocking them and such. Drax, on the other hand, lifted a hand and pointed at Jared.


"Humility... I like it," Drax said, before lowering both arms and resting them in front of him. "I, too, am extraordinarily humble."

Zamasu Zamasu CutieBoop CutieBoop
Bayonetta and Tony Stark

Bayonetta's Status: N/A (i don't think responding to people confirming what her name is would be a very good post ngl, might have her hop into the Ciri conversation next post idk)
Tony's Status: Curious about the Tesseract.

Bayonetta's Interactions: N/A
Tony's Interactions: BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Frank), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason, GM)

Tony didn't seem particularly phased by his encounter with Frank, though he did look mildly disgusted and muttered under his breath, "Apparently you have no idea what a mint is, Skullboy.” He looked funnily at Kassandra as she asked if he needed any help up, however. “Y’know, I’m just surprised to say this as you likely are to hear it, but in between the explosions, the invading army, and the twilight, my bones have somehow managed to remain in tact. Unless the old femur decided to break without me noticing, any future standing operations should be able to go on without a hitch.” He states, gesturing to his visibly fine looking leg. He was sitting by choice, not because he’d been injured before being taken by the t-rex time police. Kassandra walked off to speak with someone else before he could answer the second question, and after she was turned away Tony looked...worried for some reason, before he turned his gaze over to Jason Todd. He got up from his sitting position to speak to Jason once whatever cat girl he was trying to calm down had done so and the hero seemed relativity alone. “So, uh, is the Tesseract still in our playing field?” He asked relatively quietly, trying to ask as discreetly as possible.
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Jason had been off to the side, listening to Tony with his arms crossed silently. He was happy to have the man back, to be sure, but something seemed... off with him. Several things, really. He should, in hindsight, be at least somewhat injured after the attack. Yet here he was... completely unscathed. Not only that, but he seemed almost too nonchalant about everyone being thrown into a cell. Sure, Tony was known for his general quippy and lax attitude, but this was... oddly too quippy and lax. And then, finally, when he asked about the Tesseract, that made Jason actually cock a brow.

“Tony... don’t you know what happened to the Tesseract?” He asked suspiciously as he took a step towards the billionaire. “I mean... you were there when Ganondorf took it.”

FoolsErin FoolsErin
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Time Jail
Expression: Being Friendly to Korg
Interaction: Korg
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , CutieBoop CutieBoop

thatguyinthestore said:
“Well thank you,” Korg replied to Jett with a smile and a nod. “I quite enjoy being your friend as well.” He did, however, lift a finger as she continued to speak. “Though... my name is ‘Korg’, not ‘Krog’... just thought I’d point that out for ya there.” Both his eyes and his smile would widen a bit more as Jett continued to tell her story. He found himself nodding more with what she said, and when she was done, he let out a small laugh. “Ah, you have a crush on someone. Well... can’t say I have much experience in that area, due to me being incapable of feeling love,” Korg said, his smile remaining despite the sudden dark turn of his words. “I would just say to tell whoever this person is how you feel, and then go from there.”

During this, Korg had looked at Mimaki when he had spoken to him. “Oh, well, you’ll all be forced into this Gladiator tournament....” Korg rapped a finger against his chin. “The name of it escapes me, though....”
Jett was stopped talking when Korg lift his finger just to tell her that his name is actually 'Korg' not 'Krog' and smiled as she hears that Korg actually didn't have much experience on feeling love, she laughs a bit saying "At least I could have a proper yet fun conversation going on with you, Korg... But, thanks for the advice I guess." She had been this type of a quite fun person when it comes to certain conversations about friendship, trust, or sometimes love towards her friends back in her world.

She turned around to see a green dinosaur talking to Korg and realized that it is the same dinosaur that talk to Ellie back in The Axion saying to him "Oh, you must be the dinosaur that talked to Ellie?? I heard that you're actually brave sometimes and you are in aentirely different world, I think..." She tries to talk to the green dinosaur in a friendly way since she is being so kind towards the new people at The Axion ealier on, she was trying to think about if a new person is a suspicious one instead of being friendly when he/she has blood stains on his/her clothes or having a deadly weapon in his/her hands or pockets while trying to search if the person is actually suspicious.

Jett then hears from Korg that the group are actually part of a Gladiator tournament which she stood up in shock saying "Woah, woah, woah!!! So you need to me that all of us got arrested by some fat dude with guys in black suits and now we're actually participating in a freaking Gladiator tournament? Man, I gonna kill this fat idiot for real though if we survived by so many tigers, huge freaking gladiators, or worse if a Julius Caeser like person going either thumbs down or thumbs up!!!!"


Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Time Jail
Expression: Quite Have Some Time
Interaction: Open
Mention: Open

Meanwhile Thorne is looking at Jett that was talking to Korg about something since she is not quite hearing the conversation just like Blake with her cat ears, she sighed in boredom thinking that they won't be getting out of the pure white box like jail. She fixed her long hair since it was very messy after the shaking in The Axion earlier on, she is being forgetful about her stuff sometimes just like she forgot to bring her Bulldog in a target practice bet with her friend Viper and was embarrassed after she lost the bet against Viper. She said to herself in a mumbling voice stating "I'm gonna tell everyone in our world that we actually saved the multiverse if we won this battle, and I'll tell Jett about her life as well like having a crush or having some battles with bad guys."
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Chronology: Ultimate
GySgt Lazarus Huang
LOCATION: Time Cage, Axiom
COLOR: #E83427
(Link to CS)
INTERACTIONS: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck quadraxis201 quadraxis201
MENTIONS: FoolsErin FoolsErin BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher marc122 marc122

Lazarus gave a slightly confused look at the man in the red mask called Jason Todd’s reply to his comment. However, it didn’t take long for the Marine to catch onto the masked man’s meaning: this group wasn’t exactly the most cooperative or civil of groups. Judging by the sheer diversity of the cast, it wasn’t a surprise that they would rub each other the wrong way due to beliefs and personalities. But it wasn’t as if the MPF was a lost cause. If they haven’t killed each other yet, there is still a chance to turn this group around and convert them into something resembling a cohesive fighting force. Lazarus smiled, “Thanks for the heads up.”

Heads up or not, Lazarus couldn’t possibly anticipate how much of a mess the group dynamics were among these people. A pretty, white haired lady was looking for guidance from a grizzled medieval warrior that must have been her father. In another part of the cage, there was a shaken blonde girl, a boy with goggles, and an... oni trying to comfort a young man with auburn hair. Something serious must have happened to hurt all these people, and Laz wanted to help, but what could a stranger do with something that seemed so personal? Well, more than most would think, but it seemed as if they needed each other’s company more than Laz’s.

Besides, the Marine’s attention was drawn by another group, with Samus was going panicking over messed up timelines and something called a “Time Baby”. He assumed that the “Time Baby” had something to do with the “Time Police”, and from what he could hear, her worries were over how much trouble they were in with the Time Police and the sentence they were going to receive. Laz was pretty sure that “Time Police” wasn’t any multiversal authority, seeing as how they paid no heed to Laz’s status as the incarnate Greater Deity of Time. The title wasn’t one he liked to flash often, but it wasn’t even as if they resented it; the TIme Police just had no idea what it meant. That said, whatever meddling the MPF must have done, the Time Police probably doesn’t have authority to sentence them for any crime.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t do so; who knows how their arrest warrants worked and whether they would even follow the laws that they set out for themselves? Turns out that the Time Police intended to throw all of them into a gladiatorial tournament, according to Korg. How that rock man neglected to mention this earlier was a mystery, but knowing it now didn’t make things much better. This complicated things significantly… With a group on edge and at their emotional limits… having the opportunity to take part in bloodsport will certainly not end well. People will die, whether it be members of the MPF or the other gladiators. He was a little concerned about some people that were a bit too enthusiastic about the fighting, like the oni and a man with dark blonde hair, “Guys, we shouldn’t be making plans and decisions so quickly. We don’t even know what this tournament has in store for us and we’re already planning to knock each other out?”

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Bayonetta and Tony Stark (?)

Bayonetta's Status: Intrigued by the conversation.
Tony's Status: panik

Bayonetta's Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri), BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Geralt), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra)
Tony's Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason)

Personally I think the boy bragging about power and asking for an audience is a concern, though not in the way you’re thinking.” Bayonetta quipped, sliding into the conversation after having made her way over from Yoshi and Samus. She smiled at Ciri as she slipped into the group, clearly happy to be interacting with her again. She was company who seemed to have a stable head, which was a luxury the umbra witch didn’t have all the time.

Tony on the other hand seemed to immensely dislike the conver he found himself in. His posture noticeably stiffened up, and though he tried to hide it, panic still showed on his face. “I, uh...forgot?” He tried, clearly knowing that it wasn’t the answer to the question. His eyes frantically darted around the room, looking for an escape from this clearly uncomfortable situation.
Korg held up a hand when Jett started talking about how she wanted to kill Blendin. “Oohh... hey, if you want to start a revolution, then I can help you with that.” Korg exclaimed in his usual tone of politeness and calmness. “A while back, I almost started a revolution. But then I didn’t print enough pamphlets, so not enough people turned up... except for my mom, and her boyfriend, who I hate.”

Jason, meanwhile, had slightly turned to face Lazarus and looked at him out of the corner of his eye, before offering him a half-hearted, “No problem,” in response to his thanks. While he started advising people against making plans, Jason focused on the supposed “Tony Stark”, who he was growing more and more suspicious of by the second. The way he stiffened you when asked... his eyes darting everywhere but Jason... the noticeable sudden lack of wit and charm....

Yeah, this wasn’t Tony.

“Uh huh, yeah,” Jason said all too casually as he stomped over towards “Tony” and suddenly picked him up by the collar of his shirt, throwing him up against the wall with enough force to shake that side of the room. His free hand instantly reached for his pistol and whipped it out, quickly raising it to collide with the underside of the not-Stark’s chin.

“Alright, ‘Tony’,” Jason spoke in a deep hiss as he looked up at the imposter behind his red helmet, his eyes glaring daggers all the same. “Did you forget who you really are, too? Or am I gonna have to shoot open your head and rip it from your brain myself?” Jason asked as he rose his thumb upwards and pulled back the hammer on his gun, the audible cliiick resonating throughout the room as he did so.

FoolsErin FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
Bayonetta and “Tony Stark”

Bayonetta's Status: not in this post lol
Tony's Status: Ho ho ho ha ha, ho ho ho he ha. Hello there, old chum. I’m gnot an gnelf. I’m gnot a goblin. I’m a gnome. And you’ve been, GNOOOOOOMMEEDD!

Bayonetta's Interactions: N/A
Tony’s Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason Todd), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Rex), P PopcornPie (Megumin, Lucky), Ellya Ellya (Atreus), darkred darkred (Aloy), BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Frank), AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc (Thorne), QizPizza QizPizza (Lazarus), marc122 marc122 (Weiss)

Tony said nothing in response to being pinned up against the wall with a gun to his head, his eyes continuing to dart across the room for any sign of escape. Even if he could get the gun off of him, there was no point now. The jig was up. The cards against him. The tables turned in all the wrong directions. ”Tony” heaved a nervous sigh, a fearful smile with a clear and failed attempt to be mischievous crossing his face as he shapeshifted into an appearance more resembling Blake, then Kassandra, then Rex, then Lucky. They quickly shifted between a few more forms, including Megumin, Atreus, Aloy, Frank, Thorne, Lazarus, and Weiss. In the shape of Weiss, they looked Jason dead in the eye, trying to broaden their smile but only looking more nervous in the process. “S-So, you really want to know who I am, hm?” The figure nervously stammered in Weiss’s voice, before shifting into their true and final form.


T-The name’s Double Trouble. N-Now, I would really prefer it if you didn’t kill me, Mr. Redhead.” They squeaked, their normally confident voice cracked with nerves and stuttering with the threat of imminent death.

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