In the corner of Rex’s eye, he appears to see himself, then a couple of other people until it’s eventually revealed to be a shapeshifter that introduces himself as Double Trouble. “Great, you can disguise as other people so what? I really don’t care.” Rex replied, clearly out of cares to give to practically anyone in the world.

FoolsErin FoolsErin thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Frank Castle

The fetish joke drew a glower, but nothing more. She kept reaching for the back of her head, where Frank had hit her. Had the old vigilante hit her harder than he thought? Again, she was still a child, no matter how tough she acted. Still didn't seem right. Frank was keenly aware of his own strength. He'd given her a good clout, but nothing that would leave a mark or even really sting. It had been more to knock some sense into her from the surprise of it. No, there was more to that. Ellie was barely keeping it together. Her hand was shaking, and tears were forming in her eyes. As she glanced off to the side, his eyes darted to the back of her head. A surgery scar. Frank hung his head for a second, closing his eyes. At his waist, his fist tightened so much his palm bled. The old vigilante made sure he was looking up before Ellie turned back to him, but blood still dripped from his hand onto the floor.

Things didn't get much better when she started talking. Something had really fucked this kid up in the head. Was she just blocking the memories out? She knew enough for it to bring her grief. She knew Joel was dead, and that she had done something awful, or had something awful done to her... or both. Did Ellie deserve to know the truth? Would it bring her some bizarre peace if Frank told her about what she had done, and what happened to her? Or, would it push her deeper into despair? Did it matter to him, either way? She was just some kid, right? Just some kid that did something stupid because a sick fuck manipulated her, forced her to do it. Just some kid trying not to cry, standing a couple feet in front of him. Just some kid. A child. Afraid. Alone. In pain. The briefest flash of a memory. A runaway kite caught in a tree. Chasing after it with the kids. An old man tied to a tree with a gun to his head. The men around the old timer turning. Muzzle flashes. Lisa, making a face a little girl should never make. His fist clenched even harder, drawing yet more blood. Standing in front of him, for the briefest second, was Lisa... Meat spilling out of her.

He didn't let his expression waver, staying steady even as his hand hurt. She needed him to seem like a rock. He needed to be a rock. Something completely immmovable to grab onto while she was adrift at sea. That meant seeming distant, at least to him. In control. Every fiber of his being screamed out against it, though. Her father figure was dead, and it was at least in some small way her fault. A way that had been out of her control, but that didn't make it any less true. In front of him wasn't just a rough and tumble survivor. No. She was every bit as much a scared little girl. She was starting to question whether there was even any point to this. Not good. How to handle that? He--

The conversation was cut short. People were freaking out about something. As Frank stood, he tore off a piece of his sleeve, wrapping it around his bloody palm, turning away from her. His eyes narrowed as the Kronan revealed that they would have to fight in some sort of gladiatorial contest. That wasn't good. Unless the arena provided weapons, all he had was a knife, and he needed to keep these kids safe, above all else. If this was a fight to the death, though, there wasn't much the old man was sure he could do. Even aside from being unarmed, none of these people, at a glance, deserved to die, except maybe Samus. Not even her yet. Of course, that would change if they killed anyone, tried to kill him, or tried to hurt the kids, but Frank couldn't assume that and just hurt them ahead of time. That wasn't how Frank did things, even back when he was out hunting crooks every night. At this rate, maybe that's where he belonged. He'd tried the straight and narrow. Didn't exactly work out for him. Here he was, already falling back into old habits. "Kicking and screaming," Frank muttered back with rattling breath, swallowing a glob of blood. Spat too much out. Didn't want to worry the kids now, of all times. He nodded to Ellie as she went to retrieve Atreus.

Frank looked down at the boy as he was brought to him. Looking between the two, he shook his head before returning to sizing up the room. They didn't stand a chance in Hell against some of these freaks. His eyes burrowed into each of them, one at a time. "Whatever happens, when we're out there, I need you to actually listen to me. No bullshit. Don't care if you trust me. Don't care if you like me. I'll drag your asses to the ground if I have to. Could mean the difference between walking away or catching a slug to the brain." In particular, as he finished, Frank looked at Ellie, though the look was slightly less harsh than usual. "If it comes down to walking away alive or sticking with me, you don't hesitate. You fucking run. Got it?" The intensity was back in an instant, baring his teeth at both of them as he spoke.

Ellya Ellya @The cell​

Atreus had no clue what was happening, but he very quickly picked up on the vibe and conversations around him. They were going to have to fight. Maybe others, maybe each other. He and, surprisingly also Ellie, gave a nod to Frank. "Got it" she just agreed, knowing that this could potentially go way beyond just a pissing contest to see who was tougher. This was actual life and death, and now Ellie was glad that Atreus seemed to have made some friends. Maybe some of the overpowered super-freaks would actually have mercy on the cute kid they had with them. If not, then... they'd be facing some ruthless-ass beings, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

"What are gladiators? What are we fighting?" Atreus asked in a tone hinting at panic. Ellie reminded herself that internal monologues probably weren't the best idea at this moment. "We don't know, kid... The pile of rocks over there just mentioned a fight that we're going to be in. And if you've gone through what I... what we have, then you can pretty much expect the worst..." This would probably be the event telling them if this was a Murder game or not. If it was, Ellie was fully expecting to be fighting things that wouldn't just want to kill. They'd want to torture, break, and just hurt her in any way they can. If this was a Murder game, she could be being strangled by Joel himself in a minute.

She collected herself and now it was her turn to kneel down in front of Atreus. "Listen kiddo..." she said with a hand on his shoulder, using the same word Joel always used with her as she looked into his deep blue eyes. "I know you don't like to kill... But honestly, I have no idea what's coming here, and if you're forced into the same shitstorm we are... You're gonna have to make choices. And no matter what, choice number one should always be the one that keeps you breathing. We're gonna be in teams, we may or may not even be your allies, and if we're not and for some god-knows-which reason we're coming to hurt you..." Ellie stopped for a second. If this was a fight amongst themselves and these asshole found some way to get everyone to want to kill each other... She couldn't even imagine herself betraying anyone's trust here, but something inside her told her that if this was a Murder game, that's exactly what would happen.

"If we're coming for you..." she repeated, "this guy can take a hell of a beating, so use those lightning arrows to try and stop him in his tracks. Just unload on him. And as for me... Just some normal arrows to the kneecaps should do, okay?" Having to admit that she as so much weaker than Frank hurt her pride, but that wasn't important right now. Atreus looked shocked, and seemed to want to protest, but Ellie cut him off again. "No. I know, it's probably not gonna happen, but... We gotta be ready for anything here. As for the rest... Long as you can't stick with us, you try to find some high ground, alright? Draw to your chest, deep breath, and don't think of them as people, just--"

Atreus finished her sentence. That was a speech his father told him too. "Close my heart to their desperation and their struggles..." he said it, but he still couldn't understand it. How could anyone distance themselves so much that taking a human life didn't do anything to them? He had no idea he was standing in front of two of those very kinds of people. In front of two murderers. Murderers that he just hadn't wronged yet.

Ellie nodded. "And if you spot anyone... anyone that looks to be in charge of this shit watching over us... Just point him out to us, okay? We'll do what has to be done." At this point, Ellie stood up again and just mentally prepared for what's to come. She took a look around and sized everyone up, trying to gather some kinds of weaknesses wherever she could. "But who knows... We might just have to fight some... pigs or chickens or something...


Atreus swallowed and nodded in understanding, looking back and forth between Frank and Ellie. "I... I could find Drax. He's really strong too, if we can get him on our team..." For this, Ellie looked over at Frank's feedback. He seemed to know this Drax guy a lot better.
Jason only stared on as the creature began to shapeshift and take on the forms of several of the party members. He’d dealt with shapeshifters before... hell, Clayface was more than likely a block away at this point. Not to mention Toga, who they’d run into on more than one occasion, much to Jason’s dismay. Regardless, they had another one on their hands right now.

At their request to let him go once they shifted back into their actual form, Jason did so, albeit reluctantly. “Yeah, I know. You were involved in the Blood Gulch Incident for a brief period, before mysteriously disappearing.” Jason said matter-of-factly. Despite the fact that the gun was no longer pointed directly at Double Trouble, Jason kept it firmly grasped in his hand, purposefully keeping it within the shapeshifter’s line of sight.

“Why are you here?” He asked simply.

FoolsErin FoolsErin
When Geralt asked Kassandra if she’d join them for drinks, she looked at him. “
I doubt she’d turn down drinking with us, the two of us plus our friends were going to have drinks at some point when we got a chance, even having a drinking contest.” He then asked who out of the group would be a danger during the tournament and having heard from Korg that knocking each other out was probably acceptable, she started to think.

And that was when someone new entered the conversation, that being Cereza or Bayonetta as she called herself. Obviously, she smiled back at her, glad that she joined them even if they hadn’t known each other very long. “
Hello, Cereza. You may be right, but it’s still too early for us to tell if he would truly be a threat. From what I heard, knocking each other unconscious is hopefully acceptable, so we won’t have to worry about killing. If it came down to killing, another threat would be...

Taking a look around at everyone, eventually seeing a new person that noticed her and some sort of shapeshifter, she then looked at the three. “
I’d have to say Micah. He doesn’t strike me as someone who would let us all just survive, especially if there’s some sort of prize involved that he’d really want for himself. Other than those two, I highly doubt anyone here would want to kill each other.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , FoolsErin FoolsErin , QizPizza QizPizza
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Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Time Jail
Expression: Thinking about A Plan to Kill Blendin
Interaction: Korg
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

thatguyinthestore said:
Korg held up a hand when Jett started talking about how she wanted to kill Blendin. “Oohh... hey, if you want to start a revolution, then I can help you with that.” Korg exclaimed in his usual tone of politeness and calmness. “A while back, I almost started a revolution. But then I didn't print enough pamphlets, so not enough people turned up... except for my mom, and her boyfriend, who I hate.”
Jett turned to Korg saying that he suggest to start a revolution against the fat man, she smirked and said to him "You're actually right, Korg. But, I'm actually a freedom leader myself so I am gonna have some messages to that fat dude right after I am done with this Gladiator tournament." She sat down again near Korg trying to think about a revolution name in order to have an certain yet personal message towards the fat man saying to Korg a question about what is like having a target for the revolution"Okay so first question, Korg. How to have my target which is the fat dude get scared when I made a scary yet personal message towards him, how did you do it in the past when you lead your small revolution??"

She is trying to have some advice on leading an revolution so she could try to make her own revolution in her own world just to mess around with Sova if she could find him and the rest of her and Thorne's squad either getting captured or lost in a place they didn't know all about, so she could have some fun moments together after the saving the multiverse adventure is now over and actually think the entire squad is now members of the MPF if they are getting along with the rest of the members.


Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Time Jail
Expression: Quite Friendly Towards the Shape-Shifting Girl known as Double Trouble
Interaction: Double Trouble
Mentions: FoolsErin FoolsErin , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

FoolsErin said:
Tony said nothing in response to being pinned up against the wall with a gun to his head, his eyes continuing to dart across the room for any sign of escape. Even if he could get the gun off of him, there was no point now. The jig was up. The cards against him. The tables turned in all the wrong directions. ”Tony” heaved a nervous sigh, a fearful smile with a clear and failed attempt to be mischievous crossing his face as he shapeshifted into an appearance more resembling Blake, then Kassandra, then Rex, then Lucky. They quickly shifted between a few more forms, including Megumin, Atreus, Aloy, Frank, Thorne, Lazarus, and Weiss. In the shape of Weiss, they looked Jason dead in the eye, trying to broaden their smile but only looking more nervous in the process. “S-So, you really want to know who I am, hmm?” The figure nervously stammered in Weiss’s voice, before shifting into their true and final form.


“T-The name’s Double Trouble. N-Now, I would really prefer it if you didn't kill me, Mr. Redhead.” They squeaked, their normally confident voice cracked with nerves and stuttering with the threat of imminent death.
thatguyinthestore said:
Jason only stared on as the creature began to shapeshift and take on the forms of several of the party members. He’d dealt with shapeshifters before... hell, Clayface was more than likely a block away at this point. Not to mention Toga, who they’d run into on more than one occasion, much to Jason’s dismay. Regardless, they had another one on their hands right now.

At their request to let him go once they shifted back into their actual form, Jason did so, albeit reluctantly. “Yeah, I know. You were involved in the Blood Gulch Incident for a brief period, before mysteriously disappearing.” Jason said matter-of-factly. Despite the fact that the gun was no longer pointed directly at Double Trouble, Jason kept it firmly grasped in his hand, purposefully keeping it within the shapeshifter’s line of sight.

“Why are you here?” He asked simply.
Meanwhile when the male known as Tony said that he is actually not him after Thorne turned around to hear the conversation and has her jaw dropped when she saw an shape-shifting person whose name is Double Trouble said that she doesn't want Jason to kill her right before she tell the shape shifting girl "Well, and I think you're actually friendly too. So I'm cool with you, Double Trouble. And is the red masked man say, why are you actually doing here in this pure white box like jail??"

She is trying to test Double Trouble's innocence and friendliness in order to prove herself being a friendly person, she tries this interrogation like method in the past and found half that are friendly and the other half are being so suspicious and not friendly in her world. She and Jett had never seen shapeshifters in their world in their entire lives, so she does want an Shapeshifting agent in the squad but some are actually enemies there.

She then looked at Double Trouble in a friendly yet kind like look in order to think about her response to her as well, Thorne was having her own thoughts on herself as well but this time about why did Double Trouble came here in the first place. She was having some theories but decided to ignore her own theories, and tries to wait for Double Trouble to respond her.
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Bayonetta and Double Trouble

Bayonetta's Status: N/A
Double Trouble's Status: Hesitantly telling the truth, they’re still worried about getting a bullet in their head.

Bayonetta's Interactions: N/A
Double Trouble's Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason), P PopcornPie (Samus)

The shapeshifter took a moment to breathe and calm themselves down before answering Jason’s question. Having a gun pointed at your head was not something you just walked away from calmly. “Oh, you’ve heard of me have you? Well, it’s truly a pleasure to meet a fan, darling.” They purred, still clearly somewhat stressed about the whole thing, but calming down a good amount. ”Well, if it’s the truth you want, the truth you shall get. The truth is.... The truth is...” Theh paused dramatically, posing with their hand placed on their head.

The truth is that outfit is really not working for you. I mean, really? Red mask? Black jacket? Where’d you get your color palette from, the Horde?” They continued, gesturing to the clothing items in questions and giving them a playful smile. Double Trouble then noted how close Jason was keeping the gun, and decided maaaayyybeee wasn’t the best time for that line. “But, that’s not exactly the kind of truth you wanted to hear, is it Scarlet? Let’s just say I was offered a very pretty price to get information on the ‘Tesseract’. How I got here was just a happy accident, though.I didn’t even know you’d all be here, darlings. I was making my way around after reviewing my material and some light rehearsal, when I stumbled upon Ms. Tin-Can over there and a whole bunch of those “time police”. I decided, why not? If I’m going to have to do a long-term job, I might as well have a bit of fun too. I turned into one of them to slip in and see what the buzz was about, and unfortunately one of them caught my little costume-change. A chase ensued, very thrilling if I may say so. But unfortunately for me, the action scene was coming to a close. I came out with my hands up disguised as your little friend out of panic, and I conveniently ended up right alongside my supporting cast. It’s a shame I had to get caught so soon, honestly. Tony was such a fun character to get into the head of.” They then pouted disappointedly and blinked, their second eyelid closing vertically instead of horizontally.

(new post format in the next post!)
Jason just kinda listened to Double Trouble’s long-winded explanation of why they were here, why they were doin... and various other things. Once they were done, Jason groaned and slumped forward a bit, before slowly raising an arm.

“First of all, not a fan,” He said as he extend his index finger. “Second of all,” He held up his middle finger next, holding it alongside his index finger. “Who the hell hired you? And don’t play dumb or bullshit me, either.” Jason said in a harsh, “to the point” tone, as he not-so-subtly tapped the pistol he was tightly gripping against his thigh, as if to high-key remind Double Trouble that they weren’t exactly out in the clear yet.

FoolsErin FoolsErin

Mood: Reflective, Flustered, Apologetic
Tags: (Leo)
(Orbeck), (Yang)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage had completely forgotten that Orbeck had still been around. Really, with his already usual tendency to get tunnel-sighted on things and therefore let everything else muffle in the background, the one who had approached had been Leo. It was as if the effect doubled, his full attention had been poured towards the other teen to the point that whether the sorcerer had stayed or left, he wouldn't have noticed it either way. Add to the mix how emotional and close to his heart the subject had been, and the likeability of noticing anything else became even more slim. He was just willingly captive of that moment; That one exchange, nothing else.

Still, it wasn't as if he was too bothered about it, especially since the other was mindful enough to not dwell in the most personal sections.

"Oh...", was everything that had come out at the realization of the Magic-user still being present, "Uhh, n-not really?", he had glanced away and scratched the back of his head feeling awkward, "I miiiight or might not have forgotten you were still there, oops!", the pyromancer had laughed in yet more awkwardness, it was a slightly amused, innocent sound. As the man had begun talking though, it had soon fallen into a more serious thoughtful stance, "I see... So you're trying to save me too...", he wasn't sure how he felt about it, and Orbeck was part of the majority that only had the explanation given on the Take-Over but, not much further than that.

To his knowledge, only Alexis, Leo and now Kyou had the full story, and Yang's teammate had witnessed him rant at The Goddess of Hearth about some of it. Which made him wonder if she told anyone... Not that it was a secret if they had been around when he had said part of that to Megumin and Lucky as well. Would anything change if he were to say it to this man too? The sorcerer was a lot more reserved and rational, it made him harder to read than most people, so he couldn't even imagine what sort of reaction he'd have...

"But am I really worth all that effort?", the Descendant's gaze had met the ground for a moment, "I mean, you've said it yourself, this is the kind of thing that's way out of your league, right? ...Honestly, why some of you even try is beyond me. Especially you and uhh... It was the divinity number- 3! The squid-person! But yeah, you two really puzzle me sometimes...", the joke about being a pyromancer had been met with a 'pffft' of amusement, he certainly hadn't been expecting the sudden humor, "Hopefully not in Saraiiho, I would reeeeally not recommend it!", the tone might have been playful as well, but the words were very much true, "To answer that seriously though, eh, hard to say? I do get a feeling of kin to them, but Alexis was really bold, I would say? She insisted even when I tried pushing her away, pressing lightly on subjects even when I tried to avoid them and got me used to a bunch of new things from the get-go. Sure... We could relate to each other because of, circumstances. But a lot of it was Alexis herself, not the idea of the mind-chorus and not the near adoring wonderment I have towards her."

"...Fluff?", the young man had blinked in confusion, the only thing that came to mind was the Kitsune's tails... Ohhh, wait, "You mean it like, empty comfort? Is that new slang? I'm terrible with internet slang.", he had laughed nervously, a modern person that struggled to keep up with the overall pop culture, it was quite odd and a bit embarrassing, "I never took you like the sort of people to do that, to be honest. You're all serious and reserved and rational, makes you sound smart and like I should be listening to what you say very attentively. Like a couple of college teachers I had! Even if they were doing something really mundane, they made everything just sound really important. It was interesting...", aaand we're starting to ramble out of the subject, oops, time to re-focus before it goes too far, "But yeah, thanks! I can appreciate that.", it seemed like that was all, but after a pause, he had rekindled the conversation a little further...

"Well, as long as you're not making it sound suuper cryptic like a riddle... I've had enough of those and can't say I got much out of th- ...!!!!!!!!"

When the unthinkable had happened and suddenly broken all sort of concentration, Sage could only freeze in place entirely. The whole idea of it was something so seemingly out of world to him that his brain had taken a long time to be able to even process what had just happened. And the suddenness of it, the inability of preparation, the absurdity of it- Nothing had helped to make the occasion any more palpable. Even after Leo had unglued from him and asked a question, it had barely registered. He just remained there, as if every mental faculty had been shut down. In reality, though, they were rampaging, thrown in disarray so strong that his brain couldn't decide which language to use; Did it want to panic in Bh̀-liwê or make an extra effort to use English? The very same word echoed in both at the same time, which only added to the disorientation. Was the room spinning? He thought he felt a bit dazed...

Finally reacting again, there had been a slight recoil of confusion and shock... then it crumbled into extreme embarrassment. In a violent 'foosh' of flames, the fire-aura came to life, taller than usual, flickering wildly. At the exact same time, he had his eyes widened, going absolutely red. He seemed stuck mid-sentence, no sound managing to come out for the first few attempts and even as the flames calmed ever so slightly what came next was still jumbled and incoherent, until it finally found the word that wanted to be let out.
Well, kinda. There had certainly been an attempt...

"Mèâ-" (Maa-), oh wait that's still Bh̀-liwê, close one, "Wha-... Wha- Wha?! W-whaaaaaaaaaa?!!!"

The pyromancer's gaze, still widened, bounced at and away from Leo. He was lost for words, at least externally. Internally, notions, sentences and words continued to go all over the place, his mind still trying to process everything properly. He didn't understand it one bit. No, that was a bit of a lie. He did, from watching all those romantic comedies he enjoyed so much; But it wasn't as if it clarified enough... Leo had kissed him, and he was trying to gather how that made him feel. Which was, no easy task since it was all so new! He had never even imagined being in a relationship at all! It was one of those things that you just, admired from a distance and thought 'that'd be nice, but it's never going to happen.' WHAT IN THE PANTHEON WAS EVEN GOING ON?!
Yes, he was evoking the whole darn Pantheon to come and explain this situation, it was just that baffling!!

Before he could have gathered any semblance of an answer, Yang had shown up picking up on the previous subject. As soon as he had seen her approach, the fire-aura had died out quick, as if he was trying to pretend nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Unfortunately for the young man, the combo of flushed cheeks and elevated temperature, making him into a human-heater were more than enough to clue anybody on the fact that something had indeed occurred. It also didn't help that he was awful at hiding things and the way he seemed to panic-curl up and hold his hands to his lap just made it even more obvious.
In a way though, this unusual sequence of events helped. If the brawler had come meet the Descendant in a normal mood, it was more than likely that he'd have tried distancing himself from her immediately, just as he had done to Lucy...

"You think that's possible?!", he had perked up at the mention of 'control', as much as he was actually interested this was also being used to escape having to face the subject of the... k-kiss, "Hershel and Alexis thought so... Kyou too and he seems to come from a similar place...", thought the idea of having to comply with the prophecy somehow to get there was still, unsettling. And nothing said he wouldn't just die with his world when it came to be, "But it's like I told him, It's kind of rigged to be self-destructive by nature... And I have no Talent for any of it, unlike my ancestors, if their left-behind journals are to be taken into account. Probably because I got an uncommon array of uses instead? So, like, I... really don't know...", as he glanced down, a sad smile came to his lips, "I've always seen myself like, this really powerful shotgun but the person aiming has the worst possible aim ever.", a little humorous 'pff' was let out next. As discouraging and true as it sounded, the fact that it was still a rather interesting mental image to have, was undeniable.

A tense silence remained between them, Sage with his gaze down, thoughtful. Part of him wanted to send her away, he really didn't want to see people forcing themselves to stick around when they were scared of It. But if he did that, then what? Was he just going to avoid her the entire time and vice-versa? It would just fill him with regret the same way the Lucy situation did. Not to mention... This was coming from child Sage, wasn't it? The one who was afraid of betrayal; Who didn't want to be hurt anymore. The one who had and would continue to shut everything else out just for some peace of mind... That wasn't even that peaceful in the end. Looking for a safety that didn't exist, normally.

"I'm really really sorry that you got caught in the crossfire like that, Yang...", he had managed to keep his gaze on hers, despite his flighty nature wanting to do the exact opposite, he too was trembling and trying to hold back tears, "M-maybe if I hadn't engaged and just run away from the beginning, it could have been avoided... But, it's really as you said. I wasn't exactly thinking straight, neither had the time to really think things through. I was just extremely tired and annoyed over getting my head messed with."

The only silver lining was that the Entity had never actually fought Kagutsuchi again. He shook a bit harder just trying to imagine how much greater the damage could have been if both the Concept and the Deity had made their environment into a fiery deadly arena.
Uncaring for whoever else was nearby, as they tried to take the other one down... Not any good.
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Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | marc122 marc122 | Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

"Hence why ya need our help, Sage-kun!"
As Sage finished his words to Yang, Leo, and Orbeck, a new figure popped behind the pyromancer with a familiar aura, and when he was to turn around- there stood Kyou! A grin larger than usual was on his face, and one of his hands was on his hips, seemingly have left Mimaki and Fuma to talk with Korg by themselves. "Ya don't have talent naturally when yer born, kiddo. Ya develop it! Either by yourself, or others! Heck, I had no talent either, you know. But with this much support, and with a strong will, I was able to go through with it! Unlike you, I didn't really even know that the supernatural existed 'till I was seventeen, heh..." So he had seemingly no exposure to it earlier in his life...? That seemed hard to believe, given this was the same man who broke Hershel's spell limit...

Oh, right! Hershel! Kyou snapped his fingers. He didn't forget it, he just wanted to speak what he had in mind, first.

"...And, I think someone you know agrees with that thought, Sage." The oni's face softened a careful smile on his face. "...Someone sent me a mental message just now. Hershel-- yer dad, right? He talked to me just now. Told me to send ya a few words, and to do a few favors for 'im." Kyou spoke, looking between Sage, Yang, Orbeck, and Leo. They were free to listen in as well- and after all, while Hershel specifically asked him to help Sage, doesn't mean others can do it as well. But for now, his focus was on Sage. The older adult looked at the younger adult's eyes, as patted him on the back, as the words slowly came back to him...

"'It doesn't matter to me if I was wrong or not, I will never abandon you, and I will never stop trying to help you.'" The half oni repeated the words from the lord with pinpoint accuracy, those powerful and relatable words still stuck on his mind. There was a smile on his face, as for a moment, he looked away-- a pause lingering in the air before he continued with a low chuckle. "...And he asked me to help you, Sage. To help you control your powers and emotions, principally more intimate ones." The oni looked at Leo for a moment- although back at Sage. It was clear that the help was to simply answer a few questions and give guidance. Sage was an adult, he could figure most of this stuff out- but it didn't help from the Oni offering his help. "If that's not proof that people still care for ya, I'unno what is, man. But still...Ya heard it from your old man! I'm going to act as your sensei from now on!..."

...Another pause, soon followed with awkward laughter, as Kyou scratched the back of his head."...Well, if you want that, that is! I don't mind just bein' a pal of yours either. But the point is- I'm set on helpin' ya, and I'm sure Yang-chan and Orbeck-san are, too. And your dad is, too. Even if he ain't here, right now, speakin' those words to ya, he's been watchin' you, and as a parent m'self," Wait, he had kids...? Did he ever mention that? "I understand where his worry is comin' from. Ya didn't do any crimes, Sage. Ye just someone that needs help and experience. Ya may be an adult already, and a lot of stuff will depend on ya, personal battles, controlling emotions- it won't be all coddling and comfort, if ya do choose to accept my, and everyone's help, it'll be harsh, but...That's life, sometimes. Ya gotta learn how to move on, and to deal with stuff, even if it hurts."

This was less him giving advice, and more him saying how he planned to teach Sage. Soon, looking away, the reincarnation of flames offered his hand to Sage yet again to shake, once more offering help, but hopefully in a different light than before.

"It's okay if you don't accept it, but be aware- I'm a man of m' word, and I do plan on still helpin' ya, even if it's as effective as one percent, really! I promised Hershel-san that I'd do my best to make you a man he's even prouder to call 'son', after all, heh!"

Truth be told, there was a small tension in the air, as Kyou awaited Sage's reaction and response to what he just said- and offered.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari enjoyed watching Atreus positively have a field day over looking at his sword. In a bleak situation like this, it was a moment of joy. Atreus, however, had been grabbed by the arm by Ellie and pulled away, so Akari didn't get a chance to vocally respond to him, but he did wave goodbye to Atreus when he said how nice it was to meet everyone. What the boy had said definitely intrigued him, though. Not only was Atreus skilled with a bow and had magic arrows, but he seemed to be quite well-versed in Nordic mythology and had apparently met Freya herself.

Akari turned to Lazarus, folding his arms. "I'm going to be honest, I don't like the idea of us fighting each other, either. However, if appeasing this 'Time Baby' is what will get our mission back on track, then that is what we will have to do. Considering how there are literal Time Police, I would say there's a good chance they'll be following us just about everywhere we go if we should try to evade them, anyway. And, what would happen, should they catch us again?"

Still talking to Lazarus, Akari pointed towards Korg. "Besides, as Korg mentioned, we might not need to use lethal measures. Yes, I have a sword and crossbow, but that does not mean I have to use them. If need be, I can always just go with fisticuffs and try for incapacitation. Non-lethal wounds aren't much to be concerned about with me around, anyway. As I recently told Yoshi and Atreus, I have access to healing magic. Even if you should wind up with a potential concussion, broken bones, cuts, and scrapes, I can patch them right up." He said with a firm nod.

Blake had suddenly gone into what seemed like a panic attack, and Akari's gaze darted towards her. "Oh, no..." He whispered, rushing over to her side. "Is something wrong...?"

Ellya Ellya (Silent Interaction)
QizPizza QizPizza
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Mention)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactions)

"Ah, 'course that'd be more obvious." Yoshi shook his head in response from Jason. "Most bosses Yoshi face tried to make obstacles when multiple fighters stood in several places at the same time. Yoshi say that did not go well... but that was overcome later on. Fighters are like heroes, they win in the end."


Korg also mentioned there was a crowd involved. Mostly, Yoshi would rather focus on WHO he is facing at the chosen arena of a smash tournament... but Yoshi can admit the weakness he had that people could chant his name! He was popular indeed, but who was more adorable, Yoshi, or Kirby? "Wowee.... a crowd! Crowds usually root for a fighter, imagine if they rooted for Yoshi, or friend... no, no, Yoshi would rather be going for the fight itself, hee hee~ Yoshi like competition and kindness in fair share! And Yoshi like patching up after competitive battle with fighter friends." Well, he'll settle down after arena battle anyways... before the escape plan Fuma told about

And then there's another person who notices him! Well, popularity and adorableness may be true, true indeed. This time, he can just be that bundle of joy while having experience as a veteran fighter. This may be that same dino, so he'll respond to Jett like usual! "Yayoshi! Mhm! Yoshi meet new friends around ship before ambush. Yoshi knows there was surprise, but Yoshi got lots of friends near ship!" Actually it's correct he found Ellie near the Guardians' ship before Leo, Killua, Akari, and Benrey came along! Though, Ellie had a bit of swearing surprise reaction for the dinosaur, but he treated her nice either way. It's funny to expect the dinosaur to be the last being to be considered a time anomaly on the ship.


Well, he was sorta used to it by now.

Tags: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Korg, Jason) , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc (Jett)
Unnamed/Named mentions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Leo) , Ciscodog Ciscodog (Killua) , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (Akari) , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Benrey)


Well, Fuma was a little relieved killing was optional. But for a demoness to be... pretty much... practically facing everybody else in one big arena? That's awkward. That's why she said it was basically a spar and a test. To treat it like a experiment. That way, Fuma would not go all-out on the people the danmaku bullets spread to. "... Danmaku itself isn't lethal in damage, back in Gensokyo. It attacks your clothes to a non-extreme level, but that's it. You guys don't happen to have someone who can sew clothes together after damage, do you? Fuma figures that should relatively useful after we appease this 'Time Baby' you speak of in the arena battle. Fuma isn't going all out for this experiment. Fuma apologizes for my bullets spreading to anybody else in advance. Afterwards, Fuma can see if her escape plan and tactics work: portals, stalling guards, shortcuts through the prison escape..."

Dark magic and demons will be involved, of course.

@ open for interaction​
Geralt of Rivia

Bayonetta certainly wasn't an unwelcome addition to the conversation. He looked up at the much taller woman. As before, when she got close, his medallion started humming. Black hair. Similar accent. Similar sense of humor. Man, this woman reminded him of Yennefer. Actually made the Witcher more homesick, than anything. He very much wished Yen was here with them. Hopefully, they could resolve this before she became aware that he had also disappeared. Between Ciri disappearing and Geralt vanishing on her trail, she was bound to get even more worried. Maybe. Yen was smart, and unpredictable. If there was even a glimmer of hope that she might be able to figure out what was going on, he would hold on to it.

As both of them gave their assessments of possible threats, he examined each person pointed out in turn. There wasn't much to pick out from Micah, but the other man was clearly non-human. There was no way to tell what he might be packing, especially since the main basis for fear about him was that he was bragging about his powers. Granted, that was concerning; who in their right minds hears that they are going to be forced to fight their friends and comrades, and gets pumped up about it? Sure, there was such a thing as a friendly sparring match, but generally those were entered consensually, without the threat of jail time or worse hanging over your head. Especially since it didn't seem like they would have any say in who they were fighting alongside or against. For all any of them knew, they could get stuck fighting a kid, and just lying down to take it might not be an option.

"Big guy with the skull seems pretty intense. Can't tell if he would kill anyone, but he certainly doesn't seem to be here to make any friends." Geralt briefly nodded in Frank's direction. "He's old and unarmed, though, and seems pretty focused on taking care of those kids. The woman in the armor seems a bit worrying as well, given how trigger happy she was just a few minutes ago." His gaze shifted to Samus. "I don't know anyone else here well enough to say. Don't know what anyone here is capable of to know if we even have a shot in hell of winning." Geralt hated going into a fight unprepared. It went against everything he had ever learned as a Witcher, either from Vesemir or in the field. "When we get out there, I'm planning to stand back and fight defensively to try and get a feel for who I'm up against. I'll do my best to throw the fight if they let me, if we're up against each other."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FoolsErin FoolsErin FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Frank Castle

Frank watched as Ellie immediately stepped into a guiding role for Atreus. It would be impressive, if her having been in circumstances that would give her such skills wasn't so upsetting. At the mention of Murder, he didn't respond, but he did chime in when she started to give Atreus advice on how to take the both of them down if they were not only forced to fight in the arena, but forced to fight each other. The advice she was giving was good, but there was something both of them needed to account for: His vest. Now, he had no intention of harming either of them willfully, but refusal to participate could well have more dire consequences that getting it over with. Not knowing about the ceramic plated armor he wore could get them in serious trouble. Frank pulled his trench coat apart again, revealing the spray painted skull across the armor once more.

"Vest won't conduct electricity, and will stop an arrow from a low draw weight bow like that dead in its tracks. If you're going nonlethal, aim for my legs or arms. It might take a few, but the electricity might bring me to ground before I close the distance, if you can hit me." Frank knew he could dodge an arrow. He didn't intend to. "If the Kronan is wrong, face and neck. Do not hesitate, Go for the eye, if you can." Suicide by kid wasn't ideal. May not have a choice. He looked at Ellie next. "I don't know how good you are with that knife. Go for my right knee, or, if you can find a gap in the plates, right here." He tapped himself in the side. "Shotgun blast took out a rib years ago." It wasn't broken. It was gone. "Should get a good jab at a lung. Won't kill me right away, but will probably put me down for the count if you get in there a few times. Long enough to win, and long enough for me to get medical help. Otherwise, same as Atreus. Head and neck." Was Frank confident he could take these actual children in a fight? Of course. Was he really going to sell them beating him handily, if it came to it? Yes.

Ellie proceeded to give the boy some just general advice on how to fight with them. How to draw a bow. Look for high ground, draw to your chest. All good things. Finally, she started to say something Atreus needed to here, but did make Geralt look away. That he needed to dehumanize his targets. View them as less than people. Atreus finished the sentence before she could. His head snapped back to the boy in an instant. Frank certainly didn't have the kid pegged for a killer, but it would actually explain how jumpy the boy was, in part. Wasn't just a scared kid, he was a scared kid that had done something terrible too, wasn't he? Even if it was just defending himself, or someone he cared about. He reached down and put a hand on the kid's shoulder. His palm was calloused and rough. "Hey, kid... It's gonna be alright. I promise." Frank's tone was notably gentler.

When Atreus asked about Drax, and Ellie looked to him for guidance, he turned to look at the alien. Drax certainly seemed to have his heart in the right place, and, as much as he distrusted super freaks, the guardians had done a lot of good (even if they had killed Thanos, only to bring him back later). "Alright, kid. If you want, you can try to convince Drax to help. He's certainly stronger than any of us," Castle muttered begrudgingly. They could use all the help they could get. Of course, there was no guarantee any of them would end up on the same side. "Go try your best." If Drax really was a parent that lost his kid, maybe a child in need would win him over. Whether or not Atreus walked away to try, he turned to Ellie. "Show me how you hold your knife." From his waist, Frank drew his own ka-bar, the seven inch black blade the only weapon he had left. For now, its serrated edge just rested in his hand at his side.

Ellya Ellya thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Geralt of Rivia

Bayonetta certainly wasn't an unwelcome addition to the conversation. He looked up at the much taller woman. As before, when she got close, his medallion started humming. Black hair. Similar accent. Similar sense of humor. Man, this woman reminded him of Yennefer. Actually made the Witcher more homesick, than anything. He very much wished Yen was here with them. Hopefully, they could resolve this before she became aware that he had also disappeared. Between Ciri disappearing and Geralt vanishing on her trail, she was bound to get even more worried. Maybe. Yen was smart, and unpredictable. If there was even a glimmer of hope that she might be able to figure out what was going on, he would hold on to it.

As both of them gave their assessments of possible threats, he examined each person pointed out in turn. There wasn't much to pick out from Micah, but the other man was clearly non-human. There was no way to tell what he might be packing, especially since the main basis for fear about him was that he was bragging about his powers. Granted, that was concerning; who in their right minds hears that they are going to be forced to fight their friends and comrades, and gets pumped up about it? Sure, there was such a thing as a friendly sparring match, but generally those were entered consensually, without the threat of jail time or worse hanging over your head. Especially since it didn't seem like they would have any say in who they were fighting alongside or against. For all any of them knew, they could get stuck fighting a kid, and just lying down to take it might not be an option.

"Big guy with the skull seems pretty intense. Can't tell if he would kill anyone, but he certainly doesn't seem to be here to make any friends." Geralt briefly nodded in Frank's direction. "He's old and unarmed, though, and seems pretty focused on taking care of those kids. The woman in the armor seems a bit worrying as well, given how trigger happy she was just a few minutes ago." His gaze shifted to Samus. "I don't know anyone else here well enough to say. Don't know what anyone here is capable of to know if we even have a shot in hell of winning." Geralt hated going into a fight unprepared. It went against everything he had ever learned as a Witcher, either from Vesemir or in the field. "When we get out there, I'm planning to stand back and fight defensively to try and get a feel for who I'm up against. I'll do my best to throw the fight if they let me, if we're up against each other."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FoolsErin FoolsErin FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Frank Castle

Frank watched as Ellie immediately stepped into a guiding role for Atreus. It would be impressive, if her having been in circumstances that would give her such skills wasn't so upsetting. At the mention of Murder, he didn't respond, but he did chime in when she started to give Atreus advice on how to take the both of them down if they were not only forced to fight in the arena, but forced to fight each other. The advice she was giving was good, but there was something both of them needed to account for: His vest. Now, he had no intention of harming either of them willfully, but refusal to participate could well have more dire consequences that getting it over with. Not knowing about the ceramic plated armor he wore could get them in serious trouble. Frank pulled his trench coat apart again, revealing the spray painted skull across the armor once more.

"Vest won't conduct electricity, and will stop an arrow from a low draw weight bow like that dead in its tracks. If you're going nonlethal, aim for my legs or arms. It might take a few, but the electricity might bring me to ground before I close the distance, if you can hit me." Frank knew he could dodge an arrow. He didn't intend to. "If the Kronan is wrong, face and neck. Do not hesitate, Go for the eye, if you can." Suicide by kid wasn't ideal. May not have a choice. He looked at Ellie next. "I don't know how good you are with that knife. Go for my right knee, or, if you can find a gap in the plates, right here." He tapped himself in the side. "Shotgun blast took out a rib years ago." It wasn't broken. It was gone. "Should get a good jab at a lung. Won't kill me right away, but will probably put me down for the count if you get in there a few times. Long enough to win, and long enough for me to get medical help. Otherwise, same as Atreus. Head and neck." Was Frank confident he could take these actual children in a fight? Of course. Was he really going to sell them beating him handily, if it came to it? Yes.

Ellie proceeded to give the boy some just general advice on how to fight with them. How to draw a bow. Look for high ground, draw to your chest. All good things. Finally, she started to say something Atreus needed to here, but did make Geralt look away. That he needed to dehumanize his targets. View them as less than people. Atreus finished the sentence before she could. His head snapped back to the boy in an instant. Frank certainly didn't have the kid pegged for a killer, but it would actually explain how jumpy the boy was, in part. Wasn't just a scared kid, he was a scared kid that had done something terrible too, wasn't he? Even if it was just defending himself, or someone he cared about. He reached down and put a hand on the kid's shoulder. His palm was calloused and rough. "Hey, kid... It's gonna be alright. I promise." Frank's tone was notably gentler.

When Atreus asked about Drax, and Ellie looked to him for guidance, he turned to look at the alien. Drax certainly seemed to have his heart in the right place, and, as much as he distrusted super freaks, the guardians had done a lot of good (even if they had killed Thanos, only to bring him back later). "Alright, kid. If you want, you can try to convince Drax to help. He's certainly stronger than any of us," Castle muttered begrudgingly. They could use all the help they could get. Of course, there was no guarantee any of them would end up on the same side. "Go try your best." If Drax really was a parent that lost his kid, maybe a child in need would win him over. Whether or not Atreus walked away to try, he turned to Ellie. "Show me how you hold your knife." From his waist, Frank drew his own ka-bar, the seven inch black blade the only weapon he had left. For now, its serrated edge just rested in his hand at his side.

Ellya Ellya thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

For a few moments, Ellie considered what they were actually doing here. They were literally both describing the best way to kill them to an 11 year old boy. She'd have some moral thoughts about it if this wasn't a life or death situation. No one knew how this was going down. Just the sheer thought of going up against this beast of a man did strike some fear into her body though. She just nodded in response to Frank giving her some advice as well. "Well... I don't have much to say... I got a pretty mean kick but that's about it, so..." she chuckled softly, then realized she was just admitting she was probably the weakest person in here. "I hope for my sake it doesn't come to all this..."

Atreus looked up at Frank and gave a nod as well. "I know..." he said. "I'm sure whoever's doing this wouldn't make us fight each other. That'd just be cruelty for no reason..." After that very positive and maybe slightly naive statement, Atreus gave a final nod and then jogged on over to where Drax was. When finding him, the boy would come running up and tapping his hand to get his attention. "Drax! Uh..." He needed to catch his breath and gather his thoughts for a second. "There's a fight coming up, and everyone needs to make teams, and we... we thought it'd be good if you could join me and Ellie, and uh... Frank. Maybe your friends could join our team too, we..." The boy looked at the ground with a frown for a second. "We could really use the help..." the look in his eyes was genuine and helpless. He knew that despite his age, he was the most well armed in their little clique. And in a crowd of people with magical powers, having two ordinary people on your team of three doesn't exactly bode well. ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )

Ellie felt a bit nervous when Frank asked her to show him her knife grip. She'd never even thought about the way she held it, usually just doing so strong enough to be able to shank people with it. "Alright... Well don't expect..." she started off, but stopped when reaching in her pocket. A blush flushed onto her cheeks and her eyes widened in the fear someone would get when realizing they might have left the stove on. And the gas open. "Oh, motherfucker..." she muttered when realizing her switchblade was gone. "Those assholes fucking took it! They better give us our weapons for this fight! Fuck!" She actually stomped her foot on the ground in anger.

As she should have expected, Frank offered her his own knife, but she'd keep a very firm stance and refuse, saying "No way. I'm not letting your ass get killed because of my stupidity. I'll just lie low and stay outta trouble, I'm good at that."
Frank Castle

It was probably for the best that Frank kept his intention to throw the fight if they came up against each other a secret. Not only would it potentially wound their pride (especially Ellie's), it might affect how convincingly they came at him. Spectator sport might have a crowd, and that crowd could well decide who moves on and who doesn't. When she refused his knife, his scowl deepened, and he reached over to her. Not aggressively. The old vigilante was being, as he was with Atreus, surprisingly gentle compared to before. Things were different now. He wasn't suddenly going to become dad of the year or anything, but she needed to accept his help or she could wind up dead. Frank moved to open her hand and place the knife's handle in her palm, insistently. "I'll die here if I want, kid," He repeated his sentiment from earlier, albeit slightly more softly. His expression didn't change, but his tone carried a barely detectable hint of compassion. "You've got your whole life ahead of you."

Still, she wouldn't take it. He scowled down at her disapprovingly. "Ellie," Frank said simply. He wasn't sure whether or not he had said her name aloud yet. He did his best to sound stern, but not angry. In the end, his voice didn't change all that much. "We may not end up on the same team. You may be up against me. I may not have a choice but to come at you, whether or not the goal is to K.O. or kill you." Frank flipped the knife around to hold it by the blade, presenting to her still even as, for the first time since getting here, he sat down on the floor. Leaning back, he rested his head against the wall. His chest still hurt. His arm was still bleeding. He still had bits of human ear caught in his teeth. "If we end up on the same team, I'll take it back. If we don't, you'll have it and I won't. I don't know if you could bring me down, even non-lethally, without it. Besides, maybe they'll give us weapons and it won't be necessary. Otherwise, you need it more than me." Wasn't a dig. He had more than a foot and more than a hundred pounds on her.

From where he was sitting, finally catching a moment to breathe, Frank closed his eyes. Between getting yanked here mid suicide attempt, falling through a void of colors and sound, getting his arm cut by a teenager, and getting beaten and tased unconscious by time police, he was very, very tired already. His eyes opened slowly to make ee contact with her once more. The old vigilante needed to convince the girl that he could take care of himself. That, somehow, he wasn't out of his depth here (which wasn't true). Any number of lies could probably get the job done, but looking Ellie in the eyes, he didn't really feel like lying to her. Frank couldn't say why. Just didn't seem right. "Can I tell you a story, kid? Maybe it'll make you feel better."

Ellya Ellya

  • An dismayed Kassandra (though obviously not that much, since she cared about Ikaros) was at least consoled when Ciri went a little bit overboard with the description, though it did put a smile on her face to think the Witcheress thought a lot about the brunette. Geralt acknowledged it, too, asking about both drinks and showing "around the boat". Once again, she decided to try the oblivious tactic here.

    "Well, we definitely do need that drinking contest-" She nodded at Ciri's remark about that- "and I'm sure you can all come over to Greece. Pose as mercenaries, and people won't bat an eye, considering we have misthioses who run around with pet bears and poisoned blades, myself included. That, and if you think your stomach can handle it, we can take a tour of my world on my ship, the Adrestria." The earlier thought about taming animals and poisoning weapons alongside Ciri's statement that she had powers also reminded the brown-eyed warrior that she hadn't exactly told Ciri about her own powers. The Greek knew about the Witcheress' abilities, but... maybe it was time Kassandra shared the secret.

    "Oh, and about my powers? Let's just say you aren't the only one with a bloodline that other people want a hold of." She gently pulled her Spear of Leonidas out, holding the family heirloom out for the salt-and-pepper-haired duo to see.


    "This is something that my family's passed down from generation to generation. It's a major source of my powers, but I've also got blood of..." She paused, trying to think of a better word than Isu and gods. She couldn't. "...I guess you could say the gods, or my gods. I'm a demigoddess, to put it in another way. I'll go into more detail later." She said that because she also wasn't sure if she wanted to talk about Atlantis or her supposed role as a "Keeper of the Staff". Thankfully, Geralt gave her an opportunity to smoothly transition, asking about potential problems. Her eyes went to one person in particular. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, the boy in question was certainly a liability.

    "Sage, definitely. Not because he'd want to kill anyone, knowing his strong black and white code on death, but because his emotions are tied to his powers. And the worst part is that he's shown himself multiple times as... unstable." This warranted a grimace from the Greek before continuing. "The second he loses control, all Hades breaks loose, and it almost always ends up with the entire surroundings engulfed in fire. Gods, he nearly killed someone else in one of his outbursts..." She didn't want to sound like she was absolutely dissing the poor kid, but this wasn't Atlantis, where they had all the time in the world to get their act together.

    "But besides for Sage, I don't think anyone else is going to want to kill. Granted, there are a few idiots here who probably have the capacity to kill someone on accident..." She rolled her eyes at this thought- "...but nobody else will be specifically going to draw blood."

    Ikaros, meanwhile, had taken a certain interest in Double Trouble. The Golden Eagle hovered near the shapeshifter as Jason began grilling Double Trouble, listening in for what was going on. He wasn't going to go near the Red Hood, though, since he'd probably get shooed off especially if he tried to perch on the vigilante's helmeted head.
Last edited:
Frank Castle

It was probably for the best that Frank kept his intention to throw the fight if they came up against each other a secret. Not only would it potentially wound their pride (especially Ellie's), it might affect how convincingly they came at him. Spectator sport might have a crowd, and that crowd could well decide who moves on and who doesn't. When she refused his knife, his scowl deepened, and he reached over to her. Not aggressively. The old vigilante was being, as he was with Atreus, surprisingly gentle compared to before. Things were different now. He wasn't suddenly going to become dad of the year or anything, but she needed to accept his help or she could wind up dead. Frank moved to open her hand and place the knife's handle in her palm, insistently. "I'll die here if I want, kid," He repeated his sentiment from earlier, albeit slightly more softly. His expression didn't change, but his tone carried a barely detectable hint of compassion. "You've got your whole life ahead of you."

Still, she wouldn't take it. He scowled down at her disapprovingly. "Ellie," Frank said simply. He wasn't sure whether or not he had said her name aloud yet. He did his best to sound stern, but not angry. In the end, his voice didn't change all that much. "We may not end up on the same team. You may be up against me. I may not have a choice but to come at you, whether or not the goal is to K.O. or kill you." Frank flipped the knife around to hold it by the blade, presenting to her still even as, for the first time since getting here, he sat down on the floor. Leaning back, he rested his head against the wall. His chest still hurt. His arm was still bleeding. He still had bits of human ear caught in his teeth. "If we end up on the same team, I'll take it back. If we don't, you'll have it and I won't. I don't know if you could bring me down, even non-lethally, without it. Besides, maybe they'll give us weapons and it won't be necessary. Otherwise, you need it more than me." Wasn't a dig. He had more than a foot and more than a hundred pounds on her.

From where he was sitting, finally catching a moment to breathe, Frank closed his eyes. Between getting yanked here mid suicide attempt, falling through a void of colors and sound, getting his arm cut by a teenager, and getting beaten and tased unconscious by time police, he was very, very tired already. His eyes opened slowly to make ee contact with her once more. The old vigilante needed to convince the girl that he could take care of himself. That, somehow, he wasn't out of his depth here (which wasn't true). Any number of lies could probably get the job done, but looking Ellie in the eyes, he didn't really feel like lying to her. Frank couldn't say why. Just didn't seem right. "Can I tell you a story, kid? Maybe it'll make you feel better."

Ellya Ellya

Ellie refused to take his knife not only because it would leave him defenseless in her eyes, but also because the knife was literally bigger than her head. She was used to nimbly jumping on top of dudes and stabbing them in the neck, not actual sword combat. She'd survived this long, and she'd survived some pretty dire situations without any weapons. Plus, maybe Atreus was right, and the guys organizing this weren't dicks to the billionth degree and would actually take some mercy on kids.

"Trust me, you're gonna want that thing... You'll be able to take a lot more of these fuckers out with it than I could..." Hearing her name out of his mouth was a strange feeling, especially said in a 'gentle' tone. She watched the man sit down and looked at his face. Man, this dude had seen some shit. It was literally written all over him in scars, bruises and his expression. But the look he gave her now was one she'd seen before in Joel. It was the look a man gives before deciding to open up about something.

Ellie couldn't help but respect and appreciate that, and so she dropped her standoffish act and nodded, sitting down beside the man. She didn't plan on making any eye contact during his story and didn't expect him to look at her, somehow it felt like that would just make it awkward. So instead, she just pulled her knees up, rested her arms on them and looked at her hands the whole time.
Frank Castle

Where to even start? He'd met this kid an hour ago. He needed to strike a balance between frightening and reassuring, but most of his story involved serial, wanton murder. Wasn't anywhere great in his nearly forty years as the Punisher. Before, that, though... Vietnam wasn't exactly pretty. Far from it, it was probably among the darkest moments in the United States' history. Still, Valley Forge would get the point across. Without looking at her, he took a shaky sigh, swallowing another bit of his own blood. Breathing was getting hard. He needed someone to look at him, but wasn't sure he wanted anyone here to do it. Maybe Kyou. Finally, Frank began to talk. "Third tour in Vietnam, I was posted at a firebase named 'Valley Forge' watching for VC to come in from Cambodia. Went over there, find out the wife was pregnant again a week later. You ever heard of the Vietnam war, kid?" Probably not, given what Frank knew of her world. She was born after the apocalypse started, if he recalled correctly. Several years after.

Shaking his head, he continued. "Doesn't matter. Just know it was a shitty decision for us to be there at all. Brass sent us over with M-16s, but they wouldn't work when they got wet. We were fighting in a fucking swamp. I'd already been there for most of the war. Platoon commander in tour one. Force recon in two. By the third, the war was basically over. How I ended up there, wasn't really anywhere else to send me." There wasn't really a faraway look about him or anything. Compared to the stuff Frank would go on to do later, the things he did in Vietnam were pretty tame. "Captain of a shithole that no one wanted to even keep active. Only half the base was staffed. Maybe a third of the GIs that were there still thought there was anything worth doing. The others were just riding the days out, waiting for the bird home, either high as a kite or just slacking off. I put together the only real platoon on base out of those that actually wanted to do something, instead of just waiting for the VC to find us." Boots stomping through the grass of a swampy jungle. Voices speaking in a foreign language. Men protecting their home from foreign invaders, stacked against impossible odds. The flash of gunfire from the bushes as Frank and his men gunned the patrol down. More than one hundred AKs recovered, on top of other heavy ordinance.

"We hit our third supply run that week. Meanwhile, we hadn't gotten supplies in months. Pissant in charge of the base didn't want to rock the boat, was what he was always saying." Frank didn't swallow the blood this time, spitting to the side with obvious contempt. "I tried to tell him something was coming. He wouldn't listen. We were out of range of other bases' artillery, and a storm was coming that night. A bad one. Any air support would be too souped in to help in time." A general visited. He was going to close the base down, no matter what Frank said. Took the fat old man on a tour. Stood in front of a sign. Old man walked up on the edge of the base. Never saw the sniper. A voice in his head. Pushing Frank further. Could have just been his imagination. Could have been the devil. The voice offered an eternal war. Claimed Frank was here again, despite leaving a wife and two kids at home, because he wanted to be there. "VC hit us hard in the night. I got my men together. We held for a few hours, long as we could. Couldn't get Da Nang on the radio." Then came the look. Frank stared straight ahead as he spoke. Not for what was happening around him at the time, but for the voice. Driving him. Taunting him.

"Boys did their best, but we were outnumbered ten to one. 'Sixty was burning up in my hands. Before I knew it, it was just me and thirty VC. All I had was a broken M-16 and a shovel." The voice came back. Promising to push him further. All he had to do was say yes, and Frank would fight on forever. The feeling of bullets tearing through his chest. His arm. His stomach. Frank wouldn't die there. A flash of steel as his shovel buried itself in someone's skull, swung like an axe. "I don't remember the rest very well. It's a blur of images, sounds and smells. I remember feeling things break when my weapon would make contact. Hearing screams fall silent. Planes flying overhead, and dropping smoke so they wouldn't hit me with the napalm. Climbing under a pile of bodies as that burning gasoline smell, mixed with shit and the smell of burnt corpses." Saying yes.

"Hueys touched down the next morning... that's a helicopter. Old one. A lot older than you, anyways. Was standing there, looking like a ghoul, in a field of corpses. I'd beaten anyone not caught by the napalm to death. Two dozen VC." Difficult to read what he was feeling there, even for Frank himself. Nostalgia? Dread? Longing? "I'd been shot eight times. Was well on my way to bleeding to death by the time they got me loaded up and sent me home. Honorable discharge, on my way to see my family." Definitely nostalgia. "Point is, don't care where you send me, or what with. I may not be a super freak, but I can take care of myself. I'm not gonna die just because you take a toothpick from me." Finally, he relented, returning the knife to his side. He didn't look over to see what Ellie thought. In all honesty, he wasn't sure she'd care; she might have checked out halfway through, dismissing him as an old man caught up in the past. He wouldn't have noticed.

Ellya Ellya
Frank Castle

Where to even start? He'd met this kid an hour ago. He needed to strike a balance between frightening and reassuring, but most of his story involved serial, wanton murder. Wasn't anywhere great in his nearly forty years as the Punisher. Before, that, though... Vietnam wasn't exactly pretty. Far from it, it was probably among the darkest moments in the United States' history. Still, Valley Forge would get the point across. Without looking at her, he took a shaky sigh, swallowing another bit of his own blood. Breathing was getting hard. He needed someone to look at him, but wasn't sure he wanted anyone here to do it. Maybe Kyou. Finally, Frank began to talk. "Third tour in Vietnam, I was posted at a firebase named 'Valley Forge' watching for VC to come in from Cambodia. Went over there, find out the wife was pregnant again a week later. You ever heard of the Vietnam war, kid?" Probably not, given what Frank knew of her world. She was born after the apocalypse started, if he recalled correctly. Several years after.

Shaking his head, he continued. "Doesn't matter. Just know it was a shitty decision for us to be there at all. Brass sent us over with M-16s, but they wouldn't work when they got wet. We were fighting in a fucking swamp. I'd already been there for most of the war. Platoon commander in tour one. Force recon in two. By the third, the war was basically over. How I ended up there, wasn't really anywhere else to send me." There wasn't really a faraway look about him or anything. Compared to the stuff Frank would go on to do later, the things he did in Vietnam were pretty tame. "Captain of a shithole that no one wanted to even keep active. Only half the base was staffed. Maybe a third of the GIs that were there still thought there was anything worth doing. The others were just riding the days out, waiting for the bird home, either high as a kite or just slacking off. I put together the only real platoon on base out of those that actually wanted to do something, instead of just waiting for the VC to find us." Boots stomping through the grass of a swampy jungle. Voices speaking in a foreign language. Men protecting their home from foreign invaders, stacked against impossible odds. The flash of gunfire from the bushes as Frank and his men gunned the patrol down. More than one hundred AKs recovered, on top of other heavy ordinance.

"We hit our third supply run that week. Meanwhile, we hadn't gotten supplies in months. Pissant in charge of the base didn't want to rock the boat, was what he was always saying." Frank didn't swallow the blood this time, spitting to the side with obvious contempt. "I tried to tell him something was coming. He wouldn't listen. We were out of range of other bases' artillery, and a storm was coming that night. A bad one. Any air support would be too souped in to help in time." A general visited. He was going to close the base down, no matter what Frank said. Took the fat old man on a tour. Stood in front of a sign. Old man walked up on the edge of the base. Never saw the sniper. A voice in his head. Pushing Frank further. Could have just been his imagination. Could have been the devil. The voice offered an eternal war. Claimed Frank was here again, despite leaving a wife and two kids at home, because he wanted to be there. "VC hit us hard in the night. I got my men together. We held for a few hours, long as we could. Couldn't get Da Nang on the radio." Then came the look. Frank stared straight ahead as he spoke. Not for what was happening around him at the time, but for the voice. Driving him. Taunting him.

"Boys did their best, but we were outnumbered ten to one. 'Sixty was burning up in my hands. Before I knew it, it was just me and thirty VC. All I had was a broken M-16 and a shovel." The voice came back. Promising to push him further. All he had to do was say yes, and Frank would fight on forever. The feeling of bullets tearing through his chest. His arm. His stomach. Frank wouldn't die there. A flash of steel as his shovel buried itself in someone's skull, swung like an axe. "I don't remember the rest very well. It's a blur of images, sounds and smells. I remember feeling things break when my weapon would make contact. Hearing screams fall silent. Planes flying overhead, and dropping smoke so they wouldn't hit me with the napalm. Climbing under a pile of bodies as that burning gasoline smell, mixed with shit and the smell of burnt corpses." Saying yes.

"Hueys touched down the next morning... that's a helicopter. Old one. A lot older than you, anyways. Was standing there, looking like a ghoul, in a field of corpses. I'd beaten anyone not caught by the napalm to death. Two dozen VC." Difficult to read what he was feeling there, even for Frank himself. Nostalgia? Dread? Longing? "I'd been shot eight times. Was well on my way to bleeding to death by the time they got me loaded up and sent me home. Honorable discharge, on my way to see my family." Definitely nostalgia. "Point is, don't care where you send me, or what with. I may not be a super freak, but I can take care of myself. I'm not gonna die just because you take a toothpick from me." Finally, he relented, returning the knife to his side. He didn't look over to see what Ellie thought. In all honesty, he wasn't sure she'd care; she might have checked out halfway through, dismissing him as an old man caught up in the past. He wouldn't have noticed.

Ellya Ellya

Ellie listened intently to every word. After a minute, she even turned her head and looked at him, looking at his face as he spoke. She didn't understand most of the army lingo he used, but she felt it, every word of his story. "Jesus..." she muttered softly near the end of his story. Even after he explained his point and wrapped it up, she remained quiet for a long time. What she did do though, was reach over and just take his knife from him anyway, without words. She understood now.

The silence between the two lasted for at least another minute as Ellie thought about what to say next. She desperately wanted to know one thing. But the last time she brought this up with someone, an argument followed that almost broke the friendship between her and Joel. After the long quiet, she swallowed and spoke in a soft, controlled voice:

"What happened to them, Frank?"


If he were to look at Ellie, he'd see a face of genuine concern and curiosity. She knew the weight of that question. She knew it because the one time she brought it up with Joel... well, mighty thin ice was the right expression. And she knew that Frank's family wasn't alive anymore. Maybe she heard him say it in passing, but that wasn't how she knew. A man like him obviously went through some horrible shit, and whatever he did in the war or in the years after it, she didn't feel like those things would be the cause of how he was now.
Frank Castle

The old man grunted, seeming satisfied as Ellie took the knife from him. The silence wasn't unwelcome. It let him stew on his thoughts for a while longer. Frank closed his eyes again. He could still smell the jungle when he tried. He could still hear the noise of insects. He could still feel the snap of twigs and leaves under his boots. The first time in his life that he felt like he had a real purpose was there, in that jungle, his boots tracking mud. Compared to where his life ended up back home, and then compared to Murder, he almost missed it. Things weren't simple then. They didn't make sense. Didn't matter. Peering through the foliage, Frank had felt right at home. He considered making a joke, or trying to tell a more lighthearted anecdote to ease the tension, but thought better of it. Couldn't think of one if he wanted to. Was there a single just genuinely funny thing that had happened to him in forty years?

Ellie broke the silence first. She turned to look at him. He could feel her eyes searching his face as she spoke. Her tone was delicate. Measured. She was worried the question would set him off, or otherwise upset him somehow. His expression didn't change. Ellie hadn't been specific. If Frank wanted to, he could play dumb. Shrug it off, pretend to mistake who she was talking about. Say something about a faceless GI he barely knew from his platoon. She probably wouldn't buy it, but it would brush the question off. He wouldn't have to answer it yet. After all, wasn't like she had any right to know. No one did, unless he chose to tell them.

"...I don't know what you're talking about, kid," Came his simple reply. There was no pain in his voice. Not in his face. He wasn't hiding anything. It had been almost forty years since the shooting in the park. All he felt when discussing the family he had lost was a cold, sinking sensation in his chest. Long ago, he stopped having nightmares about them. No, if anything, his voice was cold. Dispassionate. Pragmatic. Maybe that was a self-preservation thing. Maybe not. To Frank, the memories of his family were as clear as they were distant. They were vivid, but it was though they belonged to someone else. Like he was watching them through someone else's eyes. He sat there in completely still silence, eyes still closed, his chest rising the only sign that the hadn't fallen asleep, or worse. Unless Ellie broke the silence again, he sat there until something happened to get his attention. Alone in his thoughts. In the memories. He felt the skull on his chest like it was a physical weight. Frank reflected on his family in earnest for the first time in a long time. It was stupid of him to think he could just stop what he had done for so long. Stupid to think he could just replace them. Not again.

Ellya Ellya
Frank Castle

The old man grunted, seeming satisfied as Ellie took the knife from him. The silence wasn't unwelcome. It let him stew on his thoughts for a while longer. Frank closed his eyes again. He could still smell the jungle when he tried. He could still hear the noise of insects. He could still feel the snap of twigs and leaves under his boots. The first time in his life that he felt like he had a real purpose was there, in that jungle, his boots tracking mud. Compared to where his life ended up back home, and then compared to Murder, he almost missed it. Things weren't simple then. They didn't make sense. Didn't matter. Peering through the foliage, Frank had felt right at home. He considered making a joke, or trying to tell a more lighthearted anecdote to ease the tension, but thought better of it. Couldn't think of one if he wanted to. Was there a single just genuinely funny thing that had happened to him in forty years?

Ellie broke the silence first. She turned to look at him. He could feel her eyes searching his face as she spoke. Her tone was delicate. Measured. She was worried the question would set him off, or otherwise upset him somehow. His expression didn't change. Ellie hadn't been specific. If Frank wanted to, he could play dumb. Shrug it off, pretend to mistake who she was talking about. Say something about a faceless GI he barely knew from his platoon. She probably wouldn't buy it, but it would brush the question off. He wouldn't have to answer it yet. After all, wasn't like she had any right to know. No one did, unless he chose to tell them.

"...I don't know what you're talking about, kid," Came his simple reply. There was no pain in his voice. Not in his face. He wasn't hiding anything. It had been almost forty years since the shooting in the park. All he felt when discussing the family he had lost was a cold, sinking sensation in his chest. Long ago, he stopped having nightmares about them. No, if anything, his voice was cold. Dispassionate. Pragmatic. Maybe that was a self-preservation thing. Maybe not. To Frank, the memories of his family were as clear as they were distant. They were vivid, but it was though they belonged to someone else. Like he was watching them through someone else's eyes. He sat there in completely still silence, eyes still closed, his chest rising the only sign that the hadn't fallen asleep, or worse. Unless Ellie broke the silence again, he sat there until something happened to get his attention. Alone in his thoughts. In the memories. He felt the skull on his chest like it was a physical weight. Frank reflected on his family in earnest for the first time in a long time. It was stupid of him to think he could just stop what he had done for so long. Stupid to think he could just replace them. Not again.

Ellya Ellya

Yeah, she didn't buy that at all. But she nodded. The girl obviously wasn't scared of pushing this guy's buttons, but there was a difference between being rebellious to him underestimating her, and prying into his business. If he felt like he needed to talk about them or wanted her to know, he'd tell her. She knew that.

Her mind went back to Riley. Marlene, Tess and Joel. The times before and after that. She grew a little smile and actually exhaled through her nose in the form of a chuckle. Immediately realizing that might come off a bit disrespectful, she elaborated. She was just playing with her fingers as she spoke, keeping her eyes on them.

"Y'know... I never knew my mom and dad. I was born into a world after a huge apocalypse, and that's the only world I've ever known. They put a gun in my hands when I was strong enough to hold one, and just marched me right up to boot-camp to learn to kill Fireflies. Well, not... actual fireflies, more like... these kinda 'rebels'. They kept telling us we were gonna be the ones to get order back into the world, and how our job was the most important and blah-blah-fucking-blah... It was so shitty. But there was this one girl... Riley..." Just the mention of her name made Ellie smile as she looked at her fingers. "She just... didn't let it affect her. Always positive, always that bubbly attitude, that beautiful smile on her face... She was the reason I stuck with it, why I bothered getting up in the morning and following some sweaty old man's orders all day. Because she'd be there."

She took a deep breath and wiped her hand over her cheek. Was it just to scratch an itch or to wipe a tear away? "And then suddenly... she was gone. Off to join the Fireflies we were learning to kill. And I... I was left behind. I hated. Every. Second. Of my life back then. There was nobody for me. There's no feeling in the world worse than knowing that. Just... all alone.."

"But she came back one day."
Ellie continued, nodding. "She came back in the middle of the night and we snuck out to just fuck around and have fun. Water guns, putting scary masks on, you name it... The kinda bullshit kids were up to before the world ended. But then of course, infected came at us, we got overwhelmed, we got bit, and..." At this point, Ellie rolled up the sleeve of her right arm, showing a pretty disgusting looking scar from a bite. She just stared at it, running her finger across it. "... you're supposed to die when you get bit. And we both got bit, so we just waited it out."


"But then as a final 'fuck you' to me, it turns out I'm immune. We waited and we waited, and suddenly Riley just... she stopped breathing. She was gone, and I was still waiting. I still am. Riley was the first to go, and then it was..." she sighed, shaking her head. Recalling not just what happened in her universe, but in the Murder events she witnessed. "Y'know what, there's not even a fucking point to this story." She just ended it abruptly, wiping her sleeve across her face again and rolling up the sleeve to cover her bite scar again.

"For a long time, I didn't know why I bothered even trying to survive anymore, and Joel... he told me you just keep finding something to hang on to. Someone. Because I don't ever wanna feel as lonely as I did after Riley. Not again." She didn't even know what she wanted that to mean for Frank. It was more just about her clearing her mind before this fight. Like a confession on a deathbed. Ellie closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall.

"Where the fuck's that kid with our backup...?"

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Sweet!" Jared said happily. Drax then compliments him, making Shanoa sigh. "Man I can't wait for the tournament!" Jared exclaims as he cracks his organic hand before he spins his prosthetic one.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @others​
Story Update

After enough waiting around, the door on the opposite end of the room finally slid open. Whatever conversation you were having was soon interrupted by the sounds of screaming and the metallic smell of blood entering the air. As you turned around from within your white prison, you were met with the sight of a futuristic looking colosseum.


Slowly but surely, you were all ushered out of the cage one by one by the guards in black. Leo stood next to Sage, and the rest of you followed suit as you were shoved out by the guards. Once you were outside, you were met with none other than the balding Blendin Blanden himself, who pointed at you all angry.

“Th-there you all are!!” He shouted in his all too familiar annoying, high pitched voiced. “Th-th-that’s then. Those are the time anomalies!!!” He screeched loudly, which made Jason roll his eyes.

“We’re not fucking bad guys, you dumbass! We’re on the same Goddamn side!!” Jason screamed angrily, though as he did so, a booming voice rang out throughout the room.


At first, it was unclear where the voice had come from. It was deep and booming, so loud in fact that it shook the whole arena, causing everyone yo fall into a deadly silence. Even Blendin. As you searched around for the source of such an intimidating voice, it was revealed to you when two semi-circle shaped panels slid open on the other side of the arena. Slowly from the newly formed hole, the supposed leader of the arena had emerged.


The Time Baby.


"Oh... you've gotta be shittin' me..."


"Is there any way that we can object...?"

"NO!!!" Time Baby shouted as he slammed his fist down against his hovercraft, like an actual baby throwing a tantrum. "MY WORD IS FINAL!!" With that, Time Baby brought a clenched fist up to his mouth and cleared his throat. "YOUR FIRST CHALLENGE SHALL BE GLADIATOR THEMED BATTLE ROYALE. HERE, YOU WILL BE SPLIT UP INTO THREE SEPARATE TEAMS, WHERE EACH OF YOU WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!" Time Baby would shout at the top of his lungs as he rose both of his arms into the air, thunder ominously clapping behind him soon after. Then, he lowered his arms and looked down at the group after some of you inevitably let out shocked gasps. "OR... UNTIL YOU KNOCK EACH OTHER OUT." Without any further delay, Time Baby rose his arms again, though this time more by his sides than straight upwards, in a more summoning gesture. "BRING OUT THE OTHER CONTESTANTS!"

Then, two doors of the arena slid open, revealing two sets of individuals.


The first two individuals appeared to be a bearded, muscular man and an equally athletic looking woman. Both of them appeared to be clad in battle armor, which certainly implied that they were at least geared up to fight. Upon seeing the duo, Korg would smile and lift a hand, waving at both of them. "Thor, Valkyrie. You both look fit as always." Korg said, his words accompanied with a polite nod.

"Ah, Korg! I see you've brought along some new friends!" Thor exclaimed jovially with a wide smile.

"Oh, yeah. These guys are pretty cool. They're new to the whole Globnar thing, though." Korg explained as he thumbed towards you all.

"So are we, Korg..." Valkyrie replied, furrowing her brows.

"Fair point."

Then, the second door had opened, and revealed more people, but they were all more in the vein of someone like Kendall or Venice.


"Alright, Star Fox! Remember, take no prisoners!" The... talking, futuristic looking fox said as he took a step forward. Behind him was a falcon... and a rabbit... and a toad.

"Yeah, yeah," The tall bird replied as he crossed his arms. "This'll be over in a jiffy anyways. Ain't that right, Peppy?" The bird asked as he turned to the rabbit.

"Well... I sure hope it will be..." The rabbit said in a tired, almost elderly sounding tone. "I ain't too used to fightin' on the ground, ya know..."

"Don't worry, Peppy!" The toad said as he too stepped forward, smiling up at the old rabbit. "With me as your support, those guys won't even know what hit 'em!"


As he said this, a small robot appeared, holding the bottle of the Time Baby's cosmic sand in its claws. It repeatedly tried to get Time Baby to drink the supposed "Cosmic Sand", saying, "COME ON. DRINK IT. IT IS GOOD FOR YOU." But Time Baby relented and turned his head, trying to shove the robot away from his meal all the while.

"Well, at least we have a while..." Quill said, before turning to face his fellow Guardians. "Alright, so how exactly do we figure out--" As Quill was asking his question, the gigantic screen at the top of the arena flashed for a moment, and then just like that, the teams were decided as follows:

Red Hood
Leonardo Watch
Micah Bell
Sage Kaelber
Captain Falcon
Dennis Robbins
Fuma Mishandra
Arthur Morgan
Blake Belladonna

Guardians of the Galaxy
Weiss Schnee
Kanon Marshall
Ben Tennyson
Frank Castle
Kanye West
Jared Williams
Killua Zoldyick
Akari Kishiri
Mimaki Kunosuke

Star Fox
Lealan Deathweed
Rex Salazar
Double Trouble
Vauban Prime
Agent Penguin
Whisper the Wolf
Benedict Cucumberpatch
Agent 3
Kyou Tana
Force Commander
Solid Snake
Yang Xiao Long
Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski"

With the teams set, you were all ushered into your respective areas. Thin, translucent, pink walls formed up around the arena, indicating where the "barrier" was. It ran a bit inside of the arena instead of forming right along the edge, possibly to provide a greater challenge. Still, it wasn't anything that should get in your way too bad... hopefully. By the time you had all made it to your respective teams, Time Baby looked at the overall arena, and spoke the words that some of you were dreading, while quite possible others were waiting for...


With that, the timer began, and Star Fox, the Guardians, Thor, Valkyrie, Jason, Leo, Kendall, Micah, and even Korg began charging forward. Without much to do, you all began to charge forward as well, as Globnar finally commenced. All the while, Time Baby would continue shoving his bottle away stubbornly, not even paying attention to the fight at hand.

"NO!!! NO...!!! STOP!!!!!"

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
JRay as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein) and Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
@jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
marc122 as Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Zamasu as Jared Williams (OC) and Shanoa (Castlevania)
BoltBeam as Agent 3 (Splatoon)
@bloodyninja64 as Dennis Robbins and Kanon Marshall (OC)
AlexandraRoseLeclerc as Jett and Sage (Valorant)
Celestial Speck as Kyou Tana and Cópia de Mimaki Kunosuke (OC)
Ciscodog as Killua Zoldyick (Hunter x Hunter)
@GearBlade654 as Force Commander (Dawn of War 2) and Praetorian (XCOM 2)
@Attesa as Haws (Roblox) and Venice/Spooky (Havoc Fox)
@Jabroni as Jeff "The Dude" Labowski (The Big Labowski)
Ellya Ellya as Ellie (The Last of Us) and Atreus (God of War)
CutieBoop CutieBoop as Yoshi (Super Mario Bros) and Fuma Mishandra (Touhouverse)
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 as Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) and Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
QizPizza QizPizza as Gunner Sergeant Lazarus Yongheng Huang (OC)
Last edited:
Killua Zoldyck


Mood: Nervous
Overall Health: Perfect
Nen Charge: 65%
Stamina: 100%
Location: Arena
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Time Baby)

"Oh you've got to be kidding."
When they were announced enemies against each other, Killua gave out a long sigh. He thinks to himself, Great, now we're even more divided than before. Why the hell would anyone do this? Someone's behind this... but who?
Well, better see what's forcing them to do this.
"Hey, Time Baby? I got a couple of questions for you."
He looks directly at the baby drinking from his bottle.
"1, what if we refuse to fight? 2, what happens if we lose?"
He braced himself for a bad answer, death would most likely be the punishment. Though, it's better than waiting in anticipation. Killua wouldn't die without a fight.

Unspoken mentions: None​

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